Blockbusters 12 - (Submitted By Yoda)
    Question Answer
001 M What 'M' is pie topping made from egg whites? Meringue
002 O What 'O' is someone the wrong side of a rugby ball? Offside
003 K What 'K' is a New Zealander? Kiwi
004 D What 'D' is a triangle-shaped Greek letter? Delta
005 J What 'J' was the star of the first talking film? Jolson
006 P What 'P' is anarchic rock music? Punk
007 H What 'H' is a cigar and a city? Havana
008 W What 'W' is a poetic word for anger? wrath
009 F What 'F' is a setter's tail? Flag
010 B What 'B' is to decapitate? Behead
011 L What 'V was a Hungarian pianist and composer? Liszt
012 S What 'S' is leather with a napped surface? Suede
013 T What 'T' comes before tone, step and time? Two
014 R What 'R' is a tedious routine? Rut
015 C What 'C' is the 'Windy City'? Chicago
016 E What 'E' is the manner in which you speak? Elocution
017 A What 'A' is a rocket and a god? Apollo
018 V What 'V' is a long, open porch? Verandha
019 G What 'G' is the degree a road slopes? Gradient
020 N What 'N' was an arc-builder? Noah
021 C What 'C' is 'The Garden of England'? Cheltenham
022 I What 'I' is slightly ill? Indiposed
023 N What 'N' is a small metal spike? Nail
024 O What 'O' is a dish made of eggs? Omelette
025 F What 'F' comes before pipe, tank and pump - or can be eaten? Feed
026 K What 'K' is West German chancellor? Kohl
027 A What 'A' is a flowering shrub plant? Azalea
028 P What 'P' is a specialist in child medicine? Paediatrician
029 D What 'D' is a rheostat light switch? Dimmer
030 J What 'J' was the god of beginnings? Janus
031 B What 'B' is the thicker end of anything? Butt
032 Q What 'Q' is an idiosyncracy? Quirk
033 H What 'H' are ladies' tights and stockings? Hosiery
034 L What 'L' is a Scottish lake? Loch
035 S What 'S' is a device used to inject fluid? Syringe
036 R What 'R' is the 'Eternal City'? Rome
037 E What 'E' is an obsolete measure of forty-five inches? Ell
038 M What 'M' is a sauce eaten with lamb? Mint
039 T What 'T' is a woman's skirt trail - and a locomotive? Train
040 U What 'U' is a capacity for understanding? Uptake
041 G What 'G' is a ravine (with a gold deposit)? Gilch
042 Y What 'Y' is 0.9144 of a metre? Yard
043 A What 'A' is the French singer of 'She'? Aznavour
044 T What 'T' is a froglike amphibian? Toad
045 V What 'V' is a wine-based, herb-flavoured drink? Vermouth
046 S What 'S' is a country bordering Lebanon? Syria
047 U What 'U' comes before state, done and age? Under
048 B What 'B' is a small tool for hole-making? Bradawl
049 E What 'E' is an ambassador's residence? Embassy
050 N What 'N' is to catch or apprehend? Nab / Nick
051 I What 'I' is the Oxford University magazine? Isis
052 L What 'L' was 1987 world darts champion? Lowe
053 P What 'P' is a duck dish and a city? Peking
054 O What 'O' is a cinematic award? Oscar
055 H What 'H' is a polite way of saying 'Hell!' Heck
056 F What 'F' means frantically angry? Furious
057 D What 'D' is the two at dice - and forty-all at tennis? Deuce
