Blockbusters Goldrun 05 - (Submitted By Yoda)
    Question Answer
001 JP Which 'JP' was the first lady trainer to have a horse win the Cheltenham Gold Cup? Jenny Pitman
002 LL What 'LL' describes a country without any sea coast? Land Locked
003 AM Which 'AM' was Director General of the BBC? Alasdair Milne
004 MS What 'MS' do most young European men, and all Israelis, have to do, but was abolished in the UK in 1962? Military Service
005 JD Which 'JD' recorded the hit 'Free Nelson Mandela' in 1984? Jerry Dammers
006 ST What 'ST's appear on the screen in a foreign language film? Sub Titles
007 SLIH What 'SLIH' was the film starring Tony Curtis and Jack Lemmon in drag? Some Like It Hot
008 LG What 'LG' was Capability Brown's profession? Landscape Gardener
009 TPS What 'TPS' is a piece by Hoist featuring Saturn and Jupiter? The Planets Suite
010 AF What 'AF is Latin for without limit—going on forever? Ad Infinitum
011 RH Which 'RH' is the Australian artist who presents Cartoon Time? Rolf Harris
012 CP What 'CP' was built to house the Great Exhibition in 1851 ? Crystal Palace
013 PH What 'PH' is Henry V known as in Shakespeare's Henry IV parts One and Two? Prince Hal
014 CP What 'CP' is an inmate of a particular Royal Hospital for old soldiers? Chelsea Pensioner
015 KC Which 'KC' tried to command the waves but failed? King Canute
016 DO What 'DO' did Ancient Greeks consult to find out about the future? Delphic Oracle
017 GOC What 'GOC' is an inlet of the Ionian Sea between the Greek mainland and the Peloponnese? Gulf Of Corinth
018 VP What 'VP' is where all parallel lines in the same plane tend to meet? Vanishing Point
019 CP Which 'CP' is artificially formed by introducing an irritant into an oyster? Cultured Pearl
020 KH Which 'KH' was the founder of the Independent Labour Party at the end of the 19th century?
Keir Hardie
021 LT Which 'LT' was the Russian revolutionary assassinated with an ice-pick? Leon Trotsky
022 LOL What 'LOL' does someone live in if they have every comfort money can buy? Lap Of Luxury
023 WH What 'WH' is the cave near Wells in Somerset? Wookey Hole
024 TBF What 'TBF' did the black sheep have in the nursery rhyme? Three Bags Full
025 SJ Which 'SJ's' biography did Boswell write? Samuel Johnson
026 BOT What 'BOT' is the difference between a country's imports
and exports?
Balance Of Trade
027 JK Which 'JK' is Captain of the Starship Enterprise? James Kirk
028 FR What 'FR' do primitive people perform to ensure an abundance of food and the birth of children? Fertility Rights
029 GB Which 'GB' was for many years the controversial Captain of Yorkshire Cricket Club? Geoff Boycott
030 SV What 'SV' is a shy and modest person known as? Shrinking Violet
031 CK What 'CK' was the film about a newspaper tycoon starring and directed by Orson Wells? Citizen Kane
032 AC What 'AC' is an international yachting trophy won every year by the same country until 1985? Americas Cup
033 BB Which 'BB' founded the left-wing pop organisation Red Wedge? Billy Bragg
034 ML What 'ML' was an old-fashioned way of showing picture slides? Magic Lantern
035 AP Which 'AP' resigned as conductor of the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra in 1986? Andre Previn
036 WAW What 'WAW' are terms for the increasing and decreasing of the moon? Waxing And Waning
037 TL Which 'TL' is an American professor famous for his satirical songs? Tom Lehrer
038 TC What 'TC' are hip-hip-hooray? Three Cheers
039 YF What 'YF' is an infectious tropical disease characterised by jaundice? Yellow Fever
040 VV What ' VV' means the same thing is true the other way round? Vice Versa
041 TA Which 'TA's' live at Ambridge? The Archers
042 LB What 'LB' do artists usually live on in Paris? Left Bank
043 NB To which 'NB' did Beethoven originally dedicate his Eroica Symphony? Napoleon Bonaparte
044 CW What 'CW' is a woman who is meant to be above suspicion - possibly married to Julius? Caesar's Wife
045 DSS What 'DSS' starred Madonna and Rosanna Arquett"? Desperately Seeking Susan
046 FS What 'FS' include sight, taste and touch? Five Senses
047 SA What 'SA' is the Scottish home of the Royal and Ancient Golf Club? Saint Andrews
048 BP What 'BP' do you record your vote on in an election? Ballot Paper
