Blockbusters Goldrun 02 - (Submitted By Yoda)
    Question Answer
001 LLBS What 'LLBS' starring Noel Edmonds, is not seen at breakfast time on Saturdays? Late Late Breakfast Show
002 GW What 'GW' is fighting by small independently acting groups? Guerilla Warfare
003 JOAT What MOAT can turn his hand to anything? Jack Of All Trades
004 LE What 'LE' is the Western point of Cornwall? Land's End
005 PTQ What 'PTQ' means to propose marriage? Pop The Question
006 SS What 'SS' is the faculty giving intuitive or extra-sensory knowledge? Sixth Sense
007 WD What 'WD' is a book by Richard Adams about a colony of rabbits? Watership Down
008 OTBT What 'OTBT' means miles away from anywhere? Off The Beaten Track
009 JK What 'JK', a member of the Beat Generation, wrote On the Road? Jack Kerouac
010 LOH What 'LOH' is a ceremonial circuit of a football pitch by the winners? Lap Of Honour
011 KKK What 'KKK' is the society hostile to negroes, originally formed in the Southern States of America, after the Civil War? Ku Klux Klan
012 SIT What 'SIT' saves nine? Sitch In Time
013 LQ What 'LQ' is the educational and artistic centre of Paris? Latin Quarter
014 JR What 'JR' is the pirates' black flag? Jolly Roger
015 FHTM What 'FHTM' means to live improvidently? From Hand To Mouth
016 AHAL What 'AHAL' means very cheerful? As Happy As Larry
017 TOTD What 'TOTD' was a novel by Thomas Hardy and more recently a film starring Nastassia Kinski? Tess Of The D'urbervilles
018 PC What 'PC' was drummer with Genesis and now has a successful solo career? Phil Collins
019 JW What 'JW' is a religious sect rejecting supremacy of state over religious principles? Jehovah's Witnesses
020 OFT What 'OFT' rises in Oxfordshire and departs at Gravesend? Old Father Thames
021 JAH What 'JAH' means a single person in whom two personalities alternate? Jekyll And Hyde
022 GG What 'GG' starred Richard Dreyfus and Marsha Mason, as reluctant flatsharers? Goodbye Girl
023 AV What 'AV' is the Bible in English produced in 1611? Authorised Version
024 HG What 'HG' is the third person of the Trinity - often represented as a dove? Holy Ghost
025 SCD What 'SCD' is the day on which Agincourt was fought? Saint Crispin's Day
026 BO What 'BO' goes with Tim Brooke Taylor and Graeme Garden, on The Goodies? Bill Oddie
027 DS What 'DS' is the study of household management? Domestic Science
028 FD What 'FD' is to signal to a vehicle to stop? Flag Down
029 LBH What 'LBH' means to memorise? Learn By Heart
030 MD What 'MD' is Herman Melville's classic about the search for a white whale? Moby Dick
031 PS What 'PS' is seven days before Easter, when Christ entered Jerusalem? Palm Sunday
032 CG What 'CG' has a chemical element and a pungent smell? Chlorine Gas
033 BD What 'BD' is the better known name of Robert Zimmerman - a singer? Bob Dylan
034 DKJP What 'DKJP' means are you acquainted with the most famous Cumberland huntsman? D'ye Ken John Peel
035 HT What 'HT' is the interval between two parts of a game? Half Time
036 LOA What 'LOA' is the cartoon character created by Harold Gray who has a dog called Sandy? Little Orphan Annie
037 OW What 'OW' wrote the play containing the mythical Bunbury? Oscar Wilde
038 SS What 'SS' is the popular name for the Espionage and Intelligence organisation? Secret Service
039 BM What 'BM' is the name of a Fascist dictator who was known as II Duce? Benito Mussolini
040 MS What 'MS' wrote The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie! Muriel Spark
041 TRD What 'TRD' applies to animal fat boiled to clarify it? To Render Down
042 HF What 'HF' is a thanksgiving service for completion of the harvest? Harvest Festival
043 SC What 'SC' is a Parliamentary Committee with members from all parties? Select Committee
044 AP What 'AP' starred in The Godfather and Dog Day Afternoon? Al Pacino
045 DTTW What 'DTTW' means unconscious or fast asleep? Dead To The World
046 TBWS What 'TBWS' means to overawe by one's display of knowledge? To Blind With Science
047 GR What 'GR' was the dancing partner of Fred Astaire? Ginger Rogers
048 KOOC What 'KOOC' means not to confide in others? Keep One's Own Counsel
049 DD What 'DD' sang the theme to the latest James Bond movie? Duran Duran
050 PA What 'PA' means protection from arrest by another country? Political Asylum
051 JC What 'JC' was President of the US before Ronald Reagan? Jimmy Carter
052 HTR What 'HTR' means to become very angry? Hit The Roof
053 BITH What 'BITH' is better than two in the bush? Bird In The Hand
054 LS What 'LS' is the largest or the best part? Lions Share
055 SAD What 'SAD' is the highwayman's command? Stand And Deliver
