Question |
Answer |
001 |
F |
What 'F' is the thighbone |
Femur |
002 |
O |
What 'O' means involving the supernatural |
Occult |
003 |
K |
What 'K' was the English general who died in 1916 |
Kitchener |
004 |
R |
What 'R' is a red cosmetic for the cheeks |
Rouge |
005 |
T |
What 'T is a short club or cudgel |
Truncheon |
006 |
A |
What 'A' is to heap up in a mass |
Accumulate |
007 |
E |
What 'E' is a large bird of prey with a hooked bill |
Eagle |
008 |
B |
What 'B' is a Jersey-based TV series |
Bergerac |
009 |
P |
What 'P' means occurring after death |
Posthumous |
010 |
D |
What 'D' is chairman of the Parliamentary Labour Party |
Dormand |
011 |
N |
What 'N' was the architect who planned Regent Street |
Nash |
012 |
J |
What 'J' is a slatted shutter outside a window |
Jalousie |
013 |
S |
What 'S' is a thick woollen jersey |
Sweater |
014 |
H |
What 'H' is a pole-mounted trough for carrying bricks |
Hod |
015 |
U |
What 'U' comes before marine, mundane and violet |
Ultra |
016 |
G |
What 'G' is a Swiss cheese full of holes |
Gruyere |
017 |
M |
What 'M' is a contagious disease marked by swelling of the neck |
Mumps |
018 |
W |
What 'W' is a book that sets up, then solves, a murder mystery |
Whodunnit |
019 |
C |
What 'C' is the fourth Zodiacal sign |
Cancer |
020 |
L |
What 'L' is unevenly balanced or proportional |
Lopsided |
021 |
M |
What 'M' is the principality between France and Italy |
Monaco |
022 |
O |
What 'O' is Australia |
Oz |
023 |
K |
What 'K' is a small fiddle, wooden tub and personal equipment |
Kit |
024 |
D |
What 'D' is the opposite of concord |
Discord |
025 |
J |
What 'J' is to squeeze between two surfaces |
Jam |
026 |
P |
What 'P' is a small dog with long silky hair |
Pomeranian / Pekinese |
027 |
H |
What 'H' is an Australian singer and rapid painter |
Harris |
028 |
W |
What 'W' comes before wash, bait and elephant |
White |
029 |
F |
What 'F' is to go and carry |
Fetch |
030 |
B |
What 'B' is a round flat cap |
Beret |
031 |
L |
What 'L' is the figure produced by string that crosses itself |
Loop |
032 |
S |
What 'S' is to drink like a pig |
Swill |
033 |
T |
What 'T' is a hard metallic element with a high melting point |
Tungsten |
034 |
R |
What 'R' is a disorderly crowd |
Rabble |
035 |
C |
What 'C' are the carriers of genes |
Chromosomes |
036 |
E |
What 'E' is to set off on a journey |
Embark |
037 |
A |
What 'A' was a Greek hero with a bad heel |
Achilles |
038 |
V |
What 'V' is an animal and comes after field, bank and water |
Vole |
039 |
G |
What 'G' is a regiment of Nepalese in the British Army |
Gurkha |
040 |
N |
What 'N' means of the later Stone Age |
Neolithic |
041 |
C |
What 'C' comes before bar, table and bean |
Coffee |
042 |
I |
What 'I' is an unfairness |
Injustice |
043 |
N |
What 'N' is a structure made of twigs and feathers |
Nest |
044 |
O |
What 'O' is the Australian bush |
Outback |
045 |
F |
What 'F' was a British 1950s pop singer |
Fury |
046 |
K |
What 'K' is the sound of a funeral bell |
Knell |
047 |
A |
What 'A' is the white of an egg |
Albumen |
048 |
P |
What 'P' is a perfumed ball |
Pmander |
049 |
D |
What 'D' is the US singer born Robert Zimmerman |
Dylan |
050 |
J |
What 'J' is a throwing spear |
Javelin |
051 |
B |
What 'B' means adapted to the use of both eyes |
Binocular |
052 |
Q |
What 'Q' is to shake or tremble |
Quake |
053 |
H |
What 'H' is the full bloom or youth and vigour |
Heyday |
054 |
L |
What 'L' is talkative |
Loquacious |
055 |
S |
What 'S' comes before tail, hawk and dive |
Swallow |
056 |
R |
What 'R' is a general report of doubtful accuracy |
Rumour |
057 |
E |
What 'E' is to lengthen or prolong |
Elongate |
058 |
M |
What 'M' is the capital of Uruguay |
Montevideo |
059 |
T |
What 'T' is a large game fish related to the mackerel |
Tuna |
060 |
U |
What 'U' is unmatched or one of a kind |
Unique |
061 |
G |
What 'G' is a French method of execution |
Guillotine |
062 |
Y |
What 'Y' is to be filled with longing |
Yearn |
063 |
A |
What 'A' is the tree commonly found in wet places |
Alder |
064 |
T |
What 'T' is a hard pull - and a type of boat |
Tug |
065 |
V |
What 'V' is a ballot |
Vote |
066 |
S |
What 'S' is a sample piece of fabric |
Swatch |
067 |
U |
What 'U' was the counter-culture 1960s art movement |
Underground |
068 |
B |
What 'B' comes before hop, ringer and pull |
Bell |
069 |
E |
What 'E' is the obscuring of one heavenly body by another |
Eclipse |
070 |
N |
What 'N' means of the nervous system |
Neural |
071 |
I |
What 'I' is an alphabetical listing |
Index |
072 |
V |
What 'V' is an old card game and a lavatory |
Loo |
073 |
P |
What 'P' is to think over or weigh mentally |
Ponder |
074 |
O |
What 'O' is a female hormone |
Oestrogen |
075 |
H |
What 'H' is a small village - and was a Danish prince |
Hamlet |
076 |
F |
What 'F' is a coniferous tree |
Fir |
077 |
D |
What 'D' was New Orleans 1900s jazz |
Dixieland |
078 |
M |
What 'M' is a human body embalmed for burial |
Mummy |
079 |
J |
What 'J' is a journey for fun |
Jaunt |
080 |
R |
What 'R' are broken fragments of building material |
Rubble |
081 |
G |
What 'G' Is A Long Deep Cut Often Referring To A Wound? |
Gash |
082 |
B |
What 'B' Is Another Name For The Sternum In The Human Body? |
Breastbone |
083 |
B |
What 'B' Identifies A Diesel Pump At A Petrol Station? |
Black |
