Question |
Answer |
001 |
What 'LLBS' starring Noel Edmonds, is not seen at breakfast time on Saturdays? |
Late Late Breakfast Show |
002 |
GW |
What 'GW' is fighting by small independently acting groups? |
Guerilla Warfare |
003 |
What MOAT can turn his hand to anything? |
Jack Of All Trades |
004 |
LE |
What 'LE' is the Western point of Cornwall? |
Land's End |
005 |
What 'PTQ' means to propose marriage? |
Pop The Question |
006 |
SS |
What 'SS' is the faculty giving intuitive or extra-sensory knowledge? |
Sixth Sense |
007 |
WD |
What 'WD' is a book by Richard Adams about a colony of rabbits? |
Watership Down |
008 |
What 'OTBT' means miles away from anywhere? |
Off The Beaten Track |
009 |
JK |
What 'JK', a member of the Beat Generation, wrote On the Road? |
Jack Kerouac |
010 |
What 'LOH' is a ceremonial circuit of a football pitch by the winners? |
Lap Of Honour |
011 |
What 'KKK' is the society hostile to negroes, originally formed in the Southern States of America, after the Civil War? |
Ku Klux Klan |
012 |
What 'SIT' saves nine? |
Sitch In Time |
013 |
LQ |
What 'LQ' is the educational and artistic centre of Paris? |
Latin Quarter |
014 |
JR |
What 'JR' is the pirates' black flag? |
Jolly Roger |
015 |
What 'FHTM' means to live improvidently? |
From Hand To Mouth |
016 |
What 'AHAL' means very cheerful? |
As Happy As Larry |
017 |
What 'TOTD' was a novel by Thomas Hardy and more recently a film starring Nastassia Kinski? |
Tess Of The D'urbervilles |
018 |
PC |
What 'PC' was drummer with Genesis and now has a successful solo career? |
Phil Collins |
019 |
JW |
What 'JW' is a religious sect rejecting supremacy of state over religious principles? |
Jehovah's Witnesses |
020 |
What 'OFT' rises in Oxfordshire and departs at Gravesend? |
Old Father Thames |
021 |
What 'JAH' means a single person in whom two personalities alternate? |
Jekyll And Hyde |
022 |
GG |
What 'GG' starred Richard Dreyfus and Marsha Mason, as reluctant flatsharers? |
Goodbye Girl |
023 |
AV |
What 'AV' is the Bible in English produced in 1611? |
Authorised Version |
024 |
HG |
What 'HG' is the third person of the Trinity - often represented as a dove? |
Holy Ghost |
025 |
What 'SCD' is the day on which Agincourt was fought? |
Saint Crispin's Day |
026 |
BO |
What 'BO' goes with Tim Brooke Taylor and Graeme Garden, on The Goodies? |
Bill Oddie |
027 |
DS |
What 'DS' is the study of household management? |
Domestic Science |
028 |
FD |
What 'FD' is to signal to a vehicle to stop? |
Flag Down |
029 |
What 'LBH' means to memorise? |
Learn By Heart |
030 |
MD |
What 'MD' is Herman Melville's classic about the search for a white whale? |
Moby Dick |
031 |
PS |
What 'PS' is seven days before Easter, when Christ entered Jerusalem? |
Palm Sunday |
032 |
CG |
What 'CG' has a chemical element and a pungent smell? |
Chlorine Gas |
033 |
BD |
What 'BD' is the better known name of Robert Zimmerman - a singer? |
Bob Dylan |
034 |
What 'DKJP' means are you acquainted with the most famous Cumberland huntsman? |
D'ye Ken John Peel |
035 |
HT |
What 'HT' is the interval between two parts of a game? |
Half Time |
036 |
What 'LOA' is the cartoon character created by Harold Gray who has a dog called Sandy? |
Little Orphan Annie |
037 |
OW |
What 'OW' wrote the play containing the mythical Bunbury? |
Oscar Wilde |
038 |
SS |
What 'SS' is the popular name for the Espionage and Intelligence organisation? |
Secret Service |
039 |
BM |
What 'BM' is the name of a Fascist dictator who was known as II Duce? |
Benito Mussolini |
040 |
MS |
What 'MS' wrote The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie! |
Muriel Spark |
041 |
What 'TRD' applies to animal fat boiled to clarify it? |
To Render Down |
042 |
HF |
What 'HF' is a thanksgiving service for completion of the harvest? |
Harvest Festival |
043 |
SC |
What 'SC' is a Parliamentary Committee with members from all parties? |
Select Committee |
044 |
AP |
What 'AP' starred in The Godfather and Dog Day Afternoon? |
Al Pacino |
045 |
What 'DTTW' means unconscious or fast asleep? |
Dead To The World |
046 |
What 'TBWS' means to overawe by one's display of knowledge? |
To Blind With Science |
047 |
GR |
What 'GR' was the dancing partner of Fred Astaire? |
Ginger Rogers |
048 |
What 'KOOC' means not to confide in others? |
Keep One's Own Counsel |
049 |
DD |
What 'DD' sang the theme to the latest James Bond movie? |
Duran Duran |
050 |
PA |
What 'PA' means protection from arrest by another
country? |
Political Asylum |
051 |
JC |
What 'JC' was President of the US before Ronald Reagan? |
Jimmy Carter |
052 |
What 'HTR' means to become very angry? |
Hit The Roof |
053 |
What 'BITH' is better than two in the bush? |
Bird In The Hand |
054 |
LS |
What 'LS' is the largest or the best part? |
Lions Share |
055 |
What 'SAD' is the highwayman's command? |
Stand And Deliver |
056 |
OU |
What 'OU' is teaching mainly by broadcasting and correspondence, open to those without formal qualifications? |
Open University |
057 |
What 'BOS' was Figaro's occupation? |
Barber Of Seville |
058 |
DC |
What 'DC' is at an extremely low price? |
Dirt Cheap |
059 |
FC |
What 'FC' is the trophy of the 605 mile yacht race from the Isle of Wight to Plymouth? |
Fastnet Cup |
060 |
PL |
What 'PL' is versifier for Royal Household and State occasions? |
