Brainteasers & Anagrams 01- (Submitted By Yoda)

  Question Answer

A Woman from London married 10 different men from that city, yet she didn't break any laws, none of the men died and she never got divorced, How was this possible???

She Was A Minister / Vicar
002 A Man Was Bragging About His Marksmanship and claimed to be able to hang up his hat and walk 50 metres blindfolded then turn and shoot a bullet right through his hat, he couldn't see through the blindfold so how did he manage this feat? He Hung The Hat On The End Of His Gun
003 The Maker Doesn't Want It, The Buyer Doesn't Use It, And The User Doesn't See It. What Is It? A Coffin
004 What is at the beginning of eternity, the end of time, the beginning of every end and the end of every place? The Letter E

What Is So Unusual About The Sentence Below? (Apart From The Fact That It Doesn't Make A Lot Of Sense) “Jackdaws Love My Big Sphinx Of Quartz”

It's The Shortest Sentence In The English Language That Includes Every Letter Of The Alphabet
006 Two Mothers & two daughters were fishing. They managed to catch one big fish one small fish and one fat fish. Since only 3 fish were caught how is it possible they each took home a fish. Explain???

A Grandmother, A Mother & A Daughter

The Mother Is Both A Mother And A Daughter.

Jack The Axe, Charges 5 Pounds To Cut A Wooden Log Into 2 Pieces. How Much Will Jack Charge To Cut A Log Into Four Pieces. Explain?

15.00 , Coz It Only Takes 3 cuts to make 4 pieces of wood

Which Of These Words Does Not Belong With The Others And Why? Father, Aunt, Sister, Cousin, Mother, Uncle. Explain?

Cousin as it does not define a particular sex

2 men were tried for murder, the jury found 1 man guilty and the other man innocent.

The judge turned to the guilty man and said although your guilt has been proven the law compels me to set you free how could such a bizarre judgement occur.
Siamese Twins

Hardy Pyle was washing windows on a high rise office building when he slipped and fell off a sixty foot ladder onto the concrete sidewalk below.
Incredibly, he did not injure himself in any way shape or form How was this possible?

He was on the bottom rung of the ladder
011 There is a word in the English language in which the first 2 letters signify a male, the next 3 signify a female, the first four signify a great man, and the entire word a great woman , what is the word Heroine
012 What Are The Next 2 Letters In The Following Sequence A E F H I K L M

N & T , as these are the next 2 letters in the alphabet composed only of straight lines or diagonal lines.

013 King Henry the Viii gave his wife a bottomless container to put flesh and blood in. what did he give her A Ring For Her Finger
014 What Occurs Once In Every Minute, Twice In Every Moment & Never In A Thousand Years The Letter M

Mr Zuco discovered his beloved Sandy lying on her side in a puddle of water & broken glass.
When the doctor arrived he pronounced her dead since sandy had no cuts on her body how did she die?

Suffocation , Sandy Was A Gold Fish
016 What Do The Words Month, Orange, Silver And Purple Have In Common No Word In The English Language Rhymes With Them
017 A Woman Had 2 Sons That Were Born In The Same Hour, Of The Same Day, Of The Same Year, But Were Not Twins, How Could This Be So? They Were Triplets
018 What Is the One Thing That All Wise Men, Regardless Of Their Religion Or Politics, Agree Is Between Heaven and Earth? The Word And

There's An Ancient Invention Still Used In Some Parts Of The World Today That Allows
People To See Through Walls Today What is It?

A Window
020 Can You Name Three Consecutive Days Without Using The Words Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday Or Sunday? Yesterday, Today And Tomorrow

George could see that the finish line was near & with a burst of speed he overtook the others and won by several feet. Although first prize was £10,000 and a magnificent trophy George never received either. Why?

George Was A Horse
022 Do They Have A 4th Of July In England Of Course They Do
023 When Asked How Old She Was Suzie Replied "In 2 Years I Will Be Twice As Old As I Was Five Years Ago" How Old Is She Suzie Is 12
024 Which Is Is Correct To Say "The Yolk Of The Egg Are White" Or "The Yolk Of An Egg Is White" Neither The Yolk Of Ann Egg Is Yellow
025 Forward Im Heavy Backward Im Not, What Am I The Word Ton

Clara Clatter Was Born On December The 27th Yet Her Birthday Is Always In The Summer How Can This Be

Clara Clatter Was Born In The Southern Hemisphere, Where The Seasons Are Reversed
027 What Is The Next Letter In The Follwing Sequence O T T F F S S The Letter E "12345678"
028 What Five Letter Word Becomes Shorter When You Add 2 Letters To It The Word Short
029 Professor Quantum Has 2 Coins Which Total 30p Since One Of The Coins Is Not 10p What Are The 2 Coins A 20p & 10p , since one of the coins is not a 10p the other one is
030 What Is The One Thing That aall Wise Men , Regardless Of Religion Or Politics Agree Is Between Heaven And Earth The Word And
031 Dee Septor The Famous Magician was Bragging about his marksmanship He Claimed to be able to hang up his hat, walk 50 metres blindfolded then turn and shoot a bullet straight through his hat since deep spetor was unable to see through his blindfold how was this possible He Hung His Hat On The End Of His Gun
032 2 Mothers & 2 Daughters Were Fishing , They Managed To catch one big fish one small fish & One Fat Fish , since only 3 fish were caught how is it possible they all took home a fish

