Blockbusters 06 - (Submitted By Yoda)
Question Answer 001 M What 'M' was the composer who began his career at four? Mozart 002 O What 'O' is a rectangle with unequal adjacent sides? Oblong 003 K What 'K' is the capital of Pakistan? Karachi 004 D What 'D' was the English poet who was Dean of St Paul's? Donne 005 J What 'J' makes you yellow? Jaundice 006 P What 'P' is a black or melanistic variety of leopard? Panther 007 H What 'H' means a large mass - and was incredible in a TV series? Hulk 008 W What 'W' comes before proof, vane or forecast? Weather 009 F What 'F' lies 200 miles north-west of the Shetlands? Faroes 010 B What 'B' is a game played on a double board with counters and dice? Backgammon 011 L What 'L' is the capital of Peru? Lime 012 S What 'S' is a small fish of the herring family? Sardine 013 T What 'T' is a sauce made from peppers? Tabasco 014 R What 'R' was Zimbabwe? Rhodesia 015 C What 'C' is an underground cell or vault? Crypt 016 E What 'E' built Paris' most famous landmark? Eiffel 017 A What 'A' is a narrow tube attached to the large intestine and closed at one end? Appendix 018 V What 'V' was a French science fiction writer? Verne 019 G What 'G' is a dark red semi-precious gem? Garnet 020 N What 'N' are star clusters and gas clouds in space? Nebula 021 C What 'C' is the cabin of a half-decked boat - and a young coal fish? Cuddy 022 I What 'I' is the Chinese book of divination? I Ching 023 N What 'N' was Egyptian president from 1956-1970? Nasser 024 O What 'O' is the back of the head? Occiput 025 F What 'F' is an agent, or one who acts for another? Factor 026 K What 'K' is a South African desert? Kalahari 027 A What 'A' is a calculator made up of beads on wire? Abacus 028 P What 'P' is a medium-sized bird found worldwide? Pigeon 029 D What 'D' wrote Crime and Punishment? Dostoevsky 030 J What 'J' is South Africa's largest city? Johannesburg 031 B What 'B' means to roar like a bull? Bellow 032 Q What 'Q' is a bitter medicine made from bark? Quinine 033 H What 'H' is an insect whose name rhymes with a word for ice-cream cone? Hornet 034 L What 'L' is the capital of Portugal? Lisbon 035 S What 'S' was the literary language of ancient India? Sanskrit 036 R What 'R' is the oldest US president? Reagan 037 E What 'E' is an elongated fish lacking pelvic fins? Eel 038 M What 'M' is a supply chamber, a store room for arms - and an illustrated periodical? Magazine 039 T What 'T' comes before land, mat and tennis? Table 040 U What 'U' is the inner bone of the forearm? Ulna 041 G What 'G' is an elastic fluid that has neither shape nor volume? Gas 042 Y What 'Y' comes before fever, ochre and hammer? Yellow 043 A What 'A' is an Afrikaans word meaning 'Separate development'? Apartheid 044 T What 'T' is a small freshwater turtle? Terrapin 045 V What 'V' was a great French philosopher and writer? Voltaire 046 S What 'S' is a light, loose-fitting shoe for indoor use? Slipper 047 U What 'U' is a silvery radio-active element? Uranium 048 B What 'B' was once called East Pakistan? Bangladesh 049 E What 'E' is a song of lamentation, especially for the dead? Elegy 050 N What 'N' is a type of smooth-skinned peach? Nectarine 051 I What 'I' is one of the most abundant of African antelopes? Impala 052 L What 'I' is milk sugar? Lactose 053 P What 'P' is the succulent fruit of a spiny plant? Pineapple 054 O What 'O' is someone to whom another is legally bound by contract? Obliged 055 H What 'H' is probably the most abundant element in the universe? Hydrodgen 056 F What 'F' is a boring chore - and a cigarette? Fag 057 D What 'D' is the sea below sea-level? Dead 058 M What 'M' builds an incubator to hatch its eggs? Mallee 059 J What 'J' did Napoleon divorce in 1809? Josephine 060 R What 'R' is a vast American mountain chain?