049 JS Which 'JS' is the ex-Bronski Beat member who now sings with the Communards? Jimmy Somerville
050 MW What 'MW' is a large kind of beet used as cattle food? Mangel Wurzel
051 DOD Which 'DOD' owns the stately home Chatsworth? Duke Of Devonshire
052 BF What 'BF' does someone who drops a ball have? Butter Fingers
053 LP What 'LP's are Coleridge, Southey and Wordsworth? Lake Poets
054 COTE What 'COTE' lives at Number 11 Downing Street? Chacellor Of The Exchequer
055 WS What 'WS' is the largest living fish - harmless to man though it may not sound it? Whale Shark
056 UC What 'UC is a phrase meaning living in tents or that the sails of a ship are spread? Under Canvas
057 EOF What 'EOF did Queen Victoria become in 1876? Empress Of India
058 EE What 'EE' did Faberge make jewelled versions of for Tzar Alexander III? Easter Eggs
059 DES What 'DES' is the capital of Tanzania? Dae Es Salaam
060 LOB What 'LOB' might you do if you are very eager to be helpful - be careful you don't Tall over? Lean Over Backwards
061 ME What 'ME' is a still active volcano in Sicily? Mount Etna
062 LOTL What 'LOTL' is the country someone is no longer in when they are dead? Land Of The Living
063 TSK What 'TSK' was Louis XIV of France known as? The Sun King
064 CC What 'CC were Dachau and Buchenwald infamous examples of? Concentration Camps
065 AB Which 'AB' wrote The Clockwork Orange and Earthly Powers'? Anthony Burgess
066 BV What 'BV' is a capillary? Blood Vessel
067 BAB What 'BAB' had a friend called Little Weed? Bill And Ben
068 DSS What 'DSS' are a collection of Jewish religious writings found in a cave in Israel? Dead Sea Scrolls
069 EC Which 'EC' was a Kraftwerk album released in 1986? Electric Cafe
070 ML What 'ML' is work done with the hands? Manual Labour
071 TA Which 'TA' is the youngest woman tennis player to have won the US Open singles title? Tracy Austin
072 GKW Which 'GKW' produced heat-giving footsteps in Czechoslovakia? Good King Wenceslas
073 OGP What 'OGP' was Henry Fonda's last film in which he starred with his daughter and Katherine Hepburn? On Golden Pond
074 SS What 'SS' is another name for a meteor? Shooting Star
075 BTF What 'BTF' was a satirical show of the 1950s starring Peter Cook, Dudley Moore, Jonathan Miller and Alan Bennett? Beyond The Fringe
076 LT What 'LT' did airmen know as a Mae West? Life Jacket
077 MB Which 'MB' is the cartoonist who is editor of Tatler? Marc Boxer
078 MB What 'MB' is an official bearing a staff? Mace Bearer
079 SS What 'SS' can be caused by a whirlwind in a very dry area? Sand Storm
080 MG What 'MG' is a chestnut iced with sugar? Marron Glace
081 ML What 'ML' is the emblem of Canada? Maple Leaf
082 CR What 'CR' is the Central American republic whose capital is San Jose? Costa Rica
083 AM What 'AM' is the mental state of someone very vague-particularly professors? Absent Minded
084 WC What 'WC, also known as pertussis, is an infectious respiratory disease usually caught by children? Whooping Cough
085 MT What 'MT' is famous for its Chamber of Horrors? Madame Tussauds
086 JOA Which 'JOA' was also known as the Maid of Orleans? Joan Of Arc
087 BC What 'BC' is another name for a pram? Baby Carriage
088 TA What 'TA' by Keats begins, 'Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness'? To Autumn
089 BJ Which 'BJ' is a cricket commentator and presents Down Your Way? Brian Johnston
090 CC Which 'CC' was Hollywood's Oriental detective? Charlie Chan
091 PIC What 'PIC' is an accomplice in illegal acts? Partner In Crime
092 EV What 'EV' are a composition by Elgar based on an unknown theme? Enigma Variations
093 SS What 'SS' are MI5 and MI6 part of? Secret Service
094 JFW What 'JFW' is the best-selling exercise book and video created by an American film actress? Jane Fonda's Workout
095 WM What 'WM' is the lady who looks after the costumes in a theatre? Wardrobe Mistress
096 CE Which 'CE' married the tennis player John Lloyd? Chris Evert
097 TOB What 'TOB' was a Biblical building full of meaningless noise? Tower Of Babel
098 GM Which 'GM' was lead singer with Wham? George Michael
099 WISC What 'WISC is a bad character dressed up like an innocent one? Wolf In Sheep's Clothing
100 MH Which 'MH', famous for his reporting of the Falkland's conflict, is now editor of the Daily Telegraph? Max Hastings
