Blockbusters 04 - (Submitted By Yoda)
    Question Answer
001 M What 'M' is the saint to which a London church said to be In the fields' is dedicated? Martin
002 O What 'O' goes before glory, fashioned and maid? Old
003 K What 'K' is a baby cat? Kitten
004 D What 'D' are the curved uprights that carry a ship's lifeboat? Davits
005 J What 'J' is known to its inhabitants as Nippon? Japan
006 P What 'P' was an Egyptian ruling dynasty that came from Macedonia? Ptolemy
007 H What 'H' is a stew nominally associated with Lancashire? Hotpot
008 W What 'W' is the merry-thought or breast bone of a roast bird? Wishbone
009 F What 'F' is a note played or sung below true pitch? Flat
010 B What 'B' is a lawyer raised to when he becomes a Judge? Bench
011 L What 'L' is made in the form of bobbin, pillow and needle point? Lace
012 S What 'S' is a secret agent? Spy
013 T What 'T' is a jewelled head-dress worn by women on grand occasions? Tiara
014 R What 'R' is demanded after kidnap? Ransom
015 C What 'C' do you strike when you take down tents and move off? Camp
016 E What 'E' was the pen-name of the author of 'The Mill on the Floss'? Eliot
017 A What 'A' is the sea, of which Venice is called the queen? Adriatic
018 V What 'V' are the thirty-three essential parts of the spinal column? Vertibrae
019 G What 'G' is a state that has had political figures called Bishop, Braithwaite, Hudson-Austin, and Scoon? Grenada
020 N What 'N' goes with pamby? Namby
021 C What 'C' can be alimentary, Regent's or Panama? Canal
022 I What 'T' is an island republic, south-east of Greenland, and 500 miles north-west of Scotland? Iceland
023 N What 'N' is a Canadian province, or a breed of dog? Newfoundland
024 O What 'O' was the ancient Greek king whose name is given to a neurotic relationship with the parent? Oedipus
025 F What 'F' comes before dog, lighter and alarm? Fire
026 K What 'K' is an Australian marsupial related to the wallaby? Kangaroo
027 A What 'A' is a famous 20th century poet with the first names Wystan Hugh? Auden
028 P What `P' is the smallest and least valuable piece in chess? Pawn
029 D What 'D' means 'become wider or larger', and is often applied to the pupil of the eye? Dilate
030 W What 'W' is a little tool for beating eggs or cream to a froth? Whisk
031 B What 'B' had been on a bread-fruit collection expedition when his crew mutinied? Bligh
032 G What `G' was one of the seven dwarfs? Grumpy
033 H What 'H' is tiny, sips nectar on the wing, and lives in hot countries? Hummingbird
034 L What 'L' is the river that flows through the château country of France? Loire
035 S What 'S' goes before plate, fir tree and lining? Silver
036 R What 'R' wrote a history of the world while imprisoned in the tower in the early 17th century? Raleigh
037 E What 'E' is a phone number that is deliberately left out of the book? Ex Directory
038 M What 'M' is the lace veil worn by Spanish women over the head and shoulders? Mantilla
039 T What 'T' is another word for lukewarm? Tepid
040 U What 'U' are you on, when you're so poor that you've worn away the soles of your shoes? Uppers
041 G What 'G' is divided in two and produces hock and sauerkraut? Germany
042 Y What 'Y' is a tree often planted in graveyards? Yew
043 A What 'A' is a fruit known also as an alligator pear? Avocado
044 T What 'T' is a rose prickle? Thorn
045 W What 'W' was responsible for the design of fifty-one London churches? Wren
046 S What 'S' is the wire fastener that holds a booklet together through the centrefold? Staple
047 U What 'U' is a little ragamuffin and is applied to a type of short haircut? Urchin
048 B What 'B' is a kind of coarse fern that infests heath, moorland and mountain? Bracken
049 E What 'E' comes after electric, sand and conger? Eel
050 N What 'N' do you mean to hit with a hammer, but also often hit by mistake? Nail
051 C What 'C' is the type of crow that feeds on dead animals? Carrion
052 L What 'L' are you not in when you are fancy-free? Love
053 P What 'P' is Scottish or American for the little finger, or a character in 'Brighton Rock'? Pinkie
054 O What 'O' is Des, whose best known song was 'Careless Hands'? O Connor
055 H What 'H' is an eleven-a-side game played with curved sticks? Hockey
056 F What 'F' is the art of planting, managing, and tending great numbers of trees? Forestry
057 D What 'D' comes before horse, ages and continent? Dark
058 M What 'M' is a book which gave clues to the whereabouts of a jewelled hare? Masquerade
059 J What 'J' is the profession of collection and writing news? Journalism
060 R What 'R' is where you can occasionally find a stationary taxi? Rank
