Question |
Answer |
001 |
M |
What 'M' is the fine white hair of Angora goats? |
Mohair |
002 |
O |
What 'O' is the West? |
Occident |
003 |
K |
What 'K' comes before start, back and off? |
Kick |
004 |
D |
What 'D' are forever? |
Diamonds |
005 |
J |
What 'J' is the largest of the Channel Islands? |
Jersey |
006 |
P |
What 'P' is a voracious South American fish? |
Piranha |
007 |
H |
What 'H' is a four inch measure used in reckoning the height of horses? |
Hand |
008 |
W |
What 'W' is a squiggle? |
Wiggle |
009 |
F |
What 'F' founded the largest monastic order in the Catholic church? |
Francis |
010 |
B |
What 'B' is an Australian bird that paints its nest? |
Bower |
011 |
L |
What 'L' comes from wool and is a base for ointments? |
Lanolin |
012 |
S |
What 'S' was the English poet who drowned in Italy? |
Shelley |
013 |
T |
What 'T' is the longest road bridge in Britain? |
Tay |
014 |
R |
What 'R' is a highly ornamental style of art? |
Rococo |
015 |
C |
What 'C' is a watercourse with locks? |
Canal |
016 |
E |
What 'E' are a mongoloid people with yellow skin and black hair? |
Eskimo |
017 |
A |
What 'A' is the capital of South Australia? |
Adelaide |
018 |
V |
What 'V' is a fabric with a soft, dense pile? |
Velvet |
019 |
G |
What 'G' scored over 54,000 runs in first-class cricket? |
Grace |
020 |
N |
What 'N' is a neutral particle which carries energy and spin? |
Neutrino |
021 |
C |
What 'C' are the thirteen volcanic islands off north-west Africa? |
Canaries |
022 |
I |
What 'I' is the tendency of all bodies to resist changes in motion? |
Inertia |
023 |
N |
What 'N' Sang in Berkeley Square? |
Nightingale |
024 |
O |
What 'O' are birds that largely live on grazing animals? |
Oxpecker |
025 |
F |
What 'F' was the American statesman who invented the lightning conducter? |
Franklin |
026 |
K |
What 'K' is a low island in the Caribbean? |
Key |
027 |
A |
What 'A' is the only armoured mammal? |
Armadillo |
028 |
P |
What 'P' comes before nut, sty and tail? |
Pig |
029 |
D |
What 'D' is a roof shaped like an inverted bowl? |
Dome |
030 |
J |
What 'J' is a semite? |
Jew |
031 |
B |
What 'B' is an underarm swelling - and is a type of plague? |
Bubonic |
032 |
Q |
What 'Q' is an excavation - and object of pursuit? |
Quarry |
033 |
H |
What 'H' Was a TV Blockbusters quizmaster? |
Holness |
034 |
L |
What 'L' stands for light amplifications by stimulated emission of radiation? |
Laser |
035 |
S |
What 'S' is tropical grassland? |
Savanna |
036 |
R |
What 'R' is a public performance of cowboy skills? |
Rodeo |
037 |
E |
What 'E' is a saracen prince or governor? |
Emir |
038 |
M |
What 'M' are members of the church of 'Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints'? |
Mormons |
039 |
T |
What 'T' is a display of childish bad temper? |
Tantrum |
040 |
U |
What 'U' means having no like? |
Unique |
041 |
G |
What 'G' is the useless rock in which ore is found? |
Gangue |
042 |
Y |
What 'Y' is volunteer cavalry recruited from farmers? |
Yeomanry |
043 |
A |
What 'A' was the first man on the moon? |
Armstrong |
044 |
T |
What 'T' is someone who never drinks alcohol? |
Teetotal |
045 |
V |
What `V' were raiders and pirates? |
Vikings |
046 |
S |
What 'S' comes before flower, stroke and glasses? |
Sun |
047 |
U |
What 'II' is a moslem doctor of theology? |
Ulema |
048 |
B |
What 'B' is the world's third largest island? |
Borneo |
049 |
E |
What 'E' is the obstruction of an artery? |
Embolism |
050 |
N |
What 'N' is an inert gas minutely present in air? |
Neon |
051 |
I |
What 'I' are tusks? |
Ivory |
052 |
L |
What 'L' was half a comedy team - and a tree? |
Laurel |
053 |
P |
What 'P' was a woman's saddle put behind a man's on a horse? |
Pillion |
054 |
O |
What 'O' grow gems? |
Oysters |
055 |
H |
What 'H' ruled Austria for over 600 years? |
Haspburgs |
056 |
F |
What 'F' is the largest river of Papua, New Guinea - and is an insect? |
Fly |
057 |
D |
What 'D' are sold as `rock salmon'? |
Dogfish |
058 |
M |
What 'M' was the only impressionist painter fully recognised in his lifetime? |