Rocky 061 C What 'C' is a small fragment? Crumb 062 E What 'E' is bordered by Somalia, Kenya and Sudan? Ethiopia 063 I What 'I' was International Rugby Champion 1984-5? Ireland 064 N What 'N' is slang for police informer? Nark 065 R What 'R' invented a cube? Rubik 066 W What 'W' is an ugly African pig? Warthog 067 D What 'D' means scanty supply of? Dearth 068 K What 'K' is the capital of the Sudan? Khartoum 069 B What 'B' is played with a ball and bat on a diamond- shaped pitch? Baseball 070 V What 'V' means to waver or hesitate? Vacillate 071 F What 'F' is a tiny mythical being with magic powers? Fairy 072 T What 'T' is a small nail, saddlery - and a long, loose stitch? Tac 073 S What 'S' was a beetle held sacred by the ancient Egyptians? Scarab 074 Y What 'Y' is a form of old German spoken by East European Jews? Yiddish 075 L What 'L' is another name for the Crocodile River? Limpopo 076 G What 'G' is the third largest city in Britain? Glasgow 077 P What 'P' is an unpleasant smell? Pong 078 U What 'U' is an ochre-like natural pigment? Umber 079 J What 'T' wrote the first dictionary? Johnson 080 A What 'A' is a suspension of liquid in a gas? Aerosol 081 F What 'F' is a Turkish cap - and a sacred city in Morocco? Fez 082 O What 'O' comes before well, skin and paint? Oil 083 K What 'K' is a racist US secret society? Ku Klux Klan 084 R What 'R' is the capital of Iceland? Reykjavik 085 T What 'T' is a crisp, plain, glossy fabric? Taffeta 086 A What 'A' is the tree called 'guardian of riverbanks'? Alder 087 E What `E' is the world's largest pachyderm? Elephant 088 B What 'B' is the Devil? Beelzebub 089 P What 'P' is a vertical supporting structure? Pillar 090 D What 'D' is Europe's second longest river? Danube 091 N What 'N' was India's first Prime Minister? Nehru 092 J What 'J' are the major veins of the neck? Jugular 093 S What 'S' is the currency of Kenya? Shilling 094 H What 'H' is farming? Husbandry 095 U What 'U' Was once the world's largest country? USSR 096 G What 'G' won the Grand National in 1982? Grittar 097 M What 'M' was the sea cow mistaken by Columbus for a mermaid? Manatee 098 W What 'W' wrote The Compleat Angler? Walton 099 C What 'C' is a band of singers? Choir 100 L What 'L' is a reptile - and England's southernmost point? Lizard 101 M What 'M' lives underground — on worms? Mole 102 O What 'O' comes before licence, peak and hand? Off 103 K What 'K' is the capital of Jamaica? Kingston 104 D What 'D' was the 17th century poet and satirist? Dryden 105 J What 'T is obscure and pretentious language? Jargon 106 P What 'P' is a member of the whale family? Porpoise 107 H What 'H' used elephants to invade Italy? Hannibal 108 W What 'W' does a cricketer bat in front of? Wicket 109 F What 'F' consists of over 800 islands in the South West Pacific? Fiji 110 B What 'B' was the archbishop murdered in Canterbury Cathedral? Becket 111 L What 'L' is an aquatic blood-sucking worm? Leech 112 S What 'S' — as well as spiders — are arachnids? Scorpions 113 T What 'T' is slang for a Welshman? Taffy 114 R What 'R' was a prolific Dutch painter? Rembrandt 115 C What 'C' is the USA's most highly populated state? California 116 E What 'E' is the female reproductive cell? Egg 117 A What 'A' was Queen Victoria's consort? Albert 118 V What 'V' are large carrion-eating birds? Vultures 119 G What 'G' comes before house, paper and ware? Glass 120 N What 'N' is the second outermost planet of the solar system? Neptune 121 C What 'C' was a Roman Emperor notorious for his cruelty? Caligula 122 I What 'I' is a Moslem priest? Imam 123 N What 'N' is a wet Scottish monster? Nessie 124 O What 'O' is the canal from mouth to gullet? Oesophagus 125 F What 