Question |
Answer |
001 |
M |
What 'M' is a breakfast dish of dried fruit, oats and nuts? |
Muesli |
002 |
O |
What 'O' means not divisible by two? |
Odd |
003 |
K |
What 'K' is material for starting a fire? |
Kindling |
004 |
D |
What 'D' is a Rastafarian hair style? |
Dreadlock |
005 |
J |
What 'J' was the doctor who turned into someone else? |
Jekyll |
006 |
P |
What 'P' is a flat-bottomed boat - and a card game? |
Pontoon |
007 |
H |
What 'H' was the loser of the Battle of Hastings? |
Harold |
008 |
W |
What 'W' is to blink deliberately? |
Wink |
009 |
F |
What 'F' is a feudal term for fidelity to one's lord? |
Fealty |
010 |
B |
What 'B' is used for baking and also indigestion? |
Bicarbonate |
011 |
L |
What 'L' comes before strife, box and leaf? |
Loose |
012 |
S |
What 'S' is an additional level of income tax? |
Surtax |
013 |
T |
What 'T' is the London Underground? |
Tube |
014 |
R |
What 'R' is a chess piece and a bird? |
Rook |
015 |
C |
What 'C' means of, or like, deer? |
Cervine |
016 |
E |
What 'E' was temporarily the home of Adam and Eve? |
Eden |
017 |
A |
What 'A' is a solution, a return hit and a response? |
Answer |
018 |
V |
What 'V' is a singer? |
Vocalist |
019 |
G |
What 'G' is financial assistance from public funds? |
Grant |
020 |
N |
What 'N' is an old-fashioned word for near? |
Nigh |
021 |
C |
What 'C' is a raised road across wet ground? |
Causeway |
022 |
I |
What 'I' is to breathe in? |
Inhale |
023 |
N |
What 'N' comes before work, ball and price? |
Net |
024 |
O |
What 'O' is general condemnation or hatred? |
Odium |
025 |
F |
What 'F' was leader of the Third Reich? |
Fuhrer |
026 |
K |
What 'K' is the Labour Party's home affairs spokesman? |
Kaufman |
027 |
A |
What 'A' is a fever in sheep and cattle? |
Anthrax |
028 |
P |
What 'P' is an explosive sound, fizzy drink and type of song? |
Pop |
029 |
D |
What 'D' is submissive or easily managed? |
Docile |
030 |
J |
What 'J' is a major South African city? |
Johannesburg |
031 |
B |
What 'B' is a gambling game played on numbered cards? |
Bingo |
032 |
Q |
What 'Q' is a momentary misgiving? |
Qualm |
033 |
H |
What 'H' is a pick, a horse and mediocre writer? |
Hack |
034 |
L |
What 'L' is an attic? |
Loft |
035 |
S |
What 'S' is to give oneself up to another? |
Surrender |
036 |
R |
What 'R' is the glancing rebound of a projectile? |
Ricochet |
037 |
E |
What 'E' is a Dutch cheese? |
Edam |
038 |
M |
What 'M' is a building used for worship by Muslems? |
Mosque |
039 |
T |
What 'T' is a Malay word meaning master? |
Tuan |
040 |
U |
What 'U' is in harmony and accord? |
Unison / Unity |
041 |
G |
What 'G' comes before scope, plane and tiller? |
Gyro |
042 |
Y |
What 'Y' is a carbon bear? |
Yogi |
043 |
A |
What 'A' is sprinkling - and slander? |
Aspersion |
044 |
T |
What 'T' were the emperors of Russia? |
Tzars |
045 |
V |
What 'V' is a magazine and temporary fashion? |
Vogue |
046 |
S |
What 'S' is an excessive amount of something? |
Surfeit |
047 |
U |
What 'U' is an Australian term for apartment? |
Unit |
048 |
B |
What 'B' is to divide into two equal parts? |
Bisect |
049 |
E |
What 'E' is the real or intrinsic nature of something? |
Essence |
050 |
N |
What 'N' is the opposite of always? |
Never |
051 |
I |
What 'I' is a lodging house for travellers? |
Inn |
052 |
L |
What 'L' comes before smith, jaw and nut? |
Lock |
053 |
P |
What 'P' is a type of plastic used on foams and moulded products? |
Polystyrene |
054 |
O |
What 'O' is a wine cask, fencing position and musical intervals? |
Octave |
055 |
H |
What 'H' is bunkum or theatrical rubbish? |
Hockum |
056 |
F |
What 'F' is to grovel? |
Fawn |
057 |
D |
What 'D' is someone who sleeps on the street? |
Dosser |
058 |
M |
What 'M' is a particle of dust? |
Mote |
059 |
J |
What 'J' are timbers under floorboards? |
Joists |
060 |
R |
What 'R' are the eggs of a fish - and a deer? |
Roe |
061 |
C |
What 'C' is a natural chamber in the side (f a hill? |
Cave |
062 |
E |
