Blockbusters 11 - (Submitted By Yoda)
    Question Answer
001 M What 'M' is a British car and French underground? Metro
002 O What 'O' is to lubricate? Oil
003 K What 'K' is capital of Nepal? Katmandu
004 D What 'D' comes before lap, drop and berry? Dew
005 J What 'J' is sprightly or affecting unconcern? Jaunty
006 P What 'P' is a family of tropical trees? Palm
007 H What 'H' was an atomic bomb site? Hiroshima
008 W What 'W' is someone whose occupation is warfare? Warrior
009 F What 'F' is a digit? Finger
010 B What 'B' is a city in Massachusetts? Boston
011 L What 'L' is the expanded organ of a plant? Leaf
012 S What 'S' is an ex-Mr Universe film star? Schwarzenegger
013 T What 'T' are animals' feet when we eat them? Trotters
014 R What 'R' is the largest town in Nevada? Reno
015 C What 'C' is a set of bird's eggs? Cluth
016 E What `E' is 'mercy killing'? Euthanasia
017 A What 'A' is to stop or take into custody? Arrest
018 V What 'V' is a winnowing machine - and a front of an army? Van
019 G What 'G' means to cover with a layer of gold? Gild
020 N What 'N' is directly east of Great Britain? North Sea
021 C What 'C' is a freshwater mussel? Clam
022 I What 'I' is an area of north London? Islington
023 N What 'N' comes before jar, shade and time? Night
024 O What 'O' is a poetic term meaning frequently? Oft
025 F What 'F' is a stout cotton - and a kind of polecat? Ferret
026 K What 'K' is capital of Pakistan? Karachi
027 A What 'A' comes before deacon, duchess and angel? Arch
028 P What 'P' is the state of immobility? Paralysis
029 D What 'D' is a crown? Diadem
030 J What 'J' is esoteric speech? Jargon
031 B What 'B' is a hod, a hassock and an employer? Boss
032 Q What 'Q' means to renounce? Quit
033 H What 'H' was king of Israel at the time of Christ? Herod
034 L What 'L' is the Russian city once called St Petersburg? Leningrad
035 S What 'S' is to trip over an obstacle? Stumble
036 R What 'R' is Europe's most polluted river? Rhine
037 E What 'E' means letter? Epistle
038 M What 'M' is an edge or border? Margin
039 T What 'T' is a tinge, tint or slight infusion? Tincture
040 U What 'U' is unconsecrated ground? Unhallowed
041 G What 'G' is a supposedly beneficial Chinese root? Ginseng
042 Y What 'Y' is a year-old horse? Yearling
043 A What 'A' is a fragrance? Aroma
044 T What 'T' is a surgical instrument for cutting bone? Trepan
045 V What 'V' was the Germanic tribe that ravaged Europe? Vandal
046 S What 'S' is to hit a golf ball a glancing blow? Slice
047 U What 'U' is a large pearl, a federation and an organ-isation? Union
048 B What 'B' is a southern Africa country? Botswana
049 E What 'E' was Abel's mother? Eve
050 N What 'N' is a single tone of definite pitch? Note
051 I What 'I' is probably Kipling's best known poem? If
052 L What 'L' is a nautical measure of length equal to three miles? League
053 P What 'P' is a patterned wooden flooring? Parquet
054 O What 'O' is an evergreen Mediterranean fruit tree? Olive
055 H What 'H' is to worry by repeated attacks? Harass
056 F What 'F' comes before fly, iron and screen? Fire
057 D What 'D' was the creator of Sherlock Holmes? Doyle
058 M What 'M' is a puppet worked by strings? Marionette
059 J What 'J' was the kinsman and forerunner of Jesus? John
060 R What 'R' is a Spanish wine-growing region? Rioja
061 C What 'C' was Sri Lanka? Ceylon
062 E What 'E' means relating to morals? Ethical
063 I What 'I' is a Red Indian tribe? Iroquis
064 N What 'N' is a northerly European kingdom? Norway
