Question |
Answer |
001 |
G |
What 'O' do you go round in eighteen? |
Golf |
002 |
Z |
What 'Z' is a stringed instrument with a flat box played horizontally? |
Zither |
003 |
A |
What 'A' in music means in slow time? |
Adagio |
004 |
T |
What 'T' is the ability to communicate by thought not by speech? |
Telepathy |
005 |
V |
What 'V' is the part of a church where the clergy dress for a service? |
Vestry |
006 |
S |
What 'S' in Africa is a trip or hunting expedition? |
Safari |
007 |
U |
What 'U' means unconventional? |
Unorthodox |
008 |
B |
What 'B' is the study of projectiles? |
Ballistics |
009 |
E |
What 'E' means lasting only a few days or transitory? |
Ephemeral |
010 |
N |
What 'N' is a large city in East Anglia? |
Norwich |
011 |
I |
What 'I' is a dye and a colour of the rainbow? |
Indigo |
012 |
L |
What 'L' is a vegetable associated with Wales? |
Leek |
013 |
P |
What 'P' is the word for a thick-skinned animal such as the elephant or rhinoceros? |
Pachyderm |
014 |
O |
What 'O' is a group of eight notes? |
Octave |
015 |
H |
What 'H' is American for motorway? |
Highway |
016 |
F |
What 'F' is a north London borough? |
Finchley |
017 |
D |
What 'D' is the famous 19th-Century natural historian? |
Darwin |
018 |
M |
What 'M' is a dog of mixed breed? |
Mongrel |
019 |
J |
What 'J' was the Christian name of one of the Caesars? |
Julius |
020 |
R |
What 'R' is a springy material obtained from trees? |
Rubber |
021 |
G |
What '0' is a Yorkshire fishing port? |
Grimsby |
022 |
Z |
What 'Z' featured in the Old Testament and said goodnight on a children's television programme? |
Zebedee |
023 |
A |
What 'A' means enemy or opponent? |
Adversary |
024 |
T |
What 'T' is a type of burial place? |
Tomb |
025 |
V |
What 'V' means word for word? |
Verbatim |
026 |
S |
What 'S' is Latin for hail or welcome? |
Salve |
027 |
U |
What 'U' means to take the place of by force? |
Usurp |
028 |
B |
What 'B' is the main source of food for the giant panda? |
Bamboo |
029 |
E |
What `E' divides the northern and southern hemispheres? |
Equator |
030 |
N |
What 'N' is the commemoration of the birth of Christ? |
Nativity |
031 |
I |
What 'I' is a European movement of painting during the 19th-Century? |
Impressionism |
032 |
L |
What 'L' is a cross between a raspberry and a dewberry? |
Loganberry |
033 |
P |
What 'P' is excessive carefulness with money? |
Parsimony |
034 |
O |
What 'O' is an extended square? |
Oblong |
035 |
H |
What 'H' is the emperor of Japan who died in 1989? |
Hirohito |
036 |
F |
What 'F' is a bull that flies? |
Finch |
037 |
D |
What 'D' in music means with gradual decrease of loudness? |
Diminuendo |
038 |
M |
What 'M' is a Chinese game played with tiles? |
Mahjong |
039 |
J |
What 'T' is the caretaker of a building? |
Janitor |
040 |
R |
What 'R' is a dried grape? |
Raisin |
041 |
G |
What 'G' is in the centre of a pencil? |
Graphite |
042 |
Z |
What 'Z' is a fanatic? |
Zealot |
043 |
A |
What 'A' is a written statement confirmed by oath? |
Affidavit |
044 |
T |
What 'T' is the sign of the zodiac represented by a bull? |
Taurus |
045 |
V |
What 'V' is a hollow receptacle or a ship? |
Vessel |
046 |
S |
What 'S' is a Finnish word for a steam bath? |
Sauna |
047 |
U |
What `U' means to be done in a hurry? |
Urgent |
048 |
B |
What 'B' is the surname of Henry IV of England? |
Boilingbroke |
049 |
E |
What 'E' means relating to or resembling horses? |
Equine |
050 |
N |
What 'N' is an amount of money after tax etc. has been deducted? |
Net |
051 |
I |
What Old Testament 'I' was almost sacrificed by his father? |
Isaac |
052 |
L |
What 'L' is a cricket ground near Regent's Park in London? |
Lords |
053 |
P |
What 'P' is a food mostly associated with Italy? |
Pasta |
054 |
O |
What 'O' is a big sea? |
Ocean |
055 |
H |
What 'H' is the largest park in central London? |
Hyde Park |
056 |
F |
What 'F' is an unborn or unhatched offspring? |
Foetus |
057 |
D |
What 'D' is a district under pastoral care of a Bishop? |
Diocese |
058 |
M |
What 'M' is French for sheep? |
Mouton |
059 |
J |
What 'T' is the name of Beatrix Potter's duck? |
Jemima |
060 |
R |
What 'R' is a building with a circular ground plan? |
Rotunda |
061 |
C |
What 'C' are the seaports of Hastings, Dover, Sandwich, Romney and Hythe collectively known as? |
Cinque Ports |
