Blockbusters 15 - (Submitted By Yoda)
    Question Answer
001 M What 'M' was Britain's first Labour Prime Minister? Macdonald
002 O What 'O' is an edible plant of the lily family? Onion
003 K What 'K' is capital of Nepal? Katmandu
004 D What 'D' comes before land, boat and world? Dream
005 J What 'J' is the U S word for (edible) jelly? Jello
006 P What 'P' is a piece of wood used to pin something down? Peg
007 H What 'H' is a nocturnal reddish-brown rodent? Hamster
008 W What 'W' comes before bug, buffalo and chestnut? Water
009 F What 'F' are the volcanic islands in the North Atlantic? Faroes
010 B What 'B' comes before puppy, foot, bee — and rhymes with humble? Bumble
011 L What 'L' is the part of the throat that holds the vocal cords? Larynx
012 S What 'S' is a kind of clover? Shamrock
013 T What 'T' is an island Australian State? Tasmania
014 R What 'R' is a magistrate — and a type of flute? Recorder
015 C What 'C' married a girl called Spencer? Charles
016 E What 'E' is a sung-about Alpine plant? Edelweiss
017 A What 'A' were 'Murder Incorporated'? Assassins
018 C What 'V' was a feudal peasant? Villein
019 G What 'G' is a light volatile fuel oil? Gasoline
020 N What 'N' is a loony — and a hard-shelled fruit? Nut
021 C What 'C' is a dog favoured by royalty? Corgi
022 I What 'I' was a 19th century Norwegian dramatist? Ibsen
023 N What 'N' comes after hair — and before ball? Net
024 O What 'O' means of the mouth? Oral / Oscular
025 F What 'F' was a swashbuckling U S actor? Fairbanks / Flynn
026 K What 'K' is Pakistan's largest city? Karachi
027 A What 'A' led the knights of the Round Table? Arthur
028 P What 'P' is a plant with yellow flowers and an edible root? Parsnip
029 D What 'D' is slang for an attractive person? Dish
030 J What 'J' is the 18th book of the Old Testament? Job
031 B What 'B' is Bruce Wayne? Batman
032 Q What 'Q' is a 25 cent piece? Quarter
033 H What 'H' played the part of the Elephant Man? Hurt
034 L What 'L' comes before about, man and over? Lay
035 S What 'S' is a sea fish of the family Salmonidae? Salmon
036 R What 'R' was 40th President of the USA? Reagan
037 E What 'E' is a tall tree with a fan-shaped crown? Elm
038 M What 'M' is a coarse lace or fringe of knotted thread? Macrame
039 T What 'T' is a terrestrial turtle? Tortoise
040 U What 'U' is to move with a wavy motion? Undulate
041 G What 'G' is an Italian leather-maker? Gucci
042 Z What 'Z' is an imaginary zone in the heavens? Zodiac
043 A What 'A' is something made by man? Artifact
044 T What 'T' was a legendary Swiss archer? Tell
045 V What 'V' is to uphold or exonerate? Vindicate
046 S What 'S' comes before dollar, piper and stone? Sand
047 U What 'U' is a vase with a foot? Urn
048 B What 'B' was a Welsh film star? Burton
049 E What 'E' was the Nazi war criminal hanged in 1962? Eichmann
050 N What 'N' means consisting of many units? Numerous
051 I What 'I' is someone who puts perfection before practicality? Idealist
052 L What LI' is a landed proprietor in Scotland? Laird
053 P What 'P' became Greek premier in 1981? Papandreou
054 O What 'O' is a condensed form of oxygen? Ozone
055 H What 'H' is the largest city in the West Indies? Havana
056 F What 'F' is to make easy? Facilitate
057 D What 'D' is a scaly condition of the scalp? Dandruff
058 M What 'M' is an ill-tempered tennis player? McEnroe
059 T What 'T' is an orange variety of quartz? Jasper
060 R What 'R' is the process of mentally interpreting written symbols? Reading
061 C What 'C' was Labour Prime Minister before Margaret Thatcher? Callaghan
062 E What 'E' is a way of preserving the body after death? Embalming
063 I What 'I' is the chief river of Pakistan? Indus