Poet Laureate |
061 |
What 'ITD' means feeling blue or, alternatively, becalmed? |
In The Doldrums |
062 |
TG |
What 'TG' means to show courage in adversity? |
True Grit |
063 |
What 'GMT' is a system of standard time widely used instead of local time? |
Greenwich Mean Time |
064 |
What 'COTE' is the Finance Minister in the British Government? |
Chancellor Of The Exchequer |
065 |
KA |
What 'KA' wrote Lucky Jim? |
Kingsley Amis |
066 |
PP |
What 'PP' is a drama about the suffering and death of Christ? |
Passion Play |
067 |
What 'TMC' spoil the broth? |
Too Many Cooks |
068 |
What 'TRL' was used to describe the British infantry during the Battle of Alma in the Crimean War? |
Thin Red Line |
069 |
GM |
What 'GM', and subject of the Ken Russell film, wrote a symphony nicknamed 'Resurrection'? |
Gustav Mahler |
070 |
SG |
What 'SG' was defended by the Royal Marines during the Falklands War? |
South Georgia |
071 |
VV |
What 'VV means by oral examination? |
Viva Voce |
072 |
What 'BIW' did the carrier in David Copperfield communicate to Peggotty? |
Barkis Is Willing |
073 |
SF |
What 'SF' is the Irish Nationalist and Republican movement? |
Sinn Fein |
074 |
What 'ROT' means a rough but effective way of doing something? |
Rule Of Thumb |
075 |
BV |
What 'BV' means have a pleasant journey? |
Bon Voyage |
076 |
IC |
What 'IC' Means Private? |
In Camera |
077 |
FT |
What 'FT' starred John Cleese and Prunella Scales as disaster-prone hotel proprietors? |
Fawlty Towers |
078 |
What 'DOW' won the battle of Waterloo? |
Duke Of Wellington |
079 |
DH |
What 'DH' is a race in which two or more winners finish exactly level? |
Dead Heat |
080 |
What 'MHLS' means that the best results are obtained by proceeding slowly and carefully? |
More Haste Less Speed |
081 |
What 'RIB' was a National Theatre play prosecuted for obscenity? |
Romans Of Britain |
082 |
What 'GOB' means to outbid, or outdo someone? |
Go One Better |
083 |
DS |
What 'DS' have had hits with 'Sultans of Swing' and 'Brothers in Arms'? |
Dire Straits |
084 |
What 'POW' is heir apparent to the British throne? |
Prince Of Wales |
085 |
RH |
What 'RH' is Deputy Leader of the Labour Party? |
Roy Hattersley |
086 |
What 'HIO' means to get on well with someone? |
Hit It Off |
087 |
CB |
What 'CB' means negotiation of wages by an organised body of employees? |
Collective Bargaining |
088 |
What 'NSA' means not subject to conditions? |
No Strings Attached |
089 |
ER |
What 'ER' starring Michael Caine & Julie Walters was about the academic achievements of a working class girl? |
Educating Rita |
090 |
What 'WAG' do learned counsel wear in court? |
Wig And Gown |
091 |
What 'MOV' by Shakespeare has Portia as the protagonist? |
Merchant Of Venice |
092 |
What 'BOTB' prevented the German Army from counterĀ¬attacking during the Normandy Campaign in World War 2? |
Battle Of The Bulge |
093 |
SW |
What 'SW' was the subject of a play by Arthur Miller called The Crucible? |
Salem Witchhunt |
094 |
MM |
What 'MM' is the unlikely female sleuth in Agatha Christie's detective stories? |
Miss Marple |
095 |
HC |
What 'HC means the option of taking what is offered or nothing? |
Hobson's Choice |
096 |
BB |
What 'BB' is an Australian inlet off New South Wales at which James Cook landed? |
Botany Bay |
097 |
What 'GOW' did the Lord tread upon in the vineyard where they were stored? |
Grapes Of Rath |
098 |
What 'FOS' are assembled ships and not a speedy cut price? |
Fleet Of Sale |
099 |
What 'ASIB' was a successful remake of a 1930's movie starring Barbra Streisand and Kris Kristofferson? |
A Star Is Born |
100 |
What 'GKW looked out on the feast of Stephen? |
Good King Wenceslas |
101 |
What 'MBEM' means to live within one's income? |
Make Both Ends Meet |
102 |
SS |
What 'SS' is Rocky? |
Sylvester Stallone |
103 |
PL |
What 'PL' is a body of men stationed by a trade union to dissuade men from working during a strike? |
Picket Line |
104 |
HF |
What 'HF' means to speak at great length? |
Hold Fourth |
105 |
What 'BAT' was the armed force recruited to fight Sinn Fein in 1921? |
Black And Tans |
106 |
EC |
What 'EC' has a silver lining? |
Every Cloud |
107 |
What 'OGP' was Henry Fonda's last film? |
On Golden Pond |
108 |
BR |
What 'BR' is the Gentleman Usher of Lord Chamberlain's Department in the House of Lords? |
Black Rod |
109 |
What 'FOG' made a racket and saved Rome from invasion? |
Flock Of Geese |
110 |
What 'GAS' wrote music and lyrics for the Savoy Operas? |
Gilbert And Sullivan |
111 |
What 'RFAF means to act recklessly? |
Ride For A Fall |
112 |
What 'BPC sailed over the sea to Skye? |
Bonnie Prince Charlie |
113 |
JB |
What 'JB' was the celebrated negro singer who starred with the Folies Bergere? |
Josephine Baker |
114 |
What 'ALE' means bored or without definite occupation? |
At Loose Ends |
115 |
GF |
What 'GF' is Premier of Eire? |
Garrett Fitzgerald |
116 |
OW |
What 'OW' starred in and directed A Touch of Evil? |
Orson Welles |
117 |
IF |
What 'IF' is an idea that dominates the mind? |
Idee Fixe |
118 |
What 'JOTF' sits on the bench? |
Justice Of The Peace |
119 |
KC |
What 'KC' means not to be flustered or to panic? |
Keep Cool |
120 |
RM |
What 'RM' is the corps trained for service at sea and on land? |
Royal Marines |
121 |
DQ |
What 'DQ' was a novel by Cervantes and a hit single by Nik Kershaw? |