A Grandmother, A Mother & A Daughter

the mother is both a mother and a daughter

033 How Many Of Each Species Did Moses Take Onto The Ark None It Was Noah's Ark
034 What Is The Closest Relation That Your Fathers sisters , sister In Law Could Be To You Your Mother
035 What Is The 3rd Hand On A Clock Or A Watch Called The Second Hand
036 How Many 3 Pence Stamps Are There In A Dozen There Are "12" 3 Pence Stamps In A Dozen
037 Before Mount Everest Was Discovered What Was The Highest Mountain On Earth Mount Everest
038 What Word Starts With Is, Ends With nd, and has la in the middle The Word Island
039 What Do Tthe Following Pairs Of Letters Represent "RD ST ND" Third, First, Second
040 Name One Eight Letter Word That Has KST In The Middle In The Beginning & The End Inkstand
041 Mr & Mrs Plum have six daughters & Each Daughter Has 1 Brother How Many People Are In The Plum Family There Are Nine Plums In The Family since each daughter shares the same brother, there are six girls 1 boy and mr and mrs plum themselves
042 In The Following sequence Which Can Be Evenly Divided by Two, "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9" All Of Them In The Case Of 7 It Can Be Evenly divided into 2 paarts each being 3 1/2
043 Why Is A Manhole Cover Round Give 2 Reasons

1) so it cant fall through the hole

2) so it can be easily rolled or moved

044 2 Boxers Are In A Boxing Match. The Fight Is Scheduled For 12 Rounds But Ends After 6, Because One Of The Boxers Knocks Out The Other, This Is Regular Boxing And Not Kick Boxing, But No Man Throws A Punch How Can This Be Possible Both Boxers Are Female
045 Where is the one place that the American flag flies 24 hours a day, but is never raised or lowered and is never saluted? The Moon
046 What Is The Only Part Of The Human Body That Never Grows and remains the same size since birth Eyes
047 A woman has two sons who were born on the same hour of the same day of the same year, but they are not twins. How could this be? The Are Triplets
048 Which Supermodels Name Is An Anagram Of “Mainly Bones” Yasmin Le Bon

If You Were Going Down The Battle For A Couple Of Britney's & A Winona Where Would You Be Going And What Would You Be Buying

Boozer, 2 Beers, 1 Cider
050 The Restaurants `Palm Court`, `Café Parisien` and `Verandah` Were All Closed Down On The Same Night Due To Extensive Flooding, But Where Did They Used To Exist Onboard The Titanic
051 A Man Takes His Wife To The Movies During The Movie He Kills Her But Is Able To Get The Body Home Without Attracting Attention How Was This Possible He Was At A Drive In
052 Who Was The First Woman To Top The UK Singles Charts As Part Of A Quintet, A Quartet, One Half Of A Duo And As A Solo Artist? Mel C
053 In A Kitchen How Are Thermo Plastic Synthetic Fibre's And Manilla Hemp Better Known? Tea Bags
054 What Links the Following 3 Songs “I Bet You Look Good On The Dance Floor”, “It Doesn't Have To Be This Way” And “Daydream Believer”? Monkey's Artic Monkey's, The Blow Monkeys & The Monkees
055 Which Crime Has A Pottential 324 Different Combinations Murder In A Game Of Cluedo
056 If An Object Has Sufficient Mass For Its Self Gravity To Overcome The Rigid Body Forces So That It Assumes A Hydrostatic Equilibrium What Is It A Planet

My first is in grass but not in space.
My second in race but not in place.
My third in ever and also in here.
My fourth in see and also in hear.
My last in no is always found
My whole a color all around.

058 If You Take The Numbers One To Ten Which One Come Last Alphabetically Two
059 What Surname Connects An Actress Associated With Coronation Street And The Inventor Of Vulcanised Rubber? Goodyear - Julie & Charles
060 What Is Unusual About The Phrase “A Nut For A Jar Of Tuna”? It's A Palindrome
061 What Is Special About His Sentence “THE QUICK BROWN FOX JUMPS OVER THE LAZY DOG”? It Uses Every Letter Of The Alphabet!!
062 If you were to spell out the numbers in full, (One, Two, Three, etc), how far would you have to go until you found the letter 'A'? 1000 Or 101 (One Hundred And One)
063 Which DIY Company Would You Associate With A First Name Beginning With The Letter R & A Creature That Spends Most Of Its Time In Very Cold Conditions Ronseal
064 Which Two States Of The USA Have An X In Their Name? (PFE) Texas & New Mexico
065 Which animal appears first in the dictionary? Aadvark
066 What Comes Next In The Following Sequence “Charlie, Mike, Oscar, Romeo, ? Victor (Boys Names In Phonetic)

How Many US States Are There Beginning With The Letter M? Is It Two, Four, Six Or Eight

Maine, Motanna, Minesotta, Massachusetts, Maryland, Michigan, Missouri And Mississippi
8 States
068 In Film & Literature Who Is Jayne Porters Very Famous Boyfriend Tarzan

If You Wrote The Name Of This US State Using Block Capitals On A Piece Of Paper

Then Turned It Upside Down And Looked At It Inn A Mirror It Would Still Read The Same, To What US State Am I Referring
070 4 States In America End With The Letter “N”? (PFE) = Oregon, Wisconsin, Washington, Michigan

What Word is Pronounced exactly the same in English, French, German, Swedish, Portuguese, Dutch, Chinese, Japanese, And Ok Is Not An Option An Neither Are Swear Words

072 If James Is Five, Henry Is Three, & Edward Is Two, Who Is One Thomas The Tank Engine
073 If The Year Is 2006 What Will Be The Next Palindromic Year? 2112
074 In The Song The Wheels On The Bus Go Round & Round What Does The Driver Do Says Move Along Please
075 Which letter comes next in this sequence H,B,T,Y,H,B,T,Y,H,B? D – First Line Of Happy Birthday
076 What Is The Next Number In The Following Sequence (8, 5, 4, 9, 1, 7, 6, 10) 3 (Numbers 1-10 In Alphabetical Order)
077 What connects the songs Telegram Sam, C'Mon Everybody & Rock Me Amadeus? Marc Bolan, Eddie Cochran & Falco- All Died In A Car Crash
078 What letter comes next A,T,T,F,F,S,S,E,N,T,J,Q? K – King pack of cards
079 What connects the years 1865, 1881,1901 & 1963? Assasination Of Us Presidents
080 What is the only letter of the alphabet which does not appear in any of the names of the 50 American States? Q

1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 , Which Of These years is the odd one out
theres something very special about one of those years what is it?


(reads the same upside down)

Can anyone tell me the letters that follow in this sequence:- Dn, frwl, g, t, yolt?