062 |
E |
What 'E' is a feeling of great elation? |
Euphoria |
063 |
I |
What 'I' is the worship of false gods? |
Idolatry |
064 |
N |
What does the 'N' stand for in ISBN that must appear on all books? |
Number |
065 |
R |
What 'R' is the straight line from the centre to the circumference of a circle? |
Radius |
066 |
W |
What 'W' has the leek as its national emblem? |
Wales |
067 |
D |
What 'D' is a morbid craving for alcohol? |
Dipsomania |
068 |
K |
What 'K' equals one thousand watts? |
Kilowatt |
069 |
B |
What 'B' is the overrunning of Poland and France by the Germans in World War II? |
Blitzkrieg |
070 |
V |
What 'V' is the movable part of a helmet which covers the face? |
Visor |
071 |
F |
What 'F' do obsetricians use? |
Forceps |
072 |
T |
What 'T' is an arduous journey? |
Trek |
073 |
S |
What 'S' is the Italian for large shrimps or prawns? |
Scampi |
074 |
Y |
What 'Y's coast is known as the Dalmatian Coast? |
Yugoslavia |
075 |
L |
What 'L' is a dictionary? |
Lexicon |
076 |
G |
What 'G' in criminal law is the G of GBH? |
Grievous |
077 |
P |
What 'P' is a field where rice is grown? |
Paddy |
078 |
U |
What 'U' is used for storing ashes? |
Urn |
079 |
J |
What 'I' is a custodial house of reform? |
Jail |
080 |
A |
What 'A' is a fear of open spaces? |
Agoraphobia |
081 |
C |
What 'C' is author of the poem The Ancient Mariner? |
Coleridge |
082 |
E |
What 'E' is to change from a liquid state to a vapour? |
Evaporate |
083 |
I |
What 'I' was the object responsible for the sinking of the Titanic? |
Iceberg |
084 |
N |
What 'N' is a trust that organizes the preservation of historic buildings? |
National Trust |
085 |
R |
What 'R' is a series of engravings by Hogarth which tells a story? |
Rake's Progress |
086 |
W |
What 'W' is the owner of Charlie's Chocolate factory? |
Willy Wonka |
087 |
D |
What 'D' is Eliza's surname in Pygmalion? |
Doolittle |
088 |
K |
What 'K' is a brownish material used for military uniforms? |
Khaki |
089 |
B |
What 'B' is the commercial source of aluminium? |
Bauxite |
090 |
V |
What 'V' are Vesuvius, Etna and Stromboli? |
Volcanoes |
091 |
F |
What 'F' is a Beethoven opera? |
Fidelio |
092 |
T |
In politics what 'T' is a Conservative often known as? |
Tory |
093 |
S |
What 'S' is the German for quick? |
Schnell |
094 |
Y |
What 'Y' is the Japanese monetary unit? |
Yen |
095 |
L |
What 'L' is the fat used as the basis for ointments? |
Lanolin |
096 |
G |
What 'G' was a Portuguese colony in India? |
Goa |
097 |
F |
What 'F' is Italian for father? |
Padre |
098 |
U |
What 'U' was the planet discovered in 1781? |
Uranus |
099 |
T |
What 'T' is a preserve made of fruit? |
Jam |
100 |
A |
What 'A' is your mother's sister? |
Aunt |
101 |
C |
What 'C' is an amphitheatre in Rome once the scene of gladiatorial combats? |
Colosseum |
102 |
E |
What 'E' is to get away from or avoid? |
Evade |
103 |
I |
What 'I' is the term used for animals with no backbone? |
Invertebrate |
104 |
N |
What 'N' was the type of primitive man in Europe during the Paleolithic times? |
Neanderthal |
105 |
R |
What 'R' is the sum of money paid for the release of a prisoner? |
Ransom |
106 |
W |
What 'W' wrote 'I wandered lonely as a cloud'? |
Wordworth |
107 |
D |
What 'D' is the language spoken in The Netherlands? |
Dutch |
108 |
K |
What 'K' is the USSR secret police? |
109 |
B |
What 'B' is a Russian soup made from beetroot? |
Bortsch |
110 |
V |
What 'V' was Disraeli's fairy queen? |
Victoria |
111 |
F |
What 'F' is the Christian name of the leader of Cuba? |
Fidel |
112 |
T |
What 'T' means to end or finish? |
Terminate |
113 |
S |
What 'S' is a composition for seven instruments or voices? |
Septet |
114 |
Y |
What 'Y' is a form of German used by Jews in Europe and America? |
Yiddish |
115 |
L |
What 'I' means hidden or dormant? |
Latent |
116 |
G |
What 'G' was and is an Indian leader? |
Ghandi |
117 |
P |
What 'P' is the branch of medicine concerning children and their diseases? |
Paediatrics |
118 |
U |
What 'I' is a cow's mammary gland? |
Udder |
119 |
J |
What 'T' is the meeting point of a number of roads? |
Junction |
120 |
A |
What 'A' is the white of an egg? |
Albumen |
121 |
C |
What 'C' is Spanish for beer? |
Cerveza |
122 |
E |
What 'E' is coniferous rather than deciduous? |
Evergreen |
123 |
I |