'F' are the greatest jumpers for their size in the animal kingdom? Fleas 126 K What 'K' is a citadel within a Russian city? Kremlin 127 A What 'A' are substances tending to lose a positive ion? Acids 128 P What 'P' are the world's most wonderful tombs? Pyramids 129 D What 'D' was the Archbishop of Canterbury who lived through seven reigns? Dunstan 130 J What 'J' is a sudden shake, an unsettling shock - and a container? Jar 131 B What 'B' means two-footed? Bipedal 132 Q What 'Q' is the second-largest Australian state? Queensland 133 H What 'H' is robust - and an English novelist? Hardy 134 L What 'L' is a pantry? Larder 135 S What 'S' are fishes whose males have the babies? seahorses 136 R What 'R' comes from the Czech and means forced labour? Robot 137 E What `E' is hard black wood? Ebony 138 M What 'M' is Canada's national emblem? Maple Leaf 139 T What 'T are the most primitive social insects? Termites 140 U What 'U' comes before violet, marine and sound? Ultra 141 G What 'G' are longitudes calculated from? Greenwich 142 Y What 'Y' is chatter - and a long-haired mountain ox? Yak 143 A What 'A' are flowerless plants living mostly in water? Algae 144 T What 'T' is the largest of the cats? Tiger 145 V What 'V' is a gentleman's gentleman? Valet 146 S What 'S' was a French philosopher who won the 1964 Nobel Prize? Sartre 147 U What 'U' means very many (times)? Umpteen 148 B What 'B' is a liqueur - and a monastic order? Benedictine 149 E What 'E' is the largest of the antelopes? Eland 150 N What 'N' was a one-eyed, one-armed British admiral? Nelson 151 I What 'I' is a mental defective? Imbecile 152 L What 'L' means transparent or clear? Limpid 153 P What 'P' is the Sovereign Pontiff? Pope 154 O What 'O' wrote The Art of Love? Ovid 155 H What 'H' is salted meat, the back of the thigh - and a bad actor? Ham 156 F What 'F' is a short fictitious story with a moral at the end? Fable 157 D What 'D' comes before light, dream and break? Day 158 M What 'M' is a baboon related to the drill? Madrill 159 J What 'T' advanced psychoanalysis? Jung 160 R What 'R' is where Magna Carta was signed? Runnymede 161 C What 'C' is called 'the windy city'? Chicago 162 E What 'E' invented the electric light bulb? Edison 163 I What 'I' is the largest American lizard? Iguana 164 N What 'N' designed Regent's Park and Marble Arch? Nash 165 R What 'R' is a flat floating structure - and a film star? Raft 166 W What 'W' are Madame Tussaud's models made of? Wax 167 D What 'D' is a plant named from the French for lion's tooth? Dandelion 168 K What 'K' is a tail-less, flight-less New Zealand bird? Kiwi 169 B What 'B' is the chief ore of aluminium? Baixite 170 V What 'V' is drapery round the edge of a bed? Vlance 171 F What 'F' is the world's leading exporter of pulp and paper? Finland 172 T What 'T' is multi-processed soya 'meat'? TVP 173 S What 'S' is dismissal, dry white wine - and a bag? Sack 174 Y What 'Y' is the abominable snowman? Yeti 175 L What 'L' is a Hungarian composer - and a rhyming slang for drunk? Liszt 176 G What 'G' left the Common Market in 1985? Greenland 177 P What 'P' is inflammation of the tooth sockets? Pyorrhoea 178 U What 'U' is a leading actor's stand-in? Understudy 179 J What 'J' was formerly Karol Wojtyla of Cracow? John Paul II 180 A What 'A' is a mixture or compound of two or more Alloy 181 F What 'F' is a long pointed tooth? Fang 182 O What 'O' founded a political party? Owen 183 K What 'K' do you stir with to stir up strife? Knife 184 R What 'R' was an impressionist French composer? Ravel 185 T What 'T' is used by surveyors to measure angles? Theodolite 186 A What 'A' is a South American grazing animal related to the llama? Alpaca 187 E What 'E' is a Turkish title of