Doctor No, From Russia With Love, Goldfinger, Thunderball, You Only Live Twice
Daf- Diamonds Are Forever, Sean Connery in James Bond Films

What do the words “Canopy, Deft, Laughing, Stupid and Hijack” have in common?

They all have three consecutive letters which appear consecutively in the alphabet!! NOP,DEF, GHI, STU, HIJ

What Do The Following 10 Words All Have In Common

Cookie, Cosmic, Cues, Moose, Mummy, Muse, Quick, Squeaky, Wages, Yes
All Made Up Of Odd Letters Of The Alphabet
085 What might you be eating if combing the chemicals of Sulphur, Sodium, Carbon and Potassium? Snack = S + Na + C + K
086 What Type of Medical examination comes after a drink and before an American? X-Ray = B4 Whisky & After Yankee Phonetic Alphabet

In 1918 Actor "Elmo Lincoln" Was On The Set Of His Latest Movie, When He Suddenly Stabbed His Co Star To Death, No Charges Were Filed & He Never Served Any Time

1 Point If You Can Name The Movie & Another Point If You Can Explain Why


The Lion Tried To Eat Him

088 What Are The Next 2 Letters In The Following Sequence HW,EH,HW,JC,MT,JM TB (Tony Blaire)
089 What Letter Comes Next In The Following Sequence J, A, S, O, N, _? D (July, August, ... December)
090 Which famous film is the only best picture Oscar winner to contain none of the letters of the word “movie” in its title? Crash
091 What Movie Character Is Played By 2 Actors in all the scenes in which they appear Darth Vader
092 What Is The Only No.1 Of The 1970's That Contained The Letters “RED” In Sequence In The Title, But Doesn't Contain The Word Red In The Title Long Hai red Lover From Liverpool

What Letter Is Missing In The Following Sequence V,I,B,G,Y,O

Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Green
R (Red) Colours Of The Rainbow In Reverse
094 Who Comes Next In This List:- Nicky Hilton, Michael Wilding, Mike Todd & Eddie Fisher Richard Burton (All Husbands Of Liz Taylor)
095 What Do The Words Abstemious, Abstentios, Arsenious,Artiosus & Facetious All Have In Common Words In The English Language Where The Vowels Are In Order
096 What Might You Do To A Window That Is Also A European Language Polish
097 Apart From A Ring And A Husband What Does A Woman Leave A Wedding With A New Name
098 Why Was The 2006 40th Superbowl Larger Than Normal (Think About It) Superbowl XL
099 I can run, but I can't walk. I've got a mouth, but I can't talk. I have a head, but I never weep. I have a bed, but I never sleep. What am I? A River
100 On 15 th May 1930 Ellen Church Became A World First When She Answered An Ad That Read “ Applicants Must Be No Taller Than 5ft 4 Inches, Should Be No Heavier Than 115 Lbs & Possess A Clear Speaking Voice - A Background In Nursing Or Catering Would Be Advantageous ” What Type Of Job Did She Apply For Air Hostess
101 What Is The Only Letter Not To Be Contained In The Names Of All 50 United States Q
102 An aeroplane carrying 40 people crashed over the Atlantic Ocean, with every single person being killed. Yet two passengers survived. How is this possible? 2 Of Them Were Married
103 What Word That Is Particularly Relevant at this moment in time Is Derived from The Latin For 3 streets Trivia
104 Which Is The Only Team In The British Football League That Can Filled In With A Biro Hull City (Div 1)
105 Which One Of These People Would Look Down On The Others Arnold Swarzenegger, Richard Gere, Mick Jagger, Russel Crowe Or Clint Eastwood? (Basicly Who's The Tallest) Clint Eastwood
106 Which Country Which Is Also The Name Of A High Street Store Is The Worlds Largest Producer Of Books Iceland
107 Which Bands Name Also Sounds Like A Very Old Type Of Video Recorder Top Loader
108 What Is The Only Anagram Of The Word IMPRESSIVE Permissive
109 What Word Can Follow Band Mass And Pass Age
110 What Is The Only Anagram Of The Word Monday The Word Dynamo
111 What Connects The Words Audience, Farm & Clock Hands
112 What Is The Only English Anagram Of The Word Crouton Contour
113 What Is The Only Word That Ends With "MT" Dreamt
114 Which Word Can Go In Front Of "Biscuit, Closet, Colour" Water

Which Word Comes From The Italian Language Meaning To "Mark Or Scratch A Surface"

