Blockbusters 16 - (Submitted By Yoda)
    Question Answer
001 M What 'M' is a minute living organism? Microbe
002 O What 'O' is considered America's Foremost Playwrightt? O Neil
003 K What 'K' is a large percussion instrument? Kettledrum
004 D What 'D' is to throw into disorder? Disrupt
005 J What 'J' is a singer who gathers no moss? Jagger
006 P What 'P' is a us missile? Pershing
007 H What 'H' comes before beat, burn and ache? Heart
008 W What 'W' is a large edible sea snail? Whelk
009 F What 'F' is the city Firenzo? Florence
010 B What 'B' was a titled romantic poet?? Byron
011 L What 'L' is light amplification by the stimulated emission of radiation? Laser
012 S What 'S' is the ancient native religion of japan? Shinto
013 T What 'T' is the loss of a plants water by evaporation? Transpiration
014 R What 'R' was the boxer who won the world middleweight title five times? Robinson
015 C What 'C' literally means the anointed one? Christ
016 E What 'E' is a disease affecting many people at the same time? Epidemic
017 A What 'A' is a famous warrior and the name of a river? Amazon
018 V What 'V' was one of the cinema's first sex symbols? Valentino
019 G What 'G' is the period between conception and birth? Gestation
020 N What 'N' means existing in name only? Nominal
021 C What 'C' is pickled sturgeon roe? Caviar
022 I What 'I' is thermal, or heat, radiation? Infra Red
023 N What 'N' is classical Japanese drama? No / Noh
024 O What 'O' is to do what you're told to? Obey
025 F What 'F' comes before buttress, fish and saucer? Flying
026 K What 'K' was an English economist and monetary expert? Keynes
027 A What 'A' has the effect of neutralizing acid? Alkali
028 P What `P' is a triangular or swallow-tailed fag? Pennant
029 D What 'D' is a town near Reigate? Dorking
030 J What 'J' was the only major sea battle between Germany and Britain in World War I? Jutland
031 B What 'B' is extract of deadly nightshade? Belladonna
032 Q What 'Q' is playback using four sound transmission channels? Quadrophonic
033 H What 'H' was the director of Psycho? Hitchcock
034 L What 'I,' is a non-evergreen conifer? Larch
035 S What 'S' is a vast region mostly in the USSR? Siberia
036 R What 'R' is a vehicle propelled by ejection of gasses? Rocket
037 E What `E' was a 20th century English sculptor? Epstein
038 M What 'M' is a greenish to yellow-red tropical fruit? Mango
039 T What 'T' was 33rd president of the USA? Truman
040 U What 'U' means all of one mind? Unanimous
041 G What 'G' starred in The Rockford Files? Garner
042 Z What 'Z' was formerly the Congo? Zaire
043 A What 'A' is a colour — and a fossil? Amber
044 T What 'T' is a form of voltage and current amplifier? Transistor
045 V What 'V' has been the Papal residence since the 14th century? Vatican
046 S What 'S' is a desert snake named for its way of moving? Sidewinder
047 U What 'U' is a motive beyond what is apparent? Ulterior
048 B What 'B' is a microscopically small living creature? Bacteria
049 E What 'E' is the wearing away of the earth's surface? Erosion
050 N What 'N' is 'laughing' gas? Nitrous Oxide
051 I What 'I' is a flower and also part of the eye? Iris
052 L What 'L' was the actress mistress of Edward VII? Langtry
053 P What 'P' was a U S director of action films? Peckinpah
054 O What 'O' is masses of cash? Oodles
055 H What 'H' was an 18th century satiric painter? Hogarth
056 F What 'F' is a non-French official Belgian language? Flemish
057 D What 'D' is Europe's longest river? Danube
058 M What 'M' is a long-distance sweet? Marathon
059 J What 'J' comes before bird, yard and bait? Jail
060 R What 'R' means ready to be gathered or eaten? Ripe
061 C What 'C' is a separate seat for one? Chair
062 E What 'E' forms the base line from which latitude is calculated? Equator