065 R What 'R' is a plant and a derisory cry? Rhubarb
066 W What 'W' is a world-ranked snooker player? White
067 D What 'D' is a painting with two folding leaves? Diptych
068 K What 'K' is paraffin? Kersosene
069 B What 'B' were US illicit liquor traders? Bootleggers
070 V What 'V' is to estimate something's worth'? Value
071 F What 'F' comes before tail, wife and hook'? Fish
072 T What 'T' was the heroine of a Hardy novel? Tess
073 S What 'S' is indispensable to micro chips'? Silicon
074 Y What 'Y' is a spar slung forward of a mast? Yard
075 L What 'L' is a strife-torn Middle Eastern country'? Lebanon
076 G What 'G' is unintelligible speech'? Gibberish
077 P What 'V is an animal's foot'? Paw
078 U What 'U' means always accusing in the same form? Uniform
079 J What 'J' was the city captured by Joshua'? Jericho
080 A What 'A' is brick made of mud'? Adobe
081 F What 'F' is a state of lasting hostility? Feud
082 O What 'O' means to eye someone amorously? Ogle
083 K What 'K' is a major Tokyo suburb? Kawasaki
084 R What 'R' forms a fulcrum for an oar? Rowlock
085 T What 'T' is a headdress of wound cloth? Turban
086 A What 'A' is a burrowing animal of the order Edentata? Armadillo
087 E What 'E' is to think highly of? Esteem
088 B What 'B' is a lively Spanish dance? Bolero
089 P What 'P' comes before shooter, nut and soup? Pea
090 D What 'D' is an insatiable craving for alcohol? Dipsomania
091 N What 'N' is slang for common sense? Nous
092 J What 'J' is the Old Testament name of God? Jehovah
093 S What 'S' means capable of feeling? Sentient
094 H What 'H' is the official report of Parliamentary proceedings? Hansard
095 U What 'U' is an ointment or salve? Unguent
096 G What 'G' means dizzy or affected with vertigo? Giddy
097 M What 'M' is the leading city of the Philippines? Manila
098 W What 'W' is Elton John's football team? Watford
099 C What 'C' is wine from Bordeaux? Claret
100 L What 'L' is a newspaper's own opinion column? Leader
101 M What 'M' is a major part of New York City? Mahattan
102 O What 'O' is someone commissioned in the army? Officer
103 K What 'K' is a species of small hawk? Kestrel
104 D What 'D' was an early chemical name for silver? Diana
105 J What 'J' comes before bag, plant and fish? Jelly
106 P What 'P' is very strong emotion? Passion
107 H What 'H' is suicide by disembowelment? Hara Kiri
108 W What 'W' is a mostly mountainous principality? Wales
109 F What 'F' in Roman Numerals Is V? Five
110 B What 'B' means cow-like? Bovine
111 L What 'L' is a building whose rafters rest against another building? Lean to
112 S What 'S' was St Peter called? Simon
113 T What 'T' is an ancient city and system of weight? Troy
114 R What 'R' comes before Grande, de Oro and de Janeiro'? Rio
115 C What 'C' means to form into a mass? Coongeal
116 E What 'E' are inhabitants of the Arctic? Eskimos
117 A What 'A' is the God of Islam? Allah
118 V What 'V' is the slit at the back of a jacket? Vent
119 G What 'G' is a Romany? Gypsy
120 N What 'N' is a maritime Canadian province? Nova Scotia
121 C What 'C' is a tiny case of silky threads? Cocoon
122 I What 'I' is an old American car and African antelope? Impala
123 N What 'N' means given to wrongdoing through dis- obedience? Nasughty
124 O What 'O' is an old-fashioned term for bus? Omnibus
125 F What 'F' is to make a colour permanent? Fix
126 K What 'K' is a vessel for boiling water? Kettle
127 A What 'A' is a point at rackets and a top aviator'? Ace
128 P What 'P' means upstart or 'Nouveau riche"? Parvenu
129 D What 'D' is the midriff? Disphragm