084 |
U |
What 'U' Is The Origin Of The Card Game Canasta? |
Uruguay |
085 |
C |
What 'C' Is The Roman Name For Scotland","Caledonia? |
Caledonia |
086 |
C |
What 'C' Is A Strip Of Metal That Protects A Church Spire From Lightning? |
Conductor |
087 |
V |
What 'V' Is The Day Seven Weeks After Christmas That Greetings Cards Shops Look Forward To? |
Valentines |
088 |
C |
What 'C' Is The Quickest Land Mammal That Sounds As Though It Would Be Unworthy Of Passing An Exam? |
Cheetah |
089 |
B |
What 'B' Is The Second Lowest Male Singing Voice, Between Bass & Tenor? |
Baritone |
090 |
C |
What 'C' Is A Bird Traditionally Used By Miners Underground? |
Canary |
091 |
F |
What 'F' Is The River Crossed At Queensferry By A Great Cantilever Railway Bridge Built In 1890? |
Forth |
092 |
P |
What 'P' As A Verb Means To Cut Away Or As A Noun Is A Dried Plum? |
Prune |
093 |
T |
What 'T' Is A List Of Planned Journeys By Public Transport? |
Timetable |
094 |
E |
What 'E' Is The Lighthouse On Rocks South Of Plymouth Named After The Currents That Swirl Around Them? |
Eddystone |
095 |
R |
What 'R' Is A French Word For A Dish That Is Rolled Up And Coated With Sauce Or Filling So that Each Side Is A Spiral" |
Roulade |
096 |
R |
What 'R' Goes Before Check, Forest, Hood And Storm? |
Rain |
097 |
B |
What 'B' Comes After Old New And Borrowed When It Comes To A Wedding Tradition? |
Blue |
098 |
S |
What 'S' Is A Sudden But Short Lived Period Of Cold Weather? |
Snap |
099 |
D |
What 'D' Is To Deprive Someone Of Their Confidence Or To Let Air Out Of Something? |
Deflate |
100 |
C |
What 'C' Is Formally Trooped To Celebrate The Queens Official Birthday On June 15th? |
Colour |
101 |
F |
What 'F' Is A Thin Cloth Filled Japanese Mattress, Usually Put On The Floor? |
Futon |
102 |
Q |
What 'Q' Is A Speedy Divorce And A Hastily Swallowed Drink? |
Quickie |
103 |
C |
What 'C' Is An Informal Italian Word To Say Hello Or Goodbye? |
Ciao |
104 |
S |
What 'S' Has Progressed From Being A Variery Of Luncheon Meat To A Hi Tech Computer Nuisance? |
Spam |
105 |
S |
What 'S' Is The Equivalent Of An Australian Bludger Meaning One Who Undeservedly Draws State Benefits? |
Scrounger |
106 |
C |
What 'C' Is The Abnormal Fear Of Being In A Confined Space? |
Claustrophobia |
107 |
R |
What 'R' Is The First Word Of The Abbreviation R.E.M? |
Rapid |
108 |
P |
What 'P' Is An Arrangement Of Mirrors And Prisms In A Tube Used On A Submarine? |
Periscope |
109 |
G |
What 'G' Is A Drivers Nightmare A Jam In Which No Vehicles Can Move? |
Gridlock |
110 |
S |
What 'S' Is Surrounded By An Outer Ring Of 56 Aubrey Stones At It's Historic Site On Salisbury Plain? |
Stonehenge |
111 |
C |
What 'C' Is An Ornamental Covering, The Fabric Part Of A Parachute, And The Cover Of A Cockpit? |
Canopy |
112 |
P |
What 'P' Does A Cameraman Do To Follow The Moving Action? |
Pan |
113 |
T |
What 'T' Has An Occupation Of Stuffing Animals For A Living? |
Taxidurmist |
114 |
R |
What 'R' Are you Doing When You Set The Pace In a Race? |
Running |
115 |
S |
What 'S' Is The Star Of India A Blue Gemstone That's Amongst The Worlds Largest? |
Sapphire |
116 |
C |
What 'C' Is An Ankle Length Garment Worn By Priests And Choristers? |
Cassock |
117 |
U |
What 'U' Is A Pendulous, Baggy Organ Below A Cows Stomach, Used For Milking? |
Udder |
118 |
T |
What 'T' Is The Art Of cutting Hedges Into Ornamental Shapes? |
Topiary |
119 |
E |
What 'E' Is The District Of Birmingham That Gives It's Name To The Cities Test Cricket Ground? |
Edgbaston |
120 |
C |
What 'C' Is The Spa Town At The Foot Of The Cotswold Hills, Famous For It's Gold Cup? |
Cheltenham |
121 |
T |
What 'T' Is The Larval Stage Of A Toad And A Frog? |
Tadpole |
122 |
P |
What 'P' Describes The Words (Radar, Reviver and Racecar) |
Palindromes |
123 |
D |
What 'D' Is To Unload Supplies By Parachute, Or To Leave An Item At A Specified Place For Collection? |
Drop |
124 |
J |
Which 'J' Is A Large Vein In The Neck Which Predatory Businessman Are Said To Go For? |
Jugular |
125 |
Q |
What 'Q' Derived From The Latin For (Forty Days) Is Also A Period Of Enforced Isolation? |
Quarantine |
126 |
D |
What 'D' Is Given To The Home Of A Squirrel? |
Drey |
127 |
S |
What 'S' Born Gordon Sumner Starred In The Movie Quadrophenia? |
Sting |
128 |
R |
What 'R' Collectively Are Galoshes, Cagoules, Mackintoshes, Souwesters And Wellies","Rainwear? |
Rainwear |
129 |
V |
What 'V' Was An Early Bicycle Also Called A Boneshaker Whose Name Means (Swift Footed)? |
Velocipede |
130 |
V |
What 'V' Is The Capital Of Lichtenstein? |
Vadus |
131 |
Y |
What 'Y' Goes Before Card, Line, Ribbon And Streak? |
Yellow |
132 |
S |
What 'S' Is A Very Popular Childrens Card Game With Four Letters? |
Snap |
133 |
W |
What 'W' Is The Watery Liquid Produced When Enzymes Are Added To The Solid Parts Of Milk In Cheese? |
Whey |
134 |
T |
What 'T' Is The Term Used To Toughen Steel By Reheating Then Cooling It? |
Temper |
135 |
U |
What 'U' Is What One Actor Does To Another When Stealing His Thunder Or Diverting The Audiences Attention |
Upstage |
136 |
W |
What 'W' Is A Hyphenated Word For A Thrill Ride At A Funfair? |
White Knuckle |
137 |
V |
What 'V' Are You If You Are Capable Of Being Hurt Or Wounded? |
Vulnerable |
138 |
T |
What 'T' May Be A Pet Or A Full Blown Tantrum? |
Temper |
139 |
Y |