respect? Effendi 188 B What 'B' is a beak, an obsolete weapon and a note of charges? Bill 189 P What 'P' constricts its prey to death? Python 190 D What 'D' wrote The Three Musketeers? Dumas 191 N What 'N' was the last Czar of Russia? Nicholas 192 J What 'J' comes before ass, boot and knife? Jack 193 S What 'S' is St Nicholas? Santa Claus 194 H What 'H' was the battle which changed the English language? Hastings 195 U What 'U' means emit as sound? Utter 196 G What 'G' lies between Mexico and Honduras? Utter Guatemala 197 M What 'M' is deep crimson? Magenta 198 W What 'W' are fancifully found on Wimbledon Common? Wombles 199 C What 'C' is where the Pilgrim fathers first landed in America? Cape Cod 200 L What 'L' is an azure mineral used as a gemstone? Lapis Lazuli 201 M What 'M' is a gun, a TV series, and a double-sized bottle? Magnum 202 O What 'O' founded the Holy Roman Empire? Otto 203 K What 'K' is a powder used to darken eyelids? Kohl 204 D What 'D' was the Anglo-Saxon tax levied to buy off the Danes? Danegeld 205 J What 'J' is a holy city for three religions? Jerusalem 206 P What 'P' is a scaly anteater? Pangolin 207 H What 'H' is an old word for stockings - and a watering tube? Hose 208 W What 'W' comes before chair, base and wright? Wheel 209 F What 'F' was the last king of Egypt? Farouk 210 B What 'B' is a poetic word for a command? Behest 211 L What 'L' is a peewit? Lapwing 212 S What 'S' is an oriental flat-bottomed boat? Sampan 213 T What 'T' is a schedule of rates or prices? Tariff 214 R What 'R' was a French impressionist painter? Renoir 215 C What 'C' is a spontaneously composed West Indian song? Calypso 216 E What 'E' is a pouring forth? Effusion 217 A What 'A' is a fossilised resin from prehistoric trees? Amber 218 V What 'V' was a major World War I battle? Verdun 219 G What 'G' is a desert-living African rodent - and a British household pet? Gerbil 220 N What 'N' was the Corsican who became Emperor of Napoleon 221 C What 'C' is a fish of the carp family - and a make of lock? Chub 222 I What 'I' is a small demon? Imp 223 N What 'N' was a US president who resigned? Nixon 224 O What 'O' was an unknown animal till 1901? Okapi 225 F What 'F' equals 1.8 metres? Fathom 226 K What 'K' is the only truly oceanic gull? Kittiwake 227 A What 'A' is the capital of Algeria? Algiers 228 P What 'P' comes before pocket, axe and up? Pick 229 D What 'D' was a Greek who feasted with a sword hung over him by a hair? Damocles 230 T What 'T' is the largest order of the Catholic church? Jesuit 231 B What 'B' produced the first petrol-powered c? Benz 232 Q What 'Q' is a four-footed animal? Quadruped 233 H What 'H' is a climbing plant - and an informal dance? Hop 234 L What 'L' first flew the Atlantic solo? Lindbergh 235 S What 'S' is a small perfumed bag? Sachet 236 R What 'R' is Germany's industrial district? Ruhr 237 E What 'E' is the US sculptor with work in Hyde Park? Epstein 238 M What 'M' is molten rock within the Earth's crust? Magma 239 T What 'T' is a freshwater member of the salmon family? Trout 240 U What 'U' is the objective case of we? Us 241 G What 'G' dropped balls from the leaning tower of Pisa? Galileo 242 Y What 'Y' is a sailing vessel? Yacht 243 A What 'A' is the fruit of the Amygdalus Communis? Almond 244 T What 'T' kills some 100,000 Britons each year? Tobacco 245 V What 'V' is the capital of Malta? Valletta 246 S What 'S' is a shoe hollowed from one piece of wood? Sabot 247 U What 'U' holds the ashes of the dead? Urn 248 B What 'B' are nomadic desert Arabs? Bedouin 249 E What 'E' is the same? Equal 250 N What 'N' was the first president of Tanzania? Nyerere 251 I What 'I' is the fourth most abundant substance in the Earth's crust? Iron 252 L What 'L' is a