Multiple Choice 02 - (Submitted By Yoda)


A B C D  

Which Everyday English Word Means "And The Rest" In Latin

Ditto Agenda Gratis Etcetera D

Which Of These Is A Painting By Vincent Van Gogh?

The Pumpkin Eaters The Potato Eaters The Tomato Eaters The Apple Eaters B

In British Greyhound Racing What Colour Jersey Is Worn By The Dog In Trap 3?

Red White Blue Black B

When A Person Is Suffering From Mumps What Part Of Their Body Swells Up?

Joints Ears Glands Feet C

What Is The Cheimical Symbol For Lead?


Which Is The Largest City In The US Largest State?

Dallas Los Angeles New York Anchorage D

Which Salad Vegetable Belongs To The Same Family As The Poisonous Deadly Nightshade?

Tomato Radish Cucumber Beetroot A

In What Year Was The Horror Movie "Halloween" Released?

1977 1978 1979 1980 B

In Which Year Did The Tv Show Brookside Make Its Television Debut?

1981 1982 1983 1984 B

Which Of The Following Creatures Lays Eggs?

Rabbit Platypus Dolphin Skunk B

What Nationality Was The 80's Singer Sabrina?

Spanish Italian Brazillian Argentinian B

What Was The First Name Of The Gangster Al Capone?

Alan Alfredo Alphonse Alberto C

In 1995 Actor Larry Hagman Underwent An Operation To Transplant What?

Heart Liver Kidney Stetson B

In Mediaevil France Prince Phillip Augustus Decreed That A Persons Rank Should Be Distinquished By What?

Length Of Nose Curlyness Of Wig Number Of Buttons Length Of Winklepickers D

What Part Of The Body Is The Most Important For Sense Of Balance ?

Mouth Nose Chin Ear D

In Which London Park Is The Serpentine?

Green Park St Jame's Park Hyde Park Regents Park C

Which Country Has The Highest Concentration Of Female Pipe Smokers?

Holland Austria Denmark Albania C

In Which Year Were Dog Licences Abolished In Great Britain?

1982 1987 1990 1994 B

Which Of These Actors Did Not Play "Doctor Who" On Television?

Colin Baker Tom Baker Patrick Troughton Bill Perwee D

What Is The Title Of The Wife Of An Earl?

Lady Viscountess Countess Marchioness C

In What Year Was OJ Simpson Found Not Guilty Of Murdering His Wife?

1984 1995 1996 1997 B

Which Singer Is Sometimes Referred To As The Man In Black?

Kenny Rogers Glen Campbell Johnny Cash Willie Nelson C

Which Motorway Connects London And South Wales?

M40 M4 M5 M6 B

Which Garment Is Secured By A Sash Called An Obi?

Kimono Sari Jellaba Judo Robe A

Which Gas Does Yeast release That Makes Bread Rise?

Oxygen Hydrogen Carbon Dioxide Nitrogen C

What Is The Most Common Household Pet In Great Britain?

Goldfish Dog Cat Hamster A

What Nationality Is The Operatic Tenor Placido Domingo?

Italian Mexican Argentinian Spanish D

The Japanese Company "Nomura" Own More What In Britain Than Anything Else

Computer Outlets Pubs Sheltered Housing Massage Parlours B

According To Psychologists Men Who Do Which One Of The Following During Sex Are Said To Be Insecure?

Lights Off Socks On Eyes Closed Smoke Afterwards B

How Many Hearts Does An Octopus Have?

One Two Three Four C

What Did Ancient Egyptians Rub On Their Penises To Try To Enlarge Them?

Miracle Grow Nats Milk Crocodile Shit Horse Semen C

Which Creatures Gather In Groups Known As Musters?

Peacocks Tigers Soldier Ants Owls A

Which Of These Primates Live On The Rock Of Gibraltar?

Orangutans Chimpanzees Barbary Apes Baboons C

The Letter D Is The Car Registration Plate Of Which Country Is It?

Denmark Germany Spain Switzerland B

Which Shakespearean Character Shouts " A Horse A Horse My Kingdom For A Horse"?

King Lear Richard III Macbeth Cleopatra B

What Is Barness Thatchers Middle Name?

Harriet Hilda Hyacinth Helga B

For Which Of The Following Movies Did Morgan Freeman Win His Best Supporting Actor Award?

Driving Miss Daisy Unforgiven Million Dollar Baby The Shawshank Redemption C

Which Car Company Was Founded By Sir William Lyons In 1922?

Jaguar Rolls Royce Vauxhall Triumph A

Post Boxes In The UK Are Red What Colour Are They In France?

Red Yellow Blue Green B

What Is Lithium?

Metal Gas Fossil Rock A

What Is The Worlds Largest Ocean By Area?

Atlantic Pacific India Arctic B

Who Starred Opposite Patrick Swayze In The Movie Dirty Dancing?

Jennifer Grey Jennifer Beals Jennifer Tily Jennifer Anniston A

Which Tourist Attraction is Wearing Away At 5 Feet Per Year?

Great Barrier Reef Niagra Falls The Great Pyramid Mount Rushmore B

Which Of These Spices Comes From the Bark Of A Tree?

Tumeric Cinnamon Nutmeg Ginger B

What Has Been The Most Consistently Advertised Product On TV Since Commercials Began (UK=?

Persil Colgate Andrex Fairy Liquid C

In Which Year Did Breakfast TV Begin Broadcasting In The UK?

1981 1982 1983 1984 C

Which Country Was The First To Issue Parking Tickets?

France England Scotland Wales A

According To The Intro On The A Team “A Crack Commando Unit Was Sent To A Millitary Prison For A Crime They Did Not Commit” In Which Year Was This?

1971 1972 1973 1974 B

The Alimentary Canal Is Primarily Involved With Which Bodily Function?

Digestion Sight Reproduction Smell A

What Is The Celsius Equivalent Of 77 Degrees Fahrenheit?

15 20 25 30 C

Which Southern US State Is Known As The peach State?

Georgia South Carolina Tennessee Texas A

In which year did Bucks Fizz win eurovision with "making your mind up"

1979 1980 1981 1982 C

In Which Country Did Valentines Day Originate

England America France Italy D

Which Of These Comedians Is Actually A Fully Qualified Doctor

Alan Carr Eddie Izzard Ricky Gervais Harry Hill D

How Did St Valentine Die Was He

Beheaded Drowned Died Making Love Common Cold A
057 As Of 2007 What Country Is Now The Largest Exporter Of Tea India China Kenya Brazil C

After Nicholas Cage Tells Cher he loves her in the film Moonstruck, she promptly slaps him and tells him

Knock It Off Are You Nuts Get Lost Snap Out Of It D

The name Santa Claus is derived from which language

Dutch Spanish French Italian A

Petra Was The First Ever Blue Peter Pet But What Type Of Creature Was It

Dog Cat Tortoise Rabbit A
061 Carrots Are Rich In which Vitamin Is It A B C D A
062 Which is not one of the five most frequently consumed fruits in the USA Orange Banana Pear Apple C
063 What Tree Is Most Often Used As a Christmas Tree Scots Pine Grand Fir Douglas Fir Norway Spruce D