058 M What 'M' is a derogatory term for a small dog? Mutt
059 J What 'J' is the tool used to lift a car? Jack
060 R What 'R' was syncopated piano music? Ragtime
061 C What 'C' was the star of the western High Noon? Cooper
062 E What 'E' is part of an atom? Electron
063 I What 'I' is burnt at religious ceremonies? Incense
064 N What 'N' is an island and province of Canada? Newfoundland
065 R What 'R' is the traditional Sunday joint? Roast
066 W What 'W' is a Red Indian but made of skins? Wigwam
067 D What 'D' is a drill or stupid student? Dunce
068 K What 'K' comes before ring, word and hole? Key
069 B What 'B' is a monkey with a dog-like snout? Baboon
070 V What 'V' is a railway station - and a cross? Victoria
071 F What 'F' was the last dictator of Spain? Franco
072 T What 'T' is a traditional mender of pots and pans? Tinker
073 S What 'S' are a group of people who combine to do business? Syndicate
074 Y What 'Y' is a quick, sharp bark? Yap
075 L What 'L' is the fifth sign of the Zodiac? Leo
076 G What 'G' is pregnancy? Gestation
077 P What 'P' is the smallest South American republic? Panama
078 U What 'U' are representatives of workers' rights? Unions
079 J What 'J' was a ragtime composer and pianist? Joplin
080 A What 'A' is the imaginary line round which something rotates? Axis
081 F What 'F' was a female US jazz singer? Fitzgerald
082 O What 'O' is a method of photographic book reproduction? Offset
083 K What 'K' is a tailless arboreal Australian marsupial? Koala
084 R What 'R' comes before cast, shod and house? Rough
085 T What 'T' is a Spanish city famous for sword-making? Toledo
086 A What 'A' is a self-evident truth? Axiom
087 E What 'E' is Mayor of Carmel? Eastwood
088 B What 'B' is a platform projecting from a house? Balcony
089 P What 'P' is to supplicate the Almighty? Pray
090 D What 'D' is a 'wee person? Drip
091 N What 'N' comes before born, gate and market? New
092 J What 'J' is a large rally of boy scouts? Jamboree
093 S What 'S' is the outline of a story? Synopsis / Summary
094 H What 'H' means Henry? Harry
095 U What 'U' is a Manchester football team? United
096 G What 'G' is rough voiced or mannered? Gruff
097 M What 'M' were the original people of New Zealand? Maori
098 W What 'W' is a container for money? Wallet
099 C What 'C' is to gently entice or wheedle? Coax
100 L What 'I' are British Rail almost always? Late
101 M What 'M' was star of the film Paint Your Wagon? Marvin
102 O What 'O' are hops stored in? Oasthouse
103 K What 'K' is a type of cabbage with open curled leaves? Kale
104 D What 'D' means to toy amorously? Dally
105 J What 'J' is a disease that turns skin yellow? Jaundice
106 P What 'P' is the port of Athens? Piraeus
107 H What 'H' comes before Ford - and after Rex? Harrison
108 W What 'W' is a small kangaroo? Wallaby
109 F What 'F' is traditional music? Folk
110 B What 'B' is a Spanish golfer? Ballesteros
111 L What 'L' is rubbish and puppies born together? Litter
112 S What 'S' is water saturated with sugar? Syrup
113 T What 'T' is a native of Central Asia east of the Caspian? Tartar