061 C What 'C' is the game in which Emmanuel Lasker was supreme? Chess
062 E What 'E' is the period between afternoon and night? Evening
063 H What 'H' is the largest of London's Royal parks? Hyde
064 N What 'N' had an ark and led animals in two by two? Noah
065 R What 'R' is mass for the repose of the souls of the dead? Requiem
066 W What 'W' is the family of trees to which the osiers and sallows belong? Willow
067 D What 'D' is usually shown by a red signal and means beware? Danger
068 K What 'K' is an Australian bear? Koala
069 B What 'B' is the colour that in this country signifies mourning? Black
070 V What 'V' is a tax? VAT
071 F What 'F' is the tree that shows your genealogy? Family
072 T What 'T' in Staffordshire gave its name to Peel's manifesto in 1834? Tamworth
073 S What 'S' is a post for marking out territory, or is money placed in a bet? Stake
074 O What 'O' was called Daniel and was the early 19th century leader of Irish Nationalism? O Connell
075 L What 'L' are German songs? Lieder
076 G What 'G' has a district called 'Pollock'? Glasgow
077 P What 'P' is a hundredth part of a German Mark? Pfennig
078 M What 'M' did Burns address as a 'Wee, sleekit, cowering, timorous beastie'? Mouse
079 J What 'I' is part of the Channel Islands, a breed of cattle and an article of clothing? Jersey
080 A What 'A' is kept in an urn at Lords? Ashes
081 F What 'F' is an ordinal of one? First
082 O What 'O' is a child without parents? Orphan
083 I What 'I' lights up? Illuminate
084 R What 'R' is commemorated on Easter Sunday? Ressurection
085 T What 'T' is thirteen plus fourteen minus fifteen? Twelve
086 A What 'A' is the science, or art, in which the adjective `palladian' is used? Architecture
087 E What 'E' are two and two and two and two? Eight
088 B What 'B' includes the Medulla oblongate, the pons and the cerebellum? Brain
089 P What 'P' was Marshal of France and head of Vichy Government during the last war? Petain
090 D What 'D' borrowed four million pounds to buy shares in the Suez Canal Company? Disraeli
091 N What 'N' is a sandbank with a lightship near Sheerness that was the scene of a famous mutiny? Nore
092 J What 'J' is the bone in which teeth are set? Jaw
093 S What 'S' is what you are told to pull up when your performance has been substandard? Socks
094 H What 'H' is the opposite of perpendicular? Horizontal
095 V What 'V' does something do when it quivers and shakes? Vibrate
096 G What 'G' is the ham of a hog and goes proverbially with spinach? Gammon
097 M What 'M' is a single block of stone like a menhir? Monolith
098 W What 'W' are you when you are tired? Weary
099 C What 'C' is the BBC's teletext service? Ceefax
100 L What 'L' was the name of three kings of Belgium? Leopold
101 M What 'M' is a northern town once known as 'Cottonopolis'? Manchester
102 O What 'O' is the surname of Scarlett in 'Gone with the Wind'? O Hara
103 K What 'K' is an instrument for winding, turning, tightening and locking? Key
104 D What 'D' was Britain's first Jewish Prime Minister? Disraeli
105 J What 'J' is applied to a prejudiced eye that sees only faults like that of a person with an upset liver? Jaundiced
106 P What 'P' goes before chair, bike and button? Push
107 H What 'H' is that part of Hispaniola that isn't Dominica, and is the home of voodoo? Haiti
108 W What 'W' is a battle that forms the backdrop of episodes in Thackeray's 'Vanity Fair'? Waterloo
109 F What 'F' is an ancient implement for threshing corn? Flail
110 B What 'B' was the youngest and favourite son of Jacob? Benjamin
111 L What 'L' is the milky fluid produced by many plants, such as poppies and lettuce, but specially by the rubber plant? Latex
112 S What 'S' is the sport with which Australian Geoff Hunt is chiefly associated? Squash
113 T What 'T' is the Republic whose capital city is T'ai-pei? Taiwan
114 R What 'R' do you 'bring up' when you are right at the back? Rear
115 C What 'C' is the red pepper made from chillis? Cayenne
116 E What 'E' is the age at which you can vote in Britain? Eighteen
117 A What 'A' was the wife of silly Billy, who succeeded George and preceded Victoria? Adelaide
118 V What 'V' was the name of Britain's entry in the 1984 Americas Cup race? Victory
119 G What 'G' was eighty in 1984, wrote 'Our Man in Havana' and was christened Graham? Greene
120 N What 'N' was the place where Charles 1 lost the Midlands to Fairfax? Naseby
121 C What 'C' is the country with the second largest area in the world? Canada
122 I What 'I' is the peninsular which was a theatre of war against the French? Iberian
123 N What 'N' is the acid whose formula is HNO3? Nitric
124 O What 'O' supplies the feathers for the Prince of Wales' crest? Ostrich
