Blockbusters Goldrun 07 - (Submitted By Yoda)
    Question Answer
001 TN What 'TN' is the Shakespeare play with the opening line, 'If music be the food of love, play on'? Twelfth Night
002 VP What 'VP' is the home of Bradford Football Club? Valley Parade
003 FM What 'FM' is an adopted person's mum? Foster Mother
004 SS What 'SS' are large 'rocks' placed across a river for people to cross on? Stepping Stones
005 EO What 'EO' is an amazing revelation? Eye Opener
006 ATC What 'ATC is how you are working if you have to finish a task by a certain time? Against The Clock
007 TTC What 'TTC' is where an unrealistic person's head is? In The Clouds
008 TDF What 'TDF' is an annual European sporting event, that is basically a bike race? Tour De France
009 FS What 'FS' is one of the first things to be laid in the building of a structure, usually by an important person? Foundation Stone
010 WWW What 'WWW' are a pop group that sound as if they've been left out in the rain? Wet Wet Wet
011 OH What 'OH' is an old term for sheds and stables? Out Houses
012 BG What 'BG' is a favourite chewy sweet, that in school usually ends up under the desk? Bubble Gum
013 IS What 'IS' is where the rain stays mainly in the plain? In Spain
014 EJ Which 'EJ' is alias Reginald Dwight? Elton John
015 SA What 'SA' is the state with Adelaide as its capital? Southern Australia
016 AQOS What 'AQOS' is a BBC quiz programme once hosted by David Coleman? A Question Of Sport
017 QF What 'QF' precedes the semi-final? Quarter Final
018 QOAH What 'QOAH' is any consecutive fifteen-minute period? Quarter Of An Hour
019 OOTQ What 'OOTQ' is something if it is too impracticable to be worth discussing? Out Of The Question
020 JF What 'JF' has followed in Dick Francis's footsteps? John Francome
021 TA What 'TA' is a fruit on a stick covered with boiled sugar, usually eaten at fairs? Toffee Apple
022 LG What 'LG' is the name of the colour of the clothing worn by Robin Hood and his men? Lincoln Green
023 WP What 'WP' is the name of the famous blue and white designs of pottery going back to the 18th century? Willow Pattern
024 FT What 'FT' stares into a crystal ball to forecast your future? Fortune Teller
025 TAT What 'TAT' are the twin T islands located in the Caribbean? Trinidad And Tobago
026 LPW What 'LPW' is the sleuth that Dorothy L. Sayers writes about? Lord Peter Wimsey
027 MBC What 'MBC was a hit for Harry Belafonte in 1957 and Boney M in 1978? Mary's Boy Child
028 GUAC What 'GUAC' was aTV programme that connected Una Stubbs and Lionel Blair? Give Us A Clue
029 FF What 'FF' is the number of players in an American Football team? Forty Five
030 NB What 'NB' are called for after seven games in a match at the Wimbledon Tennis Championships? New Balls
031 HF Which 'HF' is the Gestapo character in the BBC comedy series "Allo Allo"? Herr Flcik
032 SPSP What 'SP' do the best things come in? Small Packages
033 WUF What 'WUF' described the ground, if it has been raining hard? Wet Under Foot
034 LR What 'LR' is the most well known form of four wheel drive motor vehicle? Land Rover
035 MT What 'MT' is the road under the river that joins Liverpool and Birkenhead? Mersey Tunnel
036 TC What 'TC' is a convenient way of taking money abroad? Travellers Cheques
037 OTOF What 'OTOF' is where the boot is when a situa¬tion completely changes? On The Other Foot
038 OOO What 'OOO' is the usual notice put on a machine that is not working? Out Of Order
039 OOB What 'OOB' is where you should not go, or could be an exhausted kangaroo? Out Of Bounds
040 OYAA What 'OYAA' was Dick Emery's catchphrase? Ooh You Are Awful
041 ED What 'ED' is how often Wizzard thinks Christ¬mas should be? Every Day
042 GUAB What 'GUAB' is Dave Lee Travis's snooker game on Radio One? Give Us A Break
043 LR What 'LR' is how some deaf people tell what other people are saying? Lip Read
044 GT What 'GT' is a scary ride in a small carriage at the fairground? Ghost Train
045 OTA What 'OTA' are you if you are very much aware of everything, and waiting for something to happen? On The Alert
046 SB What 'SB' was formerly called National Assist¬ance and is now called Income Support? Supplementary Benefit
047 FWTD What 'FWTD' is something whose result may be worse than dying? Fate Worse Than Death
048 HS What 'HS' is the chair someone is in when all the attention and questions are focused on them? Hot Seat
049 LU What 'LU is the time when the street lights come on? Lighting Up
050 IFAP What 'IFAP' are you if you are in for a penny? In For A Pound
051 WTB What 'WTB' is the traditional call of the photographer? Watch The Birdie
052 FO What 'FO' means to hunt relentlessly? Ferret Out
053 ESC What 'ESC' does Paul Daniels tell his contestants about time? Every Second Counts
054 HOR What 'HOR' are university 'homes' for students? Halls Of Residence
055 PYP What 'PYP' means past your best? Past Your Prime
056 HYH What 'HYH' do you do in shame? Hang Your Head
057 BS What 'BS' is a person who turns out to be a bad child of a family? Black Sheep
058 DTD What 'DTD' is where money goes if money is spent on useless or worthless things? Down The Drain
059 HBTY What 'HBTY' is the first line of the most popular song sung in England? Happy Birthday To You