What 'I' is the peninsula comprising Spain and Portugal? |
Iberia |
124 |
N |
What 'N' is black magic or sorcery? |
Necromancy |
125 |
R |
What 'R' is a fabric made from cellulose? |
Rayon |
126 |
W |
What 'W' houses the American government? |
White House |
127 |
D |
What 'D' is a small inflatable boat? |
Dinghy |
128 |
K |
What 'K' is a male salmon in spawning season? |
Kipper |
129 |
B |
What 'B' is the ghost who haunted Macbeth? |
Banquo |
130 |
V |
What 'V' means fashion? |
Vogue |
131 |
F |
What 'F' is a lakeland hill? |
Fell |
132 |
T |
What 'T' is a male cat? |
Tom |
133 |
S |
What 'S' is Hebrew for peace? |
Shalom |
134 |
Y |
What 'Y' is a pudding eaten with roast beef? |
Yorkshire |
135 |
L |
What 'L' is a verse of five lines and a place in Ireland? |
Limerick |
136 |
G |
What 'G' is experimented on? |
Guinea Pig |
137 |
P |
What 'P' is an Italian architect who died in 1580? |
Palladio |
138 |
U |
What 'U' is a city in Holland? |
Utrecht |
139 |
J |
What 'T' is an adjective that means of a jokey nature? |
Jocular |
140 |
A |
What 'A' is the most northern state of America? |
Alaska |
141 |
C |
What 'C' is a Swiss cottage? |
Chalet |
142 |
E |
What 'E' means having all sides of equal length? |
Equilateral |
143 |
I |
What 'I' is the Spanish equivalent for princess? |
Infanta |
144 |
N |
What 'N' indicates the maiden name of a married woman? |
Nee |
145 |
R |
What 'R' is the revival of art in the 14th to 16th Centuries? |
Renaissance |
146 |
W |
Which 'W' was the first president of the United States? |
Washington |
147 |
D |
What 'D' is a poetic name for Edinburgh and a city in New Zealand? |
Dunedin |
148 |
K |
What 'K' is a convex bone in front of the knee? |
Kneecap |
149 |
B |
What 'B' is Dick Turpin's horse? |
Black Bess |
150 |
V |
What 'V' was the female twin in Twelfth Night? |
Viola |
151 |
F |
What 'F' is a British zone of recent conflict? |
Falklands |
152 |
T |
What 'T' is a national English newspaper? |
Times |
153 |
S |
What 'S' occurring twice yearly, is the time at which the sun is furthest from the equator? |
Solstice |
154 |
Y |
What 'Y' is a type of Tyrolean singing? |
Yodel |
155 |
L |
What 'L' is the text of an opera? |
Libretto |
156 |
G |
What 'G' is a racing dog that chases hares? |
Greyhound |
157 |
P |
What 'P' is a Christmas entertainment based on a fairytale? |
Pantomime |
158 |
U |
What 'U' is a chord that joins an unborn baby to its mother? |
Umbilical |
159 |
J |
What 'T' was the captain of the Argonauts? |
Jason |
160 |
A |
What 'A' is a loss of memory? |
Amnesia |
161 |
C |
What 'C' means personal charm or magnetism? |
Charisma |
162 |
E |
What 'E' is the wearing away of rocks and soil? |
Erosion |
163 |
I |
What 'I' is a spike of ice formed from dripping water? |
Icicle |
164 |
N |
What 'N' was the Roman god of the sea? |
Neptune |
165 |
R |
What 'R' is a large lake which supplies water to a limited area? |
Reservoir |
166 |
W |
What 'W' is the surname of the author of A Handful of Dust? |
Waugh |
167 |
D |
What 'D' is any chemical substance used in medicine to cure or prevent disease? |
Drug |
168 |
K |
What 'K' is an Australian laughing jackass? |
Kookaburra |
169 |
B |
What 'B' is the Irish colonel who stole the crown jewels in 1671? |
Blood |
170 |
V |
What 'V' is the Roman name for St Albans? |
Verulanium |
171 |
F |
What 'F' is the Latin word for whip? |
Flagellum |
172 |
T |
What 'T' is a baby frog? |
Tadpole |
173 |
S |
What 'S' is a very large straw or felt hat? |
Sombrero |
174 |
Y |
What 'Y' is another name for the Abominable Snowman? |
Yeti |
175 |
L |
What 'L' are leather shorts worn by Bavarians? |
Lederhosen |
176 |
G |
What 'G' lost at Khartoum? |
Gordon |
177 |
P |
What 'P' did ancient Egyptians use for writing on? |
Papyrus |
178 |
U |
What 'U' can you travel on through London? |
Underground |
179 |
J |
What 'J' is a bird with blue feathers? |
Jay |
180 |
A |
What 'A' was the husband of Queen Victoria? |
Albert |
181 |
C |
What 'C' in art means a variety of light and shade? |
Chiaroscuro |
182 |
E |
What 'E' is either of the two occasions when day and night are of equal lengths? |
Equinox |
183 |
I |
What 'I' is the Italian word for hell? |
Inferno |
184 |
N |
What 'N' is the post at the top or bottom of a flight of stairs that supports a handrail? |
Newel |
185 |
R |
