Blockbusters 30 - (Submitted By Yoda)
    Question Answer
001 G What 'G' is a Venetian punt Gondola
002 Y What 'Y' is essential for fermentation Yeast
003 A What 'A' comes before body, social and freeze Anti
004 T What 'T' means perceptible by touch Tangible
005 V What 'V' is a major Spanish fruit-growing region Valencia
006 S What 'S' was Chopin's mistress Sand
007 U What 'U' is a four-stringed Hawaiian guitar Ukulele
008 B What 'B' is a single storey house Bungalow
009 E What 'E' is Britain's number one soap opera Eastenders
010 N What 'N' comes before paper, man and letter News
011 I What 'I' is someone who breaks images Iconoclast
012 L What 'L' is tearful Lachrymose
013 P What 'P' is a plant with farinaceous leaves Potato
014 O What 'O' was a 17th century English conspirator Oaters
015 H What 'H' is the oath of medical practitioners Hippocratic
016 F What 'F' is to enclose, deal in stolen goods and swordfight Fence
017 D What 'D' is to erase or do away with Delete
018 M What 'M' was the German founder of communism Mark
019 J What 'J' is a projection or protruding point Jut
020 R What 'R' means emitting rays of light Radiant
021 C What 'C' was Kampuchea Cambodia
022 E What 'E' means result, conclusion and limit End
023 I What 'I' was once capital of the Roman Empire Istanbul
024 N What 'N' is a short quick inclination of the head Nod
025 R What 'R' is a question deliberately worded in a puzzling way Riddle
026 W What 'W' is considered to be Britain's first prime minister Walpole
027 D What 'D' is a three-phase alternator and alluvial land Delta
028 K What 'K' is a Jewish mourner's prayer Kaddish
029 B What 'B' was the notorious head of the KGB Beria
030 V What 'V' is an amatory or ironic missive Valentine
031 F What 'F' is the arrangement of windows in a building Fenestration
032 T What 'T is a small mountain lake Tarn
033 S What 'S' is a Liberal leader Steel
034 Y What 'Y' is a leading American university Yale
035 V What 'V' is a small tree with bright yellow flowers Laburnam
036 O What 'O' is a very tall herbivore Giraffe
037 P What 'P' is someone with foreknowledge of events Prescient / Psychic
038 U What 'U' is a town and racecourse in East Staffordshire Uttoxeter
039 Y What 'Y is a doorkeeper or caretaker Janitor
040 A What 'A' is okay Alright
041 F What 'F' is a unity of internally independent states Federation
042 O What 'O' is an enclosure for cultivating fruit trees Orchard
043 K What 'K' comes before apple, grass and rat Kangaroo
044 R What 'R' is capital of Morocco Rabab
045 T What 'T' is amounting to the same thing Tantamount
046 A What 'A' is a Greek hero and household cleaner Ajax
047 E What 'E' is a tree with rough, doubly serrated leaves Elm
048 B What 'B' is the cavity of the ear in the tympanic membrane Barrel
049 P What 'P' is Spain's monetary unit Peseta
050 D What 'D' is raw cane sugar Demerara
051 N What 'N' is a small quantity of liquor Noggin
052 J What 'J' is the month named after a two-faced god January
053 S What 'S' was ruler of the Soviet Union for nearly thirty years Stalin
054 H What 'H' is to sleep through the winter Hibernate
055 U What 'U' means having the characteristics of a bear Ursine
056 G What 'G' is the science which describes the Earth's surface Geography
057 M What 'M' is a hammer Mallet
058 W What 'W' is the London borough of Buckingham Palace Westminister
059 C What 'C' is a scarlike mark Cicatrice
060 L What 'L' is a protective substance secreted by an insect Lav
061 M What 'M' means Hungarian Magyar
062 O What 'O' is a British middle-distance runner Ovett
063 K What 'K' means resembling a horn Keratoid
064 D What 'D' is an inundation or flood Deluge
065 J What 'J' is the carnivore 'Panthera Oura' Jaguar
066 P What 'P' are divisions of a flower's corolla Petals
067 H What 'H' was ruler of the Third Reich Hitler
068 W What 'W' is to tend or twist out of shape Warp