What 'E' is to chose someone by rote? |
Elect |
063 |
I |
What 'I' means wandering? |
Itinerant |
064 |
N |
What 'N' is to take gentle or small bites? |
Nibble |
065 |
R |
What 'R' is the hardening of muscles that occurs after death? |
Rigormortis |
066 |
W |
What 'W' comes before cord, hand and lath? |
Whip |
067 |
D |
What 'D' is an identifying label or receipt" |
Docket |
068 |
K |
What 'K' was a largely prewar US songwrter? |
Kern |
069 |
B |
What 'B' is that part of the world in whicI life exists? |
Biosphere |
070 |
V |
What 'V' is a credit card and entry permit' |
Visa |
071 |
F |
What 'F' is the belief that all events are predetermined? |
Fatalism |
072 |
T |
What 'T' is a touchdown - and an attempg |
Try |
073 |
S |
What 'S' is an Australian river and a bird? |
Swan |
074 |
Y |
What 'Y' is a volunteer cavalry force raised from countrymen? |
Yeomanry |
075 |
L |
What 'L' is a weaving machine? |
Loom |
076 |
G |
What 'G' is a chart expressing a relation between variables? |
Graph |
077 |
P |
What 'P' is a large steak? |
Potterhouse |
078 |
U |
What 'U' is uncivilised, awkward or unculured? |
Uncouth |
079 |
J |
What 'J' is to move with a jerk? |
Jolt |
080 |
A |
What 'A' is the science of construction? |
Architecture |
081 |
F |
What 'F' is an outburst of indignation or fury? |
Furore |
082 |
O |
What 'O' is a smell? |
Odour |
083 |
K |
What 'K' is the only truly oceanic gull? |
Kittiwake |
084 |
R |
What 'R' is a mass for the dead? |
Requiem |
085 |
T |
What 'T' is a card that temporarily outranks another? |
Trump |
086 |
A |
What 'A' is an orange-coloured fruit allied to the plum? |
Apricot |
087 |
E |
What 'E' is the joint between the fore and upper arm? |
Elbow |
088 |
B |
What 'B' means to camp overnight without tents? |
Bivouac |
089 |
P |
What 'P' is the flower opium comes from? |
Poppy |
090 |
D |
What 'D' is a basin with flood gates and a popular weed? |
Dock |
091 |
N |
What 'N' is petty or persistently annoying? |
Niggling |
092 |
J |
What 'J' is a very large lorry? |
Juggernaut |
093 |
S |
What 'S' is a conference of top-level politicians? |
Summit |
094 |
H |
What 'H' is consecrated, sacred or spiritually perfect? |
Holy |
095 |
U |
What 'U' is a heavy radioactive element? |
Uranium |
096 |
G |
What 'G' is taking place by degrees? |
Gradual |
097 |
M |
What 'M' is a light round bun usually served hot? |
Muffin |
098 |
W |
What 'W' is to make feeble frightened sounds? |
Whimper |
099 |
C |
What 'C' are mounted troops? |
Cavalry |
100 |
L |
What 'L' is a large, clawed, marine crustacean? |
Lobster |
101 |
M |
What 'M' is the speed of sound? |
Mach |
102 |
O |
What 'O' is to hurt someone's feelings? |
Offend |
103 |
K |
What 'K' is a small knot? |
Knobble |
104 |
D |
What 'D' is an actress whose first name rhymes with her last? |
Dunaway |
105 |
J |
What 'J' is a caretaker? |
Janitor |
106 |
P |
What 'P' is a bucket? |
Pail |
107 |
H |
What 'H' comes before dog, over and gliding? |
Hang |
108 |
W |
What 'W' is the chemical symbol of tungsten? |
W |
109 |
F |
What 'F' is a tailless amphibian? |
Frog |
110 |
B |
What 'B' is a structure and a card game? |
Bridge |
111 |
L |
What 'L' is a race of northern Scandinavians? |
Lapp |
112 |
S |
What 'S' is A Selina That Was presenter of The Clothes Show? |
Scott |
113 |
T |
What 'T' is a soft felt hat? |
Trilby |
114 |
R |
What 'R' is dietary fibre? |
Roughage |
115 |
C |
What 'C' is the area between Cheltenham and Burford? |
Cotswolds |
116 |
E |
What 'E' is something with a self-contained existence? |
Entity |
117 |
A |
What 'A' is a large silky-haired dog? |
Afghan |
118 |
V |
What 'V' is vigour — and a household cleaner? |
Vim |
119 |
G |
What 'G' was leader of the Liberal party? |
Grimond |
120 |
N |
What 'N' is dextrous or quick? |
Nimble |
121 |
C |
What 'C' are Nicaraguan freedom fighters? |
Contras |
122 |
I |
What 'I' means inside, inland or internal? |
Interior |
123 |
N |
What 'N' is a tiny parasitic insect? |
Nit |
124 |
O |
