Question |
Answer |
001 |
M |
What 'M' was a top female pop singer of 1985? |
Madonna |
002 |
O |
What 'O' is a snow-leopard and a measure of weight? |
Ounce |
003 |
K |
What 'K' is an irresistible tendency to steal? |
Kleptomania |
004 |
D |
What 'D' is a Scandinavian kingdom? |
Denmark |
005 |
J |
What 'J' is to scoff? |
Jeer |
006 |
P |
What 'P' is a community's lowest class? |
Proletariat |
007 |
H |
What 'H' comes before priest, rise and school? |
High |
008 |
W |
What 'W' is a large red North American stag? |
Wapiti |
009 |
F |
What 'F' wrote The Day of The Jackal? |
Forsyth |
010 |
B |
What 'B' is meaningless chatter - and the murmur of water? |
Babble |
011 |
L |
What 'L' is a soft fruit with a scaly covering? |
Lychee |
012 |
S |
What 'S' is to faint? |
Swoon |
013 |
T |
What 'T' are tartan trousers? |
Trews |
014 |
R |
What 'R' is to undergo oxydisation? |
Rust |
015 |
C |
What 'C' is an acrobat who twists him or herself into abnormal positions? |
Contortionist |
016 |
E |
What 'E' is everlasting? |
Eternal |
017 |
A |
What 'A' is the shaft on which a wheel revolves? |
Axle |
018 |
V |
What 'V' means capable of being wounded? |
Vulnerable |
019 |
G |
What 'G' is an Arabian spirit or goblin? |
Genie |
020 |
N |
What 'N' is a writer's pen name? |
Nom-de-plume |
021 |
C |
What 'C' is a film using animated drawings? |
Cartoon |
022 |
I |
What 'I' is to devise or originate? |
Invent |
023 |
N |
What 'N' is a word used as the name of a person or thing? |
Noun |
024 |
O |
What 'O' is Turkish? |
Ottaman |
025 |
F |
What 'F' is fluff and down and slang for police? |
Fuzz |
026 |
K |
What 'K' is a South African ravine or valley? |
Kloof |
027 |
A |
What 'A' is sky blue? |
Azure |
028 |
P |
What 'P' comes before love, fat and dog? |
Puppy |
029 |
D |
What 'D' is a male duck? |
Drake |
030 |
J |
What 'J' is the liquid part of vegetables or fruit? |
Juice |
031 |
B |
What 'B' is sick or nauseous? |
Bilious |
032 |
Q |
What 'Q' means completely - or only moderately? |
Quite |
033 |
H |
What 'H' is an air-cushion vehicle? |
Hovercraft |
034 |
L |
What 'L' is an illegal execution by a mob? |
Lynching |
035 |
S |
What 'S' is to barter one thing for another? |
Swap |
036 |
R |
What 'R' is the sound of dry leaves in motion? |
Rustle |
037 |
E |
What 'E' is an administrator in the Common Market? |
Eurocrat |
038 |
M |
What 'M' is a world featherweight boxing champion? |
McGuigan |
039 |
T |
What 'T' is an oppressive or cruel ruler? |
Tyrant |
040 |
U |
What 'U' means like a bear? |
Ursine |
041 |
G |
What 'G' is a kind of civet cat? |
Genet |
042 |
Y |
What 'Y' is to bark shrilly or fussily? |
Yap |
043 |
A |
What 'A' is a pointed tool for making small holes? |
Awl |
044 |
T |
What 'T' is the exact counterpart of a person or thing? |
Twin |
045 |
V |
What 'V' was an 18th century Italian composer? |
Vivaldi |
046 |
S |
What 'S' is a Eurasian maple tree? |
Sycamore |
047 |
U |
What 'U' means of a town or city? |
Urban |
048 |
B |
What 'B' is coarse canvas? |
Burlap |
049 |
E |
What 'E' comes before mural, ordinary and terrestrial? |
Extra |
050 |
N |
What 'N' is common sense? |
Nous |
051 |
I |
What 'I' is drunkenness? |
Intoxication / Inebriation |
052 |
L |
What 'L' is the pale fluid resembling blood plasma? |
Lymph |
053 |
P |
What 'P' was the king of rock 'n' roll? |
Presley |
054 |
O |
What 'O' is to refuse to have social contact with? |
Ostracise |
055 |
H |
What 'H' is a vacuum cleaner? |
Hoover |
056 |
F |
What 'F' is an Andalusian gypsy dance? |
Flamenco |
057 |
D |
What 'D' is an idler - or male honey bee? |
Drone |
058 |
M |
What 'M' is President of France? |
Mitterand |
059 |
J |
What 'J' is to protrude? |
Jut |
060 |
R |
What 'R' is a girl's name meaning pity or compassion? |
Ruth |
061 |
C |
What 'C' is to make something sore by rubbing? |
Chafe |
062 |
E |
What 'E' is mercy killing? |
Euthanasia |
063 |
I |
What 'I' is a long peninsular extending into the Mediterranean? |
Italy |
064 |
N |