069 F What 'F' is six feet Fathom
070 B What 'B' is a TV botanist Bellamy
071 L What 'L' was the star of the western Shane Ladd
072 S What 'S' comes before paper, storm and fly Sand
073 T What 'T' is a mechanical projection imparting inter-mittent motion Tappet
074 R What 'R' is a valley in mid Glamorgan Rhondda
075 C What 'C' was where the Romans held their games Colosseum
076 E What 'E' was Napoleon exiled to Elba
077 A What 'A' means so be it Amen
078 V What 'V' is a device for controlling the passage of liquid Valve
079 G What 'G' was a devastating Mongol Gengis
080 N What 'N' means cool, casual or indifferent Nonchalent
081 C What 'C' was advertised as 'The Real Thing' Coca-Cola
082 I What 'I' is to set on fire Ignite
083 N What 'N' is the bird Keats wrote an ode to Nightinglae
084 O What 'O' is a portent or prophetic sign Omen
085 F What 'F' was the political movement of Mussolini Fascism
086 K What 'K' is a military sounding seed Kernel
087 A What 'A' comes before body, time and place Any
088 P What 'P' is the Queen's consort Philip
089 D What 'D' was the first English census Domesday
090 J What 'J' is a translucent silicate of lime and magnesia Jade
091 B What 'B' was Solomon's mother Bathsheba
092 Q What 'Q' means given to complaining Querulous
093 H What 'H' is a US tree allied to walnut Hickory
094 L What 'L' is capital of Nigeria Lagos
095 S What 'S' was a 20th century Russian composer Stravinsky
096 R What 'R' is to emit hot vapour or stink Reek
097 E What 'E' means like a horse Equine
098 M What 'M' is a female singer and actress Madonna
099 T What 'T' is a Soviet newspaper Tass
100 U What 'U' means of a city or town Urban
101 G What 'G' was Elizabeth II's father George Vi
102 Y What 'Y' is a Norfolk river Yare
103 A What 'A' is a sulphate of lime Alabaster
104 T What 'T is to diminish gradually in thickness Taper
105 V What 'V' is where the Pope lives Vatican
106 S What 'S' is a long-eared sporting dog Spaniel
107 U What 'U' is a ventilating shaft Uptake
108 B What 'B' is a flat fish and wine cask Butt
109 E What 'E' is a fluent use of language Eloquence
110 N What 'N' means Norwegian Norse
111 I What 'I' is a hint or slight suspicion Inkling
112 L What 'L' comes before killer, bird and ship Lady
113 P What 'P' means unreasonably different Perverse
114 O What 'O' was a Roman pet Ovid
115 H What 'H' is an involuntary spasm of respiratory organs Hiccup
116 F What 'F' is a horse doctor Farrier
117 D What 'D' means to dig into Delve
118 M What 'M' was food for the Israelites in the desert Manna
119 J What 'J' means pertaining to the region of James I Jacobean
120 R What 'R' is a room used for meals in monasteries Refectory
121 C What 'C' is a potato-blighting beetle Colorado
122 E What `E' is the erect cartilage at the root of the tongue Epiglotis
123 I What 'I' is a large open fireplace Inglenook
124 N What 'N' is Africa's longest river Nile
125 R What 'R' is to whirl round or sway unsteadily Reel
126 W What 'W' was the author of Brideshead Revisited Waugh
127 D What 'D' was a Celtic priest Druid
128 K What 'K' is an old-fashioned word for perception Ken
129 B What 'B' means plump and comely Buxom
130 V What 'V' was an American railway millionaire Vanderbilt
131 F What 'F' is a very high voice Falsetto
132 T What 'T' is bitartrate of potash Tartar
133 S What 'S' was the Scottish author of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Stevenson
134 Y What 'Y' is one of Scotland's islands Yell
135 L What 'L' is a cellular crytogamic plant Lichen
136 G What 'G' was a German poet Goethe
137 P What 'P' is a bird which spends almost all its life at sea Petrel
138 U What 'U' was the Grecian subject of a Keats ode Urn
139 J What 'J' means precisely, punctually and correctly Just
140 A What 'A' is the home of the world's hardest horse race Aintree