125 F What 'F' was the saint associated with Assisi? Francis
126 K What 'K' from Australia is called a 'laughing Jackass'? Kookaburra
127 A What 'A' was the Liberal leader whose second wife was called Margot? Asquith
128 P What 'P' is where one sometimes has to put one's pride? Pocket
129 D What 'D' live in columbarium? • Doves
130 W What 'W' goes before pepper, lie and elephant? White
131 B What 'B' do mammals have platelets or thrombocytes? Blood
132 G What `G' is the network of lines used for locating points on a map? Grid
133 H What 'H' did John Jorrocks call 'The sport of Kings - the image of war without its guilt'? Hunting
134 L What 'I,' is a self-propelled vehicle, particularly a railway engine? Locomotive
135 S What 'S' goes before man, line and jacket? Straight
136 R What 'R' is another name for the breakdance called 'The Mannequin'? Robot
137 E What 'E' do you raise as a sign of surprise or shock? Eyebrows
138 M What 'M' was Uncas, the last chief, according to Fennimore Cooper? Mohicans
139 T What 'T' was the Sherpa who first climbed Everest? Tensing
140 U What 'U' is the special bread eaten by the Jews which contains no yeast? Unleavened
141 G What 'G' do you do in a betting shop? Gamble
142 Y What 'Y' is a television programme about a group of students? Young
143 A What 'A' is wilful setting-on-fire of property, often with the object of gain from the insurance? Arson
144 T What 'T' is the hero of a world famous comic strip for children created by Herge? Tintin
145 W What 'W' is the site of the Thames flood barrier? Woolwich
146 S What 'S' do you use to catch a mackerel? Sprat
147 U What 'U is where a female goat or sheep keeps its milk? Udder
148 B What 'B' is where your heart goes when you get that sinking feeling? Boots
149 E What `E' is a way of identifying something you intend for a special purpose - like one of your own animals? Earmark
150 N What 'N' is what a baby wears that needs constant changing? Nappy
151 C What 'C' is the standard unit of heat? Calorie
152 L What 'L' provides bits called 'best end' and 'saddle'? Lamb
153 P What 'P' is the supposed science of deducing character by feeling the bumps on the head? Phrenology
154 O What 'O' are the bandits that are fruit machines? One Armed
155 H What 'H' is a group of birds, proverbially said to have very good sight? Hawks
156 F What 'F' are toadstools and penicillin? Fungi
157 D What 'D' is a notorious sand bank in the North Sea? Dogger
158 M What 'M' is the unlawful killing of one person by another? Murder
159 J What 'J' is reserved when a decision is delayed after a trial? Judgement
160 R What 'R' was the method by which the British electorate decided we should join the EEC? Referendum
161 C What 'C' is a large country house in France? Chateau
162 E What 'E' is the Harold who wrote 'Good Times, Bad Times' and was once a major newspaper editor? Evans
163 H What 'H' is a mongrel or crossbreed? Hybrid
164 N What 'N' is a seamstress or embroiderer? Needlewoman
165 R What 'R' is pink, and stewed, and is what actors in crowd scenes are supposed to mumble? Rhubarb
166 W What 'W' is the Sunday that can be May 10, at the earliest, and June 23, at the latest? Whit
167 D What 'D' is our name for German porcelain shepherdesses, which actually came from Meissen? Dresden
168 K What 'K' is the bone joint at the base of the finger? Knuckle
169 B What 'B' comes before alley, corner, and date? Blind
170 V What 'V' is a very soft silken fabric? Velvet
171 F What 'F' is a derogatory word for things easily done, or for a ready, fluent way of doing things? Factile
172 T What 'T' are the Separatist group in Sri Lanka? Tamil
173 S What 'S' is a horse-race over obstacles, or a race for men over hurdles and water-jumps? Steeplechase
174 O What 'O' is a child without brothers and sisters? Only
175 L What 'L' was written by Shirley Conran and is about a woman trying to identify her mother? Lace
176 G What 'G' is to chew away at something like a dog with a bone? Gnaw
177 P What 'P 'is complete loss of motor function, in the nervous system? Paralysis
178 M What 'M' goes with pestle for grinding and pounding? Mortar
179 J What 'J' is rubbish and an Oriental sailing boat? Junk
180 A What 'A' has a population of over 51/4 million, and is an island continent? Australia
181 F What 'F' comes before tale, ring and cake? Fairy
182 O What 'O' are international games held in a different country every four years? Olympic
183 I What 'I' is a pause or break? Interval
184 R What 'R' is the system of support and the ropes for moving sails on a ship? Rigging
185 T What 'T' is what a compositor sets? Type