What 'O' is a four-sided monument with a pointed top? |
Obelisk |
125 |
F |
What 'F' is a cartoon basset hound? |
Fred |
126 |
K |
What 'K' is a type of cabbage? |
Kale |
127 |
A |
What 'A' are the 'building blocks' of matter? |
Atoms |
128 |
P |
What 'P' is an oriental sacred building? |
Pagoda |
129 |
D |
What 'D' is slang for money? |
Dough |
130 |
J |
What 'J' was son of Mary, Queen of Scots? |
James |
131 |
B |
What 'B' is a decoration — and a weapon? |
Bow |
132 |
Q |
What 'Q' is a migratory game bird? |
Quail |
133 |
H |
What 'H' is capital of Zimbabwe? |
Harare |
134 |
L |
What 'L' is a patterned openwork fabric? |
Lace |
135 |
S |
What 'S' comes before girl, boat and down? |
Show |
136 |
R |
What 'R' is a local property tax? |
Rate |
137 |
E |
What 'E' is to pronounce or articulate? |
Enunciate |
138 |
M |
What 'M' is a medicine? |
Medicament |
139 |
T |
What 'T' is a rubbish dump — and inside information? |
Tip |
140 |
U |
What 'U' is the last? |
Ultimate |
141 |
G |
What 'G' is a Paris-based fashion designer? |
Givenchy |
142 |
Z |
What 'Z' is the highest point? |
Zenith |
143 |
A |
What 'A' was the bird killed by the Ancient Mariner? |
Albatross |
144 |
T |
What 'T' is a chemical symbol — and thank you? |
Ta |
145 |
V |
What 'V' is capital of Laos? |
Vientiane |
146 |
S |
What 'S' means making a show of holiness? |
Sanctimonious |
147 |
U |
What 'U' is unknown, not classified? |
Unidentified |
148 |
B |
What 'B' is a card game played with three cards? |
Brag |
149 |
E |
What 'E' is another room built onto a house? |
Extension |
150 |
N |
What 'N' is sexless? |
Neuter |
151 |
I |
What 'I' is a north-western US mountain state? |
Idaho |
152 |
L |
What 'L' is part of the body on each side of the spine? |
Loin |
153 |
P |
What 'P' is a black leopard? |
Panther |
154 |
O |
What 'O' is drama set to music? |
Opera |
155 |
H |
What 'H' comes before fever, stack and wire? |
Hay |
156 |
F |
What 'F' was the last king of Iraq? |
Faisal |
157 |
D |
What 'D' is a bout of sensual indulgence? |
Debauch |
158 |
M |
What 'M' is a property-based board game? |
Monopoly |
159 |
J |
What 'I' was the Roman god of beginnings? |
Janus |
160 |
R |
What 'R' is a man's name — and yes? |
Roger |
161 |
C |
What 'C' is a bearded Latin-American head of State? |
Castro |
162 |
E |
What 'E' is very large? |
Enormous |
163 |
I |
What 'I' is an apparatus for hatching eggs? |
Incubator |
164 |
N |
What 'N' is a mild form of mental disorder? |
Neurosis |
165 |
R |
What 'R' comes before roaring, tide and cord? |
Rip |
166 |
W |
What 'W' is a quiet chocolate bar? |
Wispa |
167 |
D |
What 'D' was a 20th century French composer? |
Debussy |
168 |
K |
What 'K' means glory or renown? |
Kudos |
169 |
B |
What 'B' is a cross between breakfast and lunch? |
Brunch |
170 |
V |
What 'V' is capital of Liechtenstein? |
Vaduz |
171 |
F |
What 'F' is a 'Page-3' girl turned singer? |
Fox |
172 |
T |
What 'T' is one motor vehicle that carries another? |
Transporter |
173 |
S |
What 'S' means on the left — or villainous looking? |
Sinister |
174 |
Y |
What 'Y' is also called 'sweet potato'? |
Yam |
175 |
L |
What 'L' is the dog that originated in Newfoundland? |
Labrador |
176 |
G |
What 'G' is writing on walls? |
Graffiti |
177 |
P |
What 'P' is a device used to stimulate the heart? |
Pacemaker |
178 |
U |
What 'U' is oneness? |
Unity |
179 |
J |
What 'J' is a kind of fragrant tea? |
Jasmine |
180 |
A |
What 'A' were a top rock group of the 1960s? |
Animals |
181 |
F |
What 'F' is comedy with a highly unlikely plot? |
Farce |
182 |
O |
What 'O' was an American lady sharpshooter? |
Oakley |
183 |
K |
What 'K' is a powerful electrical horn? |
Klaxon |
184 |
R |
What 'R' is a return of part of a payment? |
Rebate |
185 |
T |
What 'T' is the zodiacal bull? |
Taurus |
186 |
A |
What 'A' comes before beta, Romeo and bet? |
Alpha |
187 |
E |
What 'E' is a piece of land surrounded by foreign territory? |
Enclave |
188 |
B |
What 'B' is a US songwriter – and German city? |
Berlin |