063 I What 'I' is a hormone secreted by the pancreas? Insulin
064 N What 'N' comes before cast, reel and stand? News
065 R What 'R' is a machine whose name comes from the Czech for drudgery? Robot
066 W What 'W' was the Irish wit jailed in 1895? Wilde
067 D What 'D' is the fuel oil used in heavy road vehicles? Derv / Diesel
068 K What 'K' is capital of the Sudan? Khartoum
069 B What 'B' is a prickly bush used in pipe making? Briar
070 V What 'V' is the group of some one hundred West Indian islands? Virgin
071 F What 'F' is a plant cultivated for its textile fibre? Flax
072 T What 'T' is the ancient city that features in Homer's Iliad? Troy
073 S What 'S' is shallow or on the surface? Superficial
074 Y What 'Y' is a sailor for pleasure? Yachtsman
075 L What 'L' is a type of tree — and a silent film comic? Laurel
076 G What 'G' was the French painter who lived in Tahiti? Gaughin
077 P What 'P' is a magazine published at regular intervals? Periodical
078 U What 'U' is a natural pigment like ochre, but darker? Umber
079 J What 'J' is to place side by side? Juxtapose
080 A What 'A' is a marble-like stone? Alabaster
081 F What 'F' was a pioneer car maker? Ford
082 O What 'O' is regular, customary or usual? Ordinary
083 K What 'K' was the first president of Kenya? Kenyatta
084 R What 'R' is a grain used in whisky making? Rye
085 T What 'T' was the Russian revolutionary murdered in Mexico? Trotsky
086 A What 'A' is a tree and also a residue from fire? Ash
087 E What 'E' comes before drum, hole and wig? Ear
088 B What 'B' is a mound from behind which people shoot? Butt
089 P What 'P' was the film studio whose name means `Superior to all others'? Paramount
090 D What 'D' is a yellow spring flower? Daffodil
091 N What 'N' is an annual prize for outstanding achievement? Nobel
092 J What 'T' is an old-fashioned word for a joke or jest? Jape
093 S What 'S' is a doctor who performs operations? Surgeon
094 H What 'H' was an influential English philosopher? Hobbes
095 U What 'U' is an expression of revulsion? Ugh
096 G What 'G' was an Apache chieftain? Geronimo
097 M What 'M' is an opaque fluid secreted by female mammals? Milk
098 W What 'W' is a controversial Austrian politician? Waldheim
099 C What 'C' is an alkaloid of opium used as a painkiller? Codeine
100 L What 'L' is the green shoot at the end of a branch or twig? Leaf
101 M What 'M' is a Pulitzer-prize winning U S novelist? Mailer
102 O What 'O' is a fixation or persistent preoccupation? Onsession
103 K What 'K' is the seaweed once used in soap- making? Kelp
104 D What 'D' is a skin specialist? Dermatologist
105 J What 'T' is a Brazilian tree with trumpet-shaped blue flowers? Jacaranda
106 P What 'P' is a chemically set hairstyle? Perm
107 H What 'H' was the English composer of 'The Planets'? Holst
108 W What 'W' starred as the 'Equalizer'? Woodward
109 F What 'F' is the part of a seed plant that contains its reproductive organs? Flowers
110 B What 'B' is slang for sandwich? Butty
111 L What 'L' is a board game played with dice and counters? Ludo
112 S What 'S' is a West African republic bordered by the Atlantic? Senegal / Sierra Leone
113 T What 'T' is someone who mindlessly follows the fashion? Trendy
114 R What 'R' is the largest order of mammals? Rodents / Rodentia
115 C What 'C' is a Swiss mountain dairy hut? Chalet
116 E What 'E' comes before worm, born and work? Earth
117 A What 'A' is the first name of the heroine in the title of a Tolstoy novel? Anna
118 V What 'V' is a sub-microscopic disease-carrying organism? Virus
119 G What 'G' is the science of the earth's formation? Geography
120 N What 'N' is a member of a wandering tribe? Nomad
121 C What 'C' is a wild mountain antelope? Chamois
122 I What 'I' are sloping letters used for emphasis? Italic