130 J What 'J' is to elude by dodging? Jink
131 B What 'B' Was once president of South Africa'? Botha
132 Q What 'Q' means the most essential part of something'? Quintessence
133 H What 'H' is a strumpet or prostitute? Harlot
134 L What 'L' is a crack which lets fluid through? Leak
135 S What 'S' comes before lifter, front and keeper'? Shop
136 R What 'R' was co-writer of Jesus Christ, Superstar'? Rice
137 E What 'E' is the medium for electro-magnetic trans-mission? Ether
138 M What 'M' is an Alpine peak'? Matterhorn
139 T What 'T' are cards used to tell fortunes'? Tarot
140 U What 'U' was a French painter'? Utrillo
141 G What 'G' comes before snap, bread and ale? Ginger
142 Y What 'Y' is the double veil worn by Moslem women? Yashmak
143 A What 'A' was David's third son in the Bible? Absalom
144 T What 'T' is a parasite which infests the alimentary canal? Tapeworm
145 V What 'V' is a weathercock? Vane
146 S What 'S' was Selina the female presenter of Breakfast Time? Scott
147 U What 'U' is a supposedly restorative liquor? Underberg
148 B What 'B' is a British prison in south London? Brixton
149 E What 'E' is an attempt to lessen blame? Excuse
150 N What 'N' is sexless? Neuter
151 I What 'I' is a triangle with two equal sides? Isosceles
152 L What 'L' is an aquatic blood-sucking worm? Leech
153 P What 'P' is the segment of an orange? Pig
154 O What 'O' means capable of anything? Omnipotent
155 H What 'H' was head of the Gestapo? Himmler
156 F What 'F' is the Old English prefix meaning son? Fitz
157 D What 'D' is the Jutland peninsula part of? Denmark
158 M What 'M' is Indian hemp? Marijuana
159 J What 'Y' is a painted strumpet? Jezebel
160 R What 'R' is to go backwards? Reverse
161 C What 'C' are orthopterous insects of the genus Blatta? Cockroaches
162 E What 'E' is the country once called Abyssinia? Ethiopia
163 I What 'I' comes before play, national and city? Inter
164 N What 'N' was the feature Adam could not have had? Navel
165 R What 'R' was known as 'The Lionheart'? Richard I
166 W What 'W' is the Polish city on the river Vistula? Warsaw
167 D What 'D' is a gossip columnist? Dempster
168 K What 'K' is a flying toy? Kite
169 B What 'B' is an Elizabethan dagger? Bodkin
170 V What 'V' is an ointment derived from petroleum? Vaseline
171 F What 'F' is stone and a piece of bunting? Flag
172 T What 'T' is a violent storm? Tempest
173 S What 'S' is a sea-swell on a seashore? Surf
174 Y What 'Y' is China's monetary unit? Yuan
175 L What 'L' is a reputedly mass-suicidal animal? Lemming
176 G What 'G' is a young green cucumber? Gherkin
177 P What 'P' was an American horror writer? Poe
178 U What 'U' means of last month? Ultimo
179 J What 'Y is someone who works in wood? Joiner
180 A What 'A' is the rearing of birds? Aviculture
181 F What 'F' is a flaming scarlet, long-legged bird? Flamingo
182 O What 'O' is seaweed, sap and slime? Ooze
183 K What 'K' is an English racecourse which is a Park? Kempton
184 R What 'R' was the macho soldier portrayed by Sylvester Stallone? Rambo
185 T What 'T' is something aimed at? Target
186 A What 'A' is to turn away? Avert
187 E What 'E' was a Greek mathematician? Euclid
188 B What 'B' is a sink? Basin
189 P What 'P' is a strong ripple of water? Popple
190 D What 'D' helped suppress malaria? DDT
191 N What 'N' comes before Foundland, South Wales and York? New
192 J What 'J' is a junction? Joint
193 S What 'S' was the star of Funny Girt? Streisand
194 H What 'H' is a combination of notes to form chords? Harmony