116 What Is A 7 Letter Beginning With Ra That Is A Palindrome Racecar
117 What Is The 2nd Most Common Word Behind "The" Of
118 What Word Goes After Goal And Before Hem Ant
119 What Is The Only English Anagram Of The Word "Graphically" Calligraphy
120 What Word Becomes Shorter When You Add 2 Letters To It The Word Short
121 What Is The Only Number (Under 100) That Is Alphabetically In Sequence Forty
122 In Computing What Does The Word "Modem" Stand For Modulate Demodulate
123 What Is The Only English Anagram Of The Word Teaching Cheating
124 What Is Significant About The Words Stewardesses & Reverberated Longest Words That Can Be Typed With Just The Left Hand
125 What Is The Only Word That Is An Anagram Of The Word Monday Dynamo
126 The Chemical Symbols For Titanium & Sodium Spell Out The Letters To Which Girls Name Tina
127 What Type of Medical examination comes after a drink and before an American? X-Ray = B4 Whisky & After Yankee Phonetic Alphabet
128 Which is the only US state that doesn't contain any of the letters from `Osama` in it's name? Kentucky
129 What Is The Only Sign Of The Zodiac That Doesn't Contain Any Of The Letters In The Word `Bungee`? Scorpio
130 What is the only US state which contains all of the letters from the word `Spam` in its name? New Hampshire
131 Which American state ends in 3 vowels Hawaii
132 Write Down The Shortest Possible Sentence In The English Language I Am
133 What Does The Acronym Sonar stand for Sound Navigation And Ranging
134 Which word meaning guilty has passed out of common use although it's opposite is still in everyday use today Nocent
135 What is the only anagram of the word "Monday"?
136 The Italian word for "scratched drawings" is used commonly in English. What is it? Graffiti
137 What seven letter word, beginning with the letters 'Ra' is a palindrome? Racecar
138 What is the second most common word in written English behind "the"? Of
139 What word can go after gall and before hem The Word Ant
140 What is the only English anagram of the word graphically? Calligraphy
141 What Is The Only Word In The English Language Which Ends With the letters "MT" Dreamt
142 What Word Becomes Shorter When You Add 2 Letters To It? The Word Short
143 What is the shortest word in the English language to contain all five vowels in alphabetical order Facetious
144 Which Sum Is An Anagram Of Eleven Plus Two Twelve Plus One
145 What is the only number that is alphabetically in sequence (its less than one hundred) Forty
146 In Computing What Does The Word Modem Stand For Modulate Demodulate
147 What is the only English anagram of the word TEACHING? Cheating
148 What is a country's GNP? Gross National Product / Profit
149 What 3 letter word can go after “tar” and before “gent”? Tan
150 Which word meaning guilty has passed out of common usage although its opposite is still in everyday use? Nocent
151 What is the only word in the English language that doesn't rhyme with any other? Month
152 Forwards this word means to pack tightly together. Backwards it's a boys name. What is the word? Cram / Marc
153 What Is Significant About The Words Stewardesses & Reverberated? Longest Words That Can Be Typed With Left Hand
154 Try And Come Up With A Word In The English Language that has 3 consecutive sets of double letters? Bookkeeper or Bookkeeping
155 The 9th letter in the Greek Alphabet means a very small amount in everyday English. What is it? Iota
156 What Can Be The Name Of A Ballet Dancers Skirt Or The Name Of A South African Cleric Tutu
157 Which two number one hits for Abba have a one word title? (PFE) Fernando and Waterloo
158 Which is the only US state that doesn't contain any of the letters from `Osama` in it's name? Kentucky
159 Which Word Can Go After House, Stag, Hen, Labour Party
160 What Word Can Come Before Fly & After Race Horse
161 What Do The Words “Farm, Clock & Audience” All Have In Common Hands
162 What Might You Do To Your Silverware That Is Also A European Language Polish
163 What Connects The Words "Bolivia, Canada, Dismay, Concertina All Contain Girls Names
164 Which Word Can Go Before Fly And Also After Race? Horse
165 What 5 letter word in the English language is pronounced the same when 4 letters are removed? Queue
166 Which word follows “Paper” & Precedes “Gammon” to make two new words? Back
167 What Is Unique About The Words (Orange, Silver & Purple) No Other Words Rhyme With Them
168 What 5 Letter Word Can Precede Orange, Thirsty And Brother? Blood
169 Which Word Can Go After Blue And Before Neck? Bottle
170 What 15 Letter Word Can Be Spelt In English Without Repeating A Single Letter? Uncopyrightable
171 What Connects The Words B olivia , Can ada , Dis may & Concer tina ? All End In Girls Names

