Blockbusters 18 - (Submitted By Yoda)
    Question Answer
001 M What 'M' is a cooker that vibrates moisture molecules? Microwave
002 O What 'O' is abroad? Overseas
003 K What 'K' is the hawk you often see over motorways? Kestrel
004 D What 'D' is to research or dig into documents? Delve
005 J What 'J' was the doctor who turned into someone else? Kekyll
006 P What 'P' is the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter? PI
007 H What 'H' is a leading car rental company? Hertz
008 W What 'W' is a chaotic mass or jumble? Welter
009 F What 'F' is to throw away money bit by bit? fritter
010 B What 'B' is a yellow-flowered shrub and sweeping implement? Broom
011 L What 'L' was a Scottish explorer in Africa? Livingstone
012 S What 'S' is the time when the sun is farthest from the equator? Solstice
013 T What 'T' is to change something considerably? Transform
014 R What 'R' are steep descents in a river bed with swift currents? Rapids
015 C What 'C' is a city, a county and a type of bark? Cork
016 E What 'E' is to explain or throw light on? Elucidate
017 A What 'A' is the bituminous substance used on roads? Asphalt
018 V What 'V' are harmful or objectionable animals? Vermin
019 G What 'G' is slang for to swindle or cheat? Gyp
020 N What 'N' is noisome, harmful or unwholesome? Noxious
021 C What 'C' is a small sedentary marine animal with a horny skeleton? Coral
022 I What 'I' is unlawful or forbidden? Illegal / Illicit
023 N What 'N' is an anaesthetic used by dentists? Novocaine
024 O What 'O' is a musical interval of eight diatonic degrees? Octave
025 F What 'F' means recently? Freshly
026 K What 'K' is a boat's lowest longitudinal timber? Keel
027 A What 'A' is a kind of poplar — and a venomous snake? Asp
028 P What 'P' is someone who religiously travels to a shrine? Pilgrim
029 D What 'D' is a shop selling edible delicacies? Delicatessen
030 J What 'J' comes before ladder, staff and cream crackers? Jacob's
031 B What 'B' is visually or verbally to bully or intimidate? Browbeat
032 Q What 'Q' is something's essential character? Quality
033 H What 'H' means in this place? Here
034 L What 'L' is an inability to pronounce 'S' correctly? Lisp
035 S What 'S' is the world's most popular sport? Soccer
036 R What 'R' is to bounce back? Rebound
037 E What 'E' is an animal before birth? Embryo
038 M What 'M' was a 17th century French playwright? Moliere
039 T What 'T' is to totter and fall? Topple
040 U What 'U' is the subconscious mind? Unconscious
041 G What 'G' is an English historian — and an Asian ape? Gibbon
042 Z What 'Z' is a course of sharp alternate turns? Zigzag
043 A What 'A' is an animal that can live on land and in water? Amphibian
044 T What 'T' is to provoke in a mocking way? Taunt
045 V What 'V' is the extreme edge, brink or border? Verge
046 S What 'S' is the officially banned Polish trade union? Solidarity
047 U What 'U' is the author of the Little Grey Rabbit stories? Uttley
048 B What 'B' is to cook by direct exposure to radiant heat? Barbecue / Broil
049 E What 'E' is to lengthen? Elongate
050 N What 'N' is slang for common sense? Nous
051 I What 'I' is a large edible South American lizard? Iguana
052 L What 'L' is the morning star — and Satan? Lucifer
053 P What 'P' is a persistent illogical fear of something? Phobia
054 O What 'O' is a translucent variety of quartz? Onyx
055 H What 'H' cons before device, instinct and pigeon? Homing
056 F What 'F' is one game of snooker? Frame
057 D What 'D' is the substance forming the main part of teeth? Dentine
058 M What 'M' was the husband of Helen of Troy? Menelaus
059 J What 'J' is slang for a drink? Jar
060 R What 'R' is a Parliamentary vacation? Recess