What 'R' is the scale for stating the strength of an earthquake? |
Richter |
186 |
W |
What 'W' was the downfall of President Nixon? |
Watergate |
187 |
D |
What 'D' is a device for converting mechanical energy into electrical energy? |
Dynamo |
188 |
K |
What 'K' is there in Jamaica and south east England? |
Kingston |
189 |
B |
What 'B' is the Scottish term for a child? |
Bairn |
190 |
V |
What 'V' is a man-made fabric? |
Viscose |
191 |
F |
What 'F' is a tune or people? |
Folk |
192 |
T |
What 'T' is someone involved in the theatre? |
Thespian |
193 |
S |
What 'S' is a tinned meat made from spiced ham? |
Spam |
194 |
Y |
What 'Y' is used to leaven bread? |
Yeast |
195 |
L |
What 'L' was a famous American pianist? |
Liberace |
196 |
G |
What 'G' is where we get our time from? |
Greenwich |
197 |
P |
What 'P' is a sun umbrella? |
Parasol |
198 |
U |
What 'U' is an Irish group that sang the 'Joshua Tree'?, |
U2 |
199 |
J |
What 'J' is the orange that originated in Israel? |
Jaffa |
200 |
A |
What 'A' is a painful inflammation of the joints? |
Arthritis |
201 |
C |
What 'C' is the stimulant found in tea and coffee? |
Caffeine |
202 |
E |
What 'E' is a French snail? |
Escargot |
203 |
I |
What 'I' is a dome-shaped Eskimo hut? |
Igloo |
204 |
N |
What 'N' is a metallic element used in alloys and also an American coin? |
Nickel |
205 |
R |
What 'R' was the Jack who gave his name t,) a small breed of dog? |
Russell |
206 |
W |
Which 'W' was a Cardinal at the time- of the Reformation? |
Wolsey |
207 |
D |
What 'D' is a Chinese refreshment or snack`! |
Dim Sum |
208 |
K |
What 'K' is the city at the junction of the Blue and White Nile? |
Khartoum |
209 |
B |
What 'B' was a Victorian authority on cooking? |
Beeton |
210 |
V |
What 'V' is traditionally worn by a bride? |
Veil |
211 |
F |
What 'F' causes an earthquake? |
Fault |
212 |
T |
What 'T' is someone who believes in the existence of God? |
Theist |
213 |
S |
What 'S' in Greek mythology is the river encompassing Hades? |
Styx |
214 |
Y |
What 'Y' is a type of door lock? |
Yale |
215 |
L |
What 'L' is an Irish word meaning small michievous sprite? |
Leprechaun |
216 |
G |
What 'G' in Scotland was once famous for runaway couples? |
Gretna Green |
217 |
P |
What 'P' invented the method of partially sterilising milk by heating? |
Pasteur |
218 |
U |
What 'U' is a place of higher education? |
University |
219 |
J |
What 'J' is the seventh month of the year? |
July |
220 |
A |
What 'A' is also known as an egg plant? |
Aubergine |
221 |
C |
What 'C' is a unit of quantity of heat? |
Calorie |
222 |
E |
What 'E' is a light shoe with a canvas upper? |
Espadrille |
223 |
I |
What 'I' means Jesus of Nazareth King of the Jews? |
224 |
N |
What 'N' is a polygon with nine sides? |
Nonagon |
225 |
R |
What 'R' is the 17th-Century French dramatist, author of Andromaque and Phedre? |
Racine |
226 |
W |
What 'W' built St Paul's Cathedral? |
Wren |
227 |
D |
What 'D' was the eldest son of the king of France? |
Dauphin |
228 |
K |
What 'K' is the sacred book of the Muslims? |
Koran |
229 |
B |
What 'B' is the Oxford University Library? |
Bodleian |
230 |
V |
What 'V' are a, e, i, o and u? |
Vowels |
231 |
F |
What 'F' is a portion of ignited gas? |
Flame |
232 |
T |
What 'T' is an arachnid from Southern Italy? |
Tarantula |
233 |
A |
What 'S' is a writ commanding someone's attendance in a law court? |
Subpoena |
234 |
Y |
What 'Y' is a town in Somerset? |
Yeoville |
235 |
L |
What `L' is a mild white Rhine wine? |
Liebfraumilch |
236 |
G |
What `G' is an English rock on the southern tip of Spain? |
Gibraltar |
237 |
P |
What `P' is Latin for peace? |
Pax |
238 |
U |
What 'U' means to comprehend? |
Understand |
239 |
J |
What 'T' is a person or thing that seems to cause bad luck? |
Jinx |
240 |
A |
What 'A' is the group of animals that live both on land and in water? |
Amphibians |
241 |
C |
What 'C' was a TV programme which involved filming people without their knowledge? |
Candid Camera |
242 |
E |
What `E' is an international artificial language? |
Esperanto |
243 |
I |
What 'I' is someone who supervises an exam? |
Invigilator |
244 |
N |
What 'N' is the name for someone who dissents from the established church? |
Nonconformist |
245 |
R |
What 'R' is the park that is home to London Zoo? |
Regent's |
246 |
W |
