Blockbusters 01 - (Submitted Yoda)
    Question Answer
001 M What 'M' is an insect of the order Lepidoptera? Moth
002 O What 'O' is a house containing a hop drying kiln? Oast
003 K What 'K' is south Africa's most famous diamond mine? Kimberley
004 D What 'D' in the morse code go with dots? Dashes
005 J What 'J' comes before Dory, Bull and O'Groats? John
006 P What 'P' is a document demanding action which is signed by a lot of people? Petition
007 H What H' was the woman over whose abduction the Trojan war was fought? Helen
008 W What 'W' has its greatest at four degrees centigrade? Water
009 F What 'F' is the pretty thing called "immortelle"? Flower
010 B What 'B' is a drink made from malt and hops? Beer
011 L What 'L' is a small rock avalanche, or a huge majority in an election? Landslide
012 S What 'S' was a king of Israel who was famous for his wisdom? Soloman
013 T What 'T' goes before deck, measure and recorder? Tape
014 R What 'R' is the name for the Mediterranean coast from La Spezia to Hyeres? Riviera
015 C What 'C' is the war that included the battles of Alma and Balaclava ? Crimean
016 E What 'E' is a Christian church festival celebrated on January 6th? Epiphany
017 A What 'A' is a putrid egg? Addled
018 V What 'V' are thiamine, niacin, and riboflavin? Vitamins
019 G What 'G' is a comedian's stock in trade or something to stop you speaking? Gag
020 N What 'N' was a french marshal who was called "The Bravest of the Brave"? Ney
021 C What 'C' is connected with gambling and potatoes? Chips
022 I What 'I' means to transfix or stick a spike through? Impale
023 N What 'N' is the Himalayan country which is the home of the Gurkhas? Nepal
024 O What 'O' is a black woodwind instrument with a double reed? Oboe
025 F What 'F' dou you cross in the House of Commons if you change party? Floor
026 K What 'K' is a kept place by an Obi in Japan? Kimono
027 A What 'A' is what Edward VIII did? Abdicated
028 P What 'P' is a comic strip created by Charles Schultz ? Peanuts
029 D What 'D' did England expect every man to do at Trafalgar? Duty
030 J What 'J' were in exile in Babylon in the 6th century BC? Jews
031 B What 'B' is a stimulating drink for invalids, and called tea? Beef
032 Q What 'Q' can't you get into a pint pot? Quart
033 H What 'H' is a Japanese method of committing suicide? Harakiri
034 L What 'L' can happen to a ship or help you with your shopping? List
035 S What 'S' is a thing that a ruminant essentially has more than one of? Stomach
036 R What 'R' is the light at the back of a vehicle that is red to warn other vehicles coming from behind ? Rearlight
037 E What 'E' were the first people to make and wear parkas? Eskimos
038 M What 'M' is the best known italian soup over here (UK)? Minestrone
039 T What 'T' is a fly that is feared in Africa because it transmits sleeping sickness? Tsetse
040 U What 'U' is the two dots placed over a letter in German? Umalut
041 G What 'G' was the pure knoght who sat in the siege perilous? Galahad
042 Y What 'Y' is a system of Hindu Philosophy Having many forms? Yoga
043 A What 'A' forms the diet of a pangolin and the echidna? Ants
044 T What 'T is an electric lamp filled with batteries that you carry around with you? Torch
045 V What 'V' are stoats, weasels, and magpies to a gamekeeper? Vermin
046 S What 'S' goes before irin, roller and engine? Steam
047 U What 'U' are the mammary glands of a goat? Udder
048 B What 'B' are nomadic Arabs, who keep horses, cattle and sheep? Bedouins
049 E What 'E' was hurled into a lake at the death of King Arthur Excaliber
050 N What 'N' when speaking of temperature is the equivalent of Zero Nought
051 I What 'I' is the time so ancient that it is beyond memories? Immemorial
052 L What 'L' cannot change is spots Leopard
053 P What 'P' was the name given to English 19th century colonists who grew rubber, tea, cotton, coffe and sugar? Planters
054 O What 'O' is used to mean the start of a war, of a disease, or of violence? Outbreak
055 H What 'H' is a twenty fourth part of a mean solar day? Hour
056 F What 'F' forms a birds plumage? Feathers
057 D What 'D' is any flower that has many sets of petals? Double
058 M what 'M' is the longest running race in the Olympics? Marathon
059 J What 'J' means to poke roughly, or is slang for an injection? Jab
060 R What 'R' is the sort of deal that is harsh or unfair? Raw
061 C What 'C' is the city associated with Godiva? Coventry
062 E What 'E' are big and little conrods in a car engine? Ends
063 I What 'I' was the major movement in French Art named after a Monet painting? Impressionism
064 N What 'N' is the region of France famous for its beaches and its cheeses? Normandy
065 R What 'R' has a scut and is kept in a hutch? Rabbit