061 C What 'C' is a metallic element — and a policeman? Copper
062 E What 'E' is to run off with a lover? Elope
063 I What 'I' is an epic poem by Homer? Iliad
064 N What 'N' is a French-originated sweet of sugar and nuts? Nougat
065 R What 'R' is not long past? Recent
066 W What 'W' are the houses of Parliament? Westminster
067 D What 'D' is to regret or be scandalized by? Deplore
068 K What 'K' were Austrian and German emperors? Kaiser
069 B What 'B' is a bucking American horse? Bronco
070 V What 'V' is the decision of a jury? Verdict
071 F What 'F' is a warship next in size to a ship of the line? Frigate
072 T What 'T' is a custom handed down? Tradition
073 S What 'S' is politically the opposite of capitalism? Sacialism
074 Y What 'Y' was John Lennon's second wife's forename? Yoko
075 L What 'L' is H Q of the MCC? Lords
076 G What 'G' comes before plan, hog and rent? Ground
077 P What 'P' comes before soup, nut and pod? Pea
078 U What 'U' was a film suitable for all ages? Universal
079 J What 'J' is a spear thrown for sport? Javelin
080 A What 'A' is to connect by joints? Articulate
081 F What 'F' is the number of oscillations per second of an electromagnetic wave? Frequency
082 O What 'O' was one of the Wright brothers? Orville
083 K What 'K' is a cabbage fed to cattle? Kale / Kail
084 R What 'R' is a person given to living in seclusion? Recluse
085 T What 'T' is an inn? Tavern
086 A What 'A' is to make oneself familiar with? Acquaint
087 E What 'E' is Europe's largest deer? Elk
088 B What 'B' comes before way, moor and cast? Broad
089 P What `P' is the science concerned with matter and energy? Physics
090 D What 'D' is driven crazy or insane? Demented
091 N What 'N' is a general idea, view or opinion? Notion
092 J What `J' is an old Norse chieftain? Jarl
093 S What 'S' is a crop disease — and a flake of soot? Smut
094 H What 'H' is a group of animals? Herd
095 U What 'U' is the fever sometimes contracted from milk? Undulant
096 G What `G' is supposed to have ridden naked through Coventry? Godiva
097 M What 'M' is someone \'ho cannot speak? Mute
098 W What 'W' is an archaic term for a young woman? Wench
099 C What 'C' is unwi,:idy or haavily clumsy? Cumbersome
100 L What 'L' is plunder or booty? Loot
101 M What 'M' is a make of tyre — and a restaurant guide? Michelin
102 O What 'O' is a plant used to thicken soup? Okra
103 K What 'K' is an African cloak of animal skins? Kaross
104 D What 'D' comes after barren — and before rat? Desert
105 J What 'J' is a hard, brilliant varnish? Japan
106 P What 'P' is a baglike pocket of skin? Pouch
107 H What 'H' means something spiral in form? Helix
108 W What 'W' is a lump raised on the body by a heavy blow? Welt
109 F What 'F' is the blood-maddened feeding of sharks? Frenzy
110 B What 'B' is a dialect — and a tough kind of shoe? Brogue
111 L What 'I' is a daft-sounding water bird? Loon
112 S What 'S' is dense, visible air pollution? Smog
113 T What 'T' is to pull along behind one? Tow
114 R What 'R' is a place of shelter? Refuge
115 C What 'C' means style of cooking? Cuisine
116 E What 'E' comes before storm, chair and shock? Electric
117 A What 'A' is a pointed, feathered projectile? Arrow
118 V What 'V' means using more words than are necessary? Verbose
119 G What 'G' is a channel for rainwater? Gutter
120 N What 'N' was a 16th century seer and prophet? Nostradamus
121 C What 'C' is a channel or conduit carrying water under a road? Culvert
122 I What 'I' is to throw light on? Illuminate
123 N What 'N' is a V-shaped indentation in a stick? Notch
124 O What 'O' is a drug that comes from a kind of poppy? Opium
125 F What 'F' is a container-carrying train? Freightliner