Monet |
059 |
J |
What 'Y' is a throwing spear? |
Javelin |
060 |
R |
What 'R' are snakes with a warning signal? |
Rattlesnakes |
061 |
C |
What 'C' eat meat? |
Carnivores |
062 |
E |
What 'E' is the funnel-shaped mouth of a river? |
Estuary |
063 |
I |
What 'I' is a major religion? |
Islam |
064 |
N |
What 'N' might be called 'the pits'? |
Nadir |
065 |
R |
What 'R' comes before worthy, hog and side? |
Road |
066 |
W |
What 'W' is a tepee? |
Wigwam |
067 |
D |
What 'D' is a lure or enticement for ducks? |
Decoy |
068 |
K |
What 'K' was a short-lived English poet? |
Keats |
069 |
B |
What 'B' comes back? |
Boomerang |
070 |
V |
What 'V' is a vegetarian who avoids all animal derivatives? |
Vegan |
071 |
F |
What 'F' is Western Australia's principal port? |
Freemantle |
072 |
T |
What 'T' was a melodious Russian composer? |
Tchaikovsky |
073 |
S |
What 'S' mean make dizzy? |
Stun |
074 |
Y |
What 'Y' is used in breadmaking? |
Yeast |
075 |
I |
What 'L' is the main food-producing part of a plant? |
Leaf |
076 |
G |
What 'G' are flies with only one pair of wings? |
Gadflies |
077 |
P |
What 'P' was the pupil of Socrates and teacher of Aristotle? |
Plato |
078 |
U |
What 'U' is another word for Hindustani? |
Urdu |
079 |
J |
What 'J' are lily-trotters? |
Jacanas |
080 |
A |
What 'A' is a social hymenopterous insect? |
Ant |
081 |
F |
What 'F' is a litter of pigs? |
Farrow |
082 |
O |
What 'O' means not transmitting light? |
Opaque |
083 |
K |
What 'K' wrote If? |
Kipling |
084 |
R |
What 'R' is a type of deer - and a mass of eggs? |
Roe |
085 |
T |
What 'T' is the longest river in England? |
Thames |
086 |
A |
What 'A' was the first Roman emperor? |
Augustus |
087 |
E |
What 'E' is a demand for more? |
Encore |
088 |
B |
What 'B' are snakes that suffocate their prey? |
Boa |
089 |
P |
What 'P' is a flute with an octave higher range than normal flutes? |
Piccolo |
090 |
D |
What 'D' is government by two independent authorities? |
Diarchy |
091 |
N |
What 'N' is an ice-cream - and a native of Naples? |
Neapolitan |
092 |
T |
What 'T' is a randomly mingled mass of things? |
Jumble |
093 |
S |
What 'S' built the first locomotive for a public railway? |
Stephenson |
094 |
H |
What 'H' is one of the largest flat fishes? |
Halibut |
095 |
U |
What 'U' is impossibly ideal? |
Utopia |
096 |
G |
What 'G' were the secret police of Nazi Germany? |
Gestapo |
097 |
M |
What 'M' is the tower of a mosque? |
Minaret |
098 |
W |
What 'W' comes before netting, wool and worm? |
Wire |
099 |
C |
What 'C' lost his head in 1649? |
Charles |
100 |
L |
What 'L' is a white blood cell? |
Leucocyte |
101 |
M |
What 'M' is the principal alkaloid of opium? |
Morphine |
102 |
O |
What 'O' are nocturnal birds of prey? |
Owls |
103 |
K |
What 'K' was the USA's first Catholic president? |
Kennedy |
104 |
D |
What 'D' is a chair, a pack of cards and a ship's floor? |
Deck |
105 |
J |
What 'J' is a woman of stately beauty? |
Junoesque |
106 |
P |
What 'P' was an impressionist landscape painter? |
Pissarro |
107 |
H |
What 'H' is the growing of plants without soil? |
Hydroponics |
108 |
W |
What 'W' is a marvel? |
Wonder |
109 |
F |
What 'F' is the second month of the Gregorian calendar? |
February |
110 |
B |
What 'B' is the capital of Queensland? |
brisbane |
111 |
L |
What 'L' coined the word 'oxygen'? |
Lavosier |
112 |
S |
What 'S' means under the skin? |
Subcutaneous |
113 |
T |
What 'T is the soft white element found in the ore cassiterite? |
Tin |
114 |
R |
What 'R' is a rude sound - and a red fruit? |
raspberry |
115 |
C |
What 'C' was the 18th century Swede who gave his name to a temperature scale? |
Celcius |
116 |
E |
What 'E' is an unwritten code of behaviour? |
Etiquette |
117 |
A |
What 'A' is the largest city in New Zealand? |
Auckland |
118 |
V |
What 'V' is a tropical climbing orchid? |
Vanilla |
119 |
G |
What 'G' is a graceful African antelope? |
Gazelle |
120 |
N |
What 'N' is the lowest high tide? |
Neap |
121 |
C |
What 'C' is a church dignitary - and a shot in billiards? |
Canon |
122 |
I |