195 U What 'U' is someone who decides between contenders? Umpire
196 G What 'G' comes before head, speed and father? God
197 M What 'M' is the Roman god of war? Mars
198 W What 'W' is a white Anglo-Saxon protestant? WASP
199 C What 'C' is played for ashes? Cricket
200 L What 'L' was the husband of Yoko Ono? Lennon
201 M What 'M' is the fruit used in chutney? Mango
202 O What 'O' is a centre of higher education? Oxford
203 K What 'K' is a cured herring? Kipper
204 D What 'D' is a tributary of the river Trent? Derwent
205 J What 'J' is merry or jokeful? Jocular
206 P What 'P' is an enclosure for horses? Paddock
207 H What 'H' means random or by chance? Haphazard
208 W What 'W' was a French pastoral painter? Watteau
209 F What 'F' comes before foot, head and bottom? Flat
210 B What 'B' is a communist? Bolshevik
211 L What 'L' is a fruit more acid than lemon? Lime
212 S What 'S' is a Yorkshire coalfield? Selby
213 T What 'T' was a Welsh poet? Thomas
214 R What 'R' is the disorderly retreat of a beaten army? Rout
215 C What 'C' is part of horse's hoof and a pie crust? coffin
216 E What 'E' is an Australian tree? Eucalyptus
217 A What 'A' means pertaining to the sense of hearing? Acoustic
218 V What 'V' is a spirit largely distilled from rye? Vodka
219 G What 'G' is a measure and respiratory organ? Gill
220 N What 'N' is to direct the course of a ship? Navigate
221 C What 'C' is a tooth on the edge of a wheel? cog
222 I What 'I' is an offspring and a legal question? Issue
223 N What 'N' was a British newspaper owner? Northcliffe
224 O What 'O' comes before spring, cut and hand? Off
225 F What 'F' is an open fruit tart? Flan
226 K What 'K' is a country in eastern Africa? Kenya
227 A What 'A' means extremely savage, wicked or cruel'? Atrocious
228 P What 'P' is the game bird that lives in 'coveys'? Partridge
229 D What 'D' was heroine of Shakespeare's Othello? Desdemona
230 J What 'J' is a harvest tick and a billiards rest? Jigger
231 B What 'B' is a wine region in southern France? Bordeaux
232 Q What 'Q' is a curl of hair low on the forehead? Quiff
233 H What 'H' was an English painter and caricaturist? Hogarth
234 L What 'L' is someone who studies butterflies? Lepidopterist
235 S What 'S' means separated, sheltered and secluded? Sequestered
236 R What 'R' is a kind of backpack? Rucksack
237 E What 'E' is the government department concerned with Revenue? Exchequer
238 M What 'M' is a type of vermouth? Martini
239 T What 'T' is slow, done late or reluctant'? Tardy
240 U What 'U' was the group which recorded Sing your own Song? UB40
241 G What 'G' is the spirit originally flavoured with juniper? Gin
242 Y What 'Y' is a disease producing raspberry-like skin tumors? Yaws
243 A What 'A' are the planetary bodies between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter? asteroids
244 T What 'T' is the second largest US state? Texas
245 V What 'V' are abnormally dilated veins? Varicose
246 S What 'S' is a durable twilled woollen cloth? Serge
247 U What 'U' is a Swedish-born actress? Ullman
248 B What 'B' was a province of India? Bengal
249 E What 'E' comes before ordinary, terrestrial and sensory? Extra
250 N What 'N' was the 1970 Derby winner? Nijinski
251 I What 'I' is someone always craving more? Insatiable
252 L What 'L' is the carnivore panthera pardus? Leopard
253 P What 'P' is an umbelliferous plant used for seasoning? Parsley
254 O What 'O' means egg-shaped or egg-like? Ovoid
255 H What 'H' is a British Public School? Harrow
256 F What 'F' is a flat bottle? Flask