Who Betrayed Jesus In The Garden Of Gethsemane

Judas Iscariot Pontius Pilate Mary Magdalene Joseph Of Arimathea A

Which Of These Religions Was Founded First

Buddhism Christianity Islam Sikhism A

Who Was Britain’s Last  World Heavyweight Boxing Champion Of The 20th Century

Frank Bruno Henry Copper Herbie Hyde Lennox Lewis D

What Is The Main Opera House  In New York City

Metropolitan The Grand The Palladium The Odeon A

Who Switched On The Christmas Lights In London’s Oxford Street In 2008

Cheeky Girls Hairy Bikers Kelly Brook The Sugababes D
069 In What Year Of The 1990’s Did Take That Announce Their Split 1996 1997 1998 1999 A

What Was The First Ever Feature Length Animated Movie

Steamboat Willia Fantasia Snow White The Jungle Book C

If You Were Suffering From Nephritis What Organ Of The Human body Would Be Inflamed

Liver Kidneys Heart Eyes B

How Many Years Was Nelson Mandela Imprisoned Before His Release In 1990

15 22 26 32 C

How Many Pennies Are There In A Pre Decimal Pound

120 160 200 240 D

What  Was The  First UK Top Ten Hit For Swedish Pop Band Roxette

Joyride It Must Have Been Love Dressed For Success The Look D

What Is The Post Code Of The Wimbledon All England Tennis Club

SW16 SW17 SW18 SW19 D

Who Played The Role Of Thelma In The Movie Thelma & Louise

Juliette Lewis Susan Surandon Geena Davis Sally Field C

During An Astrological Year Which Star Sign Comes After Taurus But Before Cancer

Gemini Libra Virgo Aries A
078 What Was Left In Pandora’s Box After All The Evil Had Escaped Hope Love Peace Fortune A

Which Company Manufacture The Product Blu Tack

3M Ronseal Dulux Bostick D

Which River Runs Through The Grand Canyon

Rio Grande Colorado Hudson No River B

What Would You Do With A Chorizo

Eat It Dance To It Spend It Wear It A
082 Which Of These British Boxers Was The Only One To Take Muhammad Ali The Distance Henry Cooper Richard Dunn Joe Bugner John Conteh C
083 How Many Eyes Does A Bee Have 2 3 4 5 C

In Which Year Did The Theory Test Become A Compulsory Part Of Driving In The UK

1994 1995 1996 1997 C
085 After William Shakespeare Who Is The 2nd Most Published Author Ever In The English Language Barbaraq Cartland Catherine Cookson JK Rowling Charles Dickens D

What Does An Entymologist Study

Insects Words Fish Origins A

What Was Voted The Most Annoying Song Ever According To  A 2000 BBC Polll

Ah Shadap Ya Face The Crazy Frog The Birdie Song My Heart Will Go On D

Anna Wintour Is A Famous Name In Which Field?

Fashion Sport Music Cookery A

London’s Shaftsbury Ave Is Best Known For Which Of The Following

Shoe Shops French Restaurants Theatres Museums C

Which Of The Following Is Likely To Use A Polytunnel At Work

Electrician Artist Sugeon Gardener D

When The Musical Cats Closed In The West End For How Many Years Had It Been Running

Ten Fifteen Twenty One Thirty Five C

In Which Year Was The Wall Street Crash

1929 1935 1941 1949 A

When Edward Viii Abdicated The British Throne What Title Was He Given

Duke Of Windsor Duke Of York Earl Of Wessex Wansn't Given One A

Which Country Own The Faeroe Islands

Greenland Egypt Denmark Australia C

How Many Miles Is It From Lands End To John O Groats

610 765 876 987 C

Which Country Uses The Most Condoms

USA Holland Japan Australia C

In Which Year Was The London Marathon  First Contested

1979 1980 1981 1982 C

Which Snooker Player Won 6 World Snooker Championships In The 1970’s

Steve Davis John Spencer Alex Higgins Ray Reardon D

What Is The Name Of The Main Airport In Venice

Giuseppe Verdi Marco Polo Leonardo Da Vinci Michelangelo B

Who Was The First DJ Ever To Be Heard On Radio One

Jimmy Young Jimmy Saville Pete Murray Tony Blackburn D

The Scream Is A Famous Piece Of Art By Which Artist

Edvard Munch Salvador Dali Pablo Picasso Edgar Degas A

Which Former Blue Peter Presenter Once Played A Doctor Who Assistant

Peter Purves Valerie Singleton John Noakes Sarah Greene A

A Bibliophile Is A Person Who Enjoys What?

Drinking Travelling Eating Reading D
104 In feet, how long is a Pole Vaulter’s Pole 10 12 14 16 D

How Tall Is The Footballer Peter Crouch

6ft 3" 6ft 4" 6ft 5" 6ft 6" D
106 How long can a snail sleep without eating 3 Days 3 Weeks 3 Months 3 Years D
107 What is a nectarine a cross between? Peach & Pear Peach & Plum Peach & Apricot Peach & Passion Fruit B
108 In which year did the first Comic Relief take place? 1982 1984 196 1988 D

What was Buddy Holly's First Solo Hit after leaving the Crickets

Peggy Sue Oh Boy Heartbeat That'll Be The Day C

In which year did Iraq invade Kuwait staring the first gulf war

1989 1990 1991 1992 B

What colour would a bride wear in China

Green Yellow White Red D

Who Has A Secretary Called “Mrs Lemon”

Parry Mason Hercule Poirot Columbo Sherlock Holmes B

In Which Year Did The Orient Express Make Its First Official Journey From Paris To Vienna

1883 1903 1923 1943 A

In Which Year Did The Very First Comic Relief Event Take Place

1986 1988 1990 1992 B

In Which European Country Will You Find The City Of “Eindhoven”

Holland Germany Austria Switzerland A

Who Is Credited With The Discovery Of X-Rays

Thomas Edison John Logie Baird Marie Curie Wilhem Roentgen D

St Matthew Is The Patron Saint Of Which Of These Professions

Doctors Dentists Estate Agents Tax Collectors D

What Is The Japanese Art Of Swordsmanship Practised With Bamboo Staves

Ju-Jitsu Aikido Karate Kendo D

In Which Year Was The UK Boat Race First Contested

1789 1821 1877 1919 C

Which Footballer Has Scored The Most Goals For England

Bobby Charlton Gary Lineker Jimmy Greaves Alan Shearer A

What Kings Nickname Was “The Bastard” Was It

Edward Vii Henry III William The I King Lear C

What Does It Mean When A Written Phrase Is Put In “Parenthesis”

Enclosed In Brackets Put In Inverted Commas Ends With A Question Mark It's Encoded A

In which year were seat belts made compulsory in the UK

1990 1991 1992 1993 B

What Number Is Represented By “MCM” In Roman Numerals

900 1400 1900 2900 C

Which Role In The Original Star Wars Movie Was Played By Peter Mayhew

R2D2 C-3PO Chewbacca Darth Vader C
126 What Is The Most Common Breed Of Owl In Europe Barn Owl Brown Owl Tawny Owl Snowy Owl C

How Often Does Halley’s Comet Return

Every 70 Years Every 72 Years Every 74 Years Every 76 Years D

What was Daniel's first lesson in the movie 'The Karate Kid'

Paint The House Paint The Fence Wax On Wax Off Sand The Floor C

Which Well Known Childrens Author Owned “Hilltop Farm” In The Lake District

AA Milne Beatrix Potter Enid Blyton Roald Dahl B

Which Country Consumes The Most Coca Cola

USA Australia Iceland Brazil C

What Does A Gymnophobic fear?