What 'N' is a local anaesthetic? |
Novovaine |
065 |
R |
What 'R' is a bit of bread taken from a loaf and rebaked? |
Rusk |
066 |
W |
What 'W' provides the means of flight? |
Wing |
067 |
D |
What 'D' is an aborigine of Borneo? |
Dyak |
068 |
K |
What 'K' is smoked herring? |
Kipper |
069 |
B |
What 'B' is slang for your head? |
Bonce |
070 |
V |
What 'V' means fox-like? |
Vulpine |
071 |
F |
What 'F' is a scarlet-feathered bird with long legs and neck? |
Flamingo |
072 |
T |
What 'T is an oriental head-dress? |
Turban |
073 |
S |
What 'S' comes before dance, fish and stick? |
Sword |
074 |
Y |
What 'Y' is an inhabitant of New England? |
Yankee |
075 |
I |
What 'I' is luxuriant, sumptuous - and a drunk? |
Lush |
076 |
G |
What 'G' is headquarters of the WHO and the Red Cross? |
Geneva |
077 |
P |
What 'P' means fussy and fastidious? |
Pernickety |
078 |
U |
What 'U is a tumult or violent disturbance? |
Uproar |
079 |
J |
What 'J' means barely - and fair? |
Just |
080 |
A |
What 'A' is uncle-like? |
Avuncular |
081 |
F |
What 'F' is lacking resilience and flaccid? |
Flabby |
082 |
O |
What 'O' is an expression of sudden pain? |
Ouch |
083 |
K |
What 'K' are short baggy trousers gathered in at the knee? |
Knickerbockers |
084 |
R |
What 'R' is a wiley subterfuge? |
Ruse |
085 |
T |
What 'T' are minute tongs for picking up small objects? |
Tweezers |
086 |
A |
What 'A' means pertaining to birds? |
Avian |
087 |
E |
What 'E' is pleasing to the ear? |
Euphonoius |
088 |
B |
What 'B' is the chemistry concerned with organisms? |
Biochemistry |
089 |
P |
What 'P' is an oriental sacred building? |
Pagoda |
090 |
D |
What 'D' is indigestion? |
Dyspepsia |
091 |
N |
What 'N' comes before reel, stand and agent? |
News |
092 |
J |
What 'J' are a body of persons sworn to render a verdict? |
Jury |
093 |
S |
What 'S' is someone who studies especially hard? |
Swot |
094 |
H |
What 'H' is very large? |
Huge |
095 |
U |
What 'U' is to cover furniture with fabric? |
Upholster |
096 |
G |
What 'G' is a West African republic? |
Ghana |
097 |
M |
What 'M' was a Philippino dictator? |
Marcos |
098 |
W |
What 'W' do you tell a horse? |
Whoa |
099 |
C |
What 'C' is part of a song recurring at intervals? |
Chorus |
100 |
L |
What 'L' is to lie hidden with evil intent? |
Lurk |
101 |
M |
What 'M' is the officer ranked just below lieutenant colonel? |
Major |
102 |
O |
What 'O' means professed or declared? |
Ostensible |
103 |
K |
What 'K' is a small hill or mound? |
Knoll |
104 |
D |
What 'D' was the heroine of Shakespeare's Othello? |
Desdemona |
105 |
J |
What 'J' is a flexion and sudden muscular extension of legs? |
Jump |
106 |
P |
What 'P' means tediously wordy? |
Prolix |
107 |
H |
What 'H' is a snooker player nicknamed 'Hurricane'? |
Higgins |
108 |
W |
What 'W' was an 19th century political party? |
Whig |
109 |
F |
What 'F' sold his soul to the devil? |
Faustus |
110 |
B |
What 'B' means pastoral? |
Bucolic |
111 |
L |
What 'L' is a cross between a collie and a greyhound? |
Lurcher |
112 |
S |
What 'S' comes before board, blade and back? |
Switch |
113 |
T |
What 'T' is an ice-cream of mixed fruits? |
Tutti-Frutti |
114 |
R |
What 'R' is the smallest animal of a litter? |
Runt |
115 |
C |
What 'C' is the Messiah? |
Christ |
116 |
E |
What 'E' is high praise? |
Eulogu |
117 |
A |
What 'A' is a pear-shaped tropical fruit? |
Avocado |
118 |
V |
What 'V' is the Roman god of fire and metal-working? |
Vulcan |
119 |
G |
What 'G' is both relevant and appropriate? |
Germane |
120 |
N |
What 'N' is the cathedral of Paris? |
Notre Dame |
121 |
C |
What 'C' is the short sharp note of a small bird? |
Chirp |
122 |
I |
What 'I' is to make better? |
Improve |
123 |
N |
What 'N' is the kingdom on the southern slopes of the Himalayas? |
Nepal |
124 |
O |
What 'O' is a large, fish-eating hawk? |
Osprey |
125 |
F |
What 'F' is a lively Spanish dance? |
Fandango |
126 |
K |
What 'K' comes after slip, granny and reef? |
Know |
127 |
A |