114 R What 'R' is the sound of dry leaves? Rustle
115 C What 'C' is a poisonous hooded snake? Cobra
116 E What 'E' is to abscond with a lover? Elope
117 A What 'A' means for a short time? Awhile
118 V What 'V' is a solemn promise? Vow
119 G What 'G' is to dig in the ground? Grub
120 N What 'N' is one's lowest point? Nadir
121 C What 'C' comes after black, pea and wood? Cock
122 I What 'I' is a Spanish romantic ballad singer? Iglesias
123 N What 'N' is to steal - or arrest? Nick
124 O What 'O' is the noise of a pig? Oink
125 F What 'F' is fitness, condition or trim? Fettle
126 K What 'K' is a South African gold coin? Kruggerand
127 A What 'A' is flushed with, or washed by, waves? Awash
128 P What 'P' is a prickly rodent? Porcupine
129 D What 'D' is government by the people? Democracy
130 J What 'J' is an old Irish dance? Jig
131 B What 'B' means commonplace or trivial? Banal
132 Q What 'Q' was a 'swinging sixties' fashion designer? Quant
133 H What 'H' is a large piece or person? Hunk
134 L What 'L' is a country bordering Vietnam? Laos
135 S What 'S' is a formal ecclesiastical meeting? Synod
136 R What 'R' is someone who shows no pity or compassion? Ruthless
137 E What 'E' is to omit a vowel in pronounciation? Elide
138 M What 'M' is sheep meat? Mutton
139 T What 'T' is Australia's smallest state? Tasmania
140 U What 'U' is a sense of injury or offence? Umbrage
141 G What 'G' is Britain's third largest city? Glasgow
142 Y What 'Y' is a light pleasure vessel? Yacht
143 A What 'A' means uncle-like? Avuncular
144 T What 'T' is to twirl your thumb? Twiddle
145 V What 'V' is the sixth sign of the Zodiac? Virgo
146 S What 'S' is the TV personality who can fix it for you? Savile
147 U What 'U' is a persistent open sore? Ulcer
148 B What 'B' comes before gage, man and pipe? Bag
149 E What 'E' are atoms called when energised? Excited
150 N What 'N' is a British military canteen? Naafi
151 I What 'I' means beginning? Inception
152 L What `L' is Australian slang for hooligan? Larrikan
153 P What 'P' is a promenade concert? Prom
154 O What 'O' is extremely fat? Obese
155 H What 'H' was a UK defence minister who resigned? Heseltine
156 F What 'F' are surgical pincers? Forceps
157 D What 'D' is where milk is processed? Dairy
158 M What 'M' was the soul sound from Detroit? Motown
159 J What 'J' is a woman of stately beauty? Junoesque
160 R What 'R' is a crisp, rebaked piece of bread? Rusk
161 C What 'C' is a high fashion designer? Cardin
162 E What 'E' is the resister in an electric kettle? Element
163 I What 'I' is to bring upon oneself? Incur
164 N What 'N' is pile, a racing tip and a short sleep? Nap
165 R What 'R' comes before peck, grass and whisky? Rye
166 W What 'W' is headquarters of The Times newspaper group? Wapping
167 D What 'D' is someone who gives blood? Donor
168 K What 'K' is Barbie Doll's boyfriend? Ken
169 B What 'B' is a method of secret voting? Ballot
170 V What 'V' was Roman god of fire and metal-working? Vulcan