101 EM Which 'EM' starred in Beverly Hills Cop and 48 Hours? Eddie Murphy
102 BP What 'BP' lists the aristocracy of Great Britain? Burke's Peerage
103 FAS Which 'FAS' were the duo that wrote songs about a hippopotamus and other animals? Flanders And Swann
104 MA What 'MA' do you do when adding up figures in your head? Mental Arithmetic
105 OP Which 'OP' was the Swedish Prime Minister assassinated in 1985? Olav Palme
106 LW What 'LW' might a victor have placed on his head, but which he shouldn't rest on? Laurel Wreath
107 AB What 'AB' is the name of the New Zealand rugby team? All Blacks
108 WHE What' WHE' means beware of eavesdroppers- a strange architectural feature? Walls Have Ears
109 JD Which 'JD's first album was Unknown Pleasures recorded in 1979? Joy Division
110 PS Which 'PS' was the name of the Yorkshire Ripper? Peter Sutcliffe
111 MH Which 'MH' usually presents her Pick of the Week on Radio 4? Margaret Howard
112 APB What 'APB' is made with sheets as a joke? Apple Pie Bed
113 BB Which 'BB' was known as the Fat Owl of the Remove? Billy Bunter
114 TD What 'TD' is meant to be a very loving kind of bird known for its cooing? Turtle Doves
115 MA Which 'MA' is reported to have said, 'Let them eat cake'? Marie Antoinette
116 MC What 'MC' has no tail and comes from the Isle of Man? Manx Cat
117 AF What 'AF' in the South Pacific are exactly the other side of the world from London? Antipodes Islands
118 AF What 'AF' written by a Greek slave, are short moral tales? Aesop's Fables
119 FW What 'FW', like port or sherry, is made by the addition of brandy? Fortified Wine
120 CS What 'CS' should people have if they are going to act in a practical manner?
Common Sense
121 RG Which 'RG' became Prime Minister of India after his mother's assassination? Rajiv Gandhi
122 LQ What 'LQ' is a bohemian part of a city often called? Latin Quarter
123 KATG Which 'KATG' recorded the single 'Victory' in 1986? Kool And The Gang
124 DH What 'DH' is it no use flogging? Dead Horse
125 GR Which 'GR' was Champion Jockey for 12 consecutive years? Gordon Richards
126 TB What 'TB' is the home of the Royal Shakespeare Company in London? The Barbican
127 DA Which 'DA' starred in Ghostbusters and Trading Places? Dan Ackroyd
128 PP What 'PP' does someone have if they can sing exactly in tune? Perfect Peitch
129 NC Which 'NC wrote the play Private Lives and the song 'Mad Dogs and Englishmen'? Noel Coward
130 DC What 'DC' was Wyatt Earp sheriff of? Dodge City
131 CT Which 'CT' presented Tiswas and Over The Top on television? Chris Tarrant
132 BAS What 'BAS' is a dish made of cold meat fried with chopped vegetables - it's a bit noisy? Bubble And Squeak
133 BG What 'BG' included Virginia Woolf, Lytton Strachey and EM Forster? Bloomsbury Group
134 WF What 'WF' were a famous American stagecoach company? Wells Fargo
135 MP Which 'MP' introduced pasta to Italy on his return from China? Marco Polo
136 SP What 'SP' is a marionette? String Puppet
137 TD What 'TD' runs from the Black Forest to the Black Sea? The Danube
138 BFT What 'BFT' in London is the headquarters of the Royal Academy of Arts? Burlington House
139 OW Which 'OW' made the first power-driven aeroplane flight? Orville Wright
140 LBNL What 'LBNL' is at the end in occurrence, but not in importance? Last But Not Least
141 WH What 'WH' in Berkshire traditionally commemorates Alfred's victory over the Danes? White Horse
142 BL What 'BL' is abusive talk and swearing known as? Bad Language
143 BA What 'BA' does cyanide smell of? Bitter Almonds
144 SC What 'SC' is formed by Opposition ministers? Shadow Cabinet
145 MO What 'MO' in cricket has no runs scored in it? Maiden Over
146 HAH What 'HAH' might an unwelcome visitor eat you out of? House And Home
147 TC Which 'TC' recorded 'You'll Never Walk Alone' in aid of the victims of the Bradford football stadium disaster? The Crowd
148 PW What 'PW' is also known as the coyote? Prairie Wolf
149 MOTR Which 'MOTR' is Judge John Donaldson? Master Of The Rolls
150 ARS What 'ARS' protected civilians from bombings -particularly during the Blitz? Air Raid Shelters
151 TFQ Which 'TFQ' is Edmund Spenser's epic allegorical poem? The Fairie Queen
152 DL What 'DL' is thought of as the heart of London's theatreland? Drury Lane
153 LJG Which 'LJG' was queen for ten days? Lady Jane Grey
154 CB What 'CB' is part of the skull below the eyes? Cheek Bone
155 HF Which 'HF' starred in Blade Runner and Raiders of the Lost Ark? Harrison Ford
156 AD What 'AD' form a delta at the mouth of the river? Alluvial Deposits
157 TFS What 'TFS' is Vivaldi's most famous composition? The Four Seasons
158 FH What 'FH' is a packed theatre - also a winning combination in poker? Full House
159 HSB Which 'HSB' features Captain Furillo and his men on television? Hill Street Bllues
160 FOL What 'FOL', also known as Hanukkah, is the Jewish celebration involving special candles? Festival Of Lights
161 DZ Which 'DZ' is Boris Pasternak's famous Russian novel? Doctor Zhivago
162 LTDL What 'LDTL' does someone do who speaks authoritatively, particularly if they are a judge? Lay Down The Law
163 JTR Which 'JTR' terrorised Victorian London? Jack The Ripper