060 SO What 'SO' does something do if it is very notice¬able because it is unusual or strange? Stand Out
061 GOF What 'GOF' was the phrase used to describe the founders of the Social Democratic Party? Gang Of Four
062 DDAM What 'DDAM' are the scheming cheats in Wacky Races? Dick Dastardly And Muttley
063 US What 'US' is a nickname for the US government? Uncle Sam
064 OTE What 'OTE' is where a good thriller should keep you on your seat? On The Edge
065 AB What 'AB' is someone who is fit, and is usually applied to seamen? Able Bodied
066 RB What 'RB' does a value hit if it becomes, an all time low? Rock Bottom
067 NLFO What 'NLFO' does Abanazar shout in Aladdin, when trying to gain possession of the genie? New Lamps For Old
068 HAT What 'HAT' means round-and-about, from place to place? Here And There
069 SYL What 'SYL' is it good to do after a long car journey, or whenever you have been sitting still for a long time? Stretch Your Legs
070 PT What 'PT' is another name for the community charge? Poll Tax
071 RK What 'RK' is a favourite way of tying rope for boy scouts? Reef Knot
072 SOT What 'SOT' is the advice to a person with a prob¬lem, that they should wait until the morning before deciding what to do? Sleep On It
073 FB What 'FB' is where Sergeant Bilko and his platoon are based? Fort Baxter
074 WTR What 'WTR' means people are working deliberately slowly? Work To Rule
075 PITN What 'PITN' is a very annoying or tiresome person or thing? Pain In The Neck
076 MR Which 'MR' played Miss Marple in the old MGM films? Margaret Rutherford
077 HOM What 'HOM' is full of reflecting glass that can make you appear short, fat, long, and thin, usually at the fair? Hall Of Mirrors
078 COD What 'COD' does Leslie Crowther invite con¬testants to do on The Price is Right? Come On Down
079 ROAE What 'ROAE' according to a proverb, is what money is? Root Of All Evil
080 NF What 'NF' is any unprotected small fire?
Naked Flame
081 CAF What 'CAF' is the type of morning mentioned in the rhyme, 'Here We Go Round The Mulberry Bush'? Cold And Frosty
082 JAJ Which 'JAJ' were the two sons of Zebedee who became disciples? James And John
083 WTA What 'WTA' is a TV quiz once hosted by Jimmy Tarbuck, but now by Geoffrey Wheeler? Winner Takes All
084 MB Which 'MB' wants to 'tell you a story', and has recorded 29 LPs all with the same title? Max Bygraves
085 OK What 'OK' does Bob say to talent contestants on a TV show? Opportunity Knox
086 OTW What 'OTW' means to abstain from alcohol, often used on EastEnders? On The Wagon
087 VP What 'VP' sang of the Y M C A and the navy? Village People
088 MOF What 'MOF' is an agreed statistic or truth? Matter Of Fact
089 MC What 'MC' is the traditional form of transport in fairy tales that is a rug? Magic Carpet
090 MOTR What 'MOTR' are where your politics are if you are not a right or left-winger? Middle Of The Road
091 DERV What 'DERV' is the acronym of, as seen on petrol pumps? Diesel Engine Road Vehicle
092 CG What 'CG' is a wacky game played for entertain¬ment, of which Nick Faldo plays the serious sort? Crazy Golf
093 JF What 'JF' is frost personified? Jack Frost
094 SOI What 'SOI' means make it snappy or hurry up? Step On It
095 SITC What 'SITC' is a pile of bones hidden away that keep a dark secret that none of us want revealing? Skeleton In The Cupboard
096 WT What 'WT' are the molars at the very back of the mouth? Wisdom Teeth
097 GE What 'GE' does revenge let you do to a person? Get Even
098 NAT What 'NAT' means occasionally? Now And Then
099 BH What 'BH' is a quiz show hosted by Julian Pettifer? Busmans Holiday
100 CS What 'CS' cleans the smoke outlet for a coal fire? Chimney Sweep
101 ULAK What 'ULAK' is anything in a very safe place, bolted away for extra security? Under Lock And Key
102 HAS What 'HAS' are two forms of horse racing? Hurling And Steeplechasing
103 VVG Which 'VVG' painted Sunflowers? Vincent Van Gogh
104 OP What 'OP' are the corridors of any government building, especially in the House of Commons? Of Power
105 NAMY What 'NAMY' are the four longest rivers in the world? Nile, Amazon, Mississippi, Yangtze
106 HK What 'HK' is a Japanese custom of suicide? Hara Kiri
107 OOAL What 'OOAL' describes anywhere far away from any town or community, and also the hands and feet? Out On A Limb
108 PB What 'PB' is a piece of gymnastic apparatus? Parallel Bars
109 LM What 'LM' usually lives in the Mansion House? Lord Mayor
110 MM What 'MM' does the Queen give to some pensioners once a year in Holy Week? Maundy Money
111 BOS What 'BOS' is another name for the character Figaro? Barber Of Seville
112 LM What 'LM' is the name of the French national anthem? La Marseillaise
113 IQ What 'IQ' is a form of test? Intelligence Quotient
114 BH What 'BH' is an area of space that has such a high pull of gravity that not even light can escape from it? Black Hole
115 HCB What 'HCB' are traditionally eaten on Good Friday? Hot Cross Buns
116 HAB What 'HAB' is the invention of 1783 associated with Jacques and Joseph Montgolfier? Hot Air Balloon
117 LD What 'LD' comes from germs that like hot water or air conditioning systems and can cause death? Legionaires Disease