171 F What 'F' is a place where a river can be waded? Ford
172 T What 'T' is slang for someone silly? Twit
173 S What 'S' is cohabitation of different life-forms? Symbiosis
174 Y What 'Y' is a major Japanese sea-port? Yokohama
175 L What 'L' is to stagger? Lurch
176 G What 'G' is a moorland game bird? Grouse
177 P What 'P' is a case for keeping loose paper or drawings? Portfolio
178 U What 'U' is an ideally perfect place? Utopia
179 J What 'J' is a type of gold club? Jigger
180 A What 'A' is clumsy, bungling or embarrassing? Awkward
181 F What 'F' means of iron? Ferric / Ferrous
182 O What 'O' was the singer of 'Love Really Hurts'? Ocean
183 K What 'K' is an Eskimo canoe? Kayak
184 R What 'R' comes before hour and candle, and after gold? Rush
185 T What 'T' is called the 'roof of the world'? Tibet
186 A What 'A' is the first sign of the Zodiac? Aries
187 E What 'E' is a piece of live wood in a dying fire? Ember
188 B What 'B' comes before holiday, teller and note? Bank
189 P What 'P' comes before able, hole and folio? Port
190 D What 'D' means to do with the home? Domestic
191 N What 'N' is a housing for an aircraft engine? Nacelle
192 J What 'J' was a Roman poet and stoic? Juvenal
193 S What 'S' is a stick to flatten fizzy drinks? Swizzle
194 H What 'H' is dull or commonplace? Humdrum
195 U What 'U' is being out of work? Unemployed
196 G What 'G' is a stringed instrument played with the hands? Guitar
197 M What 'M' is something purely fictitious? Myth
198 W What 'W' is world heavyweight boxing champion? Weaver
199 C What 'C' is criminal or blameworthy? Culpable
200 L What 'L' is Australian slang for flashily dressed? Lairy
201 M What 'M' is to increase in number? Multiply
202 O What 'O' were a pop-singing family? Osmonds
203 K What 'K' is a fine cotton used as cushion filling? Kapok
204 D What 'D' is a northern English county? Derbyshire / Durham
205 J What 'J' is a wine bottle eight times normal size? Jeroboam
206 P What 'P' is the left hand side of a boat? Port
207 H What 'H' is meek and modest and rhymes with a bee? Humble
208 W What 'W' is a derogatory US name for illegal immigrants? Wetbacks
209 F What 'F' is a fat Shakespearean figure of fun? Falstaff
210 B What 'B' comes before side, hand and bone? Back
211 L What 'L' is a blood-like fluid without red corpuscles? Lymph
212 S What 'S' is artificial or man-made? Synthetic
213 T What 'T' is to walk heavily or laboriously? Trudge
214 R What 'R' is a poisonous Australian spider? Redback
215 C What 'C' is to ponder? Cogitate
216 E What 'E' is the ejection of an evil spirit? Exorcism
217 A What 'A' is a canvas roof? Awning
218 V What 'V' means fox-like? Vulpine
219 G What 'G' is a Libyan leader? Gaddafi
220 N What 'N' is someone who constantly scolds? Nag
221 B What 'B' is a city in North Central Italy, whose former name is Felsina? Bologna
222 L What 'L' is any agent used to counteract constipation? Laxative
223 C What 'C' is a system of winds, or a storm, that rotates inwards, around a center of low atmospheric pressure? Cyclone