186 A What 'A' is the process of cutting off an arm or a leg? Amputation
187 E What 'E' were the people who had a principal deity called Osiris? Egyptians
188 B What 'B' was the scene of history's most famous tea party? Boston
189 P What 'P' is a mixture of flour, fat and water, rolled and used for pies and tarts? Pastry
190 D What 'D' is the process by which food is converted into substances that can be absorbed into the blood? Digestion
191 N What 'N' is the study of coins and medals? Numismatics
192 J What 'J' is a famous psychologist? Jung
193 S What 'S' is the Russian for 'Fellow-traveller', and the name given to their first artificial satellites? Sputnik
194 H What 'H' is usually mentioned as the second of the three theological virtues? Hope
195 V What 'V' is an innoculation against disease? Vaccination
196 G What 'G' do you see in skeins and gaggles? Geese
197 M What 'M' in London is 202 feet high, and commemorates the Great Fire? Monument
198 W What 'W' are birds that are pied and grey? Wagtail
199 C What 'C' did Mrs Malaprop really mean when she referred to the 'Allegories of the Nile' (because her English was as peculiar as her knowledge of natural history)? Crocodiles
200 L What 'L' means noisy? Loud
201 M What 'M' is a two-syllable word for the human race? Mankind
202 O What 'O' is the value rating for petrol? Octane
203 K What 'K' is the recoil of a shotgun or rifle? Kick
204 D What 'D' is the eider that produces eiderdown? Duck
205 J What 'J' are the calendars that begin with `Nisan' for the church and `Tishni' for civil affairs? Jewish
206 P What 'P' do mice do when the cat's away? Play
207 H What 'H' do falconers fly at small game? Hawks
208 W What 'W' is a very difficult breakdance move that might grind the corn? Windmill
209 F What 'F' is how one would like to be in a foreign language and means a ready use of words? Fluent
210 B What 'B' is where Queen Elizabeth is Head of State, and where Nassau is the principal city? Bahamas
211 L What 'L' was, and is, the German Airforce? Luftwaffe
212 S What 'S' was the host nation for the final tournament of the World Cup in 1982? Spain
213 T What 'T' is a loudspeaker for reproducing high frequencies? Tweeter
214 R What 'R' was originally a political label for the Ultraliberals, which we now call the Left? Radicals
215 C What 'C' is the nickname for Norwich City football club? Canaries
216 E What 'E' has a winter resort on the river at Luxor? Egypt
217 A What 'A' is an animal found in South Africa called a klipspringer? Antelope
218 V What 'V' was a Dutch painter, famous for sunflowers, whose surname was Van Gogh? Vincent
219 G What 'G' goes before eye, fleece and rod? Golden
220 N What 'N' is the first name of Sinatra's singing daughter? Nancy
221 C What 'C' is a heap of stones, or a Scottish terrier? Cairn
222 I What 'I' wrote 'Fools are in a terrible, overwhelming majority all the wide world over', and was Norway's greatest dramatist? Isben
223 N What 'N' was a twenty franc piece named after an emperor? Napoleon
224 O What 'O' is the longest river in South Africa? Orange
225 F What 'F' is a flat slab of rock, an iris, or a piece of bunting used as a signal? Flag
226 K What 'K' is used of difficult problems or of a string tied in several places? Knotty
227 A What 'A' is the Dutch language of South Africa? Afrikaans
228 P What 'P' do you establish with a plumb line? Perpendicular
229 D What 'D' is what American soldiers in the First World War were called? Doughboys
230 W What 'W' is a town in Hampshire with a cathedral, and a table said to be King Arthur's? Winchester
231 B What 'B' comes before rate, and note, and after piggy? Bank
232 G What 'G' is an instrument called a stratocaster? Guitar
233 H What 'H' is the Cinque Port that isn't Hastings? Hythe
234 L What 'L' had a thorn removed from its foot by And rocles? Lion
235 S What 'S' goes before interest, fracture and minds? Simple
236 R What 'R' was the name of the monk who dominated the court of Nicholas II of Russia? Rasputin
237 E What 'E' was the name given to children sent away from big cities for safety during the last war? Evacuees
238 M What 'M' is characteristically guilty of the sin of avarice? Miser
239 T What 'T is a polyester fibre noted for its non-creasing properties? Terylene
240 U What 'U' is another word for the Cosmos? Universe
241 G What 'G' is the principal city in Lake Leman? Geneva
242 Y What 'Y' is an American university and a type of lock? Yale
243 A What 'A' is the region round the North Pole? Arctic
244 T What 'T' goes before clap, bolt and storm? Thunder
245 W What 'W' was the heathen god who gave his name to Wednesday? Woden
