Blockbusters 05 - (Submitted By Yoda)
    Question Answer
001 M What 'M' is made of Seville oranges and eaten for breakfast? Marmalade
002 O What 'O' is a thorough examination with remedies or repairs if necessary? Overhaul
003 K What 'K' are the gloves to use for handling something very gingerly? Kid
004 D What 'D' had the names, John Juddam, as well as the `Charles' by which he is world famous? Dickens
005 J What 'J' is an object of laughter - a joke? Jest
006 P What 'P' means to poke with a stick or other object? Prod
007 H What 'H' was chancellor of Germany before Hitler? Hindenburg
008 W What 'W' goes before nut, chair and commander? Wing
009 F What 'F' is the last part of an opera, or a musical and is often grand? Finale
010 B What 'B' comes in the form of silverside, skirt and shin? Beef
011 I What 'I' follows Burke's, Gresham's and Boyle's? Law
012 S What 'S' goes before dog, scout and captain? Sea
013 T What 'T' in Italy has kept a shroud for many years? Turin
014 R What 'R' is used for shaving? Razor
015 C What 'C' is a salad-plant whose roasted roots make a coffee substitute? Chocory
016 E What 'E' comes before drum, wig and ache? Ear
017 A What 'A' is another name for a motor car? Automobile
018 V What 'V' was a man who governed a country in the name of its ruler, especially in the British Empire? Viceroy
019 G What 'G' is pickled and is like a little cucumber? Gherkin
020 N What 'N' is another word for the renal, meaning 'of the kidneys'? Nephritic
021 C What 'C' is called a heifer when young? Cow
022 I What 'I' is a holy statue or picture? Icon
023 N What 'N' created the French Legion of Honour? Napoleon
024 O What 'O' is a padded chest (used as a seat) or a Turk of the 13th century? Ottoman
025 F What 'F' is six times twelves, minus thirty-two? Forty
026 K What 'K' is another word for paraffin? Kerosene
027 A What 'A' was christened 'Phoebe Ann Moses', and called `Little Sureshot' by Sitting Bull? Annie
028 P What 'P' succeeded in taming the shrew? Petrucchio
029 D What 'D' is needed to play chuck-a-luck or acey deucey? Diced
030 W What 'W' is the pot that never boils? Watched
031 B What 'B' is the all-girl group consisting of Sarah, Siobhan and Karen? Bananarama
032 G What 'G' is the inclination of a slope? Gradient
033 H What 'H' comes before ghost, grail and Roman Empire? Holy
034 L What 'L' is a brown, soaring bird? Lark
035 S What 'S' is the Persian word for king? Shah
036 R What 'R' is measured by a Pluviometer? Rain
037 E What 'E' get about (and hunt) in a Kayak? Eskimos
038 M What 'M' is the common wild duck? Mallard
039 T What 'T' sang 'On the Good Ship Lollipop', when she was about seven, and was called Shirley? Temple
040 U What 'U' is the anointing with Holy oil of a dying person? Unction
041 G What 'G' is the syrup that isn't molasses, but is sometimes called treacle? Golden
042 Y What 'Y' is spun thread? Yarn
043 A What 'A' is characteristically white-haired and pink- eyed? Albino
044 T What 'T' is indicated by an 'M' in roman numerals? Thousand
045 W What 'W' is the best known product of Orvieto in Italy? Wine
046 S What 'S' is a person who gets blamed for everything? Scapegoat
047 U What 'U' was Grecian and addressed by Keats? Urn
048 B What 'B' is the symbol of happiness, and the name of the Campbell record-breaking boats? Bluebird
049 E What 'E' when it's fair is said to be `No robbery"? Exchange
050 N What 'N' is the part of a church often referred to as the aisle? Nave
051 C What 'C' is the master of a merchant ship, or the pilot of a civil aircraft? Captain
052 L What 'L.' is the adjective applied to Robin Hood's companion John? Little
053 P What `P' is an adjective often used with elephant, eye and Floyd? Pink
054 O What 'O' was ranked second only to the emerald, as a gemstone, by the Romans? Opal
055 H What 'H' are the pointers of a watch or clock? Hands
056 F What 'F' is the enclosed space before a building or the part of a petrol station where the pumps are? Forecourt
057 D What 'D' is a dabbler in art, science, or literature, a superficial lover of the arts? Dilettante
058 M What 'M' was described as an 'elderly, imported American' by the Bishop of Durham? Macgregor