Nudity Excercise Sweat The Gym A

Which Group Was The Subject Of The Movie “The Great Rock And Roll Swindle”

The Clash The Sex Pistols The Doors The Who B

Which Term Can Be Used To Describe One Tenth Of A Nautical Mile

Furlong Cable Fathom Chain B

In What Year Was The Very First Space Shuttle Launched

1979 1980 1981 1982 C

How Did The Boxer Rocky Marciano Die

Plane Crash In His Sleep Heart Attack He Drowned A

The First Ever Football World Cup Began In 1930 But Which Country Hosted It

Spain Germany Uruguay Italy C

What Is The Highest Rank in The British Peerage

Marquis Earl Duke Lord C
138 In Which Year Was The Very First UK National Lottery Drawn 1992 1994 1996 1998 B
139 In Which Year Did World War 2 Begin 1938 1939 1940 1941 B
140 How Many Men Have Stood On The Moon (Up To Dec 31st 2010) 8 10 12 14 C
141 What Would You Be Suffering From If You Had Myopia Short Sightedness Deafness Baldness Tooth Decay A

In The Tv Show “In Sickness & In Health”  What Football Team Did Alf Garnett Support

Arsenal Chelsea West Ham Utd Queens Park Rangers C

Which Actress Married Prince Rainier Of Monaco In 1956

Marilyn Monroe Grace Kelly Ava Gardner Judy Garland B

How Many US States Start With The Word “New”

Four Five Six Seven A
145 In Judo What Does The Term DAN Mean Expert Leader Belt Fight B

Which Pop Group Took It’s Name From a Character In The Science Fiction Movie “Barbarella”

Depeche Mode Def Leppard Duran Duran Deep Purple C

What Does A Deltiologist Collect

Postcards Stamps Ties Parking Tickets A

What Language Did Jesus Christ Speak

Latin Hebrew Aramaic Yiddish C

In Which Of Her Residences Did Queen Victoria Die In

Balmoral Buckingham Palace Windsor Castle Osbourne House D

Who Assasinated Senator Robert Kennedy In 1968

Sirhan Sirhan Lee Harvey Oswald James Earl Ray John Wilkes Booth A

Which Of These Is A Sikh Place Of Worship

Mosque Cathedral Sinagogue Gurdwara D

The Nilsson Song “Everybody’s Talkin” Became A Hit After It Featured In Which Film

Midnight Cowboy The Graduate Love Story Shampoo A

The Pacific Island Of Bora Bora Is Owned By Which Country

France Spain Portugal Australia A

Which Girls Name Was The Title Of A Top Ten Single For Kool And The Gang

Michelle Maria Linda Joanna D

What Is The Name Of Watford Football Clubs Home Ground

Parsonage Rd Vicarage Rd Abbey Road Priory Road B

What Is The Cube Of The Number Eight

512 16 216 256 A

What Type Of Creature Is A Swartback Is It

Toad Camel Bird Snake C

In Which Year Was The Channel Tunnel First Opened

1993 1994 1995 1996 B

What rank did Elvis Presley Actually Reach In The US Army?

Private Corporal Sergeant Lieutenant C

Which Of The Following Is An Indian Deep Fried Pastry

Samosa Naan Kofta Chapatti A

What Does A Numismatist Collect

Stamps Fossils Teddy Bears Coins D

Who Played Nicole Kidman’s Husband In The 1995 Movie To Die For

Matt Dillon Tom Cruise Rob Lower Brad Pitt A

What Enscription Is Written On The George Cross

For Valour For Bravery For Heroism For Gallantry D

C Is The Chemical Symbol For Which Element

Copper Calcium Carbon Chlorine C

What Nationality Was The Surrealist Painter Salvador Dali

Portugese Spanish Italian Indian B
166 As Of 2008 What Is The Most Popular Pub Name In The UK Dog & Duck The Red Lion The Crown The Rose & Crown C

Which former US president had the middle name of Jefferson?

Bill Clinton Ronald Reagan Jimmy Carter Richard Nixon A

Who Played Thelma In The Movie Thelma & Louise

Sally Field Juliette Lewis Geena Davis Susan Sarandon C

Whose Law Of Motion States That “Every Action Has An Equal And Opposite Reaction”

Newton's Boyle's Einstein's Euler's A
170 In Which Year Did The Falklands Conflict Begin 1980 1981 1982 1983 C

Who Did Lennox Lewis Beat To Win His First Heavyweight Boxing Title

Mike Tyson Evander Holyfield Frankl Bruno Nobody D
172 Who First Introduced Tobacco Into Europe Sir Walter Rayleigh Sir Francis Drake Christopher Columbus Captain Cook C
173 How Many Stomachs Does A Cow Have One Two Three Four D
174 What Is Traditionally Given As A 30th Wedding Anniversary Gift Crystal Coral Pearl Ruby C
175 Which Vowell In Morse Code Is Represented By A Single Dot A E I O B
176 Who Has Spent More Weeks In The UK Singles Chart Than Any Other Artist The Beatles Elvis Presley Madonna Mariah Carey B
177 What Is Britains Highest Military Award For Bravery Congessional Medal Of Honour Silver Star Victoria Cross Purple Heart C
178 What Country Left The Commonwealth In 1949 Ethiopia India Australia Ireland D
179 In Knitting What Is The Name Of The Stitch Made By Doing A Plain Stitch Backwards Purl Curl Whirl Gurl A
180 Which Of These European Cities Was The Birthplace Of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Vienna Salzburg Prague Stockholm B
181 Who Directed The Movies Back To The Future & Forest Gump Steven Spielberg George Lucas Robert Zemeckis Laurence Kasdan C
182 At What Number Cromwell Street Did Serial Killers Fred And Rose West Live 15 25 36 42 B
183 Who Starred In The 2010 Remake Of The Movie Robin Hood Directed By Ridley Scott Russel Crowe Ralph Fiennes Daniel Day Lewis Johnny Depp A
184 What Was The Name Of Yogi Bears Girlfriend Mindy Mandy Sindy Candy C

The Front Cover Of A Standard British Passport Features A Lion And Which Other Creature

Tiger Unicorn Dragon Eagle B

In Which Year Did The Shake & Vac Commercial First Appear On TV Screens In The UK

1982 1983 1984 1985 D

Which Of The Following London Landmarks Is The Tallest

Big Ben The London Eye Nelsons Column Tower Bridge B

In which decade did Kool and the Gang have their first UK hit, was it the

60's 70's 80's 90's B

In Which Country Will You Find The Headquarters Of Interpol

Austria Switzerland Belgium France D

In What Country Was The Former Tennis Star “Anna Kournikova” Born

Russia Poland Ukraine Kazakhstan A

What Was Ray’s Surname In The TV Show “Dallas”

Ewing Barnes Harper Krebbs D

Which Of These Solo Singers Was The First To Leave Their Group

Robbie Williams Geri Halliwell Brian McFadden Ronan Keating A

Which Of The Following Angers Brits The Most

Cue Jumping Celebs Wasting Money MP's Expences Big Brother A

Which Indian tribe did Sitting Bull belong to was it

Apace Sioux Blackfoot Tomahawk B

Besides Tennis The All England Club Is Also A Major Venue For Which Other Sport

Bowls Badminton Croquet Lacrosse C
196 Which Of These Curries Is The Hottest Phal Vindaloo Passanda Masala A

How Many Gold Medals Did Carl Lewis Win At The 1984 Olympics

4 5 6 7 A

In What Year Did The Spice Girls Finally Decide To Split

1997 1998 1999 2000 D

Which Part Of The Human Body Is Affected By Peritonitis

Heart Feet Eyes Stomach D

What creature can turn It's stomach inside out?