What Word Starts With An “E” Ends With An “E” And Contains Only One Letter

173 Why can't a man living in Philadelphia , Pennsylvannia, be buried west of the Mississippi ? He's still alive.
174 Who can shave 25 times a day and still have a beard? A barber
175 When young, I am sweet in the sun. When middle-aged, I make you happy. When old, I am valued more than ever. What am I?   Wine
176 What's the difference between here and there?   The letter T.
177 I'm colorless and weightless, but if you put me into a barrel, the barrel will become lighter. What am I? A hole
178 What won't break if you throw it off the highest building in the world, but will break if you put it in the ocean? A tissue
179 What two things can you never eat for breakfast?   Lunch and Dinner
180 What runs but cannot walk?   Water
181 What kind of rocks are on the bottom of the Amazon River ? Wet rocks
182 What kind of room has no windows or doors? A mushroom
183 What kind of nut has no shell? A doughnut
184 What kind of coat can be put on only when wet? A coat of paint
185 What is the longest word in the English language? Smiles: there's a mile between the first and last letters.
186 What is at the center of gravity?   The letter V
187 What has to be broken before it can be used? An egg
188 What has no beginning, middle or end? A doughnut
189 What is in the middle of nowhere? The letter H
190 What has a foot on each side and one in the middle? A yardstick
191 What happened in the middle of the 20th Century that will not happen again for 4,000 years? A year like 1961, which reads the same up-side-down. This will not happen again until 6009.
192 What grows when it eats, but dies when it drinks?   Fire
193 What grows up while growing down? A goose
194 What three things go up and down, but never move? Stairs, temperature, and the stock market
195 What gets whiter the dirtier it gets? A blackboard or chalkboard
196 What do you throw out when you want to use it, but take in when you don't want to use it?   An anchor
197 What do you serve that you cannot eat?   A tennis ball
198 What do the numbers 11, 69, and 88 all have in common? They read the same up-side-down
199 What can you catch but not throw? A cold
200 What can pass before the sun without making a shadow? The wind
201 What can be swallowed, but can also swallow you? Water
202 What book, once owned only by the wealthy, can't be bought in a store and is now owned by nearly everyone? A telephone book
203 The more you have of it, the less you see. What is it?   Darkness
204 Take off my skin and I won't cry, but you will, what am I?   Onion
205 In Wyoming , you can't take a picture of a man with a sign. Why not? You'd need a camera! You can't take a picture with a sign!
206 If you were to take two apples from three apples, how many would you have? You'd have the two you took.
207 If you were standing directly on Antarctica 's South Pole facing north, which direction would you travel if you took one step backward? All directions from the South Pole are North.
208 If you have it, you want to share it, but if you share it, you don't have it. What is it? A secret
209 If two's company, and three's a crowd, what are four and five? Nine
210 I know a word of letters three. Add two and fewer there will be. What is the word? Few
211 How much dirt is in a hole 5 feet deep and 3 feet wide?   There is no dirt in a hole
212 How many times can you subtract the number 5 from 35?   Once, after that you'd be subtracting 5 from 30
213 How many bricks does it take to complete a building made of brick? Only one, the last one.
214 Even if they are starving, natives living in the Arctic will never eat a penguin's egg. Why not? There are no penguins in the Arctic; they are native to the Antartic
215 Angela Harris was born on December 27th, yet her birthday is always in the summer. How is this possible? She live in the Southern Hemisphere
216 I have a skin and more eyes than one. I can be very nice when I'm done. What am I? A potato
217 You are pushing your car. You stop at a hotel. At that precise moment you realize that you're bankrupt. What is actually going on? You are probably playing Monopoly!
218 What doesn't get any wetter, no matter how much rain falls on it? Water
219 The one who made it, didn't want it. The one who bought it, didn't need it. The one who used it, never saw it. What is it?   A coffin
220 What sits in a corner while traveling all around the world? A stamp
221 What question can a person ask all day long, getting a different answer each time, and yet all the answers were correct. What time is it?
222 Which Time Keeping Device Has The Most Moving Parts An Hourglass / Egg Timer
223 If a father bull drinks 5 gallons of water a day and a baby bull drinks 3 gallons of water, how many gallons of water does a mother bull drink a day? There is no such thing as a mother bull. Bulls are only male.
224 What three word phrase describes the following: Einstein, Edison , Newton Three wise men.
225 I have a face, two arms, and two hands, yet I can not move. I count to twelve, yet I can not speak. Still I tell you something everyday. What am I? A clock
226 You enter a dark room. You have only one match. There is a candle, a furnace, and a stove in the room. Which would you light first?   The match
227 What time is it when Sir Lancelot looks at his belly button? The middle of the Knight
228 What do you call a boomerang that doesn't work? A stick.
229 Buckets, barrels, baskets, cans; What must you fill with empty hands? Gloves
230 A barrel of rainwater weighs twenty pounds. What must you add to make it weigh fifteen?   Holes
231 Pull one out and scratch my head. What once was red is black instead. What am I?   A match
232 What is round on both ends and HI in the middle? Ohio
233 Sam is at work. He goes off to his right. Then he goes off to his left three times and passes a man in a mask. What is Sam's occupation? He's a baseball player.
234 A man turned out all the lights and went to bed. He woke up, saw something on the news and became very upset with himself. Why?   He lived in a lighthouse. When he turned out all of the lights it caused a shipwreck.
235 What did the ocean say to the sea?   Nothing It Juist Waved
236 How many second's are there in a calendar year? Twelve! January second, February second, March second. . .
237 Carol's mom has 3 daughters. The youngest girl is named Penny. The middle daughter is named Nickle. What is the oldest daughter's name?   Carol
238 What needs an answer, but doesn't ask a question? A telephone
239 What can be as big as an elephant, but weighs nothing? It's shadow
240 A father and his son, an only child, got into a car accident. The father died. The son was taken to the hospital for minor surgery. The doctor came in and said: I can't do any surgery on this boy, we're related. Both the boy's parent's were also only child   The doctor was the boy's mother.
241 A man rode into town on Friday and stayed in a hotel and two nights later he rode home on Friday. How is this possible?   The Horse's Name Is Friday
242 Six copy cats were sitting in a boat. One jumped out. How many were left? None, they were copy cats so they all jumped out.
243 What has two heads, four eyes, 6 legs and a tail? A horse and its rider
244 There was an accident on the border between Canada and the US. Where would they bury the survivors?   They wouldn't bury SURVIVORS
245 Your Mom is in a room with you. Where is one place you can sit where your mom cannot sit?   Her lap
246 How can you put your left hand in your right pocket and put your right hand in your left pocket without crossing your arms? Put your clothes on backwards
247 What starts out on 4 legs, then goes to 2, then 3?   Man starts out crawling, then walking, then walking with a cane.
248 What goes up when the rain comes down?   An umbrella
249 Voiceless it cries, toothless it bites. What is it?   The wind
250 t cannot be seen, cannot be felt, cannot be heard, cannot be smelt, it lies behind stars and under hills, and it fills in empty holes. What is it? Darkness
251 i am one simple word, but I mean different things. One of my meanings prompts forceful swings. The other of meaning, may have curve, like the first, but only one meaning can help quench a thirst. One meaning will often bring cheers, and either of them co Pitcher
252 I live above a star, and have eleven neighbors. PRS (& sometimes Q) are my initials. Who am I? The number 7 on a telephone
253 What unusual property do the words FLOUR, TERN, and THIRSTY have in common? Take out one letter and they each spell a number.
254 What six letter word in the English language contains ten other words without rearranging any of its letters? Spared, the other ten words are spa, spar, spare, pa, par, pare, pared, are, re, and red.
255 A woman had two sons who were born on the same hour of the same day of the same year. But they were not twins. How could this be so? They were two of a set of triplets.
256 Problems in the elevator: A person lives on the tenth floor of a building. Every day he takes the elevator to go down to the ground floor to go out. When he returns he takes the elevator to the seventh floor and walks up the stairs to reach his apartment o He is a child who can not yet reach higher then the 7 button, however on rainy days he can push the button with his umbrella.
257 Pronounced as one letter but written with three, two different letters there are and two only in me. I'm double, I'm single I'm black, blue, and gray. I'm read from both ends and the same either way. EYE
258 What is it that when you take away the whole, you still have some left over? Wholesome