Don Quixote |
122 |
PM |
What 'PM' is a dessert named after a famous Australian opera singer? |
Peach Melba |
123 |
BM |
What 'BM' is illegitimate traffic in officially controlled goods? |
Black Market |
124 |
GA |
What 'GA' is an indeterminate point of dispute? |
Grey Area |
125 |
What 'TDH' is a film about Vietnam, not about blood-sports? |
The Deer Hunter |
126 |
What 'LAE' means to listen? |
Lend An Ear |
127 |
What 'EMF' wrote a novel about the Raj, recently an award-winning film? |
E.M Forster |
128 |
What 'SAF' is an area of unstable rock threatening to engulf San Francisco? |
San Andreas Fault |
129 |
What 'VSOP' is a rare and expensive brandy? |
Very Special Old Pale |
130 |
What 'ITP' means fully informed? |
In The Picture |
131 |
BB |
What 'BB' is an aircraft flight recorder? |
Black Box |
132 |
What 'LITD' is a rash experiment? |
Leap In The Dark |
133 |
RK |
What 'RK' wrote The Jungle Book? |
Rudyard Kipling |
134 |
What 'BOT' lost England its most famous Admiral in 1805? |
Battle Of Trafalgar |
135 |
JT |
What 'JT' was forced to resign from the leadership of the Liberal Party after a scandal? |
Jeremy Thorpe |
136 |
What 'POC' is indispensable for gamblers? |
Pack Of Cards |
137 |
CI |
What 'CI' means to yield to pressure or to submit? |
Cave In |
138 |
What 'SUA' is Shakespeare's birthplace? |
Stratford Upon Avon |
139 |
NW |
What 'NW' is a self help group organised to prevent crime? |
Neighbourhood Watch |
140 |
What 'GAWP means to escape retribution? |
Get Away With It |
141 |
BS |
What 'BS' is a scoundrel, or an unsatisfactory member of a family? |
Black Sheep |
142 |
LL |
What 'LL' wrote Cider with Rosie? |
Laurie Lee |
143 |
SW |
What 'SW' was the film of the adventures of Luke Skywalker? |
Star Wars |
144 |
What 'QOH' terrorised Alice in Alice in Wonderland |
Queen Of Hearts |
145 |
GS |
What 'GS' are Grandma's apples? |
Granny Smiths |
146 |
What 'HOT had the face that launched a thousand ships? |
Helen Of Troy |
147 |
CM |
What 'CM', a famous dramatist and poet, was killed in a pub brawl in Deptford? |
Christopher Marlowe |
148 |
What 'LON' means to be in a deep sleep? |
Land Of Nod |
149 |
PE |
What 'PE' plays Jim Hacker in Yes, Prime Minister"? |
Paul Eddington |
150 |
CS |
What 'CS' led an ill-fated expedition to the South Pole in |
Captain Scott |
151 |
What 'STRS' means to correct a misapprehension? |
Set The Record Straight |
152 |
CP |
What 'CP' is a bird used for conveying messages? |
Carrier Pigeon |
153 |
HU |
What 'HU' means poor, lacking money? |
Hard Up |
154 |
What 'SITD' is a mere guess? |
Shot In The Dark |
155 |
HM |
What 'HM' coined the phrase 'You've never had it so good"? |
Harold Macmilan |
156 |
MW |
What 'MW', the wife of a former Prime Minister, is a well-known poet? |
Mary Wilson |
157 |
BR |
What 'BR' was filmed at Castle Howard, Yorkshire, in 1981? |
Brideshead Revisited |
158 |
PA |
What 'PA' rode the show-jumper, Doublet? |
Princess Anne |
159 |
YG |
What 'YG' was the first man to orbit the earth? |
Yuri Gagarin |
160 |
JB |
What 'JB' was the policewoman heroine created by Molly Hardwick? |
Juliet Bravo |
161 |
What 'HOTC means to reprimand? |
Haul Over The Coals |
162 |
What 'NDP' is a writer's pseudonym? |
Nom De Plume |
163 |
What 'ISO' means notwithstanding? |
In Spite Of |
164 |
ML |
What 'ML' is the most looked-at painting in the Louvre? |
Mona Lisa |
165 |
EM |
What 'EM' does Melina Mercouri want the British to give back? |
Elgin Marbles |
166 |
SP |
What 'SP' is England's highest mountain? |
Scafell Pike |
167 |
LH |
What 'LH' plays JR in 'Dallas'? |
Larry Hagman |
168 |
WT |
What 'WT was the subject of a Rossini opera? |
William Tell |
169 |
What 'ITP' means in very good health? |
In The Pink |
170 |
What 'TGH' is a cowboy's headgear? |
Ten Gallon Hat |
171 |
WC |
What 'WC' was the first British Prime Minister to serve under Queen Elizabeth II? |
Winston Churchill |
172 |
PP |
What 'PP' was the hero of a play by J.M. Barrie? |
Peter Pan |
173 |
RA |
What 'RA' is a European species of butterfly? |
Red Admiral |
174 |
AS |
What 'AS' succeeded Nasser as President of Egypt? |
Anwar Sadat |
175 |
What 'HAB' means agitated and exasperated? |
Hot And Bothered |
176 |
What 'FAA' immortalised the song 'Underneath the Arches'? |
Flanagan And Allen |
177 |
AF |
What 'AF' discovered Penicillin? |
Alexander Fleming |
178 |
What 'SSB', floated in the eighteenth century, burst and ruined thousands? |
South Sea Bubble |
179 |
WT |
What 'WT' led the Peasants' Revolt in 1381? |
Wat Tyler |
180 |
HC |
What 'HC' is traditionally associated with a schoolboy sport played with its fruit? |
Horse Chestnut |
181 |
CC |
What 'CC' have they still not found the cure for? |
Common Cold |
182 |
IO |
What 'IO' is a sea contested by the great Powers' navies? |
Indian Ocean |
183 |
MR |
What 'MR' ended in the battle of Sedgemoor and the execution of its hero, the illegitimate son of Charles II? |
Monmouth Rebellion |
184 |
HK |
What 'HK' was the former US Secretary of State who wrote a book of memoirs entitled The White House Years? |
Henry Kissinger |
185 |
BS |
What 'BS' are Belgian brassica? |
Brussels Sprouts |
186 |
DF |
What 'DF' is an imitation insect for catching trout? |
Dry Fly |
187 |
BD |
What 'BD' became the youngest woman ever elected to the British Parliament in 1969? |