064 N What 'N' comes before Castle, Bridge and Church? New
065 R What 'R' is a caribou? Reindeer
066 W What 'W' is to form fabric by interlacing threads? Weave
067 D What 'D' was a one-eyed Israeli commander? Dayan
068 K What 'K' is a hopping antipodean marsupial? Kangaroo
069 B What 'B' is the second letter of the Greek alphabet? Beta
070 V What 'V' wrote Around the World in 80 days? Verne
071 F What 'F' was a Russian goldsmith renowned for his eggs? Faberge
072 T What 'T' is the best wood for shipbuilding? Teak
073 S What 'S' is capital of Chile? Santiago
074 Y What 'Y' is a university — and a lock? Yale
075 L What 'L' is a large body of water entirely surrounded by land? Lake
076 G What 'G' introduced 'glasnost' to Russia? Gorbachev
077 P What 'P' is the opposite of active? Passive
078 U What 'U' comes before Kingdom, Nations and States? United
079 J What 'J' is danger? Jeopardy
080 A What 'A' are Irish islands? Aran
081 F What 'F' is the thigh-bone? Femur
082 O What 'O' is the capital of Canada? Ottowa
083 K What 'K' is an insect that makes a sound like its name? Katydid
084 R What 'R' comes after sting — and before gun? Ray
085 T What 'T' is a brand name for a non-stick surfacing? Teflon
086 A What 'A' is a German Shepherd? Alsatian
087 E What 'E' is a reflective poem of lamentation or regret? Elegy
088 B What 'B' divides into queens, workers and drones? Bee
089 P What 'P' was the then village conquered by Caesar in 52 BC? Paris
090 D What 'D' means removing hair? Depilatory
091 N What 'N' are fibres that conduct stimuli to the brain? Nerves
092 J What 'J' was Hyde's other persona? Jekyll
093 S What 'S' comes before cow, weed and urchin? Sea
094 H What 'H' is a US university? Harvard
095 U What 'U' is a portable shield from the rain? Umbrella
096 G What 'G' was the first name of a film star and princess? Grace
097 M What 'M' is an open-sea fish that lives in schools? Mackerel
098 W What 'W' is the plant cultivated since 5000 BC? Wheat
099 C What 'C' is a blood cell? Corpuscle
100 L What 'L' is a run in a stocking? Ladder
101 M What 'M' is the highest mountain in America? McKinley
102 O What 'O' comes before bar, farm and bank? Oyster
103 K What 'K' are knickers short for? Knickerbockers
104 D What 'D' was the author of Crime and Punishment? Dostoyevsky
105 J What 'J' is a dish of curds and whey? Junket
106 P What 'P' is a stamp collector? Philatelist
107 H What 'H' is a prickly nocturnal mammal? Hedgehog
108 W What 'W' was the oscar-winning actor who died in 1979? Wayne
109 F What 'F' is hyperopia? Farsightedness
110 B What 'B' are the world's most numerous insects? Beetles
111 L What `L' is an old and smaller version of a harp? Lyre
112 S What 'S' is the fluid that moves through a plant? Sap
113 T What 'T' is the speed at which music is played? Tempo
114 R What 'R' is someone forced to flee their native land? Refugee
115 C What 'C' is a fit or seizure? Convulsion
116 E What 'E' is a prohibition on commerce? Embargo
117 A What 'A' were Sweden's most successful singers? Abba
118 C What 'V' is a distant view? Vista
119 G What 'G' is the drink made from pomegranates? Grenadine
120 N What 'N' is to snuggle comfortably down? Nestle
121 C What 'C' was the debutantes' `Coming Out' ball? Charlotte's
122 I What 'I' are colourless, odourless gasses? Inert
123 N What 'N' is Holland? Netherlands
124 O What 'O' are the universities of Oxford and Cambridge? Oxbridge
125 F What 'F' are sticks bound together as fuel? Faggots
126 K What 'K' was a German philosopher? Kant
127 A What 'A' is the square in EastEnders? Albert
128 P What 'P' is savoury liver paste? Pate