059 J What 'J' is part of the railway for which Clapham is famous? Junction
060 R What 'R' ought to have been called `Voley' in 'The Wind in the Willows'? Ratty
061 C What 'C' is mixed with zinc to make brass? Copper
062 E What 'E' is one of the seven deadly sins? Envy
063 H What 'H' is an extremely large and rather uncommon wasp? Hornet
064 N What 'N' is the bomb designed to kill people rather than damage buildings? Neutron
065 R What 'R' are Ena Harkness, Josephine Bruce and Coral Cluster? Roses
066 W What 'W' wrote 'The Time Machine' and 'Ann Veronica'? Wells
067 D What 'D' is a small furrow for seeds, or a tool for making holes? Drill
068 K What 'K' is the Muslim prayer book? Koran
069 B What 'B' is a male pig? Boar
070 V What 'V' are dilated or enlarged veins, usually in the legs? Varicose
071 F What 'F' do you take to something you suddenly find you like? Fancy
072 T What 'T' wears a frill with bells to frighten away the devil, is an entertaining dog, and is also a jug? Toby
073 S What 'S' is an everyday name for an accordion? Squeeze Box
074 O What 'O' are a pair of socks that don't match in colour? Odd
075 L What 'L' are caterpillars, grubs and tadpoles? Larvae
076 G What 'G' is a system for transferring credits between banks and post offices? Giro
077 P What 'P' is the main square in an Italian town? Piazza
078 M What 'M' is the lawyer, writer called John, who created `Rumpole' and many other characters? Mortimer
079 J What 'J' was the name of One of Henry VIII's wives? Jane
080 A What 'A' was the Greek conqueror who was educated by Aristotle? Alexander
081 F What 'F' was pulled or waved in India by a punkah wallah? Fan
082 O What 'O' are kidneys, liver and heart when eaten? Offal
083 I What 'I' is applied to a person who dies without making a will? Intestate
084 R What 'R' is a problem for dyslexics? Reading
085 T What 'T' is an old-fashioned term for a pub or inn? Tavern
086 A What 'A' is a sport where 'A Gold' is the bullseye? Archery
087 E With what 'E' were Miss Beale and Miss Buss concerned? Education
088 B What 'B' is a gesture of obeisance or respect? Bow
089 P What `P' are soldiers dropped into positions from aeroplanes? Paratroops
090 D What 'D' is an amount deducted from the price of an article as an incentive to pay cash? Discount
091 N What 'N' is a musical sign, a short written communication and to observe something? Note
092 J What 'J' is a wild member of the dog family? Jackal
093 S What 'S' is finely sliced cabbage pickled in German style? Sauerkraut
094 H What 'H' is very cold rain and a greeting? Hail
095 V What 'V' is a pea, carrot, potato, but not a tomato? Vegetable
096 G What 'G' was a famous bearded doctor who for years dominated English cricket? Grace
097 M What 'M' is said to have been seen by a motorist in 1933 swimming in Loch Ness? Monster
098 W What 'W' is done by a dog when it is happy? Wag
099 C What 'C' is a little red fruit that makes the jelly that's eaten with turkey? Cranberry
100 L What 'L' was the favourite subject of the painter John Constable? Landscape
101 M What 'M' is the name connected with anti-communist hysteria in the United States? MacCarthy
102 O What 'O' is an emerging stratum of rock at the surface? Outcrop
103 K What 'K' wrote an ode on a 'Grecian Urn"? Keats
104 D What 'D' is a magistrate of Venice? Doge
105 J What 'I' was the Capulet who first drugged and then stabbed herself? Juliet
106 P What 'P' is a word meaning a marvel, that is often applied to infants? Prodigy
107 H What 'H' are human beings, dogs and cats to fleas? Hosts
108 W What 'W' was called the Iron Duke? Wellington
109 F What 'F' are stories recounted or collected by Grimm, Andersen and Perrault? Fairy
110 B What 'B' is the composer who means so much to Schroeder in 'Peanuts'? Beethoven
111 L What 'L' is a grand duchy bordered by Belgium, France and Germany? Luxembourg
112 S What 'S' is the general name for British currency, and a standard for silver? Sterling
113 T What 'T' was the occupation, study, or profession, of Niebuhr (pronounced Nee-boor) and Niemoller (pronounced Niemerler)? Theology