164 KS What 'KS' did someone take if they were enlisting to become a soldier? King's Shilling
165 CDA What 'CDA' is the South coast of France known as? Cote D' Azur
166 BATB What 'BATB' does someone do if they are approaching a subject in a very roundabout way - perhaps in a garden? Beat Around The Bush
167 WH What 'WH' is a medicinal lotion used on cuts derived from the bark of a small tree? Witch Hazel
168 LP What 'LP' does a rocket take-off from? Launching Pad
169 RM Which 'RM' is Prime Minister of Zimbabwe? Robert Mugabe
170 BTB What 'BTB' is where someone would hit if they were fighting unfairly? Below The Belt
171 TS What 'TS' is the most popular sporting event on US television? The Superbowl
172 HM Which 'HM' was the famous artist particularly known for his sculptures of sheep? Henry Moore
173 JB Which 'JB' is a female impressionist particularly famous for her portrayal of Mrs Thatcher? Janet Brown
174 PL What 'PL' shows how far a ship may be submerged when loaded? Plimsoll Line
175 RE What 'RE' is the major theatre in Manchester? Royal Exchange
176 BN What 'BN' is the most intelligent species of the dolphin family? Bottle Nosed
177 BM What 'BM' was a gangster movie with an entire cast of children? Bugsy Malone
178 WTP What 'WTP' might a pirate force someone to do as a punishment? Walk The Plank
179 PS Which 'PS' had a hit with 'You Can Call Me AT from his album Graceland? Paul Simon
180 FO What 'FO' is the name given to radioactive material after a nuclear explosion? Fall Out
181 GL What 'GL's include Superior, Huron and Michigan? Great Lakes
182 VS What ' VS' are a woman's bust, waist and hip measurements known as? Vital Statistics
183 FB Which 'FB' is sometimes believed to have been the author of Shakespeare's plays? Francis Bacon
184 CL What 'CL' is a thin bit of glass or plastic fitted to the eye to correct defective vision? Contact Lens
185 RF What 'RF' is the name given to protein present in the red blood cells of 85% of people? Rhesus Factor
186 SH What 'SH' is an abattoir? Slaughter House
187 ROTL What' ROTL' is a famous satirical poem by Alexander Pope? Rape Of The Lock
188 FM What 'FM' ends a game of chess with your opponent's second move? Fool's Mate
189 RKS Which 'RKS' is the ex-MP who presented Day to Day? Robert Kilroy Silk
190 ATY What 'ATY' is the length of a millenium? A Thousand Years
191 EP Which 'EP' had a hit with 'Memories' from the show Cats? Elaine Page
192 BOP What 'BOP' was the scene of an unsuccessful invasion attempt on Cuba in 1961? Bay Of Pigs
193 CDV Which 'CDV' is the villainess in OneHundredand One Dalmatians? Cruella De Ville
194 FOB What 'FOB' might you be if you are in high spirits or have just eaten a meal of pulses? Full Of Beans
195 BC Which 'BC conquered cancer and rode to victory in the 1981 Grand National? Bob Champion
196 KKK What 'KKK' is an American secret society? Klu Klux Klan
197 ROB What 'ROB' was recorded by both Chuck Berry and the Electric Light Orchestra? Roll Over Beethoven
198 LTTS What 'LTTS' is an innocent person going to a dreadful fate? Lamb To The Slaughter
199 AF What 'AF' flies Concorde with British Airways? Air France
200 SB What 'SB' is an army officer's leather belt and straps? Sam Browne
201 AAO What 'AAO' in Greek, means beginning and end? Alpha And Omega
202 AN What 'AN' are 10, 11, 12 as opposed to X, XI, XII? Arabic Numerals
203 AA What 'AA' is a place for recreation with many automatic game-machines? Amusement Arcade
204 AAA What 'AAA' are the two continents separated by the Sinai peninsula? Africa And Asia
205 BMG Which 'BMG' are the names of the three wise men? Balthazar Melchior Gaspar
206 AIW What 'AIW' is a famous book by Lewis Carroll? Alice In Wonderland
207 BB What 'BB' is used by a scientist to heat things? Bunsen Burner
208 DAB What 'DAB' is cockney rhyming slang for telephone? Dog And Bone
209 HA What 'HA' is produced by someone who talks a lot of waffle or nonsense? Hot Air
210 TJ What 'TJ' went undergound in 1980 to get a number one hit? The Jam
211 RG What 'RG' is a large star between 10 and 100 times larger than the sun? Red Giant
212 AYLI What 'AYLI' is the Shakespeare play set in the Forest of Arden? As You Like It
213 FIC What 'FIC' is the site of a famous London maze? Hampton Court
214 SM What 'SM' provides a soft landing for gymnasts? Sports Mat
215 HS What 'HS' can hide many needles? Hay Stack
216 NJ What 'NJ' is the American state known as the Garden State? New Jersey
217 HOND What 'HOND' was Quasimodo? Hunchback Of Notre Damme
218 BD What 'BD' is also called a rollercoaster? Big Dipper
219 BH What 'BH' is someone if they are conceited and also may mean that their hats won't fit them? Big Headed
220 SAS What 'SAS' is the top secret British military force? Special Air Service
221 PNE What 'PNE' are the three elementary particles found in an atom? Protons Neutrons Electrons
222 HB What 'HB' links North and South Humberside? Humber Bridge
223 TPOL What 'TPOL' was the number one hit for Jennifer Rush? The Power Of Love
224 JI Which 'JI' betrayed Jesus? Judas Iscariot
225 WAM Which 'WAM' was the composer about whose life a film was made in 1984? Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