129 D What 'D' starred in the original film The Blue Angel? Dietrich
130 J What 'J' comes before bone, fish and breaker? Jaw
131 B What 'B' is a device to blow air? Bellows
132 Q What 'Q' has Brisbane as its capital? Queensland
133 H What 'H' is a viral inflammation of the liver? Hepatitus
134 L What 'L' does a falconer recall his hawk with? Lure
135 S What 'S' is a transparent blue gem? Sapphire
136 R What 'R' is a State where power rests with its people? Republic
137 E What 'E' invented the record player? Edison
138 M What 'M' is a silent act? Mime
139 T What 'T' is hard-baked red-brown clay? Terracotta
140 U What 'U' means born of the same mother, but not the same father? Uterine
141 G What 'G' is an equatorial central African republic? Gabon
142 Z What 'Z' is a place for animal containment? Zoo
143 A What 'A' With the first name Anthony married Princess Margaret? Armstrong-Jones
144 T What 'T' means hackneyed from much use? Trite
145 V What 'V' comes before tex, disc and recorder? Video
146 S What 'S' is the Muslim Friday, Jewish Saturday and Christian Sunday? Sabbath
147 U What 'U' is customary? Usual
148 B What 'B' was a plant-eating dinosaur? Brontosaurus
149 E What 'E' is the river flowing through West Germany? Elbe
150 N What 'N' is a silver-white metallic element? Nickel
151 I What 'I' was the founder of Saudi-Arabia? Ibn Saud
152 L What 'L' is theft? Larceny
153 P What 'P' is a piece of cloth worn over the eye? Patch
154 O What 'O' was king of southern England, 757-796? Offa
155 H What 'H' is the gas used in air-ships? Helium
156 F What 'F' were the Greek goddesses of vengeance? Furies
157 D What 'D' is a kind of baboon — and a boring tool? Drill
158 M What 'M' is a flat on two floors? Maisonette
159 J What 'J' was co-founder of the SDP? Jenkins
160 R What 'R' was the theory introduced by Einstein? Relativity
161 C What 'C' was an American frontiersman? Crockett
162 E What 'E' is a process used in metal plating? Electrolysis
163 I What 'I' encompasses more than 3,000 islands? Indonesia
164 N What 'N' are the lowest high tides? Neap
165 R What 'R' is a very large receptacle for water? Reservoir
166 W What 'W' is an English satirical novelist? Waugh
167 D What 'D' were Nissan cars? Datsuns
168 K What 'K' was the actor who won fame as Frankenstein? Karloff
169 B What 'B' is an official in charge of funds? Bursar
170 V What 'V' is a country in the north of South America? Venezuela
171 F What 'F' comes before optics, board and glass? Fibre
172 T What 'T' is nicknamed the 'Lone Star State'? Texas
173 S What 'S' is a horny outgrowth of an animal's skin? Scale
174 Y What 'Y' is some three inches short of a metre? Yard
175 L What 'L' is a sandy-brown singing bird? Lark
176 G What 'G' is another word for sex? Gender
177 P What 'P' is to chase or follow? Pursue
178 U What 'U' is an Indian language? Urdu
179 T What 'T' is a very short time? Jiffy
180 A What 'A' is a long-running radio soap? Archers
181 F What 'F' developed the first dynamo? Faraday
182 O What 'O' is the group of 25,000 small Pacific islands? Oceania
183 K What 'K' are makers of breakfast food? Kellogs
184 R What 'R' is a stream of water larger than a stream? River
185 T What 'T' is a building where drama is performed? Theatre
186 A What 'A' was a royal portrait painter? Annigoni
187 E What 'E' is ornamental needlework? Embroidery
188 B What 'B' was a number one hit single for Michael Jackson? Bad
189 P What 'P' is the head of a monastery? Prior
190 D What 'D' comes after front, back and side? Door
191 N What 'N' is the capital of Cyprus? Nicosia
192 T What 'T' is the liquid part of vegetables? Juice