What 'W' (for which Holland is famous) did Don Quixote try to fight? |
Windmills |
247 |
D |
What 'D' means recurring every ten years? |
Dicennial |
248 |
K |
What 'K' is where the USSR government sits? |
Kremlin |
249 |
B |
What 'B' is Caesar's friend who joined the conspiracy to murder him? |
Brutus |
250 |
V |
What 'V 'is a unit of electricity? |
Volt |
251 |
F |
What 'F' is a small fleet or a fleet of small vessels? |
Flotilla |
252 |
T |
What 'T' is a malleable metal? |
Tin |
253 |
S |
What 'S' means existing underground? |
Subterranean |
254 |
Y |
What 'Y' equals 0.9144 metres? |
Yard |
255 |
L |
What 'L' is a white flower often seen at funerals? |
Lily |
256 |
G |
What `G' means fond of company? |
Gregarious |
257 |
P |
What 'P' is used as a setting agent in jam? |
Pectin |
258 |
U |
What 'U' do many workers belong to? |
Union |
259 |
J |
What 'I' is the name for God in the Old Testament? |
Jehovah |
260 |
A |
What 'A' is the country of Hitler's birth? |
Austria |
261 |
C |
What 'C' is the American word for sweets? |
Candy |
262 |
E |
What 'E' is the use of spies to obtain secret information? |
Espionage |
263 |
I |
What 'I' is a novel by Sir Walter Scott? |
Ivanhoe |
264 |
N |
What 'N' is a crystalline substance got in distilling coal-tar? |
Naphtalene |
265 |
R |
What 'R' is the re-establishment of monarchy in England with the return of Charles II? |
Restoration |
266 |
W |
What 'W' is Moby Dick? |
Whale |
267 |
D |
What 'D' is the unit of currency in Greece? |
Drachma |
268 |
K |
What 'K' is an old tower or stronghold? |
Keep |
269 |
B |
What 'B' is the weaver in A Midsummer Night's Dream? |
Bottom |
270 |
V |
What 'V' is a comedy by Ben Johnson? |
Volpone |
271 |
F |
What 'F' is the tap for a barrel? |
Faucet |
272 |
T |
What 'T' is the author of The Hobbit? |
Tolkien |
273 |
S |
What 'S' is the ancient language of the Hindus in India? |
Sanskrit |
274 |
Y |
What 'Y' means Christmas time? |
Yuletide |
275 |
L |
What 'L' is the country inhabited by tiny people in Gulliver's Travels? |
Lilliput |
276 |
G |
What 'G' is a hand-held explosive? |
Grenade |
277 |
P |
What 'P' is an antibiotic produced by moulds? |
Penicillin |
278 |
U |
What 'U' are the clothes worn next to the skin? |
Underwear |
279 |
J |
What 'J' is an African or South Asian animal related to the dog? |
Jackal |
280 |
A |
What 'A' is a language of Dutch derivation spoken in South Africa? |
Afrikaans |
281 |
F |
What 'F' is the French word for a tactless mistake or blunder? |
Faux Pas |
282 |
O |
What 'O' is a kiln for drying hops? |
Oast |
283 |
K |
What 'K' is a horse-shaped chess piece? |
Knight |
284 |
R |
What 'R' is a contagious virus disease, especially of dogs? |
Rabies |
285 |
T |
What 'T' has a dog called Snowy? |
Tintin |
286 |
A |
What 'A' is the Grand National racetrack? |
Aintree |
287 |
E |
What 'E' is the study of insects? |
Entomology |
288 |
B |
What 'B' is a South African of Dutch descent? |
Boer |
289 |
P |
What 'P' means dangerous? |
Perilous |
290 |
D |
What 'D' in French means seen before? |
Deja Vu |
291 |
N |
What 'N' is the goddess in Greek mythology of retribution and vengeance? |
Nemesis |
292 |
J |
What 'T' is a semi-precious green stone? |
Jade |
293 |
S |
What 'S' is a card game for one person? |
Solitaire |
294 |
H |
What 'H' is a place where helicopers take off and land? |
Heliport |
295 |
U |
What 'U' is a country in South America? |
Uruguay |
296 |
G |
What 'G' is associated with the boat the Rainbow Warrior? |
Greenpeace |
297 |
M |
What 'M' is the Spanish word for tomorrow` |
Manana |
298 |
W |
What 'W' was a Labour Prime Minister of the sixties? |
Wilson |
299 |
C |
What 'C' is the study of the heart? |
Cardiology |
300 |
L |
What 'L' is a large animal native to South America? |
Llama |
301 |
F |
What 'F' is someone who has committed a serious crime? |
Felon |
302 |
O |
What 'O' is the opposite of the Orient? |
Occident |
303 |
K |
What 'K' said 'Your country needs you'? |
Kitchener |
304 |
R |
What 'R' is the monetary unit of India? |
Rupee |
305 |
T |
What 'T' is the author of War and Peace? |
Tolstoy |
306 |
A |
What 'A' is the central court of a Roman house? |
Atrium |
307 |
E |
What `E' is a famous public school near Windsor? |
Eton |
308 |
B |
What 'B' is the Scottish Residence of the Queen? |
Balmoral |
309 |
P |