126 K What 'K' is slang for broken? Kaput
127 A What 'A' is an elastic-walled vessel that carries blood? Artery
128 P What 'P' is slang for promptly or quickly? Pronto
129 D What 'D' are plants of the buttercup family with spiky flowers? Delphiniums
130 J What 'J' is a boy-scouts' rally? Jamboree
131 B What 'B' is to begin a discussion of a topic? Broach
132 Q What 'Q' is the capital of Ecuador? Quito
133 H What 'H' is a young cow? Heifer
134 L What 'L' is to lounge against something? Loll
135 S What 'S' are limbless reptiles of the order Squamata? Snakes
136 R What 'R' is to put right? Rectify
137 E What 'E' is a small superior group? Elite
138 M What 'M' is a mixture of sand, cement and water? Mortar
139 T What 'T' is to make gentle or reduce to submission? Tame
140 U What 'U' is inexplicable? Unaccountable
141 G What 'G' is to eat or drink greedily? Guzzle
142 Z What 'Z' is the outer peel of citrus fruit? Zest
143 A What 'A' is a weapons' storage place? Arsenal
144 T What 'T' is an ancient Roman garment? Toga / Tunic
145 V What 'V' means word for word? Verbatim
146 S What 'S' is the disease eliminated by vaccination? Smallpox
147 U What `U' is going beyond what is openly said or shown? Ulterior
148 B What 'B' comes before neck, fast and water? Break
149 E What 'E' was the first name of the 'King' of Grace- land? Elvis
150 N What 'N' is a small measure of liquor? Noggin
151 I What 'I' is the first step in the attainment of a goal? Initiative
152 L What 'L' are you at when disagreeing with someone? Loggerheads
153 P What 'P' is a (nasty-sounding) pimple or blister? Pustule
154 O What 'O' is a small Mediterranean evergreen fruit tree? Olive
155 H What 'H' is a language spoken by Jews? Hebrew
156 F What 'F' is a self-employed writer? Freelance
157 D What 'D' is a military place for stores? Depot
158 M What 'M' Israel's Prime Minister 1969-74? Meir
159 J What 'J' is the side post of a doorway? Jamb
160 R What 'R' is to occur again? Repeat / Recur
161 C What 'C' is an offender or guilty party? Culprit
162 E What 'E' is an apt and fluent use of language? Eloquence
163 I What 'I' is lack of balance? Imbalance
164 N What 'N' is a person of little intelligence? Nitwit
165 R What 'R' is an involuntary response to nerve stimulation? Reflex
166 W What 'W' is the state of lacking something? Want
167 D What 'D' is someone's bearing or outward behaviour? Demeanour
168 K What 'K' is a vessel for boiling water? Kettle
169 B What 'B' was a World War II machine gun? Bren
170 V What 'V' is the place where a gathering takes place? Venue
171 F What 'F' is an abnormal or monstrous specimen? Freak
172 T What 'T' is a soft drink — and a ballroom dance? Tango
173 S What 'S' is slang for a mindless upper-class youth? Sloane
174 Y What 'Y' is a sequentially rising and falling toy? Yoyo
175 L What 'L' is a cottage in the grounds of a large house? Lopdge
176 G What 'G' comes before hound, lag and beard? Grey
177 P What 'P' is a low vibratory sound expressing pleasure? Purr
178 U What 'U' is unprepared to make concessions? Uncompromising
179 I What 'I' is a drinking bout — and a point on a rock? Jag
180 A What 'A' is to reach a destination? Arrive
181 F What 'F' is the murder of one's brother or sister? fratricide
182 O What 'O' comes before well, skin and paint? Oil
183 K What 'K' was originally an Eskimo canoe? Kayak
184 R What 'R' is to reinvigorate? Refresh
185 T What 'T' are Kleenex? Tissues
186 A What 'A' is sudden, hasty or disconnected? Abrupt
187 E What 'E' is a marriageable bachelor? Eligible
188 B What 'B' is a yellowish, arch-backed freshwater fish? Bream
189 P What 'P' is 'halfway' between heaven and hell? Purgatory