066 W What 'W' is 'under the bridge' when it is past history? Water
067 D What 'D' is an aimless scrawling, done while thinking about something else? Doodle
068 K What 'K' is the Himalayan peak thought to be the third highest in the world? Kangchenjunga
069 B What 'B' comes before bottle, bell and blood? Blue
070 V What 'V' is a, usually, rambling performance on the organ while a church fills or empties? Voluntary
071 F What 'F' are you sitting on when you shilly shally? Fence
072 T What 'T' was the alliance of miners, railwaymen and transport workers in 1913? Triple
073 S What 'S' goes before block, price and stalls? Starting
074 Y What 'Y' is a root called the sweet potato? Yam
075 L What 'L' is a baby hare? Leveret
076 G What 'G' is a glove thrown down, taken up, or used when driving a car or fencing? Gauntlet
077 P What 'P' is a horizontal bar for a cage bird to sit on? Perch
078 U What 'U' is a province in Central Italy, which may have given its name to a brown pigment? Umbria
079 J What 'J' is the southernmost of the Channel Islands? Jersey
080 A What 'A' is the collective name given to the twelve disciples chosen by Jesus? Apostles
081 F What 'F' is a town in Wales, or a stone used to make sparks? Flint
082 O What 'O' is a horse at very long odds, thought unlikely to be placed? Outsider
083 K What 'K' was a South African called 'Oom Paul' who gave his name to a coin? Kruger
084 R What 'R' is an inclined beam supporting a roof? Rafter
085 T What 'T' is a valuable food-fish that has varieties called blue-fin, big-eye, and skipjack? Tuna
086 A What 'A' is an exciting, dangerous or unusual undertaking, and sometimes goes before playground? Adventure
087 E What 'E' is what the French want when they shout 'Bis'? Encore
088 B What 'B' comes before death, pool and sea? Black
089 P What 'P' is a dealer in ducks, hens, geese and turkeys? Poulterer
090 D What 'D' is the adjective applied to the Middle Ages between the 5th and 8th centuries? Dark
091 N What 'N' is the 'N' of DNA and RNA? Nucleic
092 J What 'J' is the adjective applied to furniture and buildings of the early 17th century? Jacobean
093 S What 'S' is a greyish-green herb used for stuffing duck, or used to describe a wise man? Sage
094 H What 'H' are both parents of a leveret? Hares
095 U What 'U' was an excavated town in Chaldea? (pronounced Kaldea) Ur
096 G What 'G' is the Milky Way? Galaxy
097 M What 'M' is a significant line through Greenwich? Meridian
098 W What 'W' is most likely to be produced in a distillery in Scotland? Whisky
099 C What 'C' was a German Princess who married, and then succeeded Peter III of Russia? Catherine (The Great)
100 L What 'L' is the molten rock forced out of a volcano vent'? Lava
101 M What 'M' comes before pole, flower and fly? May
102 O What 'O' is where the French Fleet was sunk in 1940? Oran
103 K What 'K' is the name given to the pool in some gambling card games? Kitty
104 D What 'D' is the professional played by Martin Shaw? Doyle
105 J What 'J' is the central column in an aeroplane cock-pit that controls the elevators and ailerons? Joystick
106 P What 'P' is a black and white swimming bird that never flies? Penguin
107 H What 'H' is a point at which the fire brigade can connect to water? Hydrant
108 W What 'W' is a sea mammal that used to provide the so- called 'bones' for women's corsets? Whale
109 F What 'F' do you have in the pie when officiously concerned in something? Finger
110 B What 'B' are people of the West Pyrenees who are separatists? Basques
111 L What 'L' are the short poems that begin: 'There was an old man of Peru Limericks
112 S What 'S' is an English county which includes Exmoor, and the Cathedral city of Wells? Somerset
113 T What 'T' is the American word for a dinner-jacket? Tuxedo
114 R What 'R' is the slang that makes 'Apples and Pears' into `stairs'? Rhyming
115 C What 'C' is a person not in one of the armed services? Civilian
116 E What 'E' precedes Degas, Wallace and Allan Poe? Edgar
117 A What 'A' is the river that runs through the town where Shakespeare was born? Avon
118 V What 'V' came into being between 1943 and 1952 and is called Paricutin? Volcano
119 G What 'G' is an attic and where poets are supposed to live? Garret
120 N What 'N' is to conduct, manage or steer a ship or aircraft? Navigate
121 C What 'C' are the dried flower buds of a type of myrtle, whose oil is suggested to relieve toothache? Cloves
122 I What 'I' is dentine, especially when it's an elephant's tusks? Ivory
123 N What 'N' is one less than ten? Nine
124 O What 'O' does a woman sometimes promise she will do when she gets married? Obey
125 F What 'F' is the state that includes Palm Beach? Florida
126 K What 'K' may a cat look at? King