What 'I' means to 'accuse by legal process'? |
Indict |
123 |
N |
What 'N' comes before lace, tie and line? |
Neck |
124 |
O |
What 'O' is a portent? |
Omen |
125 |
F |
What 'F' are flowerless, seedless plants that reproduce by scattering spores? |
Ferns |
126 |
K |
What 'K' is the second book of Islam? |
Koran |
127 |
A |
What 'A' wrote Pride and Prejudice? |
Austen |
128 |
P |
What 'P' is a republic in south-western Europe? |
Portugal |
129 |
D |
What 'D' are probably the most intelligent mammals after man? |
Dolphins |
130 |
J |
What 'J' is eleven times the diameter of Earth? |
Jupiter |
131 |
B |
What 'B' means cloyed or tired of pleasure? |
Blase |
132 |
Q |
What 'Q' is an entertaining test of knowledge? |
Quiz |
133 |
H |
What 'H' was a German composer who lived in England? |
Handel |
134 |
L |
What 'L' is forty days of fasting? |
Lent |
135 |
S |
What 'S' shoot their mates with a 'love dart'? |
snails |
136 |
R |
What 'R' is a flat fish and a beam of light? |
Ray |
137 |
E |
What 'E' do the Australians call 'gum tree'? |
Eucalyptus |
138 |
M |
What 'M' followed the Ming dynasty in China? |
Manchu |
139 |
T |
What 'T' occupies a high, windswept plateau of south- central Asia? |
Tibet |
140 |
U |
What 'U' means to chide or reproach? |
Upbraid |
141 |
G |
What 'G' is a slum area where a minority group lives? |
Ghetto |
142 |
Y |
What 'Y' was William Pitt known as? |
Younger |
143 |
A |
What 'A' was the first archbishop of Canterbury? |
Augustine |
144 |
T |
What 'T' is the Malay word for lord or master? |
Tuan |
145 |
V |
What 'V' is to disappear? |
Vanish |
146 |
S |
What 'S' is to walk heavily, baffle and dismiss a cricketer? |
Stump |
147 |
U |
What 'U' do the Australians call an apartment? |
Unit |
148 |
B |
What 'B' is a metalloid element, symbol B? |
Boron |
149 |
E |
What 'E' means short-lived? |
Ephemeral |
150 |
N |
What 'N' is a structure where animals live? |
Nest |
151 |
I |
What 'I' was the birthplace of civilisation? |
Iraq |
152 |
L |
What 'L' successfully defended his world heavyweight title twenty six times? |
Louis |
153 |
P |
What 'P' is best known for its pungent pong? |
Polecat |
154 |
O |
What 'O' comes after carry, catch and hold? |
On |
155 |
H |
What 'H' won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1954? |
Hemingway |
156 |
F |
What 'F' is a hispanic festival? |
Fiesta |
157 |
D |
What 'D' is Old and New - and the capital of India? |
Delhi |
158 |
M |
What 'M' is uncrystalised sugar cane juice after boiling? |
Molasses |
159 |
J |
What 'T' is to run at a slow trot? |
Jog |
160 |
R |
What 'R' measures earthquakes? |
Richter Scale |
161 |
C |
What 'C' is an American reindeer? |
Caribou |
162 |
E |
What 'E' is a sharp-pointed duelling sword? |
Epee |
163 |
I |
What 'I' is an animal with no backbone? |
Invertebrate |
164 |
N |
What 'N' is the doctrine that rejects all doctrine? |
Nihilism |
165 |
R |
What 'R' is an international news agency? |
Reuter |
166 |
W |
What 'W' is a cuddly-looking Australian marsupial? |
Wombat |
167 |
D |
What 'D' is where President Kennedy was shot? |
Dallas |
168 |
K |
What 'K' was a 16th century Scottish reformer? |
Knox |
169 |
B |
What 'B' is a two masted, square-rigged vessel? |
Brig |
170 |
V |
What 'V' is wilful defacement of property? |
Vandalism |
171 |
F |
What 'F' is an intricate manipulation, a swindle - and a violin? |
Fiddle |
172 |
T |
What 'T' was the hanging place where Marble Arch now stands? |
Tyburn |
173 |
S |
What 'S' composed over 400 waltzes? |
Strauss |
174 |
Y |
What 'Y' is wool oil - and the yellow of an egg? |
Yolk |
175 |
L |
What 'L' is a dictionary? |
Lexicon |
176 |
G |
What 'G' is a computerised system of money transfer? |
Giro |
177 |
P |
What 'P' is a large, spiny rodent? |
Porcupine |
178 |
U |
What 'U' is a fruit somewhere between grapefruit and tangerine? |
Ugli |
179 |
J |
What 'J' contains some two-thirds of the population of Indonesia? |
Java |
180 |
A |
What 'A' is the world's second largest continent? |
Africa |
181 |
F |
What 'F' is the acid secreted by ants? |
Formic |
182 |
O |