Seahorse Octopus Starfish Bullfrog C

In Which Sport Can Contestants Be Disqualified For Timber Topping

Hurdles Tossing The Caber Gymnastics Tree Felling A

How Many Red Stripes Appear On The Flag Of The USA

7 13 24 50 A

In 1975, who was the first footballer ever to score 5 goals in an international at Wembley?

Kevin Keegan Trevor Brooking Malcolm Macdonald George Best C

What type Of Acid Will You Find In Apples

Acetic Sulphuric Malik Citric C

Which Member Of The Fish Family Does An Anchovy Belong

Herring Salmon Cod Plaice A

On A Map Of The London Underground Which Line Is Coloured Yellow

Central District Circle Jubilee C

Which Of These Songs Was A UK No.1 For Frank Sinatra

Strangers In The Night My Way Love & Marriage High Hopes A

Which Of The Following Is NOT An Event In The Modern Day Pentathlon

Swimming Fencing Show Jumping Cycling D
209 How Many White Stripes Appear On The Flag Of The USA 6 8 12 16 A
210 How Many Medals Did Great Britain Win At The 2004 Olympics 21 25 30 35 C
211 Who anonymously entered a contest in Monaco to find his lookalike and came only third? Elvis Presley Charlie Chaplin David Bowie Harold Lloyd B
212 How many bones in the backbone? 13 26 52 104 B
213 What is the average persons chances of being Killed by lightning? 1 in 100,000 1 In A Million 1 In 5 Million 1 In 50 Million C
214 What is the approximate weight of an Adult human liver? 1.5 Lbs 3 Lbs 4 Lbs 5 Lbs B
215 Which of the following services was abolished in 1981? Sunday Post Telegrams Free Directory Enquiries Casual Sex B
216 Who invented the Diesel Engine? Rudolph Diesel Henry Ford Thomas Edison Diesel Stephenson A
217 Which Of These Celebrities Was Not Born In Liverpool Cilla Black Ken Dodd Paul McCartney Ronnie Corbett D
218 Traditionally What Is The Only Occasion When Alcohol Is Allowed Into The Chamber Of The House Of Commons PM's Question Time Budget Speech State Opening Election Of New Speaker B
219 Who Released The Classic 1972 Album "Exile On Main Street" Fleetwood Mac The Rolling Stones Simon & Garfunkel Led Zeppelin B
220 Which Of These US Cities Is Known As Crescent City Nashville New Orleans Detroit Memphis B
221 Duncan James Is A Former Member Of Which Boy Band Busted Five Blue East 17 C
222 Wet Weather Is Often Described As Nice Weather For Which Birds Cormorants Ducks Geese Grebes B
223 Which Of These Countries Is Often Described As Nordic Finland Belgium Spain Austria A
224 Which Of These Is A Venetian Boat Song Barcarole Baccarat Bezique Barnacle A
225 In Which Country Was Soy Sauce Invented India Brazil Italy China D
226 In A Castle What Is The Portcullis Gate Dungeon Drawbride Moat A
227 In The Medical And Dietary Abbreviation "GI" What Does The "G" Stand For Genetic Glycaemic Gastic Glandular B
228 What Word Goes Before Sodbury And Ongar To Give Two English Place Names Wellington Chipping Epping Chorlton B
229 What Is The Usual Colour Of A Crow Red Green Black White C
230 In Which City Are The 2 Main Football Clubs Named City And Rovers Bristol Birmingham Sheffield Liverpool A
231 What Was The 50th US State To Be Admitted To The Union Arizona Hawaii Texas Delaware B
232 Who Plays Dr Tony Hill In The ITV Drama Series "Wire In The Blood Robert Lindsay Robson Green Nicholas Lyndhurst Neil Pearson B
233 Which Of These Countries Is Most Associated With Maple Syrup Italy France Spain Canada D
234 What Is The Nickname Of Peter Jenkins In Grange Hill Zammo Gonch Tucker Ziggy C
235 The Dingo Is A Wild Dog From Which Continent Australia Africa South America North America A
236 OFFER Is The Acronym For The Government Body Set Up To Oversee Which Denationalised Companie Gas Water Electricity Telecommunications C
237 Which Prison Is Featured In The Sitcom Porridge Wentworth Stone Park Slade Wormwood Scrubs C
238 Which Dickens Character Teaches Oliver Twist How To Pick Pockets Bob Cratchit Mr Micawber The Artful Dodger Uriah Heep C
239 Which Sea Laps The East Coast Of Scotland North Caspian Baltic Irish A
240 Which Of These Animals Lays Eggs Rabbit Platypus Dolphin Skunk B
241 What Is A Cauldron Small Boat Boiling Pot Carriage Prayer B
242 Who is the patron saint of unattractive people, is it Drogo Globo Quassimodo Plato A
243 Which of the following have never been events in the modern Olympics Bear Wrestling Boar Shooting Pigeon Shooting   A
244 Which Country Has The Most Land Preserved For Wildlife Greenland Australia Germany Canada A
245 To Data (2010) How Many Men Have Stood On The Moon 2 6 10 12 D
246 Who Is The Youngest Member Of The Pop Band Girld Aloud Sarah Harding Cheryl Cole Kimberly Walsh Nicola Roberts D
247 The Town Of Buxton Is Almost Entirely Surrounded By Which National Park Exmoor Brecon Beacons Dartmoor Peak District D
248 In Which Country Was The Musical "Fiddler On The Roof Set" Greece Hungary Spain Russia D
249 What Is Fleetwood Mac's Only Uk No.1 Single Little Lies Albatross Sarah Little Lies B
250 In Which Sport Might A Competitor Be Referred To As "The King Of The Mountains" Rock Climbing Monaco Grand Prix Tour De France Americas Cup C
251 Which TV Creatures Ate Blue String Pudding Flumps Clangers Wombles Smurfs B
252 Vincent Furnier Is The Real Name Of Which Famous Rock Star Iggy Pop Alice Cooper Axl Rose Kid Rock B
253 How Many Ribs Does A Human Body Have 12 16 24 32 C
254 The Song "Happy Birthday" By Stevie Wonder Is Dedicated To Which Of The Following Martin Luther King His Mother John F Kennedy Nobody A
255 The 4 Lions Located In London's Trafalgar Square Are Made From Which Metal Copper Bronze Lead Aluminium B
256 With Which Style Of Music Is Curtis Stigers Most Associated Folk Opera Jazz Rap C
257 Prince Charles Once Described The Entrance To What Building As A "Monstrous Carbuncle" The Stock Exchange The Tate Gallery The National Gallery Buckingham Palace C
258 In Which TV Show Will You Find The Characters Of Gonch, Ziggy, Tucker And Zammo Biker Grove Grange Hill Hollyoaks High School Musical B
259 Which Of These Animals Lays Eggs Rabbit Platypus Dolphin Skunk B
260 White On Blonde Was A 1996 Album Released By Which Band Texas U2 Stereophonics Manic Street Preachers A
261 What Type Of Equpment Is Made And Repaired By A Wainwright Nails Wagons Saddles Ploughs B
262 According To A 2009 Survey Which Of These Professions Has The Highest Concentration Of People With An Above Average Intellect Security Guard Model Check Out Asst Prostitute A
263 In Which Style Of Dancing Would A Person Be Most Likely To Wear Pointe Shoes Swing Flamenco Ballet Tap C
264 On The New Format Of Who Wants To Be A Millionaire Wjich Key Features Have Changed Monetary Stages Number Of Questions Number Of Questions & Stages The Lifelines C
265 What Poet Was Born In Cockermouth In Cumbria In 1770 Keats Shelley Wordsworth Tennyson C
266 Which Of The Following Presidents Heads Is NOT Carved Into Mount Rushmore Abraham Lincoln Thomas Jefferson George Washington Benjamin Franklin D
267 From Which Country Does The Singer Lene Marlin Come From Norway Sweden Finland Germany A
268 Who Is Shirley Maclaines Famous Film Star Brother Jack Nicholson Warren Beatty Gene Hackman Paul Newman B
269 Which Country Produces Mateus Rose Wine France Italy Spain Portugal D
270 What Year Saw The Death Of Marilyn Monroe And The Births Of Jim Carey & Tom Cruise 1960 1962 1964 1968 B
271 In Which Of These Places Do Quakers Gather For Worship Meeting House Assembly House Synod House Conclave House A
272 Which Of These Foodstuffs Has It's Origins In Modena In Italy Parmezan Cheese Rosotto Balsamic Vineger Mortadella Sausage C
273 Which Of These Famous Painters Was Born First LS Lowry Thomas Gainsborough David Hockney Andy Warhol B
274 Who Played The Title Role In The TV Show "The Charmer" Nigel Havers Peter Bowles Paul McGann Peter Egan A
275 French Guiana Is On Which Continent South America Asia Africa North America A
276 Which Of These Harry Potter Stars Is The Oldest Daniel Radcliffe Tom Felton Emma Watson Rupert Grint B
277 How Many Best Director Oscars Has Steven Spielberg Won To Date (2010) One Two Three Four B
278 Who Played Alfred The Butler In The 2009 Movie "Batman Begins" Michael Caine Anthony Hopkins Dudley Moore Ben Kingsley A
279 In Which Year Did Martin Luther King Deliver His Famous "I Have A Dream" Speech 1961 1963 1965 1967 B
280 In The Film "American Beauty" Who Kills Kevin Spaceys Character His Wife His Daughter His Neighbour He Kills Himself C
281 Who Released The Album Rudebox In 2006 Will Young James Blunt Shayne Ward Robbie Williams D
282 What Name Did The Earl And Countess Of Wessex Give To Their Son Born In 2007 Thomas Simon George James D
283 Which Of These Capital Cities Is Not In Asia Abu Dhabi Amman Andorra La Vella Astana C
284 Which Former MP Released A Collection Of Short Stories Called "Cat O Nine Tails" Edwina Currie Douglas Hurd Gyles Brandreth Jeffrey Archer D
285 Which Bird Can Run The Fastest Ostrich Peafowl Eagle Goose A
286 Complete The title Of This award Winning Comedy TV Series "Gavin And........" Stacey Amy Janey Fay A
287 The Flag Of Which Of These States Is Made Up Of Red, White, Blue And A Single Star New York Wyoming Texas Alaska C
288 In What Sport Would A Boston Crab Be Performed Wrestling Gymnastics Baseball Figure Skating A