118 ATE What 'ATE' is when it is easy to be wise? After The Event
119 KA What 'KA' is one who seems to have knowledge of everything? Know All
120 RC What 'RC' usually starts a school day to find out who's attending? Roll Call
121 PUS What 'PUS' comes after five, six, if Buckle My Shoe comes after one, two? Pick Up Sticks
122 GS What 'GS' is the main ingredient in a treacle tart? Golden Syrup
123 MAM What 'MAM' were sent on the eighth day of Christmas? Maids A Milking
124 BC What 'BC' are Miss United Kingdom and Miss World? Beauty Contests
125 PU What 'PU' is a type of book where things jump out at you? Pop Up
126 PP What 'PP' are found at garages? Petrol Pumps
127 PF What 'PF' is how you learn something if you can recall it word for word? Parrot Fashion
128 PK What 'PK' is a favourite party game involving much kissing? Postman's Knock
129 MA Which 'MA' was the sportsman who played the title role in the film The Greatest Muhammad Ali
130 RVW What 'RVW' was the fictional character who slept for twenty years? Rip Van Winkle
131 SO What 'SO' do racing drivers come under just before the race begins? Starters Orders
132 EH Which 'EH' preceded Mrs Thatcher as leader of the Conservative Party? Edward Heath
133 FOG What 'FOG' is Tuesday's child referred to as being? Full Of Grace
134 AF What 'AF' produces food crops? Arable Farm
135 RF What 'RF' is the smallest US state? Rhode Island
136 TB What 'TB' is the common name for decompression sickness, that affects some divers? The Bends
137 OC What 'OC' is a doctor or nurse who is not at work, but ready to be summoned in an emergency? On Call
138 RN What 'RN' is a feature of the face, originating from Italy from a large invasion of Britain by an empire? Roman Nose
139 SU What 'SU' do you do when you take note of something? Sit Up
140 WTCA What 'WTCA' is the time that the mice play When The Cat's Away
141 CP What 'CP' is the common name for the childhood disease called varicella? Chicken Pocks
142 SC What 'SC' in Hyde Park, is where anyone can stand up and air their views? Speakers Corner
143 GOE What 'GOE' is the home of Adam and Eve? Garden Of Eden
144 YG Which 'YG' was the first man ever sent into space? Yuri Gagarin
145 FL What 'FL' is plastic surgery on features of the head? Face Lift
146 LM Which 'LM' was the star of the TV series Fall Guy? Lee Majors
147 MB What 'MB' are Groucho, Chico, Harp, and Zeppo known together as? Marx Brothers
148 AF Which 'AF' wrote a famous diary about her experi¬ences of World War II? Anne Frank
149 DD What 'DD' is a canine's meal that you can be dressed as? Dog's Dinner
150 BS What 'BS' is the main diet of pandas? Bamboo Shoots
151 SAG What 'SAG' is a quick raid where a window is broken and something taken? Smash And Grab
152 AM Which 'AM' wrote Death of a Salesman? Arthur Miller
153 TF What 'TF' is a hypocrite with four eyes, two noses and two mouths? Two Faced
154 TT What 'TT' is the famous sculpture that depicts a man in deep contemplation? The Thinker
155 RA Which 'RA' appears as Cooperman, Barratt Holmes and sometimes Miss Marbles? Russ Abbot
156 TQ What 'TQ' is on TV at 3.00 p.m. on Christmas Day every year? The Queen
157 BE What 'BE' is the feathered symbol of the United States? Bald Eagle
158 RN What 'RN' was everyone asked to wear on Friday 5th February 1988 in the cause of Comic Relief? Red Nose
159 OMB What 'OMB' is a single person who plays many instruments, all at the same time? One Man Band
160 FB What 'FB' is a portable power source that has run down? Flat Battery
161 MC What 'MC' is the name given to a 'bottle' weapon filled with an inflammable liquid? Molotov Cocktail
162 FF What 'FF' are the Tonga Islands more generally known as? Friendly Islands
163 VF What 'VF' is the Thackeray book in which Becky Sharp is a character? Vanity Fair
164 TP What 'TP' describes a type of plug? Three Pin
165 RS What 'RS' is the body of water between Arabia and North East Africa? Red Sea
166 OOD What 'OOD' is any food past its "sell by" or "eat by" day? Out Of Date
167 CN What 'CN' is the bed of water vapour you are said to be on when very happy? Cloud Nine
168 OC What 'OC' is the study of compounds of carbon? Organic Chemistry
169 BS What 'BS' when placed after accident, means a place on a road where many crashes occur? Black Spot
170 FA What 'FA' is a warning given without valid cause, either to deceive or set off by a mistake? False Alarm
171 PH What 'PH' is the simplest camera with no lens? Pin Hole
172 MU What 'MU' are cosmetics applied to the face? Make Up
173 SS What 'SS' is one who arranges functions and leisure activities for a company or society? Social Secretary
174 CAW What 'CAW' is formed by acids on milk and made into cheese? Curds And Whey
175 SL What 'SL' is sucrose in a small block? Sugar Lamp
176 CM What 'CM' is a medicine to relieve irritation in the respiratory tract? Cough Mixture
177 KK What 'KK' is a light dainty article of furniture, a trinket, a toy or any useless ornament? Knick Knack
178 AC What 'AC' means that nothing is in the way and the way ahead is free from obstructions? All Clear
179 SAS What 'SAS' means brief and pleasant, that should be applied to all good sermons? Short And Sweet