small-clawed lobster or crayfish? Langouste 253 P What 'P' is a toll-bar, a freshwater fish, and a weapon? Pike 254 O What 'O' wrote Animal Farm? Orwell 255 H What 'H' is a British film company — and a blunt instrument? Hammer 256 F What 'F' was five times world champion racing driver? Fangio 257 D What 'D' grows to thirty metres and can fruit for 300 years? Date Palm 258 M What 'M' is slang for mean? Mingy 259 J What 'J' is the month named after Caesar? July 260 R What 'R' had the heart of a lion? Richard I 261 C What 'C' treat feet? Chiropodists 262 E What 'E' removed marble sculptures from the Parthenon to the British Museum? Elgin 263 I What 'I' means to call into question? Impeach 264 N What 'N' comes before mare, shade and shirt? Night 265 R What 'R' introduced the potato to Britain? raleigh 266 W What 'W' is a type of willow - and someone in tears? Weeping 267 D What 'D' were the oldest sons of the kings of France? Dauphins 268 K What 'K' removes waste products from the blood? Kidney 269 B What 'B' is a spring balance used to gauge water depth? Bathometer 270 V What 'V' was the home of Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert, Mahler, Brahms and Freud? Vienna 271 F What 'F' is a deposit of polluting particles? Fallout 272 T What 'T' cost up to £10 a pound in 17th century England? tea 273 S What 'S' is the language of East Africa? Swahili 274 Y What 'Y' is a coarse rough type? Yobbo 275 L What 'L' was the US president slain at a play? Lincoln 276 G What 'G' is a substance in between solid and liquid? Gel 277 P What 'P' is a large South American rodent? Paca 278 U What 'U' is an implement or tool? Utensil 279 J What 'J' was the maiden who led an army? Joan Of Arc 280 A What 'A' is the largest, most important artery? Aorta 281 F What 'F' discovered electro-magnetic induction? Faraday 282 O What 'O' is a German town - and a composer? Offenbach 283 K What 'K' comes before calorie, hertz and watt? Kilo 284 R What 'R' were first used in war by the Chinese in the 13th century? Rockets 285 T What 'T' winters in the Antarctic and spends the summer in the Arctic? Tern 286 A What 'A' is a respiratory disease? Asthma 287 E What 'E' is the largest Australian bird? Emu 288 B What 'B' is a city divided by a wall? Berlin 289 P What 'P' was a 6th century BC Greek mathematician? Pythagoras 290 D What 'D' is to fish by letting bait bob on water? Dap 291 N What 'N' is a hookah pipe? Narghile 292 J What 'J' was US president from 1963 to 1969? Johnson 293 S What 'S' is the capital of El Salvador? San Salvador 294 H What 'H' was the messenger of the gods? Hermes 295 U What 'U' is moneylending at exhorbitant interest? Usury 296 G What 'G' are the elementary units of heredity? Genes 297 M What 'M' is a tropical tree of hard red wood? Mahogany 298 W What 'W' is something that comes every seven days? Weekly 299 C What 'C' is the roe of sturgeon? Caviar 300 L What 'L' was the leading protestant of the Reformation? Luther 301 M What 'M' is the highest class of animals? Mammals 302 O What 'O' is a sultanate in South West Asia? Oman 303 K What 'K' is the indentation in the bottom of a glass bottle? Kick 304 D What 'D' comes before horse, continent and ages? Dark 305 J What 'J' was the American novelist who lived mainly in England? James 306 P What 'P's' beak can hold more than his belly can? Pelican 307 H What 'H' means Spanish? Hispanic 308 W What 'W' is the antonym of husband? Wife 309 F What 'F' is twelve inches? Foot 310 B What 'B' is the world's bestselling book? Bible 311 L What 'L' is the sound-producing cavity in the windpipe? Larynx 312 S What 'S' is Swahili for a journey? Safari 313 T What 'T' were cave dwellers? Troglodytes 314 R What 'R' was a great Renaissance artist? Raphael 