What 'A' means askew or twisted? |
Awry |
128 |
P |
What 'P' is to go the rounds of a garrison? |
Patrol |
129 |
D |
What 'D' is a cartoon duck? |
Donald / Daffy |
130 |
J |
What 'J' is a political council or committee? |
Junta |
131 |
B |
What 'B' is mild, gracious and not malignant? |
Benign |
132 |
Q |
What 'Q' is pleasingly old-fashioned? |
Quaint |
133 |
H |
What 'H' comes before brained, lip and bell? |
Hare |
134 |
L |
What 'L' is a rheumatic affliction of the lower back? |
Lumbago |
135 |
S |
What 'S' is to attempt to hit -- or to steal? |
Swipe |
136 |
R |
What 'R' is the currency of India? |
Rupee |
137 |
E |
What 'E' is to cry out? |
Exclaim |
138 |
M |
What 'M' is an obsolete infantryman's gun? |
Musket |
139 |
T |
What 'T' is a large American fowl related to the pheasant? |
Turkey |
140 |
U |
What 'U' is a soothing or healing salve? |
Unguent |
141 |
G |
What 'G' was the tenth member of the EEC? |
Greece |
142 |
Y |
What 'Y' is an edible tuber of a tropical climbing plant? |
Yam |
143 |
A |
What 'A' means unwilling or antipathetic? |
Averse |
144 |
T |
What 'T' is a gas or water driven rotary engine? |
Turbine |
145 |
V |
What 'V' is a solemn promise? |
Vow |
146 |
S |
What 'S' is the mutually beneficial association of dissimilar life forms? |
Symbiosis |
147 |
U |
What 'U' means to howl or hoot? |
Uluate |
148 |
B |
What 'B' is a fundamental? |
Basic |
149 |
E |
What 'E' is a small supernatural creature? |
Elf |
150 |
N |
What 'N' comes before drip, stick, existent and fiction? |
Non |
151 |
I |
What 'I' is the republic created in 1945? |
Israel |
152 |
L |
What 'L' is an ear, a sail - and a large marine worm? |
Lug |
153 |
P |
What 'P' is one who is zealous on behalf of his country? |
Patriot |
154 |
O |
What 'O' comes before draft, land and seas? |
Over |
155 |
H |
What 'H' was an indecisive Danish prince? |
Hamlet |
156 |
F |
What 'F' is that which is going to happen? |
Future |
157 |
D |
What 'D' is a down-filled quilt? |
Duvet |
158 |
M |
What 'M' is a Greek dish of minced meat and aubergine? |
Moussaka |
159 |
J |
What 'J' is an account of day-to-day events? |
Journal |
160 |
R |
What 'R' is Europe's largest seaport? |
Rotterdam |
161 |
C |
What 'C' is a long green vegetable eaten in salads? |
Cucumber |
162 |
E |
What 'E' was heaven in Greek mythology? |
Elysium |
163 |
I |
What 'I' is to stamp, influence deeply - and force into service? |
Impress |
164 |
N |
What 'N' means addictive drug? |
Narcotic |
165 |
R |
What 'R' lies between Bulgaria and the USSR? |
Romania |
166 |
W |
What 'W' stays liquid when the rest of the milk curdles? |
Whey |
167 |
D |
What 'D' created Mickey Mouse? |
Disney |
168 |
K |
What 'K' is the currency of Sweden and a margarine? |
Krona |
169 |
B |
What 'B' is a serious disease of cattle and human beings? |
Brucellos |
170 |
V |
What 'V' is a mass of whirling fluid? |
Vortex |
171 |
F |
What 'F' is a spiny, yellow-flowered evergreen shrub? |
Furze |
172 |
T |
What 'T' is a large spider? |
Tarantula |
173 |
S |
What 'S' is a cavalry sword with a curved blade? |
Sabre |
174 |
Y |
What 'Y' was an Irish poet? |
Yeats |
175 |
L |
What 'L' comes before land, down and brow? |
Low |
176 |
G |
What 'G' is a disease-causing micro-organism? |
Germ |
177 |
P |
What 'P' is the gloss produced by age on woodwork? |
Patina |
178 |
U |
What 'U' assumes liability for an insurance policy? |
Underwriter |
179 |
J |
What 'J' is a Chinese idol? |
Joss |
180 |
A |
What 'A' is a luminous atmospheric phenomenon? |
Aurora |
181 |
F |
What 'F' is one-eighth of a mile? |
Furlong |
182 |
O |
What 'O' is treatment of illness by manipulation of bones? |
Osteopathy |
183 |
K |
What 'K' is a small knob? |
Knobble |
184 |
R |
What 'R' is one of the two chief forms of football? |
Rugby |
185 |
T |
What 'T' is a plant of the ginger family used in curry powder? |
Turmeric |
186 |
A |
What 'A' is an instrument for cleaning ears? |
Aurilave |
187 |
E |
What 'E' means come from or emerge? |