180 SA What 'SA' do you do when you look for the best bargains? Shop Around
181 IOS What 'IOS' is the island with towns called Vig, Broadford and Portree? Isle Of Skye
182 DT Which 'DT' wrote ten autobiographical works under the title, Portrait of the Artist as a Young Dog? Dylan Thomas
183 VF What 'VF' keeps hot liquids hot and cold liquids cold? Vacuum Flask
184 TSFR What 'TSFR' is the children's classic written by Professor Wyss and first published in 1813? The Swiss Family Robinson
185 IDLC What 'IDLC' is the island in Paris on which Notre Dame stands? Ile De La Cite
186 FP What 'FP' is an aircraft's navigational route? Flight Path
187 CS What 'CS' do you give someone if you treat them with indifference? Cold Shoulder
188 WB What 'WB' is the apparatus used for measuring electrical resistance, named after the English physicist who invented it? Wheatstone Bridge
189 CP What 'CP' are Hastings, Romney, Dover, Sandwich and Hythe collectively known as? Cinque Ports
190 LLL What 'LLL' is the Shakespearean play in which a constable named Dull appears? Love's Labours Lost
191 TM What 'TM' is the Gilbert and Sullivan opera set in Japan? The Mikado
192 SS What 'SS' moves the 'place settings' in the theatre? Scene Shifter
193 VL Which 'VL' is the son of Princess Margaret and Lord Snowdon? Viscount Linley
194 DOG What 'DOG' is Cardinal Newman's poem on the experiences of the soul in Purgatory? Dream Of Gerontius
195 TAT What 'TAT' comes after "Double, double" in Macbeth? Toil And Trouble
196 DSS What 'DSS' were discovered at Qumran, Jordan, in 1947? Dead Sea Scrolls
197 TS What 'TS' is the famous, old, narrow street in York called? The Shambles
198 RT What 'RT' is a device which clearly shows how water waves behave? Ripple Tank
199 RAS What 'RAS' is a jocular phrase meaning get out of bed? Rise And Shine
200 OOB What 'OOB' is someone who has just been doing strenuous exercise?
Out Of Breath
201 WP What 'WP' is a government report on a matter recently investigated? White Paper
202 WC What 'WC' is the name given to non-manual salaried workers? White Collar
203 WL What 'WL' is a small, minor, unimportant untruth? White Lie
204 WF What 'WF' is a sign of surrender? White Flag
205 MM What 'MM' is one who schemes to bring about marriage? Match Maker
206 SR What 'SR' is 3 in relation to 9? Square Root
207 YF What 'YF' comes at the end of a letter that begins "Dear Sir"? Yours Faithfully
208 EV What 'EV' is a unit of energy used in nuclear physics? Electron Volt
209 NCB What 'NCB' was the former name of British Coal? National Coal Board
210 DU What 'DU' is the term applied to the location of Australia and New Zealand? Down Under
211 EFL What 'EFL' is, according to the adverts, what electricity is? Energy For Life
212 TTB What 'TTB' is any new life conceived in an artificial womb? Test Tube Baby
213 OA What 'OA' does Saturn bring, according to Hoist's Planet Suite? Old Age
214 VDM What 'VDM' is the best known Greek sculpture that was found on the island of Melos in 1820? Venus De Milo
215 GB What 'GB' is the country that is unique in having been present at all summer and winter Olympic Games? Great Britain
216 CS What 'CS' separates the North and South Islands of New Zealand? Cook Strait
217 NF What 'NF' did Charles Blondin cross on a tightrope in 1859? Niagara Falls
218 TF What 'TF' is Latin for 'time flies'? Tempus Fugit
219 LP What 'LP' is used to correct typing errors and is applied with a brush? Liquid Paper
220 GE What 'GE' is the theory that the atmosphere is becoming increasingly warm due to a build-up of carbon dioxide? Greenhouse Effect
221 PW Which 'PW' wrote the controversial espionage book Spycatcher? Peter Wright
222 WAS What 'WAS' is Margaret Thatcher's favourite alcoholic drink? Whisky And Soda
223 IK Which 'IK' was Pakistan's cricket captain for their 1987 England tour? Imran Khan
224 SB Which 'SB' is the singer-wife of Andrew Lloyd Webber? Sarah Brightman
225 CP Which 'CP' was jailed in 1978 for keeping a disorderly house in Streatham? Cynthia Payne
226 SL What 'SL' is the Asian island on which there is the Jaffna Peninsula? Sri Lanka
227 COR What 'COR' is the Ancient Wonder of the World that stood 117 feet high? Colossus Of Rhodes
228 PC Which 'PC' hosts the BBC word game Catchword? Paul Coia
229 BW What 'BW' is Bill Oddie's much publicised favourite pastime? Bird Watching
230 DT What 'DT' takes the M25 under the Thames? Dartford Tunnel
231 IOM What 'IOM' is where Manx is spoken? Isle Of Man
232 PS What 'PS' is where the famous Westminster statue of Churchill can be found? Parliament Square
233 DH Which 'DH' is the lead singer of Blondie? Debbie Harry
234 RS Which 'RS' was the oldest Beatle? Ringo Starr
235 DHN What 'DHN' are the words used to end each edition of Crimewatch UK? Don't Have Nightmares
236 ST What 'ST' is the name of two towns, one in Corn¬wall and one in Cambridgeshire? St Ives
237 GT What 'GT' is the name of the Sikhs' holy shrine at Amritsar? Golden Temple
238 IDD What 'IDD' in the world of communication does stand for? International Direct Dialing
239 WH What 'WH' is the building that contains the Oval Office? White House