189 |
P |
What 'P' is a phrase or word that reads the same backwards as forwards? |
Palindrome |
190 |
D |
What 'D' is a victim of deception? |
Dupe |
191 |
N |
What 'N' is the central pillar of a spiral stair? |
Newel |
192 |
J |
What 'J' is a noisy chattering bird? |
Jay |
193 |
S |
What 'S' is a ghost or haunting presentiment? |
Spectre |
194 |
H |
What 'H' is a chubby middle-aged TV comic? |
Hill |
195 |
U |
What 'U' is the country with Kampala as its capital? |
Uganda |
196 |
G |
What 'G' is giant-sized? |
Gigantic |
197 |
M |
What 'M' is to wrap up – or deaden a sound? |
Muffle |
198 |
W |
What 'W' is Cymru? |
Wales |
199 |
C |
What 'C' is a centre or interior? |
Core |
200 |
L |
What 'L' is to set a ship afloat? |
Launch |
201 |
M |
What 'M' means engaged in warfare? |
Militant |
202 |
O |
What 'O' is black volcanic glass? |
Obsidian |
203 |
K |
What 'K' provided Prince Andrew with a stark choice in girlfriends? |
Koo |
204 |
D |
What 'D' is a down-filled quilt? |
Duvet |
205 |
T |
What 'T' was swallowed by 'a great fish'? |
Jonah |
206 |
P |
What 'P' is a cheep — or a glance? |
Peep |
207 |
H |
What 'H' is the day before All Saints' Day? |
Halloween |
208 |
W |
What 'W' are flying insects where only the females sting? |
Wasps |
209 |
F |
What 'F' is a military stronghold? |
Fortress |
210 |
B |
What 'B' is generosity — and a chocolate bar? |
Bounty |
211 |
L |
What 'L' comes before shot, division and hand? |
Long |
212 |
S |
What 'S' is someone who works on high structures? |
Steeplejack |
213 |
T |
What 'T' had a number one hit single with 'I think we're alone now'? |
Tiffany |
214 |
R |
What 'R' is a plant — and a hurry? |
Rush |
215 |
C |
What 'C' is a branch of the U S government? |
Congress |
216 |
E |
What 'E' is a disease that causes abnormal physical enlargement? |
Elephantiasis |
217 |
A |
What 'A' is a positive answer? |
Affirmative |
218 |
V |
What 'V' is an arched ceiling over a room? |
Vault |
219 |
G |
What 'G' is a type of Ford — and a T V company? |
Grenada |
220 |
N |
What 'N' is inquisitive or prying? |
Nosy |
221 |
C |
What 'C' produces the world's best cigars? |
Cuba |
222 |
I |
What 'I' is dyspepsia? |
Indigestion |
223 |
N |
What 'N' is considered the greatest-ever golfer? |
Nicklaus |
224 |
O |
What 'O' is a unit of electrical resistance? |
Ohm |
225 |
F |
What 'F' is a long-winged bird of prey? |
Falcon |
226 |
K |
What 'K' is a prickly plant — and Hindu goddess? |
Kali |
227 |
A |
What 'A' is mistreatment? |
Abuse |
228 |
P |
What 'P' has Islamabad as its capital? |
Pakistan |
229 |
D |
What 'D' is a plane figure with ten sides? |
decagon |
230 |
J |
What 'J' is a drug addict? |
Junky |
231 |
B |
What 'B' is a game played with five dice? |
Backgammon |
232 |
Q |
What 'Q' is a padded bed cover? |
Quilt |
233 |
H |
What 'H' is a solid form of precipitation? |
Hail |
234 |
L |
What 'I' is a defensive circle of wagons that sounds like a drink? |
Laager |
235 |
S |
What 'S' is a newscaster on Channel 4? |
Sissons |
236 |
R |
What 'R' comes before coat, fall and water? |
Rain |
237 |
E |
What 'E' is a predatory bird of the hawk family? |
Eagle |
238 |
M |
What 'M' is a destructive growth of fungi on plants? |
Mildew |
239 |
T |
What 'T' is to throw up in the air? |
Toss |
240 |
U |
What 'U' is someone who shows people to their seats? |
Usher |
241 |
G |
What 'G' is a county capital with a 12th century cathedral? |
Gloucester |
242 |
Z |
What 'Z' is keenness? |
Zeal |
243 |
A |
What 'A' was a film dancer? |
Astaire |
244 |
T |
What 'T' is an incitement to sin? |
Temptation |
245 |
V |
What 'V' was the first craft to land on Mars? |
Viking |
246 |
S |
What 'S' is to drool? |
Slobber / Salivate |
247 |
U |
What 'U' is your father's brother? |
Uncle |
248 |
B |
What 'B' is a thin soup? |
Broth / Bouillon |
249 |
E |
What 'E' was supposedly mankind's first home? |
Eden |
250 |
N |
What 'N' is of the nose? |
Nasal |
251 |
I |
What 'I' is a wild mountain goat? |
Ibex |
252 |
L |