259 We travel much, yet are prisoners that are closely tied to boot. We keep pace with the fastest horse, yet always go on foot. Who are we? Spurs
260 You are a bus driver. At the first stop, 6 people get on. At the second stop, 12 people get on. At the third stop, 3 people get off, and at the last stop, everyone gets off. The question is: What color are the bus drivers eyes?   You are the bus driver. What color are your eyes?
261 You and a group of your friends are in the library. One friend says there is a $1000 dollar bill hidden between pages 75 and 76 of a book in the library. But you decide not to go and look for it. Why?   You know your friend is lying because the odd numbered pages are ALWAYS on the right and the even numbered pages are ALWAYS on the left. Those pages can't be facing each other.
262 What is the largest amount of money in coins you can have without being able to make exact change for a dollar? $1.19. You can have three quarters, four dimes and four pennies and still not be able to make exact change for a dollar.
263 In the eyes, it causes blindness. In the nose, it makes sneezes, but some people seek it out, and act as though it pleases. Smoke / Smoking
264 What is bigger when new and grows smaller with use? A pencil or a lollipop
265 I am just a lowly thing, object of much derision, I am odd because I multiply by division.   An amoeba
266 At night I come without being fetched. By day though hidden, I'm not really gone. What am I? A star or the moon.
267 What runs fore to aft (i.e., front to back) on one side of a ship, and aft to fore (i.e., back to front) on the other side? The name
268 Name one eight letter word that has kst in the middle, in the beginning, and at the end.   Inkstand has kst in the middle, In in the begining, and at the end.
269 A clever thief in the olden days was charged with treason against the king and sentenced to death. But the king decided to be lenient and let the thief choose his own way to die. What way should the thief choose?   To die of old age.
270 My host thinks I'm an irritation, a bother, a pain. But he can't evict me, so I remain. Then one day I'm taken and ranked among my peers.    
271 Can you guess just what I am? Then you might call me dear. Pearl
272 I can make you lighter, or cause your death. Some are afraid of me, but I'm also loved by many.   Water
273 What falls but never breaks? Night
274 What can be cut and will grow back; yet when you least expect it, may disappear never to return?   Hair
275 I'll lap at your heels, if you give me the chance. Though I won't fetch or stay, I will dance. Fire
276 You can see it, but you can't touch it. It may disappear, but has never really left you. It grows thoughout the day. What is it?   Your Shadow
277 There are twelve eggs in a regular dozen. There are thirteen rolls in a baker's dozen. How many one and a half cent stamps are there in a regular dozen?   There would be twelve stamps in a regular dozen of one and a half cent stamps.
278 A house with two occupants, sometimes one, rarely three. Break the walls, eat the boarders, then throw away me. What am I? A peanut
279 Though in theory I am always behind you, I am also around to remind you. But in case it's your way to give me too much say, I can hamper or, even worse, blind you. What am I? The past
280 Two bodies have I, though both joined in one; the longer I stand the quicker I run. What am I? Hourglass
281 What is too much for one, enough for two, and nothing at all for three? A secret
282 When I am filled I can point the way. When I am empty, nothing moves me. I have two skins, one without and one within. What am I? A glove
283 What two five letter English words do not change its pronunciation when four letters are taken away?   Queue and Aitch
284 Golden treasures I contain, guarded by hundreds and thousands. Stored in a labyrinth where no man walks, yet men come often to seize my gold. By smoke I am overcome and robbed, then left to build my treasure anew. What am I?   A beehive
285 Can not be bought, can not be sold, even if it's made of gold.   A heart
286 What breaks but never falls?   Day
287 How many letters are in the alphabet?   There are 11 letters in
288 A man walks up to you and says - "Everything I say to you is a lie." Is he telling you the truth or is he lying?   Neither. It's a paradox and no acceptable answer exists.
289 If you were running a race, and you passed the person in 2nd place, what place would you be in now?   2nd Place
290 George, Helen, and Steve are drinking coffee. Bert, Karen, and Dave are drinking soda. Using logic, is Elizabeth drinking coffee or soda?   Elizabeth is drinking coffee. The letter E appears twice in her name, as it does in the names of the others that are drinking coffee.
291 What common English verb becomes its own past tence by rearranging its letters? Eat Or Ate
292 I have holes on the top and bottom. I have holes on my left and on my right. And I have holes in the middle, yet I still hold water. What am I? A Sponge
293 A word I know, Six letters it contains, Subtract just one, And twelve is what remains. What is the word? Dozens
294 What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a head but never weeps, has a bed but never sleeps? A river
295 What object has keys that open no locks, space but no room, and you can enter but not go in? A keyboard
296 It has no top or bottom but it can hold flesh, bones and blood all at the same time. What is this object?   A Ring
297 Light as a feather, there is nothing in it; the strongest man can't hold it for much more than a minute? Breath
298 What eats rocks, levels mountains, rusts metal, pushes the clouds across the sky, and can make a young man old? Time
299 What two words have the most letters in it? Post Office
300 Squeeze it and it cries tears as red as its flesh, but its heart is made of stone. A Cherry
301 No sooner spoken than broken. What is it? Silence
302 When is a door not a door? When it is a-jar
303 Forward I am heavy, backward I am not. What am I?   A ton
304 The more you take the more you leave behind. Footsteps
305 As I walked along the path I saw something with four fingers and one thumb, but it was not flesh, fish, bone or fowl. A Glove
306 I am taken from a mine, and shut up in a wooden case, from which I am never released, and yet I am used by almost everybody. Pencil lead
307 I am one simple word, but I mean different things. One of my meanings prompts forceful swings. The other of meaning, may have curve, like the first, but only one meaning can help quench a thirst. One meaning will often bring cheers, and either of them co Pitcher
308 What six letter word in the English language contains ten other words without rearranging any of its letters? Spared, the other ten words are spa, spar, spare, pa, par, pare, pared, are, re, and red.
309 What is it that when you take away the whole, you still have some left over? Wholesome
310 At night I come without being fetched. By day though hidden, I'm not really gone. What am I? A star or the moon.
311 There are twelve eggs in a regular dozen. There are thirteen rolls in a baker's dozen. How many one and a half cent stamps are there in a regular dozen? Twelve
312 Two bodies have I, though both joined in one; the longer I stand the quicker I run. What am I? An Hourglass
313 What is too much for one, enough for two, and nothing at all for three? A Secret
314 When I am filled I can point the way. When I am empty, nothing moves me. I have two skins, one without and one within. What am I? A Glove
315 What two five letter English words do not change its pronunciation when four letters are taken away? Queue and Aitch
316 Golden treasures I contain, guarded by hundreds and thousands. Stored in a labyrinth where no man walks, yet men come often to seize my gold. By smoke I am overcome and robbed, then left to build my treasure anew. What am I? A Beehive
317 A word I know, Six letters it contains, Subtract just one, And twelve is what remains. What is the word? Dozens
318 What Common Word Starts And Ends With The Letters “UND” Und ergro und
319 What Is The Only Letter That doesn't Appear In The Names Of Any Of The American States Q
320 Which fruit can go in the middle of the word "aped" to make a new word? Pear (Aped) Appeared
321 Which Word In The NATO Phonetic Alphabet Would Score You The Most Points In A Game Of Scrabble Whiskey
322 Three waitresses need to split $48 in tips. Tonya gets 3 times more than Jenna and Barb gets 4 times as much as Jenna. How much does Barb get? $24
323 If You Took Your Pet To The Vets And On The Bottom Of The Medical Notes They Wrote The Letters A I S T O You May Be A Little Upset But What Do The Letters A I S T O Mean Animal Is Smarter Than Owner
324 How Long Would It Take To Travel 54 Miles At A Speed Of 6 MPH 9 Hours
325 Is A Person Runs A Mile In Exactly 4 Mins What Is There Average Speed 15 Mph / 0.25 x 60
326 If You Were To Add The Number Of Squares On A Chess Board To Number Of Days In September What Would You Have 64+30 = 94
327 What Is The Square Root Of 25 Plus One Half Of 110 5+ 55 = 60
328 In Text Speak What does It Mean If You receive A Txt Message Containing A T Followed By A Plus Sign Think Positive
329 Is A Person Runs A Mile In Exactly 4 Mins What Is There Average Speed 15 Mph / 0.25 x 60
330 Anagram :- Nice Silky Woman – Famous American? Monica Lewinsky
331 Which Word Can Go Before Foot, Back & Faced To Make Three New Words? Bare
332 What Is Special About The Words “Month” & “Silver”? Can't Be Rhymed
333 What Number Comes Next In The Following Sequence (17, 3, 19) 7 (Dartboard)
334 What Country Is Hidden Within The Following Sentence “ The Grave Danger Man Yearns To Discover His Origins ” Germany