056 OU What 'OU' is teaching mainly by broadcasting and correspondence, open to those without formal qualifications? Open University
057 BGS What 'BOS' was Figaro's occupation? Barber Of Seville
058 DC What 'DC' is at an extremely low price? Dirt Cheap
059 FC What 'FC' is the trophy of the 605 mile yacht race from the Isle of Wight to Plymouth? Fastnet Cup
060 PL What 'PL' is versifier for Royal Household and State occasions? Poet Laureate
061 ITD What 'ITD' means feeling blue or, alternatively, becalmed? In The Doldrums
062 TG What 'TG' means to show courage in adversity? True Grit
063 GMT What 'GMT' is a system of standard time widely used instead of local time? Greenwich Mean Time
064 COTE What 'COTE' is the Finance Minister in the British Government? Chancellor Of The Exchequer
065 KA What 'KA' wrote Lucky Jim? Kingsley Amis
066 PP What 'PP' is a drama about the suffering and death of Christ? Passion Play
067 TMC What 'TMC' spoil the broth? Too Many Cooks
068 TRL What 'TRL' was used to describe the British infantry during the Battle of Alma in the Crimean War? Thin Red Line
069 GM What 'GM', and subject of the Ken Russell film, wrote a symphony nicknamed 'Resurrection'? Gustav Mahler
070 SG What 'SG' was defended by the Royal Marines during the Falklands War? South Georgia
071 VV What 'VV means by oral examination? Viva Voce
072 BIW What 'BIW' did the carrier in David Copperfield communicate to Peggotty? Barkis Is Willing
073 SF What 'SF' is the Irish Nationalist and Republican movement? Sinn Fein
074 ROT What 'ROT' means a rough but effective way of doing something? Rule Of Thumb
075 BV What 'BV' means have a pleasant journey? Bon Voyage
076 IC What 'IC' Means Private? In Camera
077 FT What 'FT' starred John Cleese and Prunella Scales as disaster-prone hotel proprietors? Fawlty Towers
078 DOW What 'DOW' won the battle of Waterloo? Duke Of Wellington
079 DH What 'DH' is a race in which two or more winners finish exactly level? Dead Heat
080 MHLS What 'MHLS' means that the best results are obtained by proceeding slowly and carefully? More Haste Less Speed
081 RIB What 'RIB' was a National Theatre play prosecuted for obscenity? Romans Of Britain
082 GOB What 'GOB' means to outbid, or outdo someone? Go One Better
083 DS What 'DS' have had hits with 'Sultans of Swing' and 'Brothers in Arms'? Dire Straits
084 POW What 'POW' is heir apparent to the British throne? Prince Of Wales
085 RH What 'RH' is Deputy Leader of the Labour Party? Roy Hattersley
086 HIO What 'HIO' means to get on well with someone? Hit It Off
087 CB What 'CB' means negotiation of wages by an organised body of employees? Collective Bargaining
088 NSA What 'NSA' means not subject to conditions? No Strings Attached
089 ER What 'ER' starring Michael Caine & Julie Walters was about the academic achievements of a working class girl? Educating Rita
090 WAG What 'WAG' do learned counsel wear in court? Wig And Gown
091 MOV What 'MOV' by Shakespeare has Portia as the protagonist? Merchant Of Venice
092 BOTB What 'BOTB' prevented the German Army from counterĀ¬attacking during the Normandy Campaign in World War 2? Battle Of The Bulge
093 SW What 'SW' was the subject of a play by Arthur Miller called The Crucible? Salem Witchhunt
094 MM What 'MM' is the unlikely female sleuth in Agatha Christie's detective stories? Miss Marple
095 HC What 'HC means the option of taking what is offered or nothing? Hobson's Choice
096 BB What 'BB' is an Australian inlet off New South Wales at which James Cook landed? Botany Bay
097 GOW What 'GOW' did the Lord tread upon in the vineyard where they were stored? Grapes Of Rath
098 FOS What 'FOS' are assembled ships and not a speedy cut price? Fleet Of Sale
099 ASIB What 'ASIB' was a successful remake of a 1930's movie starring Barbra Streisand and Kris Kristofferson? A Star Is Born
100 GKW What 'GKW looked out on the feast of Stephen? Good King Wenceslas
101 MBEM What 'MBEM' means to live within one's income? Make Both Ends Meet
102 SS What 'SS' is Rocky? Sylvester Stallone
103 PL What 'PL' is a body of men stationed by a trade union to dissuade men from working during a strike? Picket Line
104 HF What 'HF' means to speak at great length? Hold Fourth
105 BAT What 'BAT' was the armed force recruited to fight Sinn Fein in 1921? Black And Tans
106 EC What 'EC' has a silver lining? Every Cloud
107 OGP What 'OGP' was Henry Fonda's last film? On Golden Pond
108 BR What 'BR' is the Gentleman Usher of Lord Chamberlain's Department in the House of Lords? Black Rod
109 FOG What 'FOG' made a racket and saved Rome from invasion? Flock Of Geese
110 GAS What 'GAS' wrote music and lyrics for the Savoy Operas? Gilbert And Sullivan