127 A What 'A' is the female steward on a plane, called a hostess? Air
128 P What 'P' revolted in England in 1381? Peasants
129 D What 'D' was the great reception given to George V in Delhi? Durbar
130 J What 'J' is an iota, whit, or tittle - anyway, something very small? Jot
131 B What 'B' is the character in 'Crossroads', played by Paul Henry? Benny
132 Q What 'Q' is a landing place, or wharf, for loading and unloading? Quay
133 H What 'H' is the official report of proceedings in Parliament? Hansard
134 L What 'L' is the nearly round green fruit from citrus medica? Lime
135 S What 'S' precedes father, mother and ladder? Step
136 R What 'R' is the fruit of the vine when it has been dried? Raisin
137 E What 'E' is a unit of energy? Erg
138 M What 'M' is a bishop's headdress, and often the name of a pub'? Mitre
139 T What 'T' is a stiffened skirt worn by ballerinas? Tutu
140 U What 'U' is the 'Sinister supporter of the Royal Arms? Unicorn
141 G What 'G' was a gallows where executed criminals were hung? Gibbet
142 Y What 'Y' goes before Mr Lear's Bonghy Bo? Yonghy
143 A What 'A' is an intimate mixture of two or more metals? Alloy
144 T What 'T' goes before boy, foolery and Tom? Tom
145 V What 'V' is a large tub or other vessel for brewing and dyeing? Vat
146 S What 'S' comes after mill, gem and cherry? Stone
147 U What 'U' is a person who arranges funerals? Undertaker
148 B What 'B' is often oak, and is produced by the sun? Beam
149 E What 'E' is a long involuntary absence like that of the Jews in Babylon? Exile
150 N What 'N' is the most populous nation in Africa? Nigeria
151 I What 'I' is the order in classic architecture that has scrolled ends to the volutes on its columns? Ionic
152 L What 'L' is where Theseus slew the Minotaur? Labyrinth
153 P What 'P' was the family who wore broom in their hats, that was founded by Geoffrey of Anjou? Plantagenets
154 O What 'O' goes before head, hear and heat? Over
155 H What 'H' is the great port on the Humber Estuary which is really called Kingston? Hull
156 F What 'F is the source of linen and linseed oil? Flax
157 D What 'D' was the kind of man played by Patrick McGoohan when he was 'John Drake'? Danger
158 M What 'M' was the sister of Lazarus and Mary? Martha
159 J What 'J' comes before frost, daw and boot? Jack
160 R What 'R' is every action said to have? Reaction
161 C What 'C' are Encke's seen in 1818, Biela's seen in 1826, and Donsti's seen in 1858? Comets
162 E What 'E' was the ancient, and now poetic, name for Ireland? Erin
163 I What 'I' is a way of travelling with name, clothes and character concealed often resorted to - by royalty? Incognito
164 N What 'N' became the first Prime Minister of independent India in 1947? Nehru
165 R What 'R' in South Africa is worth 100 cents? Rand
166 W What 'W' is a slender, tightly-corseted waist? Wasp
167 D What 'D' are thought to have worshipped something at Stonehenge? Druids
168 K What 'K' are sheetbands and timber hitches? Knots
169 B What 'B' was the profession of Joey Maxim and Floyd Patterson? Boxing
170 V What 'V' is the Russian river which is the longest in Europe and has singing boatmen? Volga
171 F What 'F' disposes of stolen property, or keeps cows in a field? Fence
172 T What 'T' is an American golfer known as `Supermex' or Lee? Trevino
173 S What 'S' was a city in South Vietnam now called Ho Chi Minh City? Saigon
174 Y What 'Y' was part of a sailing ship's rigging from which men were hung? Yardarm
175 L What 'L' comes before sentence, class and belt? Life
176 G What 'G' is a kind of bread, beer, ale or snap? Ginger
177 P What 'P' is a person who makes scent? Perfumer
178 U What 'U' is the name of a large citrus fruit produced by crossing grapefruit and tangerines? Ugli
179 J What 'J' was Ahab's wife a shameless painted woman who came to a bad end? Jezebel
180 A What 'A' was the vessel into which the animals went two Ark
181 F What 'F' is the biggest bone in the leg? Femur
182 O What 'O' is the decision of a cricket umpire when a batsman is dismissed LBW? Out
183 K What 'K' is a place on the Yukon, famous since 1896, when gold was found there? Klondyke
184 R What 'R' is a river rising in Southern Switzerland, and flowing through France to the Mediterranean sea? Rhone
185 T What 'T' is the country that has had Prime Ministers called Ulusa and Ozal'? Turkey
186 A What 'A' is the 'A' of 'A'-level? Advanced
187 E What 'E' is a newspaper published after mid-day? Evening
188 B What 'B' is a straw hat, with a flat crown and brim, often seen at Henley? Boater
189 P What 'P' is the source of the starch called farina? Potato
190 D What 'D' goes before off, time and of wrath? Day
191 N What 'N' is a lump of gold? Nugget