257 D What 'D' was a toothy Transylvanian? Dracula
258 M What 'M' is someone who dies for their faith? Martyr
259 J What 'J' is a city and type of artichoke? Jerusalem
260 R What 'R' is refuse material? Rubbish
261 C What 'C' is an Australian word for mate? Cobber
262 E What 'E' is a river in south-western Asia? Euphrates
263 I What 'I' is a climbing evergreen shrub? Ivy
264 N What 'N' is to take little bites of something? Nibble
265 R What 'R' is a fresh red complexion? Rubicund
266 W What 'W' was the author of The Time Machine? Wells
267 D What 'D' is a TV series set in Texas? Dallas
268 K What 'K' is the 'Blue Grass' American state? Kentucky
269 B What 'B' is a British composer? Britten
270 V What 'V' is to revile or abuse? Vituperate / Vilify
271 F What 'F' is the animal kingdom's greatest jumper? Flea
272 T What 'T' is the legal term for a wrong? Tort
273 S What 'S' is a range of hills or mountains? Sierra
274 Y What 'Y' is a bundle of straw laid straight for thatching? Yelm
275 L What 'L' means lion-like? Leonine
276 G What 'G' is a microbe which causes disease? Germ
277 P What 'P' is to portray or delineate by using colours? Paint
278 U What 'U' is a rain-gauge? Udometer
279 J What 'J' is something thrown overboard to lighten a ship? Jetsam
280 A What 'A' meant originally 'fruit of the open country'? Acorn
281 F What 'F' is a small flute? Flautino
282 O What 'O' is a night-hunting bird? Owl
283 K What 'K' is the Russian city which gave its name to a chicken dish? Kiev
284 R What 'R' is the school that changed football? Rugby
285 T What 'T' is to see-saw or totter? Teeter
286 A What 'A' is The Lost Continent'? Atlantis
287 E What 'E' is a castrated male? Eunich
288 B What 'B' was once part of Pakistan? Bangladesh
289 P What 'P' is a brightly coloured tropical bird? Parakeet
290 D What 'D' means the same? Ditto
291 N What 'N' is a coin collector? Numismatist
292 J What 'J' is black marble and a stream of water? Jet
293 S What 'S' is a French five centime piece? Sou
294 H What 'H' is a viscid fluid derived from flower nectar? Honey
295 U What 'V is someone who carries out funeral arrangements? Undertaker
296 G What 'G' is a racially restricted section of a city? Ghetto
297 M What 'M' is a dressmaker's model? Mennequin
298 W What 'W' is joining metals through heat? Welding
299 C What 'C' was Byzantium? Constantinople
300 L What 'I' is a brand of jeans? Levi
301 M What 'M' is to cast someone ashore on a desert island? Maroon
302 O What 'O' is the lowest of the cardinal numbers? One
303 K What 'K' comes before pin, fisher and ship? King
304 D What 'D' is a 'dead-pan' TV comic? Dawson
305 J What 'J' means to expose to danger? Jeopardise
306 P What 'P' is a type of thin biscuit eaten with curry? Popadam
307 H What 'H' is an epidermal sheath growing round a bony core? Horn
308 W What 'W' was the aircraft company over which two ministers resigned? Westland
309 F What 'F' is an instrument for threshing corn? Flail
310 B What 'B' is a dropsical tropical disease? Beri Beri
311 L What 'I' is the linear measurement of something? Length
312 S What 'S' is a short strip of railway track? Siding
313 T What 'T' is an automatic instrument for regulating temperature? Thermostat
314 R What 'R' was a popular English outlaw and a bird? Robin
315 C What 'C' is coconut fibre used to make matting? Coir
316 E What `E' is the world's largest song contest? eurovision
317 A What 'A' is the ultimate conflict between nations? Armageddon
318 V What 'V' means giving birth to live young? Viviparous