111 RFAF What 'RFAF means to act recklessly? Ride For A Fall
112 BPC What 'BPC sailed over the sea to Skye? Bonnie Prince Charlie
113 JB What 'JB' was the celebrated negro singer who starred with the Folies Bergere? Josephine Baker
114 ALE What 'ALE' means bored or without definite occupation? At Loose Ends
115 GF What 'GF' is Premier of Eire? Garrett Fitzgerald
116 OW What 'OW' starred in and directed A Touch of Evil? Orson Welles
117 IF What 'IF' is an idea that dominates the mind? Idee Fixe
118 JOTF What 'JOTF' sits on the bench? Justice Of The Peace
119 KC What 'KC' means not to be flustered or to panic? Keep Cool
120 RM What 'RM' is the corps trained for service at sea and on land? Royal Marines
121 DQ What 'DQ' was a novel by Cervantes and a hit single by Nik Kershaw? Don Quixote
122 PM What 'PM' is a dessert named after a famous Australian opera singer? Peach Melba
123 BM What 'BM' is illegitimate traffic in officially controlled goods? Black Market
124 GA What 'GA' is an indeterminate point of dispute? Grey Area
125 TDH What 'TDH' is a film about Vietnam, not about blood-sports? The Deer Hunter
126 LAE What 'LAE' means to listen? Lend An Ear
127 EMF What 'EMF' wrote a novel about the Raj, recently an award-winning film? E.M Forster
128 SAF What 'SAF' is an area of unstable rock threatening to engulf San Francisco? San Andreas Fault
129 VSOP What 'VSOP' is a rare and expensive brandy? Very Special Old Pale
130 ITP What 'ITP' means fully informed? In The Picture
131 BB What 'BB' is an aircraft flight recorder? Black Box
132 LITD What 'LITD' is a rash experiment? Leap In The Dark
133 RK What 'RK' wrote The Jungle Book? Rudyard Kipling
134 BOT What 'BOT' lost England its most famous Admiral in 1805? Battle Of Trafalgar
135 JT What 'JT' was forced to resign from the leadership of the Liberal Party after a scandal? Jeremy Thorpe
136 POC What 'POC' is indispensable for gamblers? Pack Of Cards
137 CI What 'CI' means to yield to pressure or to submit? Cave In
138 SUA What 'SUA' is Shakespeare's birthplace? Stratford Upon Avon
139 NW What 'NW' is a self help group organised to prevent crime? Neighbourhood Watch
140 GAWP What 'GAWP means to escape retribution? Get Away With It
141 BS What 'BS' is a scoundrel, or an unsatisfactory member of a family? Black Sheep
142 LL What 'LL' wrote Cider with Rosie? Laurie Lee
143 SW What 'SW' was the film of the adventures of Luke Skywalker? Star Wars
144 QOH What 'QOH' terrorised Alice in Alice in Wonderland Queen Of Hearts
145 GS What 'GS' are Grandma's apples? Granny Smiths
146 HOT What 'HOT had the face that launched a thousand ships? Helen Of Troy
147 CM What 'CM', a famous dramatist and poet, was killed in a pub brawl in Deptford? Christopher Marlowe
148 LON What 'LON' means to be in a deep sleep? Land Of Nod
149 PE What 'PE' plays Jim Hacker in Yes, Prime Minister"? Paul Eddington
150 CS What 'CS' led an ill-fated expedition to the South Pole in Captain Scott
151 STRS What 'STRS' means to correct a misapprehension? Set The Record Straight
152 CP What 'CP' is a bird used for conveying messages? Carrier Pigeon
153 HU What 'HU' means poor, lacking money? Hard Up
154 SITD What 'SITD' is a mere guess? Shot In The Dark
155 HM What 'HM' coined the phrase 'You've never had it so good"? Harold Macmilan
156 MW What 'MW', the wife of a former Prime Minister, is a well-known poet? Mary Wilson
157 BR What 'BR' was filmed at Castle Howard, Yorkshire, in 1981? Brideshead Revisited
158 PA What 'PA' rode the show-jumper, Doublet? Princess Anne
159 YG What 'YG' was the first man to orbit the earth? Yuri Gagarin
160 JB What 'JB' was the policewoman heroine created by Molly Hardwick? Juliet Bravo
161 HOTC What 'HOTC means to reprimand? Haul Over The Coals
162 NDP What 'NDP' is a writer's pseudonym? Nom De Plume
163 ISO What 'ISO' means notwithstanding? In Spite Of
164 ML What 'ML' is the most looked-at painting in the Louvre? Mona Lisa
165 EM What 'EM' does Melina Mercouri want the British to give back? Elgin Marbles
166 SP What 'SP' is England's highest mountain? Scafell Pike
167 LH What 'LH' plays JR in 'Dallas'? Larry Hagman
168 WT What 'WT was the subject of a Rossini opera? William Tell
169 ITP What 'ITP' means in very good health? In The Pink
170 TGH What 'TGH' is a cowboy's headgear? Ten Gallon Hat
171 WC What 'WC' was the first British Prime Minister to serve under Queen Elizabeth II? Winston Churchill
172 PP What 'PP' was the hero of a play by J.M. Barrie? Peter Pan
173 RA What 'RA' is a European species of butterfly? Red Admiral
174 AS What 'AS' succeeded Nasser as President of Egypt? Anwar Sadat