192 J What 'J' is a crowbar (or something similar), carried by a burglar? Jemmy
193 S What 'S' is a backless seat used by a piano player? Stool
194 H What 'H' is the epithet applied to a parliament that lacks an effective majority? Hung
195 U What 'U' is the opposite of rural and means of the town? Urban
196 G What 'G' was stored in the Parthenon by the Turks in 1687 and resulted in its partial destruction? Gunpowder
197 M What 'M' is what Michael Jackson does when he appears to walk forward but actually moves backwards? Moonwalking
198 W What 'W' was the place where Alice had her first adventures? Wonderland
199 C What 'C' is the force that tends to fly from the centre? Centrifugal
200 L What 'L' in Wales was the model for Llareggub and the home of Dylan Thomas? Laugharne
201 M What 'M' is a flacon and King Arthur's magician? Merlin
202 O What 'O' is the basis of porridge? Oatmeal
203 K What 'K' wrote 'The Knight that Failed' and barrack room ballads? Kipling
204 D What 'D' is a woman played by a man in pantomine? Dame
205 J What 'J' traded the family cow for a sack of beans? Jack
206 P What 'P' were the spectacular birds that pulled Juno's chariot? Peacocks
207 H What 'H' can be a horse's joint, a white wine or a pawnshop? Hock
208 W What 'W' goes before base, chair and barrow? Wheel
209 F What 'F' are among the favourite prey of grass-snakes and were once tadpoles? Frogs
210 B What 'B' is a tree, cove and a window? Bay
211 L What 'L' is an item in an auction? Lot
212 S What 'S' was the Royal House of Bonnie Prince Charlie? Stuart
213 T What 'T' is a slight squabble? Tiff
214 R What 'R' do you do, when wearing jodhpurs? Ride
215 C What 'C' is an artificer in wood? Carpenter
216 E What 'E' are the mongoloid peoples of the Arctic? Eskimos
217 A What 'A' is a list of things to be dealt with at a meeting? Agenda
218 V What 'V' were made by Amati, Guarneri, and Stradivari Violins
219 G What 'G' tells the story of the creation in the Bible? Genesis
220 N What 'N' is the rossignol famous for singing after dark? Nightingale
221 C What 'C' are the artificial bends introduced into a motor racing course? Chicanes
222 I What 'I' is a device for burning garden or other rubbish? Incinerator
223 N What 'N' has the name Milhouse and was ruined by Watergate? Nixon
224 O What 'O' is a red or yellow earth pigment? Ochre
225 F What 'F' is the part of a view, or picture, nearest to the viewer? Foreground
226 K What 'K' was the surname of the Baptist minister who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964 for non-violent resistance to racial inequality? King
227 A What 'A' is a person who is chronically unable to stop drinking beer, wine or spirits? Alcoholic
228 P What 'P' is the largest voracious predatory fish of English fresh water? Pike
229 D What 'D' is the adjective applied to wines that aren't sweet? Dry
230 J What 'J' is a general feeling of disorientation and fatigue, as a result of long flights? Jetlag
231 B What 'B' with a peculiar pronunciation is the castle of the Duke bf Rutland? Belvoir
232 Q What 'Q' means to flinch or cower away, but is also a little game bird? Quail
233 H What 'H' is the red pigment of the blood? Haemoglobin
234 L What 'L' is the text of an opera? Libretto
235 S What 'S' is a sign that indicates that a note is raised in Sharp
236 R What 'R' is the 'R' of 'R. & B'? Rhythm
237 E What 'E' is an Australian tree known as a coolabah? Eucalyptus
238 M What 'M' was slain by Theseus in a labyrinth? Minotaur
239 T What 'T' is the Japanese city that the Shoguns called Edo? Tokyo
240 U What 'U' means customary or occurring in ordinary circumstances Usual
241 G What 'G' was one of England's greatest 18th century portrait painters? Gainsborough
242 Y What 'Y' goes before gods and merry gentlemen? Ye
243 A What 'A' is the Lord's or the communion table? Altar
244 T What 'T is a large waterproof cloth for covering a ship's hatches or a lorry's load? Tarpaulin
245 V What 'V' goes with vigour, and cleans the bath? Vim
246 S What 'S' comes before tactics, troops, and absorbers? Shock
247 U What 'U' is a state within a state which includes Little Russia? Ukraine
248 B What 'B' is the country whose civil aircraft marking is 0 0? Belgium
249 E What 'E' is the department of public service that looks after the nation's money? Exchequer
250 N What 'N' can be aquiline, pug or snub? Nose
251 I What 'I' is a US automobile track race called the 'Five H und red'? Indianapolis
252 L What 'L' was a son of Jacob and is a maker of jeans? Levi
253 P What 'P' is a covering for a bed made of lots of little pieces of different material sewn together? Patchwork
254 O What 'O' results in `no rooms' and is the curse of package tour hotels? Overbooking