What 'O' means to decide in favour of something? |
Opt |
183 |
K |
What 'K' is the most rapidly growing industrial country in the world? |
Korea |
184 |
R |
What 'R' is a grain-yielding grass? |
Rice |
185 |
T |
What 'T' is three persons in one God? |
Trinity |
186 |
A |
What 'A' is a branch of the Mediterranean between Greece and Turkey? |
Aegean |
187 |
E |
What 'E' comes before librium, distant and lateral? |
Equi |
188 |
B |
What 'B' is salt water? |
Brine |
189 |
P |
What 'P' inhabited Scotland in pre-Roman times? |
Picts |
190 |
D |
What 'D' are extinct Mesozoic reptiles? |
Donosaurs |
191 |
N |
What 'N' is a wanderer? |
Nomad |
192 |
J |
What 'J' is a fishing line - and a lively dance? |
Jig |
193 |
S |
What 'S' was a major French novelist whose works include Le Rouge et Le Noir? |
Stendhal |
194 |
H |
What 'H' is the religion of most Indians? |
Hinduism |
195 |
U |
What 'U' is a roguish youngster? |
Urchin |
196 |
G |
What 'G' is radiation used to fight cancer? |
Gamma |
197 |
M |
What 'M' calls the Islamic faithful to prayer? |
Muezzin |
198 |
W |
What 'W' is the ridge between horses' shoulder blades? |
Withers |
199 |
C |
What 'C' is a knitted jumper with buttons or a zip down the front? |
Cardigan |
200 |
L |
What 'L' is the literary text of an opera? |
Libretto |
201 |
M |
What 'M' is the material used to slow neutrons in an atomic pile? |
Moderator |
202 |
O |
What 'O' does the dove of peace carry? |
Olive |
203 |
K |
What 'K' was the 18th century German philosopher? |
Kant |
204 |
D |
What 'D' is a ten-footed crustacean? |
Decapod |
205 |
J |
What 'J' is related to the crow? |
Jackdaw |
206 |
P |
What 'P' is a very fine type of pottery? |
Porcelain |
207 |
H |
What 'H' means cornucopia? |
Horn |
208 |
W |
What 'W' is a limbless invertebrate? |
Worm |
209 |
F |
What 'F' is wood or metal fastened alongside something to strengthen it? |
Fishplate |
210 |
B |
What 'B' is the capital of South America's largest country? |
Brasilia |
211 |
L |
What 'L' comes before boat, guard and line? |
Life |
212 |
S |
What 'S' ruled Russia for almost thirty years? |
Starlin |
213 |
T |
What 'T' means curt or concise? |
Terse |
214 |
R |
What 'R' is a linked chain of prayer beads? |
Rosary |
215 |
C |
What 'C' is a small craft pointed at both ends? |
Canoe |
216 |
E |
What 'E' was the manifestation of Christ to the Magi? |
Epiphany |
217 |
A |
What 'A' did Alexander the Great found in 332 BC? |
Alexandria |
218 |
V |
What 'V' is an endorsement on a passport? |
Visa |
219 |
G |
What 'G' is the world's tallest animal? |
Giraffe |
220 |
N |
What 'N' is a loop - that rhymes with a US deer? |
Noose |
221 |
C |
What 'C' is a measure of weight for precious stones? |
Carat |
222 |
I |
What 'I' is the world's second most populated country? |
India |
223 |
N |
What 'N' is architecture characterised by semi-circular arches? |
Norman |
224 |
O |
What 'O' is a pungent white bulb used in cooking? |
Onion |
225 |
F |
What 'F' comes before bug, guard and side? |
Fire |
226 |
K |
What 'K' is the largest living lizard? |
Komodo |
227 |
A |
What 'A' is the capital of Ethiopia? |
Addis Ababa |
228 |
P |
What 'P' is an inflammation of the lungs? |
Pneumonia |
229 |
D |
What 'D' is a kind of small pigeon? |
Dove |
230 |
J |
What 'J' is a very large truck? |
Juggernaut |
231 |
B |
What 'B' was a race found by the Romans in England? |
Britons |
232 |
Q |
What 'Q' is a witty or sarcastic observation? |
Quip |
233 |
H |
What 'H' was a blind epic poet? |
Homer |
234 |
L |
What 'L' was abolished in 1964 as a scientific unit of volume? |
Litre |
235 |
S |
What 'S' is an odd-looking African cat? |
Serval |
236 |
R |
What 'R' is a gambling game that highly favours the casino? |
Roulette |
237 |
E |
What 'E' is the outer layer of our skin? |
Epidermis |
238 |
M |
What 'M' is a strong scented plant - and a place that makes money? |
Mint |
239 |
T |
What 'T' is also called lock-jaw'? |
Tetanus |
240 |
U |
What 'U' are Russian mountains? |
Urals |
241 |
G |
What 'G' is a wildebeest? |
Gnu |
242 |
Y |
