Blockbusters 27 - (Submitted By Yoda)
    Question Answer
001 M What 'M' Prime Minister said 'you've never had it so good'? Macmillan
002 O What 'O' is the last letter in the Greek alphabet? Umega
003 K What 'K' is the temperature scale whose zero is absolute zero? Kelvin
004 D What 'D' are the muscles that lift the upper arm? Deltoid
005 J What 'J' was the first permanent English settlement in North America? Jamestown
006 P What 'P' is the act of giving birth? Parturition
007 H What 'H' is buried when making peace? Hatchet
008 W What 'W' are carol singers? Waits
009 F What 'F' is a society of socialist intellectuals? Fabian
010 B What 'B' led the Iceni against the Romans? Boadicea
011 L What 'L' is a smoky-tasting Chinese tea? Lapsang Souchong
012 S What 'S' goes with Gomorrah? Sodom
013 T What 'T' is Minder? Terry
014 R What 'R' is a famous Scottish golf club? Royal And Ancient
015 C What 'C' are the Nicaraguan rebels? Contras
016 E What 'E' built a landmark in Paris? Eiffel
017 A What 'A' did Verdi compose to celebrate the opening of the Suez canal? Aida
018 V What 'V' proves that you were right? Vindication
019 G What 'G' should one fear bearing gifts? Greeks
020 N What 'N' is a type of cloth named after a Chinese town? Nankeen
021 C What 'C' is to heal wounds by searing them? Causterization
022 I What 'I' was the first Tsar of Russia? Ivan The Terrible
023 N What 'N' is it pointless taking coals to? Newcastle
024 O What 'O' is of sheep? Ovine
025 F What 'F' is a young female horse? Filly
026 K What 'K' is an annual three-year-olds horserace in the USA? Kentucky Derby
027 A What 'A' is dexterous, skilful? Adroit
028 P What 'P' measures how far one has walked? Pedometer
029 D What 'D' is capital of Dorset? Dorchester
030 T What 'T' is French for gilded youth? Jeunesse Doree
031 B What 'B' was a boxer that appeared frequently in HP sauce ads? Bruno
032 O What 'O' is a plea for one's life? Quarter
033 H What 'H' was the Trojan war fought over? Helen
034 D What 'D' is a small dark purple plum? Damson
035 S What 'S' is traditionally worn with ashes? Sackcloth
036 R What 'R' do you cross when committed to an action? Rubicon
037 E What 'E' means charitable, to do with alms? Eleemosynary
038 M What 'M' are the Hungarians? Magyars
039 T What 'T' is a sort of lottery? Tombola
040 U What 'U' relates to the womb? Uterine
041 G What 'G' is mediaeval architecture? Gothic
042 Z What 'Z' was top Greek god? Zeus
043 A What 'A' is a street in north-west London and a pop album? Abbey Road
044 T What 'T' is a Canary Island? Tenerife
045 V What 'V' is an injection against small pox? Vaccination
046 S What 'S' means artificial? Synthetic
047 U What 'U' is ill-mannered and boorish? Uncouth
048 B What 'B' means warlike, confrontational? Bellicose
049 E What 'E' is a coat of arms that may be blotted? Escutcheon
050 N What 'N' is a Stone Age man named after a German river? Neanderthal
051 I What 'I' is a Greek letter and a very small quantity? Iota
052 L What 'L' had his wife changed into a pillar of salt? Lot
053 P What 'P' is the arch above a stage? Proscenium
054 O What 'O' is a wild ass? Onager
055 H What 'H' of Greek myth had to undergo 12 labours? Hercules
056 F What 'F' was a Charlie's Angel? Farah Fawcett Majors
057 D What 'D' is a Saxon town famed for porcelain? Dresden
058 M What 'M' is the transmigration of souls? Metempsychosis
059 J What 'J' berries are used to flavour gin? Juniper
060 R What 'R' is going stiff after death? Rigor Mortis