193 S What 'S' is tropical grassland? Savannah
194 H What 'H' was an 18th century English composer? Handel
195 U What 'U' means adverse or unfavourable? Untoward
196 G What 'G' is a chocolate bar — and millions of stars? Galaxy
197 M What 'M' is unblended whisky? Malt
198 W What 'W' is a process for joining metals? Welding
199 C What 'C' was the politician who wrote The Second World War? Churchill
200 L What 'L' is present, but hidden? Latent
201 M What 'M' comes before Pole, resonance and tape? Magnetic
202 O What 'O' is the formation of a word that sounds like the object? Onomatopoeia
203 K What 'K' was the world's youngest chess Grand Master? Karpov
204 D What 'D' is a famous make of china? Dresden
205 J What 'J' are large veins of the neck? Jugular
206 P What 'P' is a light tap — and a small piece of butter? Pat
207 H What 'H' is a district in Los Angeles? Hollywood
208 W What 'W' is secreted by glands on bees' abdomens? Wax
209 F What 'F' were forerunners of the IRA? Fenians
210 B What 'B' is a royal retreat? Balmoral
211 L What 'I' is an African capital on four islands? Lagos
212 S What 'S' is a fin-footed marine mammal? Seal
213 T What 'T' means of extraordinary size or excellence? tremendous
214 R What 'R' is to dig something up with the snout? Root
215 C What 'C' is a disease which produces an itchy rash? Chichenpox
216 E What 'E' composed 'Land of Hope and Glory'? Elgar
217 A What 'A' is a kind of nut? Almond
218 V What 'V' is a quantity having both magnitude and direction? Vector
219 G What 'G' was president of Argentina, 1981-2? Galtieri
220 N What 'N' was the drink of the gods? Nectar
221 C What 'C' is unconsciousness from which you cannot be roused? Coma
222 I What 'I' is a persistent increase in the price of goods? Inflation
223 N What 'N' is nicknamed 'The Cornhusker State'? Nebraska
224 O What 'O' is a synthetic textile fibre? Orlon
225 F What 'F' is to manufacture or invent? Fabricate
226 K What 'K' was a German novelist and short story writer? Kafka
227 A What 'A' is something (valuable) made in an earlier period? Antique
228 P What 'P' comes before flower, fruit and play? Passion
229 D What 'D' was the actress nominated for an Academy Award ten times? Davis
230 J What 'J' is to put at risk? Jeopardize
231 B What 'B' is a large coarse fern? Bracken
232 Q What 'Q' is an Australian airline? Quantas
233 H What 'H' did Rex Harrison play in My Fair Lady? Higgins
234 L What 'I,' is a room or closet for food? Larder
235 S What 'S' is a large-jawed predatory fish? Shark
236 R What 'R' is a Greek goddess — and flightless bird? Rhea
237 E What 'E' is a siliceous substance that fuses with metal? Enamel
238 M What 'M' is the largest country in West Africa? Mali
239 T What 'T' was the nun who won the 1979 Nobel Peace Prize? Theresa
240 U What 'U' is not pretty? Ugly
241 G What 'G' originally meant a soldier who threw grenades? Grenadier
242 Z What 'Z' is a type of Buddhism? Zen
243 A What 'A' directed the film Ghandi? Attenborough
244 T What 'T' is a device for transmitting and receiving speech? Telephone
245 V What 'V' is the Italian navigator America is named after? Vespucci
246 S What 'S' is an arachnid with a deadly tail? Scorpion
247 U What 'U' comes before modern, violet and conservative? Ultra
248 B What 'B' was Northern Ireland's best footballer? Best
249 E What 'E' is agitation of mind? Emotion
250 N What 'N' was the last czar of Russia? Nicholas II
251 I What 'I' is a contagious disease caused by a number of viruses? Influenza
252 L What 'L' is clarified fat for frying? Lard
253 P What 'P' is an artist's medium of chalk and pigment in sticks? Pastel
254 O What 'O' is an awkward dim-wit? Oaf