What `L' comes before intensive, day and exchange? |
Labour |
253 |
P |
What 'P' is a metallic element — and a London theatre? |
Palladium |
254 |
O |
What 'O' is six balls? |
Over |
255 |
H |
What 'H' was the world of the dead in Greek mythology? |
Hades |
256 |
F |
What 'F' is a car's dashboard? |
Fascia |
257 |
D |
What 'D' means of the Netherlands? |
Dutch |
258 |
M |
What 'M' is an ex-Wham' solo singer? |
Michael |
259 |
T |
What 'T' is a worn-out old car? |
Jalopy |
260 |
R |
What 'R' is a type of bird — and a horizontal bar? |
Rail |
261 |
C |
What 'C' had a number one hit single with "Heaven is a Place on Earth"? |
Carlisle |
262 |
E |
What 'E' is a state of balance? |
Equilibrium |
263 |
I |
What 'I' comes before file, ink and giver? |
Indian |
264 |
N |
What 'N' is a garment worn over a nightdress? |
Negligee / Nightgown |
265 |
R |
What 'R' is a mammal of the family Leporidae? |
Rabbit |
266 |
W |
What 'W' is tricky or cunning? |
Wily |
267 |
D |
What 'D' was Mussolini? |
Duce |
268 |
K |
What 'K' is a midwestern U S state? |
Kansas |
269 |
B |
What 'B' is a booze-up? |
Binge |
270 |
V |
What 'V' were communist insurgents in South Vietnam? |
Vietcong |
271 |
F |
What 'F' means the scientific investigation of crime? |
Forensic |
272 |
T |
What 'T' was Mrs Richard Burton? |
Taylor |
273 |
S |
What 'S' is a concerted refusal to work? |
Strike |
274 |
Y |
What 'Y' is a kind of humped grunting ox? |
Yak |
275 |
L |
What 'L' is to tear or cause a sharp pain to? |
Lacerate |
276 |
G |
What 'G' is still spoken on the Isle of Man? |
Gaelic |
277 |
P |
What 'P' is a device to slow down a falling body? |
Parachute |
278 |
U |
What 'U' comes after Dutch — and before Tom's Cabin? |
Uncle |
279 |
J |
What 'J' was discovered by Columbus in 1494? |
Jamaica |
280 |
A |
What 'A' is a designer of buildings? |
Architect |
281 |
F |
What 'F' is a portable personal organiser? |
Filofax |
282 |
O |
What 'O' was a multi-millionaire Greek shipowner? |
Onassis |
283 |
K |
What 'K' is a huge desert in South-West Africa? |
Kalahari |
284 |
R |
What 'R' is the 'T V Network Chart Show'? |
Roxy |
285 |
T |
What 'T' is honest? |
Truthful |
286 |
A |
What 'A' means to go faster? |
Accelerate |
287 |
E |
What 'E' is a community of plants and animals? |
Ecosystem |
288 |
B |
What 'B' is a kind of drum? |
Bongo |
289 |
P |
What `P' was the first golfer to win four masters titles? |
Palmer |
290 |
D |
What 'D' is a naval college? |
Dartmouth |
291 |
N |
What 'N' comes before cap, club and mare? |
Night |
292 |
J |
What 'J' is the juncture between two bones? |
Joint |
293 |
S |
What 'S' is a grass-like marsh plant? |
Sedge |
294 |
H |
What 'H' is Canada's main eastern port? |
Halifax |
295 |
U |
What 'U' is the chemical symbol of uranium? |
U |
296 |
G |
What 'G' is an English actor — and an Irish drink? |
Guinness |
297 |
M |
What 'M' is a wooden hammer? |
Mallet |
298 |
W |
What 'W' is a young pup or cub? |
Whip |
299 |
C |
What 'C' is a detachable ticket that entitles you to something? |
Coupon |
300 |
L |
What 'L' is a lariat? |
Lasso |
301 |
M |
What 'M' was the Scottish king who died in 1057? |
Macbeth |
302 |
O |
What 'O' is the scientific study of light? |
Optics |
303 |
K |
What 'K' is one of the world's largest dams? |
Kariba |
304 |
D |
What 'D' comes before dock, cleaning and rot? |
Dry |
305 |
J |
What 'J' is a British Oscar-winning actress? |
Jackson |
306 |
P |
What 'P' is to inflict a punishment? |
Penalise |
307 |
H |
What 'H' is a hawk – and a jet fighter? |
Harrier |
308 |
W |
What 'W' was Red-Indian money? |
Wampum |
309 |
F |
What 'F' do criminals call the police? |
Fuzz / Filth |
310 |
B |
What 'B' is a white rum? |
Bacardi |
311 |
L |
What 'L' is the M P who led the G L C? |
Livingstone |
312 |
S |
What 'S' is the crazy habit of inhaling noxious fumes? |
Smoking |
313 |
T |
What 'T' is an ant-like, wood-eating insect? |
Termite |
314 |
R |
What 'R' is played on a table with a revolving wheel? |
Roulette |
315 |
C |