“Using simple maths, how can you reach a total of 100 using only six nines?”

( 9*9 )+(9+9)+(9/9 ) = 100

Or 99 / 99 + 99 = 100

336 Arrange the letters of the phrase 'GET OUT MAN ' in the correct order, to find the name of a vegetable Mangetout
337 Which Actors Name Is a Suburb Of Florida & Who's Surname Is Something Flowers Tend To Do Orlando Bloom
338 How Many Animals Of Each Sex Did Moses Take Into The Ark None It Was Noah
339 A petshop had a parrot with a sign on its cage that said "Parrot repeats everything it hears". Davey bought the parrot and for two weeks he spoke to it and it didn't say a word. He returned the parrot but the shopkeeper insisted he never lied about the parrot. How can this be? It Was Deaf
340 You use me From Your head & your toes, the more I work the smaller I grows. What am I? A Bar Of Soap
341 What Is The Only Capital City That Lies Within Czechoslovakia (Think About It) Oslo (Norway)
342 What Goes Up & Down But Doesnt Move The Temperature
343 The Italian word for "scratched drawings" is used commonly in English. What is it? Graffiti
344 What seven letter word, beginning with the letters 'Ra' is a palindrome? Racecar
345 What is the second most common word in written English behind "the"? Of
346 What word can go after gall and before hem The Word Ant
347 What is the only English anagram of the word graphically? Calligraphy
348 What Is The Only Word In The English Language Which Ends With the letters "MT" Dreamt
349 What Word Becomes Shorter When You Add 2 Letters To It? The Word Short
350 What is the shortest word in the English language to contain all five vowels in alphabetical order Facetious
351 Which Sum Is An Anagram Of Eleven Plus Two Twelve Plus One
352 What is the only number that is alphabetically in sequence (its less than one hundred) Forty
353 In Computing What Does The Word Modem Stand For Modulate Demodulate
354 What is the only English anagram of the word TEACHING? Cheating
355 What is a country's GNP? Gross National Product / Profit
356 What 3 letter word can go after “tar” and before “gent”? Tan
357 Which word meaning guilty has passed out of common usage although its opposite is still in everyday use? Nocent
358 What is the only word in the English language that doesn't rhyme with any other? Month
359 Forwards this word means to pack tightly together. Backwards it's a boys name. What is the word? Cram / Marc
360 What Is Significant About The Words Stewardesses & Reverberated? Longest Words That Can Be Typed With Left Hand
361 Try And Come Up With A Word In The English Language that has 3 consecutive sets of double letters? Bookkeeper or Bookkeeping
362 The 9th letter in the Greek Alphabet means a very small amount in everyday English. What is it? Iota
363 What Can Be The Name Of A Ballet Dancers Skirt Or The Name Of A South African Cleric Tutu
364 Which two number one hits for Abba have a one word title? (PFE) Fernando and Waterloo
365 Which is the only US state that doesn't contain any of the letters from `Osama` in it's name? Kentucky
366 Which Word Can Go After House, Stag, Hen, Labour Party
367 What Word Can Come Before Fly & After Race Horse
368 What Do The Words “Farm, Clock & Audience” All Have In Common Hands
369 What Might You Do To Your Silverware That Is Also A European Language Polish
370 What Connects The Words "Bolivia, Canada, Dismay, Concertina All Contain Girls Names
371 Which Word Can Go Before Fly And Also After Race? Horse
372 What Word Can Go Before Cup, Scotch And Fly? Butter
373 Anagram :- A DEMONIC LINK ( Name Of A Female Movie Star) Nicole Kidman
374 What Word Can Follow The Words, Bad, Hard & Out? Back
375 Which Race Horses Name When Spelt Backwards Is A Serious Crime Murder (Red Rum)
376 What Is The Only Word In The English Language That Ends With The Letters “ HTH ” Eighth
377 Which American City Is An Anagram Of DIAGNOSE? San Diego
378 What Connects George, Sean, Timmy, Danny, And Roger? 007 (James Bond)
379 In Roman Numerals What Is The Sum Of VI + IX? (Answer In Roman Numerals Please) XV
380 Anagram :- MOON STARERS Is An Apt Anagram For Which Eleven letter Word? Astronomers
381 Which Month Of The Year When Spelt Backwards Is A Vegetable? May / Yam
382 What Gets Whiter The Dirtier It Gets A Blackboard
383 What Are The Only Two Underground Stations That Use All 5 Vowels In Their Name (PFE) Mansion House / South Ealing
384 The Chemical Symbols For Lithium, Nitrogen And Potassium Spell Out Which 4 Letter Word LINK
385 Which 1990 Sean Connery film has both a colour and a month in its title The Hunt For Red October
386 Which Japanese Faith Sounds Like 2 Parts Of The Human Body (Found Below The Knee) Shinto
387 What word can go after "open" and before "seed" to give two new phrases? Sesame
388 What word can go before ‘ache', ‘ring' and ‘wig'? (Ear)
389 There Are Presently (2008) 4 Clubs In The English Football League That Start & End With The Same Letter Point For Each - (That's The Top 3 Divisions)