What 'Y' is the Hindu god who judges the dead? |
Yama |
243 |
A |
What 'A' are the highest mountains in Europe? |
Alps |
244 |
T |
What 'T' means having made a valid will? |
testate |
245 |
V |
What 'V' is a person of great prestige? |
246 |
S |
What 'S' spends some 75% of its life asleep? |
Sloth |
247 |
U |
What 'U' did the Voyager space-probe photograph? |
Uranus |
248 |
B |
What 'B' is a nearly spherical underground stem? |
Bulb |
249 |
E |
What 'E' contains 20% of the world's population? |
Europe |
250 |
N |
What 'N' means marriageable? |
Nubile |
251 |
I |
What 'I' is a climbing evergreen plant with shiny leaves? |
Ivy |
252 |
L |
What 'L' is to lean to one side? |
List |
253 |
P |
What 'P' is a radioactive metallic element? |
Plutonium |
254 |
O |
What 'O' is a red-brown ape? |
Orangutan |
255 |
H |
What 'H' is converted from sucrose to mixed fructose and glucose? |
Honey |
256 |
F |
What 'F' is the Moslem sabbath? |
Friday |
257 |
D |
What 'D' is an aboriginal wind instrument? |
Didgeridoo |
258 |
M |
What 'M' had the golden touch? |
Midas |
259 |
J |
What 'J' controls an aircraft's elevators and ailerons? |
Joystick |
260 |
R |
What 'R' is a spirit made from molasses? |
Rum |
261 |
C |
What 'C' is an exaggerated drawing of someone? |
Caricature |
262 |
E |
What 'E' is a republic that is 96% desert? |
Egypt |
263 |
I |
What 'I' means `to put in an urn'? |
Inurn |
264 |
N |
What 'N' is the explosion of a star? |
Nova |
265 |
R |
What 'R' suck up to sharks? |
Remora |
266 |
W |
What 'W' is a kind of North American marmot? |
Woodchuck |
267 |
D |
What 'D' is the chief material of the chromosomes found in every living cell? |
268 |
K |
What 'K' activates Qantas? |
Koala |
269 |
B |
What 'B' is the central, most complex part of the nervous system? |
brain |
270 |
V |
What 'V' is a loud, overbearing woman? |
Virago |
271 |
F |
What 'F' are plants that reproduce from spores and lack chlorophyll? |
Fungi |
272 |
T |
What 'T' is a mineral valued as a gem? |
Topaz |
273 |
S |
What 'S' is the world's second smallest mammal? |
Shrew |
274 |
Y |
What 'Y' is a South American water opossum? |
Yapok |
275 |
L |
What 'L' is a stretcher, rubbish - and an animal's offspring? |
Litter |
276 |
G |
What 'G' is to grind the teeth? |
Gnash |
277 |
P |
What 'P' is second to last? |
Penultimate |
278 |
U |
What 'U' means suave and courteous? |
Urbane |
279 |
J |
What 'J' is an alcoholic mint drink? |
Julep |
280 |
A |
What 'A' is an eye defect where the lens cannot focus properly? |
Astigmatism |
281 |
F |
What 'F' is a nine-gallon wooden cask? |
Firkin |
282 |
O |
What 'O' is a Scandinavian unit of currency? |
Ore |
283 |
K |
What 'K' means 'of motion'? |
Kinetic |
284 |
R |
What 'R' are textiles containing cellulose? |
Rayon |
285 |
T |
What 'T' is a devastating wind? |
Tornado |
286 |
A |
What 'A' is the snake that killed Cleopatra? |
Asp |
287 |
E |
What 'E' is an attempt or a composition? |
Essay |
288 |
B |
What 'B' is a system whereby the blind can read? |
Braille |
289 |
P |
What 'P' are the main chemical substances of living matter? |
Proteins |
290 |
D |
What 'D' is a disease that blocks the breathing passages? |
Diphteria |
291 |
N |
What 'N' is bare? |
Nude |
292 |
J |
What 'J' is a special anniversary? |
Jubilee |
293 |
S |
What 'S' is the wind instrument invented by Adolphe Sax? |
Saxophone |
294 |
H |
What 'H' is a short-tailed largely nocturnal rodent? |
Hamster |
295 |
U |
What `U' is pressing? |
Urgent |
296 |
G |
What 'G' is a stick, lump - or mouth? |
Gob |
297 |
M |
What 'M' painted a 6,000 square-foot masterpiece? |
Michelangelo |
298 |
W |
What 'W' is done at the Wall in Jerusalem? |
Wailing |
299 |
C |
What 'C' has the head of a man and body of a horse? |
Cantaur |
300 |
L |
What 'L' are a type of voracious grasshopper? |
Locust |
301 |
M |
What 'M' is an old Scots word for much? |
Mickie |
302 |
O |
What 'O' means dim or indistinct? |
Obscure |
303 |
K |
What 'K' is a South African enclosure for animals? |
Kraal |
304 |
D |
What 'D' is compulsion? |
Duress |
305 |
J |
What 'J' is a unit of work or energy? |