In 2008 Which Pop Group Became The First To Perform At The Louvre Museum In Paris

Coldplay The Rolling Stones Duran Duran Oasis C

Who Became The First Person To Read The News At Ten

Trevor McDonald Sandy Gall Alistair Burnett Anna Ford C

In Which Year Did Japans Attack On Pearl Harbour Take Place

1940 1941 1942 1943 B

Which Of These People Is Most Likely To Be Addressed As Maestro

Surgeon Teacher Conductor Barrister C

Who Married Actor Laurence Fox On New Years Eve In 2007

Sarah Harding Jodie Marsh Billie Piper Alesha Dixon C

How Many Stars Are There On The Flag Of The European Union

10 12 15 20 B

The Italian Tenor Luciano Pavarotti Was Born In Which City

Florence Modena Padua Venice B

Which Of These Countries Was Not Part Of The Former Soviet Union

Turkmenistan Uzbekistan Pakistan Tajikstan C

Which Dad’s Army Character Had A Number One Hit Record

Arthur Lower John Le Mesurier Ian Lavender Clive Dunn D

In Which Country Is “FEZ” Home Of The Famous Hat Worn By Tommy Cooper

Turkey Morocco Algeria Tunisia B

Cyclist Chris Hoy Triple Gold Medalist At The 2008 Beijing Olympics Was Born In Which City

Edinburgh Cardiff London Dublin A

Britain First Motorway Stretch Near Preston Is Now Part Of Which Motorway

M1 M2 M6 M8 C

In Which Country Did The Kebab Originate

Greece India Turkey Iran C

What Is The Main Ingredient Of The Dish Champ

Lamb Potato Chocolate Eggs B

In Medieval Times Who Was Most Likely To Search For The Philosophers Stone

Knight Errant Minstrel Scrivener Alchemist D

Which shakespeare play features the line "But soft what light through yonder window breaks"

Othello Julias Caesar As You Like It Romeo & Juliet D
305 Mick Fleetwood & Sam Fox Are Still Remembered For Their Hosting Of Which Awards Ceremony In 1989 The Brits The Grammy's The Bafta's The Emmy's A

'Mazel Tov' Is A Greeting In Which Language

Maori Greek Hebrew Welsh C

In 2008 Alexandra Burke Won The X Factor With Boyband JLS Coming 2nd But Who Came 3rd

Eoghan Quigg Diana Vickers Ruth Lorenzo Laura White A
308 Who Provides The Voice Of Homer In The Tv Show The Simpsons Dan Castellaneta Nancy Cartwright Julie Kavner Yeardley Smith A
309 Who Won The 2009 Wimbledon Singles Championships Roger Federer Rafael Nad Lleyton Hewit Pete Sampras A

What Was The Name Of The Skunk In The Disney Classic “Bambi”