Liverpool (p), Aston Villa(p) Charlton Athletic(CT) Northampton Town(1)

390 How many degrees does the Earth rotate every hour 15º
391 How Many Drum Beats Are There At The Start Of The Eastenders Theme Tune 9
392 How Many Yards Are There In A Mile 1760
393 Pythagoras Law States Triangles Have 3 Sides Which He Termed The Opposite, Adjacent & What Hypotenuse
394 What Is The Only Anagram Of The Word Continued? Unnoticed
395 Which 4 letter word can go after "Po" or before "Ular" to produce 2 new words? Sing
396 According to The English Dictionary Fact Book There Are Just 4 Words In The English Language That End With The Letters “DOUS” PFE. Tremendous, Horrendous, Stupendous and Hazardous
397 What Is The Only Anagram Of The Word IMPRESSIVE Permissive
398 What Word Can Follow Band Mass And Pass Age
399 What Is The Only Anagram Of The Word Monday The Word Dynamo
400 What Connects The Words Audience, Farm & Clock Hands
401 What Is The Only English Anagram Of The Word Crouton Contour
402 What Is The Only Word That Ends With "MT" Dreamt
403 Which Word Can Go In Front Of "Biscuit, Closet, Colour" Water

What Is The Ior Sctechedtalian Word In The English Language F

405 What Is A 7 Letter Beginning With Ra That Is A Palindrome Racecar
406 What Is The 2nd Most Common Word Behind "The" Of
407 What Word Goes After Goal And Before Hem Ant
408 What Is The Only English Anagram Of The Word "Graphically" Calligraphy
409 What Word Becomes Shorter When You Add 2 Letters To It The Word Short
410 What Is The Only Number (Under 100) That Is Alphabetically In Sequence Forty
411 In Computing What Does The Word "Modem" Stand For Modulate Demodulate
412 What Is The Only English Anagram Of The Word Teaching Cheating
413 What Is Significant About The Words Stewardesses & Reverberated Longest Words That Can Be Typed With Just The Left Hand
415 The Chemical Symbols For Titanium & Sodium Spell Out The Letters To Which Girls Name Tina
416 What Type of Medical examination comes after a drink and before an American? X-Ray = B4 Whisky & After Yankee Phonetic Alphabet
417 Which is the only US state that doesn't contain any of the letters from `Osama` in it's name? Kentucky
418 What is the only sign of the zodiac that contains none of the letters in the word `Bungee`? Scorpio
419 What is the only US state which contains all of the letters from the word `Spam` in its name? New Hampshire
420 Which American state ends in 3 vowels Hawaii
421 Write Down The Shortest Possible Sentence In The English Language I Am
422 What Does The Acronym Sonar stand for Sound Navigation And Ranging
423 Which word meaning guilty has passed out of common use although it's opposite is still in everyday use today Nocent
424 Kristen is 10 years older than Jake, who is 17. How old is Kristen? 27

If You Wrote The Name Of This US State Using Block Capitals On A Piece Of Paper Then Turned It Upside Down And Looked At It Inn A Mirror It Would Still Read The Same, To What US State Am I Referring

426 What might you be eating if combing the chemicals of Sulphur, Sodium, Carbon and Potassium? Snack=S+Na+C+K
427 Rearrange the following letters to form the name of an occupation “LEARNS A SCAM” Car Salesman
428 I No Chew Meal  Is An Anagram Of Which Male Sports Star Michael Owen
429 I’m Hairy On The Outside, Moist On The Inside I Start With A “C” And End With A “T” And I Have A Hole In The Middle, What Am I A Coconut
430 Rearrange these letters to form the name of a historical figure “O FEAR MY CONQUESTS” Mary Queen of Scots

What three letters come next in the following sequence dd, pp, lal, ld, mam, sas, - - -

GAL (Geese A Laying)
432 Which person in the news during 1998 has the anagram of 'Yes I Lick man now'? Monica Lewinsky
433 What Letter Comes Next In The Following Sequence z, x, c, v, b, n, _? M (bottom row of a keyboard)
434 Which Scottish football team is an anagram of the phrase “Normal Kick” Kilmarnock
435 Which Alternative Sum Is An Anagram Of “Eleven Plus Two” Twelve Plus One
436 The Anagram “VINGIG” Can Be Re Ordered To Spell Which Olympic Sport Diving
437 POOLSTAGS Is An Anagram Of Which Piece Of Sporting Equipment Goal Posts

Rearrange these words to form a classic children’s television series "DRAB ABSURD CARTOON"

Roobarb and Custard

(This Is How It’s Was Spelt)

439 Which Letter Is Missing From This List  “S R T P D” “G” George Lazenby “Bonds”
440 Rearrange these words to give the name of a popular meal “A SNOB NO TASTE” Beans On Toast