What 'Y' Originally Split Into 100 Sen Is The Monetary Unit Of Japan"? |
Yen |
140 |
U |
What 'U' Means Literally (From Beyond The Seas) Is A Deep Blue Colour Like Lapis Lazuli? |
Ultramarine |
141 |
T |
What 'T' Does The T Stand For In The Abbreviation T.A For Part Time Professional Soldiers? |
Territorial |
142 |
V |
What 'V' Is To Fox As Heifer Is To Steer? |
Vixen |
143 |
U |
What 'U' Is To Vibrate Gently And To Move In Waves As A Sea Serphants Coils Might Do? |
Undulate |
144 |
W |
What 'W' Is A Stunt In Which A Motorcyclist Makes His Machine Sit Up And Beg? |
Wheelie |
145 |
Y |
What 'Y' Is A Slang Term For A Very Long Time But Is Not Years? |
Yonks |
146 |
U |
What 'U' Was The duckling Who Was Really A Cygnet And Grows Into A Swan? |
Ugly |
147 |
W |
What 'W' Goes Before Paper, Pipe, Disposal And (Of Time)? |
Waste |
148 |
W |
What 'W' Is An Abandoned Child Or Animal Usually Looking Thin And Neglected A Word Often Coupled With Stray? |
Waif |
149 |
Y |
What 'Y' With A Thick Trunk And Stiff Sword Shaped Leaves Has Become A Popular House Plant? |
Yucca |
150 |
W |
What 'W' Is The Kind Of Bin Used By Many Councils In Which Residents Dispose Of Rubbish? |
Wheelie |
151 |
T |
What 'T' Is The Cube Root Of A Million? |
Thousand |
152 |
Y |
What 'Y' Is Another Name For The Abominable Snowman? |
Yeti |
153 |
U |
What 'U' Is How A Policeman Operates If Mingling In Disguise With Criminals? |
Undercover |
154 |
W |
What 'W' Is A Reformed Drinker Said To Be On? |
Wagon |
155 |
T |
What 'T' Is A Soya Bean Curd Used In Japanese Cooking? |
Tofu |
156 |
W |
What 'W' Is A One Word Compression Of A Question Often Used By Detectives? |
Whodunnit |
157 |
V |
What 'V' Is Proverbially The Spice Of Life? |
Variety |
158 |
S |
What 'S' Describes The P In Pneumonia, The G In Gnome And The K In Knot? |
Silent |
159 |
T |
What 'T' Is The Plan Of Scheduled Lessons For School Children? |
Timetable |
160 |
C |
What 'C' Is The Place You Are Said To Send A Person If You Are Ignoring Them? |
Coventry |
161 |
W |
What 'W' Is To Sharpen A Blade Especially By Rubbing It On A Smooth Stone? |
Whet |
162 |
U |
What 'U' Is A Broker At Lloyds Who Arranges Insurance On A Risk","Underwriter", |
Underwriter |
163 |
Y |
What 'Y' Is An Aromatherapy Oil Made From The Fragrent Flowers Of An Evergreen Tree? |
Ylang-Ylang |
164 |
U |
What 'U' Comes Before Decision To Mean Complete Agreement? |
Unanimous |
165 |
S |
What 'S' Goes Before Islands, Wool And Pony, All Of Them Scots? |
Shetland |
166 |
V |
What 'V' On A Radio Adjusts The Level Of Sound? |
Volume |
167 |
U |
What 'U' In The Human Body Often Linked With Poor Diet And Stress May Be Peptic, Gastric Or Duodenal? |
Ulcer |
168 |
W |
What 'W' Is The Popular Name For The Trachea, the Tube Through Which Air Reaches The Lungs? |
Windpipe |
169 |
J |
What 'J' Was A Blockbuster Movie Set On Amity Island? |
Jaws |
170 |
Y |
What 'Y' Means Little Man Like Animal In The Tibetan Language? |
Yeti |
171 |
N |
What 'N' Is A City That Is Served by "Jomo Kenyatta" Airport? |
Nairobi |
172 |
W |
What 'W' Is A Nickname Widely Used For A Helicopter Because It's Rotors Spin Round At Great Speed As It Flies? |
Whirlybird |
173 |
T |
What 'T' Has An Occupation Of Stuffing Animals For A Living? |
Taxidermist |
174 |
W |
What 'W' Is A Boringly Talkative Person Who Has Little Of Interest To Say? |
Windbag |
175 |
Y |
What 'Y' Is An Old Fashioned Word For (Over There In The Distance)? |
Yonder |
176 |
E |
What 'E' Was The Leader Of The Untouchables? |
Elliot Ness |
177 |
Y |
What 'Y' Is A Five Letter Word And Is The Name Given To A Country Bumpkin? |
Yokel |
178 |
V |
What 'V' Is A Popular French Salad Dressing |
Vinaigrette |
179 |
I |
What 'I' Is The Name Given To A Period Of Hatching Out Of Eggs? |
Incubation |
180 |
D |
What 'D' Was The Surname Of The Policeman In Top Cat? |
Dibble |
181 |
V |
What 'V' Is The Longest River In Europe? |
Volga |
182 |
V |
What 'W' Is To Cause Something Violent And Destrctive And Often Goes Before Havoc Or Vengeance? |
Wreak |
183 |
V |
What 'V' Is The Stewarded Parking System Used By Some Hotels And Airports? |
Valet |
184 |
T |
What 'T' Has "ASHKABAD" As It's Capital City? |
Turkmenistan |
185 |
W |
What 'W' Is A Hyphenated Word For Someone Working In An Organisation Who Exposes Wrong Doing? |
Whistle-Blower |
186 |
Y |
What 'Y' Surrounds The Old Faithful Geyser, And Is The Oldest And Largest National Park In The USA? |
Yellowstone |
187 |
W |
What 'W' Is The Proverbial Pot That Never Boils? |
Watched |
188 |
V |
What 'V' Is The Soft Covering Of A Deers Antlers As They Grow And Also A Luxurious Fabric? |
Velvet |
189 |
N |
What 'N' Was Invented By Wallace Carothers? |
Nylon |
190 |
P |
What 'H' Is A Girls Name Which In Latin Means "Forseeing"? |
Prudence |
191 |
O |
What 'O' Was The Name Of Quint's Boat In The Movie Jaws? |
Orca |
192 |
P |
What 'P' Are Little Marvels and Hurst Green Shafts Types Of? |
Peas |
193 |
W |
What 'W' Is The String That Draws Fuel To The Flame In An Oil Lamp Or A Candle? |
Wick |
194 |
V |
What 'V' Is To Beef As Lamb Is To Mutton, Depending On The Animals Age? |
Veal |
195 |
R |
What 'R' Is The Currency Unit Of Pakistan? |
Rupee |
196 |
C |
What 'C' Is The Capital City Where The "Tivoli Amusement Park" Is Located? |
Copenhagen |
197 |
V |
What 'V' Is A Swirling Mass Of Water Likle A Whirlpool Or Cyclone? |