061 C What 'C' are middle-of-the-road reflectors? Cats eyes
062 E What 'E' was Captain Cook's ship? Endeavour
063 I What 'I' means hostile to? Inimical
064 N What 'N' is myopia? Nearsightedness
065 R What 'R' is a plush hotel and type of cracker? Ritz
066 W What 'W' wrote the Compleat Angler? Walton
067 D What 'D' is a provincial Yugoslav and type of dog? Dalmatian
068 K What 'K' was a famous British economist? Keynes
069 B What 'B' is a red stick in French and capital of Louisiana? Baton Rouge
070 V What 'V' is evensong? Vespers
071 F What 'F' is the measure of depth at sea? Fathoms
072 T What 'T' was Mike Oldfield's first big hit? Tubular Bells
073 S What 'S' is a Mexican hat? Sombrero
074 Y What 'Y' were the whites in the Wars of the Roses? Yorkists
075 L What 'L' is the colour of bruises and angry? Livid
076 G What 'G' are dangerous sandbanks off East Kent? Goodwin Sands
077 P What 'P' of Greek myth brought fire to mankind? Prometheus
078 U What 'U' is it when everybody has the same opinion? Unanimous
079 J What 'J' did the Queen celebrate in 1977? Jubilee
080 A What 'A' is a fireproof material made from a mineral? Asbestos
081 F What 'F' were the 19th-century seekers of Irish independence? Fenians
082 O What 'O' is an inhabitant of a town? Oppidan
083 K What 'K' succeeded Michael Foot as head of the Labour Party? Kinnock
084 R What 'R' did a roller-skating James Caan star in? Rollerball
085 T What 'T' is a clean slate? Tabula Rasa
086 A What 'A' is used to improve one's chances with the opposite sex? Aphrodisiac
087 E What `E' did Orpheus try to rescue from the underworld? Eurydice
088 B What 'B' is a South American or Caribbean republic? Banana
089 P What 'P' is an alloy of tin and lead? Pewter
090 D What 'D' is an early spring yellow flower? Daffodil
091 N What 'N' is a chain? Nexus
092 J What 'J' is used in rope-making? Jute
093 S What 'S' is part of Italy and a hotel in the Strand? Savoy
094 H What 'H' is the study of coats of arms? Herldry
095 U What 'U' was Ethelred? Unready
096 G What `G' is the principal English steeplechase? Grand National
097 M What 'M' is an incurable optimist, a Dickens' character? Micawber
098 W What 'W' is the chief US financial district? Wall Street
099 C What 'C' is a horn of plenty? Cornucopia
100 L What 'L' was a yuppy played by Harry Enfield? Loadsamoney
101 M What 'M' painted the ceiling of the Sistine chapel? Michelangelo
102 O What 'O' is a lift-maker and singer Redding's first name? Otis
103 K What 'K' was Soviet leader during the Missile Crisis? Kruschev
104 D What 'D' is an idiot, marijuana and aircraft varnish? Dope
105 J What T is a town in India after which riding trousers are named? Johpur
106 P What `P' were enemies of Rome whose name means painted? Picts
107 H What 'H' is the ex-leader of the GDR? Honecker
108 W What 'W' is a type of carburettor and German composer? Weber
109 F What 'F' was a foppish little lord? Fauntleroy
110 B What 'B' is the Canadian equivalent of the yeti? Big Foot
111 L What 'L' is the KGB prison? Lubyanka
112 S What 'S' is Basil Fawity's wife? Sybil
113 T What 'T' is the Muse of Dance? Terpsichore
114 R What 'R' is a Welsh coal-mining valley? Rhondda
115 C What 'C' is a junior NCO and bodily punishment? Corporal
116 E What 'E' is a French rope-soled shoe? Espadrille
117 A What 'A' is a semi-circular east end of a church? Apse
118 C What 'V' chief of the Gauls was defeated by Julius Caesar? Vercingetorix
119 G What 'G' is a US dollar? Greenback
120 N What 'N' was the land Peter Pan lived in? Never Never