255 H What 'H' is food for horses in the form of dried grass? Hay
256 F What 'F' do you snap at an authority which you defy? Fingers
257 D What 'D' series? aepop singer and the home town of the Denver
258 M What 'M' founded the Moslem religion? Mohammed
259 J What 'J' Is the name given to people who climb chimneys Jack
260 R What 'R' can be described as pigeon's blood or cabocho and is a gemstone? Ruby
261 C What 'C' is what parents do at babies, and pigeons do in general? Coo
262 E What 'E' comes from the Greek for heathen, and is now applied to racial minorities? Ethnic
263 I What 'I' is glowing with heat, like the filament of an electric light bulb? Incandescent
264 N What 'N' is the man who drew far-reaching conclusions from the drop of an apple? Newton
265 R What 'R' is a sudden invasion by police to discover violations of the law? Raid
266 W What 'W' is it easy to be after the event? Wise
267 D What 'D' were the two Type 42 vessels 'Sheffield' and 'Coventry' sunk in the Falklands? Destroyers
268 K What 'K' is another name for the absolute zero temperature scale? Kelvin
269 B What 'B' is the spa where the 1984 SDP Conference was held? Buxton
270 V What 'V' is a solemn undertaking or promise? Vow
271 F What 'F' was the name given to members of the 19th century league for promoting revolution and the end of British rule in Ireland? Fenians
272 T What 'T' is what you do in order to make a rope into a half hitch? Tie
273 S What 'S' is a hot steam bath followed by a cold plunge, that comes from Finland? Sauna
274 Y What 'Y' is a verb meaning to jerk or pull violently? Yank
275 L What 'L' is the Irish river that is an important element in the writings of James Joyce? Liffey
276 G What 'G' is a Sanskrit word meaning venerable, now used for any spiritual teacher? Guru
277 P What 'P' comes exclusively from Douro and is a wine? Port
278 U What 'U' was the English word for a wide range of Hindus of low caste? Untouchables
279 J What 'J' is the very short time preceded by the phrases 'I shan't be a...', and 'it won't take a...'? Jiffy
280 A What 'A' can be Chinese, globe or Jerusalem? Artichoke
281 F What 'F' is a tall, tapering champagne glass, or a member of the woodwind family? Flute
282 O What 'O' is sometimes one-sixteenth, and sometimes one-twelfth of a pound? Ounce
283 K What 'K' is the part of England where the first Borstal was founded? Kent
284 R What 'R' is a small, tasty, red fruit, or a rude noise made with the lips? Raspberyy
285 T What 'T' is called a 'tin fish' by the Navy? Torpedo
286 A What 'A' is a chemical substance, often ethylene glycol, added to the water in a car's radiator in the winter? Antifreeze
287 E What 'E' was made out of Adam's rib? Eve
288 B What 'B' is another name for lotto? Bingo
289 P What 'P' is a mustard pickle of mixed vegetables? Piccalilli
290 D What 'D' can be earth-fill, concrete-arch, or masonry- gravity? Dam
291 N What 'N' is a small bunch of fragrant flowers? Nosegay
292 J What 'J' comes before tar, and after steeple? Jack
293 S What 'S' sang 'Baby Love'? Supremes
294 H What 'H' is grated to make a hot sauce for roast beef? Horseradish
295 U What 'U' was once conquered by Poland and is now one of the Soviet Union's chief grain-producing areas? Ukraine
296 G What 'G' is the valley where the MacDonalds were massacred? Glenscoe
297 M What 'M' is the army officer below a lieutenant colonel and above a captain? Major
298 W What 'W' is carried by an aqueduct? Water
299 C What 'C' is the famous father of William Arthur Philip Louis? Charles (Prince Charles)
300 L What 'L' is a bloodsucking parasite, once much used by physicians? Leech
301 M What 'M' comes before gas, marigold and mallow? Marsh
302 O What 'O' is used to propel a rowing boat? Oar
303 K What 'K' in anatomy is the patella? Kneecap
304 D What 'D' was the title used by Mussolini when a fascist dictator? Duce
305 J What 'J' is an acquisitive member of the crow family with a grey head and neck? Jackdaw
306 P What 'P' is a red flower of the countryside worn on Remembrance Day? Poppy
307 H What 'H' was called Hans and was Court painter to Henry VIII? Holbein
308 W What 'W' means feeble and is often applied to knees? Weak
309 F What 'F' was the French Republic that was established in 1946? Fourth
310 B What 'B' is a shrub and a female singer? Bush
311 L What 'L' comes in the form of kid, suede, or pigskin? Leather
312 S What 'S' was a boxed-in chair that was carried about in the 18th century? Sedan
313 T What 'T' was the House that followed York on the English throne? Tudor
314 R What 'R' are the bones that can be asternal, floating or false? Ribs
315 C What 'C' is the Indian city famous for a disaster called the Black Hole? Calcutta