246 S What 'S' was the canal built by De Lesseps in Egypt? Suez
247 U What 'U' is a final demand or a threat? Ultimatum
248 B What 'B' is what some people can't say to a goose? Boo
249 E What 'E' is a grossly excessive or extortionate price or demand? Exorbitant
250 N What 'N' is a string of beads? Necklace
251 C What 'C' is a perforated strainer for getting water out of vegetables? Colander
252 L What 'L' was the party of the red rose during the Wars of the Roses? Lancaster
253 P What 'P' goes before apple, marten and cone? Pine
254 O What O0' is a hazard that arises out of your work, or what you habitually do? Occupational
255 H What 'H' is the flat bit at the end of a nail? Head
256 F What 'F' is the colloquial name for a note worth 500 pence? Fiver
257 D What 'D' is to reduce in rank or importance? Demote
258 M What 'M' comes before field, storm and pole? Magnetic
259 J What 'J' was the wife of Punch? Judy
260 R What 'R' is a coloured arc which has something in common with Finian? Rainbow
261 C What 'C' is something arranged in order of time? Chronological
262 E What 'E' is a ballet dancer's leap, during which the legs are rapidly crossed? Entrechat
263 H What 'H' is beautiful when it is calligraphy? Handwriting
264 N What 'N' is the Roman Deity identified with Poseidon? Neptune
265 R What 'R' is the animal class that includes tortoises, crocodiles and snakes? Reptilia
266 W What 'W' is to talk under your breath, or in an undertone? Whisper
267 D What 'D' is silly nonsense, or twaddle? Drivel
268 K What 'K' is a Scottish church? Kirk
269 B What 'B' is an exchange of goods, insead of money? Barter
270 V What 'V' are rats, mice and fleas? Vermin
271 F What 'F' is an Italian city almost destroyed by flood in 1966? Florence
272 T What 'T' is the aquatic larval state of most amphibians? Tadpole
273 S What 'S' is the favourite slang name for the potato? Spud
274 O What 'O' means thoroughly stupid and is also applied to angles? Obtuse
275 L What 'L' is a sheet of water, occupying a depression in the earth's surface? Lake
276 G What 'G' was mustard with mutton said to be a sign? Gluttony
277 P What 'P' is said to be mightier than the sword? Pen
278 M What 'M' is the name we use for the Moslems who invaded Spain, and sometimes for Moroccans? Moors
279 J What 'J' did Romeo love? Juliet
280 A What 'A' is a bridge for carrying water across a valley, that the Romans built in many places?
281 F What 'F' is the verb for a sow giving birth to a litter of piglets? Farrow
282 O What 'O' is a colour, an oil and something that can be eaten? Olive
283 I What 'T' is the part of the body where food is digested? Intestine
284 R What 'R' is the Army bugle-call for waking soldiers? Reveille
285 T What 'T are the plants with which Bill Mason has to struggle? Triffids
286 A What 'A' was Socialist Prime Minister in 1945? Attlee
287 E What 'E' is a plain-coloured flag with a Union Jack in the corner? Ensign
288 B What 'B' was the ship whose crew colonised Pitcairn Island, before they burned the ship? Bounty
289 P What 'P' were Socrates, Descartes, Bertrand Russell and Wittgenstein? Philosophers
290 D What 'D' is the way a particular community within a county speaks? Dialect
291 N What 'N' is a work of fiction writing? Novel
292 J Which 'J' is always running away from Tom? Jerry
293 S What 'S' did the Rolling Stones not get? Satisfaction
294 H What 'H' is a chart said to be 'cast' by an astrologer? Horoscope
295 V What 'V' was a Scandinavian seaman or pirate? Viking
296 G What 'G' was imprisoned for saying that the earth moved? Galileo
297 M What 'M' was created on the fourth day? Moon
298 W What 'W' is a thin cake of batter, is cooked with an iron, and also means talking rubbish? Waffle
299 C What 'C' is in charge of gambling games in a casino? Croupier
300 L What 'L' is a black bootlace you can eat? Licorice
301 M What 'M' is the planet fourth from the Sun? Mars
302 O What 'O' was the port near which uranium hexafluoride containers were sunk in a French boat? Ostend
303 K What 'K' is a tower stronghold, usually square? Keep
304 D What 'D' is a tubular wooden Australian wind instrument? Didgerydoo
305 J What 'J' is an umbrella-shaped fish, called a Medusa, that stings? Jellyfish
306 P What 'P' is a flat-bottomed boat, or a type of kick in rugby? Punt
307 H What 'H' is a woman who has, or is going to inherit a lot of money? Heiress
308 W What 'W' goes before cub, hound or whistle? Wolf
309 F What 'F' can be in kettles, on coat collars or on an unhealthy tongue? Fur
310 B What 'B' is the ecclesiastical boss of a diocese? Bishop