What 'P' is to give false evidence? |
Perjure |
310 |
D |
What 'D' means insanity? |
Dementia |
311 |
N |
What 'N' is a statement that has little or no relevance to what preceded it? |
Nonsequitur |
312 |
J |
What 'J' is an illness that causes yellowing of the skin? |
Jaundice |
313 |
S |
What 'S' is a type of very tall building? |
Skyscraper |
314 |
H |
What 'H' is a type of animal that feeds on plants? |
Herbivore |
315 |
U |
What 'U' was the musical instrument that George Formby played? |
Ukulele |
316 |
G |
What `G' is the name of an Argentinian president? |
Galtieri |
317 |
M |
What 'M' is a cat with no tail? |
Manx |
318 |
W |
What 'W' is the palace that houses Britain's parliament? |
Westminster |
319 |
C |
What 'C' is standard literary Spanish? |
Castilian |
320 |
L |
What 'L' is a shellfish that attaches itself to rocks? |
Limpet |
321 |
F |
What 'F' in music means loud? |
Forte |
322 |
O |
What 'O' is a type of stone with different colours in layers? |
Onyx |
323 |
K |
What 'K' is a brightly coloured bird that eats freshwater fish? |
Kingfisher |
324 |
R |
What 'R' is German Measles? |
Rubella |
325 |
T |
What 'T' is a button on a dufflecoat? |
Toggle |
326 |
A |
What 'A' is the capital of Greece? |
Athens |
327 |
E |
What `E' is a colourless liquid used as a solvent and an anaesthetic? |
Esther |
328 |
B |
What 'B' is a belt with loops for cartridges? |
Bandoleer |
329 |
P |
What 'P' is a tough transparent plastic? |
Perspex |
330 |
D |
What 'D' means master or lord? |
Dominus |
331 |
N |
What 'N' was a doctor who gave his name to the title of a James Bond film? |
No |
332 |
J |
What 'T' means to walk or cross the street recklessly? |
Jaywalk |
333 |
S |
What 'S' Tuesday is pancake day? |
Shrove |
334 |
H |
What 'H' is a street in London famous for its specialist doctors? |
Harley |
335 |
U |
What 'U' is another word for ointment? |
Ungent |
336 |
G |
What 'G' is a syrup frequently used for cocktails? |
Grenadine |
337 |
M |
What 'M' is the national anthem of France? |
Marseillaise |
338 |
W |
What 'W' is a campaigner against immorality? |
Whitehouse |
339 |
C |
What 'C' is a fellow countryman? |
Compatriot |
340 |
L |
What 'L' is an organ in your body that secretes bile? |
Liver |
341 |
F |
What 'F' broke out in a baker's house in London in 1666? |
Fire Of London |
342 |
O |
What 'O' is the branch of medicine that deals with childbirth? |
Obstetrics |
343 |
K |
What 'K' is a school for young children? |
Kindergarten |
344 |
R |
What 'R' is a long, pink fruit? |
Rhubarb |
345 |
T |
What 'T' is not a baby and not a child? |
Toddler |
346 |
A |
What 'A' is the breed of dog used by the police? |
Alsatian |
347 |
E |
What 'E' is the outer layer of skin on animals? |
Epidermis |
348 |
B |
What 'B' is an itinerant musician? |
Busker |
349 |
P |
What 'P' is the name of a novel by Jane Austen? |
Persuasion |
350 |
D |
What 'D' in German means a stupid person? |
Dummkof |
351 |
N |
What 'N' is 12 o'clock? |
Noon |
352 |
J |
What 'J' is an island in the English Channel? |
Jersey |
353 |
S |
What 'S' did Oscar Wilde say is the lowest form of wit? |
Sarcasm |
354 |
H |
What 'H' is a picture or symbol which represents a word? |
Hieroglyph |
355 |
U |
What 'U' keeps you dry? |
Umbrella |
356 |
G |
What 'G' is the Russian word for openness? |
Glasnost |
357 |
M |
What `M' is Henry VIII's flagship? |
Mary Rose |
358 |
W |
What 'W' is a nuclear plant in Cumbria? |
Winscale |
359 |
C |
What 'C' is someone who writes music? |
Composer |
360 |
L |
What 'L' is a sum of money lent from one person to another? |
Loan |
361 |
F |
What 'F' wrote A Passage To India? |
Forster |
362 |
O |
What 'O' means all powerful? |
Omniponent |
363 |
K |
What 'K' is a glorious ice-cream? |
Knickerbocker Glory |
364 |
R |
What 'R' is a game played with an oval shaped ball? |
Rugby |
365 |
T |
What 'T' is a Greek food made with cod's roe? |
Taramasalata |
366 |
A |
What 'A' is a Swedish pop group of the 70s? |
Abba |
367 |
E |
What 'E' are words inscribed on a tomb? |
Epitaph |
368 |
B |
What 'B' is a book lover? |
Bibliophile |
369 |
P |
What 'P' does a bird sit on? |
Perch |
370 |
D |
What 'D' is a city in Southern Ireland? |
Dublin |
371 |
N |
What 'N' is the symbol for sodium? |
Na |
372 |
J |
What 'T' means to throw overboard? |
Jettison |
373 |
S |