Emanate |
188 |
B |
What 'B' are gas bubbles in a scuba diver's body? |
Bends |
189 |
P |
What 'P' is a communal dialect? |
Patois |
190 |
D |
What 'D' is long-lasting? |
Durable |
191 |
N |
What 'N' is a strip of dough - and a simpleton? |
Noodle |
192 |
J |
What 'J' is someone who brings bad luck? |
Jonah |
193 |
S |
What 'S' is England's greatest dramatist? |
Shakespeare |
194 |
H |
What 'H' is an involuntary spasm of respiratory organs? |
Hiccup |
195 |
U |
What 'U' personifies the United States? |
Uncle Sam |
196 |
G |
What 'G' comes before ale, bread and nut? |
Ginger |
197 |
M |
What 'M' means short-sighted? |
Myopic |
198 |
W |
What 'W' is a famous architect, a small bird - and a member of the navy? |
Wren |
199 |
C |
What 'C' is apple brandy? |
Calvados |
200 |
L |
What 'L' is money - especially when filthy? |
Lucre |
201 |
M |
What 'M' is a black bird that can learn to talk |
Minah |
202 |
O |
What 'O' is an award for cinematic achievement |
Oscar |
203 |
K |
What 'K' is the world's largest bear |
Kodiak |
204 |
D |
What 'D' is a waterless, treeless region |
Desert |
205 |
J |
What 'J' is psychologically immature |
Juvenile |
206 |
P |
What 'P' is the bow of a ship |
Prow |
207 |
H |
What 'H' is an aircraft that derives lift from rotors |
Helicopter |
208 |
W |
What 'W' is a spiral-shelled marine mollusc |
Whelk |
209 |
F |
What 'F' is an old sweetheart |
Flame |
210 |
B |
What 'B' is a lord of the realm |
Baron |
211 |
L |
What 'L' means to moo like a cow |
Low |
212 |
S |
What 'S' is mixed raw vegetables |
Salad |
213 |
T |
What 'T is an abnormal growth or swelling |
Tumour |
214 |
R |
What 'R' is waste fragments of brick or stone |
Rubble |
215 |
C |
What 'C' equals Celsius |
Centigrade |
216 |
E |
What 'E' was Napoleon's first island of exile |
Elba |
217 |
A |
What 'A' comes before graph, mobile and biography |
Auto |
218 |
V |
What 'V' is a colourless spirit distilled from rye |
Vodka |
219 |
G |
What 'G' is a small prickly fruit used for pickling |
Gherkin |
220 |
N |
What 'N' is something not easily classified |
Nondescript |
221 |
C |
What 'C' is the world's premier dog show |
Crufts |
222 |
I |
What 'I' are goods introduced from a foreign country |
Imports |
223 |
N |
What 'N' is someone in their nineties |
Nonagenarian |
224 |
O |
What 'O' is a straight-horned African antelope |
Oryx |
225 |
F |
What 'F" is to roll up a sail |
Furl |
226 |
K |
What 'K' is a native of Kurdistan |
Kurd |
227 |
A |
What 'A' is an emanation or atmosphere |
Aura |
228 |
P |
What 'P' is sharp-pointed, piquant or caustic |
Pungent |
229 |
D |
What 'D' is a machine that converts mechanical into electrical energy |
Dynamo |
230 |
J |
What 'J' is a fibre used for sacking - and a Germanic invader of England |
Jute |
231 |
B |
What 'B' is an inflatable rubber bag |
Balloon |
232 |
Q |
What 'Q' is bizarre, unwell and homosexual |
Queer |
233 |
H |
What 'H' is a trusted follower |
Henchman |
234 |
L |
What 'L' is the milky fluid rubber comes from |
Latex |
235 |
S |
What 'S' is a Japanese drink made from fermented rice |
Sake |
236 |
R |
What 'R' is an animal that chews the cud |
Ruminant |
237 |
E |
What 'E' is a vast Florida marsh |
Everglades |
238 |
M |
What 'M' comes before pie, lark and guard |
Mud |
239 |
T |
What 'T' is teaching |
Tuition |
240 |
U |
What 'U' was a World War II submarine |
U-boat |
241 |
G |
What 'G' is a kind of butter made in India |
Ghee |
242 |
Y |
What 'Y' is a divided republic on the Arabian peninsula |
Yemen |
243 |
A |
What 'A' means alternatively attracted and repelled |
A,bivalent |
244 |
T |
What 'T' is a plant with bright-coloured, bell-shaped flowers |
Tulip |
245 |
V |
What 'V' is empty, vacant - and invalid |
Void |
246 |
S |
What 'S' is a highly seasoned sausage |
Salami |
247 |
U |
What 'U' is a radio frequency |
248 |
B |
What 'B' is a flat, blood-sucking insect infesting beds |
Bug |
249 |
E |
What 'E' comes after Lent |
Easter |
250 |
N |
What 'N' means a person of no importance |