123 N What 'N' is apparently cool or unconcerned? Nonchalant
124 O What 'O' comes before beat, shoot and shore? Off
125 F What 'F' was the last leader of the Labour Party? Foot
126 K What 'K' is a colourless oil less dense than water? Kerosene
127 A What 'A' is a company that sells cosmetics door to door? Avon
128 P What `P' is the result of an irritation in a bivalve mollusc? Pearl
129 D What 'D' wrote My Family and Other Animals? Durrell
130 J What 'J' was an old Norse chieftain? Jarl
131 B What 'B' is a cured side of pig? Bacon
132 Q What 'Q' is a quasi-autonomous non-governmental organisation? Quango
133 H What 'H' starred in Tootsie? Hoffman
134 L What `L' is a hinged or detachable cover? Lid
135 S What 'S' is a detergent — and sea breaking on a shore? Surf
136 R What 'R' is a long loose outer garment? Robe
137 E What `E' is an inflammatory condition of the skin? Eczema
138 M What 'M' is a widely cultivated cereal grass? Maize
139 T What 'T' is a testing or experiment? Trial
140 U What 'U' is a rain-gauge? Udometer
141 G What 'G' is the unit by which inheritable characteristics are passed on? Gene
142 Z What 'Z' was formerly Northern Rhodesia? Zambia
143 A What 'A' is the sport of fishing with hook and line? Angling
144 T What 'T' is a board appointed to settle disputes? Tribunal
145 V What 'V' is the use of live animals for scientific research? Vivisection
146 S What 'S' is something left over? Surplus
147 U What 'U' is being everywhere at the same time? Ubiquity
148 B What 'B' comes before gone, law and pass? By
149 E What 'E' means enthusiastic or exuberant? Ebullient
150 N What 'N' is a poisonous alkaloid derived from tobacco? Nicotine
151 I What 'I' is to supply land with water? Irrigate
152 L What 'L' is a false written statement that damages someone? Libel
153 P What 'P' is an alcoholic drink made from pears? Perry / Poire
154 O What 'O' is a tube leading from the mouth to the stomach? Oesophagus
155 H What 'H' was a lyric latin poet? Horace
156 F What 'F' was the actor father of the actors Peter & Jane? Fonda
157 D What 'D' is a white-cliffed port? Dover
158 M What 'M' is insufficiency of the nutrients necessary for health? Malnutrition
159 J What 'J' is a pedestrian who crosses the street where he shouldn't? Jaywalker
160 R What 'R' is the outer ring of a wheel? Rim
161 C What 'C' is a swivel-eyed, prehensile-tailed lizard? Chameleon
162 E What 'E' is abnormal elation? Euphoria
163 I What 'I' is a tubular portion of the digestive system? Intestine
164 N What 'N' is slang for spruce or stylish? Nifty
165 R What 'R' is a cleft in the Earth? Rift
166 W What 'W' is a short bearlike mammal related to the weasel? Wolverine
167 D What 'D' is the singular of dice? Die
168 K What 'K' is a canine shelter? Kennel
169 B What 'B' is a British actor whose first name is a type of knife? Bogarde
170 V What 'V' was US Secretary of State under President Carter? Vance
171 F What 'F' is the most chemically active non-metallic element? Fluorine
172 T What 'T' is the fly that transmits sleeping sickness? Tsetse
173 S What 'S' is a woody plant with several stems at its base? Shrub
174 Y What 'Y' is a fashionable Mexican plant? Yucca
175 L What 'L' is a door or gate fastener? Latch / Lock
176 G What 'G' is a glutinous material obtained from animals? Gelatine
177 P What 'P' is the first stage of transition from vegetation to coal? Peat
178 U What 'U' comes before lift, beat and braid? Up
179 J What 'J' is a Spanish wine sold in litre cartons? Jumilla
180 A What 'A' is a diminutive US comedian? Allen
181 F What 'F' is a furious feeding of sharks? Frenzy
182 O What 'O' can you not make without breaking eggs? Omelette
183 K What 'K' was a black civil rights leader? King
184 R What 'R' is stony? Rocky