Joule |
306 |
P |
What 'P' is pastry, an adder - and a ball? |
Puff |
307 |
H |
What 'H' is a wrangle or trying problem? |
Hassle |
308 |
W |
What 'W' is the Norse god a day of the week is named after? |
Woden |
309 |
F |
What 'F' are the Europeans who call themselves Suomi? |
Finns |
310 |
B |
What 'B' is hairless? |
Bald |
311 |
L |
What 'L' is a substance to minimise friction? |
Lubricant |
312 |
S |
What 'S' is a long-winged, fork-tailed insectivorous bird? |
Swallow |
313 |
T |
What 'T' comes before bug, down and weed? |
Tumble |
314 |
R |
What 'R' means to repent or deeply regret? |
Rue |
315 |
C |
What 'C' is a metal container? |
Can |
316 |
E |
What 'E' is a major British public school? |
Eton |
317 |
A |
What 'A' is a nautical term meaning stop? |
Avast |
318 |
V |
What 'V' is an organic compound essential to nutrition? |
Vitamin |
319 |
G |
What 'G' is a picturesque cave? |
Grotto |
320 |
N |
What 'N' comes before Front, Velvet and anthem? |
National |
321 |
C |
What 'C' means attractive or pretty? |
Cute |
322 |
I |
What 'I' is a close examination? |
Inspection |
323 |
N |
What 'N' is the largest British bat? |
Noctule |
324 |
O |
What 'O' is a group of eight singers or players? |
Octet |
325 |
F |
What 'F' means full of fury? |
Furious |
326 |
K |
What 'K' do Eskimos do by rubbing noses? |
Kiss |
327 |
A |
What 'A' means friendly? |
Amicable |
328 |
P |
What 'P' is a chicken less than one year old? |
Pullet |
329 |
D |
What 'D' comes before bin, jacket and pan? |
Dust |
330 |
J |
What 'J' is to talk or gossip for a long time? |
Jaw |
331 |
B |
What 'B' is one meant to be as blind as? |
Bat |
332 |
Q |
What 'Q' is a hard, yellow, acid fruit rather like an apple? |
Quince |
333 |
H |
What 'H' is to visit or inhabit as a ghost? |
haunt |
334 |
L |
What `L' is a song to send you to sleep? |
Lullaby |
335 |
S |
What 'S' is a fruit drink, tight mass of people - and ball game? |
Squash |
336 |
R |
What 'R' founded the Singapore colony and London Zoo? |
Raffles |
337 |
E |
What 'E' means to praise or place high in rank? |
Exalt |
338 |
M |
What 'M' is a British duck? |
Mallard |
339 |
T |
What 'T' originally meant great prince in Japanese? |
Tycoon |
340 |
Y |
What 'U' is an indentifying dress worn by members of the same group?
Uniform |
341 |
G |
What 'G' is a morbid enlargement of the thyroid gland? |
Goitre |
342 |
Y |
What 'Y' is the Christmas festival? |
Yule |
343 |
A |
What 'A' lies north and west of Pakistan? |
Afghanistan |
344 |
T |
What 'T' was an English landscape painter? |
Turner |
345 |
V |
What 'V' are all plants? |
Vegetable |
346 |
S |
What 'S' means to show off or swagger? |
Swank |
347 |
U |
What 'U' is all things that exist? |
Universe |
348 |
B |
What 'B' invented Tarzan? |
Burroughs |
349 |
E |
What 'E' comes before witness, lash and tooth? |
Eye |
350 |
N |
What 'N' is a wally? |
Nurd |
351 |
I |
What 'I' means to make poor? |
Impoverish |
352 |
L |
What 'L' is a type of beer? |
Lager |
353 |
P |
What 'P' is the rubber disk used in ice hockey? |
Puck |
354 |
O |
What 'O' is spoken? |
Oral |
355 |
H |
What 'H' is slang for advertising or promotion? |
Hype |
356 |
F |
What 'F' means untrue? |
False |
357 |
D |
What 'D' is double-dealing? |
Duplicity |
358 |
M |
What 'M' is largeness or importance? |
Magnitude |
359 |
J |
What 'J' is US slang for loo? |
John |
360 |
R |
What 'R' are the beams that form a roofs framework? |
Rafter |
361 |
C |
What 'C' was prime minister from 1976 to 1979? |
Callaghan |
362 |
E |
What 'E' is to try? |
Endeavour |
363 |
I |
What 'I' is a volcanic island with ice-covered plateaux? |
Iceland |
364 |
N |
What 'N' means containing nitrogen? |
Nitric |
365 |
R |
What 'R' comes before hog, back and house? |
Road |
366 |
W |
What 'W' looked out on the Feast of Stephen? |
Wenceslas |
367 |
D |
What 'D' is the first portion of the small intestine? |
Duodenum |
368 |
K |
What 'K' is a bird of prey and a toy that flies? |
Kite |
369 |
B |
What 'B' is a red edible root used in salads? |
Beetroot |
370 |
V |