Bernadette Devlin |
188 |
What 'MAF means to grimace? |
Make A Face |
189 |
PO |
What 'PO' is the naval equivalent of an Army sergeant? |
Petty Officer |
190 |
What 'SITB' is an unexpected wounding from behind with a knife? |
Stab In The Back |
191 |
BC |
What 'BC' overcame cancer and won the 1981 Grand National? |
Bob Champion |
192 |
QS |
What 'QS' estimates the amounts of material used in building? |
Quantity Surveyor |
193 |
What 'IMC means fresh, unsoiled or perfect? |
In Mint Condition |
194 |
What 'SUL' means firmness or fortitude? |
Stiff Upper Lip |
195 |
TF |
What 'TF' means solid ground? |
Terra Firma |
196 |
BG |
What 'BG' organised Live Aid? |
Bob Geldof |
197 |
NH |
What 'NH' is the study of animals and plants? |
Natural History |
198 |
GS |
What 'GS' is a kind and helpful person? |
Good Samaritans |
199 |
HB |
What 'HB' starred as the university drop-out in Shelley? |
Hywell Bennett |
200 |
SJ |
What 'SJ' composed the theme music used for The Sting?
Scott Joplin |
201 |
What 'TFL' means to depart or act without having permission or giving notice? |
Take French Leave |
202 |
What 'SAS' means unharmed or uninjured? |
Safe And Sound |
203 |
PV |
What 'PV' means a success that turns out to have been a failure? |
Pyrrhic Victory |
204 |
What 'RLS' wrote Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde? |
Robert Louis Stevenson |
205 |
MT |
What 'MT' is the famous museum in London's Baker Street? |
Madame Tussauds |
206 |
What 'SOL' means at some time or other? |
Sooner Or Later |
207 |
PS |
What 'PS' wrote Prometheus Unbound and drowned off the Italian coast in 1822? |
Percy Shelley |
208 |
What 'FAF means to make friends with someone after a quarrel? |
Forgive And Forget |
209 |
EP |
What 'EP' was the South American political figure on whom a musical was based? |
Eva Peron |
210 |
DP |
What 'DP was the notorious French penal settlement where Dreyfus was sent? |
Devil's Island |
211 |
FB |
What 'FB' is a nuclear reactor that manufactures its own plutonium fuel? |
Fast Breeder |
212 |
OC |
What 'OC was the name of the massive police investigation into police corruption? |
Operation Countryman |
213 |
BP |
What 'BP' created Peter Rabbit? |
Beatrix Potter |
214 |
LT |
What 'LT' is another meaning for currency? |
Legal Tender |
215 |
WH |
What 'WH' is the novel, that contains the character Heathcliffe? |
Wuthering Heights |
216 |
NK |
What 'NK' was Australia's most infamous bush ranger? |
Ned Kelly |
217 |
PP |
What 'PP' stars Peter Sellers as an incompetent French detective? |
Pink Panther |
218 |
GC |
What 'GC' is the military honour for bravery? |
George Cross |
219 |
What 'ERB' was the author who created Tarzan? |
Edgar Rice Burroughs |
220 |
FC |
What 'FC' is killed for a returning prodigal?
Fatted Calf |
221 |
GP |
What 'GP' is a person used in a scientific experiment? |
Guinea Pig |
222 |
What 'ACD' was the creator of Sherlock Holmes? |
Arthur Conan Doyle |
223 |
PU |
What 'PU' is a brawl? |
Punch Up |
224 |
MC |
What 'MC' is an international system of signalling? |
Morse Code |
225 |
SG |
What 'SG' is an informant with a lot to impart? |
Super Grass |
226 |
CR |
What 'CR' was the founder of the country now known as Zimbabwe? |
Cecil Rhodes |
227 |
TE |
What 'TE' was hanged in 1950 and pardoned in 1966? |
Timothy Evans |
228 |
RB |
What 'RB' wrote Home Thoughts From Abroad? |
Robert Browning |
229 |
HH |
What 'HH' headed the Gestapo? |
Heinrich Himmler |
230 |
PP |
What 'PP' was a celebrated Cubist painter? |
Pablo Picasso |
231 |
What 'SWR', a 17th century explorer, introduced tobacco into this country? |
Sir Walter Raleigh |
232 |
EP |
What 'EP' is where the used gases escape from a car engine? |
Exhaust Pipe |
233 |
CS |
What 'CS' is a series of twelve consecutive semitones? |
Chromatic Scale |
234 |
SE |
What 'SE' is the instruction given to squaddies, telling them to relax? |
Stand Easy |
235 |
What 'POP' is made of gypsum and used for moulds and casts? |
Plaster Of Paris |
236 |
LH |
What 'LH' was the first pro to captain England at cricket? |
Len Hutton |
237 |
PT |
What 'PT' is TV's best known gardener? |
Percy Thrower |
238 |
GF |
What 'GF' comes atthe end of a pantomime or variety show? |
Grand Finale |
239 |
What 'TOY' was Vera Brittain's serialised autobiography? |
Testament Of Youth |
240 |
What 'SFS' means to begin at the beginning? |
Start From Scratch |
241 |
What 'RDB' was a barrister who wrote Lorna Doonel |
Rd Blackmore |
242 |
HW |
What 'HW' is the everyday name for deuterium oxide? |
Heavy Water |
243 |
PB |
What 'PB' is the old-fashioned name for a bicycle? |
Push Bike |
244 |
What 'SMS' was the adored Prom conductor known as 'Flash'? |
Sir Malcolm Sargent |
245 |
EF |
What 'EF' is the poetic name for Ireland? |
Emerald Isle |
246 |
What 'RVW' nodded off in the mountains for twenty years? |
Rip Van Winkle |
247 |
TS |
What 'TS' lies between New Zealand and Australia? |
Tasman Sea |
248 |
RN |
What 'RN' played the title role in Ken Russell's Valentino"? |
Rudolph Nureyev |
249 |
ML |
What 'ML' was the German leader of the Protestant Reformation? |
Martin Luther |
250 |
VH |
What 'VH' wrote The Hunchback of Notre Darnel |
Victor Hugo |
251 |
What 'TPD' was Britain's first National Park? |
The Peak District |
252 |
IN |
What 'IN' was inspired to delve into gravity after being hit on the head by an apple? |