190 D What 'D' is a person appointed to act for another? Deputy
191 N What 'N' is someone who rejects all beliefs as mean- ingless? Nihilist
192 J What 'J' is to poke roughly? Jab
193 S What 'S' are Europe's largest ethnic and linguistic group? Slavs
194 H What 'H' is a circular hoop or coil? Hank
195 U What 'U' is not arrogant or presuming? Unassuming
196 G What 'G' is a coarse or boisterous laugh? Guffaw
197 M What 'M' is a tiny particle of dust? Mote
198 W What 'W' is to sway between choices? Waver
199 C What 'C' is a creeping plant with long fleshy fruit? Cucumber
200 L What 'L' means disinclined to do something? Lethargic / Loath
201 M What 'M' is a motorized pedal cycle? Moped
202 O What 'O' means the sea some distance from shore? Offing
203 K What 'K' is something retained as a memento? Keepsake
204 D What 'D' is the device which triggers a bomb? Detonator
205 J What 'J' is slang for lucky? Jammy
206 P What 'P' is the disc used in ice hockey? Puck
207 H What 'H' is abnormally bad breath? Halitosis
208 W What 'W' is the shape of undulating lines? Wavy
209 F What 'F' is a noisy quarrel? Fracas
210 B What 'B' means made of brass or shameless? Brazen
211 L What 'L' is slang for brains? Loaf
212 S What 'S' is a form of shell-less snail? Dlug
213 T What 'T' is a three-legged stand? Tripod
214 R What 'R' is to prove the falsity of an argument? Refute
215 C What 'C' comes before flower, clock and spit? Cuckoo
216 E What 'E' means rudimentary or simple? Elementary
217 A What 'A' is the fruit which forms the basis of cider? Apple
218 V What 'V' is to authenticate? Verify
219 G What 'G' is a picturesque cave? Grotto
220 N What 'N' is a set of tables that fit one inside the other? Nest
221 C What 'C' is a staff or support for the lame? Crutch
222 I What 'I' is a small African antelope? Impala
223 N What 'N' means of the latter Stone Age? Neolithic
224 O What 'O' is an epic by Homer? Odyssey
225 F What 'F' is a deserted infant of unknown parents? Foundling
226 K What 'K' is `The Garden of England'? Kent
227 A What 'A' was a 5th century king of the Huns? Atilla
228 P What `P' is a liquidized pulp of vegetables? Puree
229 D What 'D' is a digression, diversion or roundabout way? Detour
230 J What 'J' are 501s? Jeans
231 B What 'B' is a show of blustering false courage? Bravado
232 Q What `Q is a four-footed animal? Quadruped
233 H What 'H' is a hard cushion for kneeling on in church? Hassock
234 L What 'L' is to put off departure? Linger
235 S What 'S' is a rock used for roofing? Slate
236 R What 'R' is to become less stern or yield to compassion? Relent
237 E What 'E' comes after Saint and before fire? Elmo's
238 M What 'M' is the chief component of natural gas? Methane
239 T What 'T' is fat and round? Tubby
240 U What 'U' not discouraged by danger or difficulty? Undaunted
241 G What 'G' is a solemn-sounding white French wine? Graves
242 Z What 'Z' is a type of stringed instrument? Zither
243 A What 'A' is the deliberate unlawful burning of property? Arson
244 T What 'T' is a pace faster than walking? Trot
245 V What 'V' is a thin outer coating? Veneer
246 S What 'S' is the flexible tissue surrounding the body of a vertebrate? Skin
247 U What 'U' is spooky or mysterious? Uncanny
248 B What 'B' is a system of writing for the blind? Braille
249 E What 'E' is to encourage or urge someone on? Egg
250 N What 'N' is a princess, a fish — and a small boy? Nipper
251 I What 'I' is to transfix a body with a stake? Impale
252 L What 'L' is a silver or gold case hung from the neck? Locket
253 P What 'P' is a regal-sounding pop singer? Prince
254 O What 'O' is a place for transacting business? Office