What 'C' is a potato chip? |
Crisp |
316 |
E |
What 'E' was the biblical father of Methuselah? |
Enoch |
317 |
A |
What 'A' are thousands of small planets? |
Asteroids |
318 |
V |
What 'V' is a detached suburban house? |
Villa |
319 |
G |
What 'G' is the strap that fastens a saddle? |
Girth |
320 |
N |
What 'N' is a pinch – and a small measure of drink? |
Nip |
321 |
C |
What 'C' is an Oxford college? |
Christchurch |
322 |
I |
What 'I' is a politically unaffiliated M P? |
Independent |
323 |
N |
What 'N' is to perceive or become aware of? |
Notice |
324 |
O |
What 'O' became Ugandan president after Idi Amin? |
Obote |
325 |
F |
What 'F' is a field deliberately left uncultivated? |
Fallow |
326 |
K |
What 'K' is a county – and Superman? |
Kent |
327 |
A |
What 'A' is French for love? |
Amour |
328 |
P |
What 'P' is to trim your nails? |
Pare |
329 |
D |
What 'D' comes before pan, man and jacket? |
Dust |
330 |
J |
What 'J' was the third president of the USA? |
Jefferson |
331 |
B |
What 'B' is a disease of cattle and sheep? |
Brucellosis |
332 |
Q |
What 'Q' are thought to be the most distant objects in the universe? |
Quasars |
333 |
H |
What 'H' is a small tree with edible nuts? |
Hazel |
334 |
L |
What 'L' is a circuit of a race track? |
Lap |
335 |
S |
What 'S' is an act of offering to God? |
Sacrifice |
336 |
R |
What 'R' is the actor who plays Superman? |
Reeve |
337 |
E |
What 'E' are measured on the Richter scale? |
Earthquakes |
338 |
M |
What 'M' comes before gun – and after sewing? |
Machine |
339 |
T |
What 'T' is England's major Rugby venue? |
Twickenham |
340 |
U |
What 'U' is a black spiny sea-creature? |
Urchin |
341 |
G |
What 'G' was a number one hit single for Clive Dunn? |
Grandad |
342 |
Z |
What 'Z' is far-out humour? |
Zany |
343 |
A |
What 'A' is a mental state? |
Attitude |
344 |
T |
What 'T' was a titled ape-man? |
Tarzan |
345 |
V |
What 'V' was a 17th century Flemish painter? |
Vandyke |
346 |
S |
What 'S' is an outward sign of something sacred? |
Sacrament |
347 |
U |
What 'U' is a brand of glue? |
Uhu |
348 |
B |
What 'B' was married to Humphrey Bogart? |
Bacall |
349 |
E |
What 'E' has Quito as its capital? |
Ecuador |
350 |
N |
What 'N' is to burrow the nose against? |
Nuzzle |
351 |
T |
What 'T' was a Persian scandal of the Reagan presidency? |
Irangate |
352 |
L |
What 'L' is milky acid? |
Lactic |
353 |
P |
What 'P' are the grassy plains of southern South America? |
Pampas |
354 |
O |
What 'O' is egg-shaped — and a cricket venue? |
Oval |
355 |
H |
What 'H' is a threadlike outgrowth from the skin? |
Hair |
356 |
F |
What 'F' is a jockey turned novelist? |
Francis |
357 |
D |
What 'D' is a Catholic public school? |
Downside |
358 |
M |
What 'M' is silent — and a mother? |
Mum |
359 |
J |
What 'J' comes before lines, black and propulsion? |
Jet |
360 |
R |
What 'R' is a board game where you have to conquer the world? |
Risk |
361 |
C |
What 'C' is a device for mixing air with petrol vapour? |
Carburettor |
362 |
E |
What 'E' was the first woman to fly the Atlantic? |
Earhart |
363 |
I |
What 'I' is a list of topics treated in a book? |
Index |
364 |
N |
What 'N' is the island at the mouth of the Gulf of St Lawrence? |
Newfoundland |
365 |
R |
What 'R' comes before Attenborough, Gere and Burton? |
Richard |
366 |
W |
What 'W' is a romantic dance in triple time? |
Waltz |
367 |
D |
What 'D' is a spotted dog? |
Dalmatian |
368 |
K |
What 'K' was a comic genius of silent films? |
Keaton |
369 |
B |
What 'B' is to perplex? |
Baffle |
370 |
V |
What 'V' are abnormally twisted or dilated veins? |
Variscose |
371 |
F |
What 'F' is a lasting hostility between families? |
Feud |
372 |
T |
What 'T' had a triple platinum LP with 'Bridge of Sighs'? |
T'Pau |
373 |
S |
What 'S' comes before glass, match and pin? |
Safety |
374 |
Y |
What 'Y' was the wood used for longbows? |
Yew |
375 |
L |
What 'L' was the English poet who died in 1985? |
Larkin |
376 |
G |
What 'G' is the dental protection used by boxers? |