185 T What 'T' is a latticework that supports climbing plants? Trellis
186 A What 'A' is someone specially skilled at sports? Athlete
187 E What 'E' means in the past? Erstwhile
188 B What 'B' is to make a mess of a job? Bungle / Botch
189 P What 'P' is to tell beforehand? Predict
190 D What 'D' is a mental plan or preliminary sketch? Design
191 N What 'N' is quick or snappy? Nippy
192 J What 'J' is a varnish giving a hard brilliant finish? Japan
193 S What 'S' is the front part of the leg between ankle and knee? Shin
194 H What 'H' was the type of writing used in ancient Egypt? Hieroglyphics
195 U What 'U' is lots and lots? Umpteen
196 G What 'G' created Perry Mason? Gardner
197 M What 'M' was the only world heavyweight boxing champion who never lost a fight? Marciano
198 W What 'W' is a small bird — and great architect? Wren
199 C What 'C' is an odd old person? Codger
200 L What 'L' comes before Supper, Tango and legs? Last
201 M What 'M' is a railway system using a single rail? Monorail
202 O What 'O' are internal organs used as food? Offal
203 K What 'K' was the former capital of Japan? Kyoto
204 D What 'D' is unwholesomely damp? Dank
205 J What 'J' had hits with 'Crocodile Rock' and 'Yellow- brick Road'? John
206 P What 'P' is a cougar? Puma
207 H What 'H' is a humorous or mischievous deception? Hoax
208 W What 'W' comes before break, blown or fall? Wind
209 F What 'F' is a safety device used to protect an electric current? Fuse
210 B What 'B' is the poet who married Robert Browning? Barrett
211 L What 'L' is the capital of Zambia? Lusaka
212 S What 'S' is a wading bird — and a margarine? Stork
213 T What 'T' are two offsprings produced at one birth? Twins
214 R What 'R' is the sound of dry leaves in motion? Rustle
215 C What 'C' is a low-pressure area? cyclone
216 E What 'E' means far-reaching or comprehensive? Extensive
217 A What 'A' is the fabled 'Lost Continent'? Atlantis
218 V What 'V' is sticky? Viscous
219 G What 'G' is a large carnivorous fish of the sea-bass family? Grouper
220 N What 'N' is a conventional symbol that represents a number?
221 C What 'C' is a form of transport — and a recurrent period of events? Cycle
222 I What 'I' were six rulers of Russia? Ivan
223 N What 'N' is to pinch or squeeze sharply? Nip
224 O What 'O' is a London exhibition centre? Olympia
225 F What 'F' is a Swiss dish of white wine and melted cheese? Fondue
226 K What 'K' is the start of a game? Kickoff
227 A What 'A' comes before clock, energy and bomb? Atomic
228 P What 'P' is a publically displayed advertising placard? Poster
229 D What 'D' is a grey horse with darker spots? Dappled
230 J What 'J' is youthful or characteristic of youth? Juvenile
231 B What 'B' is the capital of the Congo? Brazzaville
232 Q What 'Q' is to nullify or suppress completely? Quash
233 H What 'H' is a school subject and is information about the past? History
234 L What 'L' is to rise and float in the air? Levitate
235 S What 'S' was the star of Hello Dolly? Streisand
236 R What 'R' is reddish-brown? Russet
237 E What 'E' means outermost or furthest from the centre? Extreme
238 M What 'M' is a body preserved by embalming? Mummy
239 T What 'T' is the period between sunset and total darkness? Twilight
240 U What 'U' is to comprehend? Understand
241 G What 'G' is a notorious part of Glasgow? Gorbals
242 Z What 'Z' was the supreme Greek god? Zeus
243 A What 'A' is the legal term for an attack? Assault
244 T What 'T' are the oldest living group of reptiles? Turtles
245 V What 'V' means on the belly? Ventral
246 S What 'S' are the temperate grasslands of Eurasia? Steppes
247 U What 'U' is the seventh planet from the sun? Uranus
248 B What 'B' was the creator of Tarzan? Burroughs
249 E What 'E' is an apparatus to put out fire? Extinguisher