175 HAB What 'HAB' means agitated and exasperated? Hot And Bothered
176 FAA What 'FAA' immortalised the song 'Underneath the Arches'? Flanagan And Allen
177 AF What 'AF' discovered Penicillin? Alexander Fleming
178 SSB What 'SSB', floated in the eighteenth century, burst and ruined thousands? South Sea Bubble
179 WT What 'WT' led the Peasants' Revolt in 1381? Wat Tyler
180 HC What 'HC' is traditionally associated with a schoolboy sport played with its fruit? Horse Chestnut
181 CC What 'CC' have they still not found the cure for? Common Cold
182 IO What 'IO' is a sea contested by the great Powers' navies? Indian Ocean
183 MR What 'MR' ended in the battle of Sedgemoor and the execution of its hero, the illegitimate son of Charles II? Monmouth Rebellion
184 HK What 'HK' was the former US Secretary of State who wrote a book of memoirs entitled The White House Years? Henry Kissinger
185 BS What 'BS' are Belgian brassica? Brussels Sprouts
186 DF What 'DF' is an imitation insect for catching trout? Dry Fly
187 BD What 'BD' became the youngest woman ever elected to the British Parliament in 1969? Bernadette Devlin
188 MAF What 'MAF means to grimace? Make A Face
189 PO What 'PO' is the naval equivalent of an Army sergeant? Petty Officer
190 SITB What 'SITB' is an unexpected wounding from behind with a knife? Stab In The Back
191 BC What 'BC' overcame cancer and won the 1981 Grand National? Bob Champion
192 QS What 'QS' estimates the amounts of material used in building? Quantity Surveyor
193 IMC What 'IMC means fresh, unsoiled or perfect? In Mint Condition
194 SUL What 'SUL' means firmness or fortitude? Stiff Upper Lip
195 TF What 'TF' means solid ground? Terra Firma
196 BG What 'BG' organised Live Aid? Bob Geldof
197 NH What 'NH' is the study of animals and plants? Natural History
198 GS What 'GS' is a kind and helpful person? Good Samaritans
199 HB What 'HB' starred as the university drop-out in Shelley? Hywell Bennett
200 SJ What 'SJ' composed the theme music used for The Sting?
Scott Joplin
201 TFL What 'TFL' means to depart or act without having permission or giving notice? Take French Leave
202 SAS What 'SAS' means unharmed or uninjured? Safe And Sound
203 PV What 'PV' means a success that turns out to have been a failure? Pyrrhic Victory
204 RLS What 'RLS' wrote Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde? Robert Louis Stevenson
205 MT What 'MT' is the famous museum in London's Baker Street? Madame Tussauds
206 SOL What 'SOL' means at some time or other? Sooner Or Later
207 PS What 'PS' wrote Prometheus Unbound and drowned off the Italian coast in 1822? Percy Shelley
208 FAF What 'FAF means to make friends with someone after a quarrel? Forgive And Forget
209 EP What 'EP' was the South American political figure on whom a musical was based? Eva Peron
210 DP What 'DP was the notorious French penal settlement where Dreyfus was sent? Devil's Island
211 FB What 'FB' is a nuclear reactor that manufactures its own plutonium fuel? Fast Breeder
212 OC What 'OC was the name of the massive police investigation into police corruption? Operation Countryman
213 BP What 'BP' created Peter Rabbit? Beatrix Potter
214 LT What 'LT' is another meaning for currency? Legal Tender
215 WH What 'WH' is the novel, that contains the character Heathcliffe? Wuthering Heights
216 NK What 'NK' was Australia's most infamous bush ranger? Ned Kelly
217 PP What 'PP' stars Peter Sellers as an incompetent French detective? Pink Panther
218 GC What 'GC' is the military honour for bravery? George Cross
219 ERB What 'ERB' was the author who created Tarzan? Edgar Rice Burroughs
220 FC What 'FC' is killed for a returning prodigal?
Fatted Calf
221 GP What 'GP' is a person used in a scientific experiment? Guinea Pig
222 ACD What 'ACD' was the creator of Sherlock Holmes? Arthur Conan Doyle
223 PU What 'PU' is a brawl? Punch Up
224 MC What 'MC' is an international system of signalling? Morse Code
225 SG What 'SG' is an informant with a lot to impart? Super Grass
226 CR What 'CR' was the founder of the country now known as Zimbabwe? Cecil Rhodes
227 TE What 'TE' was hanged in 1950 and pardoned in 1966? Timothy Evans
228 RB What 'RB' wrote Home Thoughts From Abroad? Robert Browning
229 HH What 'HH' headed the Gestapo? Heinrich Himmler
230 PP What 'PP' was a celebrated Cubist painter? Pablo Picasso
231 SWR What 'SWR', a 17th century explorer, introduced tobacco into this country? Sir Walter Raleigh
232 EP What 'EP' is where the used gases escape from a car engine? Exhaust Pipe
233 CS What 'CS' is a series of twelve consecutive semitones? Chromatic Scale