141 F What 'F' is a light, absurd comedy Farce
142 O What 'O' is a sultanate in eastern Arabia Oman
143 K What 'K' is a cloth used to cover the head Kerchief
144 R What 'R' is an arbitrator in games or sports Referee
145 T What 'T' is a pendant fringe of thread Tassel
146 A What 'A' is US slang for is not Ain't
147 E What 'E' is a nervous disease involving fainting Epilepsy
148 B What 'B' is a divided city Berlin
149 P What 'P' means peevishly impatient or irritable Petulant
150 D What 'D' is a writer of thrillers Deighton
151 N What 'N' is a corner Nook
152 J What 'J' is a dish of sweetened curds Junket
153 S What 'S' is a Californian university Stanford
154 H What 'H' was the Pied Piper's town Hemelin
155 U What 'U' comes before start, end and roar Up
156 G What 'G' is the science which investigates the Earth's crust Geology
157 M What 'M' is a brilliant crimson aniline dye Magenta
158 W What 'W' is a writ to arrest or search Warrant
159 C What 'C' is a precise timepiece Chronograph
160 L What 'L' is an Italian make of sports car Lambourgini
161 M What 'M' is an animal that suckles its young Mammal
162 O What 'O' is the Greek national airline Olympic
163 K What 'K' is the collective name for large seaweeds Kelp
164 D What 'D' is the world's most successful cartoonist Disney
165 J What 'J' is an east Asian group of islands Japan
166 P What 'P' is something troublesome or distinctive Pest
167 H What 'H' was the platinum blonde film star Harlow
168 W What 'W' comes before hammer, hole and ice Water
169 F What 'F' is a plant with no stamens or pistils Fern
170 B What 'B' was a notorious concentration camp Belsen
171 L What 'L' comes before scape, slide and surveyor Land
172 S What 'S' is the port capital of the Falkland Islands Stanley
173 T What 'T' means of the third order Tertiary
174 R What 'R' is someone who relapses into crime Recidivist
175 C What 'C' was a mediaeval serf Churl
176 E What 'E' is a short poem with a witty ending Epigram
177 A What 'A' is a US mountain range Appalachians
178 V What 'V' is a tall orchid with fragrant flowers Vanilla
179 G What 'G' is a woman of good breeding Gentlewoman
180 N What 'N' is to perplex or bring to a standstill Nonplus
181 C What 'C' was the cat in Alice in Wonderland Cheshire
182 I What 'I' is a resident junior doctor in a hospital Intern
183 N What 'N' is an English county being eroded by the sea Norfolk
184 O What 'O' was the outstanding US athlete at the 1936 Olympics Owens
185 F What 'F' is the part of a horse's foot tufted with hair Fetlock
186 K What 'K' is a cask or barrel of less than ten gallons Keg
187 A What 'A' is loathsome and repugnant Abominable
188 P What 'P' is a formal written request or plea Petition
189 D What 'D' is the Irish parliament Dail
190 J What 'J' is a garment of twilled cotton Jesus
191 B What 'B' is a clown or jester Buffoon
192 Q What 'Q' is a band of five players Quintet
193 H What 'H' is paradise Heaven
194 L What 'L' is the other half of a pair of TV comedians with Large Little
195 S What 'S' is the English county famous for pottery Staffordshire
196 R What 'R' is someone who shuts himself off from the world Recluse
197 E What 'E' comes before centre, graph and Logue Epi
198 M What 'M' is a commission to act for someone else Mandate
199 T What 'T' is the dance named after a spider Tarantella
200 U What 'U' are foods which Jews do not eat Unclean
201 G What 'G' is a rodent kept as a pet Gerbil
202 Y What 'Y' is a sailing boat of the cutter class Yawl
203 A What 'A' is a seat of learning Academy
204 T What 'T' comes before spoon, party and leaf Tea
205 V What 'V' is a Canadian Pacific seaport Vancouver
206 S What 'S' is a Cambridgeshire cheese Stilton
207 U What 'U' was winner of the Nation's Cup in 1984 USA
208 B What 'B' founded a major religion Buddha
209 E What 'E' is when day and night are equal Equinox