240 ZZG Which 'ZZG' was the film actress who was Miss Hungary in 1936? Zsa Zsa Gabor
241 CP Which 'CP' became Energy Secretary in 1987? Cecil Parkinson
242 LAC What 'LAC' are the two cities connected by the Mil? London And Cambridge
243 TLD What 'TLD' was the first James Bond film to star Timothy Dalton? The Living Daylights
244 WP What 'WP' is where the road, that George Orwell wrote about, leads? Wigan Pier
245 ATM What 'ATM' was Jimmy Cricket's catchphrase? And Theres More
246 WHU What 'WHU' is the football club that Alf Garnett supports? West Ham United
247 AF What 'AF' is someone hoaxed on the first day of the fourth month called? April Fool
248 MOED What 'MOED' is the book that Charles Dickens left unfinished? Mystery Of Edwin Drood
249 GM What 'GM' is the county with Eccles in it, after which the cake is named? Greater Manchester
250 HOR What 'HOR' is the USA's lower legislative chamber called? House Of Representatives
251 MHH What 'MHH' in Alice in Wonderland, was the price of ten shillings and sixpence (10/6d)? Mad Hatter's Hat
252 SE What 'SE' do the letters 'SE' mean on a railway timetable? Saturdays Excepted
253 CW What 'CW' was the lake on which Donald Campbell was killed? Coniston Water
254 RS What 'RS' did Mathias Rust decide to land his light aeroplane in, and so caused a big news story in 1987? Red Square
255 TD What 'TD' is the children's comic that features Desperate Dan? The Dandy
256 RM Which 'RM' bought the Today newspaper in June 1987? Rupert Murdoch
257 TV What 'TV', in the James Herriot stories, was the name of Mrs Pumphrey's Peke? Tricky Woo
258 VK Which 'VK' is the clean-shaven entrepreneur who wrote a book entitled Going for If? Victor Kiam
259 TBB What 'TBB' is the rock group whose fans have a strange liking for Vokswagen badges? The Beastie Boys
260 CC What 'CC' was the team who won the 1987 FA Cup Final? Coventry City
261 GC What 'GC' Wrote The Canterbury Tales? Geoffrey Chaucer
262 DT What 'DT' is the part of the dart-board known as 'tops'? Double Twenty
263 OE What 'OE' is the famous train with a livery of black and gold? Orient Express
264 TT What 'TT' is the classic adventure book with the Spyglass Inn in? Treasure Island
265 PS What 'PS' are Bedales, Gordonstoun and Eton? Public Schools
266 FOS What 'FOS' is late afternoon beard growth? Five O Clock Shadow
267 TS What 'TS' is scored for potting all the colours at the end of a frame of snooker? Twenty Seven
268 PC What 'PC' is the Dickensian club of which Tupman, Snodgrass and Winkle were members? Pickwick Club
269 TG What 'TG' is the Gilbert and Sullivan opera that is subtitled The King of Barataria? The Gondoliers
270 GB What 'GB' is a Gust about!) portable stereo radio and cassette recorder? Ghetto Blaster
271 LB What 'LB' crosses the Thames in London and is between Westminster and Vauxhall Bridges? Lambeth Bridge
272 SI What 'SI' is the ecclesiastical tribunal with which the thumbscrew and the rack are associated? Spanish Inquisition
273 EP Which 'EP' sang 'I Know Him So Well' with Bar¬bara Dickson? Elaine Paige
274 MS Which 'MS' had pointed ears in Star Trek? Mr Spock
275 TCC What 'TCC' is another name for Batman? The Caped Crusader
276 RB Which 'RB' is the ex-newsreader who hosts a classi¬cal music programme on Radio 4? Richard Baker
277 TB Which 'TB' is the tousle-haired Doctor Who that wore a long stripy scarf? Tom Baker
278 SB Which 'SB' had hits with 'Big Spender' and 'Goldfinger'? Shirley Bassey
279 BR Which 'BR' was Fred's neighbour in The Flintstones? Barney Rubble
280 AA What 'AA' is the common name for the projection of the thyroid cartilage? Adam's Apple
281 YY What 'YY' is the toy that was originally a Filipino jungle weapon? Yo Yo
282 NTT What 'NTT' was a musical quiz hosted by Lionel Blair And Tom O Connor? Name That Tune
283 GF Which 'GF' sang 'Mr Wu' and 'Leaning On A Lamppost'? George Formby
284 EE What 'EE' is the Russian goldsmith Faberge famous for? Easter Eggs
285 RH Which 'RH' was Spandau Prison's last inmate? Rudolph Hess
286 PB Which 'PB' is Adrian Mole's beloved? Pandora Braithwaite
287 CI What 'CI' is a 'little factory' in which workers work in their own homes? Cottage Industry
288 RD What 'RD' is the waterway that passes by Balmoral Castle? River Dee
289 BW Which 'BW is Speaker of the House of Commons, succeeding George Thomas in 1986? Bernard Wetherill
290 MIL What 'MIL' is the person Reggie Perrin always thought of as a hippopotamus? Mother In Law
291 HC What 'HC' is the crustacean who lives in an empty shell? Hermit Crab
292 YV What 'YC' is another name for the entertainment staff in Hi-de-Hi, because of what they wore? Yellow Coats
293 JW Which 'JW' founded the pottery at Etruria, Staffordshire? Josiah Wedgwood
294 PP What 'PP' is the mauve suspect in Cluedo? Professor Plum
295 DYS What 'DYS' is the review programme presented by Ludovic Kennedy? Did You See
296 LC What 'LC' is the soccer club that plays at Filbert Street? Leicester City
297 FPAT What 'FPAT' is the subject of the National Museum at Bradford, that is part of the Science Museum? Film, Photography And Television
298 AC Which 'AC' is the most famous and popular crime fiction novelist of all time, called the Queen of Crime? Agatha Christie