Nonentity |
251 |
T |
What 'T' is the force with which a body moves |
Impetus |
252 |
L |
What 'L' is a kind of pasta dish |
Lasagne |
253 |
P |
What 'P' is a short-legged, flat-faced dog with silky hair |
Pekinese |
254 |
O |
What 'O' is a child whose parents are dead |
Orphan |
255 |
H |
What 'H' is an intuitive feeling |
Hunch |
256 |
F |
What 'F' means of public revenue |
Fiscal |
257 |
D |
What 'D' is a projecting window in a sloping roof |
Dormer |
258 |
M |
What 'M' is dumb |
Mute |
259 |
J |
What 'J' is a locomotive crane, a billiards stroke, and a wren |
Jenny |
260 |
R |
What 'R' is a highly polluted German river |
Rhine |
261 |
C |
What 'C' comes before paper, steel and copy |
Carbon |
262 |
E |
What 'E' means exhausted and feeble |
Effete |
263 |
I |
What 'I' is something surgically inserted in living tissue |
Implant |
264 |
N |
What 'N' means existing in name only |
Nomibnal |
265 |
R |
What 'R' is a rare precious stone |
Ruby |
266 |
W |
What 'W' is a loading platform for ships |
Wharf |
267 |
D |
What 'D' means to do with the back |
Dorsal |
268 |
K |
What 'K' is glory or renown |
Kudos |
269 |
B |
What 'B' is a barefoot, world record runner |
Budd |
270 |
V |
What 'V' means giving birth to live young |
Viviparous |
271 |
F |
What 'F' is polecat hair |
Fitch |
272 |
T |
What 'T' is a vigorous pull and a tow boat |
Tug |
273 |
S |
What 'S' is to sweat, or be faint, from heat |
Swelter |
274 |
Y |
What 'Y' is a European socialist republic |
Yugoslavia |
275 |
L |
What 'L' is the primary form of animals that undergo metamorphosis |
Lava |
276 |
G |
What 'G' is someone of extraordinary size |
Giant |
277 |
P |
What 'P' means headlong or recklessly |
Pell-Mell |
278 |
U |
What 'U' are foods which Jews do not eat |
Unclean |
279 |
J |
What 'J' is the awarding of what is due |
Justice |
280 |
A |
What 'A' means original or genuine |
Authentic |
281 |
F |
What 'F' comes before pond, tail and hook |
Fish |
282 |
O |
What 'O' is to swing back and forth like a pendulum |
Oscillate |
283 |
K |
What 'K' is Russian rye-beer |
Krass |
284 |
R |
What 'R' is a girl's name and fragrant herb |
Rosemary |
285 |
T |
What 'T' is a three-legged stool or stand |
Tripod |
286 |
A |
What 'A' is absolute government |
Autocracy |
287 |
E |
What 'E' is an outgoing person |
Extrovert |
288 |
B |
What 'B' is a creeping plant, a musical instrument - and a glass bead |
Bugle |
289 |
P |
What 'P' means transparent or clear |
Pelucid |
290 |
D |
What 'D' is an aimless scrawl |
Doodle |
291 |
N |
What 'N' was a 16th century French prophet |
Nostradamus |
292 |
J |
What 'J' is to place side by side |
Juxtapose |
293 |
S |
What 'S' is a Hindu religious teacher |
Swami |
294 |
H |
What 'H' is a knapsack |
Haversack |
295 |
U |
What 'U' is fever which goes up and down |
Undulant |
296 |
G |
What 'G' is meaningless sounds |
Gibberish |
297 |
M |
What 'M' is a marine bivalve mollusc |
Mussel |
298 |
W |
What 'W comes before force, top and shop |
Work |
299 |
C |
What 'C is a Chinese dish of noodles and shredded meat |
Chow Mein |
300 |
L |
What 'L' is a poetic word for forlorn |
Lorn |
301 |
M |
What 'M' is the compulsory roadworthiness test for cars |
302 |
O |
What 'O' comes before season, verdict and university |
Open |
303 |
K |
What 'K' is a kind of cole or cabbage |
Kale |
304 |
D |
What 'D' is a bullet that expands on impact |
Dumdum |
305 |
J |
What 'J' are the mountains between France and Switzerland |
Jura |
306 |
P |
What 'P' is an edible seed - and rhythmic throbbing |
Pulse |
307 |
H |
What 'H' was the last divine Japanese emperor |
Hirohito |
308 |
W |
What 'W' is a wild herb growing where it is not wanted |
Weed |
309 |
F |
What 'F' means bounded and limited |
Finite |
310 |
B |
What 'B' are almost one quarter of all mammals |
Bats |
311 |
L |
What 'L' is a medicinal or cosmetic liquid for external use |
Lotion |
312 |
S |
What 'S' is booty carried off by burglars |
Swag |
313 |
T |