210 N What 'N' was a gold rush centre of Alaska Nome
211 I What 'I' is a person of weak intellect Imbecile
212 L What 'L' was the author of Seven Pillars of Wisdom Lawrence
213 P What 'P' was the State of Israel Palestine
214 O What 'O' is a tree of the genus Quercus Oak
215 H What 'H' is a coil or loop Hank
216 F What 'F' is to enrich the soil Fertisise
217 D What 'D' means to dry out Dessicate / Dehydrate
218 M What 'M' is a dwarf and a tropical bird Manikin
219 J What 'J' was an English lexicographer Johnson
220 R What 'R' comes before fish, hammer and crystal Rock
221 C What 'C' is a dolt, a fish and a patent lock Chubb
222 E What 'E' was the Greek god of love Eros
223 I What 'I' was hero of the film Raiders of the Lost Ark Indiana
224 N What 'N' is the West African republic leading into the Sahara Niger
225 R What 'R' is to be careless of consequences Reckless
226 W What 'W' was the inventor of the rotary engine Wankel
227 D What 'D' is a skin specialist Dermatologist
228 K What 'K' is a kind of cabbage Kale
229 B What 'B' comes before skin, shot and tooth Buck
230 V What 'V' is a London bridge - and make of car Vauxhall
231 F What 'F' is an Italian racing car Ferrari
232 T What 'T is a public acknowledgement of esteem Testimonial
233 S What 'S' is to neuter a female animal Spay
234 Y What 'Y' is a part of New York Yonkers
235 L What 'I' is an insect when it's a grub Larva
236 G What 'G' is a teuton German
237 P What 'P' was half-man, half-goat Pan
238 U What 'U' is the whole of existing things Universe
239 J What 'J' is a yellow-flowered climbing shrub Jasmine
240 A What 'A' was capital of the Gold Coast Accra
241 F What 'F' is an insignificant falsehood Fib
242 O What 'O' is a make of watch and a.Greek letter Omega
243 K What 'K' is a West Australian gold-mining region Kalgoorile
244 R What 'R' is unwilling Reluctant
245 T What 'T is the stomach of an ox Tripe
246 A What 'A' was the author of Life on Earth Attenborough
247 E What 'E' is a duelling sword Epee
248 B What 'B' is a one-horse-drawn vehicle Buggy
249 P What 'P' was the Roman name for Neptune Poseidon
250 D What 'D' is a camel Dromedary
251 N What 'N' means to cut unevenly Notch
252 J What 'J' is an opaque variety of quartz Jasper
253 S What 'S' is a simpleton, a weapon and vegetable fluid Sap
254 H What 'H' is someone who announces another's approach Harbinger / Herald
255 U What 'U' is the condition of being one Unity
256 G What 'G' was President of France Gaulle
257 M What 'M' is a raving madman Maniac
258 W What 'W' is the mess cabin of naval officers Wardroom
259 C What 'C' is the collarbone Clavicle
260 L What 'L' has the chemical symbol Pb Lead
261 M What 'M' is a British car and French underground Metro
262 O What 'O' is to lubricate Oil
263 K What 'K' is capital of Nepal Katmandu
264 D What 'D' comes before lap, drop and berry Dew
265 J What `J' is sprightly or affecting unconcern Jaunty
266 P What `P' is a family of tropical trees Palm
267 H What 'H' was an atomic bomb site Hiroshima
268 W What 'W' is someone whose occupation is warfare Warrior
269 F What 'F' is a digit Finger
270 B What 'B' is a city in Massachusetts Boston
271 L What 'L' is the expanded organ of a plant Leaf
272 S What 'S' is an ex-Mr Universe film star Schwarzenegger
273 T What 'T are animals' feet when we eat them Trotters
274 R What 'R' is the largest town in Nevada Reno
275 C What 'C' is a set of bird's eggs Clutch
276 E What `E' is 'mercy killing' Euthanasia
277 A What 'A' is to stop or take into custody Arrest
278 V What 'V' is a winnowing machine - and a front of an army Van
279 G What 'G' means to cover with a layer of gold Gild
280 N What 'N' is directly east of Great Britain North Sea
281 C What 'C' is a freshwater mussel Clam
282 I What 'T' is an area of north London Islington
283 N What 'N' comes before jar, shade and time Night