255 H What 'H' is the London street associated with fashionable physicians? Harley
256 F What 'F' is sweet-smelling? Fragrant
257 D What 'D' means harmful or causing loss? Detrimental
258 M What 'M' comes before shake, float and maid? Milk
259 J What 'J' is to throw overboard? Jettison
260 R What 'R' are leftovers? Remains / Remnants
261 C What 'C' is the pastry covering a pie? Crust
262 E What 'E' is a non-metallic electrical conductor? Electrode
263 I What 'I' is to call into question or accuse of a crime? Impeach
264 N What 'N' is a sound made by a horse? Neigh
265 R What 'R' is to cover with a first coat of plaster? Render
266 W What 'W' are the mourning clothes of a widow? Weeds
267 D What 'D' is to determine from symptoms the nature of a disease? Diagnose
268 K What 'K' is slang for a commotion? Kerfuffle
269 B What 'B' is someone given to boasting? Braggart
270 V What 'V' is quickness in a given direction? Velocity
271 F What 'F' is easily snapped or shattered? Fragile
272 T What 'T' is an honours exam at Cambridge? Tripos
273 S What 'S' are words used as charms? Spells
274 Y What 'Y' is a Japanese piano manufacturer? Yamaha
275 L What 'L' is a roundish, flattish, projecting part? Lobe
276 G What 'G' is to wear away with persistent biting? Gnaw
277 P What 'P' is unmixed or undefiled? Pure
278 U What 'U' is incontestable? Undeniable
279 I What 'I' was the God of the Old Testament? Jehovah
280 A What 'A' is inserting needles into the body to treat disease? Acupuncture
281 F What 'F' is Australian slang for rummaging about? Fossicking
282 O What 'O' was the revolution which brought Lenin to power? October
283 K What 'K' is slang for a 'grand' or a thousand? K
284 R What 'R' is to take away? Remove
285 T What 'T' is something of slight importance — and a pudding? Trifle
286 A What 'A' is someone who performs circus gymnastics? Acrobat
287 E What 'E' is a film considered suitable for adults only? Eighteen
288 B What 'B' is a blackberry bush? Bramble
289 P What 'P' is a mixture of red and blue? Purple
290 D What 'D' is the loose skin hanging from a cow's throat? Dewlap
291 N What 'N' is the death of some part of an organ? Necrosis
292 J What 'J' is a make of woollen clothing? Jaeger
293 S What 'S' is a fencing fish? Swordfish
294 H What 'H' is inflammation of the liver? Hepatitus
295 U What 'U' is the mammalian organ where young are conceived? Uterus
296 G What 'G' comes after chewing — and before boot? Gum
297 M What 'M' is an edible kind of fungus? Mushroom
298 W What 'W' is the membrane found between a duck's toes? Web
299 C What 'C' is a brief infatuation.? Crush
300 L What 'L' is an unhewn piene of felled tree? Log
301 M What 'M' was the most successful female singer of 1988 in the UK? Minogue
302 O What 'O' is underwater hockey? Octopush
303 K What 'K' was Japan's capital before Tokyo? Kyoto
304 D What 'D' are people who can discover water? Diviners
305 J What 'J' is an internationally traded 'soft' commodity? Jute
306 P What 'P' found chart success with 'Third From the Sun'? Prong
307 H What 'H' is the natural home of a plant or animal? Habitat
308 W What 'W' is pale or colourless? Wan
309 F What 'F' is a Spanish dance that rhymes with tango? Fandango
310 B What 'B' was once a frothy liquid — and now means nonsense? Balderdash
311 L What 'L' is the Crocodile River? Limpopo
312 S What 'S' comes before screen, worm and stockings? Silk
313 T What 'T' is a drying cloth for the body? Towel
314 R What 'R' is a popular literary digest? Readers
315 C What 'C' is a fairy-tale, pantomime and major ballet? Cinderella
316 E What 'E' means tending to excite emotion? Emotive
317 A What 'A' was the greatest of the ancient Greek city-states? Athens