What 'T is a triangular framework of beams and a belt worn for a hernia |
Truss |
314 |
R |
What 'R' is the family of a king |
Royal |
315 |
C |
What 'C' is a supersonic airliner |
Concorde |
316 |
E |
What 'E' means luxuriantly prolific |
Exuberant |
317 |
A |
What 'A' is to foretell the future from omens |
Augur |
318 |
V |
What 'V' provided the historical model for Dracula |
Vlad (The Impaler) |
319 |
G |
What 'G' is plain weave cotton or linen cloth of dyed yarn |
Gingham |
320 |
N |
What 'N' is a halo |
Nimbus |
321 |
C |
What 'C' is a tallow or wax cylinder that gives light |
Candle |
322 |
I |
What 'I' means with your identity concealed |
Igcognito |
323 |
N |
What 'N' comes before stick, starter and stop |
Non |
324 |
O |
What 'O' was a stableman at an inn |
Ostler |
325 |
F |
What 'F is an open fruit tart |
Flan |
326 |
K |
What 'K' is a Chinese gesture of absolute submission |
Kowtow |
327 |
A |
What 'A' is to worship |
Adore |
328 |
P |
What 'P' is fabric placed to conceal curtain fixtures |
Pelmet |
329 |
D |
What 'D' is a shapeless lump of food |
Dollop |
330 |
J |
What 'J' is the berry used in making gin |
Juniper |
331 |
B |
What 'B' is muscular strength |
Brawn |
332 |
Q |
What 'Q' is a proportional part or share |
Quota |
333 |
H |
What 'H' is capital of Finland |
Helsinki |
334 |
L |
What 'L' is a gramophone record played at 33% rpm |
LP |
335 |
S |
What 'S' means irritable, sullen and churlish |
Surly |
336 |
R |
What 'R' is a mountain oak |
Rowan |
337 |
E |
What 'E' is a small hole in cloth or a loophole |
Eyelet |
338 |
M |
What 'M' is a slimy exudation |
Mucus |
339 |
T |
What 'T is a short club or cudgel |
Truncheon |
340 |
U |
What 'U' comes before Kingdom and States |
United |
341 |
G |
What 'G' are rubber overshoes |
Galoshes |
342 |
Y |
What 'Y' is a Canadian and Alaskan river |
Yukon |
343 |
A |
What 'A' is a lawyer or advocate |
Attorney |
344 |
T |
What 'T' is slang for extreme left-winger and diarrhoea |
Trots |
345 |
V |
What 'V' is sulphuric acid or any of its salts |
Vitriol |
346 |
S |
What 'S' comes before scribe, marine and stance |
Sub |
347 |
U |
What 'U' is a 13 km Cumbrian lake |
Ulswater |
348 |
B |
What 'B' is a dark or suntanned complexion |
Brown |
349 |
E |
What 'E' is a young hawk taken from the nest for training |
Eyas |
350 |
N |
What 'N' is a quid |
Nicker |
351 |
I |
What 'I' is deceptive or unreal |
Illusory |
352 |
L |
What 'L' is a small bright parrot |
Lorikeet |
353 |
P |
What 'P' are fireworks |
Pyrotechnics |
354 |
O |
What 'O' is the path described by one body revolving around another |
Orbit |
355 |
H |
What 'H' is a French bean |
Haricot |
356 |
F |
What 'F' is a game where players hit the ball with their hands |
Fives |
357 |
D |
What 'D' is to confer a knighthood |
Dub |
358 |
M |
What 'M' is the fur of the muskrat |
Musquash |
359 |
J |
What 'J' is a coin-operated music player |
Jukebox |
360 |
R |
What 'R' is Russia's monetary unit |
Rouble |
361 |
C |
What 'C' was a stuttering Roman emperor |
Claudius |
362 |
F |
What 'F means to ooze out or give off |
Exude |
363 |
I |
What 'I' is to dip in liquid |
Immerse |
364 |
N |
What 'N' means execution by drowning |
Noyade |
365 |
R |
What 'R' is a masseur, two games and an eraser |
Rubber |
366 |
W |
What 'W' is an English cheese |
Wensleydale |
367 |
D |
What 'D' is someone habitually drunk |
Drunkard |
368 |
K |
What 'K' is a fortified tower |
Keep |
369 |
B |
What 'B' is tinned beef, a hockey play - and a petty tyrant |
Bully |
370 |
V |
What 'V' means to convert into glass |
Vitrify |
371 |
F |
What 'F' destroys fungus |
Fungicide |
372 |
T |
What 'T' is a pig's foot |
Trotter |
373 |
S |
What 'S' is a party to a lawsuit, or petitioner |
Suitor |
374 |
Y |
What 'Y' is a light vessel used for pleasure trips and racing |
Yacht |
375 |
L |
What 'L' comes after make, play for and fall in |
Lovre |
376 |
G |
What 'G' is a structure criminals are hanged on |
Gallows |
377 |
P |