What 'S' is the right of voting in political elections? |
Suffrage |
374 |
H |
What 'H' combines with oxygen to form water? |
Hydrogen |
375 |
U |
What 'U' is the biggest entity known to mankind? |
Universe |
376 |
G |
What 'G' is the American for rubbish? |
Garbage |
377 |
M |
What 'M' means change of form by magic or natural development? |
Metamorphosis |
378 |
W |
What 'W' was George Michael's pop group called? |
Wham |
379 |
C |
What 'C' means belonging to the same time or period? |
Contempory |
380 |
L |
What 'L' is an entrance hall in a building? |
Lobby |
381 |
F |
What 'F' is the conducting wire in an electric bulb? |
Filament |
382 |
O |
What 'O' is an orchestral piece opening an opera? |
Overture |
383 |
K |
What 'K' wrote Metamorphosis? |
Kafka |
384 |
R |
What 'R' is the 'R' of RUC? |
Royal |
385 |
T |
What 'T' is a gland in the neck? |
Thyroid |
386 |
A |
What 'A' is the husband of Queen Victoria? |
Albert |
387 |
E |
What 'E' are the people who inhabit the Arctic coast of America and East Siberia? |
Eskimos |
388 |
B |
What 'B' is the tapestry which depicts the Norman Conquest? |
Bayeux |
389 |
P |
What 'P' is the unit of Spanish currency? |
Peseta |
390 |
D |
What 'D' in sewing means to mend? |
Darn |
391 |
N |
What 'N' is the yearning for past circumstances? |
Nostalgia |
392 |
J |
What 'J' was swallowed by a whale? |
Jonah |
393 |
S |
What 'S' is a Muslim sovereign? |
Sultan |
394 |
H |
What 'H' is a prostitute? |
Harlot |
395 |
U |
What 'U' is an Anglo-Russian actor who acts as Hercules Poirot? |
Ustinov |
396 |
G |
What 'G' is the deliberate extermination of a race or nation? |
Genocide |
397 |
M |
What 'M' is a tiny piece of semi-conductor carrying many electrical circuits? |
Microchip |
398 |
W |
What 'W' is an American breakfast treat? |
Waffle |
399 |
C |
What 'C' is the art of handwriting? |
Calligraphy |
400 |
L |
What 'L' is a large edible crustation? |
Lobster |
401 |
F |
What 'F' is a heraldic lily of three petals? |
Fleur De Lys |
402 |
O |
What 'O' means by word of mouth? |
Oral |
403 |
K |
What 'K' is served on a skewer? |
Kebab |
404 |
R |
What 'R' steers a boat? |
Rudder |
405 |
T |
What 'T' was a Russian Communist leader murdered by Stalin's agents in 1940? |
Trotsky |
406 |
A |
What 'A' is the king who burnt the cakes? |
Alfred |
407 |
E |
What `E' is the science of human races and their relation to one another? |
Ethnology |
408 |
B |
What 'B' is the German composer of the Brandenberg Concertos? |
Bach |
409 |
P |
What 'P' grinds substances in a mortar? |
Pestle |
410 |
D |
What 'D' is the fallen angel? |
Devil |
411 |
N |
What 'N' is an Australian soap opera? |
Neighbours |
412 |
J |
What 'T' in Swahili means 'hello'? |
Jambo |
413 |
S |
What 'S' precedes store, structure and tax? |
Super |
414 |
H |
What 'H' says `To be or not to be'? |
Hamlet |
415 |
U |
What 'U' completes the expression 'Bob's your ...'? |
Uncle |
416 |
G |
What 'G' in Greek mythology turned people to stone? |
Gorgon |
417 |
M |
What 'M' means 'containing only one colour'? |
Monochromatic |
418 |
W |
What 'W' is a source of water? |
Well |
419 |
C |
What 'C' is someone who makes costumes? |
Costumier |
420 |
L |
What 'L' is the science of reasoning? |
Logic |
421 |
F |
What 'F' precedes glove, hound and trot? |
Fox |
422 |
O |
What 'O' means to bid higher than anyone else at an auction? |
Overbid |
423 |
K |
What 'K' must you do to dough to make good bread? |
Knead |
424 |
R |
What 'R' were the 15th-Century civil wars between the Yorkists and the Lancastrians known as? |
Roses |
425 |
T |
What 'T' is a Madame famous for her waxworks? |
Tussauds |
426 |
A |
What 'A' did Cleopatra clasp to her bosom? |
Asp |
427 |
E |
What 'E' is a female sheep? |
Ewe |
428 |
B |
What 'B' is the surname of Frederick the First of Gemany on account of his red beard? |
Barbarossa |
429 |
P |
What 'P' are the drums and cymbals in an orchestra? |
Percussion |
430 |
D |
What 'D' in tennis means 40 all? |
Deuce |
431 |
N |
What 'N' is the Central American country that Bianca Jagger comes from? |
Nicaragua |
432 |
J |
What 'T' is Mr Hyde's alter ego? |
Jekyll |
433 |
S |
What 'S' wrote Le Rouge et Le Noir? |
Sendhal |
434 |
H |
What 'H' is someone who lives entirely alone? |
Hermit |
435 |
U |
What 'U' means out of work? |
Unemployed |
436 |
G |
What 'G' is a fruit and an unwelcome companion? |