318 V What 'V' is a brand of petroleum jelly? Vaseline
319 G What 'G' is to choke? Gag
320 N What 'N' is a small metal spike that holds things together? Nail
321 C What 'C' was discovered by Columbus in 1492? Cuba
322 I What 'I' means on the condition, or supposing? If
323 N What 'N' is spruce, trim or neat and tidy? Natty
324 O What 'O' had a 1989 rock hit with 'Shell Shock'? Onslaught
325 F What 'F' is a large cider bottle with ear-shaped handles? Flagon
326 K What 'K' are the Royal Botanical Gardens? Kew
327 A What 'A' is an emotive state of fear or apprehension? Anxiety
328 P What 'P' was the original host of Desert Island Discs? Plomley
329 D What 'D' is a German 'badger-dog'? Dachshund
330 J What 'J' is John? Jack
331 B What 'B' is government by written rules and a hierarchy of officials? Bureaucracy
332 Q What 'Q' is the opposite of dead? Quick
333 H What 'H' is a documentary series on BBC2? Horizon
334 L What 'L' comes after Martin — and before Vandros? Luther
335 S What 'S' is advertising jargon for an exclamation mark? Screamer
336 R What 'R' means smelling or tasting like stale fat? Rancid
337 E What 'E' is the Cheltenham plasterer who ski- jumped to fame? Edwards
338 M What 'M' is to mutilate or cripple? Maim
339 T What 'T' is an alcoholic drink made from cactus? Tequila
340 W What 'W' is an English and Welsh river that flows into the Severn? Wye
341 G What 'G' sacked Rome in 390 B.C.? Gauls
342 Z What 'Z' is the world's smallest animal? Zorilla
343 A What 'A' had nine number one singles in the UK charts? Abba
344 T What 'T' is the act of clipping and trimming trees? Topiary
345 V What 'V' comes before display unit? Visual
346 S What 'S' is to pass slowly through pores or fine openings? Sleep
347 U What 'U' is the northernmost of the historic provinces of Ireland? Ulster
348 B What 'B' is a drink? Beverage
349 E What 'E' is a geometric figure having all sides of equal length? Equilateral
350 N What 'N' is an unskilled labourer? Navvy
351 I What 'I' is a deep blue colour? Indigo
352 L What 'I' is a children's building toy? Lego
353 P What 'P' was Elvis Presley's wife? Priscilla
354 C What 'C' is a blue-white metal resembling tin? Cadmium
355 H What 'H' describes days of peace and calm? Halcyon
356 F What 'F' is a kind of small shrill flute? Fife
357 D What 'D' means to make a god of? Deify
358 M What 'M' is equally far from two extremes? Mean
359 J What 'J' is a spirit in Muslim mythology able to assume human shape? Jinn
360 R What 'R' is far removed or out of the way? Remote
361 C What 'C' is a musical instrument — and an ice cream cone? Cornet
362 E What 'E' recorded the double platinum album 'The Innocents'? Erasure
363 I What 'I' means unable to read or write? Illiterate
364 N What 'N' is an indigenous animal or plant? Native
365 R What 'R' is the title of a Jewish religious leader? Rabbi
366 W What 'W' was the prison the police took over in January 1989? Wandsworth
367 D What 'D' comes before room, ages and horse? Dark
368 K What 'K' is a Blue Peter presenter? Keating
369 B What 'B' is a cereal used in the making of malt liquor? Barley
370 V What 'V' means of, or occurring in, Spring? Vernal
371 F What 'F' is something constructed, invented or forged? Fabrication
372 T What 'T' was formerly named Siam? Thailand
373 S What 'S' is a nagging woman — and a long-snouted mammal? Shrew
374 Y What 'Y' is the colour of cowardice? Yellow
375 L What `L' is a kind of fine French china? Limoges
376 G What 'G' is to caper or prance about? Gambol
377 P What 'P' is a side's forwards in rugby? Pack
378 U What 'U' is annointing with oil for religious or medical purposes? Unction
379 J What 'J' was a 17th century English architect? Jones