250 N What 'N' comes before ward, sea and pole? North
251 I What 'I' is the capital of Pakistan? Islamabad
252 L What 'L' is a rod passed through an axle-end to keep a wheel on? Linchpin
253 P What 'P' are apes, monkeys and man? Primates
254 O What 'O' were the singers Donny and Marie? Osmonds
255 H What 'H' is a line used to join two words? Hyphen
256 F What 'F' is a huge fairground wheel? Ferris
257 D What 'D' is an intelligent person's persistent difficulty in learning to read? Dyslexia
258 M What 'M' was the prophet of Islam? Mohammed
259 J What 'J' is fair or proper? Just
260 R What 'R' is a rebaked piece of bread? Rusk
261 C What 'C' is the island with Nicosia as its capital? Cyprus
262 E What 'E' comes before tooth, sore and shadow? Eye
263 I What 'I' is a novel by Sir Walter Scott? Ivanhoe
264 N What 'N' is a racing tip — and a short sleep? Nap
265 R What 'R' is a hernia? Rupture
266 W What 'W' is to twist or roll about in pain? Writhe
267 D What 'D' is a branch of mechanics concerned with motion? Dynamics
268 K What 'K' is the capital of Kuwait? Kuwait
269 B What 'B' is a type of large hawk? Buzzard
270 V What 'V' is the sixth sign of the zodiac? Virgo
271 F What 'F' produced the first dated book in print? Faust
272 T What 'T' is a silly fool? Twit / Twerp
273 S What 'S' has Damascus as its capital? Syria
274 Y What 'Y' is a milk chocolate bar? Yorkie
275 L What 'L' is the unlawful hanging of someone by a mob? Lynching
276 G What 'G' is a biblical giant? Goliath
277 P What 'P' is a tall structure that carries power cables? Pylon
278 U What 'U' are the mammary glands of cattle? Udders
279 J What 'J' was the queen of the Netherlands who abdicated in 1980? Julianna
280 A What 'A' is a scraping off of skin? Abrasion
281 F What 'F' are plants without chlorophyll, roots or leaves? Fungi
282 O What 'O' is yes in French? Oui
283 K What 'K' is a small orange/yellow citrus fruit? Kumquat
284 R What 'R' is to cause continuing irritation? Rankle
285 T What 'T' comes before shirt, pee and total? Tee
286 A What 'A' is a swimming and diving bird like a puffin? Auk
287 E What `E' is the opposite of extinct? Extant
288 B What 'B' has Rangoon as its capital? Burma
289 P What 'P' is an edible seed — and the throbbing of arteries? Pulse
290 D What 'D' is a line of hereditary rulers? Dynasty
291 N What 'N' is to take small bites at? Nibble
292 J What 'J' comes before pot, boot and ass? Jack
293 S What 'S' is Australia's oldest settlement? Sydney
294 H What 'H' is a song of praise to God? Hymn
295 U What 'U' means affording shade? Umbriferous
296 G What 'G' was an English-born heart-throb film star who married five times? Grant
297 M What 'M' is a recurrent, very severe, form of headache? Migraine
298 W What 'W' is verbose? Wordy
299 C What 'C' is a sovereign's topping? Crown
300 L What 'L' is an easy bounding gait? Lope
301 M What 'M' was dictator of Italy 1928-45? Mussolini
302 O What 'O' is a pearl-producing mollusc? Oyster
303 K What 'K' is American slang for someone nutty? Kook
304 D What 'D' is a dull or deadening influence? Damper
305 J What 'J' is a hare stewed in wine? Jugged
306 P What 'P' is to blow in short gusts? Puff
307 H What 'H' is a device that raises a moving boat from the water? Hydrofoil
308 W What 'W' is a past or present member of Winchester college? Wykehamist
309 F What 'F' is a sweet made with cream and sugar? Fudge
310 B What 'B' comes after ginger — and before belly? Beer
311 L What 'L' was Prime Minister of Ireland? Lynch
312 S What 'S' is a maple-like tree? Sycamore
313 T What 'T' is an artificial underground passage? Tunnel
314 R What 'R' is a persistent heavy demand for a commodity? Run
315 C What 'C' comes before cut, ruff and bill? Cross
316 E What 'E' won the Wimbledon tennis women's singles three times? Evert