255 H What 'H' was the wife of Zeus? Hera
256 F What 'F' are soles, flounders and halibuts? Flatfish
257 D What 'D' was an English classical composer? Delius
258 M What 'M' are shackles or handcuffs? Manacles
259 J What 'J' is a tight fix? Jam
260 R What 'R' is the way from one place to another? Route
261 C What 'C' is a virus infection of the nose and throat? Cold
262 E What `E' was the French engineer who built a 984- foot tower? Eiffel
263 I What 'I' is to call forth? Invoke
264 N What 'N' means evil or iniquitous? Nefarious
265 R What 'R' is to answer a question? Reply / Respond
266 W What 'W' comes before balloon, satellite and forecast? Weather
267 D What 'D' is red/green colour blindness? Daltonism
268 K What 'K' is Africa's highest mountain? Kilimanjaro
269 B What 'B' is a T V arts programme presenter? Bragg
270 V What 'V' is wine made from a particular season's harvest? Vintage
271 F What 'F' is the sharp sport that uses foils and epées? Fencing
272 T What 'T' is the study of God? Theology
273 S What 'S' is underwater diving with an aqualung? Scuba
274 Y What 'Y' is to chatter aimlessly? Yatter
275 L What 'I' was the author of Piers Plowman? Langland
276 G What 'G' is the process of coating iron or steel with zinc? Galvanizing
277 P What 'P' is a fizzy soft drink? Pepsi
278 U What 'U' is the lowest Hindu caste? Untouchable
279 J What 'J' starred in the first major film with sound? Jolson
280 A What 'A' is white-skinned and pink-eyed? Albino
281 F What 'F' was a German film director? Fassbinder
282 O What 'O' is farming that excludes synthetic fertilizers and pesticides? Organic
283 K What 'K' comes before ten — and is short for Christopher? Kit
284 R What 'R' is a basic element of music? Rhythm
285 T What 'T' is the sound produced by lightning? Thunder
286 A What 'A' is a room at the top? Attic
287 E What 'E' was 34th President of the USA? Eisenhower
288 B What 'B' forms 1/14th of a man's body weight? Blood
289 P What 'P' married — and survived — Henry VIII? Parr
290 D What 'D' comes before back, bridge and string? Draw
291 N What 'N' is the least densely populated South American country? Nicaragua
292 J What 'T' is an agitated bath? Jacuzzi
293 S What 'S' are ruminant woolly mammals? Sheep
294 H What 'H' was Irish Prime Minister before Fitzgerald? Haughey
295 U What 'U' is to overturn? Upset
296 G What 'G' is the local death of body tissue? Gangrene
297 M What 'M' is a woman who models clothing? Mennequin
298 W What 'W' was an English political party? Whig
299 C What 'C' are oriental eating utensils? Chopsticks
300 L What 'L' comes from the abdominal fat of pigs?
301 M What 'M' is a tropical hardwood used for furniture? Mahogany
302 O What 'O' is to swing back and forth like a pendulum? Oscillate
303 K What 'K' became president of Greece in 1980? Karamanalis
304 D What 'D' is to vanish? Dissapear
305 J What 'J' is said to have had his nose rebuilt three times? Jackson
306 P What 'P' is to rain hard, move fast — and throw? Pelt
307 H What 'H' was a monster with a bird's body and a woman's head? Harpy
308 W What 'W' is where a cargo ship unloads? Wharf
309 F What 'F' is a herb of the carrot family used in sauces? Fennel
310 B What 'B' is the vertebral column? Backbone
311 L What 'I' is capital of Peru? Lima
312 S What 'S' is a widely found mineral — and means snake-like? Serpentine
313 T What 'T' is a sailing boat with three hulls? Trimaran
314 R What 'R' is a grain cereal of the grass family'? Rice
315 C What 'C' is a powerful muscular spasm? Cramp
316 E What 'E' was a 'titled' jazz musician? Ellington
317 A What 'A' is to stay? Abide
318 V What 'V' was the Roman god of fire? Vulcan