380 A What 'A' are you taken when you're surprised? Aback
381 F What 'F' comes before Ifield, Bruno and Sinatra? Frank
382 O What 'O' is to send to Coventry? Ostracize
383 K What 'K' is an iron hoisting bucket used in mines? Kibble
384 R What 'R' describes someone slow in mental development? Retarded
385 T What 'T' is the most used word in English? The
386 A What 'A' was the Roman emperor who conquered Egypt in 30 B.C.? Augustus
387 E What 'E' is the overhanging edge of a roof? Eaves
388 B What 'B' sing with Siouxsie? Banshees
389 P What 'P' is to deposit an object as security for a loan? Pawn
390 D What 'D' is a harmless scaly condition of the scalp? Dandruff
391 N What 'N' means undiluted? Neat
392 J What 'J' is a soft stinging marine animal of the phylum Cuidaria? Jellyfish
393 S What 'S' is a satellite TV channel? Sky
394 H What 'H' describes a short dry frequent cough? Hacking
395 U What 'U' is a moneylender who charges very high rates? Usurer
396 G What 'G' is a stick with a hook for landing fish? Gaff
397 M What 'M' was the compere of Bob's Full House? Monkhouse
398 W What 'W' is a compound of hydrogen and oxygen? Water
399 C What 'C' is the clucking sound of a hen after laying? Cackle
400 L What 'L' are the world's largest bookmakers? Ladbrokes
401 M What 'M' is the TV quiz series chaired by Magnus Magnusson? Mastermind
402 O What 'O' comes after probation, prison and police? Officer
403 K What 'K' is the largest city in Uganda? Kampala
404 D What 'D' is a soul in hell? Damned
405 J What 'J' was a 16th and early 17th century dramatist? Jonson
406 P What 'P' is a salty biscuit shaped like a loose knot? Pretzel
407 H What 'H' is an obstacle, like a bunker, on a golf course? Hazard
408 W What 'W' is a TV cartoon woodpecker? Woody
409 F What 'F' is to take away the right to reclaim a mortage? Foreclose
410 B What 'B' was the pop group with Debbie Harry which had five number ones? Blondie
411 L What 'L' are animals' lungs used as food? Lights
412 S What 'S' is said to be 'the lowest form of wit'? Sarcasm
413 T What 'T' is an English river 240 km long? Trent
414 R What 'R' is to venerate or regard with deep respect? Revere
415 C What 'C' is a base violin? Cello
416 E What `E' is a small cream-filled cake topped with chocolate icing? Eclair
417 A What 'A' is a South African of Dutch descent? Afrikaaner
418 C What 'V' is a cavity in the brain or heart? Ventricle
419 G What 'G' is an old-fashioned word for deny or contradict? Gainsay
420 N What 'N' comes before lace, tie and wear? Neck
421 C What 'C' is bad handwriting or spelling? Cacography
422 I What 'I' is known as the Emerald Isle? Ireland
423 N What 'N' means suitable for ships to use? Navigable
424 O What 'O' is the earth's atmospheric layer being destroyed by aerosols? Ozone
425 F What 'F' comes before 'loose and fancy-free'? Foot
426 K What 'K' was the emperor of Austria? Kaiser
427 A What 'A' is the Wednesday which is the first day of Lent? Ash
428 P What 'P' was the goofy blonde star of Hi-de-hi? Pollard
429 D What 'D' is someone dearly loved? Darling
430 J What 'J' means mistrustful or prejudiced? Jaundiced
431 B What 'B' is the sport invented by James Naismith in 1891? Basketball
432 Q What 'Q' is a lump of chewing tobacco — and a pound? Quid
433 H What 'H' was the Greek goddess of youth? Hebe
434 L What 'L' means of the lips? Labial
435 S What 'S' is the longest-running show on British TV? Sooty
436 R What 'R' is a tyre with refashioned tread? Remould
437 E What 'E' were the '60s singing brothers who woke up little Susie? Everly
438 M What 'M' is a tropical tree which can grow in salt water? Mangrove
439 T What 'T' is to melt? Thaw