316 E What 'E' precedes island, parade, bonnet and Sunday? Easter
317 A What 'A' took a thorn out of a lion's foot? Androcles
318 V What 'V' is a little puff-pastry case filled with meat or fish and sauce Vol Au Vent
319 G What 'G' is a thick drink or a thin food made with oatmeal? Gruel
320 N What 'N' is an actress who was in 'Crossroads' whose name is Gordon? Noele
321 C What 'C' was the first animal to communicate with humans by sign language? Chimpanzee
322 I What 'I' has a desert called the Negev? Israel
323 N What 'N' is a US coin worth one-twentieth of a dollar? Nickel
324 O What 'O' is white that has a grubby or grey tinge? Off (White)
325 F What 'F' is the bench where the most important members of the Government and Opposition sit? Front
326 K What 'K' is the home of bourbon whiskey? Kentucky
327 A What 'A' is a thing done, a segment of a play or opera, or to perform on the stage? Act
328 P What 'P' is bounded by the Gran Chaco in the north and Patagonia in the south, and is the great plain of Argentina? Pampas
329 D What 'D' was the birthplace of Yeats, Wilde and Shaw, in Ireland? Dublin
330 J What 'J' is the large Indonesian island in which fossils of homo erectus were found? Java
331 B What 'B' is normally England's largest cereal crop? Barley
332 Q What 'Q' are the misgivings, doubts, or scruples of conscience? Qualms
333 H What 'H' fell in love with a beautiful Esmeralda at Notre Dame cathedral? Hunchback
334 L What 'L' are the words of a pop song or a song in a Lyrics
335 S What 'S' is the Japanese faith that teaches that the gods live in mountains, rivers and trees? Shinto
336 R What 'R' is a track for trains? Railway
337 E What 'E' Was was Adlai Stevenson's middle name, or is JR's Surname? Ewing
338 M What 'M' did Eric Liddell become, professionally, after he gave up athletics Missionary
339 T What 'T' is a vari-coloured design for woollen cloth, closely associated with the clans of Scotland? Tartan
340 U What 'U' is blue-grey worn by people in the airforce? Uniform
341 G What 'G' is your food pipe or oesophagus? Gullet
342 Y What 'Y' is an Arab Republic to the South of Saudi Arabia? Yemen
343 A What 'A' is a pathological loss of appetite often seen in teenage girls? Anorexia
344 T What 'T is a small stream flowing into a river? Tributary
345 V What 'V' is a salvo, or a shower of missiles, or a sequence of shots in tennis? Volley
346 S What 'S' goes before charmer, bite and skin? Snake
347 U What 'U' is a bone in the forearm? Ulna
348 B What 'B' is the city where the US Embassy was destroyed by a bomb in April 1983? Beirut
349 E What 'E' is what Schliemann did at Troy, and Carter did in Egypt? Excavation
350 N What 'N' is Prince William to Princess Anne? Nephew
351 I What 'I' means to burst inwards and is sometimes applied to stars? Implode
352 R In the RAF, what 'L' is the 'L' of 'LAC'? Leading
353 P What 'P' is a game show where ten celebrities help Lennie Bennett? Punchlines
354 O What 'O' is successfully to offer more money than someone else at an auction? Outbid
355 H What 'H' is the part of Scotland known as the Western Isles? Hebrides
356 F What 'F' is a small slit trench for one soldier in battle? Foxhole
357 D What 'D' became Lord Beaconsfield and died in 1881? Disraeli
358 M What 'M' was relieved after a long siege in the Boer War? Mafeking
359 J What 'J' was the christian name of Charlotte Bronte's most famous character Jane
360 R What 'R' is your backside, or means to bring up to maturity Rear
361 C What 'C' is a prize given to someone who hasn't won a contest? Consolation
362 E What 'E' are the conventional rules of social or professional behaviour? Etiquette
363 I What 'I' can be called red, west or South American? Indians
364 N What 'N' was a bushranger Kelly's first name? Ned
365 R What 'R' is the sort of punch that is a blow on the back of the neck? Rabbit
366 W What 'W' is a bet or stake? Wager
367 D What 'D' had a bump with Miss Budd at the 1984 Olympics? Dekker
368 K What 'K' was an American but said, 'Ich bin ein Berliner' when he visited Germany? Kennedy
369 B What 'B' was the girl whose lock of hair was seized in Alexander Pope's poem? Belinda
370 V What 'V' is a document needed for travel through certain countries? Visa
371 F What 'F' is an inundation? Food
372 T What 'T' comes from an ore called cassiterite? tin
373 S What 'S' is the sign of the Zodiac covering most of December? Sagittarius
374 Y What 'Y' is the wild and domesticated ox of Tibet? Yak
375 L What 'L' is the mineral that makes ultramarine pigment? Lapis Lazulu
376 G What 'G' was the Nazi secret police? Gestapo
377 P What 'P' is a harbour-town with a customs office? Port
378 U What 'U' describes clothes, or hairdressing, designed to be suitable for men or women? Unisex