226 WB What 'WB' is Aquarius, if Aries is the Ram and Taurus is the Bull? Water Bearer
227 OFT Which 'OFT' is the fictitious man who carries a scythe and hourglass? Old Father Time
228 GLC What 'GLC', now abolished, was led by Red Ken? Greater London Council
229 TOTU What 'TOTU' is a television series that is never predictable? Tales Of The Unexpected
230 RAJ Which 'RAJ' were the lovers who popularised balconies? Romeo And Juliet
231 SFCR What 'S F C R' is a place in a school where older students can relax? Sixth Form Common Room
232 LD What 'LD' is a National Park in the north-west of Britain? Lake District
233 OAH What 'OAH' is a shop said to be if it is never closed? Open All Hours
234 HA What 'HA' is a coronary thrombosis? Heart Attack
235 BK What 'BK' is one who is an apiarist? Bee Keeper
236 AE What 'AE' are you if you arc eagerly listening to something? All Ears
237 ON What 'ON' are 3, 5 and 7? Odd Numbers
238 WTHI What 'WTHI' is where home can be found? Where The Heart Is
239 PS What 'PS' are diamonds, emeralds and rubies? Precious Stones
240 OTP What '0TP' is another name for ready-made clothes?
Off The Peg
241 SP Which 'SP' established the 'overload' line on ships? Samuel Plimsoll
242 LBYL What 'LBYL' means don't rush into things? Look Before You Leap
243 SAC What 'SAC' is the pirate's flag? Skull And Crossbones
244 CW Which 'CW built St Paul's Cathedral? Christopher Wren
245 KO What 'KO' is the village that has Crossroads as its motel? Kings Oak
246 TOT What 'TOT' is someone who is not supplied with a heavy mop of hair? Thin On Top
247 RC What 'RC' is the international society for the relief of suffering in the time of war or disaster? Red Cross
248 TU Which 'TU' let Neil Kinnock appear on her video? Tracy Ulman
249 PC What 'PC' is the home of Eros in London? Piccadilly Circus
250 TAP What 'TAP' is how a marsupial carries its young? In A Pouch
251 CV What 'CV' is an undisturbed vista? Clear View
252 RB What 'RB' contains regulations? Rule Book
253 WH Which 'WH' first played Doctor Who? William Hartnell
254 AB Which 'AB' was a wife of a famous British King and had six fingers on one hand? Anne Boleyn
255 SAL What 'SAL' does Kojak do to stop smoking? Sucks A Lollipop
256 GG Which 'GG' was President of Argentina during the Falklands conflict? General Galteri
257 RF What 'RF' is a sign of embarrassment? Red Face
258 AS What 'AS' is the traditional accompaniment to roast pork? Apple Sauce
259 MGM What 'MGM' makes films that start with the roar of a lion? Metro Goldwyn Mayer
260 TR What 'TR' was ITV's answer to Top of the Pops The Roxy
261 VT What 'VT' was the family featured in The Sound of Music? Von Trapp
262 SAW Which 'SAW' are the two old hecklers in the balcony on The Muppet Show? Statler And Waldorf
263 GG Which 'GG' was killed at Khartoum in 1885? General Gordon
264 BC What 'BC is the Queen's holiday home in Scotland? Balmoral Castle
265 EE Which 'EE' composed 'Pomp and Circumstance'and the 'Enigma Variations'? Edward Elgar
266 SMO What 'SMO' plays the TV theme music of Howard's Way and Eastenders Simon Mey Orchestra
267 DOTN What 'DOTN' is a famous book and film, set in Egypt, by Agatha Christie? Death On The Nile
268 CS What 'CS' is sodium chloride better known as? Common Salt
269 SS What 'SS' is another name for Florida? Sunshine State
270 PP What 'PP' is a traditional Thanksgiving dessert served in the United States? Pumpkin Pie
271 MM What 'MM' was Abba's second number one hit? Mamma Mia
272 FF What 'FF' is anyone who takes part in resistance against an established oppressive political system? Freedom Fighter
273 TS What 'TS' is 81 divided by 3? Twenty Seven
274 ME What 'ME' is the highest volcano in Europe? Mount Etna
275 SR What 'SR' is the hotel 'Duty Free'? San Remo
276 NH What 'NH' is the study of animal or plant life? Natural History
277 SAE What 'SAE' is usually enclosed for return? Stamped Addressed Envelope
278 SLR What 'SLR' is a type of camera? Single Lens Reflex