121 C What 'C' is Barcelona the capital of? Catalonia
122 T What 'T' is a flower and the coloured part of an eye? Iris
123 N What 'N' is a vote where everybody is in favour of a motion? Nemine Contradicente
124 O What 'O' is built into many products? Obsolescence
125 F What 'F' was the founder of the science of electromagnetism? Faraday
126 K What 'K' took over from Honecker in 1989? Krenz
127 A What 'A' is rule by one person? Autocracy
128 P What 'P' conquered the Incas? Pizarro
129 D What 'D' were Canada and Australia before independence? Dominions
130 J What 'J' was a naval battle in 1916? Jutland
131 B What 'B' used to be East Pakistan? Bangladesh
132 Q What 'Q' means something has been proved? Quod Erat Demonstrandum
133 H What 'H' is a Spanish nobleman? Hidalgo
134 L What 'L' wrote Lady Chatterley's Lover? Lawrence
135 S What 'S' is a sweet French dessert wine? Sauternes
136 R What 'R' is Batman's sidekick? Robin
137 E What 'E' lives in an igloo? Eskimo
138 M What 'M' is a system where people are promoted on ability? Meritocracy
139 T What 'T' is the shin-bone? Tibia
140 U What 'U' is a subway? Underpass
141 G What 'G' is zero degrees longitude? Greenwich Meridian
142 Z What 'Z' was a fictional ice station? Zebra
143 A What 'A' are the islands between Alaska and Kamchatka? Aleutian
144 T What 'T' are the detective twins in Tintin books? Thompson
145 V What 'V' is a wine-merchant? Vintner
146 S What 'S' are the majority population of Sri Lanka? Sinhalese
147 U What 'U' mountains separate Asia from Europe? Urals
148 B What 'B' do you climb on when you follow a trend? Bandwagon
149 E What 'E' was developed as an artificial common language? Esperanto
150 N What 'N' was William the Conqueror duke of? Normandy
151 I What 'I' means about to happen? Imminent
152 L What 'L' do Americans call the British? Limeys
153 P What 'P' was a fake archaeological discovery in Sussex in the early 20th century? Piltdown Man
154 O What 'O' is a German village famed for its ten-yearly Passion plays? Oberammergau
155 H What 'H' is where Muslim wives live? Harem
156 F What 'F' means feverish? Febrile
157 D What 'D' is a well-known gossip columnist? Dempster
158 M What 'M' was the author of The Prince? Machiavelli
159 J What 'J' lead the Argonauts? Jason
160 R What 'R' should you gather while ye may? Rosebuds
161 C What 'C' is a twin-hulled sailing boat? Catamaran
162 E What 'E' is to get rid of evil spirits? Exorcise
163 I What 'I' is the period between one ruler leaving and the next taking over? Interregnum
164 N What 'N' are attractive and marriageable young women? Nubile
165 R What 'R' is a type of ornate, over-embellished architecture? Rococo
166 W What 'W' starred in Dead Poets' Society? Williams
167 D What 'D' means half-size? Demi
168 K What 'K' is fate or destiny? Kismet
169 B What 'B' is a flat-rimmed straw hat? Boater
170 V What 'V' are experiments using test-tubes in? Vitro
171 F What 'F' was an early Christian symbol? Fish
172 T What 'T' road covering is named after a Scottish engineer? Tarmacadam
173 S What 'S' is a toady? Sycophant
174 Y What 'Y' is the comedienne Joyce's first name? Yootha
175 L What 'L' cartoonist created Colonel Blimp? Low
176 G What 'G' is Russian for openness? Glasnost
177 I What 'I' is a mischievous spirit? Poltergeist
178 U What 'U' is the outcome or result? Upshot
179 J What 'J' is a small terrier? Jack Russell
180 A What 'A' is a meat jelly? Aspic
181 F What 'F' is a ball-game played with gloves? Fives