What 'P' is glass that is heat and chemical resistant |
Pyrex |
378 |
U |
What 'U' is a centre for higher learning |
University |
379 |
Y |
What 'Y' is a desert of sweetened curds and whey |
Junket |
380 |
A |
What 'A' is a protection or shield |
Aegis |
381 |
F |
What 'F' is a stock of something ready to be drawn on |
Fund |
382 |
O |
What 'O' is a receptacle for bones, or charnel house |
Ossuary |
383 |
K |
What 'K' is a martial art like Kung Fu |
Karate |
384 |
R |
What 'R' is an American word for recruit or beginner |
Rookie |
385 |
T |
What 'T' is a rich chocolate - and wrinkled fungus |
Truffle |
386 |
A |
What 'A' is the first day of Lent |
Ash Wednesday |
387 |
E |
What 'E' is the space over which a thing extends |
Extent |
388 |
B |
What 'B' is toilet-paper |
Bumf |
389 |
P |
What 'P' is a gentle golf stroke |
Putt |
390 |
D |
What 'D' comes before fight, cart and tired |
Dog |
391 |
N |
What 'N' is harmful or unwholesome |
Noxious |
392 |
J |
What 'J' is the slack flesh of the lower jaw |
Jowl |
393 |
S |
What 'S' is a moslem sovereign |
Sultan |
394 |
H |
What 'H' is rear - and a deer |
Hind |
395 |
U |
What 'U' has 157 member states |
UN |
396 |
G |
What 'G' is a chess opening or stratagem |
Gambit |
397 |
M |
What 'M' imparts motion |
Motor |
398 |
W |
What 'W' is a small red-brown carnivore like a stoat |
Weasel |
399 |
C |
What 'C' is prevailing weather |
Climate |
400 |
L |
What 'L' are underpants extending to the ankles |
Longjohns |
401 |
M |
What 'M' is new wine, mould and a frenzied elephant's state |
Must |
402 |
O |
What 'O' is lots and lots and lots |
Oodles |
403 |
K |
What 'K' is one-hundredth of a rouble |
Kopek |
404 |
S |
What 'D' is the enclosure in court for prisoners |
Dock |
405 |
J |
What 'J' is a very short time |
Jiffy |
406 |
P |
What 'P' is a heap of combustible material |
Pyre |
407 |
H |
What 'H' comes before bitten, core and board |
Hard |
408 |
W |
What 'W' is to form fabric from thread |
Weave |
409 |
F |
What 'F' is a stuffy atmosphere |
Fug |
410 |
B |
What 'B' is unexpected prosperity - and an old TV series |
Bonanza |
411 |
L |
What 'L' comes before Mayor, Lieutenant and ship |
Lord |
412 |
S |
What 'S' is hard fat around the kidneys in beef or mutton |
Suet |
413 |
T |
What 'T' is a bed that slides beneath a higher bed |
Trucklebed |
414 |
R |
What 'R' is a colony of penguins or seals |
Rookery |
415 |
C |
What 'C' failed to turn back the tide |
Canute |
416 |
E |
What 'F' is a species that has died out |
Extinct |
417 |
A |
What 'A' is a wind-activated harp |
Aeolian |
418 |
V |
What 'V' is built on islets and gradually sinking |
Venice |
419 |
G |
What 'G' kills germs |
Germicide |
420 |
N |
What 'N' is a small drink, a pinch - and slang for a Japanese person |
Nip |
421 |
C |
What 'C' comes before feed, hearted and pox |
Chicken |
422 |
I |
What 'I' is without delay |
Immediate |
423 |
N |
What 'N' was a 19th century German philosopher |
Nietzche |
424 |
O |
What 'O' is an enclosure with fruit trees |
Orchard |
425 |
F |
What 'F' is something cobbled together - and a sweet |
Fudge |
426 |
K |
What 'K' is an Eskimo canoe |
Kayak |
427 |
A |
What 'A' is the first sign of the Zodiac |
Aries |
428 |
P |
What 'P' comes before button, chair and bike |
Push |
429 |
D |
What 'D' is an equatorial region of calms |
Doldrums |
430 |
J |
What 'J' is danger |
Jeopardy |
431 |
W |
What 'W was a Liverpool band |
Beatles |
432 |
Q |
What 'Q' is five children born at one birth' |
Quintuplets |
433 |
H |
What 'H' is a boat that lifts out of the water at speed |
Hydrofoil |
434 |
L |
What 'L' means talkative |
Loquacious |
435 |
S |
What 'S' was a woman who agitated for the right to vote |
Suffragette |
436 |
R |
What 'R' is a gypsy |
Romany |
437 |
E |
What 'E' means to go off with a loud noise |
Explode |
438 |
M |
What 'M' is to eat with considerable jaw action |
Munch |
439 |
T |
What 'T' was a Russian revolutionary under Lenin |
Trotsky |
440 |
U |
What 'U' flows past Newport to the Bristol Channel |