279 ID Which 'ID' sang with The Blockheads? Ian Dury
280 RP What 'RP' is anything free from corrosion? Rust Proof
281 DB What 'DB' was a census taken in the time of William The Conqueror? Doomsday Book
282 AF Which 'AF' discovered penicillin in 1928? Alexander Flemming
283 BT What 'BT' was privatised by the government in April 1984? British Telecom
284 NAT What 'NAT' is an ITV production shown five days a week? News At Ten
285 KTR What 'KTR' do you do when you accept punishment meekly? Kiss The Red
286 TP What 'TP' is a quiz that has questions which are of no importance whatsoever? Trivial Pursuit
287 JR What 'JR' means not too much nor too little? Just Right
288 RM Which 'RM' owned the Daily Mirror? Robert Maxwell
289 TS What 'TS' is a sweet shop, especially for children? Tuck Shop
290 BP What 'BP' is a flag hoisted by a ship before sailing? Blue Peter
291 OF What 'OF' are clearly brilliant tubes in the world of telecommunications? Optical Fibres
292 PTO What 'PTO' is the slogan used to advertise ITV's teletext? Page The Oracle
293 YOP What 'YOP' was replaced by the YTS? Youth Opportunities Programme
294 IAWH What 'IAWH' was how the Greeks entered into Troy? In A Wooden Horse
295 PITM What 'PITM' is a children's ball game with three players? Pig In The Middle
296 PH What 'PH' is where Francis Drake played his famous game of bowls? Plymouth Hoe
297 DA Which 'DA' wrote So Long And Thanks For All The Fish? Douglas Adams
298 TC What 'TC' is a frozen dairy product? Ice Cream
299 LAU What 'LAU' are the animals on the British Royal Coat of Arms? Lion And Unicorn
300 MO What 'MO' is where the weather forecast originates? Meteorolical Office
301 BF What 'BF' known as the oddest thing in the universe, when put in the ear can translate any language? Babel Fish
302 MHB What 'MHB' is a hymn that should be sung after the sun has risen? Morning Has Broken
303 PRK What 'PRK' is needed on a long cycle ride for the tyres? Puncture Repair Kit
304 NW Which 'NW' is the TUC General Secretary? Norman Willis
305 TP What 'TP' is the cartoon drawn by Maurice Dodd in the Daily Mirror? The Perishers
306 CC What 'CC' is the chemical name for marble? Calcium Carbonate
307 ZG What 'ZG' is the park with a collection of animals for exhibition or study? Zoological Gardens
308 LU What 'LU' is the largest tube network in the world? London Underground
309 JAJ What 'JAJ' is the cockney rhyming slang for skill? Jack And Jill
310 BAB What 'BAB' is the simplest form of accommodation? Bed And Breakfast
311 JG Which 'JG' was the first American man to do an orbital space flight? John Glenn
312 RDJ What 'RDJ' is the location of the Sugar-Loaf Mountain? Rio De Janeiro
313 TOM What 'TOM' is the country that has the international registration letters GBM? Isle Of Man
314 EF What 'EF' is the soap opera set in Yorkshire amongst the tractors and hay? Emmerdale Farm
315 WDW What 'WDW' is the motto of the SAS? Who Dares Wins
316 DS What 'DS' is the common name for mongolism? Down's Syndrome
317 ES Which 'ES' started the Today newspaper? Eddie Shah
318 TS What 'TS' separates the British mainland from the Isle of Wight? The Solent
319 GV What 'GV' was the Beach Boys' first British number one? Good Vibrations
320 GK Which 'GK' founded the Mongol Empire? Genghis Khan
321 CC What 'CC' is a London British Rail station? Charing Cross
322 FS Which 'FS' found that a good heart is hard to find? Feargal Sharkey
323 WG Which 'WG' likes 'A cup of tea and a slice of cake' and also likes Aunt Sally? Worzel Gummidge
324 PW Which 'PW is second in line to the throne? Prince William
325 RW What 'RW' was the boat sunk by French intelli¬gence in Auckland harbour? Rainbow Warrior
326 RYB What 'RYB' are the primary colours? Red Yellow Blue
327 NY What 'NY' is called the big apple? New York
328 BF Which 'BF' was the American credited with inventing the mouth organ, lightning conductor and rocking chair? Benjamin Franklin