Vortex |
198 |
U |
What 'U' Goes After Take Meaning To Take Offence? |
Umbrage |
199 |
B |
What 'B' Is The Name Of The Arena In The Sport Of Sumo Wrestling? |
Basho |
200 |
V |
What 'V' Is The Longest River In Europe? |
Volga |
201 |
F |
What 'F' Did Charles Dickens Refer To As A London Particular? |
Fog |
202 |
L |
What 'L' Is A 5 Letter Word Given To A Doctor's Deputy? |
Locum |
203 |
D |
What 'D' Is A Male Duck Called? |
Drake |
204 |
Y |
What 'Y' Is Military Slang For Walking Laboriously Over Rough Terrain While Heavily Laden |
Yomp |
205 |
B |
What 'B' Was The Name Of The Bear That Featured In The Classic Tv Show Rainbow? |
Bungle |
206 |
V |
What 'V' Will You Find Between T And V, N And P,H And J,D And F And First Of All? |
Vowels |
207 |
Y |
What Y Is A Greasy Substance Found In Wool, Or The Yellow Part Of An Egg? |
Yolk |
208 |
X |
What 'X' Was The Name Of The 90's Tv Warrior Princess? |
Xena |
209 |
Q |
What 'Q' Has "Doha" As It's Capital City? |
Qatar |
210 |
B |
What 'B' Was The Name Of The Bear That Featured In The Classic Tv Show Rainbow? |
Bungle |
211 |
G |
What 'G' Was The Name Of The Hippo That Featured In The Classic Tv Show Rainbow? |
George |
212 |
W |
What 'W' Are The Marsupials From Whom The Rugby Team Of Australia Got Their Name? |
Wallabies |
213 |
Y |
What 'Y' Is A Sweet Potato With Reddish Flesh? |
Yam |
214 |
W |
What 'W' Is The Kind Of Injury A Car Passenger May Suffer In The Event Of An Accident? |
Whiplash |
215 |
N |
What 'N' In Greek Mythology Fell In Love With His Own Reflection? |
Narcissus |
216 |
Q |
What 'Q' Are The Types Of Muscles That Are Located In The Thigh? |
Quadriceps |
217 |
S |
What 'S' Born Gordon Sumner Starred In The Movie Quadrophenia? |
Sting |
218 |
Y |
What 'Y' Is An Aggresive Lout? |
Yob |
219 |
G |
What 'G' Comes Between Conception And Birth? |
Gestation |
220 |
W |
What 'W' Is A Hyphenated Rhyming Term For A Sharp Operator And Negotiator Who Isn't To Scrupulous? |
Wheeler-Dealer |
221 |
U |
What 'U' Relates To Clothing Or Hairstyles That Can Be Worn By Men And Woman? |
Unisex |
222 |
W |
What 'W' If He's Bad Will Always (According To The Proverb) Blame His Tools? |
Workman |
223 |
M |
What 'M' Is The Worlds Most Famous Plumber? |
Mario |
224 |
S |
What 'S' Is The Worlds Most Famous Hedgehog? |
Sonic |
225 |
A |
What 'A' Consist Of Benny, Bjorn, Agnetha And Anni Frid? |
Abba |
226 |
M |
What ‘M’ Does Mass Multiplied By Velocity Give You |
Momentum |
227 |
N |
What 'N' was Fletcher’s first name in “Porridge” |
Norman |
228 |
B |
What 'B' is a sport played by the “Chester Jets” and the “Brighton Bears” |
Basketball |
229 |
T |
What 'T' is a quadrilateral with two parallel sides |
Trapezium |
230 |
U |
What 'U' Had A 1992 Hit With A Cover Of The Gerry Rafferty Song "Baker Street" |
Undercover |
231 |
F |
What 'F' was the name given to a market or meeting place in ancient Rome |
Forum |
232 |
T |
What 'T' Is One Of The 6 Counties In Northern Ireland |
Tyrone |
233 |
C |
What ‘C’ is the main element in Bronze |
Copper |
234 |
Q |
What ‘Q’ Is A Measure Equivalent To 1/20th of a Ream of Paper |
Quire |
235 |
R |
What 'R' Is The Name Given To A Pickled Herring |
Rolemop |
236 |
T |
What 'T' Was developed by Thomas Crapper during the Industrial Revolution. |
Toilet |
237 |
J |
What 'J' Is The Location where The TV Show Bergerac Was Located |
Jersey |
238 |
L |
What 'L' Was Voted Best Toy Of The 20th Century |
Lego |
239 |
P |
What 'P' Was The Name Of Cartwright's Ranch In The TV Show Bonanza |
Ponderosa |
240 |
K |
What 'K' Is The Surname Of The Former Mrs Tom Cruise |
Kidman |
241 |
C |
What 'C' Is The Line On The London Underground That Is Red In Colour |
Central |
242 |
G |
What 'G' Was The Highest Grossing Movie Of 1978 |
Grease |
243 |
X |
What 'X' Is An Inert Heavy Gas |
Xenon |
244 |
F |
What ‘F’ is a type of cheese that originated in Greece |
Feta |
245 |
I |
What ‘I’ was the first country to leave the commonwealth in 1949 |
Ireland |
246 |
R |
What 'R' is the name of the bone in your forearm |
Radius |
247 |
C |
What 'C' Is A Strongly Scented Flower Often Used To Make Herbal Tea |
Camomile |
248 |
M |
What ‘M’ is the fourth largest island in the world |
Madagascar |
249 |
Y |
What ‘Y’ is the town where Westland Helicopters are made |
Yeovil |
250 |
P |
What 'P' is a famous if flawed Italian tower - the Leaning Tower of what? |
Pisa |
251 |
A |
What 'A' is a storage room at the top of a house? |
Attic |
252 |
C |
What 'C' is a dried grape often used in cake baking? |
Currant |
253 |
T |
What 'T' is the Lone Ranger's sidekick? |
Tonto |
254 |
O |
What 'O' is a fruit, famously difficult to find a rhyme for? |
Orange |
255 |
E |
What 'E' is a continent? |
Europe |
256 |
A |
What 'A' is a season, known in the United States as Fall? |
Autumn |
257 |
N |
What 'N' is a loch in Scotland said to be home to a famous monster? |
Ness |
258 |
C |
What 'C' is a fortified house or fortress, usually the medieval residences of European kings or nobles? |
Castle |
259 |
L |
What 'L' is a Baltic republic in North East Europe, with Vilnius as its capital? |
Lithuania |
260 |
O |
What 'O' is the principal God in Norse mythology? |
Odin |
261 |
D |
What 'D' is a river in Spain and Portugal, that empties into the Atlantic Ocean at Oporto? |
Douro |
262 |
L |