440 W What 'W' is an ex-student of Winchester school? Wykehamist
441 G What 'G' was an English landscape and portrait painter? Gainsborough
442 Z What 'Z' means of animals? Zoic
443 A What 'A' was Elvis Presley's middle name? Aaron
444 T What 'T' originally meant the commander of the Japanese army? Tycoon
445 V What 'V' is a brand of decongestants? Vicks
446 S What 'S' comes before egg, broth and terrier? Scotch
447 U What 'U' is one of the two bones of the forearm? Ulna
448 B What 'B' is Italian for baby? Bambino
449 E What 'E' describes the bird which 'gets the worm'? Early
450 N What 'N' is a material used in incendiary bombs? Napalm
451 I What 'I' is a Swiss river — and a tavern? Inn
452 L What 'L' had a UK hit with 'Black Sun'? Loop
453 P What 'P' is a type of thin crisp Indian bread? Puppodum
454 C What 'C' is to get by begging? Cadge
455 H What 'H' is the wooden shaft of a pick or axe? Haft
456 F What 'F' was a quarter of a penny? Farthing
457 D What 'D' was the author of The Three Musketeers? Dumas
458 M What 'M' is a low-powered motorcycle? Moped
459 J What 'J' means to dodge or move jerkily? Jink
460 R What 'R' is a second presentation of a TV series? Repeat / Rerun
461 C What 'C' is the pine trunk the Scots toss in sport? Caber
462 E What 'E' is the degradation of energy and matter into inertia? Entropy
463 I What 'I' means tedious or tiresome? Irksome
464 N What 'N' presented a weekly review of cinema on British TV? Norman
465 R What 'R' is disagreeably noisy or harsh-sounding? Raucous
466 W What 'W' is a seaside town 16 km west of Brighton? Worthing
467 D What 'D' is a desk with drawers and a hinged writing plate? Davenport
468 K What 'K' is a breed of terrier — and an Irish county? Kerry
469 B What 'B' found fame with 'When will I be famous'? Bros
470 V What 'V' is wilful and ignorant destruction of property? Vandalism
471 F What 'F' is to use extreme delaying tactics in a parliamentary session? Filibuster
472 T What 'T' is a condiment sauce made from hot peppers? Tabasco
473 S What 'S' comes before coming, hand and nature? Second
474 Y What 'Y' is the longest river in Asia? Yangtze
475 L What 'L' comes before fall, lord and lubber? Land
476 G What 'G' is an ankle-covering of cloth or leather? Gaitor
477 P What 'P' were the Roman masses? Plebians
478 U What 'U' is the involuntary lack of paid work? Unemployment
479 J What 'J' is Cockney slang for piano? Joanna
480 A What 'A' is a uniting of nations by formal treaty? Alliance
481 F What 'F' is the face or frontal appearance of a building? Facade
482 O What 'O' is an elf's child — or an awkward lout? Oaf
483 K What 'K' plays Quincy in the TV series of that name? Kingman
484 R What 'R' is the side of a window between the frame and the wall? Reveal
485 T What 'T' was in the singles pop charts longer than any other record of 1988? Teardrops
486 A What 'A' is to draw to oneself? Attract
487 E What 'E' is the 'state' building that's one of New York's highest? Empire
488 B What 'B' is a prohibition? Ban
489 P What 'P' was the star of Purple Rain? Prince
490 D What 'D' comes between first and burn? Degree
491 N What 'N' is where an atomic bomb killed about 75,000 people? Nagasaki
492 J What 'J' is a pink and blue bird? Jay
493 S What 'S' was an 18th century painter of horses? Stubbs
494 H What 'H' is 2.471 acres? Hectare
495 U What 'U' is to employ something for a purpose? Use
496 G What 'G' sacked Rome in 410 A.D.? Goths
497 M What 'M' was the maggie who used to sing on Name That Tune? Moone
498 W What 'W' means bent to one side or ironically humorous? Wry
499 C What 'C' is a 'squeezebox'? Concertina
500 L What 'L' comes before book, jam and cabin? Log