Question |
Answer |
001 |
What Is The Name For A Baby Hare? |
A Leveret |
002 |
What Do You Call A Group Of Kangeroos? |
A Troop |
003 |
Which Is The Coldest Planet In The Solar System? |
Pluto |
004 |
What Does A Butterfly Use To Taste? |
Its Feet |
005 |
What Is The Nearest Star To Earth? |
The Sun |
006 |
What Animal Is A Skua? |
A Bird |
007 |
What Is Another Name For The Wildebeest? |
A Gnu |
008 |
How Does A Giraffe Clean Its Ears? |
With Its Tongue |
009 |
What Type Of Creature Is An Aardvark? |
An Anteater (Edentata) |
010 |
Which Wood Are Divining Rods Usually Made From? |
Hazel |
011 |
What Is The Largest Plant In The World? |
The Giant Redwood Or California Sequoia |
012 |
What Is The Japanese Art Of Growing Dwarf Trees Called? |
Bonsai |
013 |
What Is Alicante A Variety Of? |
Tomato |
014 |
Which Is The Largest Of The Poisonous Snakes? |
The King Cobra |
015 |
Which Mammal Has The Longest Gestation Period? |
The African Elephant |
016 |
What Is The Home Of A Hare Called? |
A Form |
017 |
What Is The Home Of A Badger Called? |
Sett |
018 |
What Is The Most Common UK Bird? |
The Blue Tit |
019 |
What Herb Do Cats Love? |
Catnip/ Cat Mint |
020 |
What Is Blader Wrack? |
Seaweed |
021 |
What Is A Red Admiral? |
Butterfly |
022 |
What Is The World's Largest Mammel? |
The Blue Whale |
023 |
Which Is The Most Intelligent Breed Of Dog? |
The Collie |
024 |
Where Might You Find Hell, Julius Caesar, Birmingham And Billy? |
On the Moon |
025 |
What Is A Portuguese Man-O-War? |
Jelly Fish |
026 |
With Which Animals Do You Associate The Disease Myxomatosis? |
Rabbits |
027 |
What Is The Scientific Study Of Birds Called? |
Ornithology |
028 |
Name The Only Monkey Living In Freedom In Europe? |
Barbary Ape, Gibraltor |
029 |
What Do Squids, Snails And Oysters Have In Common? |
They Are All Molluscs |
030 |
What Do Aardvarks Eat? |
Termites Or Ants |
031 |
What Do Invertebrates Lack? |
A Backbone |
032 |
What Is The Collective Term For Ducks? |
A Paddling |
033 |
What Is The Male Bee whose Sole Function Is To Mate With The Queen? |
The Drone |
034 |
What Term Is Given To The Annual Marking Of Swans On The Thames? |
Swan Upping |
035 |
What Is The Common Name For The Plant Chlorophytum? |
Spider Plant |
036 |
Which Flightless Bird Is The Emblem Of New Zealand? |
The Kiwi |
037 |
Which Is The Brighest Star Visible From Earth? |
The Dog Star |
038 |
Where Is The World's Rarest Plant? |
The UK. Encephalartos Woodii At Kew Gardens |
039 |
What Is The Common Name For A Baby Kangeroo? |
Joey |
040 |
Where Do Yaks Live? |
Tibet |
041 |
What Kind Of Animal Is A Marmoset? |
A Monkey |
042 |
What Do Silk Worms Feed On? |
Mulberry Leaves |
043 |
What Does Omnivorous Mean? |
Feeds On Any Food |
044 |
What Vegetables Are Part Of The Family Allium? |
Onions, Garlic, Leek, Shallot And Chive |
045 |
Which Fish, Previously Thought To Be Extinct Was Rediscovered In 1939? |
The Coelacanth |
046 |
Which Creature Has The Largest Brain In Proportion To Its Body? |
The Ant |
047 |
Which Animal Has The Largest Eyes? |
The Giant Squid |
048 |
Where Does The Arctic Tern Migrate To? |
The Antartic |
049 |
Which Bird Can Fly Backwards? |
The Humming Bird |
050 |
Where Are A Grasshoppers Ears? |
On Its Legs |
051 |
How Many Legs, Including Pincers Does A Crab Have? |
Ten |
052 |
Which Animal Has The Longest Gestation Period? |
The African Elephant |
053 |
Which Is The Largest Of The Migratory Animals? |
The Whale |
054 |
Which Animal Can Jump The Highest? |
The Whale |
055 |
Where Do Birds Of Paradise Come From? |
New Guinea |
056 |
What Are Aberdeen Angus? |
Cattle |
057 |
What Type Of Animal Is A Borzoi? |
A Dog The Russian Wolfhound |
058 |
Which Variety Of Pine Tree, Alive Today, Was A Sapling During The Life Of Christ/ |
The Bristlecone Pine |
059 |
Cows Come In Herds, What Do Geese Come In? |
Gaggles or Skeins |
060 |
What Were Dachsunds Originally Bred To Hunt? |
Badgers |
061 |
To Which Family Does The Kookaburra Belong? |
Kingfisher |
062 |
What Is Also Known As The Freshwater Lobster? |
The Crayfish |
063 |
What Does An Apiarist Keep? |
Bees |
064 |
What Do You Use To Tell A Horses Age? |
Check Its Teeth |
065 |
How Many Legs Per segment Does A Millipede Have? |
4 Legs |
066 |
What Is The Slowest Fish? |
The Sea Horse |
067 |
Do Jellyfish Have A Brain? |
No |
068 |
How Many Hearts Does An Octopus Have? |
Three Hearts |
069 |