What 'L' is a feature of organisms that sets them apart from inorganic matter? |
Living |
263 |
A |
What 'A' is the study of the influence supposedly exerted by stars and planets on the natures and lives of human beings? |
Astrology |
264 |
A |
What 'A' was the last Inca ruler of Peru? |
Atahualpa |
265 |
P |
What 'P' is the head of a family or tribe, invested in certain circumstances with the status or authority of a religious leader? |
Patriarch |
266 |
S |
What 'S' is a mostly terrestrial gastropod Mollusk, identified by the lack of shell and uncoiled viscera? |
Slug |
267 |
L |
What 'L' is the distance North or South of the Equator? |
Latitude |
268 |
E |
What 'E' is the largest living Antelope? |
Eland |
269 |
D |
What 'D' is an independent island nation in the Caribbean Sea, whose capital and chief port is Roseau? |
Dominica |
270 |
E |
What 'E' is a large land animal, the only living member of the mammal family Proboscidea? |
Elephant. |
271 |
B |
What 'B' is a city in North Central Italy, whose former name is Felsina? |
Bologna |
272 |
L |
What 'L' is any agent used to counteract constipation? |
Laxative |
273 |
M |
What 'M' is a plant of the potato family, native to the Mediterranean region |
Mandrake |
274 |
C |
What 'C' is a system of winds, or a storm, that rotates inwards, around a center of low atmospheric pressure? |
Cyclone |
275 |
H |
What 'H' is the leadership or dominance of one state over others? |
Hegemony |
276 |
T |
What 'T' is a lake in the Andes on the Peru-Bolivia border? |
Titicaca |
277 |
R |
What 'R' is a class of vertebrates containing about 6,000 species worldwide? |
Reptile |
278 |
W |
What 'W' is a strand of metal, made by drawing a rod through progressively smaller holes in metal dies? |
Wire |
279 |
X |
What 'X' is a gaseous nonmetallic element that is present in the Earth's atmosphere? |
Xenon |
280 |
C |
What 'C' was a Roman Emperor(AD 41 to AD 54) that was the first emperor chosen by the army? |
Claudius I |
281 |
N |
What 'N' is a variety of peach tree and its sweet, fleshy fruit? |
Nectarine |
282 |
P |
What 'P' is the name given to the single supercontinent, that formed about 240 million years ago ? |
Pangaea |
283 |
B |
What 'B' is a rare but potentially lethal form of food poisoning? |
Botulism |
284 |
S |
What 'S' in biology, is the hard protective case of various Mollusks? |
Shell |
285 |
L |
What 'L' is a food fish related to cod? |
Ling |
286 |
H |
What 'H' is the outgrowth of mammalian skin, with insulating, protective, and sensory functions? |
Hair |
287 |
D |
What 'D' is a yellowish brown wild dog found in Australia? |
Dingo |
288 |
F |
What 'F' is the elevation of body temperature above normal? |
Fever |
289 |
T |
What 'T' was the ruler of Yugoslavia from 1945 to 1980? |
Tito |
290 |
I |
What 'I' is used to describe the internal linking of computers? |
Intranet |
291 |
M |
What 'M' is known as the 'World Cup City'? |
Mexico |
292 |
D |
What 'D' is the poet who created 'The Flea'? |
Donne |
293 |
N |
What 'N' Was A Windows Application that was the main rival to 'Microsoft Internet Explorer'? |
Netscape |
294 |
B |
What 'B' is a word used to describe a pirates treasure? It is also a well known British chocolate bar? |
Bounty |
295 |
B |
What 'B' is the capital city of Kyrgyzstan? |
Bishkek |
296 |
B |
What 'B' was known as 'Unsinkable' in WW2? |
Bismark |
297 |
S |
What 'S' is a layer of gases around the earth? |
Stratosphere |
298 |
C |
What 'C' in the periodic table was named after a state in America? |
Californium |
299 |
B |
What 'B' who established a famous organisation that aimed to ensure children were well treated. |
Barnado |
300 |
D |
What 'D' that takes water from the streets into the Sewers. |
Drains |
301 |
I |
What 'I' do people become once they have successfully been vaccinated against a disease. |
Immune |
302 |
O |
What 'O' that describes the density of population in inner city Slums |
Overcrowded |
303 |
Q |
What 'Q' that was often sought for advice during outbreaks of diseases such as the Plague. |
Quack |
304 |
S |
What 'S' that is the name of an area of very poor housing. |
Slum |
305 |
B |
What 'B' Forms Part Of The Acronym "Scuba" |
Breathing |
306 |
D |
What 'D' Was The Last Video Game Console To Be Produced By Sega |
Dreamcast |
307 |
S |
What 'S Is A 1987 Movie Starring Richard Dreyfus & Emilo Estevez Both Playing Detectives |
Stakeout |
308 |
B |
What 'B' Is A Very Highspeed Internet Connection That Replaced Dial Up |
Broadband |
309 |
G |
What 'G' Was The Name Of The Hippo In The Childrens TV Series Rainbow |
George |
310 |
V |
What 'V' Often Used In Racket Sports Means To Hit The Ball Before It Bounces |
Volley |
311 |
A |
What 'A' Has A Variety Known As Golden Delicious |
Apple |
312 |
S |
What 'S' Is A 19 Movie In Which John Travolta Plays The Role Of Gabriel Shear |
Swordfish |
313 |
V |
What 'V' Is A Malicious Piece Of Software That Can Often Destroy Important Data Held On A Computer |
Virus |
314 |
S |
What 'S' Is The Name For Unsolicited Or Unwanted Email |
Spam |
315 |
T |
What 'T' Normally Preecedes Tock |
Tick |
316 |
S |
What 'S' Is The French Word For Sun |
Soleil |
317 |
A |
What ‘A’ Is The Name Of The Company Founded By Sir Alan Sugar In 1968 |
Amstrad |
318 |
V |
What ‘V’ is both a lake in Africa and an Australian State |
Victoria |
319 |
S |