315 C What 'C' is a wedge used to stop a wheel moving? Chock 316 E What 'E' is a newt? eft 317 A What 'A' is a black sticky mixture of minerals containing bitumen? Asphalt 318 V What 'V' is where the Confederates surrendered in the US civil war? Vicksburg 319 G What 'G' is a Japanese female entertainer? Geisha 320 N What 'N' is a tendency to self-worship? Narcissm 321 C What 'C' is an often fatal disease endemic in India? Cholera 322 I What 'I' is senseless? Inane 323 N What 'N' was Napoleon's general at Waterloo? Ney 324 O What 'O' is the world centre for port (wine)? Oporto 325 F What 'F' played cricket and soccer for England - and held the world long jump record? Fry 326 K What 'K' is a rounded protuberance? Knob 327 A What 'A' is someone lacking pigment in their skin and hair? Albino 328 P What 'P' is a species of whale that sometimes loses its way? Pilot 329 D What 'D' means to believe, consider or judge? Deem 330 J What 'J' is the river where Jesus was baptised? Jordan 331 B What 'B' is played on a table with three balls and a rod? Billiards 332 Q What 'Q' are the hypothetical bases of atomic particles? Quarks 333 H What 'H' is to push your way, or jostle? Hustle 334 L What 'L' wrote Hiawatha? Longfellow 335 S What 'S' connects the Mediterranean and the Red Sea? Suez Canal 336 R What 'R' is a bird with a red breast? Robin 337 E What 'E' is either pole of an electric battery? Electrode 338 M What 'M' is a soft-bodied grub? Maggot 339 T What 'T' comes before worm, measure and deck? Tape 340 U What 'U' is a lifeline? Umbilical 341 G What 'G' was an English portrait painter? Gainsborough 342 Y What 'Y' means over there? Yonder 343 A What 'A' comes before cyclone, macassar and climax? Anti 344 T What 'T' are pungent aromatic leaves used as flavouring? Tarragon 345 V What 'V' is a farewell speech? Valediction 346 S What 'S' is the capital of Chile? Santiago 347 U What 'U' is an undercurrent flowing contrary to a surface current? Undertow 348 B What 'B' is a cardinal's cap - and a make of gun? Biritta 349 E What 'E' spontaneously recovers its shape after distortion? Elastic 350 N What 'N' was destroyed by an atom bomb? Nagasaki 351 I What 'I' is an image of Christ in the Eastern church? Icon 352 L What 'L' is a long-shaped weapon? Lance 353 P What 'P' was a major Russian literary figure? Pushkin 354 O What 'O' is a South African river, a French town and a fruit? Orange 355 H What 'H' was the Greek goddess of health? Hygeia 356 F What 'F' is an artificially high voice? Falsetto 357 D What 'D' wrote The Origin of Species? Darwin 358 M What 'M' comes from deers and is used in perfume? Musk 359 J What 'J' was the US president who created the Republican party? Jefferson 360 R What 'R' is a type of grass - and a British film star? Reed 361 C What 'C' is the substance left when a mineral has been burnt? Calx 362 E What 'E' is the most densely populated part of Britain? England 363 I What 'I' is beginning? Inception 364 N What 'N' was the mythical drink which conferred immortality? Nectar 365 R What 'R' comes before head, wing and skin? Red 366 W What 'W' is spoken by natives of Snowdonia? Welsh 367 D What 'D' is an antelope the size of a hare? Dik Dik 368 K K. What 'K' succeeded Joseph Stalin? Khrushchev 369 B What 'B' was an early word for cinema? Bioscope 370 V What 'V' was paradise in Norse mythology? Valhalla 371 F What 'F' is a barrier - and a receiver of stolen goods? Fence 372 T What 'T wrote poetry for more than sixty years? Tennyson 373 S What 'S' is an oil-rich desert kingdom? Saudi Arabia 374 Y What 'Y' is a fox-hunter's cry or halloo? Yoicks 375 L What 'L' is apathetic or drooping? Languid 376 G What 'G' helped win India's independence? Gandhi 377 P What 'P' is a unit of mass, an animal enclosure - and a US poet? Pound 378 U What 'U' means the month proceeding this one? Ultimo 379 J What 'J' is the ancient Samurai combat form using throws? Jujitsu 380 A What 'A' was taught by Plato - and himself taught Alexander the Great?