114 R What 'R' is the 'R' of USSR? Republics
115 C What 'C' is said to cry hypocritical tears? Crocodile
116 E What 'E' is a short journey to deliver goods or messages? Errand
117 A What 'A' consists chiefly of .03% carbon dioxide, 21% oxygen and 78% nitrogen'? Air
118 V What 'V' was the French writer whose works include `Candide"? Voltaire
119 G What 'G' is the American evangelist who toured Britain in 1984? Graham
120 N What 'N' do you turn up when you scorn something'? Nose
121 C What 'C' is wood that has undergone smothered slow combustion? Charcoal
122 I What 'I' helps police reconstruct pictures of criminals? Identikit
123 N What 'N' is the bespectacled Mouskouri? Nana
124 O What 'O' is to express disapproval? Object
125 F What 'F' is lucre? Filthy
126 K What 'K' is the Scottish word for cabbage? Kale
127 A What 'A' comes before tern, ocean and fox? Arctic
128 P What 'P' is the unit of currency in Bolivia, Cuba and Argentina? Peso
129 D What 'D' is the currency of the USA? Dollar
130 W What 'W' is one of the two ways in which iron can be smelted; the other being 'cast'? Wrought
131 B What 'B' is the name of a flower and of a little private railway in Sussex? Bluebell
132 G What 'G' is the name given to the Bible that was printed in 1456? Gutenberg
133 H What 'H' is the name by which Secombe, one-time Goon, is known? Harry
134 L What 'L' will have to be removed from petrol by 1990? Lead
135 S What 'S' is the plain in Somerset where James II's troops defeated Monmouth? Sedgemoor
136 R What 'R' was originally a gondola race in Venice, but is now a term used for races for many kinds of boats? Regatta
137 E What 'E' is a seismic disturbance? Earthquake
138 M What 'M' is the name of a tall white lily, and of pictures or statues of the Virgin Mary? Madonna
139 T What 'T' is the better known name of the 'Mavis' - a British song bird? Thrush
140 U What 'U' is a vote showing that everybody is of the same Unanimous
141 G What `G' are the four accounts of the life of Jesus in the Bible? Gospels
142 Y What 'Y' is slang for American people? yanks
143 A What 'A' consists of the ionosphere, the stratosphere and the troposphere? Atmosphere
144 T What 'T' is the heroine who goes with Pyramus? Thisbe
145 W What 'W' means scared, but is applied to the city of Chicago with a different sense? Windy
146 S What 'S' are fish that come tightly packed in tins? Sardines
147 U What 'U' is 'beyond what is openly seen or known' and applied to motives? Ulterior
148 B What 'B' is part of a drill, or the mouthpiece of a bridle? Bit
149 E What 'E' was thought of by Alfred Russell at the same time as Darwin? Evolution
150 N What 'N' was Macdonald's coalition government of 1931? National
151 C What 'C' is a soft head-covering with a peak, worn by schoolboys and sportsmen? Cap
152 L What 'L' are small rodents given to sudden disastrous migrations? Lemming
153 P What 'P' goes before officer, fish and light? Pilot
154 O What 'O' is a place where you can buy alcoholic drinks but can't consume them on the premises? Off Licence
155 H What 'H' has a famous dynasty that ruled Austria, Hungary and Bohemia? Hapsburg
156 F What 'F' was the character based on Sir John Oldcastle by Shakespeare? Falstaff
157 D What 'D' are woad, tyrian purple and airline mauve? Dyes
158 M What 'M' is a small creature that can beat a cobra? Mongoose
159 J What 'J' used to be a combat between knights on horseback? Joust
160 R What 'R' is the acronym for the best known theatre school in this country? Rada
161 C What 'C' is another name for a janitor and the name of a Pinter play? Caretaker
162 E What 'E' is the gas container of a balloon, or the cover for a letter? Envelope
163 H What 'H' is the name given to the snail's tentacles, or a beetle's antenna? Horn
164 N What 'N' do you keep to the grindstone when kept hard at work? Nose
165 R What 'R' is another name for a carousel or merry-go- round? Roundabout
166 W What 'W' had a son called Sam, in a book by Dickens, and said, 'Be very careful o'viders all your life!'? Weller
167 D What 'D' is a primitive canoe made out of a hollowed tree trunk? Dugout