299 KTB What 'KTB' is slang meaning to die? Kick The Bucket
300 BB What 'BB' is the flight recorder on an aircraft that is orange or red?
Black Box
301 GB What 'GB' was once head of the CIA? George Bush
302 AW What 'AW' is the first day of Lent? Ash Wednesday
303 CC What 'CC' won the 1987 Cup Final? Coventry City
304 WD What 'WG' was the painter who cut off his ear? Vincent Van Gogh
305 TMC What 'TMC' 'spoil the broth'? Too Many Cooks
306 BB What 'BB' created the Californian surfing sound? Beach Boys
307 ST What 'ST' is a dish of raw minced beef? Steak Tartare
308 OMOV What 'OMOV' is a basic principle of democracy? One Man One Vote
309 TAT What 'TAT' means repeatedly? Time After Time
310 AA What 'AA' is the capital of Ethiopia? Addis Ababa
311 MITS What 'MITS' is the average person? Man In The Street
312 BT What 'BT' is a tiny common garden bird? Blue Tit
313 OTM What 'OTM' means deliriously happy? Over The Moon
314 NA What 'NA' was the first man on the moon? Neil Armstrong
315 LON What 'LON' was the forerunner of the United Nations? League Of Nations
316 PL What 'PL' is an epic poem by John Milton? Paradise Lost
317 SAS What 'SAS' means spotlessly clean and tidy? Spick And Span
318 KB What 'KB' replaced Terry Wogan on Radio 2? Ken Bruce
319 MS What 'MS' came 'Out of Africa' in 1985? Meryl Streep
320 FAFB What 'FAFB' is a saying for rare? Few And Far Between
321 DH What 'DH' is a race with two winners? Dead Heat
322 FFC What 'FFC' directed the 'Godfather' films? Francis Ford Coppola
323 VV What 'VV' means the other way round? Vice Versa
324 PS What 'PS' is the Sunday before Easter? Palm Sunday
325 TWT What 'TWT' do you swear to tell in court? The Whole Truth
326 AF What 'AF' is soccer? Association Football
327 LDV What 'LDV' painted the Mona Lisa? Leonardo Da Vinci
328 IIF What 'IIF' means all in a line? In Indian File
329 KM What 'KM' took The Locomotion to number one in the singles charts? Kylie Minogue
330 OUAT What 'OUAT' is a classic fairy tale beginning? Once Upon A Time
331 WP What 'WP' is the alliance between the USSR and other communist states? Warsaw Pact
332 TTB What 'TTB' is an intrinsic quality said to be? In The Blood
333 ED What 'ED' is capital of Algeria? El Djizair
334 FE What 'FE' is a book's primary printing? First Edition
335 KB What 'KB' is the world's largest carnivore? Kodiak Bear
336 VT What 'VT' was the first woman in space? Valentina Tershkova
337 TGFF What 'TGFF' means to go halves? To Go Fifty fifty
338 GF What 'GF' became US President in 1974? Gerald Ford
339 MM What 'MM' wrote Gone With The Wind? Margaret Mitchell
340 AQOS What' AQOS' is a BBC celebrity sports quiz? A Question Of Sport
341 TTT What "TTT" is to reverse a situation? Turn The Tables
342 BP What 'BP' is a long-established children's TV programme? Blue Peter
343 ML What 'ML' was a German protestant reformer? Martin Luther
344 AP What 'AP' was the director of Midnight Express,Fame and Mississippi Burning? Alan Parker
345 BB What 'BB' was a world-record-breaking long jumper? Bob Beamon
346 AA What 'AA' is an Oscar? Academy Award
347 BD What 'BD' is an arranged meeting with someone unknown? Blind Date
348 WT What 'WT' was a great landscape painter? William Turner
349 IAR What 'IAR' means stuck in a tedious routine? In A Rut
350 DR What 'DR' sang to his hijackers? Demis Roussos
351 OG What 'OG' is a four-yearly sporting event? Olympic Games
352 ECW What 'ECW' was the conflict which began in 1642? English Civil War
353 DG What 'DG' is a kind of night coat for the bedroom? Dressing Gown
354 HPA What 'HPA' is an anticyclone? High Pressure Area
355 AVM What' AVM' is a senior rank in the RAF? Air Vice Marshall
356 RK What 'RK' is the largest living marsupial? Red Kangaroo
357 KG What 'KG' wrote The Wind in the Willows? Kenneth Grahame
358 AM What 'AM' means before noon? Ante Meridian
359 GT What 'GT' is a computer bit pad? Graphics Tablet
360 MA What 'MA' was Cleopatra's lover? Mark Anthony
361 TTV What 'TTV' is perfect eyesight? Twenty Twenty Vision
362 PC What 'PC' starred in the film Buster? Phil Collins
363 EEC What 'EEC is the Common Market? European Economic Community
364 CS What 'CS' is someone who assesses houses? Chartered Surveyor
365 VB What 'VB' is a winged mammal that feeds on blood? Vampire Bat
366 ASAP What 'ASAP' means at the earliest feasible time? As Soon As Possible
367 ED What 'ED' was famous for painting dancers? Edgar Degas
368 TD What 'TD' is slang for the sea? The Drink