311 L What 'L' is a country smaller than Washington DC, that lies between Switzerland and Austria? Liechtenstein
312 S What 'S' is used to cut grass, and appears with a hammer on the Soviet flag? Sickle
313 T What 'T' is the great river on which Newcastle stands? Tyne
314 R What 'R' is a cattle-breeding station in Canada and the USA? Ranch
315 C What 'C' was the country that had a communist leader called Dubcek? Czechoslovakia
316 E What 'E' are the native human inhabitants of the Arctic? Eskimos
317 A What 'A' makes, with Socrates and Plato, the great trio of Greek philosophy? Aristotle
318 V What 'V' is the city where you see the Bridge of Sighs? Venice
319 G What 'G' is the professional occupation of Gary Player? Golf
320 N What 'N' was chained up in the yard, which enabled Peter Pan to get into the Darlings' house? Nana
321 C What 'C' is a vegetable with a large, white, edible flower-head? Cauliflower
322 I What 'I' is one of the Balearic islands that live on importing tourists and exporting salt? Ibiza
323 N What 'N' is the English county that includes Ainwich and Bamburgh castles? Northumberland
324 O What 'O' is commonplace or usual? Ordinary
325 F What 'F' means a silly person when preceding brain, pate or head? Feather
326 K What 'K' is a small falcon that is also known as a windhover? Kestrel
327 A What 'A' is the Balkan communist state adjoining Greece? Albania
328 P What `P' is the fruit called Kaki in Asia, that looks a bit like a tomato and figures in American folk stories? Persimmon
329 D What 'D' is an author of plays? Dramatist
330 W What 'W' is occidental? West
331 B What 'B' goes before pipe, up and lamp? Blow
332 G What 'G' is the nickname for the Royal Artillery? Gunners
333 H What 'H' can be ball-pane, tack, sledge or claw? Hammer
334 L What 'L' is the British rugby union overseas touring side? Lions
335 S What 'S' goes before lane, mile and shell? Sea
336 R What 'R' is to cut grain with a sickle at harvest? Reap
337 E What 'E' is the residence and office of an ambassador? Embassy
338 M What 'M' is a fine-grained, reddish wood, much used by the cabinet makers? Mahogany
339 T What 'T' goes before water, set and paper? Toilet
340 U What 'U' is an actor ready to take over someone else's part in an emergency? Understudy
341 G What 'G' is the carriage on which the coffins of soldiers and statesmen are often transported? Gun
342 Y What 'Y' is a monetary unit of Japan's currency? Yen
343 A What 'A' are mountains that form a range entirely in Italy? Apennines
344 T What 'T' is the number made by multiplying a hundred by ten? Thousand
345 W What 'W' is the abbey owned by the Duke of Bedford? Woburn
346 S What 'S' is a system of steps in a country wall or fence, where people, but not animals can cross? Stile
347 U What 'U' sits high up and gets abused by 'the brat of tennis'? Umpire
348 B What 'B' comes after Christmas, witness and letter? Box
349 E What 'E' is an aluminium cupid in Piccadilly? Eros
350 N What 'N' is a female goat or a child's nurse? Nanny
351 C What 'C' is a deep blue pigment of metallic origin? Cobalt
352 L What 'L' is a sore throat in Latin? Laryngitis
353 P What 'P' is the name of Edward Western closely linked with? Photography
354 O What 'O' means to acquire or get? Obtain
355 H What 'H' is where Winston Churchill went to school? Harrow
356 F What 'F' is the penalty that is an unchangeable fine for parking? Fixed
357 D What 'D' is the cathedral in the north of England, started in 1093? Durham
358 M What 'M' could only be treated with quinine? Malaria
359 J What are Split and Dubrovnik? Jugoslavia
360 R What 'R' were Flopsy, Mopsy, Cottontail and Peter? Rabbits
361 C What 'C' is a thick, coarse fleshed, omnivorous river fish of the carp family? Chub
362 E What 'E' is the suffix meaning smaller imitation or female that can be added to flannel, usher or kitchen? Ette
363 H What 'H' is commonly used as a synonym for mesmerised? Hypnotised
364 N What 'N' is the popular name for an allergic skin irritation called urticaria? Nettlerash
365 R What 'R' is the versatile Mr Daltry, the pop star and actor? Roger
366 W What 'W' is spelt with an `e' when it's Irish, and without when it's scotch? Whiskey
367 D What 'D' is the product of phoenix dactylifera that grows in the Near East? Dates
368 K What 'K' is a smoked herring? Kipper
369 B What 'B' was the lump of wood on which people were beheaded? Block
370 V What 'V' are blinds? Venetian
371 F What 'F' was the name taken by a group of non- revolutionary socialists in England in 1884? Fabians
372 T What 'T' is the art and science of fighting battles? Tactics
373 S What 'S' is the saucepan in which bones are boiled to make the basis of soups and sauces? Stockpot