168 K What 'K' is the material for and act of starting a fire? Kindle
169 B What 'B' was the cathedral town invented and made famous by Trollope? Barchester
170 V What 'V' is a surgeon who treats sick animals? Veterinary
171 F What 'F' is a largish bundle of sticks? Faggot
172 T What 'T' is the first name of dramatist Stoppard? Tom
173 S What 'S' was a Thracian leader of rebellious slaves in 73 BC? Sparticus
174 O What 'O' is a poem meant to be sung, or else a long lyric in exalted style? Ode
175 L What 'L' was seen in a dream going up to heaven, by Jacob? Ladder
176 G What 'G' is a reddish-yellow colour or a hot root? Ginger
177 P What 'P' was an American Indian princess, who married an Englishman in the 16th century? Pocohontas
178 M What 'M' do you get for jam or old rope? Money
179 J What 'J' is a river running into the Dead Sea? Jordan
180 A What 'A' is the sign of the zodiac for January 31st? Aquarius
181 F What 'F' is the square root of sixteen? Four
182 O What 'O' is a rectangle? Oblong
183 I What 'I' is in a pen? Ink
184 R What 'R' is another name for the disease hydrophobia? Rabies
185 T What 'T' is an agreement for a temporary cessation of hostilities? Truce
186 A What 'A' were the pre-Raphaelite brotherhood? Artists
187 E What 'E' is the biblical name for paradise? Eden
188 B What 'B' was the town where the Liberals held their 1984 assembly? Bournemouth
189 P What 'P' was used as writing material by the ancient Egyptians and was a form of sedge? Papyrus
190 D What 'D' is brown crystalline sugar? Demerara
191 N What 'N' is a serviette used for wiping one's mouth or fingers when eating? Napkin
192 J What 'J' is a bird that has an eye for glittering prizes? Jackdaw
193 S What 'S' is a weekly or monthly payment in return for work? Salary
194 H What 'H' is a kind of bean? Haricot
195 V What 'V' is a strict vegetarian? Vegan
196 G What 'G' are pheasants, deer, partridges and grouse? Game
197 M What 'M' precedes nature, love and courage? Mother
198 W What 'W' does a bowler aim at in cricket? Wicket
199 C What 'C' is a clear, transparent, ice-like mineral- usually pure quartz? Crystal
200 L What 'L' is the South American quadruped that spits? Llama
201 M What 'M' is the only primate to get lice? Man
202 O What 'O' killed his father and married his mother? Oedipus
203 K What 'K' is meat cooked on a skewer? Kebab
204 D What 'D' is a dog named after a Yugoslav province? Dalmatian
205 J What 'J' is an Asian monarchy consisting of four main islands? Japan
206 P What 'P' rode nine Derby winners? Piggott
207 H What 'H' is a bumpkin? Hick
208 W What 'W' is an Australian marsupial living wild in Yorkshire? Wallaby
209 F What 'F' founded psychoanalysis? Freud
210 B What 'B' is the capital of Barbados? Bridgetown
211 L What 'L' is a team game borrowed from the Red Indians? Lacrosse
212 S What 'S' is a bird belonging to the Queen? Swan
213 T What 'T' is a much-married actress? Taylor
214 R What 'R' is a burrowing mammal - and aimless chatter? Rabbit
215 C What 'C' is a mound of stones forming a memorial or landmark? Cairn
216 E What 'E' is full of keen desire? Eager
217 A What 'A' is a colourless mixture of argon, nitrogen and oxygen? Air
218 C What 'V' was the volcano that wiped out Pompeii? Vesuvius
219 G What `G' was the first man in space? Gagarin
220 N What 'N' is a poisonous alkaloid used as an insecticide? Nicotine
221 C What 'C' is a pigtail, a leather-tipped stick - and a signal to an actor? Cue
222 I What 'I' was a great Norwegian playwright? Ibsen
223 N What 'N' runs army canteens? NAAFI
224 O What 'O' was the first black hero in English drama? Othello
225 F What 'F' is the longest bone in the human body? Femur
226 K What 'K' lies between Thailand and Vietnam? Kampuchea
227 A What 'A' is the most common metal in the Earth's crust? Aluminium
228 P What 'P' was world motor-racing champion in 1981 and 1983? Piquet
229 D What 'D' is the oldest continuously inhabited city in the world? Damascus
230 J What 'J' is an Islamic Holy War? Jihad
231 B What 'B' is a large monkey with a dog-like muzzle? Baboon
232 Q What 'Q' comes before sand, silver and step? Quick
233 H What 'H' is a quick way of saying SOS? Help