319 G What 'G' is a monster that supposedly feeds on corpses? Ghoul
320 N What 'N' was India's first Prime Minister?
321 C What 'C' discovered Hawaii? Cook
322 I What 'I' is the outer garment of a Moslem woman? Izar
323 N What 'N' is a top female tennis player? Navratilova
324 O What 'O' is a drama in which music is vital? Opera
325 F What 'F' is someone who makes bows and arrows? Fletcher
326 K What 'K' is the 'Garden of England'? Kent
327 A What `A' is a political grouping? Alliance
328 P What `P' is a Brazilian world champion racing driver? Piquet
329 D What 'D' is crystallised carbon? Diamond
330 J What 'J' is a cloth shearing machine and cartoon mouse? Jerry
331 B What 'B' unified 19th century Germany? Bismarck
332 Q What 'Q' is a province of Canada? Quebec
333 H What 'H' is a middle-eastern pipe? Hookah
334 L What 'L' is a disease which eats away the body? Leprosy
335 S What 'S' is a snake with unusual motion? Sidewinder
336 R What 'R' is to raise and stiffen feathers? Ruffle
337 E What 'E' is Darwin's theory of natural selection? Evolution
338 M What 'M' is the French national anthem? Marseillaise
339 T What 'T' is saying the same thing twice in different words? Tautology
340 U What 'U' means beyond what is immediate? Ulterior
341 G What 'G' are innards or entrails? Gibhlets
342 Y What 'Y' is the highest living domesticated animal? Yak
343 A What 'A' is acetylsalicylic acid? Aspirin
344 T What 'T' means long and tiresome? Tedious
345 V What 'V' is a place where animals are kept almost in their natural state? Vivarium
346 S What 'S' was Freud's first name? Sigmund
347 U What 'U' is an interjection of disgust? Ugh
348 B What 'B' was an Italian sculptor and painter? Bernin
349 E What 'E' is the sacrament of transubstantiation? Eucharist
350 N What 'N' is to feed, nourish or rear? Nuture
351 I What 'I' was a repressive ecclesiastic tribunal? Inquisition
352 L What 'L' is an Irish elf? Leprechaun
353 P What 'P' was winner of the golf Open Championship? Player / Palmer
354 O What 'O' is a tributary of the St Laurence River? Ottowa
355 H What 'H' is robust - and a novelist? Hardy
356 F What 'F' were cars called in the 1920s? Flivvers
357 D What 'D' was the creator of 'Man Friday"? Defoe
358 M What 'M' are animals that carry their young in a pouch? Marsupials
359 J What 'J' is an Elizabethan close-fitting jacket? Jerkin
360 R What 'R' is a US abbreviation for a nasty insect? Roach
361 C What 'C' was a military genius with warts? Cromwell
362 E What 'E' is the gas expulsion system in a car? Exhaust
363 I What 'I' is a hostile incursion? Invasion
364 N What 'N' is the Pope's representative at a foreign court? Nuncio
365 R What 'R' was William 11's surname? Rufus
366 W What 'W' is a pleasant or hearty greeting? Welcome
367 D What 'D' is to be suspended and sway to and fro? Dangle
368 K What 'K' is a carpet town in Worcestershire? Kidderminster
369 B What 'B' is a system of embossed writing? Braille
370 V What 'V' is a goddess and a planet? Venus
371 F What 'F' was a two shilling piece? Florin
372 T What 'T' is someone who never drinks alcohol? Teetotal
373 S What 'S' was sent to find Livingstone in Africa? Stanley
374 Y What 'Y' is a ball in cricket that pitches directly below the bat? Yorker
375 L What 'L' is a clinging mollusc with a tent-shaped shell? Limpet
376 G What 'G' is to cast a momentary look? Glance
377 P What 'P' is a Polish film maker? Polanski
378 U What 'U' means widely distributed or present everywhere? Ubiquitous