329 HW What 'HW is the long Roman battlement that used to separate Scotland from England? Hadrian's Wall
330 GN What 'GN' means making no progress? Getting Nowhere
331 WL What 'WL' is 'rain before seven, fine before eleven' amongst many other such examples? Weather Lore
332 SOL What 'SOL' was a gift from the people of France to those of America and was 100 in 1986? Statue Of Liberty
333 OFT What 'OFT' is the personification of a famous British river? Old Father Thames
334 SC What 'SC' is always on the end of the telephone to tell you the time? Speaking Clock
335 WOTR What 'WOTR' was the battle between the Houses of York and Lancaster? War Of The Roses
336 YP What 'YP' when added to roast beef makes a traditional Sunday lunch? Yorkshire Pudding
337 OU What 'OU' do you do when you admit to doing something that you have tried to keep secret? Own Up
338 GOD What 'GOD' do old people look back on with fond memories? Good Old Days
339 GY What 'GY' is a transport depot, usually for railway trucks? Goods Yard
340 UTF What 'UTF means accustomed to something? Used To It
341 UOWT What 'UOWT' is an organisation for school¬mistresses that is affiliated to the NAS? Union Of Woman Teachers
342 NNE What 'NNE' is a point on the compass? North North East
343 BAB What 'BAB' can be odds and ends? Bits And Bobs
344 SDF What 'SDF' is the full name for President Reagan's Star Wars programme? Strategic Defence Initiative
345 QV What 'QV is where the Eastenders meet? Queen Victoria
346 BE What 'BE' is a 'battle' scar sported by young boys as something to be proud of? Black Eye
347 POM What 'POM' is cockney rhyming slang for feet? Plates Of Meat
348 AWM What 'AWM' is a hymn sung at rugby finals? Abide With Me
349 WC Which 'WC' was the first English printer? William Caxton
350 BB What 'BB' does Basil Brush constantly say? Boom Boom
351 SUA What 'SUA' was Shakespeare's birth place? Stratford Upon Avon
352 AP What 'AP' is what a barometer measures? Air Pressure
353 PC What 'PC' threw BBC 2's opening night into darkness? Power Cut
354 MRHF What 'MRHF' is how one MP refers to another of the same party? My Right Honourable Friend
355 KA Which 'KA' was Guinevere's husband? King Arthur
356 KG Which 'KG' is the London park that contains the Albert Memorial? Kensington Gardens
357 PT What 'PT' was struck blind when Lady Godiva rode through the streets of Coventry? Peeping Tom
358 PH What 'PH' are ships' windows? Port Holes
359 PP What 'PP' were animals kept underground for haulage in coal-mines? Pit Ponies
360 PB What 'PB' is the name, usually derogatory, for a woman with bleached hair?
Peroxide Blonde
361 FC What 'FC' is something that is very good, or an expensive way of travelling? First Class
362 NR What 'NR' are traditional songs or stories in poetry form for children? Nursery Rhymes
363 CI What 'CI' make the red food colouring cochineal? Crushed Insects
364 JOA Which French 'JOA' was burned at the stake in 1431? Joan Of Arc
365 CH What 'CH' Was the Queen Mother's home? Clarence House
366 BB What 'BB' recorded 'Surfin' U S A'? Beach Boys
367 GF What 'GF' did Jason and the Argonauts search for? Golden Fleece
368 DAJ What 'DAJ' is a club for pensioners? Darby And Joan
369 WC Which 'WC' was an amateur brick-layer and artist who became Prime Minister? Winston Churchill
370 JH Which 'JH' is the hero of Treasure Island? Jim Hawkins
371 TB What 'TB' is the world's best-selling book? The Bible
372 ML What 'ML' is the famous portrait in the Louvre, France? Mona Lisa
373 NE Which 'NE' presents Telly Addicts? Noel Edmonds
374 TM What 'TM' are pounds, ounces, yards, feet and inches? Imperial Measures
375 HM What 'HM' can be applied to lead and also to a type of music? Heavy Metal
376 YGB What 'YGB' are the three middle colours of the spectrum? Yellow Green Blue
377 MB What 'MB' may be a hat used by a teacher or for mixing cement? Mortar Board
378 WW What 'WW' is a commodity that can be bought in Monopoly? Water Works
379 TTI What 'TTI' means play the piano? Tickle The Ivories
380 SAH What 'SAH' do you do when you remain in the house? Stay At Home
381 MB What 'MB' is a famous toy making company? Milton Bradley
382 SALT What 'SALT' are the nuclear weapon summits SALT 1 and SALT 2? Strategic Arms Limitation Talks
383 CH Which 'CH' is the famous pirate in Peter Pan? Captain Hook
384 GQB What 'GQB' was the daughter of Henry VIII affectionately known as? Good Queen Bess
385 MJ Which 'MJ' was the lead singer of the Rolling Stones? Mick Jagger
386 GOM What 'GOM' is what the Mississippi River drains into? Gulf Of Mexico
387 LP What 'LP' has its headquarters at Transport House? Labour Party
388 BHOC What 'BHOC' claimed 123 British prisoners who died of suffocation? Black Hole Of Calcutta
389 MCC What 'MCC' used to govern cricket in Britain? Marylebone Cricket Club
390 PP What 'PP' is another name for table tennis? Ping Pong
391 BB What 'BB' is Yogi Bear's friend? Boo Boo
392 GCC What 'GCC' is what Tufty uses to walk across the road? Green Cross Code
393 ETR What 'ETR' discovered and colonised Greenland? Eric The Red
394 RG Which 'RG' is wife of the Soviet leader? Raisa Gorbachev
395 MOT What 'MOT' is what necessity is? Mother Of Invention
396 TP What 'TP' is an old-fashioned type of bed? Four Poster
397 RSAN What 'RSAN' gives a shepherd delight? Red Sky At Night
398 MEM What 'MEM' does someone manage to do if they can live within their income? Make Ends Meet
399 HWLL What' HWLL 'laughs longest? He Who Laughs Last
400 LR What 'LR' are administered to a dying person? Last Rights
401 EC What 'EC' do the French call 'La Manche'? English Channel
402 OOO What 'OOO' is something that does not follow the general pattern? Out Of Order
403 MMLJ What 'MMLJ' are the four gospels, in order? Matthew, Mark, Luke, John
404 AE Which 'AE' was the physicist noted for his work for world peace? Albert Einstein
405 GN What 'GN' is the famous horse race held at Aintree yearly? Grand National
406 BS What 'BS' is the name for a place in the normal field of vision where the eye sees nothing? Blind Spot
407 JV Which 'JV wrote Around The World in 80 Days Jules Verne
408 FN Which 'FN' nursed in the Crimea and carried a lamp? Florence Nightingale
409 CG What 'CG' is home to the Royal Ballet? Covent Garden
410 WTP Which 'WTP' is the fictional bear who loved honey? Winnie The Pooh
411 WV What 'WV' makes up clouds? Water Vapor
412 AR What 'AR' is the harmful precipitation that may be destroying forests and lakes across Europe? Acid Rain
413 UC What 'UC' owned a chemical plant that killed 2,500 people in Bhopal in 1984? Union Carbide
414 BOB What 'BOB' is an inlet of the Indian Ocean, on the east coast of India? Bay Of Bengal
415 PWR What 'PWR' was the type of nuclear power station that caused an accident in Harrisburg, USA in 1979? Pressurised Water Reactor