234 L What 'L' was a British soldier who led the Arabs against the Turks? Lawrence
235 S What 'S' is 300 times as sweet as sugar? Saccharin
236 R What 'R' is a marked, greyish-brown American mammal? Raccoon
237 E What 'E' means freedom from pain or trouble? Ease
238 M What 'M' is a port-like drink, and a river in Brazil? Madeira
239 T What 'T' was also known as Lord Greystoke? Tarzan
240 U What 'U' is a flying saucer? UFO
241 G What 'G' is a poisonous lizard? Gila Monster
242 Y What 'Y' is a horse more than one and less than two years old? Yearling
243 A What 'A' is the world's longest land mass? America
244 T What 'T' is a type of roofer and ruler of Britain? Thatcher
245 V What 'V' like a mole likes a hole? Vole
246 S What 'S' is the great North African desert? Sahara
247 U What 'U' is portable weather protection? Umbrella
248 B What 'B' is a nocturnal, carnivorous, burrowing quadruped related to the weasel? Badger
249 E What 'E' comes before nut, works and worm? Earth
250 N What 'N' was an Englishman grown rich in India? Nabob
251 I What 'I' is another form of water? Ice
252 L What 'L' designed the lions in Trafalgar Square? Landseer
253 P What 'P' was the earliest known paper? Papyrus
254 O What 'O' is a large, round ball produced by a wasp? Oak Apple
255 H What 'H' is a beautiful woman of the Moslem paradise? Houri
256 F What 'F' is American for a water tap? Faucet
257 D What 'D' was a World War II concentration camp? Dachau
258 M What 'M' is a large South American parrot? Macaw
259 J What 'T' is a town in India and riding britches? Jodhpur
260 R What 'R' is the use of electro-magnetic waves to carry Radio
261 C What 'C' is a system of religious worship? Cult
262 E What 'E' won the Nobel Prize for his work in quantum theory? Einstein
263 I What 'I' was an English composer of chamber music? Ireland
264 N What 'N' is a downy surface, a recommendation - and a short sleep? Nap
265 R What 'R' is an ordained Jewish official? Rabbi
266 W What 'W' is the people of the southern province of Belgium? Walloon
267 D What 'D' is another name for crane-fly? Daddy Long Legs
268 K What 'K' is a German word meaning broken? Kapt
269 B What 'B' is a Somerset town noted for its hot springs? Bath
270 V What 'V' is a Cross, a London station and was a Queen? Victoria
271 F What 'F' invented the mercury thermometer? Fahrenheit
272 T What 'T' is a bear named after a US president? Teddy
273 S What 'S' is a general term for tailed amphibians? Salamander
274 Y What 'Y' is to be filled with longing? Yearn
275 L What 'L' is a primitive, eel-like fish with a round sucking mouth? Lamprey
276 G What 'G' is a public opinion survey? Gallup
277 P What 'P' is another name for leopard? Panther
278 U What 'U' means deep blue? Ultramarine
279 J What 'J' is a shabby place, a connecting point between bones - and a cannabis cigarette? Joint
280 A What 'A' is a purple or violet kind of quartz? Amethyst
281 F What 'F' is a young female racehorse? Filly
282 O What 'O' is Britain's most honoured actor? Olivier
283 K What 'K' used to box people in circuses? Kangaroo
284 R What 'R' is a group of people of common stock? Race
285 T What 'T' does the song say 'it's a long way to'? Tipperary
286 A What 'A' is the largest living snake? Anaconda
287 E What 'E' executed her sister Mary? Elizabeth
288 B What 'B' was the Greek god of wine and merriment? Bacchus
289 P What 'P' means godless? Pagan
290 D What 'D' is a Spanish surrealist painter? Dali
291 N What 'N' was a 19th century hospital reformer? Nightingale
292 J What 'T' supports a floor or ceiling? Joist
293 S What 'S' is a herb of the mint family - and a very wise man? Sage
294 H What 'H' is a large number, consecrated bread and someone who entertains you? Host
295 U What 'U' is possibly the most fertile country in Africa? Uganda
296 G What 'G' is a crocodile with a long, extremely narrow snout? Gavial
297 M What 'M' is the oldest European colony in the Far East? Macao
298 W What 'W' is the simplest compound of hydrogen and oxygen? Water
299 C What 'C' is a family of flowering plants that thrives in desert regions? Cactus