317 A What 'A' is the state capital of Texas? Austin
318 V What 'V' is a large carrion-eating bird? Vulture
319 G What 'G' was the mistress of Charles II? Gwyn
320 N What 'N' is very well (and unfavourably) known? Notorious
321 C What 'C' is the film star who says 'not a lot of people know that'? Caine
322 I What 'I' is an irritation of the skin? Itch
323 N What 'N' means open to settlement through discussion? Negotiable
324 O What 'O' is a typewriter manufacturer? Olivetti
325 F What 'F' comes before cake, machine and fly? Fruit
326 K What 'K' is a popular Hindu deity? Krishna
327 A What 'A' is a professional examination of financial accounts? Audit
328 P What 'P' is a biscuit — and a bird? Penguin
329 D What 'D' is to decline, shrink or waste away? Dwindle
330 J What 'J' is a plant fibre used for mats and sacking? Jute
331 B What 'B' comes before foot, headed and legged? Bare
332 Q What 'Q' is soft marshy ground that quakes under foot? Quagmire
333 H What 'H' is king of Jordan? Hussein
334 L What 'L' is an Olympic racing sleigh? Luge
335 S What 'S' has Bern as its capital? Switzerland
336 R What 'R' is an uproar? Rumpus
337 E What 'E' is to return a criminal to the country he committed his crime in? Extradite
338 M What 'M' comes after brass — and before puzzle? Monkey
339 T What 'T' was a 19th century Swiss modeller in wax? Tussaud
340 U What `U' is the navel? Umbilicus
341 G What 'G' is the capital of Guyana? Georgetown
342 Z What 'Z' is a herbivorous hoofed African mammal? Zebra
343 A What 'A' is the male singer whose first three singles were all number one hits? Astley
344 T What 'T' is an acrobat — and a drinking glass? Tumbler
345 V What 'V' means capable of being wounded? Vulnerable
346 S What 'S' is artificially produced? Synthetic
347 U What 'U' is to seize power wrongfully? Usurp
348 B What 'B' was U S Vice-President in 1988? Bush
349 E What 'E' is an eagle's nest? Eyrie
350 N What 'N' is slang for incapacitated or 'got at'? Nobbled
351 I What 'I' are elephants' tusks made of? Ivory
352 L What 'L' is a machine used for weaving? Loom
353 P What 'P' comes before path, therapy and analysis? Psycho
354 O What 'O' is the capital of Norway? Oslo
355 H What 'H' is a cross between two different types of plants? Hybrid
356 F What 'F' is a kind of pasta? Fettucine
357 D What 'D' is to paddle — or engage in something superficially? Dabble
358 M What 'M' is Prime Minister of Zimbabwe? Mugabe
359 J What 'J' is land overgrown with vegetation? Jungle
360 R What 'R' is to send someone down temporarily from university? Rusticate
361 C What 'C' was the comic partner of Dudley Moore? Cook
362 E What 'E' is spoken or done without preparation? Extempore
363 I What 'I' is a lustrous, ductile, malleable, silver-grey metal? Iron
364 N What 'N' is the back of the neck? Nape
365 R What 'R' is the crosspiece between the legs of a chair? Rung
366 W What 'W' comes before hand, round and snade? Whip
367 D What 'D' is neat and spruce in appearance? Dapper
368 K What 'K' is a divided Asian country? Korea
369 B What 'B' is the singer who named himself after a knife? Bowie
370 V What 'V' is an archaic word meaning condescend to grant? Vouchsafe
371 F What 'F' is tissue injury caused by exposure to cold? Frostbite
372 T What 'T' was an 18-19th century English landscape painter? Turner
373 S What 'S' are hogs? Swine
374 Y What 'Y' is a fashionable Mexican plant? Yucca
375 L What 'L' is the monarchy bordered by Belgium? Luxembourg
376 G What 'G' is a mixture of sulphur, saltpetre and charcoal? Gunpowder
377 P What 'P' is an African race of very small people? Pygmies
378 U What 'U' is an implement in domestic use? Utensil
379 J What 'J' is the science of human law? Jurisprudence
380 A What 'A' is the sudden descent of a great mass of snow? Avalanche