What ‘S’ Was A Famous Greek Philosopher That Lived Around 400 BC |
Socrates |
320 |
Z |
Which ‘Z’ Was The Last King Of Albania |
Zog |
321 |
F |
What 'F' is the number of lines in a sonnet? |
Fourteen |
322 |
B |
What 'B' Is The Last Name Of The Family Will Smith Goes To Live With In The Fresh Prince Of Belle Air |
Banks |
323 |
E |
What 'E' is the name of the 1st sovereign under which Shakespeare worked? |
Elizabeth |
324 |
R |
What 'R' Is The Opposite Of Left |
Right |
325 |
P |
What 'P' Is The Location Of The Liberty Bell |
Philadelphia |
326 |
N |
What 'N' is an unpopular form of energy but with little effect on global warning? |
Nuclear |
327 |
M |
What 'M' Is The American State Known As The Wolverine State |
Michigan |
328 |
B |
What 'B' Was The Name Of The City Where The TV Show Cheers Was Set |
Boston |
329 |
L |
What 'L' Was The Roman Goddess Of The Moon |
Luna |
330 |
M |
What 'M' Was The Name Of The Ship In Which The Pilgrim Fathers Sailed |
Mayflower |
331 |
G |
What 'G' are are in mountains and many are retreating? |
Glaciers |
332 |
C |
What 'C' is major contributor of greenhouse gases with a very large population? |
China |
333 |
L |
What 'L' Was The Birthplace Of "Italian Job" Actor Michael Caine? |
London |
334 |
F |
What 'F' Was A Hugely Popular TV Sitcom That First Went On Air In 1994 |
Friends |
335 |
C |
What 'C' Is A Game That Features Rooks, Knights And Bishops |
Chess |
336 |
A |
What 'A' Is A Golfing Term For A Score Of Three Under Parr |
Albatross |
337 |
G |
What 'G' Has The Quetzal As It's Currency |
Guatemala |
338 |
D |
What 'D' Is The English County Where You Will Fond The Beamish Open Air Industrial Museum |
Durham |
339 |
D |
What 'D' is a small person who helped Snow White? |
Dwarf |
340 |
L |
What 'L' In Greek Mythology Was The Mother Of Artemis And Apollo |
Leto |
341 |
S |
What 'S' is Shakespeare's birthplace? |
Stratford |
342 |
B |
What 'B' Was The Sport In Which David Bryant Was An English Champion |
Bowls |
343 |
S |
What 'S' Is A 1996 Horror Movie Starring Neve Campbell And Courney Cox |
Scream |
344 |
A |
What 'A' Was Victoria Beckhams Maiden Name |
Adams |
345 |
K |
What 'K' is a Treaty to combat global warming? |
Kyoto |
346 |
P |
What 'P' Was The Specialoty Of Henry Doulton |
Pottery |
347 |
H |
What 'H' Was A Tv Show Where Jason Durr Took Over From Nick Berry |
Heartbeat |
348 |
S |
What 'S' Was The Number Of Celebrity Panelists On A Game Of Blankety Blank |
Six |
349 |
S |
On What 'S' Does A Gnomon Cast A Shadow |
Sundial |
350 |
B |
What 'B' is a low lying country at risk for rising sea levels |
Bangladesh |
351 |
C |
What 'C' Was The Name Of An 11th Century Wizard Who Became Stranded In The 20th Century |
Catweazle |
352 |
G |
What 'G' Could Be Seen And Heard At The Start Of Films Made By The Rank Organisation |
Gong |
353 |
M |
What 'M' is an object that knows who is the fairest of them all? |
Mirror |
354 |
P |
What 'P' Banned The Consumption Of Alcohol In The USA In The 1920's |
Prohibition |
355 |
H |
What 'H' Can Be A Colour Or A Loud Cry In Pursuit Of A Criminal |
Hue |
356 |
U |
What 'U' is the word to describe 2 pantomime sisters? |
Ugly |
357 |
M |
What 'M' is a greenhouse gas that comes from landfill sites, cows and rice paddie fields? |
Methane |
358 |
B |
What 'B' Is The English County In Which Aylesbury Is Located |
Buckinghamshire |
359 |
S |
What 'S' Is The Capital Of The Falkland Islands |
Stanley |
360 |
F |
What 'F' in Fairytales changes into a prince when kissed? |
Frog |
361 |
S |
What 'S' is the correct term for a youth movement? |
Subculture |
362 |
R |
What 'R' lets down her hair to escape the tower? |
Rapunzel |
363 |
W |
What 'W' was the largest free Festival in America in 1969? |
Woodstock |
364 |
S |
What 'S' Is The Island Location Of Mount Etna |
Sicily |
365 |
C |
What 'C' finds a husband by losing a glass slipper? |
Cinderella |
366 |
G |
What 'G' Is Animal That Has No Vocal Chords |
Giraffe |
367 |
W |
What 'W' Was The Name Of Hector Heathcote's Faithful Dog |
Winston |
368 |
L |
What 'L' is the king in the eponymous Shakespeare play? |
Lear |
369 |
C |
What 'C' Are Birds That Are Trained To Catch And Retrieve Fish In China |
Cormorants |
370 |
G |
What 'G' is large island and major icecap? |
Greenland |
371 |
B |
What 'B' Is The American Term For Grilling Food |
Broiling |
372 |
D |
What 'D' was the British singer who recorded "Universal Soldier"? |
Donovan |
373 |
P |
What 'P' Was A One Time Resident Of Graves End And The Subject Of A 1995 Disney Movie |
Pocahontas |
374 |
H |
What 'H' Was Shakespeare's wife's surname? |
Hathaway |
375 |
K |
What 'K' Were A Band That Were "Too Shy" In 1983 |
Kajagoogoo |
376 |
C |
What 'C' Is The Capital Of Sri Lanka |
Columbo |
377 |
G |
What 'G' Are A Group Of Birds That Collect In A Charm |
Goldfinches |
378 |
A |
What 'A' is a continent and major ice cap? |
Antarctica |
379 |
A |
What 'A' Was A 2007 Film In Which Keira Knightley Played The Role Of Cecilia Tallis |
Atonement |
380 |
T |
What 'T' is the fairy queen in A Midsummer Night's Dream? |
Titania |
381 |
W |
What ‘W’ is the surname of the author of the “Jeeve’s” stories |
Wodehouse |
382 |
A |
What 'A' Was Queen Victoria Famous For Saying We Are Not As She Sat Stony Faced? |
Amused |
383 |
S |
What 'S' Is The Largest Organ Of The Human Body Affected By Dermatitis? |
Skin |
384 |
O |