Prince Flower Forest Thumbper B
311 In Which Country Are Unsophisticated Country Folk Known As Hillybillies South Africa United States Australia Ireland B
312 Which Of These Names Is Most Associated With The Big Top John Mills Bertram Mills Freddie Mills Gordon Mills B
313 In Which Of These Activities Would A Plumb Line Be Used Baking A Cake Hanging Wallpaper Cleaning Windows Reading A Book B
314 In 2008 Jodie Prenger Won A Tv Talent Show South Pacific Cabaret Oliver   C
315 Which Fictional Character Has A Parrot Called Polynesia Worzel Gummidge Noddy Dr Dolittle Willy Wonka C
316 Tortuga Island Is In which Sea Mediterranean Red Caribbean South China C
317 What Is The Name Of The First Lord Of The Admiralty In Gilbert & Sullivans Operetta HMS Pinafore Sir Richard Cholmondeley Sir Despard Murgatroyd Sir Joseph Porter Bailey Bare C

Which City Used To Be Called “New Amsterdam”

The Hague Chicago Rotterdam New York D

“C” Is The Chemical Element For What

Copper Calcium Carbon Chlorine C

What Christmas Item Was Invented By Tom Smith In 1847

Christmas Pudding Christmas Card Advent Calendar Christmas Cracker D

At The Start Of A Game Of Monopoly, How Much Money Does Each Player Get

1000 1500 2000 2500 B

Which Scottish Band Had a Hit With “Nothing Ever Happens”

Del Amitri Bay City Rollers Travis Texas A

Which Of These Would Be Found In A Traditional Hot Cross Bun

Choc Chips Dried Fruit Marzipan Almonds B

Who Was The Last British Governor Of Hong Kong

Chris Patten Michael Portillo Peter Man John Major A

In 2006 Where Did The Rolling Stones Play A Concert For Over A Million People

Acapulco Cape Town Rio De Janeiro Sydney C

What Part Of The Body Is Most Likely To Be Called Bloodshot

Toe Nail Eye Kneecap Gums B

In Which Year Did Tony Blair Become Leader Of The Labour Party

1994 1996 1998 2000 A

Which Of These Is Not An Organisation In British Boxing


Which Post Was Held By Thomas Crammer In The 16th Century

Mayor Of London Archbishop Of Cantebury Lord Chancellor Earl Marshal B

Which Of These Tv Presenters Is Famous For Presenting Horse Racing

Sue Barker Hazel Irvine Claire Balding Gabby Logan C

The Model Pattie Boyd Was One Married To Which Of These Guitarists

BB King David Gilmour Jimi Hendrix Eric Clapton D

The River Jordan Flows Into Which Body Of Water

Mediterranean Sea River Nile Dead Sea Black Sea C

Zucchero Is The Italian Word For Which Foodstuff

Courgettes Broccoli Flour Sugar D
334 Mussels And Chips Is A Popular Dish In Which Country Greece Switzerland Belgium Poland C

Who Was The First Solo Female To Enter The Charts At No.1

Petula Clark Shirley Temple Mariah Carey Whitney Houston C

In The Sport Of Water Skiing How Long In Feet Is The Rope

25ft 50ft 75ft 100ft C

Who Played The Role Of Clarisse Renaldi In The 2001 Film The Princess Diaries

Julie Waters Julie Christie Julie Andrews Julie T Wallace C
338 During The 80’s Which Radio 1 DJ refused to play “Frankie Goes To Hollywood/Relax” On His Breakfast Show? Chris Evans Jimmy Savile Terry Wogan Mike Reid D

What Was Sir Thomas Raffles Most Famous For

Gin & Tonic Founding Singapore Founding A Chain Of Hotels Founding A Brand Of Cigarettes B

Which Of These Is A Disease Characterized By A Bright Red Rash

Poppy Fever Scarlet Fever Ruby Fever Crimson Fever B

A Drink Described As “Frappe” Is Most Likely To Be What

Chilled Unsweetened Sweetened Heated A

If You Were In Edinburgh & Flew 610 Miles East In What European Capital City Would You End Up

Copenhagen Stockholm Oslo Amsterdam A

Which Of The Following People Was Not A Member Of “The Goodies”

Tim Brooke Taylor Graham Garden Bill Oddie Harry Secombe D

Who Played The Title Role In The 2008 Film The Duchess

Sienna Miller Keira Knightley Rachel Weisz Emma Watson B

Picardy Is A Region In Which Country

France Switzerland Spain Italy A

What Name Is Given To A Large Van Particularly One Used For Furniture Removals

Panjandrum Pantechnicon Panoptic Pantheon B

Which Of The Following Was Not A Member Of The Goons

Harry Secombe Michael Bentine Dudley Moore Spike Milligan C

Which of the following countries have the most university Students-

India China France England A

Which Of The Following Songs By The Eurythmics Was A Number One During The 80’s

Sweet Dreams Sex Crime There Must Be An Angel Who's That Girl C

What Was Prince Phillips Original Surname (The Name He Was Born With)

Smith Mountbatten Battenberg Panagopulos C

How Many Brothers And Sisters Does The Former Prime Minister, Tony Blair Have

None One Two Three A

John F Kennedy Was The Last US President To Be Assassinated But Who Was The First

Abraham Lincoln William McKinley James A Garfield Thomas Jefferson A

What Product Did Zippy From Rainbow Once Advertise

Cornflakes Angel Delight Cadburys Cream Egg Marmite D

What Was The Subtitle Of The Film “A Nightmare On Elm street Part 4”

Dream Warriors Freddys Revenge The Dream Master The Dream Child C

Which Of These Birds Is Native To Africa

Ostrich Kiwi Emu Cassowary A

Name Of The Suffragette That Was Killed When She Fell Under The Kings Horse At The 1913 Derby

Mary Richardson Nancy Astor Emily Davison Emmeline Pankhurst C

In What Year Was The UK Gas industry Privatized As British Gas?

1984 1985 1986 1987 C

According To One Of His Hits What Was The Occupation Of Lonnie Donegan's ‘Father’?

Carpenter Policeman Lion Tamer Dustman D

Who Sang England’s Official 2002 World Cup Song

New Order Baddiel & Skinner Ant & Dec Fat Les C

How Many Years Does It Take Haley’s Comet To Revisit The Earth

56 Years 66 Years 76 Years 86 Years C
367 On The Tv Show Star Trek The Next Generation What Was The Name Of Captain’s Picards Fish Burton Stanley Livingstone Nemo C

Which Musical Features The Song “I Could Have Danced All Night”

The King And I My Fair Lady The Sound Of Music Oklahoma B

The Radio Ham Is A Classic Episode Of Which TV Sitcom

Fawlty Towers Rising Damp Hancock Dad's Army C

What Household Appliance Was Patented By Percy Spencer In 1945?

Microwave Oven Electric Kettle Toaster Soda Stream A

Which Of These Characters Was Originally Created By Jonathan Gash

Callan Van Der Valk Lovejoy Boon C

What Is The Main Component Of The Earths Atmosphere

Oxygen Nitrogen Carbon Dioxide Helium B

During Which Century Did The Do-Do Become Extinct?