300 L What 'L' comes before bird, like and ship? Lady
301 M What 'M' is the largest single river in North America? Mackenzie
302 O What 'O' formulated a fundamental law of electric current? Ohm
303 K What 'K' is a falcon that hovers for ground prey? Kestrel
304 D What 'D' was an early photographic process? Daguerreotype
305 J What 'J' was the Irish author of Ulysses? Joyce
306 P What 'P' is god of the dead, a cartoon dog and a planet? Pluto
307 H What 'H' was an 18th century furniture maker? Hepplewhite
308 W What 'W' were strings of shells used by Red Indians as money? Wampum
309 F What 'F' are vertical rows on a chess board? Files
310 B What 'B' is worthless, deficient, of poor quality? Bad
311 L What 'L' was a defensive circle of wagons? Laager
312 S What 'S' is now called 'Ho Chi Minh City'? Saigon
313 T What 'T' was a 'travelling temple' in the Old Testament? Tabernacle
314 R What 'R' is the capital of Morocco? Rabat
315 C What 'C' is a metallic element chemically similar to zinc and mercury? Cadmium
316 E What 'E' preferred a woman to the throne of England? Edward VIII
317 A What 'A' is a one-celled animal that moves by changing shape? Amoeba
318 V What 'V' is the Haitian form of witchcraft? Voodoo
319 G What 'G' are tropical lizards that can walk across ceilings upside down? Gecko
320 N What 'N' was probably the prototype of the unicorn? Narwhal
321 C What 'C' is a unit of quantity of heat? Calorie
322 I What 'I' was the first Tsar of Russia? Ivan The Terrible
323 N What 'N' are tailed amphibians of the salamander family? Newts
324 O What 'O' is a loose fibre got by picking old rope to pieces? Oakum
325 F What 'F' comes before value, cloth and lift? Face
326 K What 'K' is the cat-sized South American 'honey bear'? Kinkajou
327 A What 'A' is capital of the Netherlands? Amsterdam
328 P What `P' is a type of barley, something precious - and an infamous harbour? Pearl
329 D What 'D' was a French mathematician and philosopher? Descartes
330 J What 'I' is a small, rugged, multi-purpose vehicle? Jeep
331 B What 'B' founded the Boy Scouts in 1908? Baden Pwell
332 Q What 'Q' is a pigtail? Queue
333 H What 'H' do you make while the sun shines? Hay
334 L What 'L' means chemically unstable? Labile
335 S What 'S' is both a sea and a fresh water fish? Salmon
336 R What 'R' is a market town - and an archbishop? Ramsey
337 E What 'E' is supposedly home to the Yeti? Everest
338 M What 'M' makes offers you can't refuse? Mafia
339 T What 'T is the world's most densely populated country? Taiwan
340 U What 'U' was the Roman name for Odysseus? Ulysses
341 G What `G' is an adult male goose? Gander
342 Y What 'Y' comes after back, ship and builders? Yard
343 A What 'A' are the essential organic acids which link to form protein in living tissue? Amino
344 T What 'T' is the capital of Taiwan? Taipei
345 V What 'V' creeps by night and sucks blood? Vampire
346 S What 'S' is sodium chloride? Salt
347 U What 'U' was a Norwegian Nobel Prize-winning novelist? Uudset
348 B What 'B' are there more kinds of than any other animal? Beetle
349 E What 'E' lies between Columbia and Peru? Equador
350 N What 'N' are fragments of crushed cocoa-beans - and pen-points? Nibs
351 I What 'I' was a sacred bird to the ancient Egyptians? Ibis
352 L What 'L' is the de facto capital of Bolivia? La Paz
353 P What 'P' is the setting agent in jam? Pectin
354 O What 'O' is a kind of negro sorcery? Obeah
355 H What 'H' built Britain's longest wall? Hadrian
356 F What 'F' is arable land left unneeded for a year? Fallow
357 D What 'D' is a tap, an adept at games - and a flat fish? Dab
358 M What 'M' is the highest capital in Europe? Madrid
359 J What 'J' was called 'the wisest fool in Christendom'? James
360 R What 'R' is someone with extreme hydrophobia? Rabid
361 C What 'C' is the world's second largest country? Canada
362 E What 'E' is the process whereby a solid or liquid is resolved into vapour? Evaporation
363 I What 'I' are the most numerous creatures on Earth? Insects
364 N What 'N' means bond or connection? Nexus
365 R What 'R' is the capital of Burma? Rangoon
366 W What 'W' is a rotary internal combustion engine? Wankel