224 H What 'H' is the leadership or dominance of one state over others? Hegemony
225 T What 'T' is a lake in the Andes on the Peru-Bolivia border? Titicaca
226 R What 'R' is a class of vertebrates containing about 6,000 species worldwide? Reptille
227 W What 'W' is a strand of metal, made by drawing a rod through progressively smaller holes in metal dies? Wire
228 X What 'X' is a gaseous nonmetallic element that is present in the Earth's atmosphere? Xenon
229 R What 'R' Released An Album In 2004 Entitled "Up All Night" Razorlight
230 C What 'C' Released An Album In 2006 Entitled "Parachutes" Coldplay
231 O What 'O' Released An Album In 2006 Entitled "Bright Idea" Orson
232 P What 'P' Is the Alter Ego Of The Singer With The Real Name "Alecia Moore" Pink
233 S What 'S' Is A Musician With The Real Name "Saul Hudson' Slash
234 E What 'E' Was the girlband that Louise redknapp was once a member Eternal
235 G What 'G' Consisted of Michael Bentine, Harry Secombe, Spike Milligan & Peter Sellers Goons
236 C What 'C' Was the church thaqt had the voice of an angel Charlotte
237 H What 'H' Is the surname of the singer with the real forenames "Alexander Nestor" Haddaway
238 S What 'S' was the surname of the first winner of the TV talent show "Fame Academy" Sneddon
239 K What 'K' Were the band who released their debut album entitled "Hopes & Fears" In 2004 Keane
240 C What 'C' Were evacuating the dancefloor in 2009 Cascada
241 G What 'G' is a South American cowboy? Gaucho
242 Y What 'Y' is over there? Yonder
243 A What 'A' is a wide, tree-lined street? Avenue
244 T What 'T' is a serious bacterium caused disease? Typhoid
245 V What 'V' is a wanderer or tramp? Vagabond
246 S What 'S' is a sweet made with wine and cream? Syllabub
247 U What 'U' means calling for immediate action? Urgent
248 B What 'B' was the Russian rival of Kruschev? Bulgarin
249 E What 'E' is to fraudulently appropriate money? Embezzle
250 N What 'N' is naked? Nude
251 I What 'I' is a distinct separate entity? Individual
252 L What 'L' is habitual enjoyment of costly things? Luxury
253 P What 'P' is a Spanish rice dish? Paella
254 O What 'O' is a shaft used to propel a boat? Oar
255 H What 'H' comes after deer, white and elephant? Hunter
256 F What 'F' is a species of thrush that winters in Britain? Fieldfare
257 D What 'D' are artificial teeth? Dentures
258 M What 'M' was the Reggae singer who died in 1981? Marley
259 J What 'J' is the sidepost of a doorway? Jamb
260 R What 'R' is India's monetary unit? Rupee
261 C What 'C' is to assemble or accumulate? Collect
262 E What 'E' was the star of Silver Dream Machine? Essex
263 I What 'I' is to sit on eggs? Incubate
264 N What 'N' is artless or unsophisticated? Naive
265 R What 'R' is to suspend someone from university? Rusticate
266 W What 'W' is a crease in the skin? Wrinkle
267 D What 'D' is a person appointed to act for another? Deputy
268 K What 'K' is an Eastern Inn, a prince and governor? Khan
269 B What 'B' is a lure for fish? Bait
270 V What 'V' means woundable? Vulnerable
271 F What 'F' is an enclosed apparatus for producing heat? Furnace
272 T What 'T' is a Moroccan free port? Tangier
273 S What 'S' comes before fish, stick and play? Sword
274 Y What 'Y' is a quick tug - and an American? Yank
275 L What 'L' is to put to death illegally by mob action? Lynch
276 G What 'G' was a Japanese movie monster? Godzilla
277 P What 'P' is an earthenware pot and domestic animal? Pig
278 U What 'U' is rising and falling in waves? Undulating
279 J What 'J' is to cast off a lover? Jilt
280 A What 'A' was the forbidden fruit? Apple
281 F What 'F' was Prime Minister of Australia? Fraser
282 O What 'O' is a four-sided pillar terminating in a pyramid? Obelisk
283 K What 'K' is a commotion? Kerfuffle
284 R What 'R' is a Jamaican sect? Rastafarian
285 T What 'T' is a violent hurricane? Typhoon
286 A What 'A' means to do with birds? Avian