374 O What 'O' indicates the anti-knock rating of fuel? Octane
375 L What 'L.' is a rope with a running noose, for catching cattle? Lasso
376 G What 'G' is an engineless aeroplane? Glider
377 P What 'P' is a combination of specified numbers used in football pools? Permutation
378 M What 'M' is the relationship of Princess Diana to Prince William? Mother
379 J What 'J' brings people bad luck? Jinx
380 A What 'A' has, as its ore, a substance called bauxite? Aluminium
381 F What 'F' has a polypod got a lot of? Feet
382 O What 'O' is the edible home of a pearl? Oyster
383 I What 'I' is important when applying for a job? Interview
384 R What 'R' was the French cardinal who was the virtual ruler of France in the early 17th century? Richlieu
385 T What 'T' means to wait, or delay, and rhymes with marry? Tarry
386 A What 'A' is demanded for refugees and is a home for lunatics? Asylum
387 E What 'E' is for ever and ever and ever? Eternity
388 B What 'B' comes before spanner, room and office? Box
389 P What 'P' is a traveller in a motor car who is not driving? Passenger
390 D What 'D' in a pharmacy makes up the prescriptions? Dispenser
391 N What 'N' is a person or tribe who wanders from place to place? Nomad
392 J What 'J' is a car and a big cat? Jaguar
393 S What 'S' is a ship designed to sail under the sea? Submarine
394 H What 'H' is the full moon nearest the Autumn equinox? Harvest
395 V What 'V' is the official residence of the Pope? Vatican
396 G What 'G' is the element with the atomic number seventy- nine? Gold
397 M What 'M' in the Yemen is thought to have been the place where coffee originated? Mocha
398 W What 'W' is a ballroom dance and one that Matilda did? Waltz
399 C What 'C' can be a hen, lives in the sea and has pincers? Crab
400 L What 'L' was the husband of a woman in the bible who was turned into a pillar of salt? Lot
401 M What 'M' is a name meaning pearl, given to a member of the Royal family? Margaret
402 O What 'O' is the piece of music that opens an opera or oratorio? Overture
403 K What 'K' in Tanzania is the highest peak in Africa? Kilimanjaro
404 D What 'D' wrote 'The Idiot' and 'The Brothers Karamazov'? Dostoevsky
405 J What 'J' is the triangular stay-sail, between the bowsprit and the masthead on a small boat? Jib
406 P What 'P' is the raised place in a church where the preacher delivers his sermon? Pulpit
407 H What 'H' was the mother of Hermione and caused the Trojan War? Helen
408 W What 'W' is the noise a horse makes when it is pleased? Whinny
409 F What 'F' comes before body, office, country and legion? Foreign
410 B What 'B' weighs 163/4 tons and is called 'Great Paul'? Bell
411 L What 'L' was once called St Petersburg, and is Russia's second city? Leningrad
412 S What 'S' is another word for a water-ice? Sorbet
413 T What 'T' is a thirteenth of twenty-six? Two
414 R What 'R' is a fence of balustrade - often made of metal? Railing
415 C What 'C' was a Danish King of England who sat with his feet in the sea? Canute
416 E What 'E' is a print made from an engraved copper plate? Etching
417 A What 'A' is hard, dustfree, highly compressed coal? Anthracite
418 V What 'V' were Jascha Heifetz, Fritz Kreisler, and Paganini? Violinists
419 G What 'G' are Welsh, Scots, Horse and Grenadier? Guards
420 N What 'N' is a kind of ice-cream and is an inhabitant of Naples? Neapolitan
421 C What 'C' is the vessel in which butter is made? Churn
422 I What 'I' is a house made of ice and snow? Igloo
423 N What 'N' is the nickname usually given, in the navy or army, to someone called Clarke? Nobby
424 O What 'O' are found at Kitt Peak, Mount Palomar and Jodrell Bank? Observatories
425 F What 'F' do you add to thirty-three to get forty-seven? Fourteen
426 K What 'K' is the desert north of the Orange River, mostly in Botswana? Kalahari
427 A What 'A' is a plea of having been -elsewhere at the material time? Alibi
428 P What `P' is government where a woman is dominant in the home of family life? Petticoat
429 D What 'D' is a light sleep? Doze
430 W What 'W' is the Duke commemorated at Apsley House? Wellington
431 B What 'B' are you said to kick when you die? Bucket
432 G What 'G' were Nepalese soldiers serving in the British Army? Gurkhas
433 H What 'H' is a musical instrument (like a portable organ) with bellows worked by the feet? Harmonium
434 L What 'I,' was originally made from flax, oil and corkdust, and is found in many kitchens? Linoleum
435 S What 'S' goes before string, hand and fiddle? Second
436 R R. What 'R' is a vegetable that can be red, white, black or horse? Radish
437 E What 'E' supplies the evidence in ocular proof? Eyes