369 BH What 'BH' is a smart suburb of Los Angeles? Beverley Hills
370 EVA What 'EVA' is a space walk called? Extra Vehicular Activity
371 PP What 'PP' is an allegorical tale by John Bunyan? Pilgrim's Progress
372 HBM What 'HBM' is a royal title? Her Britannic Majesty
373 RS What 'RS' is the magnitude of earthquakes measured on? Richter Scale
374 TLS What 'TLS' means the major part of something? The Lion's Share
375 GC What 'GC' was the star of High Noon? Gary Cooper
376 RQ What 'RQ' is a query which requires no answer? Rhetorical Qustion
377 TYD What 'TYD' is an Australian medical "soap"? The Young Doctors
378 ST What 'ST' is the last day before Lent? Shrove Tuesday
379 SB What 'SB' is a major annual event in American football? Super Bowl
380 CBJ What 'CBJ' means side by side? Cheek By Jowl
381 CCC What 'CCC' is a spicy Mexican meat dish? Chile Con Carne
382 TGN What 'TGN' is the world's greatest steeplechase? The Grand National
383 FOC What 'FOC' is a position in a trade union? Father Of Chapel
384 MT What 'MT' is a heavyweight knockout specialist? Mike Tyson
385 ITFW What 'ITFW' means pregnant? In The Family Way
386 BG What 'BG' was Israel's first Prime Minister? Ben Gurion
387 TMOS What 'TMOS' described itself as 'a newspaper, not a snoozepaper'? The Mail On Sunday
388 CIP What 'CIP' means to begin to function? Come Into Play
389 GA What 'GA' is a four-foot termite eater with a two-foot tongue? Giant Anteater
390 PC What 'PC' was a post-impressionist painter? Paul Cezanne
391 BS What 'BS' separates North America from the USSR? Bering Straits
392 SYNO What 'SYNO' means to expose yourself to risk? Stick Your Neck Out
393 LC What 'LC wrote the 'Alice' Books? Lewis Carroll
394 FM What 'FM' is a military rank? Field Marshall
395 HC What 'HC' was the great astronomical event of 1985? Halley's Comet
396 SRD What 'SRD' hosted TV's Question Time? Sir Robin Day
397 KC What 'KC' is an organisation to do with dogs? Kennel Club
398 BB What 'BB' was a famous director of Hollywood musicals? Busby Berkeley
399 GTP What 'GTP' means to run to seed? Go To Pot
400 RH What 'RH' was the founder of Scientology? Ron Hubbard
401 RAR What 'RAR' were the legendary founders of Rome? Romulus And Remus
402 TWFW What 'TWFW' describes something past its best? The Worse For Wear
403 TWC What 'TWC' is a major four yearly football championship? The World Cup
404 RJ What 'RJ' accompanies roast lamb? Redcurrant Jelly
405 FSA What 'FSA' means forward at maximum speed? Full Steam Ahead
406 EP What 'EP' was the only rock singer to have a credit card named after him? Elvis Presley
407 TTW What 'TTW' is a collective name for developing nations? The Third World
408 CS What 'CS' is Britain's longest running TV soap opera? Coronation Street
409 AP What 'AP' was Prime Minister of Greece? Andreas Papendreou
410 MT What 'MT' is the world's most famous wax museum? Madame Tussauds
411 BC What 'BC' is a Royal residence in Scotland? Balmoral Castle
412 SOTF What 'SOTF' means to be indecisive? Sit On The Fence
413 KB What 'KB' is a cuddly looking Australian marsupial? Koala Bear
414 AC What 'AC' was a writer of whodunits? Agatha Christie
415 AS What 'AS' is eaten with roast pork? Apple Sauce
416 SS What 'SS' was the first re-usable manned spacecraft? Space Shuttle
417 GFN What 'GFN' is a useless person? Good For Nothing
418 CM What 'CM' painted Impression of Sunrise? Claude Monet
419 TI What 'TI' was Homer's poem on the siege of Troy? The Iliad
420 WA What 'WA' is a comic actor, writer and film director?
Woody Allen


What 'TTH' is to assume control of a boat? Take The Helm
422 AA What 'AA' is a TV comedy series set in wartime France? Allo Allo
423 FV What 'FV' is poetry without metrical form? Free Verse
424 ACV What 'ACV' is a hovercraft? Air Cushion Vehicle
425 CBDM What 'CBDM' was a director of epic biblical films? Cecil B De Mille
426 OTT What 'OTT' is a phrase for excessive? Over The Top
427 BB What 'BB' is thought to have marked the origin of the universe? Big Bang
428 TPOD What 'TPOD' is a name for the Devil? The Prince Of Darkness
429 JC What 'JC' was an English landscape painter? John Constable
430 PT What 'PT' is replacing domestic rates? Poll Tax
431 FAAF What 'FAAF' is someone in great physical health said to be? Fit As A Fiddle
432 BA What 'BA' is the tail-less monkey found on Gibraltar? Barbary Ape
433 RMA What 'RMA' is Sandhurst? Royal Military Academy
434 MA What 'MA' is the boxer who was once "CC"? Muhammed Ali