Aristotle 381 F What 'F' is an enthusiastic supporter - and a device for circulating air? Fan 382 O What 'O' is the capital of Canada? Ottowa 383 K What 'K' was the first Mongul Emperor of China? Kublai Khan 384 R What 'R' is any savage-tempered animal? Rogue 385 T What 'T' is a unit of measure of gas? Therm 386 A What 'A' mechanised cotton spinning? Arkwright 387 E What 'E' is a rich green variety of beryl? Emerald 388 B What 'B' is the science of life? Biology 389 P What 'P' is a small sea-snail living on the shore? Periwinkle 390 D What 'D' means to discourage, intimidate - and press herrings down in a barrel? Daunt 391 N What 'N' is laughing gas? Nitrous Oxide 392 J What 'J' invaded England in the fifth century? Jutes 393 S What 'S' is an autonomous Mediterranean island? Sardinia 394 H What 'H' is the antonym to Heaven? Hell 395 U What 'U' is higher? Upper 396 G What 'G' is a spirit, a trap - and a machine for seeding cotton? Gin 397 M What 'M' was fascist dictator of Italy? Mussolini 398 W What 'W' comes before band, watch, and drop? Wrist 399 C What 'C' is a large ruminant able to go for long periods without water? Camel 400 L What 'L' is an old nautical term for port (or left)? Larboard 401 M What 'M' is a small, half-wild horse? Mustang 402 O What 'O' is a square-based column with a pyramidal top? Obelisk 403 K What 'K' was Kenya's first president? Kenyatta 404 D What 'D' is soft, drab coral shaped like a human hand? Dead Mans Fingers 405 J What 'J' is a preserve made from fruit? Jam 406 P What 'P' was an English satiric poet? Pope 407 H What 'H' is another name for bumble-bee? Humble Bee 408 W What 'W' is a perennial plant - and a girl not asked to dance? Wallflower 409 F What 'F' is cat-like? Feline 410 B What 'B' is a type of paper, a restraint and a secret agent? Bond 411 L What 'L' is a metallic element, symbol Pb? Lead 412 S What 'S' is to sound like something being pulled out of mud? Squelch 413 T What 'T' is the second largest US state? Texas 414 R What 'R' was a French sculptor? rodin 415 C What "C's" teachings are the basis of Scottish presbyterianism? Calvin 416 E What 'E' preserves dead bodies from decay? Embalming 417 A What 'A' was the sacred chest of the Hebrews? Ark 418 V What 'V' is the brightest of the planets? Venus 419 G What 'G' composed the folk-opera Porgy and Bess? Gershwin 420 N What 'N' was the Greek goddess of victory? Nike 421 C What 'C' is the silvery-white metallic element, symbol Ca? Calcium 422 I What 'I' were conquered by the Spanish in Peru? Incas 423 N What 'N' is bounded by the North Sea, Belgium and West Germany? Netherlands 424 O What 'O' is the most intelligent invertebrate? Octopus 425 F What 'F' discovered penicillin? Fleming 426 K What 'K' is German for children's garden? Kindergarten 427 A What 'A' is a large-mouthed fish of the Herring family? Anchovy 428 P What 'P' was destroyed by the volcano Vesuvius? Pompeii 429 D What 'D' comes before clean, rot and ice? Dry 430 T What 'T' is an agitated bath? Jacuzzi 431 B What 'B' is the prayer-book of the Catholic clergy? breviary 432 Q What 'Q' is a small edible game bird? Quail 433 H What 'H' is the Caribbean island south-east of Cuba? Haiti 434 L What 'L' is transparent material cut so at least one surface is rounded? Lens 435 S What 'S' is a planet with at least fifteen satellites? Saturn 436 R What 'R' is the South American 'ostrich'? Rhea 437 E What 'E' is a vestment worn by a Jewish high priest? Ephod 