15th 16th 17th 18th C

Master Chief Is The Central Character Of Which Video Game Series

Fable Halo Mortal Kombat Dragon Quest B

What Was Peter Stuyvesant Famed For In America

Founding A Cigarette Company Governing New Amsterdam Designing The Whitehouse Signing The Declaration Of Independence B

Which Of The Following Was NOT A Bond Girl

Honey Rider Foxy Cleopatra Solitaire May Day B

What Colour Would A Bride Wear On Her Wedding Day In China?

Red Green White Yellow A

In Which Country Did The Game Of Polo Originate?

India Persia Argentina England B

What Elvis Song Was His First UK Number One Single

All Shook Up Heartbreak Hotel Return To Sender Jailhouse Rock A

For How Many Days Does The Tour De France Last? 

20 21 22 23 D
381 Which Group Had A Massive Hit With The Song "Take My Breath Away" Chicago Boston Berlin Geneva C
382 What Do We Call A Word Formed Of Letters Of Another In A Different Order Anagram Adjective Synonym Preposition A
383 Which Writer Is Best Remembered For The Classic Vampire Story "Dracula" Mary Shelley Bram Stoker Charles Dickens Jules Verne B
384 Which Of These Is A Type Of Small Falcon Lanelot Galahad Guinevere Merlin D
385 Which Character Was Played By Diana Rigg In The TV Series "The Avengers" Tara King Cathy Gale Purdey Emma Peel D
386 How Many People Were Killed When The Space Shuttle Challenger Exploded In 1989 Five Six Seven Eight C
387 Entitled Siren A Solid Brass Statue Of Whom Was Unveiled At The Brish Museum In 2008 Naomi Campbell Elle Macpherson Kate Moss Cindy Crawford C
388 Which Of The Following Seafood Items Is The Largest Cockles Winkles Mussels Whelks D
389 The Name "Tierra Del Fuego" Translates Into English As Land Of What Mountains Fire trees Water B
390 How Old Was Steve Davis When He Won His First World Championship Snooker Title 21 23 25 27 B
391 In The TV Show Bewitched What Kind Of Business Was Darren In Accounting Teaching Fire Fighting Advertising D

In 2007 Which Band Gave Fans An Option Of How Much They Can Pay For Their New Album

Radiohead Kaiser Chiefs Maroon 5 Stereophonics A

In Which Us State Was Us President Barack O Bama Born

Hawaii Alaska Georgia Delaware A

Which Fictional Character Has A Parrot Called Polynesia

Worzel Gummidge Noddy Dr DoLittle Willy Wonka C

The Area Of Runnymeade Where The Magna Carta Was Signed Is In Which English County

Norfolk Cornwall Surry Cumbria C

Which Of These Films Was Not Directed By It’s Star

Braveheart Gladiator Reds Yentl B

In Which Year Did The Great Train Robbery Take Place

1963 1965 1967 1969 A

Who Wrote The Novel The Stepford Wives

Steven King Ira Levin James M Cain Michael Crichton B

The Most Southerly Point Of Mainland Europe Is In Which Country

Spain Portugal Italy Greece A

Which Of The The Following People Is Not Mentioned In The Madonna Track Vogue

Betty Davis Mae West Marlene Dietrich Greta Garbot B

Tom Cruise Starred As The Character “Ron Kovic” In Which Film

Collateral Born On The 4th July Days Of Thunder The Last Samurai B

Indian Clarified Butter Used In Frying And Baking Is Known As What

Ghee Samosa Korma Biryani A

Which Of The Following People Wrote “Das Kapital”

Lenin Stalin Trotsky Marx D

Who Was Described As Being Mad Bad And Dangerous To Know

Lord Byron Jesse James Winston Churchill Jim Morrison A

Who Had A UK Hit Single In 1992 With The Song “Save The Best For Last”

Denise Williams Andy Williams Vanessa Williams John Williams C

What Symbol Represents A “Battlefield” On An Ordinance Survey Map

Cannon Crossed Swords Flag Gravestone B

In Which African Country Is “Timbuktu”

Sudan Nigeria Mali Thiopia C

In What Language Was The Magna Carta Written

English French Latin It Doesn't Have Words C

What Nationality Was The Nobel Prize Winning Scientist “Marie Curie

Dutch French Polish Belgian C

The Shakespeare’s Play “The Merchant Of Venice” Features Which Of The Following Characters

Portia Cordelia Ophelia Julia A

The Word “Aristocracy”  Literally Means Power In The Hands Of Whom

The Rich The Barons The Best The Few C

Which Of The Following Animals Is Not A Reptile

Lizard Crocodile Toad Snake C

Who Directed The 1978 Movie “Jaws 2”

Steven King Tobe Hooper Steven Spielberg Jeannot Szwarc D

Which Member Of The Royal Family Holds The Title Of The Earl Of Chester

Prince Andrew Prince Phillip Prince William Prince Charles D

How Many Different Type Of Pokemon Are There In Total

155 274 493 576 C

In Which Year Did The Woodstock Music Festival Take Place?               

1966 1967 1968 1969 D

Which Of These Gemstones Is Considered To Be The Most Valuable?

Ruby Diamond Emerlad Saphire A

What First Appeared On Roads In Slough In 1956?

Traffic Lights Zebra Crossing Yellow Lines Parking Meters C

Which Of The Following People Led A Slaves Revolt Against Rome In 73 BC

Spartacus Mark Anthony Brutus Ben Hur A

How Many Players On A Netball Team Are Allowed To Score

One Two Three Seven B

In The Binary System What Number Is Represented By The Number 111 (3 Ones)

111 Three Seven Thirty Three C

What Is The Literal Meaning Of The Word Gymnasium

Exersise Hall Physical Fitness Exercise Naked Keep Fit C

What Is The Only Country To Be Intersected By Both The Equator And One Of The Tropics

Australia Brazil India Ecuador C

Which Former Racing Driver Set Up His Own International Airline

Alain Prost Jackie Stewart Niki Lauda Nigel Mansell C

Which Us State Is Nicknamed “The Empire State”

New York California Alaska Texas A

In Which Religion Is The Aga Khan A Leader

Budhism Islam Hinduism Christianity B

As of Jan 01 2010 How Many People Have Walked On The Moon

Eight Ten Twelve Fourteen C

If You Dropped A Feather & A Cannonball In A Vacuum Simultaneously Which Would Land First

The Cannonball The Feathe Both Would Float Both Land At Same Time D

Which Of The Following Sports Originated In Ireland

Curling Hurling Pelota Lacrosse B

41 Year Old Emily Davidson’s Life Came To An Abrupt End During Which Of The Following Events

The Epsom Derby The Great Plague The Great Fire Of London Jack The Ripper Victim A

How Many Squares Are There On A Standard Chess Board

16 32 64 128 C

Which Of The Following Became The Queen Of The Netherlands In 1980

Anna Wilma Beatrix Victoria C

The City Of Winchester Is In Which English County Is It

Hampshire Nottinghamshire West Sussex Hertforshire A

In which year did queen elizabeth ii become queen?