234 SE What 'SE' is the instruction given to squaddies, telling them to relax? Stand Easy
235 POP What 'POP' is made of gypsum and used for moulds and casts? Plaster Of Paris
236 LH What 'LH' was the first pro to captain England at cricket? Len Hutton
237 PT What 'PT' is TV's best known gardener? Percy Thrower
238 GF What 'GF' comes atthe end of a pantomime or variety show? Grand Finale
239 TOY What 'TOY' was Vera Brittain's serialised autobiography? Testament Of Youth
240 SFS What 'SFS' means to begin at the beginning? Start From Scratch
241 RDB What 'RDB' was a barrister who wrote Lorna Doonel Rd Blackmore
242 HW What 'HW' is the everyday name for deuterium oxide? Heavy Water
243 PB What 'PB' is the old-fashioned name for a bicycle? Push Bike
244 SMS What 'SMS' was the adored Prom conductor known as 'Flash'? Sir Malcolm Sargent
245 EF What 'EF' is the poetic name for Ireland? Emerald Isle
246 RVWTS What 'RVW' nodded off in the mountains for twenty years? Rip Van Winkle
247 TS What 'TS' lies between New Zealand and Australia? Tasman Sea
248 RN What 'RN' played the title role in Ken Russell's Valentino"? Rudolph Nureyev
249 ML What 'ML' was the German leader of the Protestant Reformation? Martin Luther
250 VH What 'VH' wrote The Hunchback of Notre Darnel Victor Hugo
251 TPD What 'TPD' was Britain's first National Park? The Peak District
252 IN What 'IN' was inspired to delve into gravity after being hit on the head by an apple? Isaac Newton
253 JS What 'JS' won a Pulitzer Prize for his novel The Grapes of Wrathl John Steinback
254 ET What 'ET' is a famous Parisian landmark? Eiffel Tower
255 SP What 'SP' is where Stonehenge is situated? Salisbury Plain
256 PH What 'PH' was attacked by Admiral Yamamoto? Pearl Harbour
257 HH What 'HH' is found on Lonely Street? Heartbreak Hotel
258 AS What 'AS' was the Russian writer deported from the Soviet Union in 1974? Alexander Solzhenitsyn
259 WTC What 'WTC was England's first Norman King? William The Conqueror
260 RBP What 'RBP' was the founder of the Scout movement? Robert Baden Powell
261 ST What 'ST' helps Scotland Yard on Police Five? Shaw Taylor
262 NO What 'NO' is the city which lies at the mouth of the Mississippi River? New Orleans
263 GS What 'GS' created the Maigret detective stories? Georges Simenon
264 HB What 'HB' is the only bird that can fly backwards? Humming Bird
265 AS What 'AS' is the translation of apres soleil? After Sun
266 POJ What 'POJ' means long suffering tolerance? Patience Of Job
267 BAR What 'BAR' means to abandon an undertaking? Beat A Retreat
268 SJB What 'SJB' succeeded Cecil Day Lewis as Poet Laureate? Sir John Betjeman
269 SFD What 'SFD' circled the world in the Golden Hind? Sir Francis Drake
270 MU What 'MU' were the first English soccer club to win the European cup? Manchester United
271 BC What 'BC' is the Westernmost province of Canada? British Columbia
272 TSL What 'TSL' is another name for the Aurora Australis? The Southern Lights
273 WS What 'WS' is Britain's largest prison? Wormwood Scrubs
274 SJ What 'SJ' said 'When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life!"? Samuel Johnson
275 PPTP What 'PPTP' means to begin writing? Put Pen To Paper
276 MK What 'MK' is the highest mountain in Africa? Mount Kilimanjaro
277 SA What 'SA' is the period when all implements were made of minerals? Stone Age
278 GD What 'GD' is trained to bring in game? Gun Dog
279 STC What 'STC' means to refuse to associate with a person? Send To Coventry
280 LHO What 'LHO' is supposed to have killed President Kennedy? Lee Harvey Oswald
281 SP What 'SP' is a red flower as well as a book? Scarlet Pimpernel
282 IGF What 'IGF' means in all honesty? In Good Faith
283 TGE What 'TGE' was a film set in a prison camp, starring Steve McQueen? The Great Escape
284 ROH What 'ROH' commemorates the dead of two world wars? Roll Of Honour
285 MN What 'MN' does a compass needle point to? Magnetic North
286 JK What 'JK' was the mediaeval hangman? Jack Ketch
287 SC What 'SC' is the patron saint of travellers? Saint Christopher
288 HCA What 'HCA' wrote The Ugly Duckling? Hans Christian Andersen
289 GB What 'GB' was the Argentine ship sunk during the Falklands War? General Belgrano
290 HC What 'HC' was last seen in 1985? Halley's Comet
291 MG What 'MG' was invented during the late 19th century for rapid firing? Machine Gun
292 RW What 'RW' was the Greenpeace ship blown up in New Zealand? Rainbow Warrior
293 BAM What 'BAM' were the two spies who escaped to Moscow in 1956? Burgess And Maclean
294 TOF What 'TOF is the Frederick Forsyth novel about a German journalist searching for a Nazi war criminal? The Odessa File