416 NR Which 'NR' is trying to abolish the old system of rates, because he considers it unfair? Nicholas Ridley
417 ATG What 'ATG' is not always gold? All That Glitters Is Gold
418 HIO What 'HIO' does every golfer wish for? Hole In One
419 KK Which 'KK' was the first Mongol emperor of China? Kublai Khan
420 GWI What 'GWI' is what you do when you bring yourself up to date?
Get With It
421 PM Which 'PM' was the ex-Beatle who formed Wings? Paul McCartney
422 EAP Which 'EAP' wrote the poem 'The Raven'? Edgar Allen Poe
423 HF Which 'HF' said 'History is Bunk'? Henry Ford
424 AW What 'AW is the first day of Lent? Ash Wednesday
425 NC What 'NC' is the football team known as the Canaries? Norwich City
426 YB Which 'YB' played the King in The King And I? Yul Brynner
427 ML Which 'ML' lives next door to The Good Life? Margo Leadbetter
428 BP Which 'BP' is the surname of the man who started the boy-scout movement? Baden Powell
429 LL What 'LL' is the largest fresh water lake in Scotland? Loch Lomond
430 EP Which 'EP' is portrayed in the musical Evita Eva Peron
431 RLS Which 'RLS' created Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde? Robert Louis Stevenson
432 AGB Which 'AGB' invented the telephone? Alexander Graham Bell
433 JTR Which 'JTR' was originally a man who terrorised women in Whitechapel, London, in 1888? Jack The Ripper
434 RL What 'RL' is cockney rhyming slang for tea, or a famous gypsy? Rose Lee
435 BB What 'BB' was the name of Dick Turpin's horse? Black Bess
436 KF What 'KF' is a Chinese martial art? Kung Fu
437 TS What 'TS' is the actors' newspaper? The Stage
438 TNC What 'TNC' rivals BBC radio's Gallup Top 40? The Network Chart
439 OT What 'OT' means neither late nor early? On Time
440 NB What 'NB' consists of 200 miles of waterways in East Anglia, and has become a popular holiday destination? Norfolk Broads
441 JFK Which 'JFK' was an American President shot on the 22nd November 1963? John Fitzgerald Kennedy
442 SOL What 'SOL' is 3 x 108 m/s in a vacuum? Speed Of Light
443 ABGD What 'ABGD', are the first four letters of the Greek alphabet? Alpha Beta Gamma Delta
444 OS What 'OS' unlocks a magically sealed cave? Open Sesame
445 SH What 'SH' uses cheap late-night electricity and radiates heat from it during the day? Storage Heater
446 NF What 'NF' is the process of forcing atoms together to generate energy? Nuclear Fusion
447 DTE What 'DTE' means practical or realistic? Down To Earth
448 HAG What 'HAG' is a fairy-tale opera by the German composer Humperdinck? Hansel And Gretel
449 SA What 'SA' is a religious organisation founded by William Booth? Salvation Army
450 LA Which'LA' was the first woman MP? Lady Astor
451 MC Which 'MC did some Mother Have, who later starred in Barnum and The Phantom of the Opera? Michael Crawford
452 MG What 'MG' did Roger Bacon invent to make things appear larger? Magnifying Glass
453 TGS What 'TGS' happened in 1926 when many people refused to work? The General Strike
454 BM What 'BM' is the centre of the fresh fish industry, found in London? Billingsgate Market
455 STD What 'STD' is the full phrase of S T D when applied to the telephone? Subscriber Trunk Dialling
456 SP What 'SP' wrote a famous diary? Samuel Pepys
457 NUOM What 'NUOM' had Arthur Scargill as its President? National Union Of Mineworkers
458 AAAD What 'AAAD' supposedly keeps the doctor away? An Apple A Day
459 MYMU What 'MYMU' were Bucks Fizz doing for indeci¬sive people when they won the Eurovision Song Contest? Making Your Mind Up
460 THAT What 'THAT' is the traditional formal dress for gentlemen at a wedding?
Top Hat And Tails
461 LOM What 'LOM' is the M25? London Orbital Motorway
462 PTA What 'PTA' do most schools have to keep staff in contact with children's guardians? Parent Teacher Assiciation
463 BAF What 'BAF' means to and from? Back And Forth
464 PLC What 'PLC' placed after a company's name, means it is owned by shareholders? Public Limited Company
465 ST What 'ST' is the day before Ash Wednesday? Shrove Tuesday
466 MW What 'MW is a type of inflatable life jacket? Mae West
467 POTB What 'POTB' is a physical sign of thanks or appreciation? Pat On The Back
468 SN What 'SN' is Father Christmas? Saint Nicholas
469 STAM What 'STAM' is an advanced form of weapon? Surface To Air Missile
470 RBL What 'RBL' is a club for war pensioners? Royal British Legion
471 TM What 'TM' connects Buckingham Palace to Admi¬ralty Arch? The Mall
472 RM What 'RM' do you reach for when something goes wrong or breaks down? Repair Manual
473 ZL What 'ZL' is a camera attachment that has a variable focal length? Zoom Lens
474 FF What 'FF' are chips called, in the country that calls crisps chips? French Fries
475 BR What 'BR' is the football team known as 'The Pirates? Bristol Rovers
476 MF Which 'MF' discovered electromagnetic induction? Michael Faraday
477 SF What 'SF' is the stretch of water between south-west Scotland and north-west England? Solway Firth
478 JC Which 'JC' is the current King of Spain? Juan Carlos
479 LV What 'LV' is the American city whose name means 'The Meadows'? Las Vegas
480 OB What 'OB' is a TV programme not made in a studio?
Outside Broadcast
481 TOW What 'TOW' is an edifice accommodating the British Parliament? Palace Of Westminster
482 IM What 'IM' is an instrument of torture or a heavy metal group? Iron Maiden
483 TS What 'TS' is an informal designation of a team playing a practice match without shirts? The Skins
484 EDA Which 'EDA' is a famous racing driver? Elio De Angelis
485 DB What 'DB' is another name for dice? Devil's Bones
486 PS Which 'PS' plays Clegg in Last of the Summer Wine? Peter Sallis
487 JE Which 'JE' is governess to the ward of Mr Rochester, in the book bearing her name? Jane Eyre
488 CH What 'CH' is also known as a skid-lid? Crash Helmet
489 SF What 'SF' is the port situated around the Golden Gate bridge? San Francisco
490 ATLA What 'ATLA' is a novel by Nevil Shute? A Town Like Alice
491 PC What 'PC' is a circular graph divided into sectors? Pie Chart
492 SW What 'ST' is cockney rhyming slang for flying squad or an infamous barber? Sweeney Todd
493 KR What 'KR' was a TV series with a talkative car? Knight Rider
494 CP What 'CP' is a saucer shaped object projected into the air to be shot at? Clay Pigeon
495 MJ Which 'MJ' is a top rock 'n' roll star who played the title role in the film Ned Kelly? Mick Jagger
496 CJ What 'CJ' did Colonel Thomas Blood nearly steal in 1671? Crown Jewels
497 NS What 'NS' is where you would find Viking, Hewett and Leman Bank? North Sea
498 EB Which 'EB' is the favourite children's author who died in 1968? Enid Blyton
499 DOAA What 'DOAA' was Jim Hacker in charge of, in Yes Minister? Department Of Administrative Affairs
500 AT What 'AT' is basically a journey by plane? Air Travel