What 'V' was American's deep space probe? |
Voyager |
371 |
F |
What 'F' means devil? |
Fiend |
372 |
T |
What 'T' is to shine with a flickering light? |
Twinkle |
373 |
S |
What 'S' is a word that means the same as another? |
Synonym |
374 |
Y |
What 'Y' is the day just gone? |
Yesterday |
375 |
L |
What 'L' means after proper time, recent and dead? |
Late |
376 |
G |
What 'G' is bizarre or absurdly distorted? |
Grotesque |
377 |
P |
What 'P' is a sacred song or hymn? |
Psalm |
378 |
U |
What 'U' means hoofed? |
Ungulate |
379 |
J |
What 'J' is a man's close-fitting jacket? |
Jerkin |
380 |
A |
What 'A' was the son of Philip of Macedon? |
Alexander |
381 |
F |
What 'F' comes before engine, lighter and bug? |
Fire |
382 |
O |
What 'O' means stubborn? |
Obdurate |
383 |
K |
What 'K' were German emperors? |
Kaisers |
384 |
R |
What 'R' is primitive, violent, hearty - and offensive? |
Rude |
385 |
T |
What 'T' is used as a solvent and paint thinner? |
Turpentine |
386 |
A |
What 'A' is known as the 'Cotton State'? |
Alabama |
387 |
E |
What 'E' is the joint between fore and upper arm? |
Elbow |
388 |
B |
What 'B' is the 'Caped Crusader'? |
Batman |
389 |
P |
What 'P' means fatherly? |
Paternal |
390 |
D |
What 'D' is a castle's subterranean cell? |
Dungeon |
391 |
N |
What 'N' is neither masculine nor feminine? |
Neuter |
392 |
J |
What 'J' is the 'gentle' martial art? |
Judo |
393 |
S |
What 'S' is a type of turnip? |
Swede |
394 |
H |
What 'H' is an ungulate quadruped with flowing mane and tail? |
Horse |
395 |
U |
What 'U' means worn by both sexes? |
Unisex |
396 |
G |
What 'G' is a cloth covering for legs below the knee? |
Gaiter |
397 |
M |
What 'M' is the dawn? |
Morning |
398 |
W |
What 'W' was fought on June 18, 1815? |
Waterloo |
399 |
C |
What 'C' means cross-shaped? |
Cruciform |
400 |
L |
What 'L' is a passionate expression of grief? |
Lament |
401 |
M |
What 'M' is the study of fungi? |
Mycology |
402 |
O |
What 'O' comes before caste, back and doors? |
Out |
403 |
K |
What 'K' is an East African republic? |
Kenya |
404 |
D |
What 'D' is an edible kind of seaweed? |
Dulse |
405 |
J |
What `J' is a wine bottle eight to twelve times normal size? |
Jeroboam |
406 |
P |
What 'P' literally means turn to stone'? |
Petrify |
407 |
H |
What 'H' is exaggeration for the sake of emphasis? |
Hyberbole |
408 |
W |
What 'W' is a man who becomes a wolf? |
Werewolf |
409 |
F |
What 'F' are the Polynesian islands of Tonga? |
Friendly |
410 |
B |
What 'B' is to strike repeatedly? |
Beat |
411 |
L |
What 'L' is the form of public worship? |
Liturgy |
412 |
S |
What 'S' is to wriggle or twist like a worm? |
Squirm |
413 |
T |
What 'T' is a hard metallic element with a very high melting point? |
Tungsten |
414 |
R |
What 'R' is a straight slender stick? |
Rod |
415 |
C |
What 'C' is to nestle together and hug? |
Cuddle |
416 |
E |
What 'E' is to treat as equivalent? |
Equate |
417 |
A |
What 'A' is the region covering southern Spain? |
Andalusia |
418 |
V |
What 'V' was George Ill's grand-daughter? |
Victoria |
419 |
G |
What 'G' is a stringed instrument? |
Guitar |
420 |
N |
What 'N' means 'Great Land of the Rising Sun'? |
Nippon |
421 |
C |
What 'C' is the currency of Brazil'? |
Cruzeiro |
422 |
I |
What 'I' is close and familiar? |
Intimate |
423 |
N |
What 'N' is a small sheltered place? |
Nook |
424 |
O |
What 'O' are the innards of animals used as food? |
Offal |
425 |
F |
What 'F' means containing iron? |
Ferreous |
426 |
K |
What 'K' is an electric motor horn? |
Klaxon |
427 |
A |
What 'A' is a market town in Hampshire? |
Andover |
428 |
P |
What `P' means treacherous? |
Perfidious |
429 |
D |
What 'D' is the opposite of light? |
Dark |
430 |
J |
What 'I' preceded rock 'n' roll? |
Jive |
431 |
B |
What 'B' is to conduct oneself? |
Behave |
432 |
Q |
What 'Q' is a misgiving or momentary queasiness? |
Qualm |
433 |
H |
What 'H' comes before sensitive, active and market? |
Hyper |
434 |
L |
What `L' is fortune or chance? |
Luck |
435 |
S |
What 'S' is to diverge abruptly from a regular line of motion? |