379 J What 'J' is the American slang for W.C., and is a man's name? John
380 A What 'A' follows crab, love and toffee? Apple
381 F What 'F' is the spin you get into when you are in an agitated panic? Flap
382 O What 'O' means turned into stone: but is used for people who are callous, unprogressive and set in their ways? Ossified
383 K What 'K' is a form of cabbage with curly leaves? Kale
384 R What 'R' is an edible part of certain fish, or a type of small deer? Row
385 T What 'T' is a fishing vessel that uses a conical net dragged through the water? Trawler
386 A What 'A' is the gemstone that is purple quartz? Amethyst
387 E What 'E' is an obsolete way of defining forty-five inches? Ell
388 B What 'B' are skippers, red admirals, and swallowtails? Butterflies
389 P What 'P' is a Greek letter and represents the number 3.142 in mathematics? PI
390 D What 'D' are the Schottische and the Gay Gordons? Dances
391 N What 'N' is the number above the line in vulgar fractions? Numerator
392 J What 'J' is a fibre, once manufactured in Dundee and now in Calcutta? Jute
393 S What 'S' is a narrow slit window in a church wall, or a word for being crosseyed? Squint
394 H What 'H' is a musical instrument also known as a clavecin? Harpsichord
395 U What 'U' hangs, roughly speaking, between the tonsils? Uvula
396 G What 'G' is the village in Manhattan where the artistic trendies live? Greenwich
397 M What 'M' is Olivia's servant, who teases Malvolio in 'Twelfth Night'? Maria
398 W What 'W' do you raise when you succeed in getting money for some project? Winc
399 C What 'C' when it is Greek or Russian, is full of icons? Church
400 L What 'L' was ruled by Idris I when it first became independent in 1951? Libya
401 M What 'M' is the day that is celebrated as Labour Day? Mayday
402 O What 'O' means to do what you're told - if anyone ever does nowadays? Obey
403 K What 'K' is the foot operated lever for starting a motorbike? Kickstarter
404 D What 'D' goes before centre, line and cert? Dead
405 J What 'J' sits in a box, has a foreman, is controlled by a bailiff and brings a verdict? Jury
406 P What 'P' is a cat's foot? Paw
407 H What 'H' was the pirate captain in Peter Pan? Hook
408 W What 'W' can be bay, sash, how or casement? Window
409 F What 'F' precedes glove, hunt and trot? Fox
410 B What 'B' is the name of the game played with battledore and shuttlecock? Badminton
411 L What 'L' can be Russian, patent and Moroccan? Leather
412 S What 'S' are the translations shown on the screen during a foreign language film? Subtitles
413 T What 'T' in music means to change the key of a composition? Transpose
414 R What 'R' was the Italian name for the movement fostered by Cavour, Mazzini and Garibaldi? Risorgimento
415 C What 'C' is a type of tank, or the leader of a tribe? Chieftain
416 E What 'E' was first distilled by Johann Maria Farina in the 18th century Eau De Cologne
417 A What 'A' was a female warrior in Greek legend, and is a South American river? Amazon
418 V What 'V' Was the Fair invented by Bunyan and used by Thackeray Vanity
419 G What 'G' means serious as an adjective or a hole in the Grave
420 N What 'N' is where some Lapplanders live? Norway
421 C What 'C' is the series in which Russell Hunter played 'Lonley'? Callan
422 I What 'I' is the name given to three layers of the atmosphere, one of which is known as the 'Heaviside Layer'? Ionosphere
423 N What 'N' comes before out, club and gown? Night
424 O What 'O' is a person whose conscience will not allow him to take part in war? Objector
425 F What 'F' is hair that is a kinky mass of very tight curls? Frizzy
426 K What 'K' was the nickname given to the election of 1900? Khaki
427 A What 'A' is an allowance paid to a divorced or separated spouse? Alimony
428 P What 'P' are trains that carry people rather than goods? Passenger
429 D What 'D' was the impresario of the 'Ballets Russes' in the early 1900s? Diaghilev
430 J What 'J' is the French word used for any ornamental pot or stand for displaying growing plants? Jardiniere
431 B What 'B' are Oxfordshire's most famous cakes? Banbury
432 Q What 'Q' is what the Americans call a shirker? Quitter
433 H What 'H' is the branch of medicine whose motto is 'Like cures Like'? Homeopathy
434 L What 'L' was a leader of the English Reformation and was burnt with Ridley in 1555? Latimer
435 S What 'S' goes before onion, board, and chicken? Spring
436 R What 'R' is a long exchange of strokes in tennis before a Rally
437 E What 'E' are little holes for laces? Eyelets
438 M what 'M' are the spirits that are sold for burning, and re Methylated
439 T What 'T' is a small wig for a bald patch? Toupee
440 U What 'U' was a famous painter of street scenes in Montmartre who died in 1955? Utrillo