435 AO What 'AO' is the world's second largest water mass? Atlantic Ocean
436 VSOP What 'VSOP' is a type of brandy? Very Special Old Pale
437 RJ What 'RJ' was co-founder of the SDP? Roy Jenkins
438 OU What 'OU' won the 1986 Littlewoods Cup? Oxford United
439 EP What 'EP' is now Bangladesh? East Pakistan
440 BP What 'BP' founded the boy scouts and girl guides? Baden Powell
441 TK What 'TK' is the Moslem bible? The Koran
442 CPO What 'CPO' is a rank in the navy? Chief Petty Officer
443 BFH What 'BFH' Was a TV bingo like quiz show? Bob's Full Fouse
444 SP What 'SP' can determine what you win at the races? Starting Prices
445 HCA What 'HCA' was a writer of fairy tales? Hans Christian Andersen
446 TVP What 'TVP' is a soyaburger made of? Textured Vegetable Protein
447 BB What 'BB' was the 'sex-kitten' of French cinema? Brigitte Bardot
448 SS What 'SS' is a meteor burning in the Earth's atmosphere? Shooting Star
449 HD What 'HD' sat on a wall, fell off and couldn't be put back together again? Humpty Dumpty
450 TG What 'TG' was an 18th century portrait artist? Thomas Gainsborough
451 BBB What 'BBB' is the world's smallest mammal? Bumble Bee Bat
452 JMJ What 'JMJ' lit up Docklands with music? Jean Michel Jarre
453 WAAK What 'WAAK' means very feeble? Weak As A Kitten
454 NT What 'NT' is an Australian state? Northern Territory
455 JC What 'JC' is 'father' of the House of Commons? James Callaghan
456 RC What 'RC is a major religion? Roman Catholic
457 LAF What 'LAF' describes how an inebriate drinks? Like A Fish
458 ECC What 'ECC' is a major soccer championship? European Champions Cup
459 PA What 'PA' was a virgin warrior goddess of wisdom? Pallas Athena
460 KF What 'KF' abdicated his throne in 1952? King Farouk
461 THG What "THG' is the Third Person of the Holy Trinity? The Holy Ghost
462 MA What 'MA' is to atone? Make Amends
463 CDB What 'CDB' had a hit with Missing You? Chris De Burgh
464 BK What 'BK' is the largest lake in Japan? Biwa Ko
465 SH What 'SH' does someone do when they quibble? Split Hairs
466 TMP What 'TMP' was a business and finance TV show? The Money Programme
467 GC What 'GC' is an uninvited party guest? Gate Crasher
468 RB What 'RB' is an 18th century Scots poet? Robert Burns
469 CC What 'CC' is the launch site for US space flights? Cape Canaveral
470 MB What 'MB' received $18.5 million for nine minutes of screen time? Marlon Brando
471 CDS What 'CDS' is a dead end road? Cul De Sac
472 SJR What 'SJR' was the first president of the Royal Academy? Sir Joshua Reynolds
473 OT What 'OT' is slang for deferred payment? On Tick
474 GM What 'GM' is the only venomous lizard? Gila Monster
475 DJ What 'DJ' was a letter written to a soldier telling him his wife/girlfriend had found someone else? Dear John
476 NR What 'NR' is Secretary of State for the Environment? Nicolas Ridley
477 ITLR What 'ITLR' means eventually? In The Long Run
478 SCSC What 'SCSC' are the names of 2 athletes that once held the world record for the mile? Sebastian Coe, Steve Cram
479 HOT What 'HOT', in mythology, was the world's most beautiful woman? Helen Of Troy
480 QM What 'QM' is used to indicate enquiry? Question Mark
481 RSPB What 'RSPB' looks after 'our feathered friends'? Royal Society Protection Of Birds
482 JC What 'JC' invaded Britain in 55 BC? Julius Caesar
483 MAS What 'MAS' is there "twixt cup and lip"? Many A Slip
484 FM What 'FM' was lead singer of Queen? Freddie Mercury
485 TAS What 'TAS' is connected through the Dardanelles with the Sea of Marmara? The Aegean Sea
486 BYT What 'BYT' is to wait patiently? Bide Your Time
487 TOTP What 'TOTP' is Britain's longest-running popular music TV show? Top Of The Pops
488 FT What 'FT' is a prognosticator? Fortune Teller
489 JR What 'JY' wrote Ulysses? James Joyce
490 JB What 'JB' is the site of Britain's largest radio telescope? Jodrell Bank
491 YC What 'YC' should you not enumerate before they incubate? Your Chickens
492 SRA What 'SRA' directed the film Gandhi? Sir Richard Attenborough
493 OT What 'OT' describes someone in a state of fervent expectation? On Tenterhooks
494 WH What 'WH' was an 18th century satirical painter? William Hogarth
495 HYT What 'HYT' is to keep quiet? Hold Your Tongue
496 RF What 'RF' is one of the world's most canny and versatile mammals? Red Fox
497 MC What 'MC' was signed by King John in 1215? Magna Carta
498 FLC What 'FLC' is the Littlewoods Cup? Football League Cup
499 HW What 'HW' is a semi-moron? Half Wit
500 TLB What 'TLB' is the literal meaning of Lucifer? The Light Bringer