319 G What 'G' is a strip of land adjoining Egypt and Israel? Gaza
320 N What 'N' is a halo? Nimbus
321 C What 'C' is the shaking of the brain by a blow to the head? Concussion
322 I What 'I' is a viscous compound used for printing? Ink
323 N What 'N' starred in Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid? Newman
324 O What 'O' is gilded bronze used in furniture decoration? Ormolu
325 F What 'F' were the three Greek goddesses who controlled human life? Fates
326 K What 'K' is president of Zambia? Kaunda
327 A What 'A' are ludicrous actions? Antics
328 P What 'P' is a transparent body used to refract light? Prism
329 D What 'D' used to introduce Tales of the Unexpected? Dahl
330 J What 'J' comes before bone, fish and breaker? Jaw
331 B What 'B' is a fruity, all-girl pop group? Bananarama
332 Q What 'Q' is a sheikdom in the Persian Gulf? Qatar
333 H What 'H' was an 18th century Austrian composer? Haydn
334 L What 'L' is financially profitable? Lucrative
335 S What 'S' is the feathered cork used in badminton? Shuttlecock
336 R What 'R' is a famous French fictional fox? Reynard
337 E What `E' is the legendary land of gold? Eldorado
338 M What 'M' is a skin disease of hairy and woolly animals? Mange
339 T What 'T' was the author of Vanity Fair? Thackeray
340 U What 'U' is the highest in place or rank? Uppermost
341 G What 'G' was an English portrait and landscape painter? Gainsborough
342 Z What 'Z' is an island in the Indian Ocean? Zanzibar
343 A What 'A' had a spare rib? Adam
344 T What 'T' is the gland that regulates the body's metabolic rate? Thyroid
345 V What 'V' is a leading U S university? Vassar
346 S What 'S' is a small crustacean with ten legs? Shrimp
347 U What 'U' is a T V star of Girls on Top? Ulman
348 B What 'B' comes before milk, fly and scotch? Butter
349 E What 'E' is one liquid dispersed in droplets throughout another? Emulsion
350 N What 'N' is expressing or implying denial? Negative
351 I What 'I' are approaching a million species? Insects
352 L What 'L' is an English town — and a the surname of U S film star? Lancaster
353 P What 'P' is to arrange feathers with a beak? Preen
354 O What 'O' is a newspaper account of someone recently dead? Orbituary
355 H What 'H' is the disease which inhibits blood clotting? Haemophilia
356 F What 'F' is an object believed to have magical powers? Fetish
357 D What 'D' was the baseball player who married Marilyn Monroe? Dimaggio
358 M What 'M' is the largest Balearic island? Majorca
359 J What 'J' is the berry used in making gin? Juniper
360 R What 'R' is a track left by wheels? Rut
361 C What 'C' is transmission of disease by direct contact? Contagion
362 E What 'E' are species whose chances of survival are doubtful? Endangered
363 I What 'I' literally means 'Strives with God'? Israel
364 N What 'N' was 37th president of the USA? Nixon
365 R What 'R' is a fashionable French resort area? Riviera
366 W What 'W' is to coax by endearments or flattery? Wheedle
367 D What 'D' is a place where medicines are dealt out? Dispensary
368 K What 'K' was an Iranian religious leader? Khomeini
369 B What 'B' is a major horse trials? Badminton
370 V What 'V' was Britain's longest-reigning monarch? Victoria
371 F What 'F' is a substance used to make soil more productive? Fertilizer
372 T What 'T' are on either side of the throat at the back of the tongue? Tonsils
373 S What 'S' comes before worm, shape and wreck? Ship
374 Y What 'Y' is the second-largest city in Japan? Yokohama
375 L What 'L' was world darts champion? Lowe
376 G What 'G' was the chief scene of the ministry of Jesus Christ? Galilee
377 P What 'P' are antibiotics obtained from mould? Penicillin