Swerve |
436 |
R |
What 'R' is a mouse-like rodent? |
Rat |
437 |
E |
What 'E' is graceful, tasteful, refined? |
Elegant |
438 |
M |
What 'M' is half woman, half fish? |
Mermaid |
439 |
T |
What 'T' is a treeless plain with permanently frozen subsoil? |
Tundra |
440 |
U |
What 'U' are the mammary glands of cattle? |
Udders |
441 |
G |
What 'G' is a disembodied spirit? |
Ghost |
442 |
Y |
What 'Y' is a toy you throw to come back? |
YoYo |
443 |
A |
What 'A' is a seafaring prince? |
Andrew |
444 |
T |
What 'T' means in accordance with fact? |
True |
445 |
V |
What 'V' is Europe's longest river? |
Volga |
446 |
S |
What 'S' is a formal meeting to decide ecclesiastical matters? |
Synod |
447 |
U |
What 'U' means on? |
Upon |
448 |
B |
What 'B' is a male who shares your parents? |
Brother |
449 |
E |
What 'E' comes after rear, back and up? |
End |
450 |
N |
What 'N' was Germany's National Socialist Party? |
Nazi |
451 |
I |
What 'I' is the anti-hero of Shakespeare's Othello? |
Iago |
452 |
L |
What 'L' is idle? |
Lazy |
453 |
P |
What 'P' is to languish or waste away from grief? |
Pine |
454 |
O |
What 'O' is a condensed form of oxygen with three atoms in each molecule? |
Ozone |
455 |
H |
What 'H' means towards this place? |
Hither |
456 |
F |
What 'F' is someone or something deviating from the norm? |
Freak |
457 |
D |
What 'D' is an Australian wild dog? |
Dingo |
458 |
M |
What 'M' is a disguise for the face? |
Mask |
459 |
J |
What 'J' is another word for the god Jupiter? |
Jove |
460 |
R |
What 'R' means boisterous? |
Rowdy |
461 |
C |
What 'C' is a republic of north-central Africa? |
Chad |
462 |
E |
What 'E' means and so on? |
Etcetera |
463 |
I |
What 'I' is an irritating sensation in the upper surface of the skin? |
Itch |
464 |
N |
What 'N' is a small measure of liquor? |
Noggin |
465 |
R |
What 'R' comes before snake, brain and trap? |
Rattle |
466 |
W |
What 'W' is a male witch or wizard? |
Warlock |
467 |
D |
What 'D' is a remarkably strong aluminium alloy? |
Duralumin |
468 |
K |
What 'K' is an undergarment? |
Knickers |
469 |
B |
What 'B' means able to float or light-headed? |
Buoyant |
470 |
V |
What 'V' is the decision of a jury? |
Verdict |
471 |
F |
What 'F' means stealthy or sneaky? |
Furtive |
472 |
T |
What 'T' is a cartoon cat? |
Tom |
473 |
S |
What 'S' is sentence construction? |
Syntax |
474 |
Y |
What 'Y' is to deviate erratically from a course? |
Yaw |
475 |
L |
What 'L' is a large, edible, ten-legged marine crustacean? |
Lobster |
476 |
G |
What 'G' is the superlative of general? |
Generalissimo |
477 |
P |
What 'P' is inordinate self-esteem - and a group of lions? |
Pride |
478 |
U |
What 'U' is the best of one's ability? |
Utmost |
479 |
J |
What 'J' is an ill-fated Shakespearean heroine? |
Juliet |
480 |
A |
What 'A' is a post-mortem? |
Autopsy |
481 |
F |
What 'F' is speedy? |
Fast |
482 |
O |
What 'O' is egg-shaped or oval? |
Ovoid |
483 |
K |
What 'K' is a furnace for baking or drying? |
Kilm |
484 |
R |
What 'R' is a Russian composer and pianist? |
Rachmaninov |
485 |
T |
What 'T' comes before coat, table and stile? |
Turn |
486 |
A |
What 'A' means at all times? |
Always |
487 |
E |
What 'E' is a Cumbrian river, a prime minister - and paradise? |
Eden |
488 |
B |
What 'B' is slang for alcoholic drink? |
Booze |
489 |
P |
What 'P' is a hymn of praise and thanksgiving? |
Paean |
490 |
D |
What 'D' is also called the red-backed sandpiper? |
Dunlin |
491 |
N |
What 'N' is the unoccupied area between opposing armies? |
No Mans Land |
492 |
J |
What 'J' is an African fetish? |
JuJu |
493 |
S |
What 'S' is a summary or brief outline? |
Synopsis |
494 |
H |
What 'H' is a slight indication? |
Hint |
495 |
U |
What 'U' is to make use of? |
Utilise |
496 |
G |
What 'G' is a leaf-bud? |
Gemma |
497 |
M |
What 'M' is long thick hair on the head? |
Mane |
498 |
W |
What 'W' are German armed forces? |
Wehrmacht |
499 |
C |
What 'C' is the feast of the Purification of the Virgin Mary? |
Candlemas |
500 |
L |
What 'L' are the sine qua non in Blockbusters? |
Letters |