367 D What 'D' is the American word for maisonette? Duplex
368 K What 'K' is sharp, eager - and a wail? Keen
369 B What 'B' composed the Brandenburg Concertos and the B Minor Mass? Bach
370 V What 'V' is a unit of electromotive force? Volt
371 F What 'F' is a predatory bird related to the eagle? Falcon
372 T What 'T' won the Wimbledon mixed doubles with John Lloyd in 1983 and 1984? Turnbull
373 S What 'S' is a sort of flattened sea urchin? Sand Dollar
374 Y What 'Y' comes before club, full and hostel? Youth
375 L What 'L' is the protective substance secreted by an insect of the same name? Lac
376 G What 'G' is a small room just under the roof of a house? Garret
377 P What 'P' supposedly drove all snakes out of Ireland? Patrick
378 U What 'U' is an open sore? Ulcer
379 J What 'J' is slang for both a chamber pot and German soldier? Jerry
380 A What 'A' is a Portuguese-speaking republic in West- central Africa? Angola
381 F What 'F' is literally 'a man of all work'? Factotum
382 O What 'O' means to obscure or make bewildering? Obfuscate
383 K What 'K' is a cotton wool used for stuffing cushions? Kapok
384 R What 'R' is a root with a peppery taste? Radish
385 T What 'T' is something forbidden? Taboo
386 A What 'A' is a substance our bodies produce to fight invading viruses? Antobody
387 E What 'E' is equidistant from the North and South Poles? Equator
388 B What 'B' is an English philosopher — and a cured cut of pig? Bacon
389 P What 'P' are marine worms that mate without meeting? Palolo
390 D What 'D' is the lower section of a room's wall when faced with wood? Dado
391 N What 'N' is a stingy person? Niggard
392 J What 'J' comes before lag, black and set? Jet
393 S What 'S' is an outward sign of inward grace? Sacrament
394 H What 'H' is the Eve of All Saints' Day? Halloween
395 U What 'U' is the smallest South American republic? Uruguay
396 G What 'G' is another word for bushbaby? Galago
397 M What 'M' wrote about political machinations in The Prince? Machiavelli
398 W What 'W' is pale or exhausted-looking? Wan
399 C What 'C' is India's largest city? Calcutta
400 L What 'L' is our most popular beetle? Ladybird
401 M What 'M' was an 18th century English dandy who affected European ways? Macaroni
402 O What 'O' is a South American cat? Ocelot
403 K What 'K' is a small barrel? Keg
404 D What 'D' is colour-blindness? Daltonism
405 J What 'J' is the Old Testament God? Jehovah
406 P What 'P' is a great Brazilian footballer? Pele
407 H What 'H' is an old-fashioned word meaning 'as a result'? Hence
408 W What 'W' comes before coat, line or band? Waist
409 F What 'F' comes before lights, land and rings? Fairy
410 B What 'S' is connected cells, hammered brass - and a military gun emplacement? Battery
411 L What 'L' is part of Newfoundland and a gun dog? Labrador
412 S What 'S' conquered Jerusalem in 1187? Saladin
413 T What 'T' was a doubting disciple? Thomas
414 R What 'R' stands for radio detection and ranging? Radar
415 C What 'C' is the collective name for the mountains of North and Central Wales? Cambrian
416 E What 'E' selects prizewinning premium bonds? ERNIE
417 A What 'A' is the capital of South Yemen? Aden
418 V What 'V' was a third century Christian martyr? Valentine
419 G What 'G' comes before plank, show and way? Gang
420 N What 'N' is a pop-eyed toad with a muttering croak? Natterjack
421 C What 'C' means to remove an animal from a flock? Cull
422 I What 'I' was an epic poem on the siege of Troy? Iliad
423 N What 'N' is Africa's longest river? Nile
424 O What 'O' is a Japanese woman's sash? Obi
425 F What 'F' is a member of a mendicant order of the Catholic church? Friar
426 K What 'K' is the sum of a person's actions that determines his destiny? Karma
427 A What 'A' is man's nearest living relative? Ape
428 P What 'P' comes before stripe, point and up? Pin
429 D What 'D' is a retaining barrier - and an animal's mother? Dam
430 J What 'T' is a small, usually solitary, wild dog? Jackal
431 B What 'B' means to worry or nag - and lives in a set? Badger
432 Q What 'Q' is a medical charlatan? Quack
433 H What 'H' was the painter who wrote Mein Kampf? Hitler