182 O What 'O' measures eyesight? Optometrist
183 K What 'K' starred in Gandhi? Kingsley
184 R What 'R' were British soldiers before they adopted khaki? Red Coats
185 T What 'T' is German? Teutonic
186 A What 'A' is the opposite of acidic? Alkaline
187 E What 'E' brought marbles back from Greece? elgin
188 B What 'B' are Afrikaners? Boers
189 P What 'P' is something that reads the same in reverse? Palindrome
190 D What 'D' were the Mandi's followers? Dervishes
191 N What 'N' is a coin collector? Numismatist
192 T What T is a precious stone and the first name of a TV comic? Jasper
193 S What 'S' is a job position without work? Sinecure
194 H What 'H' is the taxi-driver who won Mastermind? Housego
195 U What 'U' is Tashkent capital of? Uzbechistan
196 G What 'G' was King Arthur's wife? Guinevere
197 M What 'M' is a bishop's hat? Mitre
198 W What 'W' is the largest English lake? Windermere
199 C What 'C' is a waterfall or eye disability? Cataract
200 L What 'L' was the star of 30s' Dracula films? Lugosi
201 M What 'M' is an old scots word for much? Mickle / Mackle
202 O What 'O' means dim or indistinct? Obscure
203 K What 'K' is a South African enclosure for animals? Kraal
204 D What 'D' is compulsion? Duress
205 J What 'J' is a unit of work or energy? Joule
206 P What 'P' is pastry, an adder - and a ball? Puff
207 H What 'H' is a wrangle or trying problem? Hassle
208 W What 'W' is the norse god a day of the week is named after? Woden
209 F What 'F' are the europeans who call themselves Suomi? Finns
210 B What 'B' is another name for hairless? Bald
211 L What 'L' is a substance to minimise friction? Lubricant
212 S What 'S' is a long winged, fork-tailed insectivorous bird? Swallow / Swift
213 T What 'T' Comes before bug, down and weed? Tumble
214 R What 'R' means to repent or deeply regret? Rue
215 C What 'C' is a metal container? Can
216 E What 'E' is a major british public school? Eton
217 A What 'A' is a nautical term meaning stop? Avast
218 V What 'V' is an organic compound essential to nutrition? Vitamin
219 G What 'G' is a picturesque cave? Grotto
220 N What 'N' comes before front, velvet and anthem? National
221 C What 'C' is another word for attractive or pretty? Cute
222 I What 'I' is a close examination? Inspection
223 N What 'N' is the largest British bat? Noctule
224 O What 'O' is a group of eight singers or players? Octet
225 F What 'F' means full of fury? Furious
226 K What 'K' do Eskimos do by rubbing noses? Kiss
227 A What 'A' is another word for friendly? Amicable / Amiable
228 P What 'P' is a chicken less than one year old? Pullet
229 D What 'D' comes before bin, jacket and pan? Dust
230 J What 'J' is to talk or gossip for a long time? Jaw
231 B What 'B' is one meant to be as blind as? Bat
232 Q What 'Q' is a hard, yellow acid fruit rather like an apple? Quince
233 H What 'H' is to visit or inhabit a ghost? Haunt
234 L What 'L' is a song to send you to sleep? Lullaby
235 S What 'S' is a fruit drink, tight mass of people and a ball game? Squash
236 R What 'R' founded the singapore colony and London Zoo? Raffles
237 E What 'E' Means to praise or place high in rank? Exalt
238 M What 'M' is a British duck? Mallard
239 T What 'T' originally meant great prince in Japanese? Tycoon
240 U What 'U' is an underlying dress word by members of the same group? Uniform
241 G What 'G' is a morbid enlargement of the thyroid gland? Goitre
242 Y What 'Y' is the Christmas festival? Yule
243 A What 'A' lies north and west of Pakistan? Afghanistan