379 J What 'J' is a performer of Legerdemain? Juggler
380 A What 'A' is a devoted follower? Acolyte
381 F What 'F' means having the form of a flower? Floriform
382 O What 'O' was the first English drama with a black hero? Othello
383 K What 'K' was US Secretary of State under Nixon? Kissinger
384 R What 'R' is capital of Saudi Arabia? Royadh
385 T What 'T' is a conical Red Indian tent? Tepee
386 A What 'A' is romantic if the Pacific is terrific? Atlantic
387 E What 'E' is above a manager in business? Executive
388 B What 'B' means in addition, as well and moreover? Besides
389 P What 'P' was Prime Minister from 1859 to 1865? Palmerston
390 D What 'D' is two vowels pronounced in one syllable? Dipthong
391 N What 'N' means denoting number? Numeral
392 J What 'J' is bellicose patriotism? Jingoism
393 S What 'S' was the builder of the first public railway locomotive? Stevenson
394 H What 'H' is any graded organisation? Hierarchy
395 U What 'U' is the constellation 'The Great Bear' or `Plough'? Ursa Major
396 G What 'G' is fruit covered with icing? Glace
397 M What 'M' was an elephant-like prehistoric animal? Mastodon / Mammoth
398 W What 'W' is a Wiltshire town noted for carpet making? Witon
399 C What 'C' was a 16th century Spanish satirist? Cervantes
400 L What 'L' is ground on which golf is played? Links
401 M What 'M' means to pound to pulp? Mash
402 O What 'O' is a South American river? Orinoco
403 K What 'K' is a type of chocolate biscuit? Kat
404 D What 'D' is renowned for painting dancers? Degas
405 J What 'J' is to fight on horseback with lances? Joust
406 P What 'P' is a mischievous trick? Prank
407 H What 'H' was a hirsute musical? Hair
408 W What 'W' is a cross between a greyhound and terrier? Whippet
409 F What 'F' is floating debris from a shipwreck? Flotsam
410 B What 'B' was a venerable church historian? Bede
411 L What 'I' was the tool Archimedes claimed he could lift the world with? Lever
412 S What 'S' is the US name for water ice? Sherbet
413 T What 'T' is a fork-tailed gull-like sea bird? Tern
414 R What 'R' is a pasta filled with mince meat? Ravioli
415 C What 'C' was Prime Minister immediately prior to World War II? Chamberlain
416 E What 'E' is the first name of the singer Humperdinck? Englebert
417 A What 'A' is to connect by joints or speak clearly? Articulate
418 V What 'V' is a subterranean storage chamber? Vault
419 G What 'G' co-wrote light operas? Gilbert
420 N What 'N' comes before hook, hatch and meg'? Nut
421 C What 'C' is derived from the 'coca' plant? Cocaine
422 I What 'I' means to bury? Inter / Inhume
423 N What 'N' is foul, filthy, dirty or unclean? Nasty
424 O What 'O' is a part of the body with special functions? Organ
425 F What 'F' is a smoke duct in a chimney? Flue
426 K What 'K' was a British poet born in Bombay? Kipling
427 A What 'A' was the inventor of dynamic tension? Allas
428 P What 'P' is to pronounce publicly on a sacred subject? Preach
429 D What 'D' is the flower whose name means lion's tooth'? Dandelion
430 J What 'J' means season of rejoicing? Jubilee
431 B What 'B' is a long stuffed pillow? Bolster
432 Q What 'Q' is the absence of disturbance? Quiet
433 H What 'H' is an otter's lair? Holt
434 L What 'L' was a famous African explorer? Livingstone
435 S What 'S' is an Irish fighting stick? Shillelagh
436 R What 'R' is a stew made with rice? Risotto
437 E What 'E' is an obstruction of an artery? Embolism
438 M What 'M' is a member of a religious community? Monk
439 T What 'T' is the lens that makes distant objects seem nearer'? Telephoto