Isaac Newton |
253 |
JS |
What 'JS' won a Pulitzer Prize for his novel The Grapes of Wrathl |
John Steinback |
254 |
ET |
What 'ET' is a famous Parisian landmark? |
Eiffel Tower |
255 |
SP |
What 'SP' is where Stonehenge is situated? |
Salisbury Plain |
256 |
PH |
What 'PH' was attacked by Admiral Yamamoto? |
Pearl Harbour |
257 |
HH |
What 'HH' is found on Lonely Street? |
Heartbreak Hotel |
258 |
AS |
What 'AS' was the Russian writer deported from the Soviet Union in 1974? |
Alexander Solzhenitsyn |
259 |
What 'WTC was England's first Norman King? |
William The Conqueror |
260 |
What 'RBP' was the founder of the Scout movement? |
Robert Baden Powell |
261 |
ST |
What 'ST' helps Scotland Yard on Police Five? |
Shaw Taylor |
262 |
NO |
What 'NO' is the city which lies at the mouth of the Mississippi River? |
New Orleans |
263 |
GS |
What 'GS' created the Maigret detective stories? |
Georges Simenon |
264 |
HB |
What 'HB' is the only bird that can fly backwards? |
Humming Bird |
265 |
AS |
What 'AS' is the translation of apres soleil? |
After Sun |
266 |
What 'POJ' means long suffering tolerance? |
Patience Of Job |
267 |
What 'BAR' means to abandon an undertaking? |
Beat A Retreat |
268 |
What 'SJB' succeeded Cecil Day Lewis as Poet Laureate? |
Sir John Betjeman |
269 |
What 'SFD' circled the world in the Golden Hind? |
Sir Francis Drake |
270 |
MU |
What 'MU' were the first English soccer club to win the European cup? |
Manchester United |
271 |
BC |
What 'BC' is the Westernmost province of Canada? |
British Columbia |
272 |
What 'TSL' is another name for the Aurora Australis? |
The Southern Lights |
273 |
WS |
What 'WS' is Britain's largest prison? |
Wormwood Scrubs |
274 |
SJ |
What 'SJ' said 'When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life!"? |
Samuel Johnson |
275 |
What 'PPTP' means to begin writing? |
Put Pen To Paper |
276 |
MK |
What 'MK' is the highest mountain in Africa? |
Mount Kilimanjaro |
277 |
SA |
What 'SA' is the period when all implements were made of minerals? |
Stone Age |
278 |
GD |
What 'GD' is trained to bring in game? |
Gun Dog |
279 |
What 'STC' means to refuse to associate with a person? |
Send To Coventry |
280 |
What 'LHO' is supposed to have killed President Kennedy? |
Lee Harvey Oswald |
281 |
SP |
What 'SP' is a red flower as well as a book? |
Scarlet Pimpernel |
282 |
What 'IGF' means in all honesty? |
In Good Faith |
283 |
What 'TGE' was a film set in a prison camp, starring Steve McQueen? |
The Great Escape |
284 |
What 'ROH' commemorates the dead of two world wars? |
Roll Of Honour |
285 |
MN |
What 'MN' does a compass needle point to? |
Magnetic North |
286 |
JK |
What 'JK' was the mediaeval hangman? |
Jack Ketch |
287 |
SC |
What 'SC' is the patron saint of travellers? |
Saint Christopher |
288 |
What 'HCA' wrote The Ugly Duckling? |
Hans Christian Andersen |
289 |
GB |
What 'GB' was the Argentine ship sunk during the Falklands War? |
General Belgrano |
290 |
HC |
What 'HC' was last seen in 1985? |
Halley's Comet |
291 |
MG |
What 'MG' was invented during the late 19th century for rapid firing? |
Machine Gun |
292 |
RW |
What 'RW' was the Greenpeace ship blown up in New Zealand? |
Rainbow Warrior |
293 |
What 'BAM' were the two spies who escaped to Moscow in 1956? |
Burgess And Maclean |
294 |
What 'TOF is the Frederick Forsyth novel about a German journalist searching for a Nazi war criminal? |
The Odessa File |
295 |
AS |
What 'AS' played Manuel in Fawlty Towers? |
Andrew Sachs |
296 |
What 'POW' means to do one's fair share of the work? |
Pull One's Weight |
297 |
KH |
What 'KH' was the place the Wright brothers flew from? |
Kitty Hawk |
298 |
SS |
What 'SS' means the time when newspapers are short of news? |
Silly Season |
299 |
FC |
What 'FC is the Premier of Cuba? |
Fidel Castro |
300 |
What 'AAM' Wrote Winnie The Pooh? |
AA Milne |
301 |
What 'PIK' means rewarded by goods rather than money? |
Payment In Kind |
302 |
SC |
What 'SC' was the waterway closed by Nasser in 1956? |
Suez Canal |
303 |
What 'ITDH' means in disgrace? |
In The Dog House |
304 |
EP |
What 'EP' is the official residence of the President of France? |
Elysee Palace |
305 |
What 'BAF means to lose one's temper? |
Blow A Fuse |
306 |
What 'LHH' broadcasted German propaganda during World War 2? |
Lord Haw Haw |
307 |
What 'PAQ' means to find a pretext for an argument? |
Pick A Quarrel |
308 |
BM |
What 'BM' are a German terrorist group? |
Baader Meinhof |
309 |
WF |
What 'WF was a famous US pioneer stagecoach line? |
Wells Fargo |
310 |
YO |
What 'YO' was married to John Lennon? |
Yoko Ono |
311 |
NC |
What 'NC' brought the message 'Peace in our time'? |
Neville Chamberlain |
312 |
CU |
What 'CU' means to summon to serve in the Army? |
Call Up |
313 |
LR |
What 'LR' portrayed Reggie Perrin and Rigsby? |
Leonard Rossiter |
314 |
RP |
What 'RP' houses London's Zoo? |
Regents Park |
315 |
What 'ONJ' starred with John Travolta in Grease? |
Olivia Newton John |
316 |
YA |
What 'YA' is the leader of the PLO? |
Yasa Arafat |
317 |
What 'GBR' is the world's largest coral reef? |
Great Barrier Reef |
318 |
What 'CM' means made to measure? |
Custom Made |
319 |
What 'OOB' means beyond the permitted area? |
Out Of Bounds |
320 |
DN |
What 'DN' is the more common name for the plant belladonna?