244 T What 'T' was an English landscape painter? Turner
245 V What 'V' are all plants? Vegetable
246 S What 'S' means to show off or swagger? Swank
247 U What 'U' is all things that exist? Universe
248 B What 'B' invented Tarzan? Burroughs
249 E What 'E' comes before witness, lash and tooth? Eye
250 N What 'N' is a wally? Nurd
251 I What 'I' means to make poor? Impoverish
252 L What 'L' is a type of beer? Lager
253 P What 'P' is the rubber disk used in ice hockey? Puck
254 O What 'O' is outspoken? Oral
255 H What 'H' is slang for advertising or promotion? Hype
256 F What 'F' means untrue? False
257 D What 'D' is double dealing? Duplicity
258 M What 'M' is largeness or importance? Magnitude
259 J What 'J' is US slabng for loo? John
260 R What 'R' are the beams that form a roof's framework? Rafter
261 C What 'C' was prime minister from 1976 to 1979? Callaghan
262 E What 'E' is another word for trying? Endeavour
263 I What 'I' is a volcanic island with ice-covered plateaux? Iceland
264 N What 'N' means containing nitrogen? Nirtic
265 R What 'R' comes before hog, back and house? Road
266 W What 'W' looked out on the Feast of Stephen? Wenceslas
267 D What 'D' is the first portion of the small intestine? Duodenum
268 K What 'K' is a bird of prey and a toy that flies? Kite
269 B What 'B' is a red edible root used in salads? Beetroot
270 V What 'V' was American's deep space probe? Voyager
271 F What 'F' means devil? Film
272 T What 'T' is to shine with a flickering light? Twinkle
273 S What 'S' is a word that means the same as another? Synonym
274 Y What 'Y' is the day just gone? Yesterday
275 L What 'L' means after proper time, recent and dead? Late
276 G What 'G' is bizarre or absurdly distorted? Grotesque
277 P What 'P' is a sacred song or hymn? Psalm
278 U What 'U' means hoofed? Ungulate
279 J What 'J' is a man's close-fitting jacket? Jerkin
280 A What 'A' was the son of Philip of Macedon? Alexander
281 F What 'F' comes before engine, lighter and bug? Fire
282 O What 'O' means stubborn? Obdurate / Obstinate
283 K What 'K' were German emperors? Kaisers
284 R What 'R' is primitive, violent, hearty - and offensive? Rude
285 T What 'T' is used as a solvent and paint thinner? Turpentine
286 A What 'A' is known as the 'Cotton State'? Alabama
287 E What 'E' is the joint between fore and upper arm? Elbow
288 B What 'B' is the Caped Crusader? Batman
289 P What 'P' means fatherly? Paternal
290 D What 'D' is a castle's subterranean cell? Dungeon
291 N What 'N' is neither masculine nor feminine? Neuter
292 J What 'J' is the 'gentle' martial art? Judo
293 S What 'S' is a type of turnip? Swede
294 H What 'H' is an ungulate quadruped with flowing mane and tail? Horse
295 U What 'U' means worn by both sexes? Unisex
296 G What 'G' is a cloth covering for legs below the knee? Gaiter
297 M What 'M' is the dawn? Morning
298 W What 'W' was fought on June 18, 1815? Waterloo
299 C What 'C' means cross-shaped? Cruciform
300 L What 'L' is a passionate expression of grief? Lament
301 M What 'M' is the study of fungi? Mycology
302 O What 'O' comes before caste, back and doors? Out
303 K What 'K' is an East African republic? Kenya
304 D What 'D' is an edible kind of seaweed? Dulse
305 J What 'J' is a wine bottle eight to twelve times normal size? Jeroboam
306 P What 'P' literally means turn to stone? Petrify
307 H What 'H' is exaggeration for the sake of emphasis? Hyberbole
308 W What 'W' is a man who becomes a wolf? Werewolf
309 F What 'F' are the Polynesian islands of Tonga? Friendly