440 U What 'U' is serviceable or helpful? Useful
441 G What 'G' was a Victorian Liberal Prime Minister'? Gladstone
442 Y What 'Y' is a turf-covered Asian hut'? Yourt
443 A What 'A' was the builder of modern Turkey'? Ataturk
444 T What 'T' is someone who keeps a firm hold? Tenacious
445 V What 'V' is a tub that holds liquids and a tax'? Vat
446 S What 'S' is textile that is flimsy or slight'? Sleazy
447 U What 'U' is a moneylender who charges excessive interest? Usurer
448 B What 'B' means to stew'? Braise
449 E What 'E' is a milky liquid with resinous particles? Emulsion
450 N What 'N' is the anatomical term for nostrils? Nares
451 I What 'I' is something which makes you drunk'? Intoxicant
452 L What 'L' was assassinated at the theatre'? Lincoln
453 P What 'P' is caution exercised in advance? Precaution
454 O What 'O' was the author of Look Back in ,4 nger? Osbourne
455 H What 'H' is to clear the throat noisily'? Hawk
456 F What 'F' is a warm Alpine wind? Fohn
457 D What 'D' is a deed furnishing evidence'? Document
458 M What 'M' is an eating trough in a stable'? Manger
459 J What 'J' is a Chinese idol'? Joss
460 R What 'R' is a counterstroke in fencing'? Riposte
461 C What 'C' is a community of clergy or society of scholars? College
462 E What 'E' is a bird allied to the cassowary? Emu
463 I What 'I' is a unit of measurement? Inch
464 N What 'N' is slang for nimble, sharp or quick? Nippy
465 R What 'R' is someone in competition with someone else? Rival
466 W What 'W' is any plant of the genus salix? Willow
467 D What 'D' is elevation of manner or stateliness? Dignity
468 K What 'K' was the island which erupted in 1883? Krakatoa
469 B What 'B' is a nursery rhyme that involves hiding? Bo Peep
470 V What 'V' is one who abstains from eating flesh? Vegetarian / Vegan
471 F What 'F' was the Scottish discoverer of penicillin? Fleming
472 T What 'T' is someone who holds a property on a lease? Tenanat
473 S What 'S' is the fortified wine from Jerez? Sherry
474 Y What 'Y' is a North American plant with a woody stem and swordlike leaves? Yucca
475 L What 'I' is cloth woven from flax? Linen
476 G What 'G' is a mechanical contrivance? Gadget
477 P What 'V is a flat fried cake made of batter? Pancake
478 U What 'U' is a river in South Wales? Usk
479 J What 'J' is another name for the god Jupiter? Jove
480 A What 'A' is a jacket worn in Arctic regions? Anorak
481 F What 'F' is a US state whose capital is Tallahassee? Florida
482 O What 'O' was an eighth-century dyke building king? Offa
483 K What 'K' is a twist in wire or rope? Kink
484 R What 'R' is the prescribed order of performing a religious service? Ritual
485 T What 'T' is a Red Indian war axe? Tomahawk
486 A What 'A' is a charm worn against evil? Amulet
487 E What 'E' is the sharpened side of a blade? Edge
488 B What 'B' is to whiten? Blanch
489 P What `P' are twin gymnastic bars? Parallel
490 D What 'D' is a prescribed course of food? Diet
491 N What 'N' is a bright cloud or halo? Nimbus
492 J What 'J' is a jersey? Jumper
493 S What 'S' means characteristic of or resembling an ape? Simian
494 H What 'H' is to thumb a lift? Hitch Hike
495 U What 'U' is a Russian mountain range? Urals
496 G What 'G' is a spring evergreen shrub with yellow flowers? Gorse
497 M What 'M' comes before sail, rail and tint? Mono
498 W What 'W' is to pay court to someone? Woo
499 C What 'C' is to bump or crash into? Collide
500 L What 'I' is an embrocation rubbed into the body for rheumatism? Liniment