Deadly Nightshade |
321 |
PG |
What 'PG' climbed up on Salisbury Hill? |
Peter Gabriel |
322 |
AN |
What 'AN' invented dynamite and inaugurated a famous prize? |
Alfred Nobel |
323 |
BM |
What 'BM' defeated Rommel at El Alamein? |
Bernard Montgomery |
324 |
What 'SAG' sang 'Scarborough Fair'? |
Simon And Garfunkel |
325 |
AA |
What 'AA' is a comedy about the French Resistance? |
Allo Allo |
326 |
RB |
What 'RB' played a convict in Porridge? |
Ronnie Barker |
327 |
GF |
What 'GF' is a general office clerk? |
Girl Friday |
328 |
What 'BATB' means to approach a subject slowly or to prevaricate? |
Beat About The Bush |
329 |
MA |
What 'MA' said 'Let them eat cake!'? |
Marie Antoinette |
330 |
OP |
What 'OP' was the film starring and directed by Robert Redford? |
Ordinary People |
331 |
CT |
What 'CT' is the thick black liquid made from coal? |
Coal Tar |
332 |
BO |
What 'BO' is a monastic group, and also makes a sweet liqueur? |
Benedictine Order |
333 |
What 'TWM' followed the star? |
Three Wise Men |
334 |
DD |
What 'DD' is where ships undergo a refit? |
Dry Dock |
335 |
What 'DHL' wrote Sons and Lovers? |
D.H Lawrence |
336 |
AR |
What 'AR' is the means of approach to a place? |
Access Road |
337 |
CF |
What 'CF' has a waxy skin and acidic juice? |
Citrus Fruit |
338 |
KD |
What 'KD' is a percussion instrument? |
Kettle Drum |
339 |
RC |
What 'RC created the private detective Philip Marlowe? |
Raymond Chandler |
340 |
AH |
What 'AH' is named after Queen Victoria's consort? |
Albert Hall |
341 |
GB |
What 'GB' was the nickname for US Special Forces in Vietnam? |
Green Berets |
342 |
BB |
What 'BB' is London's most famous clock? |
Big Ben |
343 |
MS |
What 'MS' is Britain's Communist daily newspaper? |
Morning Star |
344 |
LR |
What 'LR' is the annual list of ships of various classes? |
Lloyds Registers |
345 |
What 'BOE' is called the Old Lady of Threadneedle Street? |
Bank Of England |
346 |
TW |
What 'TW' is the Archbishop of Canterbury's special envoy? |
Terry Waite |
347 |
DG |
What 'DG' keeps out the noise and the cold? |
Double Glazing |
348 |
What 'CAW' were eaten by Little Miss Muffett? |
Curds And Whey |
349 |
RG |
What 'RG' wrote I Claudius? |
Robert Graves |
350 |
FL |
What 'FL' should drivers move into to arrive early? |
Fast Lane |
351 |
AA |
What 'AA' is water? |
Adam's Ale |
352 |
CH |
What 'CH' is used to combine reaping and threshing? |
Combine Harvester |
353 |
BH |
What 'BH' is the British Grand Prix racing course? |
Brand's Hatch |
354 |
GH |
What 'GH' do you not look in the mouth? |
Gift Horse |
355 |
TM |
What 'TM' was Britain's longest running play? |
The Mousetrap |
356 |
What 'TAD' were the ice dancing duo who won the European and World titles in 1981 and 1982? |
Torvill And Dean |
357 |
BH |
What 'BH' is believed to have been created when a star collapses? |
Black Hole |
358 |
What 'MITC' is the T.S. Eliot play set in Canterbury Cathedral? |
Murder In The Cathedral |
359 |
RH |
What 'RH' was Spandau Prison's last inmate? |
Rudolph Hess |
360 |
IM |
What 'IM' is a rock group, and was also a mediaeval form of torture? |
Iron Maiden |
361 |
DB |
What 'DB' is a North Sea fishing ground? |
Dogger Bank |
362 |
RM |
What 'RM' is where steel bar is turned into sheet? |
Rolling Mill |
363 |
What 'HSB' is a long-running TV series about American cops? |
Hill Street Blues |
364 |
HP |
What 'HP' starred in the film Raiders of the Lost Ark? |
Harrison Ford |
365 |
What 'IOM' is where the tail-less cats come from? |
Isle Of Man |
366 |
MC |
What 'MC' crashed his boat Bluebird on Lake Coniston? |
Malcolm Campbell |
367 |
What 'ASD' is the 1st of November? |
All Saint's Day |
368 |
TH |
What 'TH' is the current Poet Laureate? |
Ted Hughes |
369 |
What 'HWH' is an inn midway between towns, or a possible compromise? |
Half Way House |
370 |
TL |
What 'TL' is lit at Hallowe'en? |
Turnip Lantern |
371 |
PP |
What 'PP' is the Treasury? |
Public Purse |
372 |
BT |
What 'BT' is the reputedly haunted area of sea off Florida? |
Bermuda Triangle |
373 |
What 'RCS' do you see through if you take a cheerful view of life? |
Rose Coloured Specs |
374 |
LS |
What 'LS' is soonest mended? |
Least Said |
375 |
MV |
What 'MV' erupted to destroy Pompeii? |
Mount Vesuvius |
376 |
What 'LDV' painted the Mona Lisa? |
Leonardo Da Vinci |
377 |
GT |
What 'GT deserves another? |
Good Turn |
378 |
SW |
What 'SW' was the President of the SDP? |
Shirley Williams |
379 |
BO |
What 'BO' is a kind of biscuit? |
Bath Oliver |
380 |
CB |
What 'CB' means authorisation to do what you want?