310 B What 'B' is to strike repeatedly? Beat
311 L What 'L' is the form of public worship? Liturgy
312 S What 'S' is to wriggle or twist like a worm? Squirm
313 T What 'T' is a hard metallic element with a very high melting point? Tungsten
314 R What 'R' is a straight slender stick? Rod
315 C What 'C' is to nestle together and hug? Cuddle
316 E What 'E' is to treat as equivalent? Equate
317 A What 'A' is the region covering southern Spain? Andalusia
318 V What 'V' was George ill's grand-daughter? Victoria
319 G What 'G' is a stringed instrument? Guitar
320 N What 'N' means 'Great Land of the Rising Sun? Nippon
321 C What 'C' is the currency of Brazil? Cruzeiro
322 I What 'I' is close and familiar? Intimate
323 N What 'N' is a small sheltered place? Nook
324 O What 'O' are the innards of animals used as food? Offal
325 F What 'F' means containing iron? Ferreous
326 K What 'K' is an electric motor horn? Klaxon
327 A What 'A' is a market town in Hampshire? Andover
328 P What 'P' means treacherous? Perfidious
329 D What 'D' is the opposite of light? Dark
330 J What 'J' preceded rock 'n' roll? Jive
331 B What 'B' is to conduct oneself? Behave
332 Q What 'Q' is a misgiving or momentary queasiness? Qualm
333 H What 'H' comes before sensitive, active and market? Hyper
334 L What 'L' is fortune or chance? Luck
335 S What 'S' is to diverge abruptly from a regular line of motion? Swerve
336 R What 'R' is a mouse-like rodent? Rat
337 E What 'E' is graceful, tasteful, refined? Elegant
338 M What 'M' is half woman, half fish? Mermaid
339 T What 'T' is a treeless plain with permanently frozen subsoil? Tundra
340 U What 'U' are the mammary glands of cattle? Udders
341 G What 'G' is a disembodied spirit? Ghost
342 Y What 'Y' is a toy you throe to come back? Yo-Yo
343 A What 'A' is a seafaring prince? Andrew
344 T What 'T' means in accordaice with fact? True
345 V What 'V' is Europe's longest river? Volga
346 S What 'S' is a formal meezing to decide ecclesiastical matters? Synod
347 U What 'U' means on? Upon
348 B What 'B' is a male who shares your parents? Brother
349 E What 'E' comes after rear, back and up? End
350 N What 'N' was Germany's National Socialist Party? Nazi
351 I What 'I' is the anti-hero of Shakespeare's Othello? Iago
352 L What 'L' is idle? Lazy
353 P What 'P' is to languish or waste away from grief? Pine
354 O What 'O' is a condensed forn of oxygen with three atoms in each molecule? Ozone
355 H What 'H' means towards this place? Hither
356 F What 'F is someone or something deviating from the? Freak
357 D What 'D' is an Australian wild dog? Dingo
358 M What 'M' is a disguise for tie face? Mask
359 J What 'J' is another word fa- the god Jupiter? Jove
360 R What 'R' is another word for boisterous? Rowdy
361 C What 'C' is a republic of north-central Africa? Chad
362 E What 'E' means and so on? Etcetera
363 I What 'I' is an irritating sensation in the upper surface of the skin? Itch
364 N What 'N' is a small measure of liquor? Noggin
365 R What 'R' comes before snake, brain and trap? Rattle
366 W What 'W' is a male witch or wizard? Warlock
367 D What 'D' is a remarkably strong aluminium alloy? Duralumin
368 K What 'K' is an undergarment? Knickers
369 B What 'B' means able to float or light-headed? Buoyant
370 V What 'V' is the decision of a jury? Verdict
371 F What 'F means stealthy or sneaky? Furtive
372 T What 'T' is a cartoon cat? Tom
373 S What 'S' is sentence construction? Syntax
374 Y What 'Y' is to deviate erratically from a course? Yaw