What 'O' Is A Goal Or Aim And In The Army The Point Where Operations Are Directed? |
Objective |
385 |
P |
What 'P' Is The Italian Word For The Freelance Photographers Who Pursue Celebrities? |
Paparazzi |
386 |
K |
What 'K' From The Greek Is Aclaim, Glory Or Prestige? |
Kudos |
387 |
K |
What 'K' Is Any Sauce Made With Fruits Vinegar & Sugar? |
Ketchup |
388 |
Y |
What 'Y' Often Made Of Black Horsehair, Is A Traditional Veil Worn In Public By Muslim Woman? |
Yashmak |
389 |
H |
What 'H' Has A Small Toothed Steel Blade, Stretched Across A Frame? |
Hacksaw |
390 |
H |
What 'H' Is A French Word For Cuisine, Ecole And Couture To Mean Of A High Standard? |
Haute |
391 |
Q |
What 'Q' Is A Charlatan In The Field Of Medicine And A Bird Call? |
Quack |
392 |
I |
What 'I' Is The Formal And Complete List Of Furniture And Possesions In A House? |
Inventory |
393 |
E |
What 'E' Do Americans Call A Lift? |
Elevator |
394 |
M |
What 'M' Was 2004 The Chinese Year Of? |
Monkey |
395 |
D |
What 'D' Is A Unit Of Measuring The Relative Level Of Sound Intensity? |
Decibel |
396 |
E |
What 'E' Is A Solution For Chemical Salts Chosen For It's Ability To Transport Ions Between The Plates Of A Car Battery? |
Electrolyte |
397 |
G |
What 'G' Is Something Often Visited By Children In Department Stores At Christmas Time? |
Grotto |
398 |
I |
What 'I' Is A Chemical Element Of Which A Deficency In the Diet Causes Anaemia? |
Iron |
399 |
I |
What 'I' Describes The Very Large Group Of Backboneless Animals? |
Invertebrates |
400 |
L |
What 'L' Is The Name Of The Pink Or Blue Paper Often Used In Chemistry? |
Litmus |
401 |
M |
What 'M' Does The Small Abbreviation Of A Small (m) And (b) Stand For In Weather Forecasting? |
Millibat |
402 |
L |
What 'L' Is A 5 Letter Word Given To A Doctors Deputy? |
Locum |
403 |
J |
Which 'J' Goes Before Evaluation, Sharing, Description & Satisfaction? |
Job |
404 |
J |
What 'J' Is The Maxilla Or The Mandible In the Human Body? |
Jawbone |
405 |
B |
What 'B' Is The Central Division Of A Backgammon Board Known As? |
Bar |
406 |
M |
What 'M' Is A Posh Word Meaning To Chew Thoroughly? |
Masticate |
407 |
G |
What 'G' Does An Auctioneer Bang To Close A Sale? |
Gavel |
408 |
E |
What 'E' Is A Wire In A Three Pin Plug? |
Earth |
409 |
N |
What 'N' Is the Latin Word For (Unless That's Used Today) For The First Stage Of A Divorce? |
Nisi |
410 |
N |
What 'N' Is A Quiet And Private Place And A Popular Phrase That Goes With (Cranny)? |
Nook |
411 |
K |
What 'K' Is The Surgery Carried Out Fromn A Very Small Incision? |
Keyhole |
412 |
J |
What 'J' Is Often Referred To As The Green Eyed Monster? |
Jealousy |
413 |
E |
What 'E' Starred In The Lord Of The Rings Trilogy? |
Elija |
414 |
J |
What 'J' Goes Before Set, Stream & Sea? |
Jet |
415 |
H |
What 'H' Precedes Roller, Family, Ghost And Grail In Religious Terms? |
Holy |
416 |
R |
What 'R' Is To Catch Or Apprehend An Escaped Prisoner? |
Recapture |
417 |
M |
What 'M' Is The Formula One Grand Prix Where Cars Race Through A Tunnel & Along A Harbour? |
Monaco |
418 |
R |
What 'R' Is Another Word For Bulky Foods Like Fibre That Promote Healthy Digestion? |
Roughage |
419 |
G |
What 'G' Hangs Below A High Altitude Balloon Or Sails Sedately Along The Canals Of Venice? |
Gondola |
420 |
G |
What 'G' Is Reckoned To Be The Most Popular Pet In Britain? |
Goldfish |
421 |
H |
What 'H' Is Released By Body Tissues In Allergic Reactions Causing Discomfort And Irritation? |
Histamine |
422 |
K |
What 'K' Is A Volcanic Island In Indonesia Located Between Java And Sumatra? |
Krakatoa |
423 |
G |
What 'G' Is Another Name For An Adhesive? |
Glue |
424 |
G |
What 'G' Comes Between Conception & Birth? |
Gestation |
425 |
H |
What 'H' Is A Common Name For A Five Door Car Where The Back Window Hinges Upwards? |
Hatchback |
426 |
V |
What 'V' Is An Extremely Skilful Classical Musician, Or A Learned Scholar? |
Virtuoso |
427 |
C |
What 'C' Means Discourteously Brief Or Terse? |
Curt |
428 |
G |
What 'G' Is A Small Explosive Thrown By Hand? |
Grenade |
429 |
L |
What 'L' Is The Latin Word For Scales And Also The Seventh Sign Of The Zodiac? |
Libra |
430 |
O |
What 'O' Is The Most Common Element In The Human Body But Not In The Air We Breathe? |
Oxygen |
431 |
K |
What 'K' Is The Bone Also Known As The Patella In The Human Body? |
Kneecap |
432 |
G |
What 'G' Is A Mythological Winged Creature With An Eagles Head And A Lions Body? |
Griffin |
433 |
J |
Which 'J' Comes Before Stick To Be Burned As Incense? |
Joss |
434 |
Y |
What 'Y' Is The Involuntary Response To Hours Of Boredom And Tiredness? |
Yawn |
435 |
M |
What 'M' Is A Kind Of Sweet Made In Pink And White Cubes? |
Marshmallow |
436 |
S |
What 'S' Means Making A Visual Impression Or Sounding The Hour Like A Chiming Clock? |
Striking |
437 |
L |
What 'L' Is The Structure Of The Inner Ear Or A Maze Of Tunnels? |
Labyrinth |
438 |
G |
What 'G' Hosted The Football World Cup In 2006? |
Germany |
439 |
B |
What 'B' Was The Way Plans Were First Copied And Is Now The Initial Plan Of Work To Be Done? |
Blueprint |
440 |
J |
What 'J' Is Native To Asia Whose Fragrent Flowers Scent A Tea Of The Same Name? |
Jasmine |
441 |
G |
What 'G' Is A Grotesque Carved Head With An Open Mouth Acting As A Rainwater Spout? |
Gargoyle |
442 |
I |