438 M What 'M' is the animal studied by anthropologists? Man
439 T What 'T' is stretched between the winning posts of a racetrack? Tape
440 U What 'U' means on the first floor, or a higher storey? Upstairs
441 G What 'G' is between Honduras and Mexico? Guatamala
442 Y What 'Y' is the festive season of Christmas time? Yuletide
443 A What 'A' is vulnerable in the heel? Achilles
444 T What 'T' is called a 'pourboire' or `backsheesh'? Tip
445 W What 'W' does a bigamist have more than one of? Wife
446 S What 'S' did Aristotle think women hadn't got, and which most people think goes to heaven after death? Soul
447 U What 'U' goes before crust, cut and class? Upper
448 B What 'B' is the name given to a special gravy or sauce jug? Boat
449 E What 'E' is another word for an age, a period or an epoch? Era
450 N What 'N' was a pig in 'Animal Farm', or emperor of France? Napoleon
451 C What 'C' are pale-coloured French beef cattle from near Lyons? Charollais
452 L What 'L' is a decapod marine crustacean with claws, which is red when cooked? Lobster
453 P What 'P' is the capital of Arizona? Phoenix
454 O What 'O' is the expression used to mean the time when the least electricity is used? Offpeak
455 H What 'H' do you fly-off if you get loquaciously angry? Handle
456 F What 'F' is used to knock you down when you are astonished and amazed? Feather
457 D What 'D' was Argus who recognised Ulysses after twenty years? Dog
458 M What 'M' was Sir Thomas who compiled the `Morte D'Arthur'? Mallory
459 J What 'I' is Lennon's pop musician son? Julian
460 R What 'R' was the king who may have murdered the princes in the tower? Richard III
461 C What 'C' is a monster with a lion's head, a goat's body and a dragon's tail? Chimera
462 E What 'E' is an exaggerated feeling of well-being usually based on over-confidence? Euphoria
463 H What 'H' identified as 'IBN Talal' is King of Jordan? Hussein
464 N What 'N' is the wine you mustn't put into old bottles? New
465 R What 'R' can be metamorphic, sedimentary, or igneous? Rock
466 W What 'W' is, or was, called baleen plate and was used in corsets and for brushes? Whalebone
467 D What 'D' is the disease you suffer from if you can't make your own insulin? Diabetes
468 K What 'K' is a famous diamond which weighs 102 carats and is one of the British crown jewels? Koh I Noor
469 B What 'B' can be a pole, an itch or a shop? Barber's
470 V What 'V' is the poison secreted in snakes and bees? Venom
471 F What 'F' married the world's sweetheart and played in the 'Thief of Baghdad'? Fairbanks
472 T What 'T' is a child's cuddly bear? Teddy
473 S What 'S' is the correct name of the pedal of a piano, sometimes called the loud pedal? Sustaining
474 O What 'O' is a group of eight - like the notes in a scale? Octave
475 L What 'L' is a decorative textile for which Nottingham is famous? Lace
476 G What 'G' is a familiar name for a piece of linen used for drying-up? Glasscloth
477 P What 'P' is the pause at the end of a sentence - a full stop? Peroid
478 M What 'M' won 108 caps for England at soccer? Moore
479 J What 'J' was very close to Mr Hyde? Jeckyll
480 A What 'A' are made into calvados and cider? Apples
481 F What 'F' are rockets, roman candles, and bengal lights? Fireworks
482 O What 'O' appears in a newspaper after a person's death? Orbituary
483 I What 'I' is the 'I' to which Moses led his people? Israel
484 R What 'R' is a din, an organised swindle, or a thing you play games with? Racket
485 T What 'T' is a person employed to judge the quality of tea or wine? Taster
486 A What 'A' was the Prince of Saxe Coburg Gotha who married Queen Victoria? Albert
487 E What 'E' are you said to walk on when you go very gingerly for some reason? Eggs
488 B What 'B' is reed-mace, among which Moses was laid? Bullrush
489 P What 'P' is the important prison on the Isle of Wight? Parkhurst
490 D What 'D' were the reptiles dominant during the Mesozoic period? Dinosaurs
491 N What 'N' is a prize for physics, literature and peace? Nobel
492 J What 'J' was the wife of Napoleon? Josephine
493 S What 'S' was a tube-like dress, of the early 50s, or a cloth container for potatoes? Stack
494 H What 'H' are dried in an oasthouse? Hops
495 V What 'V' is the zodiacal sign for someone born on September 1st? Virgo
496 G What `G' precedes ray or globulin? Gamma
497 M What 'M' are animals called capuchin, green and marmoset? Monkeys
498 W What 'W' does the bride usually wear white at and is supposed to be the best day of her life? Wedding
499 C What 'C' is the tropic on the line of latitude 231/2 degrees north? Cancer
500 L What 'L' are you if you have a gammy leg? Lame