441 G What 'G' is a bridge from a ship to shore or a passage between seats? Gangway
442 Y What 'Y' is an American National Park that isn't Yellowstone? Yosemite
443 A What 'A' was daughter of James U and Queen of Great Britain? Anne
444 T What 'T' is where soldiers sleep when they are under canvas? Tent
445 V What 'V' is a raptorial bird with a naked head and neck? Vulture
446 S What 'S' goes before Armada, onion and guitar? Spanish
447 U On what 'U' was the character of Leopold Bloom based, by James Joyce? Ulysses
448 B What 'B' is the suit you are said to be wearing when you are naked? Birthday
449 E What 'E' is used to decorate the robes of judges, peers and royalty, and has little black tails all over it? Ermine
450 N What 'N' is very abundant in the air, and is a gas? Nitrogen
451 I What 'I' can be corn, summer or rope-trick? Indian
452 L What 'L' is what the portside used to be called? Larboard
453 P What 'P' is Shaw's play in which Professor Higgins creates a 'Lady' out of a flower seller? Pygmalion
454 O What 'O' goes before post, look and standing? Out
455 H What 'H' contains most of the Serpentine and is a park? Hyde
456 F What 'F' is probably the most famous basset hound in Britain Fred
457 D What 'D' is known as a moke, a dicky or a neddy? Donkey
458 M What 'M' is a secret society of dubious reputation originating Sicily but now active in the USA as well? Mafia
459 J What 'J' is a contraction of the Hebrew for Joshua and is the name of the founder of Christianity? Jesus
460 R What 'R' is the West Indian religion which reveres Haile Selassie of Ethiopia? Rastafarianism
461 C What 'C' is the officer in command of a regiment of which Blimp and Bogey were examples? Colonel
462 E What 'E' laid the foundations of modern geometry a long time ago? Euclid
463 I What 'I' was the first name of the great Jesuit, Loyola? Ignatius
464 N What 'N' is the proper name for both the notch in an arrow and the notches at each end of a bow to take the string? Nock
465 R What 'R' is the sort of meeting where dogs or horses compete? Race
466 W What 'W' means rich? Wealthy
467 D What 'D' is the two on dice, or an even score at tennis? Deuce
468 K What 'K' is the fuel used for turbojets, turboprops and turbo fans? Kerosene
469 B What 'B' was in her prime in a novel by Muriel Spark? Brodie
470 V What 'V' makes a soft smooth glove, in which you find an iron hand? Velvet
471 F What 'F' became Mondale's running mate in the US Presidential election? Ferraro
472 T What 'T' left 'Grange Hill' and is trying his 'luck' in the big world? Tucker
473 S What 'S' was a 1960s pop group, or a wooden structure for execution? Scaffold
474 Y What 'Y' produces little red berries and wood used for making bows? Yew
475 L What 'L' is another name for a maze? Labyrinth
476 G What 'G' is an apparatus for producing hot water, or a hot spring? Geyser
477 P What 'P' is to explore a region for gold? Prospect
478 U What 'U' is another name for the constellation known as 'Charles's Wain', or the 'Great Bear'? Ursa Major
479 J What 'J' is a piece of an animal's body, as cut up for the Joint
480 A What 'A' was a faithful friend of Aeneas? Achates
481 F What 'F' is metaphorically said to be laid on with a trowel? Flattery
482 O What 'O' goes before haul, look and board? Over
483 K What 'K' is applied to close cousins because of the way they are greeted? Kissing
484 R What 'R' means to ransack or search in an untidy way? Rummage
485 T What 'T' is someone who stays away from school without good reason? Truant
486 A What 'A' is habitually forgetful and often a professor? Absent Minded
487 E What 'E' is called a wapiti or a moose, in North America? Elk
488 B What 'B' is a stock character in 'Cinderella', or a hotel page? Buttons
489 P What 'P' is a ride on the back and shoulders of another? Piggyback
490 D What 'D' wrote 'The Three Musketeers'? Dumas
491 N What 'N' indicates a married woman's maiden name? Nee
492 J What 'J' is a fool or clown in Shakespeare? Jester
493 S What 'S' was the capital city in Zimbabwe, now called Harare? (pronounced Ha-rar-ree) Salisbury
494 H What 'H' were French Calvinists persecuted from the 16th century onwards? Huguenots
495 U What 'U' is the opposite of beautiful? Ugly
496 G What 'G' is the cape nearest to England on the French coast, beloved of Channel swimmers? Gris Nez
497 M What 'M' is the reporter played by John Thaw in a series that bears the reporter's name? Mitch
498 W What 'W' is sometimes called Mountain Dew, and is a Scottish drink? Whisky
499 C What 'C' was a British Premier at the time of the Munich crisis? Chamberlain
500 L What 'L' is a town with a population of more than five million in Peru? Lima