375 L What 'L is a large, edible, ten-legged marine crustacean? Lobster
376 G What 'G' is the superlative of general? Generalissimo
377 P What 'P' is inordinate self-esteem - and a group of lions? Pride
378 U What 'U' is the best of one's ability? Utmost
379 J What 'J' is an ill-fated Shakespearean heroine? Juliet
380 A What 'A' is a post-mortem? Autopsy
381 F What 'F' is speedy? Fast
382 O What 'O' is egg-shaped or oval? Ovoid
383 K What 'K' is a furnace for baking or drying? Kiln
384 R What 'R' is a Russian composer and pianist? Rachmaninov
385 T What 'T' comes before coat, table and stile? Turn
386 A What 'A' means at all times? Always
387 E What 'E' is a Cumbrian river, a prime minister - and paradise? Eden
388 B What 'B' is slang for alcoholic drink? Booze
389 P What 'P' is a hymn of praise and thanksgiving? Paean
390 D What 'D' is also called the red-backed sandpiper? Dunlun
391 N What 'N' is the unoccupied area between opposing armies? No Mans Land
392 T What 'T' is an African fetish? J--ju
393 S What 'S' is a summary or brief outline? Synopsis
394 H What 'H' is a slight indication? Hint
395 U What 'U' is to make use of? Utilise
396 G What 'G' is a leaf-bud? Gemma
397 M What 'M' is long thick hair on the head? Mane
398 W What 'W' are German armed forces? Wehrmacht
399 C What 'C' is the feast of the Purification of the Virgin Mary? Canflemas
400 L What 'L' are the sine qua non in Blockbusters? Letters
401 M What 'M' means to increase in quantity, get up on - and display? Mount
402 O What 'O' was Hamlet's lady love? Ophelia
403 K What 'K' is the pool in some card games? Kitty
404 D What 'D' is an academic dud? Dunce
405 J What 'J' is a Boeing 747? Jumbo
406 P What 'P' comes before corn, eye and gun? Pop
407 H What 'H' is the hip or hind legs of a quadruped? Haunch
408 W What 'W' is a furrow-like crease in the skin? Wrinkle
409 F What 'F' is elaborate? Fancy
410 B What 'B' is the federal capital of Switzerland? Berne
411 I What 'I' is the Light-Bringer or Morning Star? Lucifer
412 S What 'S' is water saturated with sugar? Syrup
413 T What 'T' is inflicting pain as a means of persuasion? Torture
414 R What 'R' are wide, flat fishes with long spiky tails? Rays
415 C What 'C' is the apex or culmination? Climax
416 E What 'E' was the starship in Star Trek? Enterprise
417 A What 'A' means to relieve or mitigate? Alleviate
418 V What 'V' is the Greek goddess of love? Venus
419 G What 'G' is the constellation Castor and Pollux? Gemini
420 N What 'N' is a tough and elastic synthetic fabric? Nylon
421 C What 'C' is a summons? Call
422 I What 'I' is the opposite in order, direction or effect? Inverse
423 N What 'N' comes before shell, hatch and house? Nut
424 O What 'O' is the beginning? Outset
425 F What 'F' is an enclosed apparatus in which heat is produced? Furnace
426 K What 'K' is the hide of a young beast -- and sleep? Kip
427 A What 'A' is to permit? Allow
428 P What 'P' is one who shows extreme propriety? Pride
429 D What 'D' is a beggar's wench or paramour? Doxy
430 J What 'J' are blue denim trousers? Jeans
431 B What 'B' is a friend? Buddy
432 Q What 'Q' is a ring thrown to encircle a peg? Quoit
433 H What 'H' was Nelson's first name? Horatio
434 L What 'L' is an art museum in Paris? Louvre
435 S What 'S' is the combination of separate elements into a whole? Synthesis
436 R What 'R' is an unsophisticated rural person? Rustic
437 E What 'E' means roaming in quest of adventure? Errant
438 M What 'M' is a fish that climbs trees? Mudskipper