1950 1952 1954 1956 B

Which Of The Following Is One Of Robin Hood’s Merry Men

Will Scarlet Will Greene Will Brown Will Whyte A

With Which Football Club Did George Best End His Career

Bournemouth Fulham Los Angeles Aztecs New York Cosmos A

How Many Poles Are There On The Roof Of The Millenium Dome

Eight Twelve Sixteen Twenty Four B

The Titanic Sank In 1912 But In Which Year Was The Ships Wreckage Discovered

1969 1974 1985 1996 C

Which country is the world’s leading producer of tea,

Brazil China India Soth Africa C

The Novel “Watership Down”  Was Created By Which Of The Following

Richard Adams Gerry Adams Douglas Aams Victoria Adams A

Which Of The Following Lived The Longest

William Pitt The Elder William Wallace William Gladstone William Pitt The Younger C

What was Guy Fawkes real first name?

Guy Guido Gundry John B

Which of the following is the highest of the five ranks of the peerage in Britain?

Duke Lord Marquis Count A

What Name Is Given To The Ancient Art Of Flower Arranging

Batik Origami Bonsai Ikebana D

If A Person Is Described As “Impecunious” What Would They Be

Poor Cheeky Bald Ugly A
446 What Nationality Is The 6ft Plus Actress And Ex Wife Of Sylvester Stallone Brigitte Nielsen Swedish Danish Dutch German B

What Was The Title Of The First Ever Star Trek Movie

The Wrath Of Khan The Voyage Home The Search For Spock The Motion Picture D

What European Country Has The Highest Life Expectancy For Men And Woman

France Italy Lichtenstein Latvia C
449 In what year did the Gunpowder Plot take place? 1505 1605 1705 1805 B

Which Car Became Known As A “Tin Lizzie”

Austin 7 Model T Ford Volkswagen Beatle The Mini B

Where Did Moses (Allegedly) Received The Ten Commandments

Mount Ararat Mount Of Olives Mount Sinai Mount Olympus C

Which Of The Following Films Did Not Star “Cher”

The Mask Mermaids Misery Moonstruck C

Which Of The Following People Was Alive In The Year 100 BC

Hannibal Julias Caesar Confucicus Cleopatra B

Which British Bank Were The First To Introduce Cash dispenser Cards

Barclays Royal Bank Of Scotland Natwest Lloyds A

The Jordanaires Were The Backing Group For Which Rock N Roll Legend

Elvis Presley Buddy Holly Bill Haley Little Richard A

Which Sport Is Played At Flushing Meadows

Golf Archery Baseball Tennis D

From What Language Does The Word Tattoo Come From

Hindustani Tahitian Arabic Mandarin B

Which TV Doctor Was Played By Sylvester McCoy

Dr Kildare Dr Finlay Dr Who Dr McCoy C

Which Fruit Used To Be Called The Love Apple

Peach Tomato Fig Strawberry B
460 Which Of The Following Was NOT One Of The Surrogate Fathers In The 1987 Film Three Men And A Baby Ted Danson Tom Selleck Billy Crystal Steve Guttenberg C

Which Of The Following Drugs Comes From The  Cinchona Tree

Cocaine Aspirin Quinine Heroin C

What Colour Appears With White And Green On The Flag Of Afghanistan

Red Yellow Black Blue C

In Which Country Does The Bosporus Bridge Link Europe And Asia

Turkey Iraw Greece Israel A

Who Composed The Music  For The Ballet “Swan Lake”

Chop Thaikovsky Liszt Stravinsky B

Which Chemical Element Has The Symbol “W”

Tungsten Mercury Potassium Whisky A

In Greek Mythology Which King Could Turn Everything He Touched To Gold

Canute Midas Arthur Ulysses B

What Was The First Name Of The Composer "Holst"

Gustav Frederick Charles Eric A

How Many Hearts Does An Earthworm Have

One Two Four Ten D

In Which Year Did The Singer Freddie Mercury Die

1989 1990 1991 1992 C

How long, exactly, is a marathon race?

10 Miles 20 Miles 26 Miles 35 Miles C

At what game is actor Omar Sharif an expert?

Bride Chess Cricket Polo A

Which country does the sunny headwear “the panama hat” come from?

Panama Columbia Ecuador Uruguay C

Whose is the first recorded birth in the bible?

Cain Adam Matthew Noah A

How Many Years Of Marriage Are Celebrated On A Tin Anniversary

Two Five Ten Twenty C

Whose Finger Is Adams Pointed To On The Ceiling Of The Sistine Chapel

Lucifer God Eve Jesus B

What Common Wonderdrug Is Used To Combat Pain, Fever, Arthritis, Blood Clots And Heart Attacks

Penicillin Aspirin Paracetamol Viagra B

Which Country Was Ruled By King Zog In The 1930’s

Albania Romania Hungary Japan A

How Many Sides Does A 20p Piece Have

Five Six Seven Eight C

Which Is The Only River That Flows Both North & South Of The Equator

The Amazon The Congo The Nile The Mississippi B

How many barrels of gunpowder were discovered in the cellars as part of Guy Fawkes' gunpowder plot?

25 36 75 266 B

What nationality was actress Greta Garbot?

French German Swedish American C

What was the name of the computer that beat chess master Gary Kasperov in a 6 match series in 1997?

Deep Purple Shallow Grave Deep Blue Sinking Violet C

What Was The Name Of Buffy’s British Watcher In The TV Show

Roger Piles Giles Gripper Rupert Giles Giles Rupert C

With Which Art Movement Are The French Painters Cezanne, Degas, Monet And Renoir Associated

Experssionism Impressionism Cubism Literalism B

How Many Bones Are There In An Adult  Human Skeleton

101 157 189 207 D

The Road Runner Belongs To Which Member Of The Bird Family

The Cuckoo The Ostrich The Woodpecker The Emu A

Which Professionals Are Called “Realtors” In North America

Undertakers Lawyers Estate Agents Bankers C

Which Of These Eastern European Countries Is The Furthest South

Lithuania Estonia Latvia Slovakia D

In Karate What Does The Term Dan Mean Does It Mean  

Leader Belt Expert Wise One A

In boxing Which Of These Categories Is Closest In Weight To Flyweight

Featherweight Bantamweight Lightweight Welterweight B

In Which decade Was The Super Bowl First contested

1950's 1960's 1970's 1980's B

What Would An Australian Refer To As A Garbo

Actress Male Model Dustman Tasmanian C

What Is The Official London Residence Of The Queen Mother

Kensington Palace Clarence House St James Palace Alexandra Palace B

Where Do Runners First Cross The River Thames In The London Marathon


London Bridge Southwark Bridge Waterloo Bridge Tower Bridge D

Which Italian Word Describes The Freelance Photographers Who Are On The Lookout For Celebrities


Paperini Paparazzi Panini Peperoni B

According To The Song What Was Lonnie Donegan's Fathers Job


Milkman Postman Dustman Baker C

Which Bear Has Adventures With His Friends Bill Badger, Algy Pug & Edward Trunk The Elephant


Rupert Winnie The Pooh Paddington Bear Teddy Robinson A

What Is The Pottery With The Distinctive Blue & White Banding Called


Cornish Ware Mailing Ware Kentish Ware Bristol Ware A

What Tree Is Most Often Used As A Christmas Tree


Scots Pine Grand Fir Douglas Fir Norway Spruce D

Who Was Bad In The Film The Good The Bad & The Ugly


Clint Eastwood Lee Van Cleef Eli Wallach Jack Palance B