295 AS What 'AS' played Manuel in Fawlty Towers? Andrew Sachs
296 POW What 'POW' means to do one's fair share of the work? Pull One's Weight
297 KH What 'KH' was the place the Wright brothers flew from? Kitty Hawk
298 SS What 'SS' means the time when newspapers are short of news? Silly Season
299 FC What 'FC is the Premier of Cuba? Fidel Castro
300 AAM What 'AAM' Wrote Winnie The Pooh? AA Milne
301 PIK What 'PIK' means rewarded by goods rather than money? Payment In Kind
302 SC What 'SC' was the waterway closed by Nasser in 1956? Suez Canal
303 ITDH What 'ITDH' means in disgrace? In The Dog House
304 EP What 'EP' is the official residence of the President of France? Elysee Palace
305 BAF What 'BAF means to lose one's temper? Blow A Fuse
306 LHH What 'LHH' broadcasted German propaganda during World War 2? Lord Haw Haw
307 PAQ What 'PAQ' means to find a pretext for an argument? Pick A Quarrel
308 BM What 'BM' are a German terrorist group? Baader Meinhof
309 WF What 'WF was a famous US pioneer stagecoach line? Wells Fargo
310 YO What 'YO' was married to John Lennon? Yoko Ono
311 NC What 'NC' brought the message 'Peace in our time'? Neville Chamberlain
312 CU What 'CU' means to summon to serve in the Army? Call Up
313 LR What 'LR' portrayed Reggie Perrin and Rigsby? Leonard Rossiter
314 RP What 'RP' houses London's Zoo? Regents Park
315 ONJ What 'ONJ' starred with John Travolta in Grease? Olivia Newton John
316 YA What 'YA' is the leader of the PLO? Yasa Arafat
317 GBR What 'GBR' is the world's largest coral reef? Great Barrier Reef
318 CFM What 'CM' means made to measure? Custom Made
319 OOB What 'OOB' means beyond the permitted area? Out Of Bounds
320 DN What 'DN' is the more common name for the plant belladonna?
Deadly Nightshade
321 PG What 'PG' climbed up on Salisbury Hill? Peter Gabriel
322 AN What 'AN' invented dynamite and inaugurated a famous prize? Alfred Nobel
323 BM What 'BM' defeated Rommel at El Alamein? Bernard Montgomery
324 SAG What 'SAG' sang 'Scarborough Fair'? Simon And Garfunkel
325 AA What 'AA' is a comedy about the French Resistance? Allo Allo
326 RB What 'RB' played a convict in Porridge? Ronnie Barker
327 GF What 'GF' is a general office clerk? Girl Friday
328 BATB What 'BATB' means to approach a subject slowly or to prevaricate? Beat About The Bush
329 MA What 'MA' said 'Let them eat cake!'? Marie Antoinette
330 OP What 'OP' was the film starring and directed by Robert Redford? Ordinary People
331 CT What 'CT' is the thick black liquid made from coal? Coal Tar
332 BO What 'BO' is a monastic group, and also makes a sweet liqueur? Benedictine Order
333 TWM What 'TWM' followed the star? Three Wise Men
334 DD What 'DD' is where ships undergo a refit? Dry Dock
335 DHL What 'DHL' wrote Sons and Lovers? D.H Lawrence
336 AR What 'AR' is the means of approach to a place? Access Road
337 CF What 'CF' has a waxy skin and acidic juice? Citrus Fruit
338 KD What 'KD' is a percussion instrument? Kettle Drum
339 RC What 'RC created the private detective Philip Marlowe? Raymond Chandler
340 AH What 'AH' is named after Queen Victoria's consort? Albert Hall
341 GB What 'GB' was the nickname for US Special Forces in Vietnam? Green Berets
342 BB What 'BB' is London's most famous clock? Big Ben
343 MS What 'MS' is Britain's Communist daily newspaper? Morning Star
344 LR What 'LR' is the annual list of ships of various classes? Lloyds Registers
345 BOE What 'BOE' is called the Old Lady of Threadneedle Street? Bank Of England
346 TW What 'TW' is the Archbishop of Canterbury's special envoy? Terry Waite
347 DG What 'DG' keeps out the noise and the cold? Double Glazing
348 CAW What 'CAW' were eaten by Little Miss Muffett? Curds And Whey
349 RG What 'RG' wrote I Claudius? Robert Graves
350 FL What 'FL' should drivers move into to arrive early? Fast Lane
351 AA What 'AA' is water? Adam's Ale
352 CH What 'CH' is used to combine reaping and threshing? Combine Harvester
353 BH What 'BH' is the British Grand Prix racing course? Brand's Hatch
354 GH What 'GH' do you not look in the mouth? Gift Horse
355 TM What 'TM' was Britain's longest running play? The Mousetrap
356 TAD What 'TAD' were the ice dancing duo who won the European and World titles in 1981 and 1982? Torvill And Dean
357 BH What 'BH' is believed to have been created when a star collapses? Black Hole
358 MITC What 'MITC' is the T.S. Eliot play set in Canterbury Cathedral? Murder In The Cathedral
359 RH What 'RH' was Spandau Prison's last inmate? Rudolph Hess
360 IM What 'IM' is a rock group, and was also a mediaeval form of torture? Iron Maiden
361 DB What 'DB' is a North Sea fishing ground? Dogger Bank
362 RM What 'RM' is where steel bar is turned into sheet? Rolling Mill
363 HSB What 'HSB' is a long-running TV series about American cops? Hill Street Blues