287 E What 'E' is the festival of Christ's resurrection? Easter
288 B What 'B' is to uncover? Bare
289 P What 'P' is a universal cure for all ills? Panacea
290 D What 'D' is a hoist or framework over an oil well? Derrick
291 N What 'N' comes before front, debt and guard? National
292 J What 'I' is something said to make you laugh? Joke
293 S What 'S' is a long and complex orchestral sonata? Symphony
294 H What 'H' is emperor of Japan? Herohito
295 U What 'U' comes before hand, class and cut? Upper
296 G What 'G' is thin porridge or near-liquid food? Gruel
297 M What 'M' is dark and gloomy? Murky
298 W What 'W' is a red-brown, stoat-like animal? Weasel
299 C What 'C' is a kind of revolver? Colt
300 L What 'L' is Britain's number two port? Liverpool
301 M What 'M' is the nose and mouth of a dog? Muzzle
302 O What 'O' is a musical term for something not to be left out? Obligate
303 K What 'K' was leader of the USSR? Khrushchev
304 D What 'D' is numbered, or proceeding, by tens? Decimal
305 J What 'J' is someone supposed to bring bad luck? Jinx / Jonah
306 P What 'P' is an Italian city famous for ham and cheese? Parma
307 H What 'H' is a fence made to be jumped? Hurdle
308 W What 'W' are prevailing atmospheric conditions? Weather
309 F What 'F' comes before liquid, ring and tale? Fairy
310 B What 'B' is to belch? Burp
311 L What 'L' is the state secondary school in France? Lycee
312 S What 'S' are pigs? Swine
313 T What 'T' is a business magnate - and a Japanese Shogun? Tycoon
314 R What 'R' is the crossbar in a chair or ladder? Rung
315 C What 'C' is small, flat, Indian bread? Chupatty
316 E What 'E' is the opposite of introvert? Extrovert
317 A What 'A' means literally 'messenger'? Apostle
318 V What 'V' is a Swedish motor car? Volvo
319 G What 'G' is sea-bird excrement used as fertiliser? Guano
320 N What 'N' is the word by which something is known? Name
321 C What 'C' was the male star of Educating Rita? Caine
322 I What 'I' is a cast bar of gold or silver? Ingot
323 N What 'N' is a nursemaid? Nanny
324 O What 'O' is a notice of someone's death? Orbituary
325 F What 'F comes before teller, cookie and seeker? Fortune
326 K What 'K' is a viewing tube containing coloured glass? Kaleidoscope
327 A What 'A' is someone's signature? Autograph
328 P What `P' is an Iberian republic? Portugal
329 D What 'D' is to fail to meet an expectation? Dissapoint
330 J What 'J' is a member of the Hebrew people? Jew
331 B What 'B' is a curved club, racket stroke - and bow-legged? Bandy
332 Q What 'Q' is a migratory game bird? Quail
333 H What 'H' is a transport aircraft and mythical strongman? Hercules
334 L What 'L' is true or faithful? Loyal
335 S What 'S' is the sound of something cutting through air? Swish
336 R What 'R' is a brook or gutter? Runnel
337 E What 'E' is our outer layer of skin? Epidermis
338 M What 'M' is something inexplicable? Mystery
339 T What 'T is a bird and a country? Turkey
340 U What 'U' is to try to persuade? Urge
341 G What 'G' is an upward gushing hot spring? Geyser
342 Y What 'Y' is a form of German spoken by Jews? Yiddish
343 A What 'A' is a glass vessel for hypodermic injection? Ampoule
344 T What 'T' is the mountain near Cape Town? Table
345 V What 'V' is a drapery along the edge of a bed? Valance
346 S What 'S' comes before board, blade and man? Switch
347 U What 'U' was discovered by Herschel in 1781? Uranus
348 B What 'B' is a bargeman? Bargee
349 E What 'E' was a jazz pianist and bandleader? Ellington
350 N What 'N' is thickened petroleum used in incendiary bombs? Napalm
351 I What 'I' is inebriation? Intoxication
352 L What 'L' is the country with the world's largest merchant fleet? Liberia
353 P What 'P' is a scaly ant-eater? Pangolin
354 O What 'O' is a fertile place in a desert? Oasis
355 H What 'H' is the title of the Pope? Holiness
356 F What 'F' is a small shrill flute? Fife
357 D What 'D' is Australia's monetary unit? Dollar
