Catherine Zeta Jones

This person was born on the 25 th September 1969 as a young child all she wanted to do was entertain as she used to dance round her grandmothers kitchen singing in to the spout of a kettle. She studied tap and ballet and joined an amateur troupe starring in many different shows. At the age of 12 she looked as though she was about 22 and was allowed by her parents to go out clubbing even at that young age. But her big break came when she starred in the West End Musical “42 nd Street” where she was spotted by TV producers and was given roles in many different shows. She also got her first film role as Beatriz.


From her roles on TV it brought her bigger and better roles in the movies as she starred as characters such as Chloe - Blue Juice, Sala - The Phantom & Virginia Baker - Entrapment. She also starred in a mini series on TV about The Titanic.

She also had an attempt at a music career and brought out two singles the first was called “ For All Time ” and the second was called “ In The Arms Of Love ” neither of the singles did very well so she gave up on the singing career and stuck to acting!!

By now her film career was getting better and better as she starred in roles such as Theo - The Haunting, Charlie Nicholson - High Fidelity, Helena Ayala – Traffic & Gwen Harrison – Americas Sweetheart. At this time she also got married and her & her husband even share the same birthday, they now have two children together. She has done very well on the awards front as she has won a Bafta, an Oscar and was nominated for two Golden Globe Awards.


She is now a major Hollywood player starring in more films as characters such as Marilyn Rexroth - Intolerable Cruelty, Amelia Warren – The Terminal, Isabel Lahiri - Oceans 12 & Elena Montero - The Mask Of Zorro. She also was the voice of Marina in the animated film Sinbad: Legends Of The Seven Seas . She is now one of the highest paid actress' in Hollywood as she earned a cool $10 Million dollars for her last film. Off screen saw her co-host the Nobel Peace Prize Concert in 2003.


And finally the film & TV roles that she is most famous for is firstly the TV role that helped her acting career take off was as Mariette Larkin in the classic TV show “The Darling Buds Of May”. And the film role is as Velma Kelly in the hugely popular musical “Chicago”. She is of course:-