Carte Blanche |
381 |
LV |
What 'LV' is the largest lake in Africa? |
Lake Victoria |
382 |
What 'TTI' is the disaster movie starring Steve McQueen and Paul Newman? |
The Towering Inferno |
383 |
DE |
What 'DE' is a phrase capable of two meanings? |
Double Entendre |
384 |
What 'TOTS' is a famous short novel by Henry James? |
Turn Of The Screw |
385 |
What 'OOD' means in the open air? |
Out Of Doors |
386 |
CM |
What 'CM' is a period of time within a year? |
Calender Month |
387 |
SD |
What 'SD' is the famous snooker player? |
Steve Davis |
388 |
BM |
What 'BM' is where the Magna Carta is kept? |
British Museum |
389 |
CB |
What 'CB' is an avian in captivity? |
Caged Bird |
390 |
What 'OTS' is the phrase used of someone not yet married and over a certain age? |
On The Shelf |
391 |
JA |
What 'JA' is the actress playing the title role in Mary Poppins? |
Julie Andrews |
392 |
What 'POC' is something easily managed? |
Piece Of Cake |
393 |
JC |
What 'JC' was A Boy Named Sue? |
Johnny Cash |
394 |
What 'MOC is a character of quality? |
Man Of Calibre |
395 |
What 'BTB' means to demand an explanation? |
Bring To Book |
396 |
PL |
What 'PL' is the 'official version'? |
Party Line |
397 |
GW |
What 'GW' started with the assassination of an Archduke? |
Great War |
398 |
NT |
What 'NT' brought the Nazis to justice? |
Nuremberg Trials |
399 |
RF |
What 'RF' are the stormy part of the Atlantic, also a film? |
Roaring Forties |
400 |
What 'DOO' is a disagreement? |
Difference Of Opinion |
401 |
What 'DITM' means out of spirits? |
Down In The Mouth |
402 |
EC |
What 'EC' played with Cream and is now a solo performer? |
Eric Clapton |
403 |
What 'DJL' is on the sea bed? |
Davy Jones Locker |
404 |
WA |
What 'WA' is where Queen Elizabeth II was crowned? |
Westminster Abbey |
405 |
ES |
What 'ES' is the planet Venus? |
Evening Star |
406 |
What 'FGTH' had a hit with 'The Power of Love'? |
Frankie Goes To Hollywood |
407 |
GG |
What 'GG' wrote Brighton Rock? |
Graham Greene |
408 |
MH |
What 'MH' are you as mad as? |
March Hare |
409 |
MM |
What 'MM' does Mel Gibson star in? |
Mad Max |
410 |
What 'OTC' means without preparation? |
Off The Cuff |
411 |
AF |
What 'AF' is the historian married to Harold Pinter? |
Antonia Fraser |
412 |
BB |
What 'BB' was the 'Fat Owl' of Greyfriars? |
Billy Bunter |
413 |
PE |
What 'PE' are one's own property? |
Personal Effects |
414 |
IR |
What 'IR' were the economic changes of the 18th century? |
Industrial Revolution |
415 |
TH |
What 'TH' was famous for his Blood Donor sketch? |
Tony Hancock |
416 |
SS |
What 'SS' is the legendary song of a dying royal bird? |
Swan Song |
417 |
What 'JDV' means enjoyment of life? |
Joie De Vivre |
418 |
OD |
What 'OD' is a festive occasion when a school admits visitors? |
Open Day |
419 |
CB |
What 'CB' is a potato pest? |
Colorado Beetle |
420 |
PS |
What 'PS' is the comedienne married to Billy Connolly?