Gumshield |
377 |
P |
What 'P' is the capital of Panama? |
Panama |
378 |
U |
What 'U' means except on the condition that? |
Unless |
379 |
T |
What 'T' is someone who supposedly brings bad luck? |
Jinx / Jonah |
380 |
A |
What 'A' is an exit from a submarine? |
Airlock |
381 |
F |
What 'F' is the conductor inside a light bulb? |
Filament |
382 |
O |
What 'O' killed his father, married his mother and gave his name to a complex? |
Oedipus |
383 |
K |
What 'K' was the 1950-1953 war? |
Korean |
384 |
R |
What 'R' comes before active, wave and telescope? |
Radio |
385 |
T |
What 'T' is an exclusively British breed of dog? |
Terrier |
386 |
A |
What 'A' is an undertaking involving danger or excitement? |
Adventure |
387 |
E |
What 'E' is a major Christian feast? |
Easter |
388 |
B |
What 'B' starred in God Created Woman? |
Bardot |
389 |
P |
What 'P' is a thin flat sheet of compacted vegetable fibre? |
Paper |
390 |
D |
What 'D' is a house? |
Dwelling |
391 |
N |
What 'N' was an English regency architect? |
Nash |
392 |
J |
What 'T' comes after steeple — and before pot? |
Jack |
393 |
S |
What 'S' is the state capital of California? |
Sacramento |
394 |
H |
What 'H' is murder? |
Homicide |
395 |
U |
What 'U' is a soft substance used as ointment? |
Unguent |
396 |
G |
What 'G' is a booby? |
Gannet |
397 |
M |
What 'M' is to engage in deep reflection? |
Meditate |
398 |
W |
What 'W' is an influential Polish electrician? |
Walesa |
399 |
C |
What 'C' was a long-running T V soap? |
Crossroads |
400 |
L |
What 'L' is loose, slack or negligent? |
Lax |
401 |
M |
What 'M' is a diminutive British film star? |
Moore |
402 |
O |
What 'O' is a musical term which originally meant obligatory? |
Obligato |
403 |
K |
What 'K' is a Russian citadel within a city? |
Kremlin |
404 |
D |
What 'D' is a flat-nosed bullet? |
Dumdum |
405 |
J |
What 'J' is a hardy ornamental shrub of the rose family? |
Japonica |
406 |
P |
What 'P' is an anorak? |
Parka |
407 |
H |
What 'H' is a largely black section of New York City? |
Harlem |
408 |
W |
What 'W' is a T V chat show host? |
Wogan |
409 |
F |
What 'F' is vapour suspended in the air? |
Fog |
410 |
B |
What 'B' comes before rest — and after full? |
Back |
411 |
L |
What 'L' is a surgical knife and medical magazine? |
Lancet |
412 |
S |
What 'S' is a bestselling romantic novelist? |
Steele |
413 |
T |
What 'T' is wood prepared for building? |
Timber |
414 |
R |
What 'R' is capital of Burma? |
Rangoon |
415 |
C |
What 'C' comes before feed, pox and hearted? |
Chicken |
416 |
E |
What 'E' is the 21st book of the Old Testament? |
Ecclesiastes |
417 |
A |
What 'A' is suffocation? |
Asphyxiation |
418 |
V |
What 'V' is worthless, depraved, shameful or abject? |
Vile |
419 |
G |
What 'G' is a top ladies tennis player? |
Graf |
420 |
N |
What 'N' is a thickhead? |
Numbskull |
421 |
C |
What 'C' is a bearded Scottish comic? |
Connolly |
422 |
I |
What 'I' comes before evidence, combustion and revenue? |
Internal |
423 |
N |
What 'N' is the eighth planet from the sun? |
Neptune |
424 |
O |
What 'O' the city port is named after? |
Oporto |
425 |
F |
What 'F' are flowers – and a margarine? |
Flora |
426 |
K |
What 'K' is to work flour into dough? |
Knead |
427 |
A |
What 'A' was the girl created by Lewis Carroll? |
Alice |
428 |
P |
What 'P' is animal skin used to write on? |
Parchment |
429 |
D |
What 'D' was a French fashion designer? |
Dior |
430 |
T |
What 'T' is a densely populated Indonesian island? |
Java |
431 |
B |
What 'B' is a Latin-American dance? |
Bosanova |
432 |
Q |
What 'Q' is isolation imposed on the sick? |
Quarentine |
433 |
H |
What 'H' is capital of Vietnam? |
Hanoi |
434 |
I |
What 'I' is a plover or pee-wit? |
Lapwing |
435 |
S |
What 'S' comes after table – and before petre and pan? |
Salt |
436 |
R |
What 'R' is a type of tyre? |
Radial |
437 |
E |
What 'E' was a U S lawman and gunfighter? |
Earp |
438 |
M |
What 'M' comes before purpose, millionaire and racial? |