378 U What 'U' is someone who has risen suddenly from a humble position? Upstart
379 J What 'J' comes before jet — and after mumbo? Jumbo
380 A What 'A' is the opposite of diabolic? Angelic
381 F What 'F' was the director of the film La Dolce Vita? Fellini
382 O What 'O' is therapy based on the manipulation of bones and muscles? Osteopathy
383 K What 'K' is a long loose Japanese robe? Kimono
384 R What 'R' is a recruit or beginner? Rookie
385 T What 'T' is the height above which trees cannot grow? Timberline
386 A What 'A' is a ghost? Apparition
387 E What 'E' are the glands that produce hormones? Endocrine
388 B What 'B' was the author of Peter Pan? Barrie
389 P What 'P' is an evergreen hedge with white flowers and black berries? Privet
390 D What 'D' is to immerse or break a biscuit in liquid? Dunk
391 N What 'N' was Greek goddess of victory — and a brand of sports shoe? Nike
392 J What 'J' was 36th president of the U S A? Johnson
393 S What 'S' is a venue for the Olympic Games in 1988? Seoul
394 H What 'H' is a substance that kills plants? Herbicide
395 U What 'U' is one of a kind? Unique
396 G What 'G' was the mother of Liza Minnelli? Garland
397 M What 'M' comes before ship, wife and summer? Mid
398 W What 'W' was a 14th century German king we still sing about? Wenceslas
399 C What 'C' is the circular window at the front of the eye? Cornea
400 L What 'L' is bordered by Cambodia, Thailand and Burma? Laos
401 M What 'M' is a shooting star? Meteor
402 O What 'O' is a musical ensemble under the direction of the conductor? Orchestra
403 K What 'K' are the low islands of Florida? Keys
404 D What 'D' is a measure of thickness of stockings or tights? Denier
405 J What 'J' was one of England's first great architects? Jones
406 P What 'P' is an edible climbing plant of the pulse family? Pea
407 H What 'H' is an Indian language? Hindi
408 W What 'W' is a slender racing dog? Whippet
409 F What 'F' comes before fly, arm and fighter? Fire
410 B What 'B' is a town renowned for its Regency architecture? Bath
411 L What 'L' comes from apricot kernels — and is wrongly thought to cure cancer? Lacrile
412 S What 'S' is a Spanish classical guitarist? Segovia
413 T What 'T' is a poison produced by a microbe? Toxin
414 R What 'R' means to repent of? Rue
415 C What 'C' was a silent film comedian? Chaplin
416 E What 'E' is a medical salts? Epsom
417 A What 'A' is the norm? Average
418 V What 'V' is a team game where the ball must not touch the ground? Volleyball
419 G What 'G' succeeded Attlee as leader of the Labour Party? Gaitskill
420 N What 'N' is an immense cluster of stellar matter? Nebula
421 C What 'C' is an explosive release of air from the lungs? Cough
422 I What 'I' comes before play, course and twine? Inter
423 N What 'N' was a primitive type of man? Neanderthal
424 O What 'O' is an ophthalmologist or optician? Oculist
425 F What 'F' was an actor with a bulbous nose and rasping voice? Fields
426 K What 'K' is a tower or stronghold? Keep
427 A What 'A' is 'the granite city'? Aberdeen
428 P What `P' is a fish — and a bird seat? Perch
429 D What 'D' was the film Omen II? Damien
430 J What 'J' means fatigued and disinterested? Jaded
431 B What 'B' is the gas used in cigarette lighters? Butane
432 Q What 'Q' is a British fashion designer? Quant
433 H What 'H' is a perennial vine of the mulberry family? Hop
434 L What 'L' is born in lawful wedlock? Legitimate
435 S What 'S' are eighty-five islands in the Indian Ocean? Seychelles
436 R What 'R' is breathing? Respiration
437 E What 'E' was the German co-founder of communism? Engels
438 M What 'M' is a disease transmitted by mosquitoes? Malaria