381 F What 'F' is the sugar found in honey and fruit? Fructose
382 O What 'O' are the games that originated in ancient Greece? Olympic
383 K What 'K' are friends and relations? Kin / Kith
384 R What 'R' comes before draft, house and shod? Rough
385 T What 'T' has Tunis as its capital? Tunisia
386 A What 'A' is a respiratory disorder resulting in laboured breathing? Asthma
387 E What 'E' is the crime of obtaining money through fear or force? Extortion
388 B What 'B' is a reliable person — and a building material? Brick
389 P What 'P' are monumental Egyptian tombs? Pyramids
390 D What 'D' is a small dark-purple plum? Damson
391 N What 'N' is to recommend or propose for something? Nominate
392 J What 'J' was Jupiter's wife in Roman mythology? Juno
393 S What 'S' are fast, swallow-like birds? Swifts
394 H What 'H' is an 'air-cushion' vehicle? Hovercraft
395 U What 'U' is suave or blandly polite? Urbane
396 G What 'G' was the first European to print with moveable type? Gutenberg
397 M What 'M' is quicksilver? Mercury
398 W What 'W' is a furrow-like depression in the skin? Wrinkle
399 C What 'C' is a tree that sounds like a country? Cypress
400 L What 'L' wrote the third book of the New Testament? Luke
401 M What 'M' is contractive tissue that effects body movement? Muscle
402 O What 'O' is Japan's third largest city? Osaka
403 K What 'K' is a nautical measure of speed? Knot
404 D What 'D' is a poetic term for a young unmarried woman? Damsel
405 J What 'J' was the founder of analytical psychology? Jung
406 P What 'P' is to contract into wrinkles or folds? Pucker
407 H What 'H' is an artificially induced form of trance? Hypnosis
408 W What 'W' is to squirm or twist and turn? Wriggle / Writhe
409 F What 'F' is the boundary between adjacent masses of air? Front
410 B What 'B' is masonry built against a wall to strengthen it? Buttress
411 L What 'L' was the German leader of the Protestant reformation? Luther
412 S What 'S' does one sometimes put in tea and coffee to sweeten them? Sugar
413 T What 'T' is tissue composed of cells that grow abnormally? Tumour
414 R What 'R' is to trump at cards? Ruff
415 C What 'C' are lobsters, crabs and shrimps? Crustaceans
416 E What 'E' is to alienate one person from another? Estrange
417 A What 'A' was the first black man to win Wimbledon? Ashe
418 V What 'V' is a tube that carries blood to the heart? Vein
419 G What 'G' is a tropical fruit used in jellies? Guava
420 N What 'N' is a loop with a tightening knot? Noose
421 C What 'C' is a constant disbeliever in good motives or happy endings? Cynic
422 I What 'I' is the world's twentieth largest island? Ireland
423 N What 'N' comes before intervention, commissioned and starter? Non
424 O What 'O' is a musical instrument with pipes and keyboards? Organ
425 D What 'F' was a major twentieth century American poet? Frost
426 K What 'K' is an Australian 'bear'? Koala
427 A What 'A' is the industry of heavier-than-air aircraft? Aviation
428 P What 'P' is slang for someone who bets? Punter
429 D What 'D' is to deprave or pervert from moral rectitude? Debauch
430 J What 'J' was the French female who defeated the English in battle? Joan
431 B What 'B' is the base of a plant — and a glass globe? Bulb
432 Q What 'Q' is complaining or peevish? Querulous
433 H What 'H' is slight undulation of land? Hill
434 L What 'L' is the capital of Angola? Luanda
435 S What 'S' is a malleable alloy of iron and carbon? Steel
436 R What 'R' is a wily stratagem or trick? Ruse
437 E What 'E' is to 'clean up' a book prior to pub!ication by editing? Expurgate
438 M What 'M' is a viral disease marked by a swollen neck? Mumps
439 T What 'T' is a private teacher? Tutor
440 U What 'U' is (door-related) slang for mentally unbalanced or unglued? Unhinged