What 'I' Is A Line On A Weather Chart, Connecting Points That Have The Same Atmospheric Pressure At A Given Time? |
Isobar |
443 |
F |
What 'F' Is The Name Of The Tree Which Adam And Eve Made Clothes From When They Realised They Were Naked? |
Fig |
444 |
O |
What 'O' Is A Type Of Birds Famous For Having An Eye Thats Bigger Than It's Brain? |
Ostritch |
445 |
K |
What 'K' Is An Important Speech To Outline Party Polical Issues And Policies? |
Keynote |
446 |
C |
What 'C' Was The Italian Painter And Etcher Renowned For His Detailed Paintings Of Venice? |
Canaletto |
447 |
K |
What 'K' Is A Type Of School For The Very Young In Germany? |
Kindergarten |
448 |
G |
What 'G' Is Another Name For The Alimentary Canal And Means Courage? |
Guts |
449 |
O |
What 'O' Gets In Your Way Like A Hurdle In a Race? |
Obstacle |
450 |
I |
What 'I' Is The Capital Of Pakistan? |
Islamabad |
451 |
I |
What 'I' In Computing Is The Point Of Contact Between 2 Programs Or Pieces Of Equipment? |
Interface |
452 |
J |
What 'J' Is A Slang Word For Lucky And Is A Doughnut Filled With Something Sweet? |
Jammy |
453 |
K |
What 'K' Is A Bird Of Prey, A Light Additional Sail Or A Toy Flown For Fun","Kite", |
Kite |
454 |
I |
What 'I' Means Non Stop Or Ceaseless As Hammering Seems To Be When Trying To Think? |
Inessant |
455 |
I |
What 'I' Do Cartoonists Show Arriving In A characters Mind Signified By A Lightbulb? |
Idea |
456 |
P |
What 'P' Was The Name Of Adrian Moles Girlfriend? |
Pandora |
457 |
P |
What 'P' In Art Is The Spacial Representation Of Objects & Buildings As Seen by The Viewer? |
Perspective |
458 |
I |
What 'I' Is A Town At The Seaward End Of Scotlands Deepest Loch? |
Inverness |
459 |
L |
What 'L' Meaning I Play In Latin Is Also The Name Of A Board Game? |
Launder |
460 |
H |
What 'H' In The Nursery Rhyme Was The Girl With A Curl In Her Forehead When She Was Bad? |
Horrid |
461 |
C |
What 'C' Is A Timepiece Or Slang Meaning To See Or Notice? |
Clock |
462 |
T |
What 'T' Is The Collective Term For All Sorts Of Cosmetics, Shampoos, Soaps And Deodorants? |
Toiletries |
463 |
J |
What 'J' Is A Box In Which Electrical Circuits Are Interconnected? |
Junction |
464 |
J |
What 'J' is A Long Pointed Object Sometimes Thrown In Competitive Events? |
Javelin |
465 |
O |
What 'O' Does The Speaker Of The House Of Commons Frequently Say Twice? |
Order |
466 |
J |
What 'J' Is A Short Punch And Also A Colloquial Word For Inoculation? |
Jab |
467 |
O |
What 'O' Would You Expect To Be Eighth But In Actuality Comes Tenth In The Year? |
October |
468 |
L |
What 'L' Is Important For Limbs Especially On A Long Flight? |
Legroom |
469 |
I |
What 'I' Is A Highly Infectious Viral Infection With Symptoms Of Fever Aches And Pains? |
Influenza |
470 |
R |
What 'R' Is Part Of The Hair Which Anchors In the Follicle? |
Root |
471 |
J |
What 'J' is A Bath Or Pool With Underwater Jets To Agitate The Water? |
Jacuzzi |
472 |
H |
What 'H' Is A General Factotum, Someone Useful Who Earns A Living By Doing Small Jobs? |
Handyman |
473 |
R |
What 'R' Was Said To Be Madly In Love With Juliet? |
Romeo |
474 |
K |
What 'K' Links A Shoe With A Particular Kind Of Low Heel Or A Newborn Cat? |
Kitten |
475 |
S |
What 'S' Are The Doctors Who In Politics, Try To Put A Favourable Interpretation On Events? |
Spin |
476 |
M |
What 'M' Can Be Dried, Condensed And Pasteurised? |
Milk |
477 |
M |
What 'M' Is The Action Especially At A Rock Concert Of Leaping And Crashing Into Others? |
Moshing |
478 |
O |
What 'O' Sees A Bottle As Half Full When A Pessimist Thinks Its Half Empty? |
Optimist |
479 |
B |
What 'B' Is A Style Of Indian Cooking, Where The Food Is Eaten From A Wok Like Dish? |
Balti |
480 |
A |
What 'A' Means Way Of Harmony In Japanese? |
Aikido |
481 |
T |
What 'T' Are You Said To Be As Thick As When Plotting In Close Collaboration? |
Thieves |
482 |
L |
What 'L' Regarding Creatures Is A Skink? |
Lizard |
483 |
O |
What 'O' Is The Source Of Neroli Oil, And A Citrus Fruit? |
Orange |
484 |
J |
What 'J' Is Tawny With Black Spots And Is The Largest Of The American Cats? |
Jaguar |
485 |
J |
What 'J' Is The Diminutive Form For A Baby Kangaroo? |
Joey |
486 |
N |
What 'N' Means Having No Value And Often Goes Before (And Void)? |
Null |
487 |
H |
What 'H' Is A Ceremonial Maori Dance? |
Haka |
488 |
J |
What 'J' Can Be A Session Of Improvised Music, Or A Tight Spot In Traffic? |
Jam |
489 |
S |
What 'S' Hails From The Fictional Planet Krypton? |
Superman |
490 |
O |
What 'O' Was The Bird Of The Goddess Minerva, Famous For It's Wisdom And Big Eyes? |
Owl |
491 |
K |
What 'K' Stole The Queen Of Hearts Tarts That Were Made On A Summers Day? |
Knave |
492 |
M |
What 'M' Is The Second Heaviest Primate Weighing On Average A 3rd Of The Weight Of A Gorilla? |
Man |
493 |
Z |
What 'Z' Is The Alternate Name For A Courgette? |
Zuccini |
494 |
J |
What 'J' Is The Emotion That Brings About Othello's Downfall? |
Jealousy |
495 |
M |
What 'M' Is A Shape Or Form Repeated In A Design? |
Motif |
496 |
H |
What 'H' Is Another Name For The Kidney Or French Bean Often Dried? |
Haricot |
497 |
Q |
What 'Q' Is A Shaky Sounding Container For A Toxophilite's Ammunition? |
Quiver |
498 |
G |
What 'G' Goes Before Light And Is A Signal To Go? |
Green |
499 |
J |
What 'J' Follows Take A Running? |
Jump |
500 |
J |
What 'J' Is A Very Large Orange With A Very Thick Skin? |
Jaffa |