438 M What 'M' is an edible plant with bright yellow flowers? Mustard 439 T What 'T' is the capital of Japan? Tokyo 440 U What 'U' is a marriage, a workers' association and a combination of parts? Union 441 G What 'G' was a French artist who painted in the South Pacific? Gauguin 442 Y What 'Y' is a devotee of yoga - and a bear? Yogi 443 A What 'A' is a deciduous tree of the genus Fraxinus? Ash 444 T What 'T' comes before graph, kinesis and scope? Tele 445 V What 'V' were Odin's handmaidens? Valkyries 446 S What 'S' is a landlocked country with three official languages? Switzerland 447 U What 'U' is going alternatively up and down? Undulation 448 B What 'B' is a female wolf? Bitch 449 E What 'E' is when the sun is directly overhead at the equator? Equinox 450 N What 'N' is England's horse-racing capital? Newmarket 451 I What 'T' controls the supply of sugar from the blood to the muscles? Insulin 452 L What 'L' was a 17th century philosopher? Locke 453 P What 'P' was introduced to Britain from Asia -for sport? Pheasant 454 O What 'O' are quartz-like forms of hydrous silica, prized as gems? Opals 455 H What 'H' could get out of anything? Houdini 456 F What 'F' is complete and ignominious failure? Fiasco 457 D What 'D' is a spotted cube, a plinth and an engraved stamp for coining? Die 458 M What 'M' is a slug or snail? Mollusc 459 J What 'T is named after a Roman two-faced god? January 460 R What 'R' is a mass for the dead?
Requiem 461 C What 'C' was a Nobel Prize-winning French novelist? Camus 462 E What `E' is a young eel? Elver 463 I What 'I' are electrically-charged atoms? Ions 464 N What 'N' is a Central American republic? Nicaragua 465 R What 'R' is a honey badger? Ratel 466 W What 'W' is a term used for stopping a horse? Whoa 467 D What 'D' is unusually small? Dwarf 468 K What 'K' succeeded Nikita Khrushchev? Kosygin 469 B What 'B' is the upper nose, a card game, and a road bearing structure? Bridge 470 V What 'V' is the world's smallest state? Vatican 471 F What 'F' means fruitful or fertile? Fecund 472 T What 'T' carries sleeping sickness? Tsetse 473 S What 'S' is a ruler's mistress - and a seedless raisin? Sultana 474 Y What 'Y' is affirmative? Yes 475 L What 'I' is the insect order including butterflies and moths? Lepidoptera 476 G What 'G' wrote The Forsythe Saga? Galsworthy 477 P What 'P' was a 19th century French art movement? Pointillism 478 U What 'U' is a large overcoat - and a part of Ireland? Ulster 479 J What 'J' is a fragrant climber of the olive family? Jasmine 480 A What 'A' is a long-eared quadruped with a tufted tail? Ass 481 F What 'F' led the Labour Party from 1980 to 1983? Foot 482 O What 'O' is the largest living bird? Ostrich 483 K What 'K' invented 'shuttle service' diplomacy? Kissinger 484 R What 'R' can all carry plague? Rodents 485 T What 'T' lies between Algeria and Libya? Tunisia 486 A What 'A' is Hebrew for `so be it'? Amen 487 E What `E' is a measure in typography? Em 488 B What 'B' has the human skeleton 206 of? Bones 489 P What 'P is an instrument of torture - for squeezing fingers? Pilliwinks 490 D What 'D' was invented by the founder of the Nobel Prize? Dynamite 491 N What 'N' is December 25th? Noel 492 J What 'J' is a sailing ship, rubbish - and slang for drugs? Junk 493 S What 'S' was an Irish vegetarian playwright? Shaw 494 H What 'H' lies between Guatemala and Nicaragua? Honduras 495 U What 'U' do you take when you're offended? Umbrage 496 G What 'G' is a legendary grave-robber that feeds on corpses? Ghoul 497 M What 'M' is a gun, a cement mixture and a hard vessel? Mortar 498 W What 'W' is an odour or puff of air? Whiff 499 C What 'C' is an engraving in relief on a stone? Cameo 500 L What 'L' was a Renaissance genius? Leonardo