284 O What 'O' is a poetic term meaning frequently Oft
285 F What 'F' is a stout cotton - and a kind of polecat Ferret
286 K What 'K' is capital of Pakistan Karachi
287 A What 'A' comes before deacon, duchess and angel Arch
288 P What 'P' is the state of immobility Paralysis
289 D What 'D' is a crown Diadem
290 J What 'J' is esoteric speech Jargon
291 B What 'B' is a hod, a hassock and an employer Boss
292 Q What 'Q' means to renounce Quit
293 H What 'H' was king of Israel at the time of Christ Herod
294 L What 'I' is the Russian city once called St Petersburg Leningrad
295 S What 'S' is to trip over an obstacle Stumble
296 R What 'R' is Europe's most polluted river Rhine
297 E What 'E' means letter Epistle
298 M What 'M' is an edge or border Margin
299 T What 'T' is a tinge, tint or slight infusion Tincture
300 U What 'U' is unconsecrated ground Unhallowed
301 G What 'G' is a supposedly beneficial Chinese root Ginseng
302 Y What 'Y' is a year-old horse Yearling
303 A What 'A' is a fragrance Aroma
304 T What 'T' is a surgical instrument for cutting bone Trepan
305 V What 'V' was the Germanic tribe that ravaged Europe Vandal
306 S What 'S' is to hit a golf ball a glancing blow Slice
307 U What 'U' is a large pearl, a federation and an organisation Union
308 B What 'B' is a southern Africa country Botswana
309 E What 'E' was Abel's mother Eve
310 N What 'N' is a single tone of definite pitch Note
311 I What 'I' is probably Kipling's best known poem If
312 L What 'L' is a nautical measure of length equal to three miles League
313 P What 'P' is a patterned wooden flooring Parquet
314 O What 'O' is an evergreen Mediterranean fruit tree Olive
315 H What 'H' is to worry by repeated attacks Harass
316 F What 'F' comes before fly, iron and screen Fire
317 D What 'D' was the creator of Sherlock Holmes Doyle
318 M What 'M' is a puppet worked by strings Marionette
319 J What 'J' was the kinsman and forerunner of Jesus John
320 R What 'R' is a Spanish wine-growing region Rioja
321 C What 'C' was Sri Lanka Ceylon
322 E What 'E' means relating to morals Ethical
323 I What 'I' is a Red Indian tribe Iroquis
324 N What 'N' is a northerly European kingdom Norway
325 R What 'R' is a plant and a derisory cry Rhubarb
326 W What 'W' is a world-ranked snooker player White
327 D What 'D' is a painting with two folding leaves Diptych
328 K What 'K' is paraffin Kerosene
329 B What 'B' were US illicit liquor traders Bootleggers
330 V What 'V' is to estimate something's worth Value
331 F What 'F' comes before tail, wife and hook Fish
332 T What 'T' was the heroine of a Hardy novel Tess
333 S What 'S' is indispensable to micro chips Silicon
334 Y What 'Y' is a spar slung forward of a mast Yard
335 L What 'L' is a strife-torn Middle Eastern country Lebanon
336 G What 'G' is unintelligible speech Gibberish
337 P What 'P' is an animal's foot Paw
338 U What 'U' means always accusing in the same form Uniform
339 J What 'J' was the city captured by Joshua Jericho
340 A What 'A' is brick made of mud Adobe
341 F What 'F' is a state of lasting hostility Feud
342 O What 'O' means to eye someone amorously Ogle
343 K What 'K' is a major Tokyo suburb Kawasaki
344 R What 'R' forms a fulcrum for an oar Rowlock
345 T What 'T' is a headdress of wound cloth Turban
346 A What 'A' is a burrowing animal of the order Edent at a Armadillo
347 E What 'E' is to think highly of Esteem
348 B What 'B' is a lively Spanish dance Bolero
349 P What 'P' comes before shooter, nut and soup Pea
350 D What 'D' is an insatiable craving for alcohol Dipsomania
351 N What 'N' is slang for common sense Nous
352 J What 'J' is the Old Testament name of God Jehovah
353 S What 'S' means capable of feeling Sentient
354 H What 'H' is the official report of Parliamentary proceedings Hansard
355 U What 'U' is an ointment or salve Unguent
356 G What 'G' means dizzy or affected with vertigo Giddy