434 L What 'L' was once capital of Russia? Leningrad
435 S What 'S' was a 12th-19th century Japanese warrior? Samurai
436 R What 'R' is the condensation of water vapour in the air? Rain
437 E What 'E' was a classical English composer? Elgar
438 M What 'M' is one of the most important food fishes? Mackerel
439 T What 'T' is the eighth letter of the Greek alphabet? Theta
440 U What 'U' is a small, four-stringed guitar? Ukulele
441 H What 'G' is a method of strangulation used as capital punishment in Spain? Garotte
442 Y What 'Y' is a sharp, shrill cry? Yelp
443 A What 'A' is a slow movement in music? Adagio
444 T What 'T' is fibrous tissue joining muscle to bone? Tendon
445 V What 'V' was a Spanish portrait painter? Velaquez
446 S What 'S' is a seaweed-covered part of the North Atlantic? Sargasso
447 U What 'U' is the world's major economic power? USA
448 B What 'B' means madhouse or scene of uproar? Bedlam
449 E What 'E' founded the Christian Scientists? Eddy
450 N What 'N' is the capital of Kenya? Nairobi
451 I What 'I' comes before bred, gotten and advised? Ill
452 L What 'L' is molten rock? Lava
453 P What 'P' is Latin for fishes — and the twelfth sign of the Zodiac? Pisces
454 O What 'O' means flattened at its poles? Oblate
455 H What 'H' is the drug from which we get the word assassin? Hashish
456 F What 'F' is a domesticated form of the Asian polecat? Ferret
457 D What 'D' was the Greek philosopher who lived in a tub? Diogenes
458 M What 'M' was beheaded by her sister? Mary
459 J What 'J' is a hard gemstone, usually green? Jade
460 R What 'R' is a European capital with more rainfall than London? Rome
461 C What 'C' is the art of writing beautiful scripts by hands? Calligraphy
462 E What 'E' commanded the allied forces in Europe from 1943 to 1945? Eisenhower
463 T What 'T' is a river - and an Egyptian goddess? Isis
464 N What 'N' was an early species of prehistoric man? Neanderthal
465 R What 'R' comes before sea, deer and currant? Red
466 W What 'W' is a snooker player nicknamed the Whirlwind? White
467 D What 'D' is an imaginary line around longitude 180° West? Date Line
468 K What 'K' is china clay? Kaolin
469 B What 'B' was the French author of more than eighty novels? Balzac
470 V What 'V' is space devoid of matter? Vacuum
471 F What 'F' is a group of people related by marriage or birth? Family
472 T What 'T' is a dance named after a spider? Tarantella
473 S What 'S' was largely destroyed by an earthquake in 1906? San Francisco
474 Y What 'Y' is Japanese currency - and desire? Yen
475 L What 'L' meaning 'freetown', is the capital of Gabon? Libreville
476 G What 'G' is a pungent plant of the onion family? Garlic
477 P What 'P' was a 14th century Italian poet? Petrarch
478 U What 'U' is an institute of higher learning? University
479 J What 'J' is a large South American cat? Jaguar
480 A What 'A' is a composition for use by a choir in church? Anthem
481 F What 'F' is the southernmost tip of Greenland - and the northernmost of South Island, New Zealand? Farewell Cape
482 O What 'O' is a woodwind, double reed instrument? Oboe
483 K What 'K' is a skirt? Kilt
484 R What 'R' is the US president who gave his first name to a bear? Roosevelt
485 T What 'T' is a common East African gazelle? Thompson's
486 A What 'A' is a curved load-bearing structure? Arch
487 E What 'E' was a Greek dramatist who wrote some eighty plays? Euripides
488 B What 'B' is the capital of Thailand? Bangkok
489 P What 'P' was the Spanish painter who co-founded cubism? Picasso
490 D What 'D' is oozy? Dank
491 N What 'N' supposedly fiddled while Rome burned? Nero
492 J What 'T' is a target in bowls, a lifting mechanism - and a playing card? Jack
493 S What 'S' are snipe-like birds found on seashores worldwide? Sandpipers
494 H What 'H' comes before carbon, electric and foil? Hydro
495 U What 'U' was a mediaeval symbol of virginity? Unicorn
496 G What 'G' is the sacred river of India? Ganges
497 M What 'M' is a large, deadly snake? Mamba
498 W What 'W' was a German operatic composer? Wagner
499 C What 'C' is a blow with the first - or part of a sleeve? Cuff
500 L What 'L' is an oil rich North African Republic? Libya