Pamela Stephenson |
421 |
What 'OAB' is a slot machine for gambling? |
One Armed Bandit |
422 |
RC |
What 'RC' works machinery at a distance? |
Remote Control |
423 |
What 'TMOV contains "the quality of mercy"? |
The Merchant Of Venice |
424 |
SA |
What 'SA' are weapons carried by one man? |
Side Arms |
425 |
What 'TMB' starred in Duck Soup? |
The Marx Brothers |
426 |
RR |
What 'RR' has as its hero Alan Breck? |
Rob Roy |
427 |
AF |
What 'AF' is an illness originating in China? |
Asian Flu |
428 |
What 'OTD' means punctually? |
On The Dot |
429 |
AW |
What 'AW' is a famous poem by T.S. Eliot and is the day after Shrove Tuesday? |
Ash Wednesday |
430 |
SP |
What 'SP' was a 17th century diarist? |
Samuel Pepys |
431 |
DB |
What 'DB' starred in Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence? |
David Bowie |
432 |
HC |
What 'HC discovered the tomb of Tutankhamun? |
Howard Carter |
433 |
MH |
What 'MH' gets you less speed? |
More Haste |
434 |
SS |
What 'SS' won the Eurovision Song Contest with'Puppet on a String'? |
Sandie Shaw |
435 |
FT |
What 'FT are the chain of islands off the Dutch Coast? |
Fresian Islands |
436 |
What 'BOJ' was where the Navy met the Grand Fleet in World War I? |
Battle Of Jutland |
437 |
What 'KVK' was the film starring Meryl Streep and Dustin Hoffman? |
Kramer Vs Kramer |
438 |
KM |
What 'KM' wrote Das Kapital |
Karl Marx |
439 |
SJ |
What 'SJ' was the nickname for the first spinning machine? |
Spinning Jenny |
440 |
AA |
What 'AA' is a breed of Scottish cattle? |
Aberdeen Angus |
441 |
BA |
What 'BA' is a snake, and also a TV programme starring Rowan Atkinson? |
Black Adder |
442 |
What 'TCP' are careers such as nursing and social work? |
The Caring Professions |
443 |
JJ |
What 'JJ' is a large passenger-carrying aircraft? |
Jumbo Jet |
444 |
TZ |
What 'TZ' are astrological signs? |
The Zodiac |
445 |
AM |
What 'AM' was the composer who was the subject of a play by Peter Shaffer? |
Amadeus Mozart |
446 |
YS |
What 'YS' was a Beatles' film and song? |
Yellow Sunmarine |
447 |
What 'TMI' was the site of a major nuclear accident in the USA? |
Three Mile Island |
448 |
GC |
What 'GC' is one's ancestor's timepiece? |
Grandfather Clock |
449 |
What 'SBS' is the navy's crack force? |
Special Boat Service |
450 |
What 'TITH' is a dish made with sausages and batter? |
Toad In The Hole |
451 |
BR |
What 'BR' is a Northumbrian folk song? |
Blaydon Races |
452 |
What 'NOTW' is a popular Sunday newspaper? |
News Of The World |
453 |
SP |
What 'SP' is a houseplant, not an insect? |
Spider Plant |
454 |
BF |
What 'BF' is a solo artist, who was once with Roxy Music? |
Bryan Ferry |
455 |
TS |
What 'TS' is an exaggerated tale? |
Tall Story |
456 |
LR |
What 'LR' had an Indian companion called Tonto? |
Lone Ranger |
457 |
What 'POC' is a metal instrument used for measuring and drawing, usually circles? |
Pair Of Compasses |
458 |
WF |
What 'WF' is a bird which is found in woodlands which can be eaten? |
Wood Pigeon |
459 |
What 'TOTU' is a series of horror stories by Roald Dahl?
Tales Of The Unexpected |
460 |
WG |
What 'WG' means day-dreaming? |
Wool Gathering |
461 |
CS |
What 'CS' is part of a Sunday Paper? |
Colour Supplement |
462 |
What 'FAF are plants and animals? |
Flora And Fauna |
463 |
JS |
What 'JS' are wealthy elite to be found in places like Saint Tropez? |
Jet Set |
464 |
What 'ALS' is the song sung to welcome in the New Year? |
Auld Lang Syne |
465 |
KR |
What 'KR' is a large sum of money? |
King's Ransom |
466 |
MU |
What 'MU' is minor confusion and chaos where things get in a mess? |
Mix Up |
467 |
What 'WAF' was the epic by Leo Tolstoy? |
War And Peace |
468 |
TC |
What 'TC' is a spicy Indian dish? |
Tandoori Chicken |
469 |
ND |
What 'ND' was the plan for reconstruction laid down by President Roosevelt in the 1930s? |
New Deal |
470 |
KK |
What 'KK' was the footballer who left Newcastle United in 1984? |
Kevin Keagan |
471 |
DR |
What 'DR' played the main role in Lady Sings The Blues? |
Diana Ross |
472 |
AG |
What 'AG' is the Government's Law Officer? |
Attorney General |
473 |
ES |
What 'ES' is a descendant of the Aga Khan who has recently started a newspaper? |
Eddie Shah |
474 |
What 'AAP' is Cockney rhyming slang for stairs? |
Apples And Pears |
475 |
What 'TGB' was a film from a book by L.P. Hartley? |
The Go Between |
476 |
JM |
What 'JM' was a march of unemployed from Newcastle to London in the 1920s? |
Jarrow March |
477 |
GC |
What 'GC wrote the Canterbury Tales? |
Geoffrey Chaucer |
478 |
KA |
What 'KA' is reputed to have burnt the cakes? |
King Alfred |
479 |
HO |
What 'HO' means to intercept? |
Head Off |
480 |
BW |
What 'BW' separates East from West Germany? |
Berlin Wall |
481 |
What 'GGB' is the bridge which spans San Francisco? |
Golden Gate Bridge |
482 |
RB |
What 'RB' was the World War 1 German flying ace? |
Red Baron |
483 |
What 'DAB' means to run away? |
Do A Bunk |
484 |
What 'HAG' were tempted by a gingerbread house? |
Hansel And Gretel |
485 |
TT |
What 'TT' is nicknamed 'The Thunderer'? |
The Times |
486 |
AM |
What 'AM' is the name sometimes given by students to their university or college? |
Alma Mater |
487 |
BJ |
What 'BJ' wrote The Alchemist? |
Ben Jonson |
488 |
CG |
What 'CG' was once known for its vegetable market and is the location of the Opera House? |
Covent Garden |
489 |
What 'OTH' means unprepared? |
On The Hop |
490 |
AK |
What 'AK' is the tragic heroine in a famous novel by Tolstoy? |
Anna Karenina |
491 |
What 'BTP' sparked off the American War of Independence? |
Boston Tea Party |
492 |
What 'HTE' was the King who dissolved the monasteries? |
Henry The Eighth |
493 |
What 'DAD' is a game involving throwing stones onto water? |
Ducks And Drakes |
494 |
RN |
What 'RN' was the American President brought down by the Watergate scandal? |
Richard Nixon |
495 |
MM |
What 'MM' is a charwoman? |
Mrs Mop |
496 |
What 'TRS' were a famous R&R band in the '60s and '70s? |
The Rolling Stones |
497 |
What 'OOTW' means out of danger? |
Out Of The Wood |
498 |
ED |
What 'ED' means 'the golden land? |
El Dorado |
499 |
SJ |
What 'SJ' is a motorway interchange in Birmingham? |
Spaghetti Junction |
500 |
LW |
What 'LW' is the leader of Solidarity in Poland? |
Lech Walesa |