Usk |
441 |
C |
What 'C' is necrosis with decomposition of part of the body |
Gangrene |
442 |
Y |
What 'Y' is a lemon-coloured bird of the bunting family |
Yellow-hammer |
443 |
A |
What 'A' is a poetic word for rustic paradise |
Arcady |
444 |
T |
What 'T' is victorious |
Triumphant |
445 |
V |
What 'V' is a calling to a career or occupation |
Vocation |
446 |
S |
What 'S' comes before tax, sonic and structure |
Super |
447 |
U |
What 'U' is the racecourse between Derby and Stoke-on- Trent |
Uttoxeter |
448 |
B |
What 'B' is a TV quiz with hexagons |
Blockbusters |
449 |
E |
What 'E' is someone with special skill or knowledge |
Expert |
450 |
N |
What 'N' is a silvery element - and a US coin |
Nickel |
451 |
T |
What 'T' means drink in |
Imbibe |
452 |
L |
What 'L' is to run with long, bounding strides |
Lope |
453 |
P |
What 'P' is a prize of money - and a small bag |
Purse |
454 |
O |
What 'O' is a very heavy metal of the platinum group |
Osmium |
455 |
H |
What 'H' is a group of females associated with one male |
Harem |
456 |
F |
What 'F' is a hidden defect - and a squall of wind |
Flaw |
457 |
D |
What 'D' was a Victorian Prime Minister |
Disraeli |
458 |
M |
What 'M' is a contractile fibrous band that produces movement |
Muscle |
459 |
J |
What 'J' is a small Spanish horse |
Jennet |
460 |
R |
What 'R' is a device producing a fulcrum for an oar |
Rowlock |
461 |
C |
What 'C' was an Italian navigator |
Columbus |
462 |
E |
What 'E' is a car's expulsion of the biproducts of combustion |
Exhaust |
463 |
I |
What 'I' comes before planting, view and pose |
Inter |
464 |
N |
What 'N' is a shallow recess in a wall |
Niche |
465 |
R |
What 'R' as is a French ewes milk cheese |
Roquefort |
466 |
W |
What 'W' means to make, or become, crooked |
Warp |
467 |
D |
What 'D' is a conduit or tube for conveying liquid |
Duct |
468 |
K |
What 'K' is a Jewish mourner's prayer |
Kaddish |
469 |
B |
What 'B' is a receptacle and an evergreen shrub |
Box |
470 |
V |
What 'V' is a season's produce of grapes |
Vintage |
471 |
F |
What 'F' comes before bag, bite and pit |
Flea |
472 |
T |
What 'T' is a flat-bladed tool for spreading mortar |
Trowel |
473 |
S |
What 'S' is undressed kid |
Suede |
474 |
Y |
What 'Y' is the Belgian site of World War I battles |
Ypres |
475 |
L |
What 'L' is lower on one side than the other |
Lopsided |
476 |
G |
What 'G' is a long-armed ape |
Gibbon |
477 |
P |
What 'P' is a contrivance designed to test your ingenuity |
Puzzle |
478 |
U |
What 'U' is the most northerly Shetland Island |
Unst |
479 |
J |
What 'J' is a kind of Welsh Methodist - and a loose garment |
Jumper |
480 |
A |
What 'A' is Sagittarius |
Archer |
481 |
F |
What 'F' is a drab, old-fashioned woman |
Frump |
482 |
O |
What 'O' is a bushy, mint-related herb |
Oregano |
483 |
K |
What 'K' is the largest known bat |
Kalong |
484 |
R |
What 'R' comes before empire, numeral and Catholic |
Roman |
485 |
T |
What 'T" is the edible stomach tissue of cows |
Tripe |
486 |
A |
What 'A' is a bower or shady retreat |
Arbour |
487 |
E |
What 'E' is the day before - and first woman |
Eve |
488 |
B |
What 'B' comes before bean, knife and fingers |
Butter |
489 |
P |
What 'P' is a long strip of cloth worn around lower legs |
Puttee |
490 |
D |
What 'D' was Mussolini known as |
Duce |
491 |
N |
What 'N' comes before World, born, Year and moon |
New |
492 |
J |
What 'J' is to cross the street regardless of traffic |
Jaywalk |
493 |
S |
What 'S' is the sugar occurring in most plants |
Sucrose |
494 |
H |
What 'H' is Egyptian privet used on hair |
Henna |
495 |
U |
What 'U' is the financial centre of the Netherlands |
Utrecht |
496 |
G |
What 'G' means to open wide - or stare curiously |
Gape |
497 |
M |
What 'M' is a source of artistic inspiration |
Muse |
498 |
W |
What 'W' is very small |
Wee |
499 |
C |
What 'C' is a Christmas song |
Carol |
500 |
L |
What 'L' is a dried seed pod used as a rough sponge |
Loofah |