Multi |
439 |
T |
What 'T' is a customs duty on imported goods? |
Tariff |
440 |
U |
What 'U' is pressing, or calling for immediate action? |
Urgent |
441 |
G |
What 'G' is an Irish charity worker? |
Geldof |
442 |
Z |
What 'Z' is a type of clothes fastener? |
Zip |
443 |
A |
What 'A' was an historic Spanish fleet? |
Armada |
444 |
T |
What 'T' is a London art gallery? |
Tate |
445 |
V |
What 'V' is an active Italian volcano? |
Vesuvius |
446 |
S |
What 'S' is a garment used to restrain someone? |
Straightjacket |
447 |
U |
What 'U' is complete? |
Utter |
448 |
B |
What 'B' is a fat fictitious schoolboy? |
Bunter |
449 |
E |
What 'E' is 'energy for life'? |
Electricity |
450 |
N |
What 'N' is the desert that forms more than half of Israel? |
Negev / Negeb |
451 |
I |
What 'I' means unbiased? |
Impartial |
452 |
L |
What 'L' is to insulate a pipe or roof? |
Lag |
453 |
P |
What 'P' has AsunciOn as its capital? |
Paraguay |
454 |
O |
What 'O' is petrol rated in numerically? |
Octane |
455 |
H |
What 'H' comes before dew, suckle and bun? |
Honey |
456 |
F |
What 'F' is a British hotelier? |
Forte |
457 |
D |
What 'D' is a tube that carries glandular fluid? |
Duct |
458 |
M |
What 'M' is over-sentimental, tearful? |
Maudlin |
459 |
J |
What 'J' comes before Carlos and after Don? |
Juan |
460 |
R |
What 'R' is a red fruit — and a rude sound? |
Raspberry |
461 |
C |
What 'C' is a protective line or ring? |
Cordon |
462 |
E |
What 'E' was the mountain nymph who loved Narcissus? |
Echo |
463 |
I |
What 'I' comes before hockey, cream and berg? |
Ice |
464 |
N |
What 'N' was a member of the National Socialist German Workers' Party? |
Nazi |
465 |
R |
What 'R' is a rodent with a pointed muzzle and a scaly tail? |
Rat |
466 |
W |
What 'W' is a kind of quality carpet? |
Wilton |
467 |
D |
What 'D' is a U S folk singer? |
Dylan |
468 |
K |
What 'K' is an ability to do something easily? |
Knack |
469 |
B |
What 'B' is a conductor's wand? |
Baton |
470 |
V |
What 'V' was the royal line that ruled France for 261 years? |
Valois |
471 |
F |
What 'F' is Suomi? |
Finland |
472 |
T |
What 'T' is the infliction of pain as a means of persuasion? |
Torture |
473 |
S |
What 'S' is the world's largest desert? |
Sahara |
474 |
Y |
What 'Y' is spun thread — and a tall tale? |
Yarn |
475 |
L |
What 'L' is a slow and broad musical movement? |
Largo |
476 |
G |
What 'G' starred in Gone with the Wind? |
Gable |
477 |
P |
What 'P' is a large enclosed piece of ground? |
Park |
478 |
U |
What 'U' is the furthest or extreme? |
Utmost |
479 |
J |
What 'J' comes before fish, bean and roll? |
Jelly |
480 |
A |
What 'A' is capital of Turkey? |
Ankara |
481 |
F |
What 'F' is a brief allegorical narrative? |
Fanle |
482 |
O |
What 'O' was the first actor to be made a life peer? |
Olivier |
483 |
K |
What 'K' are foods which comply with Jewish law? |
Kosher |
484 |
R |
What 'R' was the French composer of 'Bolero" |
Ravel |
485 |
T |
What 'T' are tartan trousers? |
Trews |
486 |
A |
What 'A' ccmes before eater, elope and hill? |
Ant |
487 |
E |
What 'E' is a type of heron? |
Egret |
488 |
B |
What 'B' is a miniature Japanese tree? |
Bosai |
489 |
P |
What 'P' is a disease characterised by trembling hands? |
Parkinson's |
490 |
D |
What 'D' is a kitchen sideboard? |
Dresser |
491 |
N |
What 'N' is the largest tribe of Red Indians in the USA? |
Navaho |
492 |
J |
What 'J' is a river and a middle-eastern kingdon? |
Jordan |
493 |
S |
What 'S' is a plant of the Iris family that produces a yellow colouring? |
Saffron |
494 |
H |
What 'H' was Nelson's mistress? |
Hamilton |
495 |
U |
What 'U' is an absolutely fixed demand? |
Ultimatum |
496 |
G |
What 'G' is the plant that wards off vampires? |
Garlic |
497 |
M |
What 'M' is a major Canadian university? |
McGill |
498 |
W |
What 'W' is a tusked marine mammal? |
Walrus |
499 |
C |
What 'C' is a disorder of the liver? |
Cirrhosis |
500 |
L |
What 'L' is a large spoon with a long handle? |
Ladle |