439 T What 'T' is a suspended bar used to swing on? Trapeze
440 U What 'U' is someone who covers furniture with fabrics? Upholsterer
441 G What 'G' was the author of The Forsythe saga? Galsworthy
442 Z What 'Z' is a central African river? Zambesi
443 A What 'A' is to irritate? Annoy
444 T What 'T' is the metallic element used by tian since the Bronze Age? Tin
445 V What 'V' is a mouselike rodent related to the lemming? Vole
446 S What 'S' was the Irish playwright who die( in 1950? Shaw
447 U What 'U' is not changing in form or chara.ter? Uniform
448 B What 'B' are the crown jewels' guards? Beefeaters
449 E What 'E' is a protein functioning as a )iological catalyst? Enzyme
450 N What 'N' is a bird — and the founder cc modern nursing? Nightingale
451 I What 'I' is the elimination of segregation? Integration
452 L What 'L' is a country between Austria and Switzerland? Liechtenstein
453 P What 'P' is slightly hungry? Peckish
454 O What 'O' is a bladed pole that propels a btat? Oar
455 H What 'H' was an 18th century English cabinet maker? Hepplewhite
456 F What 'F' is a limbless aquatic animal? Fish
457 D What 'D' is a Scottish liqueur? Drambuie
458 M What 'M' is capital of Mozambique? Maputo
459 J What 'J' is a human-shaped sweet? Jellybaby
460 R What 'R' is the cross-bar in a ladder?
461 C What 'C' is a South American arrow poison? Curare
462 E What 'E' are The Iliad, The Odyssey and Paradise Lost? Epics
463 I What 'I' is the study of the resistance of organism to infection? Immunology
464 N What 'N' is zero or nothing? Nil
465 R What 'R' is arguably Britain's premier portrait painter? Reynolds
466 W What 'W' is a homeless and neglected child? Waif
467 D What 'D' is a paint whose symbol is a shaggy dog? Dulux
468 K What 'K' was the Soviet premier who died in 1981? Kosygin
469 B What 'B' is a Y-shaped muscle? Biceps
470 V What 'V' is a compound essential to nutrition? Vitamin
471 F What 'F' is a worm, flatfish — and lucky stroke? Fluke
472 T What 'T' was a 20th century Welsh poet? Thomas
473 S What 'S' is a type of maple tree? Sycamore
474 Y What 'Y' comes before hammer, belly and shank? Yellow
475 L What 'L' is pumice stone? Lava
476 G What 'G' is Africa's smallest independent state? Gambia
477 P What 'P' was a 5th century missionary to Ireland? Patrick
478 U What 'U' is to guarantee financial support for? Underwrite
479 J What 'J' is a city — and an artichoke? Jerusalem
480 A What 'A' is a southern English county? Avon
481 F What 'F' was the author of Tom Jones? Fielding
482 O What 'O' is the opposite of subject? Object
483 K What 'K' is of a gentle or benevolent nature? Kind
484 R What 'R' is a chess piece and a bird? Rook
485 T What 'T' is a perennial woody plant with a single self-supporting stem? Tree
486 A What 'A' is money paid to an ex-wife? Alimony
487 E What 'E' is a very valuable stoat? Ermine
488 B What 'B' was murdered in Canterbury Cathedral? Beckett
489 P What 'P' is Beijing? Peking
490 D What 'D' is one of the earliest makes of car? Daimler
491 N What 'N' is an oily liquid explosive? Nitroglycerine
492 J What 'J' is an Israeli orange? Jaffa
493 S What 'S' is an instrument for measuring the altitude of celestial bodies? Sextant
494 H What 'H' was the Indian hero of a Longfellow poem? Hiawatha
495 U What 'U' comes before wear, water and ground? Under
496 G What 'G' was the actress born Greta Gustafson? Garbo
497 M What 'M' is a tropical tree that grows out into water? Mangrove
498 W What 'W' was a revolutionary invention? Wheel
499 C What 'C' is an abnormal swelling containing fluid? Cyst
500 L What 'L' was a 19th century painter of dogs? Landseer