439 T What 'T' is a political party whose name comes from the Irish for robber? Tory
440 U What 'U' is habitual? Usual
441 G What 'G' is a castrated horse? Gelding
442 Y What 'Y' is a country bumpkin? Yokel
443 A What 'A' called himself 'The Greatest'? Ali
444 T What 'T comes before step, tone and way? Two
445 V What 'V' means causing delight to the senses? Voluptuous
446 S What 'S' is to cause to occur at the same time? Syncronise
447 U What 'U' is the womb? Uterus
448 B What 'B' is a short fringe of hair - and a sudden loud noise? Bang
449 E What 'E' is the Highland Gaelic dialect? Erse
450 N What 'N' is to burrow into, or rub against, with your nose? Nuzzle
451 I What 'I' is another word for a bill? Invoice
452 L What 'L' means attack verbally, beat or thrash? Lambast
453 P What 'P' is swine-like or piggy? Porcine
454 O What 'O' is the most abundant of all terrestrial elements? Oxygen
455 H What 'H' was a Roman satirist and poet? horace
456 F What 'F' is useless or ineffectual? Futile
457 D What 'D' is an appointment, a time and a fruit? Date
458 M What 'M' is a world-famous mouse? Mickey / Minnie
459 J What 'J' is a rock singer who gathers no moss? Jagger
460 R What 'R' is to be boisterously jovial or frolic? Rollick
461 C What 'C' was US president from 1976 to 1981? Carter
462 E What 'E' is an old-fashioned word for marriage? Espousal
463 I What 'I' is habitual or long-established? Inveterate
464 N What 'N' is a dolt or thick-head? Numbskull
465 R What 'R' comes before diamond, rider and house? Rough
466 W What 'W' is another word for anger? Wrath
467 D What 'D' is a brewer's cart without sides? Dray
468 K What 'K' is a twist in rope? Kink
469 B What 'B' is a large striped antelope - and a small tuned drum? Bongo
470 V What 'V' is a symphonic English composer? Vaughan-Williams
471 F What 'F' is one of a ship's middle timbers? Futtock
472 I What 'I' are used for mastication? Teeth
473 S What 'S' is a spirit of the air - or slender girl? Sylph
474 Y What 'Y' is to sing with frequent changes between normal voice and falsetto? Yodel
475 L What 'L' is a German pistol? Luger
476 G What 'G' is to bend the knee in worship? Genuflect
477 P What 'P' means introduce, give - and offer for show? Present
478 U What 'U' is a king who wrongfully assumes the throne? Usurper
479 J What 'J' is a precious stone? Jewel
480 A What 'A' was the Ugandan tyrant deposed in 1979? Amin
481 F What 'F' was dictator of Spain? Franco
482 O What 'O' is a fugitive from justice? Outlaw
483 K What 'K' is slang for exhausted? Knackered
484 R What 'R' is an ornament of ribbons for horse's harness? Rosette
485 T What 'T' means Hungarian gypsy? Tsigane
486 A What 'A' comes before fiend, bishop and enemy? Arch
487 E What 'E' comes after a gentleman's name? Esquire
488 B What 'B' assassinated Julius Caesar? Brutus
489 P What 'P' bleaches hair? Peroxide
490 D What 'D' is a sea-anchor? Drogue
491 N What 'N' is a rough lump of precious metal? Nugget
492 J What 'J' means to cast off unfeelingly? Jilt
493 S What 'S' is a Jewish congregation? Synagogue
494 H What 'H' is a man's name that also means ravage? Harry
495 U What 'U' shows people to their seats? Usher
496 G What 'G' are the people next below the nobility in society? Gentry
497 M What 'M' is a wooden hammer? Mallet
498 W What 'W' is the official seat of the Lord Chancellor in the House of Lords? Woolsack
499 C What 'C' is coiled or twisted? Convoluted
500 L What 'L' is a wild cat with tufted ears? Lynx