358 M What 'M' is a genetic alteration? Mutation
359 J What 'J' was king of the gods? Jupiter
360 R What 'R' is to wrinkle or crumple? Rumple
361 C What 'C' was the fourth Labour Prime Minister? Callaghan
362 E What `E' comes before money, song and handed? Even
363 I What 'I' is an angular cut in an edge? Indentation
364 N What 'N' is the unaided eye? Naked
365 R What 'R' is an undersized animal in a litter? Runt
366 W What 'W' is a tennis venue? Wimbledon
367 D What 'D' is a nightspot to dance in? Disco
368 K What 'K' is the holy stone of Islam? Kaaba
369 B What 'B' is a brand of soft drink - and part of a castle's defence? Barbican
370 V What 'V' is a long (sea) journey? Voyage
371 F What 'F' was the inventor of the vertical fairground wheel? Ferris
372 T What 'T' is a plant with brilliant bell-shaped flowers? Tulip
373 S What 'S' is a Jewish place of worship? Synagogue
374 Y What 'Y' is the Christmas season? Yuletide
375 L What 'L' means growing profusely? Luxuriant
376 G What 'G' is the flesh in which teeth stand? Gums
377 P What `P' is to beat by a narrow margin? Pip
378 U What 'U' is a mischievous scruffy boy? Urchin
379 J What 'J' was late 19th century US black music? Jazz
380 A What 'A' is morbid self-admiration?
381 F What 'F' is a ball game played with the hands? Fives
382 O What 'O' is to constrain legally or morally? Obligate
383 K What 'K' is the German munitions dynasty? Krupp
384 R What 'R' is a cooked mixture of butter and flour? Roux
385 T What 'T is an island off south-east China? Taiwan
386 A What 'A' are all the things you own? Assets
387 E What 'E' was the Greek god of love? Eros
388 B What 'B' is a voracious West Indian fish? Barracuda
389 P What 'P' is the UK supreme legislature? Parliament
390 D What 'D' is a ship's crane? Davit
391 N What 'N' comes before line, tie and lace? Neck
392 J What 'J' is a young kangaroo? Joey
393 S What 'S' is to hit at hard and recklessly? Swipe
394 H What 'H' is the line at which earth and sky seem to meet? Horizon
395 U What 'U' are the mammary glands of cattle? Udder
396 G What 'G' is treachery, deceit or cunning? Guile
397 M What 'M' is a plant whose seeds are used as a condiment? Mustard
398 W What 'W' is a young puppy? Whelp
399 C What 'C' was the first English printer? Caxton
400 L What 'L' means pertaining to the moon? Lunar
401 M What 'M' was the detective created by Raymond Chandler? Marlower
402 O What 'O' is the calling on God as one's witness? Oath
403 K What 'K' is something retained as a momento? Keepsake
404 D What 'D' is to dip bread into soup? Dunk
405 J What 'J' is an island and a jumper? Jersey
406 P What 'P' is a Spanish cubist painter? Picasso
407 H What 'H' comes before shot, worm and nose? Hook
408 W What 'W' is an Aboriginal spear-throwing stick? Woomera
409 F What 'F' is a 'modern' ballroom dance? Foxtrot
410 B What 'B' is a Moroccan horse, black pigeon and hooked hair? Barb
411 L What 'L' was a Russian revolutionary leader? Lenin
412 S What 'S' is to cheat someone out of their money? Swindle
413 T What 'T' is a sharp darting pain? Twinge
414 R What 'R' is to make a thorough search? Rummage
415 C What 'C' is a living prehistoric fish? Coelacanth
416 E What 'E' is to send goods abroad? Export
417 A What 'A' was the province ceded by Germany to France? Alsace
418 V What 'V' is a contagious poison which causes infection? Virus
419 G What 'G' is to dupe or fool someone? Gull
420 N What 'N' is a diaper? Nappy
421 C What 'C' is a firm of auctioneers? Christie
422 I What 'I' is a unit of measure - and a small Scottish island? Inch
423 N What 'N' is the back of the neck? Nape
424 O What 'O' was the formulator of the law of electric current? Ohm
425 F What 'F' means tending to split? Fissile
426 K What 'K' is benevolent? Kind
427 A What 'A' is a pear-shaped sub-tropical fruit? Avovado
428 P What 'P' is a Northern Irish politician? Paisley