364 HP What 'HP' starred in the film Raiders of the Lost Ark? Harrison Ford
365 IOM What 'IOM' is where the tail-less cats come from? Isle Of Man
366 MC What 'MC' crashed his boat Bluebird on Lake Coniston? Malcolm Campbell
367 ASD What 'ASD' is the 1st of November? All Saint's Day
368 TH What 'TH' is the current Poet Laureate? Ted Hughes
369 HWH What 'HWH' is an inn midway between towns, or a possible compromise? Half Way House
370 TL What 'TL' is lit at Hallowe'en? Turnip Lantern
371 PP What 'PP' is the Treasury? Public Purse
372 BT What 'BT' is the reputedly haunted area of sea off Florida? Bermuda Triangle
373 RCS What 'RCS' do you see through if you take a cheerful view of life? Rose Coloured Specs
374 LS What 'LS' is soonest mended? Least Said
375 MV What 'MV' erupted to destroy Pompeii? Mount Vesuvius
376 LDV What 'LDV' painted the Mona Lisa? Leonardo Da Vinci
377 GT What 'GT deserves another? Good Turn
378 SW What 'SW' was the President of the SDP? Shirley Williams
379 BO What 'BO' is a kind of biscuit? Bath Oliver
380 CB What 'CB' means authorisation to do what you want?
Carte Blanche
381 LV What 'LV' is the largest lake in Africa? Lake Victoria
382 TTT What 'TTI' is the disaster movie starring Steve McQueen and Paul Newman? The Towering Inferno
383 DE What 'DE' is a phrase capable of two meanings? Double Entendre
384 TOTS What 'TOTS' is a famous short novel by Henry James? Turn Of The Screw
385 OOD What 'OOD' means in the open air? Out Of Doors
386 CM What 'CM' is a period of time within a year? Calender Month
387 SD What 'SD' is the famous snooker player? Steve Davis
388 BM What 'BM' is where the Magna Carta is kept? British Museum
389 CB What 'CB' is an avian in captivity? Caged Bird
390 OTS What 'OTS' is the phrase used of someone not yet married and over a certain age? On The Shelf
391 JA What 'JA' is the actress playing the title role in Mary Poppins? Julie Andrews
392 POC What 'POC' is something easily managed? Piece Of Cake
393 JC What 'JC' was A Boy Named Sue? Johnny Cash
394 MOC What 'MOC is a character of quality? Man Of Calibre
395 BTB What 'BTB' means to demand an explanation? Bring To Book
396 PL What 'PL' is the 'official version'? Party Line
397 GW What 'GW' started with the assassination of an Archduke? Great War
398 NT What 'NT' brought the Nazis to justice? Nuremberg Trials
399 RF What 'RF' are the stormy part of the Atlantic, also a film? Roaring Forties
400 DOO What 'DOO' is a disagreement? Difference Of Opinion
401 DITM What 'DITM' means out of spirits? Down In The Mouth
402 EC What 'EC' played with Cream and is now a solo performer? Eric Clapton
403 DJL What 'DJL' is on the sea bed? Davy Jones Locker
404 WA What 'WA' is where Queen Elizabeth II was crowned? Westminster Abbey
405 ES What 'ES' is the planet Venus? Evening Star
406 FGTH What 'FGTH' had a hit with 'The Power of Love'? Frankie Goes To Hollywood
407 GG What 'GG' wrote Brighton Rock? Graham Greene
408 MH What 'MH' are you as mad as? March Hare
409 MM What 'MM' does Mel Gibson star in? Mad Max
410 OTC What 'OTC' means without preparation? Off The Cuff
411 AF What 'AF' is the historian married to Harold Pinter? Antonia Fraser
412 BB What 'BB' was the 'Fat Owl' of Greyfriars? Billy Bunter
413 PE What 'PE' are one's own property? Personal Effects
414 IR What 'IR' were the economic changes of the 18th century? Industrial Revolution
415 TH What 'TH' was famous for his Blood Donor sketch? Tony Hancock
416 SS What 'SS' is the legendary song of a dying royal bird? Swan Song
417 JDV What 'JDV' means enjoyment of life? Joie De Vivre
418 OD What 'OD' is a festive occasion when a school admits visitors? Open Day
419 CB What 'CB' is a potato pest? Colorado Beetle
420 PS What 'PS' is the comedienne married to Billy Connolly?
Pamela Stephenson
421 OAB What 'OAB' is a slot machine for gambling? One Armed Bandit
422 RC What 'RC' works machinery at a distance? Remote Control
423 TMOV What 'TMOV contains "the quality of mercy"? The Merchant Of Venice
424 SA What 'SA' are weapons carried by one man? Side Arms
425 TMB What 'TMB' starred in Duck Soup? The Marx Brothers
426 RR What 'RR' has as its hero Alan Breck? Rob Roy
427 AF What 'AF' is an illness originating in China? Asian Flu
428 OTD What 'OTD' means punctually? On The Dot
429 AW What 'AW' is a famous poem by T.S. Eliot and is the day after Shrove Tuesday? Ash Wednesday
430 SP What 'SP' was a 17th century diarist? Samuel Pepys
431 DB What 'DB' starred in Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence? David Bowie
432 HC What 'HC discovered the tomb of Tutankhamun? Howard Carter
433 MH What 'MH' gets you less speed? More Haste
434 SS What 'SS' won the Eurovision Song Contest with'Puppet on a String'? Sandie Shaw