441 G What 'G' is the African country with Conakry as its capital? Guinea
442 Z What 'Z' is a metallic element essential for growth? Zinc
443 A What 'A' is a mythological Titan — and a mountain range? Atlas
444 T What 'T' comes before cast, script and set? Type
445 V What 'V' is to cause air to circulate freely in? Ventilate
446 S What 'S' is the largest freshwater lake in the world? Superior
447 U What 'U' is a sense of slight or injury? Umbrage
448 B What 'B' is a long-lived American comedian? Burns
449 E What 'E' is a medicine that helps clear the lungs by coughing? Expectorant
450 N What 'N' is slang for arrested? Nicked
451 I What 'I' is a dwelling made of compacted snow? Igloo
452 L What 'L'is an English lord wanted by the police? Lucan
453 P What 'P' is a plant of the nightshade family with starchy tubes? Potato
454 O What 'O' is a type of frivolous light opera? Opretta
455 H What 'H' is a street pipe for attaching a hose to? Hydrant
456 F What 'F' are Quakers the religious society of? Friends
457 D What 'D' is to smear with plaster, paint or clay? Daub
458 M What 'M' is a small rodent with a pointed snout and slender tail? Mouse
459 J What 'J' was Napoleon's wife for thirteen years? Josephine
460 R What 'R' is a principle to which action is intended to conform? Rule
461 C What 'C' starred in most of the major Hammer films? Cushing
462 E What 'E' is to show, display or manifest? Exhibit
463 I What 'I' is the habitual inability to get enough sleep? Insomnia
464 N What 'N' are three Irish singing sisters? Nolans
465 R What 'R' is India's monetary unit? Rupee
466 W What 'W' are flowers or leaves wound together in a ring? Wreath
467 D What 'D' comes before ages, room and horse? Dark
468 K What 'K' is probably the world's most influential book after the Bible? Koran
469 B What 'B' is a British heavyweight boxer? Bruno
470 V What 'V' is someone who comes to see a person or place? Visitor
471 F What 'F' is the art of painting on plaster? Fresco
472 T What 'T' is a sudden involuntary contraction or movement? Twitch
473 S What 'S' is where most Nobel Prizes are awarded? Stockholm
474 Y What 'Y' is an appreciative exclamation at food? Yum
475 L What 'L' is a plant pod we use in the bath? Loofah
476 G What 'G' was a writer of Westerns? Grey
477 P What 'P' are the mountains that separate France and Spain? Pyrenees
478 U What 'U' is an open sore? Ulcer
479 J What 'J' is an ass, a crane and a female wren? Jenny
480 A What 'A' is the Roman emperor a month is named after? Augustus
481 F What 'F' comes before polish, bread and Revolution? French
482 O What 'O' is the branch of medicine concerned with bones? Orthopaedics
483 K What 'K' is a furnace for firing or drying? Kiln
484 R What 'R' is slang for a Rolls Royce? Roller
485 T What 'T' is to twirl one's thumbs idly? Twiddle
486 A What 'A' were living in Mexico when the Spanish conquered it? Aztects
487 E What 'E' means freed from something others are subject to? Exempt
488 B What 'B' was the youngest winner of the men's Wimbledon title Occuring in the 80's? Becker
489 P What 'P' is a migratory diving bird of the Auk family? Puffin
490 D What 'D' is a shortage of food? Dearth
491 N What 'N' is a series of prayers on nine successive days? Novena
492 J What 'J' is legal authority? Jurisdiction
493 S What 'S' is considered the 20th century's greatest composer? Stravinsky
494 H What 'H' is a television cop — and a rabbit's pen? Hutch
495 U What 'U' is one in French? Un / Une
496 G What 'G' is the capital of Guatemala? Guatemala
497 M What 'M' is an adult with arrested mental development? Moron
498 W What 'W' is to close and open an eye quickly? Wink
499 C What 'C' is a vicious lawn game played with mallets? Croquet
500 L What 'L' is a poetic word for forlorn? Lorn