357 M What 'M' is the leading city of the Philippines Manila
358 W What 'W' is Elton John's football team Watford
359 C What 'C' is wine from Bordeaux Claret
360 L What 'L' is a newspaper's own opinion column Leader
361 M What 'M' is a major part of New York City Manhattan
362 O What 'O' is someone commissioned in the army Officer
363 K What 'K' is a species of small hawk Kestrel
364 D What 'D' was an early chemical name for silver Diana
365 J What 'J' comes before bag, plant and fish Jelly
366 P What 'P' is very strong emotion Passion
367 H What 'H' is suicide by disembowelment Hara-Kiri
368 W What 'W' is a mostly mountainous principality Wales
369 F What 'F' is V Five
370 B What 'B' means cow-like Bovine
371 L What 'L' is a building whose rafters rest against another building Lean-To
372 S What 'S' was St Peter called Simon
373 T What 'T' is an ancient city and system of weight Troy
374 R What 'R' comes before Grande, de Oro and de Janeiro Rio
375 C What 'C' means to form into a mass Congeal / Coagulate
376 E What 'E' are inhabitants of the Arctic Eskimos
377 A What 'A' is the God of Islam Allah
378 V What 'V' is the slit at the back of a jacket Vent
379 G What 'G' is a Romany Gypsy
380 N What 'N' is a maritime Canadian province Nova Scotia
381 C What 'C' is a tiny case of silky threads Cocoon
382 I What 'I' is an old American car and African antelope Impala
383 N What 'N' means given to wrongdoing through dis-obedience Naughty
384 O What 'O' is an old-fashioned term for bus Omnibus
385 F What 'F' is to make a colour permanent Fix
386 K What 'K' is a vessel for boiling water Kettle
387 A What 'A' is a point at rackets and a top aviator Ace
388 P What 'P' means upstart or 'Nouveau riche' Parvenu
389 D What 'D' is the midriff Diaphragm
390 J What 'I' is to elude by dodging Jink
391 B What 'B' is president of South Africa Botha
392 Q What 'Q' means the most essential part of something Quintessence
393 H What 'H' is a strumpet or prostitute Harlot
394 L What 'L' is a crack which lets fluid through Leak
395 S What 'S' comes before lifter, front and keeper Shop
396 R What 'R' was co-writer of Jesus Christ, Superstar Rice
397 E What 'E' is the medium for electro-magnetic trans-mission Ether
398 M What 'M' is an Alpine peak Matterhorn
399 T What 'T' are cards used to tell fortunes Tarot
400 U What 'U' was a French painter Utrillo
401 G What 'G' comes before snap, bread and ale Ginger
402 Y What 'Y' is the double veil worn by Moslem women Yashmak
403 A What 'A' was David's third son in the Bible Absalom
404 T What 'T' is a parasite which infests the alimentary canal Tapeworm
405 V What 'V' is a weathercock Vane
406 S What 'S' was female presenter of Breakfast Time Scott
407 U What 'U' If is a supposedly restorative liquor Underberg
408 B What 'B' is a British prison Brixton
409 E What 'E' is an attempt to lessen blame Excuse
410 N What 'N' is sexless Neuter
411 I What 'I' is a triangle with two equal sides Isosceles
412 L What 'L' is an aquatic blood-sucking worm Leech
413 P What 'P' is the segment of an orange Pig
414 O What 'O' means capable of anything Omnipotent
415 H What 'H' was head of the Gestapo Himmler
416 F What 'F' is the Old English prefix meaning son Fitz
417 D What 'D' is the Jutland peninsula part of Denmark
418 M What 'M' is Indian hemp Marijuana
419 J What 'J' is a painted strumpet Jezebel
420 R What 'R' is to go backwards Retrogress / Retreat
421 C What 'C' are orthopterous insects of the genus Blatta Cockroaches
422 E What 'E' is the country once called Abyssinia Ethiopia
423 I What 'I' comes before play, national and city Inter
424 N What 'N' was the feature Adam could not have had Navel
425 R What 'R' was known as 'The Lionheart' Richard I
426 W What 'W' is the Polish city on the river Vistula Warsaw
427 D What 'D' is a gossip columnist Dempster