How Many Humps Has A Dromedary Got? |
One Hump |
070 |
What Is The Largest Carnivore Native To The UK? |
The Badger |
071 |
Of What Is Ecology The Study Of? |
The Study Of The Relationship Between Organisms And Their Enviroment |
072 |
Which Breed Of Cat Has Blue Eyes? |
Siamese |
073 |
How Many Stomachs Does A Cow Have? |
Four |
074 |
What Animal Can Change Its Colour? |
A Chameleon |
075 |
What Do Koala Bears Live On? |
Eucalyptus Leaves |
076 |
Of What Is A Jenny The Female? |
Donkeys |
077 |
For What Is Lepidoptera The Scientific Name? |
Butterflies & Moths |
078 |
What Is The Antirrhinum Better Known As? |
The Snapdragon |
079 |
What Fruit Is A Cantaloupe? |
Melon |
080 |
What Is A Discovery? |
An Apple |
081 |
What Is The Method Of Growing Plants Without Soil? |
Hydroponics |
082 |
How Often Does Bamboo Bloom? |
Once Every 120 Years |
083 |
To Which Country Is The Carrot Native? |
Afghanistan |
084 |
Which Is The Fastest Growing Plant? |
Bamboo 15"/Day |
085 |
From Which Type Of Tree Do We Get Hardwood? |
Deciduous |
086 |
Which Animal Has Young Called Elver? |
The Eel |
087 |
A Boomer Is The Male Of Which Animal? |
Kangaroo |
088 |
How Does A Snake Smell? |
With Its Tongue |
089 |
What Is Unusual About Goats When They Sleep? |
They Don't Close Their Eyes |
090 |
Which Has The Larger Ears: The African Or The Indian Elephant? |
The African |
091 |
Which Is The Second Heaviest Land Animal? |
The Hippopotamus |
092 |
How Long Does A May Fly Live? |
1 Day/ 24 Hours |
093 |
Which Member Of The Cat Family Cannot Retract Its Claws? |
The Cheetah |
094 |
How Many Legs Does A Wood Louse Possess? |
14 Legs |
095 |
What Is The Rowan Tree Also Known As? |
The Mountain Ash |
096 |
What Is The Cos A Type Of? |
Lettuce |
097 |
Of Which Plant Family Is The Leek A Member? |
The Lily |
098 |
Where Did The Chrysanthemum Originate? |
Japan |
099 |
What Is The Largest Living Bird? |
The Ostrich |
100 |
What Colour Are A Puffin's Feet In Summer? |
Red |
101 |
What Are Oak Apples? |
Wasp Eggs |
102 |
Which Is The Most Poisonous Toadstool? |
The Death Cap |
103 |
What Causes The Inflammation Resulting From Touching A Stinging Nettle? |
Formic Acid |
104 |
What Is The UK's Most Poisonous Plant? |
Deadly Nightshade |
105 |
What Is Believed To Be The Most Stupid Bird? |
The Turkey |
106 |
What Animal Is A Chester White? |
A Pig |
107 |
What Is The Collective Name For Rhinoceroses? |
A Crash |
108 |
Which Dog Bites Human Beings More Than Any Other? |
The Alsatian |
109 |
What Is A Kumquat? |
A Small Japanese Variety Of Orange |
110 |
What Type Of Insect Is A Glow Worm? |
A Beetle |
111 |
Which Dogs, If Any,Have Colour Vision? |
None Do |
112 |
Of Which Animal Is The Gander The Female? |
Goose |
113 |
What Animals Name Literally Means "Man Of The Forest"? |
Orang-utan |
114 |
Which Are The Three Species Of Animal With Stereoscopic Vision? |
Monkeys, Apes And Man |
115 |
What Do You Get If A Male Donkey Breeds With A Horse? |
A Mule |
116 |
What Is A Rhinoceros's Horn Made Out Of? |
Hair |
117 |
What Is The Main Difference Between A Monkey And An Ape? |
Monkeys Have Tails |
118 |
What Is The Longest Living Mammel? |
Man |
119 |
Every Few Years Lemmings Do Something Rather Stupid....What? |
Throw Themselves Off Cliffs |
120 |
What Is Another Name For The Leopard? |
The Panther |
121 |
What Causes A Jumping Bean To Jump? |
A Moth Grub Moving Inside The Bean |
122 |
What Is The Male Part Of A Flower Called? |
The Stamen |
123 |
What Is Unusual About The Pitcher Plant? |
Its Carnivorous |
124 |
Which Is The Most Common Plant In The World? |
Grass |
125 |
Which Member Of The Orchid Family Is Used Commercially As A Flavouring? |
Vanilla |
126 |
Why Does The Woodpecker Peck Wood? |
To Get Insects Below The Bark |
127 |
What Bird Uses A Stone To Smash Open Its Prey? |
The Thrush |
128 |
What Is The Shaddock A Variety Of? |
Grapefruit |
129 |
What Is The Largest Plant Without A Trunk? |
The Bananana |
130 |
Which Bird Has The Largest Wingspan? |
The Albatross |
131 |
What Colour Is The Australian Swan? |
Black |
132 |
By What Process Does A Plant Convert Sunlight Into Energy? |
Photosynthesis |
133 |
Technically, What Type Of Fruit Is A Pineapple? |
A Berry |
134 |
What Was The Tomato's Original Name? |
Love Apple |
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From What Nut Would You Get Copra? |
Coconut |
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