435 FT What 'FT are the chain of islands off the Dutch Coast? Fresian Islands
436 BOJ What 'BOJ' was where the Navy met the Grand Fleet in World War I? Battle Of Jutland
437 KVK What 'KVK' was the film starring Meryl Streep and Dustin Hoffman? Kramer Vs Kramer
438 KM What 'KM' wrote Das Kapital Karl Marx
439 SJ What 'SJ' was the nickname for the first spinning machine? Spinning Jenny
440 AA What 'AA' is a breed of Scottish cattle? Aberdeen Angus
441 BA What 'BA' is a snake, and also a TV programme starring Rowan Atkinson? Black Adder
442 TCP What 'TCP' are careers such as nursing and social work? The Caring Professions
443 JJ What 'JJ' is a large passenger-carrying aircraft? Jumbo Jet
444 TZ What 'TZ' are astrological signs? The Zodiac
445 AM What 'AM' was the composer who was the subject of a play by Peter Shaffer? Amadeus Mozart
446 YS What 'YS' was a Beatles' film and song? Yellow Sunmarine
447 TMI What 'TMI' was the site of a major nuclear accident in the USA? Three Mile Island
448 GC What 'GC' is one's ancestor's timepiece? Grandfather Clock
449 SBS What 'SBS' is the navy's crack force? Special Boat Service
450 TITH What 'TITH' is a dish made with sausages and batter? Toad In The Hole
451 BR What 'BR' is a Northumbrian folk song? Blaydon Races
452 NOTW What 'NOTW' is a popular Sunday newspaper? News Of The World
453 SP What 'SP' is a houseplant, not an insect? Spider Plant
454 BF What 'BF' is a solo artist, who was once with Roxy Music? Bryan Ferry
455 TS What 'TS' is an exaggerated tale? Tall Story
456 LR What 'LR' had an Indian companion called Tonto? Lone Ranger
457 POC What 'POC' is a metal instrument used for measuring and drawing, usually circles? Pair Of Compasses
458 WF What 'WF' is a bird which is found in woodlands which can be eaten? Wood Pigeon
459 TOTU What 'TOTU' is a series of horror stories by Roald Dahl?
Tales Of The Unexpected
460 WG What 'WG' means day-dreaming? Wool Gathering
461 CS What 'CS' is part of a Sunday Paper? Colour Supplement
462 FAF What 'FAF are plants and animals? Flora And Fauna
463 JS What 'JS' are wealthy elite to be found in places like Saint Tropez? Jet Set
464 ALS What 'ALS' is the song sung to welcome in the New Year? Auld Lang Syne
465 KR What 'KR' is a large sum of money? King's Ransom
466 MU What 'MU' is minor confusion and chaos where things get in a mess? Mix Up
467 WAF What 'WAF' was the epic by Leo Tolstoy? War And Peace
468 TC What 'TC' is a spicy Indian dish? Tandoori Chicken
469 ND What 'ND' was the plan for reconstruction laid down by President Roosevelt in the 1930s? New Deal
470 KK What 'KK' was the footballer who left Newcastle United in 1984? Kevin Keagan
471 DR What 'DR' played the main role in Lady Sings The Blues? Diana Ross
472 AG What 'AG' is the Government's Law Officer? Attorney General
473 ES What 'ES' is a descendant of the Aga Khan who has recently started a newspaper? Eddie Shah
474 AAP What 'AAP' is Cockney rhyming slang for stairs? Apples And Pears
475 TGB What 'TGB' was a film from a book by L.P. Hartley? The Go Between
476 JM What 'JM' was a march of unemployed from Newcastle to London in the 1920s? Jarrow March
477 GC What 'GC wrote the Canterbury Tales? Geoffrey Chaucer
478 KA What 'KA' is reputed to have burnt the cakes? King Alfred
479 HO What 'HO' means to intercept? Head Off
480 BW What 'BW' separates East from West Germany? Berlin Wall
481 GGB What 'GGB' is the bridge which spans San Francisco? Golden Gate Bridge
482 RB What 'RB' was the World War 1 German flying ace? Red Baron
483 DAB What 'DAB' means to run away? Do A Bunk
484 HAG What 'HAG' were tempted by a gingerbread house? Hansel And Gretel
485 TT What 'TT' is nicknamed 'The Thunderer'? The Times
486 AM What 'AM' is the name sometimes given by students to their university or college? Alma Mater
487 BJ What 'BJ' wrote The Alchemist? Ben Jonson
488 CG What 'CG' was once known for its vegetable market and is the location of the Opera House? Covent Garden
489 OTH What 'OTH' means unprepared? On The Hop
490 AK What 'AK' is the tragic heroine in a famous novel by Tolstoy? Anna Karenina
491 BTP What 'BTP' sparked off the American War of Independence? Boston Tea Party
492 HTE What 'HTE' was the King who dissolved the monasteries? Henry The Eighth
493 DAD What 'DAD' is a game involving throwing stones onto water? Ducks And Drakes
494 RN What 'RN' was the American President brought down by the Watergate scandal? Richard Nixon
495 MM What 'MM' is a charwoman? Mrs Mop
496 TRS What 'TRS' were a famous R&R band in the '60s and '70s? The Rolling Stones
497 OOTW What 'OOTW' means out of danger? Out Of The Wood
498 ED What 'ED' means 'the golden land? El Dorado
499 SJ What 'SJ' is a motorway interchange in Birmingham? Spaghetti Junction
500 LW What 'LW' is the leader of Solidarity in Poland? Lech Walesa