428 K What 'K' is a flying toy Kite
429 B What 'B' is an Elizabethan dagger Bodkin
430 V What 'V' is an ointment derived from petroleum Vaseline
431 F What 'F' is stone and a piece of bunting Flag
432 T What 'T' is a violent storm Tempest
433 S What 'S' is a sea-swell on a seashore Surf
434 Y What 'Y' is China's monetary unit Yuan
435 L What 'L' is a reputedly mass-suicidal animal Lemming
436 G What 'G' is a young green cucumber Gherkin
437 P What 'P' was an American horror Writer Poe
438 U What 'U' means of last month Ultimo
439 J What 'J' is someone who works in wood Joiner
440 A What 'A' is the rearing of birds Aviculture
441 F What 'F' is a flaming scarlet, long-legged bird Flamingo
442 O What 'O' is seaweed, sap and slime Ooze
443 K What 'K' is an English racecourse which is a Park Kempton
444 R What 'R' was the macho soldier portrayed by Sylvester Stallone Rambo
445 T What 'T' is something aimed at Target
446 A What 'A' is to turn away Avert
447 E What 'E' was a Greek mathematician Euclid
448 B What 'B' is a sink Basin
449 P What 'P' is a strong ripple of water Popple
450 D What 'D' helped suppress malaria DDT
451 N What 'N' comes before Foundland, South Wales and York New
452 J What 'V' is a junction Joint
453 S What 'S' was the star of Funny Girl Streisand
454 H What 'H' is a combination of notes to form chords Harmony
455 U What 'U' is someone who decides between contenders Umpire
456 G What 'G' comes before head, speed and father God
457 M What 'M' is the Roman god of war Mars
458 W What 'W' is a white Anglo-Saxon protestant Wasp
459 C What 'C' is played for ashes Cricket
460 L What 'L' was the husband of Yoko Ono Lennon
461 M What 'M' is the fruit used in chutney Mango
462 O What 'O' is a centre of higher education Oxford
463 K What 'K' is a cured herring Kipper
464 D What 'D' is a tributary of the river Trent Derwent
465 J What 'J' is merry or jokeful Jocular
466 P What 'V' is an enclosure for horses Paddock
467 H What 'H' means random or by chance Haphazzard
468 W What 'W' was a French pastoral painter Watteau
469 F What 'F' comes before foot, head and bottom Flat
470 B What 'B' is a communist Bolshevik
471 L What 'L' is a fruit more acid-than lemon Lime
472 S What 'S' is a Yorkshire coalfield Selby
473 T What 'T' was a Welsh poet Thomas
474 R What 'R' is the disorderly retreat of a beaten army Rout
475 C What 'C' is part of horse's hoof and a pie crust Coffin
476 E What 'E' is an Australian tree Eucalyptus
477 A What 'A' means pertaining to the sense of hearing Acoustic
478 V What 'V' is a spirit largely distilled from rye Vodka
479 G What 'G' is a measure and respiratory organ Gill
480 N What 'N' is to direct the course of a ship Navigate
481 C What 'C' is a tooth on the edge of a wheel Cog
482 I What 'I' is an offspring and a legal question Issue
483 N What 'N' was, a British newspaper owner Northcliffe
484 O What 'O' comes before spring, cut and hand Off
485 F What 'F' is an open fruit tart Flan
486 K What 'K' is a country in eastern Africa Kenya
487 A What 'A' means extremely savage, wicked or cruel Atrocious
488 P What 'P' is the game bird that lives in 'coveys' Partridge
489 D What 'D' was heroine of Shakespeare's Othello Desdemona
490 J What 'Y is a harvest tick and a billiards rest Jigger
491 B What 'B' is a wine region in southern France Bordeaux
492 Q What 'Q' is a curl of hair low on the forehead Quiff
493 H What 'H' was an English painter and caricaturist Hogarth
494 L What 'L' is someone who studies butterflies Lepidopterist
495 S What 'S' means separated, sheltered and secluded Sequestered
496 R What 'R' is a kind of backpack Rucksack
497 E What 'E' is the government department concerned with Revenue Exchequer
498 M What 'M' is a type of vermouth Martini
499 T What 'T' is slow, done late or reluctant Tardy


What 'U' was the group which recorded Sing your own Song UB40