Gooseberry |
437 |
M |
What 'M' is a virus disease in rabbits? |
Myxomatosis |
438 |
W |
What 'W' is Sherlock Holmes's partner? |
Watson |
439 |
C |
What 'C' is the study of bells or bell-ringing? |
Campanology |
440 |
L |
What 'L' is stolen goods? |
Loot |
441 |
F |
What 'F' is the title of Mary Shelley's only novel? |
Frankenstein |
442 |
O |
What 'O' might precede lay, load and look? |
Over |
443 |
K |
What 'K' is a small cat or a pool of money? |
Kitty |
444 |
R |
What 'R' is an Italian rice dish? |
Risotto |
445 |
T |
What 'T' was discovered in Egypt by Howard Carter in 1922? |
Tutankhamun |
446 |
A |
What 'A' is the name for the order of spiders? |
Arachnid |
447 |
E |
What 'E' is the prefix meaning both out of and previous? |
Ex |
448 |
B |
What 'B' is a man with two wives? |
Bigamist |
449 |
P |
What 'P' is an animal which pretends to be dead? |
Possum |
450 |
D |
What 'D' is an oxide containing two atoms of oxygen? |
Dioxide |
451 |
N |
What 'N' is a waterfall in Canada? |
Niagara |
452 |
J |
What 'J' is a breed of cattle and a name of a garment? |
Jersey |
453 |
S |
What 'S' is the large arid region in Northern Africa? |
Sahara |
454 |
H |
What 'H' in German means Mr.? |
Herr |
455 |
U |
What 'U' is the United Nations Children's Fund more commonly known as? |
456 |
G |
What 'G' are caravan dwelling nomadic people? |
Gypsies |
457 |
M |
What 'M' wrote the controversial Italian book called The Prince? |
Machiavelli |
458 |
W |
What 'W' is a type of crystal from Ireland? |
Waterford |
459 |
C |
What 'C' is a vault beneath a church? |
Crypt |
460 |
L |
What 'L' means talkative? |
Loquacious |
461 |
F |
What 'F' was one of the three kings' gifts? |
Frankincense |
462 |
O |
What 'O' means to kiss? |
Osculate |
463 |
K |
What 'K' is a long eastern tunic? |
Kaftan |
464 |
R |
What 'R' is a German river? |
Rhine |
465 |
T |
What 'T' is the shinbone? |
Tibia |
466 |
A |
What 'A' means like an uncle? |
Avuncular |
467 |
E |
What 'E' means to dig out or unearth? |
Exhume |
468 |
B |
What 'B' is the colloquial word for a policeman? |
Bobby |
469 |
P |
What 'P' was a USA Army General? |
Patton |
470 |
D |
What 'D' is a musical composition for two performers? |
Duet |
471 |
N |
What 'N' is the gallery in London in Trafalgar Square? |
National |
472 |
J |
What 'T' is a pouring vessel? |
Jug |
473 |
S |
What 'S' is a stone coffin often adorned with inscriptions? |
Sarcophagus |
474 |
H |
What 'H' is the city in Japan where the atomic bomb was dropped? |
Hiroshima |
475 |
U |
What 'U' is the Latin for where? |
Ubu |
476 |
G |
What 'G' is a famous modern art museum in New York? |
Guggenheim |
477 |
M |
What 'M' is an organised group of criminals in Sicily and America? |
Mafia |
478 |
W |
What 'W' is the moon doing when it is not waxing? |
Waning |
479 |
C |
What 'C' is a street closed at one end? |
Cul De Sac |
480 |
L |
What 'L' is a peer of the realm? |
Lord |
481 |
F |
What 'F' is the German equivalent of Mrs.? |
Frau |
482 |
O |
What 'O' is the study of birds? |
Ornithology |
483 |
K |
What 'K' is the centre of a nut? |
Kernel |
484 |
R |
What 'R' did George Gershwin write? |
Rhapsody |
485 |
T |
What 'T' is a flag with three colours? |
Tricolour |
486 |
A |
What 'A' is the four weeks before Christmas? |
Advent |
487 |
E |
What 'E' means to purify by removing objectionable matter? |
Expurgate |
488 |
B |
What 'B' is a system of printing and writing for the blind? |
Braille |
489 |
P |
What 'P' erects its spines when angered? |
Porcupine |
490 |
D |
What 'D' is an underground cell for prisoners? |
Dungeon |
491 |
N |
What 'N' is a biblical hunter famous for his prowess? |
Nimrod |
492 |
J |
What 'J' is a pier or dock extended into the water? |
Jetty |
493 |
S |
What 'S' is an island west of Italy? |
Sardinia |
494 |
H |
What 'H' is a spa town in Yorkshire? |
Harrogate |
495 |
U |
What 'U is the Great Bear Constellation? |
Ursa Major |
496 |
G |
What 'G' is a soft blue Italian cheese? |
Gorgonzola |
497 |
M |
What 'M' is a fever transmitted through mosquito bites? |
Malaria |
498 |
W |
What 'W' is a small type of kangaroo? |
Wallaby |
499 |
C |
What 'C' was the Roman god of love represented as a naked winged boy with a bow and arrow? |
Cupid |
500 |
L |
What 'L' is the author of Lady Chatterley's Lover? |
Lawrence |