429 D What 'D' is slang for foolish or crazy? Daft
430 J What `J' is a hoarse or discordant noise? Jangle
431 B What 'B' comes before royal, ship and axe? Bathe
432 Q What 'Q' is a ring thrown to encircle a peg? Quoit
433 H What 'H' is an animal supporting a parasite? Host
434 L What 'L' is a guitar-like mediaeval instrument? Lute / Lyre
435 S What 'S' is a landlocked European country? Switzerland
436 R What 'R' is a hernia? Rupture
437 E What 'E' is to rejoice openly? Exult
438 M What 'M' is used as a perfume fixative? Musk
439 T What 'T is a minute pair of tongs? Tweezers
440 U What 'U' is the best of one's abilities? Utmost
441 G What 'G' was Ronnie Barker's cellmate in Porridge? Godber
442 Y What 'Y' is a mining territory in North West Canada? Yukon
443 A What 'A' is to declare invalid? Annul
444 T What 'T' comes before spoon, mat and tennis? Table
445 V What 'V' is a large carrion-eating bird? Vulture
446 S What 'S' is an Italian white wine? Soave
447 U What 'U' is a word of hesitation in speech? Um
448 B What 'B' is a wickerwork container? Basket
449 E What 'E' was a prince who quit the marines? Edward
450 N What 'N' is to relate or recount a story? Narrate
451 I What 'I' means close in acquaintance? Intimate
452 L What 'L' is the UK city with thirty-two boroughs? London
453 P What 'P' is the knob on the hilt of a sword? Pommel
454 O What 'O' is to preoccupy intensely? Obsess
455 H What 'H' is the natural home of a species? Habitat
456 F What 'F' means amusement or enjoyment? Fun
457 D What 'D' is a deduction from a price? Discount
458 M What 'M' is a soft pulp - or mawkish sentiment? Mush
459 J What 'J' was Secretary of State for education? Joseph
460 R What 'R' is German measles? Rubella
461 C What 'C' is part of an axle - and an eccentric? Crank
462 E What 'E' is a Sicilian volcano? Etna
463 I What 'I' is mental insight attained without reasoning? Intuition
464 N What 'N' means to do with birth? Natal
465 R What 'R' comes before stamp, tree and plant? Rubber
466 W What 'W' is a student at Winchester College? Wykehamist
467 D What 'D' is money given as a down payment? Deposit
468 K What 'K' is a Malay village or enclosed space? Kampong
469 B What 'B' was a Celtic minstrel or poet? Bard
470 V What 'V' was the US Secretary of State who resigned in 1980? Vance
471 F What 'F' is an illegal snooker shot? Foul
472 T What 'T' is an independent North African state? Tunisia
473 S What 'S' is the trail animals leave behind? Spoor
474 Y What 'Y' is a unit of currency - and a strong desire? Yen
475 L What 'L' is to be hidden in? Lurk
476 G What 'G' were a TV comedy threesome? Goodies
477 P What 'P' is an American card game? Poker
478 U What 'U' is suave, or smooth, in manner? Urban
479 J What 'J' is 'many a true word spoken in'? Jest
480 A What 'A' is a non-metric system of weights? Avoirdupois
481 F What 'F' means marked by an otherworldly air? Fey
482 O What 'O' is inflexible or stubbornly persistent? Obdurate
483 K What 'K' is a tomato sauce made with vinegar? Ketchup
484 R What 'R' is ready for eating? Ripe
485 T What 'T' is a ballerina's short, stiff skirt? Tutu
486 A What 'A' is the Duke of York? Andrew
487 E What 'E' is to work out something unknown from what is known? Extrapolate
488 B What 'B' is a native of Biscay? Basque
489 P What 'P' is Adrian Mole's girlfriend? Pandora
490 D What 'D' is delicately lovely or choice? Dainty
491 N What 'N' is an Arctic sea-creature with a long straight horn? Narwhal
492 J What 'J' is to poke roughly or stab? Jab
493 S What 'S' comes before ball, storm and plough? Snow
494 H What 'H' is grey haired with age? Hoar
495 U What 'U' is a Russian-born film star? Ustinov
496 G What 'G' is a mortar, placed between tiles? Grout
497 M What 'M' is to attack with intent to rob? Mug
498 W What 'W' is a female member of the navy and a bird? Wren
499 C What 'C' is a disease that lasts? Chronic
500 L What 'L' means wolf-like?